Newspaper Page Text
Ardmore, Friday, May 27, 1910 PAGE TWO THE DAILY ARDMOREITE A Brain and Muscle Food DR. PRICE'S 4 1 flLGRAlN The valuable tmue-building elements in this food make it an impor tant brain and muiclc food, (for the want of tuch norijhment, many invalids are slowly passing out of life.) It will restore and keep man kind in good health and vigor; delicious, healthful and life-giving. You get ell the nutritive properties of combined cereals, WHEAT, RICE, OATS and BARLEY. Ask your Grocer. STATE MAY SUE FOR RICH LAND CLAIMS 210,000 ACRES UNDER THE MORRILL ACT UP TO DE PARTMENT. Washington, I). C. May I)- :. K HplUiian of Outbrlc. aa-teuat to A, tormy (Mineral Watt of Oklahoma, uppeared before tb IsurrlOT dHart-iri'-nt today and r-wvi-d nolle that the slate of OklalHjm mcMld m' claim to ZV).M mh of public land under th; Morrill a.. It St tbl act tlrnt hr.a nnwltod In conMfra.hlf tor-j'-itjidfnc5 liofwtHrn Hjir)iitotiv 1'crrte. tbj interior duiwrtinent, and C'ha Ifcirrett, former !cr)tar of tho tat; lard of aKrtctilluru. Tho dtjjiartriitnt thuii far haa rofuiH-d to liaxa itjion tho cax -ont'iidlni; that tin- matter Khoubl lei brought to Its attention in a more formal uraii in.T Klnce trxlay'a i-onforomo In which .Mr. Bidllman iiartlctKitd. the ImprtAuiim Ik nuw.ra that tho xtale oAill I (so In Hh contention with the interior department, in which event It will lie neceaHary for the ntnte to limtltute inanduriiiiH irceedInKK ngaliiHt the itecretary of the interior. Knell action would remilt In a ourt review of tho real im-rltH involved. AkRlHtant He:retary l'(ar:e of the Interior doiiartment taken the jiohI tlon that the enabling ant whereby Oldahoina wati admitted into the union wait moHt liberal In provlditiK the Htate with hcIhwjI land and money and It w-aa not the pun'ote or coiiKremi, that Oklahoma should Hharo the bunefltM of the .Morrill act in vlt.-w of thl llb'Tiillty ahoiild the matter ever be hroUKht to the attention of '(HKreitn It Ih doubtful whetlier any relief would be afrordol the Htate, aH 'wontern uiiuiibeiti of coiiKreHH ilonlro (H'ttlcra and not n( nptorH. To Prison For Debt. Hamilton, llermuda, M.ty 27. -Im-liriHoiimenl for debt, theoretically -.ilxii lulled throughout Johli lliill'tt vua empire, conllnucB to be enforceil in tliln ,lttle colony. At the pnwont time one John Itoblnaon, ad river. Imii-Ktil-dics in Hamilton (mI iMH-auae be u.'is unable lo pay a grocery bill of .iliolil rift) dollara. When called before the worfchlp ful iHillce nuigUtriiln (i a that orfi- nl l.t dlKiiiiicd In thht (olouy 1I(!,iikoii pleaded IrrttKularlty of w ' h and cono(uent Inek of funda (i tht reason for hia lualillity to pay III dehla. .Imlgo Appluliy 'Mi t'h' Ml him to alx weuka in piitolt M i similar caae have conie up In tht local eourta, and thai ayatmii of liipritoiiment for poor ptMiple u it. tbb to puy their duUUi bt firmly .! .u,iiHlnd here. It tnUes people who hate no opin ion or their own to make gooj. Juiora t i.i i (-fore woinoii aru not eligible. Win n we bear tome men talk we u M iiiludiMl of an automobile born 1M t;i , i to K bicycle. lu.e ma) be people who think llicy nwnK gel their mom a wort h bill vi- Iicmt met any of tliem. AVAR'S HAIR VIGOR jtfri r.ilHni; Msilr rup't f ..'!lri: Mfilr liilkC, iiiiii' tll'OW LOOK AT eimiiicliiil . best anil pretties! . we will knot lc Hie black out of pilceH Ask about our Harmony (iraplioiione that we give with a $25 cash purchase. W' havo no i outs to pay nml can sell you ciionper. nnrm to price our goous. jutmumuer mo puieo, lm I I A I I I only Ihrt h hurt liloelcs up Caddo Ht (lood sidowalks till the wiij and plenty of hitching posts. Wo ernto ut'd ship liousohold goods. Hverythlng from n dish rng to a parlcr suito. I'honoIlOO. 'Iho lilgnowand second hand outfitter X . X X-TXt-iXJ re MAY CANCEL SALE OP SCHOOL LAND A Sf p.,ra Mm and yield lt ER BY A I Ion of proflt to thes OF AN IK V with auch an en irlzo this cornir rat (, at la Knlmotod by cr There la utroii: prota"'" the ram illation oi the h.V"vWh artwol lamia mrewtly toM lrf this county, a a rotmlt ot a difficulty which occurred on one pt Uh) wl days. In which a man from I.aciro. 111b.. w at ruck over th head by an Irani fx.-bcrt land lease whose land the lltltHrta man bad just Md In. A n mnlr of com plaint have been sent to Kd Gas sidy, school land uttnmbmloiior, and this week Mr. Ca '; and U. K. Wood, who -was em uf the mIm force at the thn the land wan mild, havo been In tho city Investigating tho cause of tin' assault. It Is charg ed that people fturu lntlmlilatMl and fraud practiced by tin.- school land lessees In bidding In the land upon which they resided. .Mr. Casldy had added to Tils in vestigating committee, Kdmotid Frmitz and Judge J. C. Roberta of l iH city, who will aid In the In quiry, and endeavor to ascertain tin fncts In connection with the allege! Intimidation mid fraud, If any practiced. In the complaints flld with School I.ntid Commissioner Cassldy, fifty- fcur tracts are Imolvod, affecting S,r00 acres of tliH liiudti sold In (iarfleld county. It is not at all lin- probablo that all these tnictH will l.e re-ndertUod, In th anles only throe or four trai'U of tho school lai passed from under the control Of tilt! leasees. FOR A FUNERAL BODY OF WILLIAM MELLETTE IN TERRED WHILE HUNDREDS ARE WITNESSES. MuakoKtie, Okla., May III Never In Hi hlMinry of the city haa there been uch general tribute to a decoastsl clt Ixen aa marked the funeral this niter noon of Win. .Mellette, who tiled of apoplexy Monday morn ug whilti on the way from his home to hia law oflb o. Judiu Campbell of the federal court, J ml bo Mc'ailn, of the mporior court, and .ludgo KIhk of the dlatrlct court, 4N well us the Juatlrea of the mime (ottiu, all inlj. turned at noon (or th nniuuiler of the lay In order that the court officials and member of the bar might attend the funeral. In addition to the people from Mua koco at the funeral, there were many from I'ort Smith, Vlnlta ami McAlea ter, at which plitrua Mr. Mtdlette for merly lived. As dlalrict attorney of the western federal dhttrirt of Indian Territory for many years, and repuhli .. . . .. i. i can national coinuinieeuiaii lor iiwiaii '"" " ".". ,.... -.... v.. v u ..,.,..,. ......... Terrl-on , he made many intimate, here today, selected a IokIhIhiI-i ,.,.- j OnlB i frb niN ow r tbe -tato who came in mittee, composed of F. C. F Il.iytim.,' ' i attend hl luneral Docs ml Color llic Hair Docs net Color the Hair Docs not Color the Hair AND PRICE . . . i i. v Hi-II. roni. rriHir ami tixcnuiiKU WHEN ROOSEVELT "TAPPED TUFT" MOV HOUSE INSURGENTS LEAS'i ED HIS V'EVS OH ANT.-CAN'.CS FiGHT. M BEFORE TJFT TOOK OATH The Ovtjsm? President Ss-unded H i Suteesser en a Plan ta Reject Can rwm at SpeaVer and He BroVe trie Me to tne Committee. Wuhlari. May 1' Tb 4,tw n,,u n' fiat -PriiWIn-. Roxilt w I) fy aboat tlw Insurrenta and Ix-r bM( tympatJbiii, UI be w hen he nhai! rHirn o the l'nttl Stat sas brmicht 'o notire a utory that 4at lvk to th time of the Tail IraoKtir at loo. A aomewlHii eatveratel atate rr.nt of the matter kij iue nabltc in WMhlnctoa trylRy. The farts a j told by lbMU) who V-BOW, Is that KKm ve!t dl: talVc with Taft In a friendly way atfiat tb- oprononU of rannon ! In th hotiae the day before Taft took I 1 the oath of offk" Nelaon. Madlaon and Oanlror of Mnaaarhuaettfl ar mcmluT of a com mitter organized by the home Inaurt; "nu loni; a;o and Mill In exlKtem.e. They waited "n tho outgoing prmildent ami told him that they were setting ready to flsht the election of Joseph (. Cannon to be speaker for this ttogBlon and that they hoped tho new prenldent won be friendly to them and If he coiili not help them at least "would not help tho bear." Koonevelt aBured them that he had had trouble with Cannon'K power and his way of con ducting thing. Ho dUcuHKed the (jueatlon at nomc length am then said Htiddonly: "I'll tell you what I'll do. 1 11 tap him." On the day of the Inauguration Hhortly before the ceremonies began HooHctelt itent for tho members of the committee. Xelnon and Gardner re Hponded. Madison was not easily fotin!. Koosevolt met them at the door of the president's room sear the Minute chamber and all he said was: I tapped blm. He's against you. Tho Insurgents have had occasion to remember that brief report more than once since. A Man Wants to Die only when a lazy liver and sluggish bowels cause frightful despondency. Hut Dr. King's New I.lfo I'llls expel poisons from the system; bring hope and courage; cure all l.lvcr, Stomach and Kidney troubles; impart health and vigor to tho weak, nervous and ailing. 25c at Ardmore I'harmacy. MILLERS TO OKLAHOMA CITY. Excellent Outlook for Wheat and Oats, They Believe. Oklahoma 'City. Okla., May 25. Two nun .red millers and grain dealers of Oklahoma, assembled here for the mi nimi meet ng of their association to 1 1 a and tomorrow, bring retorts of excellent prospects for wheat and oats crops. 'The establishment here of a larne termiial elevator hy the aasocla tlou will be considered. Itallroad mtea will he discussed also. I'. (J. Meagley and T. 1'. Coodman of Chi cago are to deliver addresses, the former on the grain storage probb-m and the latter on the shifting of grain fields. A party of twenty-live grain men from Kansas and Kansas (Mty. hoiidoj by C. It. Decker, and It. M. Mplvcy of ICansns City, arr.ved today l.v special cur. A Regular Tom Boy waa Susie climbing trees and fences, jumping ditches, whltlltig, always get ting scratches, cuts, Hpralus, bruises, blimps, bums or scalds. Hut laws! Her mother Just applied HuckloiTs Arnica Salve and cured her quick. Heals every thing- healable Ilolls. Ulcers, lOczoma, Old Sores, Corns or l'llos. Try It. 2.pic at Ardmore I'harmacy. Horseshoers Want Special Laws, (iuthrle, Okla., May 2,'i in prepar ation for piotocilvu legislation at the next session of the legislature, die htate coin cut Ion of blacksmith". :iirte- uV.. ....... .i,..l iil..ulii'.lvltla i lil,.li of Chicknalm; T. 15. Howell, of I'll strangely enough the money drop Iteno and A. H. Nichols of Morr son. j ,,,.,1 j,, the stock mnrket Is always The meeting hero was largely a social! dropped b the very people who are one. the business being transuded at trying to pick it up. tho winter session. W. M. M)ora of l-'nljl lu iki-i.ut fif tlwt .irirrilillttliiM I n.mnual Nntlrp. 'and M. F Long of lleleim so. reiiiry. ....... i ;imihi; in wii.u yuu niivi- iidim- it, mi. ,l,'N dot Hut liiitH k the persimmons OUR GOODS . i i .i i . i .i i.i niw noiiHruuiii uijuun ior liny uiu uinii:; ruii tti ihu unuun u uunv Health NEVES FAILS TO RESTOKE GRAY HAM TO ITS NATURAL COLOH AND BEAUTY. No bo tii loei jvi bie t-a py, a wkl rrl vaadat lot tea. httiii Lu. rep u ItEsj rti-tnuc etaiuarwiiuni move Daadrull. U'3 xex vA u or toa. "ul t ejre toLu Is Not a De. nrrt-sE all suawTTTtnTS Si 00 tad 50c. Bottles, n Drjfpat Pnilo flay attXMwirXJ(-J,llAA. Ardr.-."-. F'haT2 1 N Coleman.! . S'o-e ' " an Im- Co. TJLSA COUNTY HAS ASPIRATIONS I n..l,l.i.l.. Ea VOULD ANNEX PART OF OSAGE NATION MATTER BEFORE IN TERIOR DEPARTMENT. Tulaa. Okla., May 20. Nine town ships on the eastern boundary )i8 of Osat county urobatily -will e annexed to Tulsa county at a spe dal ol-;tlon. Tb-se townshh are ho far away from I'awhtMka, the county seat of Ot-age county, and so near Tulsa, county seat of Tulsa county, that the residents of the townships desire a change in the county boundaries, so that they will be added to Tulsa county. A serious obstacle stands n the way of such a change, however, and an effort In being made to Iron out matters so that the change can be made and not conflict with the state cx.nstltutlo.- When the county "boundary line question came up for settlo.iient In the constitutional con vention. Delegate Ieahy of Osage rratlon, used Tils powerful influence to secure the passage of a. clause forbidding a change In the boundary lines of Osage county until after all Indian lands had been allotted. Le ahy looked Into the future and felt safe that it would 'be many, many years before the landn -would 'be al lotted. Friends of the county line change placed the matter before Assistant County Attorned Hoblnson, who ha made an investigation. It Is his opin ion that certain tracts of land hid been purposely kept from allotment by the county authorities so as to provide against any s1' ing of the county boundaries. He took the matter up with tho department at Washington and re ceived the following reply: Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, May 10, 1010. "Gentlemen: The office has received your letter of May 5, 1110, Inquiring whether all the lands of the Osage reservation has been allotted. You are advl-sed that the act of Juno 12, laOC. (31 Stat. I.., 5301 roserves certain lands from selection and division. There Include Tights of way ami station grounds of railway companies, the cemetery at I'aw. huska, tow-nsH(i, Indian village sites, agency and reservoir reserves, school farms, and f- rty acres to be pur chased by John N. Florer. Other than the resirvations -provided for in tho act, all tho lands of Osage reservation havo been allotted and deeded to individual members of the Osage tribe. C F HANKH. Chief Clerk. Mr. Hoblnson holds that this an swer In both specific and satisfactory and that nothing 1m t Ihe expressed desire of the interested parties stands in the way of annexation. An Ideal Husband i leases made by tho tribal author!- .8 patient, cu-ii with n nagging w'fe.itles in tho Cherokee nation prior to for he know ho needs held. She nmyn,e original Curtis act, and any rights be so nervous and run-down In he-iUh ',,,,. , ,,, ,u,, .. ,., ,i that trifles annoy hor. If she Is melcn- ""Hi red under them wore abrogated oholy. excitable, troubled with Jobs ol ''' Ul Cllrtl8 net. Tho caso In point appetite, headache, sleeplessness, con- Involved $100,000 worth of oil tnken stlpatlon or fainting and dizzy spells, from th0 Cudahy leases, tho decision aiie neeus muciric iiuiors inu moil wonderful remedy for ailing womci Thousands of sufferers from fen.u'o troubles, ncrwms troubles, h.?k.icho and weak kidneys have usod them and 1 lijt.,itiiit Imnlthi ..ttil l.ntinv 'IVv tlwtril L.HnH'H To,Ita,8 W0(1r remove ' awuuo , manner mm miuuiiiiiiiniii I trouble. 11.00 bottlo contains CO (j ,k.v. v Hnva fmnttnittit ..nlilntt. nnn l,nttli falls Is to cuVe: Soid bTail dnlgglsU Here nre sonio of our specialties: Vudor porch shnilos, nil sizosj Horrlck refrigerators, the host mndo; water inters, nil sizes, the kind I thru saves doctor's bills; Uaso Hros. Outlery, hniul mndo and Biinriuiteed; elastic felt miittressos, tho bot; snnltnry Iron beds, fl 60 to I S'.'s.OO. art Hiiunres, Frego freezers, go carts, mnttlng nnd window shnd s, Ironing furnnnces, chnreonl, Fnrtlon gas stoves, tfonhvr I ii ... 1 i. i ,. .... WFST UNDER FIRF BY A SHR1NER PROBABLE CHANCE FOR CASE TO EE TAKEN INTO GRAND LODGE FOR AIRING. !! Chy. May S Attorn) (,- - --a! Wn's fKiltlca4 aspiration i.fcp4 to the bod thrwrefc '-.a-ei said to hare IWb prepared ",d ea4y to fll with tbe GrwH iv ''.: at Okhaboasa ferierf Coartoy CHky. ex-csHtj comtn!. s.oner. charges it said. Goliey was 'iMr coiBfi!looer sntil tact Oc trfcr when he ;lmed after At torney General W't had cautioned him to do to. Ookey alleges that West casne to him tnt; a a broth -z fa"h riser and ma4e statements with srwlKls aanl bisas cf the Ma- s nl- order to pamclimte his advif to the cowisioer to quit th th craistt- I West alleges maKemsance in office Gokey m the latter claimed, as cause why Cokey shookl resign and Iw.-ltevlng that the attorny general knt- what he was talking about. ! Oikey resiimed, and his successor was named In the person of C. 11. lUmlall. Cokey now claims that it was a ot up political move to get him out of the way and accordingly has brousrht an action In the district court to oust Kandall ami return the Job to the deposed commissioner. It is said that he will keep after West until his desire for revenge is thoroughly satisfied. People Tell Each Other About Good Things. Sixteen )cars ago few people In the worli k:w of such a preparation as a I'owder for the Feet. Today after the geninue merit of Alien's Foot-Rase has been told year after year by one grat Hied iterson to another, there are mil lions who would as soon go without a dent.frice as without Allen's Foot Kase. It is a cleanly, wholesome, healing, anti-septic powder to be shaken into the shoes, which has gi.' en rest and comfort to tired ai.d ach Ing feet in all parts of tho world. It cures while you walk. Over 30,000 tes timonials of cures of smarting, swol len, perspiring feet. It prevents fric tion and wear of the stockings and will save in your stocking bill ten times its cost each year. Imitations pay the dealer a larger profit, other wise you would never be offered a sub. sMtute when you ask for Allen's Foot Kase, the original powder for the feet Imitations are not advertised, because they are not permanent. For every genuine article there aro many Imi tations. The Imitator lias no reputa t on to sustain the advertiser has it stands to reason that the advertised article Is the best,, otherwise the pub lic would not buy it and the adver tising could not be continued. When you ask lor an article advertised in this paper, see tnat you get it. Refuse imitations. How's This? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars He ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHKNBY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for the past fifteen years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obligation made hy his firm. Waldlng. Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent free Price 7" cents Take Hall's Family Mils for con stlpatlon. Cudahy Co., Wins Suit. Muskogee, Okla., May 23. In a de cision In the federal court hero today, in tho ease of Henry Klffert and oth er Cherokeos versus tho Cudahy Oil company, Judgo Campbell held that being favorable to that company. WsPills will save the dyspeptic from many days of mlscrv, nnd enable blm to cat whatever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour ish the body, glc keen uppctitc, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle, l-legantly sugar cnaicu, l C..t . " . '"-- n t,.l tt.- -.m1u f 11 en titf iiinun, i'uni hviuuo h w4 Welcome Words to Women Women bo tvfer with diiorden peculiar to their ex sbonld write to Dr. Pierce nd rccene iree the ad rice ol phrticitn of oer -40 ttr' experience ikilled tod tuecettful tpecislilt in the dneilet f women. Eterr letter ol thit tort h the mott cartful coniio ration and i rejlurdcd as tiered: y eooSdeotiil. Many etitielr modeit women write fully to Dr. Pierre whit they would thrink from tellint to the if local pbtician. The local phjticiaa U prettf tare to v that be cannot do iDlhin without "an tiaminalion." Dr. Pierce holdt that these diitatteiul examinations are (enerally need lass, sad no woman, except in rare catet, should submit to theau Dr. Pierce' treatment will cure you ribt in the priracy of your own borne. Hit " Fosorite Prescription" hat cured hundreds of thoutandt, tome uf them the worst of catet. It S the only medicine of itt kind that it the product ol a regularly graduated pbttician. The only one (Cod enough that itt makers dare to print its every ingredient on itt outtide wrapper. There't no secrecy. It will bear examina tion. No alcohol and no hahit-formin( drut are found in it. Some untcrup tilotit medicine deale-t miy offer ou a tubttitute. Don't take it. Don't trifle with soar besltk. Write to World's Ditpentary Medici.l Attociation, Dr. H. V. Pierce, President, iiuffalo, N. Y., take tbe advice received and be well. MASSACHUSETTS ESPOUSES NEGRO WOULD HVE THEM RIGHTS WITH WHITES ON THE FLOOR OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Washington, May 26. Massachu setts delegates to the World's Sun day School Convention hare ben Instructed to protect against the dis barment of negro delegates from the District of Columbia. The whole ques tion of the color line, which has iK-en kept off the convention fteo.' only through the skillful manage ment by the peaceful cfforL, now threateas to break loo.-e on the last day. A telegram from six Methodist clergymen of Hoston has been re ceived, transmitting u set of reixilu- S.S.S. cures Catarrh by removing the cause from the blood. It so thoroughly purines the circulation that there is nothing left to inflame nnd irritate the mucous linings of the body, which is the most prominent and dangorous eftect of Catarrh. As long as the mucous membranes ana tissues are kept in a state of inflammation and irritation by an impure and infected condition of the circulation, Catarrh will remain. Its disagreeable symptoms of ringing noises In the ears, mucous dropping back Into th threat, headaches, watery eyes, difficult breathing, and even stomach disorders and weakoned health, cannot be permanently relieved until the blood is purified. Local applications alone can have no real curativo value, because such treatment does not reach the blood. Sprays, inhalations, lotions, etc., are valuable only for their cleansing and antiseptic effect, but if depended on alone Catarrh sufferers will find a cure impossible. Nothing equals S.S.S. for curing Catarrh. It goes down into tho circulation, pets at the root of the trouble, and removes every particle of catarrhal matter from the blood and enriches this vital fluid so that instead of irritating the different mucous portions of the body, it nourishes them with rich, health-giving properties. Then the symptoms begin to pass away, and Catarrh is permanently cured. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice tree. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Our facilities for furnishing you with ELECTRICITY For light, power and heat are unexcelled by any city in the state. We also endeavor to employ gentlemanly drivers to supply your wants for PURE DISTILLED WATER ICE and THE BEST OF McALESTER COALS Our many pleased customers are the best evidence of the quality of our products. Any irregularities will be promptly and gladly corrected. Phone 156. Ardmore Ice, Light & Power Company Just Received At Felker's Grocery Store New krout, sour and sweet pickles, sweet Mango pickle, Dill pickle, Queen bulk olives, seeded ribbon cane, sorghum, fresh line new evaporated fruits. Call and buy of our new goods. Fresh line of Chase and Sanborn coffee and Heinz's 57 varieties of pickles and preserves. Mti- hnimn lu mn fill I nil (I f rf r.h frr vi wm s.wmuv. .j tions whl'h detiare that the Method ist preachers of Hoston protest against the Infamous action of the lotal committee In placing Sunday Schools of th world in the un"arls tain attitude of Indorsing race prej udice and denying colored schools equal rluhts and privileges. ' 'This jtosition," the resolution con , tlnues. "is contrary to the word of Cod. It Is unjust, unkind, un-Amcr-t k an and indefensible." Chamberlain's Stomach and IJver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweoton the breath and create a healthy appetite. They promote the , flow of gastric Juice, thereby Inducing ' ;ood digestion. Sold by all dealers. Eastern Star. Ardmore Chapter Order Eastern Star will nvt la Masonic hall Friday night at S o'clock for the purpose " ' Initiation. Visitors cor dially inv'tcd. iMAilY lU'MPH, W. M FANNIE 71. GOFF. Secy REMOVES THE CAUSE OF CATARRH nvu . 3 V