Newspaper Page Text
PACE SIX THE DAILY ARDMOREITE Ardmore, Friday, May 27, 1910 WOMEN SILENCED BY PRESBYTERIANS HiISnl"ill Just Think! Not Even One -Tenth of Lard is Leaf Lard! r t l .iij 11 1 1 it t ih Fnrl assembly of the Sout.i-' Here is what the leading Jard packer says m a recent advertisement: Leaf i.rt,mriaB chmh wa m unM . is the cream of lards. There is not enough of it to supply one-tenth of tht t- m -onid. -ation to the o.e people. and so it goes only to those who insist upon it." V" ,'1! "','e e,,,"', "f N' 1 1 ' ' Orleans for inforu .ton as to wu-'hi"' Does it not stand to reason tin: if there is only enough of the proper fat or no' ,lK' hurrh rtl" ma Qta 's a 1 i 1 f 1 J 1 ' i f J7 J J .l opposition tu reatl to woraci a., need to make nure eat lard to sudd v one-tenth of the demand that the,.. . I l " T - " - - chances are ten to one agairflrt your getting pure protection against getting common hog fat when you buy lard is by buying (sottolcnc instead. Cotiolcne is a pure vegetable product made from cotton seed oil, It contains no hog fat and makes palatable, nourishing food which will agree with the most sensitive stomach. COTTOLENE is Guaranteed ffirr Mr.b, not pleated, llt-f having f,irn Cottolrnt a fair int. Wflt. Qnlr) J Ri,lL- Cilttttnt it pacVrd in paili with an air-tight top to never aoia in puik keep lirl;1 ,,Mh td whoUuxne jnJ pievenrt from ratrhmp ar.d abturbing ditagrrraSle odort. uch ai fidi, oil, etc. Made only by THE N. K. FAIR BANK COMPANY OUR WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTED M LUE TOPICS OF TIE VVashlngUn. I) C. May T. -l'ross ; tlsiatchos recently have told of th trll of an Invention on the French 1 line uteainer I.a I'rovence which In 1 ilt fclRiicd to unable a vessel at tea, tjtlpiM with wireless, to ascertain tti exact direction from which a UHtsase comeit. Thin device Is ald u be the invention of an Italian ami rxpcrlments made thus far show that the device it a xticce&i and that 11 will Ihj iKMlble -by Ita ItiHtnllatlou Miou vessels to overcome the dan Kir of PdllislmiK In fos. It Ik lntercHtlnt; to note In this j ri:"m- I'rwWunt of the .Vntlonal iimnectloit that Mr. Klllott Woodh, j Klvert, and llartior.s CotiKress. dcllv miperlntentlent of the United .State I ered a very scholarly and compre- uiltol, has, dnrliiK the past six months, made many experiments In a similar lino md he Is confident that he had solved the problem Iouk tieTore the ItallHti scientist. Hut Mr. "U oods Is not a wealthy man and Hie many Inventions which he has (perfected have all Kone to the use of thJ public and ospeclully of tho i4overnmeut 'Without charge or (My iient of any kind. He endeavored to secure the alii of the navy to demonstrate the effect of his device but was turned down, for It seem t .nit naval officers don't like "land l.tiiliers" to Interfere with nnrlKO tl'iti Now that an .Italian has come into the field It U )osible that Mr. WoiHln will tecelve more enenirt;e ii.cnt and thai the American Invwn tl n may prove iimlly eifM,ttvn In the purw for which it wa do- nod. XccordliiK to compilation made iiy ' o'Iihus teironu. the Mvernge an- "mi salary of a minister of the I o-IM-l Is 1ut $R3. In nil the de T n:iatloiw figuring in the rexrt in. the census of retiKloua todtos ' li is the first effort tun it c In a 1 n cd Stales census to secure oifl-- at statUtle concerning salaries piiil tu miiilsteni Tile report which -w ' shortly be published. It Is Mtnt ! inn entlrel) sattfnctory to i Is of the 'i,siih, on account i t ii failure of Minn- ihiiiIhIci-s to i ' i. el - ilai . iini et i. i t rc Free Sample Digests What Stomach Couldn't Hh'n a p(rof! fi ' ' c'f i? -fcr I'll from tlirnnii' in.! ti n tli. r l i l-t one of twii tiling i.. .i I t ti -t 'iic the use of food almost entirely or 'ibtain something thst will digc-t tlx- fixnl for you until your stomach it jK-1. arc in working order again. It In oM.ltilt to iiMalri a that win illiicit foej ev ii wticn tht- Moinai h iiu.'t anil Wf ciin (ililiiln Hip worcl of Miriy rt-ixitiittlt- s-oil. to prov- It tilri'-p InillKt-stlon Is usually (nni)lcHtnl will, coiijillikitluli Mini liver troutib it L le fnir' tu K't a tlwt hns I native as wi ll us dlKcstlv.. jiroixtrllt'. anil whlc-li at th- same time innulnn iiiKri-illi-iiU that will tn und strcnifllicn l tin Rlum.irli ami lowel niunrlo Hurh h ri"idy, af l orillni; lo i hi- tcnllinimv ef in .iln for a uuartcr r a century U lr CiMwdlK Hyrup I'vimln. which run Im obtalneil of any ilriiKKl't at tlfly i 'His or out ilollar n Uittle. us It romea In iK'lh ili'i Hut If V"i aic ijih- wlm n-vi-r um-il this ktuwI reim-dy ami i would Ilk- In inaki- a test of It lfjr buylnK of your druKKlat then k'nl yijr nutiie ami mMreis la Dr t'j'iJweU ami lie will Kladly seml yu a I samrlc txiitl) for trial In this rehneel by our exclusive process. it wltli sulfirlciit ,f(uiKitai Of th- Brand totnl of IS.; denominations in 1 continental I'nlted State, the report state that fifteen hae no remilar ministry and sixty-nine either pay nt t:i('l nalnrli'x or mmle return-" which were not uff!ulently complete to warrant tnttulatlon. DilritiK the HlonH cf the Ceneral Convention of Women's Clubs held In Cincinnati recently, at which Hep resuntatlvo Joseph K. Itanndell of henslve addrts on the nation's wa terway, a conference -was had cf the officer of the National HI vera and Harbors Confess, including Presi dent HutiHdell, Secretary .1. V. Kill son of Cincinnati, Special Director John A. Fox of Arkansas, Field Secretary T. 11. T1iouihuhi And Di rectors Hon. Albert I'ottiirKer and Col. .Ihn I. Vance, repretuntlm; the Ohio valley dlatrict. Thee xeutle men went over with much detail the work done and to In- done In tho Interest rf a comprehensive iollcy on the part of the Kovermuent look liaat to the improvement f the wa terways of the United Status. The atrbjert of the next convention wot nlo taken up. but no definite ac tion taken, although in all proba bility the convention will be held In Washington. has bton the custom hi pretiou jears. It Ijak been the aim of the nicer of this urent wati may orauulxntlon to nveet la the nation! capital Hboitt the time of the mtlit of coiiftress lit order T . i that the members of the national leH' 1v la turn niay 'be In attendance upon J the meeting- of the Rivers and Harbors ('oiittress and at the same time yet the benefit 4 the eiithu sI.ihui and the earnest n-ss shown !' this Im1 of lepresentatlve nvii of the nation who annuall gather ro" onii'el. to i In- . tu) that the wuttrs of ildllii lit. il I'tilteil Stales sn i ii. i- , ji' i. n. ci i -iia!l r. a . t ir ' i' j i; l. Iue been I ro inl t tti ii- Ii lou c.H.liDt lit. Hi ,i lntt'T or iiini i liable It fur Knersl fMliilly use us It l very illative In cuntliatlon of the iiiMt stubborn klml, in InUltws turn, liver truuble oui momm h. l k lieaiUeh ami other troubles causej by illsorders of the stumai h. liver or tmw el Thousaiuls of rainllies like thai of Mr Frank Connor nf 10$ State street. M.iilUon, Win., ami Mr Virginia Cun ningham of Weir. Mlrs. no lonKer u the ordinal "ilyveU cures" for In illeestlon. nor uitliartlr pllla or nalU for constipation, but they get Dr. CsW uell's Syrup I'eiwlii which Is truer ami iniiru Keliuine. mlldi-r and mole (i!ea. ant. and yet thoiouKlily cfftn-tlve Try It arnl tvt- the Kool icnulta uu will obtain. Dr Catilwell personally will I pleaieil to nlve you any medical inlvlre you may ueiire for yourself or lamuy (H-rtatnlni: to the stomarh. Ilv r or bowels alisolutely frte of charge V.x plain your cane in a letter and he will reply to you In detail For thu free sample simply send your name, and ad- ureas on a postal earn or otnerwiie Kit eltlier request the doctor's i bulldlmt. Montlctiio. ill. f)ii . " lard? The only absolute committee on bllli and ivrture urn iwl a, -a.l-i ly .i nit.-it u,em down, they probably will not U ? 1 t'UMlfn methods niur on the floor, beliovfns that soon- The i-ouf. rune of ..ffl. it of tit f,r or ia,pr tne assembly will n lent National Itberx and ll-rliors fon- , n regard to the riid onforremi nt of crew ih in ery wa t, Hllencu upon women. . tor, the r'preentatlves of the or- The apeclal rommtaslon of the ceti .inlEatlon fell.-ltntlns theniHelves , Cral ansembly of the Southern Pr. over the ilendld work of the con byterian church nan reached a de. I ' ( urei-s i the United Staton In puns- ' on adverse to the Slnnoti complaint IriK a river and Imrlx.r bill which acalnst the Northern Alabama nresb) . Is regarded by experts as bolus Uie tnost hclentitivaiiy projiareii bin e-r ( paed, and which It Is bellved :li ' KO to the presiilont In the near fit-' t,,r''- A deadlock existed III the conier- 1 ence committee that H is be!l.-e! that all matters In controversy w 111 ' be chared up In a short time. , ill CONVERSIONS WERE All THREE ACCESSIONS AT MEETING LAST NIGHT BAPTIZING THIS1 AFTERNOON AT LORENA PARK, , 1 Thone who heard Kvatiselist Nlchol last nleht w..r.. hi.K- ..Mu.r.n...,i ,.a well as Instructed by his lesson from ' the -Short Ued anil Narrow Co or." It was clearly understood by tho au-1 illenre last nlRht that Mr. Nlchol d'.d not believe morality sufficient, when life, approve! by the linl Is contem plated He Insists that men must be Christians; that you make your bed in morality and cover yourself with your solf-riKhteousuess would not be sufficient. That your self-rluhteous. necs was but "filthy ra" in tho alsht of (iod. A stroii? plea was made for the church of Christ, It belns Insisted Pint as Christians we should do all .-.r Kcpd works as members of the church. Mr. Nlchol spoke at some leiiKth about the Rood works the lodtios are dolntc in the world, but Insisted thnt Cu t W'l.r.k llilf itfkllLr fimt t . I . , , , ' able tlKit we should not -Jo as Chr tlans members of tho church. I'm j him bo Blory In the churOi by Mr k Jesus throughout all nes, world H out end." Mr. Nlchol makes a plea for the ohurch. Inslstlnp tha' it Is the tuutltutlon of hoavim. and we should do all our work. If we n e Christians through It. Tb chinh -being shorn of some of her power l mr xeal for human nrmwlsntion ai d In lllferonce for tho Lord's church. The direct study of the "Text" last nU!it wa quite Interesting, mil ..oiicht before the audience the per ' fulflllnient of U proph(y. Such i. ins make our faith stronger The house was crowdod, and a"i-n lion h Intense. At the elne iheie were three acecssions to tho roncn nation l aptiziru was announced fot this afternoon at the park. Subject for tonight will bo "All Con versions Worn Alike." Tho lesson for Saturday nlRht will be, "Must, Must. Must." That tho work of Mr. Nlchol Is be Ing felt In the city is ovWont from; the number of conversions nnd the In tercHt manifested In the meetitiKS. You should hear the lessons he pre sents from tho Bible. i Never agitato about grvlnc Cham berlain's CoukIi Remedy to children It contains no opium or othr nar cotics and can be Riven with im plicit confidence. As a quick euro for coughs nnd colds to which children nro SUSceirMbJo, ft Is unsurpassed hold by all dealers STRONG INFLUENCES FOR FAIR ONES' RIGHTS PROHIBITION AMENDMENT. Ulburx, W. V, .May t fir-" ' H VI IU M Ul It UV' J men aod women er a?emr.u:d v. l,h0 bCO!"" a . 2 erloti4 que iokmis ot cruris ' did not arrlvu l. l.ylaburK u, "I'fiiinr of tktf assembly. V"." was the repot! of a U 1 i a-her. "Some church wai.u-d to about wotnt-n talttlnz ii'.t after th cowmlttue on Uil a:. 'J .1 :u:e was atpolotwt the advooau ' uittB made it known : h y carriMt. No women aitnearud to !e Ue.i:! Sum" won. howorer, are urcint: that ih the Motbtxllata. RaptUts ami otn orninlntlorH pormlttlmt the no en within thuir niMnt to speak in all .if.K-mblleg. the l'reebyterlatm are re ttardwl as behind the times. Thfe lV(x;RtP of women are tio Inclined to set liellliierent, and If the tory for approvlnc the prohibition amendment adocated In the political campaign. Iuisvllle. Ky., was chosen today aa the next place of the meetln; rf thi. L-oiiornl nsi.mhK- TbU cltv l.nA a iart, majority on the first ballot. wlnnlns over Hoiwton. Tex.. Ahlngdon,: v,.. Chattanooga. Tonn.. New O'leans, I.a.. Waco. Tr .-Texarknna. Tcr It 1 1 i-priUKS. N. C, mid 'Irlstol. Tei I . The llrsl c'ash on the floor In regard o women In the church occurred when Dr. K. I'. Davis of Crcenvllle, S. C. chairman of the committee on women's 1 societies, retried In favor of the or-' saniatlon of syuoillcal societies fori women. Dr. W. K. Hoks-'s of Atlanta, I (la., auuotinied that he was opixised lo this report, and consideration of It WU! Postponed until he could prepare ,. . ., , ' ., ,, During the mtirnlns the assembly adopted a resolution permlttlni; the continuation of the present collection 'or assembly purposes until April 1. 1011. Fruternal delegates were ap pointed to the synoi- of the Associated Itoform I'resbyterjan church, with in struction to act as a committee on conference of closer relations, provid ed the Associate Reform church ap IKilnted a similar committee. The as sembly also expressed Itself as ready at any time to confer on closer rela tions with the United Presbyterian cuurcn. i The recommendation that the svnod be mndu a delegated body, electing tJiel commissioners 10 the general nssem-' bly, was laid on the table after do- THE SUMMER RESORTS Of the North and South Await You A r run ie your (rip now with the fiijffgf Low round trlprutcat on sule June 1st, allowinii final return limit Octo ber 31 .st. With our superior service to Knnsas City and Saint J.ouN In connection with sorvlco oflered from those gateways tho Frisco Linos can give you quickest time to your destination. For detailed information, call on the Frisco Aeiit, Mr. II, D. McCullum, or address C. O. Juckson, D. V. A. Frisco Lines Oklahoma Olty, Okla. fllaBBBB L V9 3&& i. ' bate. The commission on the Slnnoti complaint today Is preparlnc the form of the adverse report to the assem bly. A touch of rheumatism, or a twinge of neuralsla, whatever the trouble Is.1 chamberlala's I.lnlment drives away tho pain at once and cures the com plaint njickly. First application Rives relief. Sold by all dealers. The man who succeeds waste his wind by convert!!? hot air. - doesn't It Into Professional Cards LAWYERS. H. C. Potterf. . A. WsJksi POTTERF A WALKER, Attorneys and Counselors t La Ardmora, Okla. KAPPLER A MCRILLAT, Attorneys At i.iw, Practice before all Courts, Cotikresa. Government Departments. Itc'si Cases a Specialty. Off:e, Bona fa'dg.. Washington, D. C. W. F. BOURLANO Lawyer ; wheeer Building PhOD 191 Ardmors, Okla. R. A. HEFNER j Lawyer Third Floor, Guaranty State Bank ' Iiulldlns. i ARDMORE .... OKLA PHYSICIANS. DR. WALTER HARPY SURGERY Office Aftsr Oct. 5, Over Hamilton's Shoe Store. ffiiaBWD -I G. H. MeKENNEY, M. D. V Vettr Inary Surgeon. The only recog-1 nlzcd graduato Veterinary Surgeon In i Ardmore. Modern equipped Hospital ! and Office. 130 North Washington. Opposite PostoSlce. Phone No. 9. Residence 517 North Washington. Phone 111. DR. L. U. BROWN, Veterinary Surgeon. Du'y licensed to practice my profes sion. Domestic animals treated according to the latest approved methods. Phone 'JSC. F. E. RUSHINQ. M. D. DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, Rooms 603 and 604, Flatlron U Ma Fort Worth. Texas. DR. D. Q. JOHNSON OSTEOPATH j Lady attendant In the afternoon. Over Hamilton Shoe Store. Phone 691 j ARCHITECTS. W. A. TackeU . M. Taeketl TACKETT IROTHER. Architects ifflc In Ims-Petinlnptoti Bnlldlng ' Aidmore. Okla. ( Old friends, jo and I jour Robert Burns tried and tested j tvwana trusrea ror .twenty years. One It hat you I afraid to present toll your other friends. !8rLitt,e Bobbew too,ri same stuff as a big Robert, but half the size and therefore half the price. BEST & RUSSELL CO., Distributors Chicago, III. Street at oargains. We will loan you money on both'clty property and'farmUlandsat the most reasonable rate of interest. W. S. SPORTING GOODS WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF BASE BALL GOODS BALLS, BATS, GLOVES, ETC. WE HANDLE SCHOOL IIOOKS AND STATIONERY. OFFICE AND TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES, GLASS, PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. CITY BOOK STORE FRAME & CRINER SEARCHING I For a first class party to whom to entrust that mov ing job? Call up 72 and we will do it all right for you. iVo also store goods at most reasonable prices. WILSON & SMITH Transfer & Stororfc Co. Phone 72. Ardmore, Okla. Stop at the Maxey House when in KINGSTON, OK. Best Hotel on Frisco R, R. Buhscrlhe for The Ardmoreiu. ( p are notp a good companion the Your Money In real estate. There la no safer investment on earth, in fact it is the earth. Get a pleco of it. Wo have on our list some of the best bargains that have been of fered in Ardmore. Here are some of them: 3 houses and lots close in (or 11,800. An entire block close in on Main St., with 3 good houses, and all mod ern conveniences. You will be surprised to tlnd how cheap this Eroporty can be had. Some of the est business property on Main SMITH Your Vacation now 1 the lime lo plan It Colorado and California Ideal places to pend It Via is the best way there Drop me a postal today, for our beautiful booklets on Colorado and California. W. S. itbKlNAN o. p. a., o. c. .?. r. H. Oslvrslon, lexat. Delinquent Sidewalk Taxes. I will sell at tho County Trtmsur or'rt tifflco at Ardmore, Oklahoma, I tho followltiK described nal ostato for sliluwulk tatt iwst iluo and un paid for the year IS 09, lietwwu th( hours of p a. in. and I p. m., on j Monday, the dull day of June, 1010. I Momn Scott. Lot !!, lllock ilS, in ! Ardmore, Oklahoma, Jl'JS,f..l. I 1). M. RUMIMI, County Ti-ccibutvr Carter County. 1 20-27-:i Use tho want ads.