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The Ardmorehe Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press Neius Service ttrnxttt tilt FARTHING BROTHERS Clothing French dryclenned nnd steam pressed. Only French dry elenners in city. Phono 400 Utile. FIRE ESCAPES built nnd erod ed to conform with city and etato laws, hnvo tia to do It. loncS'EvcrcH Machine Co. VOLUME XVI ARDMOIiE, OKLAHOMA SUNDAY MORNING MAY 2!) 11)10 NUMBER 'M) DOXEY TRIAL IS TO BE PUSHED n it tt it ;t: st St St SI JUDGE GRIM SAYS HE WILL HOLD NIGHT SESSIONS TO FIN ISH TRIAL BY TUESDAY. DEFENDANT'S RELATIVES ATTEND Mother and Sisters of Mrs. Doxey Sat Beside Her Throughout Yes terday's Trial Confidante of De fendant Testified Yesterday. St. Louis. Mo., May 2S. The trial of .Mrs. Dora Doxey churned with murdering W. J. Filler, Is expected to end early next week, Judge (irlnun said today that If the ense was not submitted to the jury by Tuesday he would hold night hcssloiw. With the presence by her side of her aped mother and two sisters, Mrs. Doxey retained rather exuber ant spirits. She followed the stnlo's witnesses closely, with frequent suggestions to her attome. Mrs. Mollle llrlmnior, who lived In the flat nbove Writer's, said that Mrs. Doxey, when she was F.rder's widow, told Iter on the second day after Krder'a death, that even If ' quandary on tho part of they cut her husband open to find tllu "flclalt what to do In the mat poison, they would have a hard time l'r- U Is said, however, that It was F..rin. .'!,.. ,.vo o i.i... ui i booii settled when the attention of tulil nf :l lettnr Klin hail received 1 from -Mrs. Doxey, cautioning ogalust telling the Krdcrs that was still in the city. WARLIKE ORDERS ARE BEING PUSHED ' AND 1 CONFLICT BETWEEN PERU ECUADOR SEEMS INEVITABLE, j SAYS DISPATCHES. Washington, D. C, Mny 1!8. Official dispatches received at tho state de partment from both I.lniu nnd Julto, Kcuador, bring tho news which Indi cates that warlike preparations be tween Peru and Kcuador aro being rap idly pushed forwanJ. and that a conll't t .seems Inevitable. Girl Aeronaut Falls. Hrlstol. Tenn., .May 28. "Tiny" Iloradwlek. a 1 1-year-old girl aero naut, who has beon making balloon ascensions and dropping from a par achute dally during carnival here, descended upon the root of a mill today nnd fell two stories to the gioiind, receiving serious Injuries. The Confederate Veterans, acting under order from their headquar ters, will observe Sunday, Juno !. us Decoration Day. J. A. Ikiss will deliver tho memorial address. Mr. Mass Is an eloquont speaker and the occasion Is being looked forward to with mui'li Interest. GAINESVILLE VOTES ALL OF COOKE RETURNS LAST NIGHT INDICATE DRY BY A MAJORITY OF 399 USUAL GIVES AN ANTI-MAJOR VOTED THE CITY. (Jainesvllle, Tex., May 2i. After hoveral nttempts to vote Cooke Conn ty dry, the efforts of the prohibition , Sn. 1, lu which was located the city forces were today crowned with sue- ,,( (jnlncsvllle nnd the town of Llnd cess, lly a majority of li'J'.l votes, tin J nuy, has been dr. Muenster. lu pro whole of Cooke county Is now In the (.m.t j having recently voted dry. dry column. ' Today's election, however, covered Tho city of diilnesvMo, as usual, j the whole county, gave an "antl" majority, but not hi n h nut believed that the uutl-pio-large as heretofore and the ".Jry" ma- hibltionlsU will light tho result of to Jorlty lnthe country mote than over- day's election. Most of the liquor me: came It. will probably move to Fort Worth, Tim city of dalnesvllle went nntl prohibition by 27S. Prohibition curried over the balance of the county by OTTnny kind. t! :: :: k t: :: tt tt tt :: :: n WEATHER FORECAST. Now Orleans, La., May 28.--Tho weather foiecast for Okla homa for Sunday In generally cloudy nnj unsullied. Cooler In the west. st K tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt Couldn't Stand the Rabbit's Foot. ' Speaking of koodoos, a cant came ' up In .Indue ItiiFHell's court Thtirs- ilny In Avhlch several negroes were Involved, that had nil the earmarks of being under the superstitious drend of hoodoolsm with nil Its at tendant terrors. . A witness In the enso wart re luctant to go on the stand to ten tlfy. anil It tool; the utmost persim slon to Induce him to tell tho reason. It was finally ascertained ! that anotherf negro was hanging j about and at Intervals displayed n j huge raHull's foot, which with sov- era I Incoherent Incantations he I threatened to bring about the undo- j lug of the wlttiPBR If lie yielded to . the persuasion of the attorneys, the court offlclnls and the parties In the case, nnd gave his testimony. The victim of the rabbit's foot stood In mortal dread of the conse quence. Ills eyes bulged In terror every time a glimpse of the drend fu! harbinger of evil happened to he brought before his vision. The possessor of the hoodoo was Im placable, nothing but tho most ab solute submission to his demands would satisfy him and for a time -'"dgo Kussoll was culled to the j1(,r i circumstance, lor no immciiiuiciy UR, ' ordered the banishment of tho hoo doo man, who with his rabbit's foot and uncanny Incantations was un I ceremoniously hustled from the vi cinity and the spoil which had been cast over the reluctant witness I was broken. It is the first Instance I wheie the rabbit's foot has played so Important a part lit court pro- t eeediiigs lu this county thnt officials remember, Wheeler School Closed. The school at Wheeler, taugiU the past year by l'rof. Langston and two assistants, closed Friday night. The school building vvt's er.iwded by those in attendance and the oxer cUes were very creditable to both pupil and teacher. Wheeler Is onu of the consolidated districts anil has an enrollment of somewhat moro than 200 pupils. The school during the past year htm done excellent 'work and It is reported tltat their teachers will be retained another year, l'rof. Lungstnu has gone to tho Southeastern State Normal, 'Where he will take the course pre scribed for the teachers of the state. l'rof. fleorge Coffmnn and Prof. Thurston were both present at tho closing exercises and addressed people, lloth made a favora'ble prcMilou upon the people. tho lin- L. S. lUmnn will deliver the Dei oration Day address under tho nun pices of the Chickasaw Tost O. A It. tomorrow. Mr. Dolman Is a logical ami an entertaining speakor I and will I ttrest be bean', with much In- PROHIBITION COUNTY NOW DRY THAT THE COUNTY HAS GONE VOTES CITY OF GAINESVILLE AS ITY BALANCE OF COUNTY OUT giving the prohibitionists majority - ,11 of the county, except precinct - i A full vote wus polled. The election ' passed off without any disturbance TREES STRIPPED Itt OF THEIR FRUIT ts I ss FRUIT GROWERS OF MISSOURI i SS SUSTAIN HEAVY LOSS IN FRIDAY, St NIGHT'S STORM. St 1 LIVES IRE LOST In Lawrence County There Hac Uem a Heavy Loss In the Fruit Farms. Houses Blown Away and Fences Levelled. Sprlngllcki, Mo., May 28. No lives were lost and less than half a do.en persons Injured, none seriously, In the tornado that passed through n portion of Lawrence county last night, According to reports received he'O today from Pierce City and vicinity, great damage appears to have been done In the fruit country, where htm dreds of trees were stripped of their fruit, houses blown nwny nnd foucoi levelled. The Meeting Friday Night. Friday night at the court house u small crowd gathered to hoar the question of the repent of section 0, at tide 1) of tho constitution discussed from the stnndpolnt of those who nro opposed to Its repeal. Undoubtedly the threatening weather kept many away that would otherwise have at tended. Three sieakerH were Introduced by the chnlnnnn. A. C. Cruce, two of whom. Hamilton nnd K. J. Olildlnus, pieenied their views in n rational manner and evidently Impressed their auditors with their sincerity. The llrst speaker, .1. Luther Langs ton was u joke, advertised to present arguments In lavor of the retention of article !i Intact, he devoted his tho , time from tho beginning Hi an In (coherent, disconnected tirade on all I things which were ill.tagieeablo to his 'sensitive nnd aesthetic nature lucliid- lug the Ardmorelte and the Oklnho man, .1. Luther should not be taken seriously, lu fact. It Is u mystery how such an Intelligent body as tho Feder ation of Labor ever took him seri ously enough to make him secretary of tho state organization. .1. Luther looks pretty on tho stage, parts his hair lu the middle the same as he parts his name, hut as an or, tor or spell-blmler or anything else that, would have any effect excepting to excite the ridicule of any Intelligent audience, .1. Luther Is u most decided disappointment. A Faithful Dog Poisoned. .Mr. J. P. lrby and his family feel almost like they had lost one of their own members In the low of their dog, which wis poisoned Fri day night. The dog was old and harmless, nnd worthless as tho world understands dags, but he was very valuable to tho family. Some years ago when Mr. liliy's son was playing lu a pond while the faithful dog sat on the bank, tho hoy was drowned. The dog. unahlo to nucue him. gnve the atiiiin. He went to Mrs. Irtiy, barking nnd frantlcnlly pulled nt her clothing, nnd started la the direction of where the boy ln. lu his temporary watery grave, lie led the family to the smt where the boy sank the last tlmo and made several dives Into the water In un effort to bring him to the surface As long as the dog lived he knew the photograph of the drowned boy nnd would set up a pitiful and lone some hcwl when he saw the picture of his dead master. There was mourning In the lihy home jester day morning when It was learned which- aro of producing nge, ono linn that the faithful animal had been dred nnd fifty trees or the early peach polfoued. i variety besides many trees of other varieties of fruit. A Small Cyclone. A small oiiouo shook things up In the Mcl.lsh addition In the southwest part of the town Friday night and niaile everything mceedlngly lively for awhile, ulthougU doing no'dniuage to any of the residences or outhouses In the district. draco and Hogert iA-dbetter are liore from Oklahoma City to attend tho commencement exercises, their of t brother Ktigeno bolng a member the graduating class. :s ts t: ss tt tt tt tt tt si :j tt tt it tt tt ; st tt SS SSi ts ss' ss ss! ss ss ABERNATHY BOYS THERE. Washington, 1). C , Mny 2S. loule and Temple Abernnthy. nged nine nnd lx, respective ly, arrived hero Inst night, hav ing lliilshod their long horse back rldo from Oklahoma to the capltol. tt tt tt St tt tt st ss st tt tt tt tt tt ts SS SS ss ss ss WILL CONSTRUCT NEW ABBATOIR Contract let for Modern Concrete Structure. A contract has been let to Joe F. l'ate, ti contractor of this city, to erect n union slaughter house, tho site of which Is to be on the W. A. Olllant (property west of tho city. Nine persons aro Interested In the construction of this building, which will be modem In every particular and will comply with nil the require incuts of the stuto law and tho ordl- 'nances of the city. It will be constructed of concrete and work will begin Monday morning of this week. Those who are Interested In the pro)osltlon aro W. A. (Jlllnm, Win. Newman, .1. A. Chirk, Chits. Turner, Will Cardwell, (leo. Hoffman, lloh Hogers, A. Carpenter and Dick Mus graves. F IS FOUND GUILTY CHARLES MULLEN OF MOUNT PLEASANT, PENN., GIVEN FIVE- YEAR SENTENCE. Pittsburg. Pa.. My 28. Chariot! 1? Mullen, former cashier or tho Ft mi ers & Merchants Hank of Mount Pleas nut, was found guilty toJay of iuIsiiih prnprlntlng the funds of the bank by a Jury In the United States district court here, and sentenced to live yeaiH In the United States penitentiary at Leavenworth, Knusns. False Affidavit Not Perjury. .Muskogee, Okla.. Mny 2S.--Mnkln a false affidavit before a notary public Is not perjury under tho lawu of Ok lahoma, according to a decision ren dered here todny by Judge Mel (5 lfalloy. Tho case was that of James A. Fnrrls, who had mado certain nffl davits In support of charges against members of tho local police foici The court stnted In its opinion that whiles It believed the stntenion'H sworn to by Farris lu tho affidavit were un true, yet under tho law Fnrrls eon I not be convicted of perjury. Taken Back to Lawton. The sheriff of Comanche county came over from Lawton Friday evening and took charge of tho young follow, (leo. Cringe, held as n prisoner here, ehnrged with horse stealing. The owner of the horso accompa nied the sheriff, Identified and sc cured his horse and Chief of Police (Inrrett wus paid the rewuril af $.10 for Its recovery and the capture of tho alleged thief. The Comanche county sheriff with his prisoner departed Saturday morning. for Lawton Some Early Peaches. C. H, Ladil brought to tho Ardmoro He otllco Saturday morning a basket of lino jieaches which are of the early variety, raised on Ills place south of tho city. Mr. Ladil has one of the finest fruit orchards In this section having over eleven hundred Liberia peach trees Ills trees are loaded down this year which promises to he one of the most productive and protltnhlo for many seasons. S. S. Tolson will spund Sunday -with his mother lu Sherman. Ills sisters and his only brother will be at home today and there will bo a family re union. The Cynical llaehelor rises o re- ot mark thnt when everything olso falls, a -woman can become a sudragctte. IR DENIES i ss E ILLINOIS SENATOR STRENUOUSLY SS DENIES THAT HE PURCHASED HIS SEAT IN CONGRESS. SCORES A CHICAGO PAPER Senator Lorlmer Says Charges Against Him Were Formulated by the Chi cago Tribune for the Purpose of Destroying a Banking Firm. Washington, D. C, May 2S. A stren uous denial of the charges that ho ob tained his seal In thu United States senate through bribery and' corruption, was made before that body today by William lyorlmor of Illinois. Foremost lu the answers of the sen ator to tho clinr"es stood his asser tion that It had been formulated by the Chicago Tribune Tor the purpose of destro)lng a now banking asso ciation of that city, which Lormler had organized. Concluding Lormler offered n resolu tion calling for n senatorial Investiga tion of the charges ugnlnst him. "Potted Ancestors, Hell Temples and Wheelbarrows." "Was tho subject discussed at the Christian church last evening by Kvangellst Hrcwn. Me dellvured a thrilling lecture on China. In addi tion to the forty colored slide Il lustrating China, ho used u lurge number of others Illustrating lxmu tlful scenes lu Italy and other coun tries. These Saturday evening lectures tiro extremely educational and should bo attended by nil the people of our city. We are fortunate In having u eres of lectures by u man who has traveled so extensively. Mr. llrowu gives things first hand. Next Sat urday evening the lecture will bo cn Japan. The xufbjcct for this evening at tho church Is, "Hnllglotis Uoformatlon, the Origin, lurposo ond Progress." Invlnclbles vs. Lankles. IIIIIls' Invlnclbles nro In fine shupe and have been crowing consid erably recently about their proposed manner of beating the Ilutler Lank les in thu game of baseball that in t') be played between the fats nnd leatM on the first day of June. The game will be played for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A. Judge Jtutler, who Is captain of . tho I.mkles, bis Lut.ilorgcno n surgical operation dur ing the past week hut hu says It will bo no trick to heat th-i fats and If his physician will not allow him to play ho can't make him refuse to manage the Lankles and that means victory will perch on their banner. A Lively Runaway. 'Satuiday afternoon u horse at tached to a buggy standing nt thu corner of Washington ami Hroad way, owned by J. 1-3. Mcminn, took fright at u passing unto nnd dashed rapidly to the opposite comer, i I where It came In contact with u 1 team belonging to J. T. Taylor, knocking tho team down, running over one of the horses nnd doing considerable damage to tho wagon and hnrnoss. At the time It thought one of the horses wns badly Injured but the latest account seemed to In dicate that tho Injury was not very serious. A Straw Vote on the Governorship. I W N. Morgan, a travollug man who works out of this city, visited this last week fourtoon town through the eastern part of tho state, and called on seventeen dealers. He asked nil of them, ulso till rf the hotel men with whom he stopped, alsmt their choice for governor, nnd every man, without exception, wu for U-o Cruce for govomor. II L.l !... ... .. ...A. ...... I... . tl ai ,e v h, so tl" 1 11 o 2.;. y o ll'.CIlt Willi, ovomwiulllllimi lor " A icl'rt only teacher arrive Her nuiitu Is Consequences. late. BRIBERY A ss ss ss ss ss ss ss s: ss ss ss ss ss ss ss ss , SS Ji' I WEST IS PRESIDENT. SS 1 ss ss st ts ss ss Outhrlo, Okla., May 2a-Attorney doucrnl West of Oklaho ma was yesterday elected pres ident of the Attorneys (ieneral Association nt St. Paul. a i ss ss ss SS I st ts ss s SS ss ss tt tt t tt st tt tt Friday Night's Stonr. Friday night an ominous sk, with low mu'torlngs of thunder and ficqiicnt lashing of lightning, caus ed considerable uneasiness, there being every Indication that a storm might develop that would do consid erable damage lu this vicinity. Alsjiit half pant eight o'clock the rain began to full In torrents, al though no wind of any Intensity uccouipauled the downfall. As It was, a largo ultimo of water fell, the government gauge showing the rainfall to have been lu thu short time it lasted nearly half an Ini'li. It was reported that u hall storm had done considerable dninnge lu the vicinity of Oil City over lu the wost. A farmer named Kllllngworth, liv ing In that vicinity, yesterday stat ed that tho rain was henvy but no daiungu to crops hnd occurred. 'In tho vicinity of Duncan thu storm was quite fierce, hut no dam age Is rejHirted excepting a barn Htrttck by lightning. The torrid atmosphere curly lu tho evening gave way to a temper ature that was cold and bracing after tho storm. There was u most peculiar color to the clouds lu thu west and north they being of a deep purple lined ni Intervals with dismal yellow ish tint, that told of n wind strata, which If lower might have been damaging in Its effects. At this season of tho yenr when crops nro just emerging Into n prospective fruition of thu farmer' holies, these storms nro watched with peculiar Interest. It means much to thu fanner and much to nil who are dependent on the crops for tho prosperity of bus iness and damaging halls are dread ed as well as devastating winds that are both destructive and bring ruin lu their wake. Escaped Convict Caught. Muskogee, Okla., .May 28. Heed Vatin, who escaped from tho Oklaho ma state penitentiary at McAlcster several weeks ago, was arrested at Cleveland and has seen returned ti the pr.sou. Viiun was sent up from Muskogee county on conviction of for-, strong Male Orphan (Academy, Choc gery, and was Bontunred to servo two taw nntlon (reappointment) ; An- and one-half years. Ho was .worktucr ns a bricklayer on tho walls of the now prison when ho dropped down on the outside, eluded the vigilance of the guards and escaped. A wee' later ho telephoned from Muskogco to the warden of thu penitentiary thu' hi was tried of being a fugitive nnd was coming hack to serve out his time. The officers believed he would cotill' and did not try to arrest him, hut he failed U come back. Officers fi nally located and arrested him at Cleveland, Okla., Vann explains thnt 'When his wife found out he Intended to return t' prison, she persuaded him out of the notion TAXATION OE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT STATEMENT GIVEN OUT BY UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GREGG AT MUSKOGEE SAYS FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WILL APPLY FOR IN JUNCTIONS TO RESTRAIN SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. Muskogee, Okla., May 2S. Tho gov-1 eminent will In the near UK lire take further action against many counties lu Kustern Oklahoma, who hnvo listed Indian lauds lu the delinquent tax 1 rolls, nccoid ng to a statement mado' by Fnlted States Attorney W.J. dregs this afternoon. The government vll; Piobahly apply for Injunctions re-! strulnliu the officials from selllm; these lands for tnxes. Certain lndhi i II !'" " '"m-taxablo and time eminent secured a restrain ...i,..,,!, ,..., 'checked over their UstH to ascertain too what lands wero taxable nnd; ! which wero not. ID ST BALLINGER IK ATTORNEY FOR BALLINGER SAYS THE SECRETARY ACTED RIGHT IN CUNNINGHAM CLAIM. Former Secretary Designated "A Dis appointed Office Seeker," and Pin chot a "Small Possum up a Very Big Tree." Washington, 1). C, -May 28.--Oscar Iiwiey, t.slstaut attorney for tho Interior department, toduy said ho had sent to tho llalllnger Plnchot Investigation commlttco nnd to Christopher II. and James I). Con nelly, letters iIImuvowIuk any Inten tion of doing Messrs. Connelly In Jury In hs testimony before tlio committee and withdrawing his re mltrks with un npology. lllallluger'rt action In drafting the Cunningham affidavit nnd presenting It to Secretary Ciiirfleld nnd the land office was Justified by his attorney todny on the ground that he bad loft the public service at that time and was a private citizen. 'Former Secretary Oarfleld wn de nounced as "a disappointed office sroker," who knew that "onco stripped of hs saddle, ho would find himself a mure pony," -ivhllo Plnchot wns characterized ns a "stnnll pos sum up a very Wg tree." SUPERINTENDENTS OF INDIAN SCHOOLS CLARENCE K. CLARK APPOINT ED AS SUPERINTENDENT OF HARLEY INSTITUTE. Washington, Mny 2b'. Appoint ments lu the school ttcrvlco of the five civilized tribes wcro announced by tho Interior department todf.y as follows: (lube Parker, superintendent Arm- drew (3. (lladnoy, superintendent Tuskuhoiiia Feinule Acadomy, Choc taw nation (re-nppoltited) , Miss Mc Inner Allen, superintendent Wheel ock Female Orphan Academy, Choc tnw nation (now appointment); Clarence K. Clark, superintendent Academy, Chickasaw nation (now appointment); Thomas Davis, superintendent Nuyaka Hoarding School, Creek nntlon (ro-appolnted), Mrs. Olivia Uurdom, superlntcudcnt lCufnula Hoarding School, Creek na tion (re-apilnted) ; and Charles L. arbcr, supetintendent Kuchoo Hoard , lug School, Creek nntlon (reuppolut men). TOFI THE INDIAN LANDS It was un lerstooj that no moro Indian lauds would bo listed fo" tnxes, but It now appears that tntuli of this lund Is being advertised fo. sale In delluquont tax lists. Bought a Nw Steamer. William Pago hu returned from Kansas City hero ho purchased u "Whito Steamer" automobile to bo ued on the mall Hue ttwvou hru .ml lle.ldton. The Is to bt. I k1,Iiu..,i t nun. Cant. WooiU uml Mr. l'ago havo tho mall coutraot u that route and will add tho auto for I tho couveuleuco of travelers, IT I