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The Ardmoreite Is the Only Newspaper in Southern Oklahoma Receiving the Associated Press News Service. FARlhlNG BROTHERS Clothing French dry cleaned and steam pressed. Only French dry cleaners In city. Phone 498 Blue. Our I 'omul ry is In operation, and wo tire niakliit' fine castings of all kin 1s. wo have a few hitch welchts in stork lo move quirk. Jones-Everett Machine Co. X X VOLUME XVI ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA SUNDAY MORNING FEBRUARY ." 1911 NUMBER 104 mm MS SALE OF IL S SENATOR OWEN CALLED ON PRESIDENT TAFT YESTERDAY TO URGE SALE OF COAL LANDS. TAFT PROMISES TO CONSIDER Owen Asks That Special Message be Sent to Congress Urging Immediate Sale of Coal and) Asphalt Lands In Oklahoma. Washington, D. C., Feb. 4. Senator Robert L. Owen of OKlahoma callel on President Taft today to urge Jilm to send to congress a special mes sage urging legislation to provide for the immediate sale of four hun dred and eighty thousand acres of coal and asphalt land in Oklahoma belonging to the Choctaw and Chick asaw Indians. President Taft said lie would con sider the matter. SCIENTISTS ASSERT THAT NEW WORLD IS IN FORMATION AND IS NOW ONLY FIVE HUNDRED MILLION MILES ACROSS. Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 4. The powerful reflecting mirror of the Mount Wilson sixty-inch telescope has found and photographed a swirl- PRIDE The Tinner The Plumber PHONE 388 We use the best material, our workmen are skilled, our prices are reasonable. IT DON'T PAY To buy cheap Groceries unless the quality is right. We sell cheap Groceries, but they are the highest quality, like you buy from others at fancy prices. It would only take a trial order to make you our customer. TOM ECHOLS, Phone 673. New Frnley Bulldine. A Street N. E. Free Premium Dishes With every $5.00 cash pur chase or collecion, at our House Outfitters, big New and Second Hand Store, Third and Caddo Street?. C. P. HALL No rents to pay an J does it cheaper. W UNI Who Shoes Your Horse? Probably you had not thought much of it. Probably you had never thought that a horse suffers from cramped feet just as you suffer when you wear a pair of ill fitting shoes that are not made to fn your feet. But the difference is the horse cannot complain, -but he is rendered ill and nervous and is more likely to take fright and run away with your iamiJy. The remedy is easy, bring him here where we make every shoe to fit the individual foot, where the shoers are experts. It costs no more. AL M. RICE WEST BROADWAY ' ARDMORE. OKLA. ing mass of gases 500,000,000 miles In ameter in the act of throwing off w world. photograph shows a spiral neh ..parently disapproving the neb- utal hypothesis of the famous French astronomer haPlace and substantial Ing the more recent hypothesis of Prof. Chamberlain of the University of Chicago. The photograph, which is by far the most distinct photograph of a spi ral nebula ever made, was taen by Prof. G. W. Kitchey of the Mount Wilson observatory staff. Prof. Chamberlain and bis colle agues recently evolved the theory of a spiral nebula whipping from Its blanches masses of gaseous matter to become its satellites. These, cooling, would become planets and might be come inhabitable, as the earth. The spiral nubula In the Mount Wilson photograph is calculated to lie 5,St;r,cy0,)00 miles from the earth. Not even the faintest glimmer of Its light can be seen from the earth by the naked eye. The new world, or sun, which the scientists on Mount 'Wilson have pho tographed, will le whipped clear of the spiral nebula. It Is now some 150,0(10,000,000 miles from the central luminous area of the larger nebula. It may Itself become art Independ ent nebula and roam in that section of the firmament occupied 'by the spiral nebula from which it sprung. More probably, say the scientists, the larger body will hold It in attraction to a regular elliptical orbit. Walter S. Adams, In charge of the Mount Wilson solar observatory of the Carnegie Institute, said today: "We have not time to prove any hy pothesis. The nebula we have photo graphed is undoubtedly composed of gaseoua and possibly liquid sub stances, as Is the sun.'' FEMALE GHOUL IS BELIEVED INSANE WOMAN UNDER ARREST AT STANFORD WILL PROBABLY NOT BE PLACED IN PRISON. Stanford, Ky., Feb. 4 Mrs. Amanda Harrison, who confessed to robbing the grave of George B. Saufley, say ing that she had a vision that he would rise from the dead, will prob ably not be imprisoned Hhe ad thorities believe her insane. Look Who's Here We are selling tailor made suits o n the installment plan. $3 down and balance in easy payments. Come in and find out about this. W. H. BYRD THE TAILOR. Of Ardmore know a good thing. We send out only good things from our store, and every month we add new customers to our list. We would like to have you. W. A. GILLIAM Pbone 66 East Main Street. T LOCATE POSTMASTER ASHURZ OF PHIL ADELPHIA MYSTERIOUSLY DIS APPEARS AT ATLANTIC CITY. TO DRAG TOE OCEAN BED Ashurz Was Last Seen Last Monday on the Million Dollar Pier at At lantic City He Dismissed His Chair Pusher and Disappeared. Atlantic City, X. J. Feb. 4. The disappearance of Richard L. Ashurz, postmaster of Philadelphia, who was lust seen here Monday night by a chair pusher, who wheeled him to the million dollar pier, remains un solved. He dismissed the chair pusher, tell ing him not to wait. The chair push er said that Ashurz appeared cheer ful as he walked towards the pier. The question is, "Did he jump Into the sea?" Ashurz was 72 years of age, and a member of an old family of the ex clusive social set of Philadelphia. He came here to rest.. Ashurz was successfully brevettedas captain and major general for brav ery In the civil war. The ocean bed along the pier is be ing dragged today. GORE IN OKLAHOMA CITY. Consults Legislator on Pending Ap portionments. '.. Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 4. Unit ed States Senator Gore arrived from Washington tonight, and is in consul tation with members of the legisla ture regarding the pending legisla tive and congressional apportion ments. The senator is quoted as urg ing that the legislative division be made safely democratic. It was stated tonight that the Rod- die-Mitchell congressional apportion ment bill offered in the senate yester day would be revised to conform to the congressional caucus bill, as an nounced In today's papers. This re tains the house membership at 391, and gives Oklahoma seven members of the lower house. The new bill will make all the districts democratic, whereas under the former Roddie Mitchell bill for eight districts, one was republican. The bill is said to have the support of former Gov. Has kell. A UNDAUNTED BY REVERSES HE PLACES DIRECT PRIMARY IN AD VANTAGEOUS POSITION. Washington, Feb. 1. .After a scries of th'illing experiences, Senjtir Bo rah, supported by progressive repub licans and democratic senars, maJe tremendous advance thro.igh the line of the -old gnat (I -reiHiblk'titiA and placed the resolution for the elec tion of senators by direct ote of the people in a most advantageous position squarely In front of the enemy's goal. After taking several rebuffs ih Idaho senator with persistence not often witnessed in the senate, pound ed away until he la'ided his resolu tion In the favored place on the leg islative rrograra, and It must come un evfry day as unfinished busi ness. The moment the Lorimer case was laid aside Senators N'elson and Bo rah clamored for recognition. Vice President Sherman saw Mr. Nelson first and gave him the floor. He moved to take up the bill to reg ulate the leasing of Alaskan coal lands, whereupon Mr. Borah prompt ly moved to lay that motion on the table, which failed 36 to 41. Borah Thought Squelched. .Most senators thought this settled the question and that the Borah resolution -had . been successfully rel egated to a position where it would Mill IT not prove a dangerous factor in the legislative program during the short jvorlod remaining of the pres ent congress. After the senate had proceeded with the Alaskan bill for a short time, Mr. iNelson gave way to Senator Warren to make a motion that the senate adjourn until .Monday. Mr. Borah here jumped into the fray ai;nin. He s:iid 'he, would objn and that ho did so because it hail become apparent that senators opposed to his resolution would not give consider ation to It if they con d help It. He demanded a rod call on the motion to adjourn until 'Monday and this time he won by a amall margin. Idaho Man Bobs Up Again. Thus encouraged Mr. Borah asked that lilb resolution7 be made the un finished business of the senate. From the nreviour roll call It ap peared that this resolution might be given preference and Senator Pen rose hurriedly moved an executive session. Such a molion, under the rules of the senate, may be made it. a'iy time, and therefore Mr. Bortfi again foamd liiself elbowed out of the way. As the executive motion was ing put to th senate Mr. Borah made a demand for a roll call, se cured a sufficient number of peconds and the call was ordered. On what was regarded as the most significant vote of the day, the ex ecutive session was denied, :n; to 40. All of those who voted In the affirmative are regarded as lined up against popular elections of senators and those who voted in the negative are known to be in favor of this policy. All of the affirmative votes were cast hy republicans but several re publican senators voted with the democrats against the closed session as follows: The Honor Roll. Beveridge, Borah, Bourne, Bristow, Brown, Burkett, Oapp, Crawford, Cummins, Dixon, Oronna. Jones, La Follette, Nixon and Perkins. Recognizing that Mr. Borah .had the votes, no further objection was made by the opponents and the resolution became the unfinished business of the senate without, a roll call. Sen ator Hale even aided the supiorters of "the resolution in accomplishing the parliamentary proceedings .neces sary to that end. Good feeling was restored and Sen ator Hale announced that he had no disposition to prevent any senat r from taking the time required to prepare speeches on the question. He withdrew also his objection to an adjournment until Monday. IS SHOT TO DEATH TWO ARMENIANS ASSASSINATED PERSIAN MINISTER ON STREET IN TEHERAN YESTERDAY. Teheran, Persia, Feb. 4. tSanl IKd Dowlen, Persian minister of finance, was s-hot dead in the street today by two Armenians. The minihster was returning home from a meeting with parliament when attacked. There was great excitement throughout the city following the as sassination. The two assassins es caped. IS VICTIM OF BEASTS Nairobi, British East Africa, Feb 4. GeorgfeGrey, brother of Sir Kdward Grey, British minister of foreign af fairs, died here last night as a re sult of an encounter with a lion Tuesday. Grey was stalking lions on the Athl river, when he was set Uon by vicious man-eater. He waa badly torn before his friends could rescue him. The Weather New Orleans, La., Feb. 4. The weather forecast for Okla homa for Sunday ig fair and warmer. tttentt8att8ttutsas I IS RESIDENTS FLEE ACROSS INTER NATIONAL BRIDGE INTO EL PASO UNTIL FIGHT IS OVER. General Orozco at Head of Revolu tionary Army Notifies Juarez That He Wi:i Attack City Within Twenty-four Hours. Kl Paso, Tex., Feb. 4. Thomas 1). Kdwards, American consul at Juarez, proclaimed, at 10 o'clock this morning notice advising all Americans, for eigners and non-combatants to leave the city until "a state of tranquility shall have been established." Thin action followed the receipt of notice from Commander Orozco of the revolutionists, saying that he would attack Juarez within twenty-four hours. Juarez soon afterwards was prac tically deserted, save for a few fed eral soldiers left there to defend It. Mayor Martinez of Juarez says the officials of Juarez are deserting their posts. Assistant Chief of Police Val entine, he says, is now missing. Jesus Ofosco corporal of police, has also left. An attack Is expected at any time. United States troops arrested sev eral Mexican rurales between Fort Hancock and Rio Grande this morn ing. The prisoners said that they had a brush with a large body of rev olutionists and took refuge In Texas. More Troops to Border. Washington, D. C, Feb. 4. Twenty two troops of cavalry have been dis patched to the Mexican border to maintain neutrality. These with the aid of the customs insectors, and detectives, the government expects to handle the situation. INDIAN OFFICE FORCE BUSY. Rumor That Department is Preparing to Merge Offices. Muskogee, Okla., Feb. 4. The 100 Lovernment clerks in the office of commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes are now working until 10 o'clock each night, the first lime such a thing has happened in the history of the government offices In Muskogee. Every one of the clerks and stenographers, mien and women, are required to ieport at t'he office at 7:00 a. in. and work until 10 p. m. The reason advanced at the com missioner's office is the tremendous amount of work entailed by the sale of the unallotted lands, over x,0w) tracts having been, sold, and the appraisement of the timber lands. There is a rumor, however, to the effect that orders have come from Commissioner Wright, who is in Washington, to clean -up all the work IKissible in order to turn the office over to a new head at the end of the fiscal year. If this is true, it means that the commissioner's office is to be consolidated with that of the Indian agent here. Negro Vagrant Gold Laden. Muskogee, Okla., Feb. 4. An old negro was arrested by the police here charged with vagrancy. When the of ficers searched him In the police sta tion they found concealed on his per son nearly $1,000 In go'd coin. Some of these coins the old negro had had for twenty-five years. One was made In 1838. The police also found that the "vagrant" had certificates for time deposits in Muskogee banks amounting to over $1,000. The police made him take the gold and put it in a safety deposit box In a bank and take a receipt for it. He said he had saved the money picking up and sell ing Junk and doing odd jobs. Presbyterian Church Tonight. Come to the First Presbyterian church tonight and enjoy your old fa vorite hymns. A special song service of familiar tunes. MEXICO ma Use the mat ad coiumn. New Spring Goods On Display Monday Come down tomorrow and see the beautiful materials of the newest creations and most popular shades that are being shown in the larger cities for early spring wear. Our shoicing in Silk Mar qusettes. Victoria Voiles, Arden Voiles. Tissue Ginghams and many other materials is simply great. Silk Marqusetteln pink, blue, yellow, 40 inches wide, and the-most beautiful material that is being shown anywhere for evening dress at the yard. .$1.00 Victoria Voiles A material that is 27 inches in width and very popular for dresses for street and gener?l wear, comes in all the leading shades, yard 25c Fancy Persian Voiles 27 inches in width and very pretty patterns, price of this material is 25c and 50c Arden Voiles In tan, pink, blue, gray, navy and black and white, this is also a very pretty fabric and when made over the different colors will make an ele gant dress and is reasonably priced at the yard 25c Tissue Ginghams A splendid showing in material of all shades in stripes and checks and a great value at 25c Madras and Lotus Cloth For shirts, shirt waists and dresses, in the largest variety of patterns we have ever shown, price ranging from 10c up to 35c Colonial Draperies New spring patterns of any shade to match the paper in your rooms, the yard 25c Serpentine Crepe 32 inches in width, all new pat terns for kimonas, at the yard 20c New Kimonas Great showing of long kimonas of Serpentine Crepe, beautiful patterns, price ranging from $1.50 up to $3.50 Silk Kimonas In a splendid assortment of patterns' and styles, price ranging from $5.00 up to $15.00 See the New Silk Petticoats In plain, stripes and Persian effects at $4.50 to $8.50 When you want Embroidery and Laces remember we are showing the biggest assortment and greatest values ever shown in the city before. n MB DE DOCTOR PANTCHENKO RETRACTS ALLEGED CONFESSION TO NU MEROUS MURDERS IN RUSSIA. M PROMISED IMMUNITY "Poison Doctor" Says That Magis trate Promised Not to Bring Worn an into Case and Also Promised to Release Him. St. Petersburg, Feb. 4. Doctor Pantchenko, the "poison doctor," to day retracted the confession that he murdered Count Bouturlin. He said that at the preliminary, the magistrate promised that if he confessed, a woman to whom he had given the murder fees, should not be brought Into the case and that he should be released. Beguiled by these promises, he said he fabricated a confession and the magistrate 'had broken all of .his promises. When you have learned to keep your face closed at the proper time, you have sufficient capital to en gage in business for yourself. THREE SKELETONS FARMERS DUG UP BONES OF THREE HUMANS ON ABANDON ED REICH FARM YESTERDAY. Offerle, Kan., Feb. 4. Farmer searching for the body of Paul Reich on the abandoned Reich farm near here yesterday, found three skele tons burled in the sand hills. The bodies had evidently been burled some time. One of the skeletons was that of an adult, the others ot children. The Hat Kour Father Wore On St. Patrick's Day Was probably all right for the occasion, but on St. Valentine Day you will want me nice Valentines to send to her or to them. We have just received what we thins to be the nicest as sortment of Valentines that has ever been shipped to the city, and we want you to tee them before you buy. We believe tbat after seeing them, if yon appreciate some thing better, that you will buy from us. RINGER DRUG CO.