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PAGE EICHT DAILY ARDMOREITE Friday, August 17, 1917. TIKE VENGEANCE ( TOR . RIK.NULl TO THfc wok um ujjmsQ m i i:kmikm ok:kkku oi t. h has beoi circulating here newpa:-r pubUaed in Chi i is aaid to have the back or William Hale Thompson, wns visit -i at hu hotel by mi men. following an lrn treet meeting whlcn asaenv the paper wars circulated In H district. mitt'-- was headed by James rtate grand warden of the der. T W. Handlers, a form ca 'j whi itu ( X prompt ii blel whei the '.usii it:-' 'redle er minister of Aurora. ar.l Kdwarl Ir chest'T a former .city tree surer. The order of the tomm ttdt t-i stop circulating the paper was accompanied by a warning to Blocker nj. to return. Blocker promised to quit his activities an I leave the city after explaining that he wax rot being paid for In work, but was circulating the paper because of his friendship for May ir Thompson. graph in the parer which read: "All you have to 'lo is to get congress t . - are war, hog-tie the newspapers. ,.-.z!e the people, conscript an army. mK the president one of tnese here bahx' and then It will be King V.'oodrow " PHONE OTEKATM 11MWI1I t I LUSH I oi l NEWSPAPER HI VOTED I OK UMLENE n;"'-e ,'. l m i. . Ir. 'izalii. - I i es filed against IJov. James K. Fe, gunon by Speaker P. O. Fuller, were given over almost entirely to the . LtMfl of the West Tegas Agricul tural and Mechanical college at AM- The locating committee comprised ftve members According to the vote at announce. i Abilene received three vi -. Speaker Fuller, in his charges seeking the impeachment of 'Jovernor mmm, says he did not vote as a t tl atlr.g committee for Abller.e Governor Ferguson, alsi a s) m 'h- committee, claims Pull er' was the third and deciding vote. . I '!.:. M. i ik-ti. :t lorn; dlv t-iejhorn- op'-tatoi at Abilene, te.iified today that on June JO Fuller sail over the telephone he had voted I ' bllene on the second ballot. ThU was the day after the locating meeting and after Fuller. Lieut. .ov. V.' I Hobby ai I ('ornrniisioner of Ag- SPECIAL HIIY HO FT HOLK SIJITKR8 All Color and Kindt 50c and 75c Values 23 CENT8 01 U I.VHIKs SI.F. MTII.I. ON! J. W. Krueger "Thf BhO' Fitter" HANAN 8HOK3 If I You Love Music , There Should Be a VICTROLA In Your Home Style X, $75 Other itylet $15, $25, $40, $50, $100, $150, $200, $250, $300 I ash or Terms It does make a differ iti'i' when' you buy. The Bat.s service is necessary long ftftM the purchase. BASS FURNITURE & CARPET CO. 122 Weit Main VictroUa Victor Record rieulture Fred W. Uvis bad aay! that they did not vote for Abilene. Mi McCraken aaid she vraa relay ing a conversation between Fuller and toit- li. Andenwn. editor of the AM-!-n Reporter, due to a poor line. POPE'S PROPOSAL AND GERMANY (Continued from page one ware of the German government's at titude, but. that It believes logic pre scribes that the government, in con formity with its previous attitude, ehould follow the path indicated by the "The Merman people and government have the will and courage for peace." ays the Koelnische Zeilung. 'The en tente people also earnestly desire peace, but the enemy governments are domi nated by the fear of peace, as is proved by their refusal to grant passports to their nationals to attend th- Stockholm conference. The pope's proposal will thus be a lest of which side cherishes a sincere desire for peace." The Cologne Yolks Zeltung also awaits the text of the proposal, but expresses the hope that notwithstanding all ob stacles, the road to the reconciliation of the rations may be paved by the pope's appeal. THF. HKAKT VFTF.K DKATH. Why, I mler Some Circumstances, ll May Keep on Healing. Popular Science Monthly: The riues lion, "Why does a mon or an animal die 7" I tax been answered. "Because the heart stops beating " Hut any hunter or fisherman who has dressed his own catch can testify to the fart that the heart ies not stop beating at the mo ment of the animal's death. Often It will continue to pulsate rhythmically for several minutes after It has been removed from the carcass. The most recent answer to the 'Why'"' of this Is that the heart mus cles themselves ossess the Inherent quality of contraction and will contract or beat Just as soon or as long as the conditions of environment are right. That Is their business, and they can no more refrain from doing It under the right UliWIII fcnig than a rose could help giving Its fragrance. In r- en' erpt r:rrn r.ts l found that heat Is the principal element necessary to the development or the heart muscle and their subsequent ac tion. It is possible to grow the heart muscles of a warm blooded animal in an Incubator. During this growth a single muscle cell has been observed to develop and wander away from the mother cell arid begin to leat of Its own accord. Again, several Individual M -i 1m may attach themselves to each other In a colony and lent rhythmical together as long as the environment is ..hie. Hut let the temrerature of the Incu bator tie materially reduced and tl. a Hon of the heart muscles becomes slug gish. Reduce the temperature still further and gradually the rhythmic ac tion ceases altogether. The cells cease to perform their natural function be cause the environment is no longer right. In other words, they die because they are cold. According to this theory, the heart muscles could live on Independently of a body If kept at the proper tempera ture for their best development. "IMH.P. Mil A I POLAND II K HOSSKO BY TKI TONS Indon, Aug. 17 Reuter. Limited, say It learns on good authority that the Herman concessions In Poland ure expected shortly, but that they will tie conditional on Austria's approval. It Is prolsible, says the agency, that the flermanlc jiower will offer a regency composed of three eminent Polish lioli- tlclans and a ministerial cabinet and council of state which will not have as memliers any ierson who belong to the present provisional council of state, the ground lielng taken that the latter in dividual have lost Poland's confident e WIIKVT UKOKKKS TIKI) I I'. New York. Aug IV. (iraln brokers will be allowed to continue doing busi ess on a small commliori basl iv the wiieat l ie iHirntion will buy wheat for broker as well as producer. It announced by President Claybrook of the New York produce exilian'- I Boat Falls lo l.ct Americans. Mawiaid. Mass.. Aug. 17 A steamer cat lying American sawmill unit num ber 3 to a Hiitlsh port recently was at tacked in mid-ocean by two German submarine, according to a letter re ceived last night from n tnemlx-r of the unit. T'i toriedoe were fired at the ship and lioth misted their mark by d u feet, the slelllliei e-c.i lung li, I.-" great speed, the writer mild. Ibrlln Malms Russians Hlockcd. Ilt illn. Aug 17. Attacks mad yester day by Russian an-1 Rumanian forces north of I'okHhanl and on tin- lower Is reth user on the Rumanian front broke down under the Teuton fire, according to the official statement issued today li the ieiman ITC ' department. French Report (ierman Repulsed. Paris, Aug. 17. The Germans last night attacked the new (sisltlotis gained by the Flench on the Steenelieke river In llelgium The war office announce thaUthey were repulsed completely VI Kotoiis (ierman assault on the A Isrie front also were beaten hack. Alleged Prussian Reform ,.no 1 1 i Hit. Aug. It. via tendon, Aug. 17. In addition to drafting bid for elec ton! reforms, the Prussian ministry of the Interior Is said to I" engaged also In working out legislative measures af fecting Prussian constitutional Institu tions. " Speeding Justice The I .ami, Magistrate "Come. now. tell the truth I was In the car back of you. The law Is twelve miles en I V ..! . ...,.. !'"' tin nn'- kuiiik isrilt) II" "That's rliiht. your honor I had to go that far.t to keep out of your way." Read (he want ad. ALL DISTILLERIES TO CLOSE SEPT. 1 Washington. Aug. 17. Eleven o'clock on the night of Saturday. September J, is the time fixed by the food adminis tration when all processes in the pro duction in the L'nited States of distilled spirits for beverage purposes; must stop. I Kr.( H M ( HI.NK (.1 MARK MEAT OF l.KRMANS Canadian Army Headquarters in France. Aug. 17 The taking of Hill 70 yesterday st.rred the German high er command as nothing else has done on this front this year. Ten times the enemy came on. but they seldom got close enough for fighting with bayonet or bomb. The Prussian guards were subjected to a terrible concentrated fire from our artillery and machine guns. Their lo f were frightful. A veteran machine gun officer tells of having had as a target (or an hour and a quarter enemy reinforcements coming up in columns Of fours for use In counterattacks. He aaid his men killed more Germans yesterday than they had seen altogether at any previ ous time. Prisoner said that the ground over which their battalions had advanc ed was thickly strewn with dead. I MM i (11 MS WfONIO. (aught Burglar. Sa4-H lloue From Fire and Answers Phone ( all. San Antonio Light: Mack, the 14 owned by H. C. Flint of 31 West Ever green street, first acquired city-wide fame several months ago when he pre Paated a burglar from nibbing his mas ter's home. He has long been a neigh UirhfKid celebrity, however, his many less ;ectacular erformance gaining him friend among iieople of all ranks of life, except burglars. Aside from being an efficient watch dog, as was demonstrated when he seized the burglar, who was escaping through the window with a bag full of silverware and cut glass, he has many other accomplishments. He herds chick en as a collie does sheep, he bring In wrxxl In the evening, and bring In the '-a ; r .i rid the n all. When all the rn mlsT of the family are too far away to hear the telephone he call them to It as soon as It ring. nd on one oc 'N he saved the house from burning when he i .tiled his mistre Into the room where the rug had caught on fire from the grate. Moreover, In sjdt of his age. Mack I an expert mouner. HI Intelligence I far above that of the ordinary bulldog, and hit under standing of speech Is said to be so Marty perfect that when iieople do not want him t" understand what they are talking about th'-v resort to spelling, as one would do with a child. Before getting Into bed he carefully turns down his cover. Mack's favorite dissipation is riding In the automobile and the fact that he has leen In wreck doe not seem to have made the pastime lose any of Its charm. Perhaps some of hi many un usual qualities can lie traced to the fact that he was lorn on Christina day. l.iverpiNil Cotton Statistics. Liverpool. Aug. 17 Weekly cotton;-:,'- T'.t.n forwarded to mill " -000 tiales. American 50,000; stock 231. 000, American 142.000; Imports 17.000, American 15.000; export 15. Gnod-bvc SI Utieritin Cathedral. Berlin, Aug. 17. The German general Htaff announce that the roof and the supports of Ht. Quentin Cathedral have fallen In and that the interior has been burned out. BUSINESS NEWS. To My Customers. I am still In the auto repair bdslness at the name old stand. Still have the same mechanics, who always did your work. Four a good as you'll find In the state T B. Calhey. Prop. Mechanics- George Kvaris. la k Marbett. Tell Polxom and P. H. Sharp. 17-3 A. K. Mead hereby announces that he I m longer rnt mlwr of the firm of (.'at hey Mead. Mr Mead will notify his customers of his intentions in a few days. 15-2 T-O-D-A-Y FANNIE WARD hi "THE STRANGE WEDDING" Tomorrow EMMY WEHLEN in "TRAIL OF THE SHADOW" ejfilflLflllB Hav LOSE GOOD GAME Vi INFRA .hT BKST OF PITCHERS' MRI GGI.r s. ORK 2 TO L Mlis.ri SteaK ,,i;t With Xrdmorrites' Onl Score Mu-Uogee and Fori Mnith Play Twclie Imiings to i-3 Tie Rain Preven'.- Other Game. McAIester. OkU.. Aug. 17 The Min era won the final tame of their it i leg with the Ardmoreites yesterday. 2 to 1. coring both of their runs in the fifth inning. Allison counted the only score for the visitors, in the sixth, by stealing home, with Henderson at bat. The con test was a superb pitchers' battle. Len nis holding the locals to four hits, and Fain-loth allowing the visitors only five blngles. The score: Ardmore 000 001 00015 0 McAIester 000 020 00 2 I J Batteries: Dennis and Crittenden; Faircioth and b.iL Mushocre 5, Fort smith 5. Muskogee. Okla Aug 17. Muskogee and Fort .Smith went twelve innings to a 5-5 tie yeatxrday. the game being aH! on accoMnt of darkness at the ,-r.d of the twelve inning. Home runs by Robertson and W'!ey. Twins, and Pike and Calbert. Mets. featured the game. The score: Fort Smith -.000 301 100 0005102 Muskogee 000 012 020 0005 73 Batteries: Sewell and Lourcey; Voll and Nee. BooMer Rained Out. Sherman. Texas. Aug. 17. Yesterday's game between Sherman and Oklahoma City was rained out. Rain at Henison. DMtfMn, Texas. Aug. 17. The Rail roaders and Producers were unable to play their scheduled game yesterday, because of a, heavy rain. SinallHi irimiu' Guardsmen. Nevada. Mo., Aug 17. The new Sixth Missouri infantry, encamped at the state military reservation here, was placed under 'luarantlne tislay as the result of the discovery of two light cae of small ox. lire Dirni nsion-. of Lull. London Opinion: Tomklns Caddie, what the length of this hole. War-Time Cmfclie t weary after con tinuous search tor Tomklns' balls' In the rough) I reckon It's the width you want to know. Mi-t.-r. not the length! Pmrtagafi Hirer lie Reiind. Llstsin. Aug. 19, The official Journal announces all silver and copper money will be withdrawn from circulation to be replace! by paper currency. KoruUorT Sees Kerensky. Petrigrad. Aug. 17 Lieutenant '!en eral Kornlloff. the commander-in-chief, arrived here today and had a long con ference with Premier Ken-risky. Strike In Finland Knds. Helslngfors, Aug. 17. The general strike has ended. SPI.CI IL CAM PICK Ks FOR i i w ims ONLY. g; Mason jars 75c Qt. Mason jar 0c 1 gal best maple syrup II 15 l best maple syrup 85c Qt. best maple syrup . 35c KOc r ans K. C. baking powder. 65c 50 tans K. C. baking Kwder.40c K ( ' bakir n b-r Now Texas Hone lO-lb cans $1.75 5-lb cans S5c No. 1 pork and beans ...10c No. 2 pork ond beans lie We have no expense and can save you money. MUTTON! Phone r,:il 5I ( li S. F. mm PRINCESS TO-DAY NEW VAUDEVILLE Hab y Mario OsUruc -(I'athe) In "When Baby Forgot" Tomorrow llryant Washburn in THE MAN WHO WAS AFRAID" BASEBALL CALENDAR STAMlIM, W extern A- oi i.ition. W L. Pet McAIester (4 4 36 Muskogee 75 58 .560 Sr.irman 611 64 .57 Ft. Smith 68 (S .511 Denlson 67 . 70 .489 Oklahoma City 64 .4X1 Tulsa 67 80 .456 Ardmore 4 85 .366 National league. New York 69 35 Philadelplia 55 46 St. Louis 59 53 Cincinnati 60 56 Chicago 57 54 Brooklyn 52 56 Boston 45 57 Pittsburgh 35 73 ci;i .545 .518 i .517! ..-.13 .481 .441 I .324 i American lcague. Chicago 70 43 .621 Boston 66 42 .611 j Cleveland 61 53 .535 ; Oetroit 5H 54 .518: New York 52 53 .495 1 Washington 50 58 .463, Philadelphia 41 63 394 j St. Louis 41 71 .366 RKsl LTS VKSTERDAY. Western Association. At McAIester 2, Ardmore 1. Oklahoma City at Sherman, rain. Tulsa at iJenlson. rain. At Muskogee 5. Fort Smith 5 (twelve innings: called on account of darkncssi National league. At New York I, St. Louis 3. At Boston 1, Chicago 4. At Brooklyn 2, Cincinnati 3. At Philadelphia 5-3. Pittsburgh 3 0. Texas l-agu. At Fort Worth 4. San Antonio 8. At Shrevejiort 0, Waco 2. At Irallas 16. Houston 2. New Officers to France. Washington. Aug. 17 From the 27 -"'"I cfficers taken from tli- training camps Just closed a considerable num ber are being selected to begin Imme diately intense training in France un der Major General Pershing, at an of ficers' school In the American army area. r WulManSutmson We take great pleasure to announce that our Millinery De partment has been rearranged and is now under new manage ment. We also wish to announce that we have ready on display the most complete and most beautiful line of New 1917 Fall Millinery Ever Shown In Ardmore Our buyer has just returned from the Eastern markets and has secured the very latest ideas in Fall Styles, including original models of the foremost designers in Nefo York. Do not miss to visit our Millinery Department tomorrow. A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED YOU! We Have Drafted Skilled labor and modern machinery and methods to produce the highest quality I-rry Cleaning In the Southwest. Our service is unecjualed. aito najrnr. We MaJe Old Hat New BUCHANAN'S DRY CLEANING PLANT. Phone 71 10-' West Main II.. be -t etpiipiied .mil old) Hrj (leaning Planl In Southern Oklahoma H I i t, i n MEDITIONARi M" I IN ILLINOIS is M BED Kvetnption Hoards lso SiisM-cl Plots in Other ( ounties. Chicago, Aug. 17 Department of Jus tice agents today are Investigating an al.ege.1 - mo'. (-rm nt among farmers near Frankfort, III . who have organize da "league" which Is declared to lie opisiaed to the draft. A meeting of member last night Is said to have developed considerable outspoken senti ment against calling men to the colors. Certain districts in Will and Washing ton counties have been under federal surveillance for some time and several ,'."-t- hi'., been in. id,- he records of Preserve NOW!: Save Money!! While we are able to reduce the price of Fruit Jar!! These are saiing prices" 1 pint Marvin fruit Jars, doz 59c 1 quart Mason fruit Jars, doz 69c '? gallon Mason fi ull Jars, doz.. 84c 10c best white rubber Jar ring doz 7c We call yosr attention lo these" All $1.50 middy blouses now 98c 3 bie 10c rolls toilet paper for.. 24c 20c big No. 24 cans kraut for.. 13c 15c package spaghetti. 3 for 29c 5 big 21b pkgs salt for 29c 10 pounds cane sugar for $1.04 15c can pineapple, 3 for 39c Delightful home made bread 10c Home made cakes, files and bread. III! Ml WORTH I O 121 W. Main. Phong 101 1 ,;d's Niagara Hams, lb 27c. 1 several exemption boards are said to leveal that scores of pleas for exemp tion have been worded identically. UtOBNTINVfl RAILWA1 ETBUKS DECIDED I.N FA or 01 MEN Hih MM Aires. Aug 16 The bureau of latior, which has been considering the case of the striking railway workers, has made a report favorable to them. Hence the minister of public works has given the Central Railroad of Argentina 48 hours to restore normal conditions, and if it refuses he will withdraw the support of the troops. The strike Is considered as settled. DANCING ELECTRIC PARK Monday, Wednesday Friday, Saturday nights Good Floor, Good Music Pavilion for rent to Lodges and Private Parties Tuesday nights J. S Daniels Floor Manager Phone 5 or 1089