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Newspaper Page Text
DAILY ARDM0RL1TE Sunday, August 26, 1917. PACE TWELVE Wc Arc Building Ardmorc If m i j Autooobile Insurance Fire and Theft I Liability Propert Damafe Collision Workman's Compen sation. Accident and Health Surety Bonds. The Fact That The Wealthy Owner of Property Never allows his Fire INSURANCE TO EXPIRE Is a Strong Hint To the Owner of the Modet Home who could ill afford a loss, to be equally provident! Atiii Life PreaerveT to the Man in a Wreck So u a Fire Insurance Policy to the Owner of a Home! Kirkpatrick & Hinkle Gorman Bldg. Phone 50 A RDM ORE CONSTRUCTION . COMPANY P AVING OSTRACTORS ARDMORE George W. Stiles Construction Company Highclass Contractors and Builders Ardmore Buildings: NEW FEDERAL BUILDING PRINCESS THEATRE PATTERSON GARAGE Have a local company with a NATIONAL RE PUTATION figure on your building. Why Not Take Advantage of the Special Offer We are making to home builders in the HIGHLAND PARK ADDITION On Bixby Avenue. S. W. Only seven lots left on this street, to be sold on the proposition to Heme Builders, Simpson Realty Co. Phone Edwards. 1452 Princess Theatre Bldjf. Bo. 1 Keep Your- ON- A. C. Holman The Tinner Tin Roofing, Sky Lights and Cornice Phone 877 120 E. Broadway I Want Your Business R. J. GLASSCO, Manager Phone 1240 fbnir Iv PumflV. lh ( wnmfi ixl fhto;nthr. i taffcf rA wt'i) ; h toa a A.iyth.r. njr tim mny her Pbon 41?. WIRT FRANKLIN HOUSES Located on D street southwest, the.- are the best homes ever built in Ardmore for sale. Mr. Franklin built these homes to protect his neighborhood, realizing that good homes will bring good neighbors, and he has spared nothing in material, finish and architecture. They have reinforced concrete foundations, each have eight rooms with delightful sleeping porches, a beautiful bath with tile floor, all rooms plastered and most expensively tinted. The floors are hardwood throughout. These are homes that Ardmore should well feel proud of and th? purchasers can rest assured that there It nothing like them to be fovnd here. The two story garage serves a double purpose and is equipped with solid cement driveway. Water is piped to all parts of the yards and each house is fully equipped for both electricity and ga;. The owner is to be congratulated in taking this forward step in the furnishing of hones for people of discrim inating tastes. These houses, were built by T. E. Snelson. the master builder. The plumbing and heating equipment was installed by Hoffman k Co. The electrical fixtures were placed by the Squires Electric Co. All of the doors, windows and built in work was provided by Hunt's Planing MJ!1. The sheet metal work was done by A. C. Holman, the tinner. These are distinctively Ardmore-built homes and that means that tl integrity, material and efficiency back of them. C. R. McClam Bonded Abstractor Telephone 1334 Downs Paint and Paper Store Phone 303 100 E. Main Painting, Graining Kalsomining, Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating. are houses with THE AEOVE HOMES ARE FOR SALE EXCLUSIVELY BY OUR FIRM AND WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER SUCH HIGH GRADE PROPERTY House No. 2 has been sold to Mr. James Barton and he is now moving in. House No. 1 and house No. 3 are still available. We arc having numerous inquiries about them. They are the best homes ever offered in Ardmore. They are perfectly finished. They have large clos ets with mirrored doors, beautiful mantles, built in book cases. The kitchen has all the built in features, with large hot water heater. The breakfast room is large and perfectly located. IF YOU WANT A REAL HOME SEE THESE HOMES. We are offering this week three brick homes in Southwest Ard more at real bargains. They are 'well located, well built and.face east and north. If you want a six-room home that will last, see these. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN REAL ESTATE OR OIL, SEE US. MADDOX & MADDOX Phone 1133. Phon- 1133. T. E. SNELSON General Contractor Telephone 1380