Newspaper Page Text
Friday, August 31. 1917. 5Ujr Imhj Armnnmfr AHDMOREITE PUBLISHING CO EDWARD QALT. President ROT M. JOHNSON, VIceMlTlent H. Q. 8PAULDINO. Sec. anJTrZ DIRECTORS-Edwird 0all W1 F Un, Roy 11, Johnson, H. A. Slmiwon P. C. Ding., J. 8. Mullen. H. O Holding. H. O. SPAULD1NQ. PublUber. THE OFFICIAL PAPER Of Carter County end the City of Ardmoro TERM OF SUBSCRIPTION The Dally Ardmorelte One Year J6 00 One Month One Week 20 Payable In Advance The Weekly Ardmerelte One Tear, by mall t, M Bix Month M Three Months Payable In Advance taitered at the Postofflce at Ardmora aa Seaond-Claaa Matter Ardmore, rYubvy, AufUel 1 1 1 7 . The Ardmorelte la on Sale Dally at- Irby's News Utand, Rlnidlna Mould's I'oKtoffloe Stiuid, New Healdton Pane A Murphy Hook Store, Marietta! Marsh s jnowb Mtand, corner Broadway ana aiain, "amnonia v;uy. Hroailwuy News Stutid, 12 North Broad way, Oklahoma City. Healdton News Stand. New Healdton. Wirt M'WH Miin.i, wirt. M. J. clarrlgan, Woodsworth. CINNAMON FOR MEA8LBH. The uxe of cinnamon as a cure for meaalei i urged by Dr. v. ii Drum niond, of the Haldovan Institute foi the I'ceblemlnded, Wilting In the British Medical journal, ne nas TIN il as a prophylactic for "German measles" tiiscola. which Is a mil. I eruption, .net has found it to succeed like a charm His experience is not, or course, enough to deduce a definite conclusion from, but he urges physicians to try tins remedy, lie says: 'Herman measles is not a m-i lous .lis- ., but it is certainly a great nuiaanc particularly In an institution. Th" chief Object of this note is to luggeat that i innamon hiikiii io ne laitiv tiie.i aa B propbylatic. not so much In German ne asles as in measles itself The latter rt lira an is reaponaible for auch large inortaniy tnai anyi turn; (hat pi. .hums to diminish either the incidence or the seventy of the disease is weii worth a trial." TOO many moth.'- hav the IHi.f thai real meaalea (rubeola) Is of -iil-IiT Importance. More lives have been sue- lifieed to Oh, well, all hlldren have to have these diseases I say. the younger, the better," than to allium anv IUper .stltlon of ancient days am! deadly Im port. Meaalea is no trifle n cause of serious danger, and is apt to leave serious evils in its train, particu larly eye troubles Just what the medical profeaaion win decide about the cinnamon after trial cannot be forecast Bui to almoal anj child a iiuai tei teaspoonftil of cinnamon spread on bread and butter night and morning while then- i a . ase of measles in the neighborhood would be a delight. It Is one of those measures which are safe enough to try, lieoause they do no ill, and may do g I O INKS THAI READ BOOK8 "Judge a city." says a student of civic matters, "not by the number of people who live In it. but by the number of Looks It reads." Hen- an- some inter eating statistics bearing on this point. Covering a dozen or so of the must important AcMrican citiea Thej five the number of ismi;-. drawn from the public libra i lea New Wit. as mlKlit be lUppOaed from '- gr il preponderance of population, heads the list. The New York llbt. un issued hist year. IT.7ta.0M book. Chi CagO came next with 4,001,100 an, brieve land third with I.2JS.OO0 Philadelphia, lloston and l.os Angeles followed in the order named. Hut total library circulation meant nothing until it is reduced to per capita circuiatem in this teat Cleveland wlna lust homos, with a book circulation .! api. . . fur Hie . .ii I,...- Viik 'tiles SeCOnd, With I.M, Then. Ill do ceadlng order, come Buffalo, Cincin ' .iti. n. v Vuik. I'.o-ton Pittsburgh, St l.ollis. i letrolt, Chicago and Philadel- pli la. Bappoeedly Ute 'bserveil. OCCUpie f sixth, ami Phi f the running, .Hi i loeton, it win be i the humiliatim: place adelphia Ii alnoejl out Just Imagine an old. cultured" Cit) with fine traditions and ire facilities i. cling nn mi, and halt : .oks ii year per capita' Hut. says he student ,,f cImck i.feiie.1 t'i ."that's ust about what you'd expect from a cursory survey of Philadelphia'! jhiiih cat life. Heading and CiVk mterpriM 10 together." That fait emphaabs - tin value of cli 'Hinting library booka as freel) aa poa slble In every city Cleveland undouht islly owes a large share of Its lunik leading eminence and its leputed civic ilertness to the fact that it WM tin first big oR in the country to give Issik Isil lowei s flee access t" its llhraiv helves, anil one of the final to estab llsh brunch lllnailes It noa has. in oldition to its main library, fortj U branches and A 90 other BgenchH for .lis I'lbutlon O UIRIED WOMI S"8 SA1 WIS l 1 1 Tin- war has brought up a new prob lem that suffrage orgnnlrallons and aa socintions of wonnui throughout the b, I IlKennt and neutral owntrtoa of Ku rgfJt are now Irving to solve That problem is the nalloiinlity ..f mauled women A married women In most COURtrtN has no choice of BgUongUt) She lie lonts to the nation to which her bus ISUld gives his allegiance In time of Peace and in places where women have no voice in tin' government tins in hi trarary dettrnolnatloa M tbeit national it)' has not troubled them much Hut with the spread of woman Huffing the 'I (lent Inn begins to assume Intcict nd in Mm open n countries the war has made It of lnmCdie)f imiMiitance Minn women, it Is said, have is'i force Ih-cii treetisl as enenn aliens in their own countries, slmph baoBUM thev had mm i lexl before the war Into a nation now un eii.-m In their imtlve hind A commit!, c of the International Wo man Suifraae alliance is conducting a MUestlonali .- to obtain exact infoi mntlon JO the national status of married "-."... v,u,er alliances and national - ...... i ll (,r W(iniel) in Switzerland DWMta, France Australian ami Oram! nniuin have been uiKiiiK the need of rwonn in this mallei Alllliirentlir .1 ... . he settled Internationally 7, . 'lucsuon w)ii iavp lo The laws of we auierent countries will ... unit. -- . TW ut or nUUTled "omen will find uieniselves OWlng countries. There alleKlane t,, two muHt, of course, be many when - "iii.iii n cuoice or na woman s choice of hwwih is 111 Iiuh tamil'a n.,t ., ..u.. PMttt to ,eman a citizen of her na- land although marrjrlni u foreign t io nave me same Privilege of choto. that her husband 1111- 1)1 U' ...... a., i GOOD I sk FDR lKm ,0KKS niat grateful silence ()ff )W.U,, -HK emanates f,m the wheat pit, win,, the gambling in "futures" has been stopped by federal order lf the grain brokers suffer from 'nnui. it might Is- a wood idea to or mntie a regiment of them for service in 'nince. After h , an old-fashioned Brain pit seeaion In the front trenches, t would be a .inch to break through the Herman lines. They wouldn't need W artillery preparation. By the time the tumult ami the shouting , there "no. in i ne anv (I uermana i-ft within ten mile. -0 wead ami fuel ,,. fundamental, w in, the president cutting down coal Price, and Mr. Hoover undertaking to - "w iobi hack ti five (cuts, about we the "tun io reel more wii ami everything 'ei ful O The well known senatorial courtesy" applies only to senators themselves. hy not a little courtesy to the nation that hires the senators? Enough for unpiB, to. stop dinning hypocritical ami Uiaioyai pacifist ears. ipeechea into our -o- ho - Hoover? The Christian RiU -ooniior anawera thii iiuestion hv na v- mi,' that In ll a aeoend John 11:, m UmS mond ami a potential Cecil Uhodes. Ap Parently he is all this and then s Scissors and Paste. El Reno Democrat: One of the latest inversions of societj is teaching soldiers ho '" . I tut ii w ould be most Interesting t know where the estimable aaiea tnemaelvea learned the ait. St. Joseph (M.i News-Press: "AH thingl (ome to him who waits." saith the proverb. L'ncl Potlphar aaaerta that this BUM includes had luck. Beaton Tranacript: The Qermana wouldn't lei the itrafini craae Interfere with then enjoyment of Bngliah mutton iiois ami French rolls. Tulsa World: Knter into the volume of dead language that which formerly wai used by the governor of North Carolina to the governor of South Caro- III:. I Lawton '.institution: -mil.- go .ait and herd won't cine If you can't sheep. They Muskogee Time-Democrat: The American turns of peace can be stated in the language of one of Afnerica1! greatest general! of tin- past, -rhe un- iiooiiionai suiicniler of the ( arm . " man Pt Smith (Ark.) Bouthweal American: It is reported that OeorsTe Creel is i l r '" "f ! K with th nsorshlp. Oeorge mual have hea d that it Ign'l giving satisfaction. Sapulpa Argua: Some people are re thej feai public opto apectable because Drumrlghl Derrick: The oid-faahknk el bordei formula for making -g i Injuns" a. t incen,liur oi-atols, nii I.e .! slow cine for the evil, but it is at hast effective in Individual . .IM S Hani. sviiie Enterprise s,.me men apend more tmi, prenarlna i. ,i inh than it would require to do it McAleater NewaCapltal; Often the lin en m. ni lupport is more of i unity than an asset is tin thualaatk most Sherman iTexasl Courier: To sch.sii boy theee are th.- netting daj I ! e Bartlesvllle Kxaminer Once to even man. so runs the famous saying A 1 1 man ie,l man savs if that means marriage, once la enough for any one Chlckaaha Bxpreea: Might be a pi ous plan to intern all poUtlltkUN for the period of the war. Quthrit Leader ultUre says The Department of there is no Jutlfica- Hon top for the fruit Jai at fruit Jars'" gouge Hut whv I III I l I. DIM. MOON The moon came out with a laugh last night. A cloud like a grin on its silver Hacked round with the test of the face a .ii spun white B) nu unseen loom In an unseen place, And I sa: ' O Moon with the iagge.1 smile. s ou Jest o'er mountains and smirk o'er Hens. What monster Joke does each light washed mile Yield miu of its Bn Vetted mysteries'" And the moon leaned forth from the gi acinus skies. "I can see n land full of broken things That look up to me with their strange dea.i eyee Ah.1,1 needs must laugh at the sHrt of kings!" M Korrest In Cartoons Magazine Tempering the Blow. lloston Ttanscilpti Timr Jack. I hail to i eject him. bllt he begged me to make It easier for him to hear." What did you do?" "I told him I snored terribly." Political Observations. .Mayor Mltchel of New York, now that he is a candidate for a second term, has come out for womun suf frage. Recent developments in New York City make It certain that there will be four candidates for the mayoralty Fusion. Tammany, Socialist and Progressive-Prohibition. If William It. Hearst becomes a can didate for mayor of New York, It is claimed he will have the support of every !erman newspaper anil . very German organization iii the city. Covernor Mllliken of Maine, who rode into office last fall on a wave of "dry" sentiment, is strong for woman suf frage. The governor wants to go to the United States senate, und he figures that his prohibition stand would give him the women's votes. for twelve years Joshua Willis Alex ander has been a member of congress from the third Missouri district and t.ow he is to have formidable opposition. A Isiom has been started for Judge Frank P. DIvflbbM for the Democratic nomination next year, Which promises to grow large. The Democratic paity in Massachu setts is In a state of collapse just :it n time when, if united and aggressive, it might come into power again. An election for state office n is to he held this fall, and its only candidate In the field for any office Is Mr. Mansfield, again an aspirant for the gubernator ial nomination. Maine has had prohibition longer than any other state, but it has failed to prohibit there, more signally, than in any other state. The "wets" could al ways get their Ihiuor, and. says un Associated Press dispatch, "Since the federal law prohibiting the transporta tion of liquor Into 'dry' territory which went Into effect July 1 there has be n ..o noticeable lack of alcoholic supply." Senator I,a 1'ollette's speech in the senate the other day on the war rev ( hue bill was another of Ids many en deavors to make the war unpopular. He fought bitterly against the armed ships hill. lie Opposed declaration of war against liermany ami has hindered Ba best he could every measuri for the milltarv preparation of the nation from the selective service law down. In abort, no man In this country has given more aid and comfort to the enemy than Benator La Pollette. Monday, Sept. 10, Maine will decide by a referendum whether the state constitution shall he amended to extend the franchise to women, and on Nov. 'i. another woman suffrage amendment will be submitted to the voters of New York state Thus far the campaign in Maine has excited little Interest, and it is believed that suffrage proposition will he defeated if anything ilke a nor mal vote is polled. In New York the suffragists are confident they will win the ballot. A suffrage conference Is to be held at Saratoga this week, at which plans for an aggressive campaign will be drafted. Mayor Thompson of Chicago, who has i . en much in the public ev e recently because of his proCerman pronounce ments, is expected to announce his . an d. lacy lor United States senator at nn early date. His friends say that he can win the nomination easily, as he will have the backing of the following elements The pro-Gernana of Her man descent, the pacitlsts. a percentage of the Socialists, nulte a number from tlie I V. V. ranks, a large number of Irish who hate England, the German clement of the wets, antl Wilson Re publicans anti-war Republicans, anti draft forces. Hull Mooes ry is giving i' concern now lo the politicians than Socialism. The former was at most in its heyday a One-man movement. Mr. liisisevelt's return to the White House was its prln Olpal Object, though there were policies to Which the leaders subscribed . Hut the result in ami last year's r- -ult seemed to lay Mr. RoOSCVSlI as a presidential iUantitv on the. shelf. So cialism, on the oilier hand, is talking in a confident key and laving big plans A - yet it is not it one man movement It is making play parti, ularlv for the lalsir vote This, prominent politicians, and labor leaders, and churchmen all see. and nrc alive to the ndvlsablllty of watchfulness und action. PRKNI II "As SHE IS SPOKK." The Iviml VoU I earned at School Won't Help lN in I ram e t'hi.ago Tribune: Huron Allvcrt du ViVhW will tench the Kirst i.gunenl Illinois artillery, to "pnrlex v.nis" Blent Ties Man) Yet, ah, messieurs, how it Is difficult! I Hin t Imagine that the French you learned in high school or college will profit you In France or Hint you run make yourself understood bv merely talking Knglish with Words. To illustrate. If you Bay, "More of the coal" you don't get any A negutlve Is implied To get It you must say. "Again of the coal" if you halt a Frenchman und say. "Where Is the Place de la Con . prdeT" he looks puzzled You must say. "When, finds Itself the Place de la Con . orde "" or Is-lter yet. "I'm to go Place de la Concorde." And It Is u tough Job understanding the real French, of real France Here bosm a wagon labeled Confections." That means read v made clothes, but would you have guessed' Yomhr u notice proclaims, "For sale, twent.v flve refnrmisl horses." (i cryi- tlc' To a r renchmnn. however, it is won.lerfultv clear twenty-five corv detuned army horses formed ngaiu Into the civil estate. A the subway entrance vou iea.1 "Because of the grand aff 111 cm c. Messieurs the vovugeis are pray ed to make tall Queer notice' Think It over! The Knglish for "Q.UOQM" is "tail.' Hut the hretirh call a line of people outside a ticket office u "uuemie" and so do we. This unlocks the mystery "BesaUSS of the grent crowd, passen gers will plcnse stund In line." Ten tbousnnd such rltldlua atrcw the French language, DAILY ARDMOREITE WHAT THE STATE PRESS THINKS OF GORE'S STAND SHOBT MEMORIES, Tulsa World: We believe we are safe In saying that Senator Gore has pre sumed too fin- on the short memories of the voters of Oklahoma. It is a long time until the end of his term and he boasted that what the people back home thought of his unseemly conduct in Washington did not matter for "they soon forget." There may be a great many of them who will forget in the Interim between now and the lime to choose his successor, but there are ulso a greut many who will set, to It that their memories are refreshed. If Mr. ' Ion 's fate rested in the hands of his constituents us they feel at the pres ent time he would set a Jolt that would send him into an obscurity as discreditable as that of his late col league, Works of California, and he well knows this. If his boast means anything, it means that the length of his senatorial term glvea him license to be as mean as he pleases for some time to come, provided lie resumes a sanctimonious attitude a few months before the campaign begins. If his estimate of the low Intelligence of Oklahoma people is true, he ought to be ashamed to bo their representa tive. Hut the people are not going to be so forgetful. They might forget and forgive many other things in less strenuous times, bllt in this critical period his offenses an- making a deep and lasting Impression that soft Wordl and honeyed oratory will never erase. The people me not going to forget that his conduct and teachings helped to nerve the deluded malcontents al lied to the "Jones family" to the des perate expedient of aimed defiance of the United States. They will not for get that even when he was too sick to cast his vote against the arming of ships, be took pains to write a letter and make known his antipathy to preparedness. They win not for- net that he opposed the declaration of war. the selective draft and the bond Issue; that he tried to nullify the food bill by emasculating amend ments, and is even now intent on means to discredit and hamper the sending of our armies Into the field. We may be forgetful down here about some thingi! but When Mr. Core of fers himself again for senatorial hon ors he will find that the voters of Oklahoma have a painfully gissl memory about his disloyalty In the hour of the national ciisis. CHICK I8HA8 "DON'T ( OME." Oktahoman: Chickaaha'a action in Withdrawing Its invitation to Senator Cor.- to speak there during Grady coun ty's fair week Is u not her Item in Okla homa's cumulative repudiation of the senator's conduct. tt may not be with in the power of Oklahoma's citizenship to PetSUade Senator (one to resign, but the righteous indignation of this state ought to convince Senator Gore that it la his duty to cease at once his malign opposition to the president, to the ad ministration and to the country, and to represent to the best of his ability the sentiments of the people of Oklahoma. It does not suffice for Senator Gore to say that !( percent of the letters he icii.ives from this state approve his COUrSS However voluminous his pv sonal correspondence is it is i,ut a nog glble expression of Oklahoma's public Opinion, The press of this state in its entirety reflects the public opinion of till" state. Ami the fact there is not one newspaper in Oklahoma that a proves his course Is an Indictment such as has rarely, if ver, been returned against a public seivant by anv state. It Is cha, Scnatoi i iore does not a p. praemtS the gravity of his offense, that he has n.. notion WSJltSVST of the loith lag with Which the loyal Citizenship of Oklahoma legards his hostility to the loverntrenfa efforts to prosecute the War "" tfUlly The Impudent, pat ronizing h v it v with which ho has re plied lo the earnest citizens who havj Witter, him to protest his actions was ommented on feelingly by Senator Ktl m m a oomtn union tkui to The Oklaha- llian. The blunileiiin.- ,.lati.. ,.t .... atoi Gore is fur from a ,,... ..i, ,.t ... 11 lH ementlalh a traced of en oi If is a fair question whether there is City, town oi COmmUntt in the whole state of Oklahoma the ... i.,, u, I WHOM citizens WOUM today extend an InvltatiO Pto Senator Gore to mak.. i, address. The senator has fallen m (in state because the DSODIc of Oklahoma, believe that he has tlllllC 1 I'OPI'anlvf .. I tlllll IIP his sworn duty ns , senator to uphold tin constitution of the fnlted States Oklahoma feels that Senator Gore has made III south of o.'fi,,. "U scran of na- per." OKI. OR w II son? Haitlesville Kxaminer: Senator Cm has put the Issue squarely up to the peopi, i . Oklahoma If Is Gore r Wll Mm Qors claims to have kept the faith and charges Wilson with breuklng faith ,; assumes to know more about how to win the wur thnn Wilson and Is de- lemuned to .!,. everything he can to I event Wilson c.n rv ing on tl. uae il... Way WJIaM wants to carry it on. Gore's BSaa l to lej our allies do the fighting und we reap the profits und I,. demo the declaration of war ami the "Onsenpuon of the national armv II Kit ls PAPER MONEI l PAI I sum GROWS I NPOPI l.H Moslem Trios llrastl,. Method lo Keep I'i Value. t'alro. Kgypt. Aug. !. Correspond 'in ,,r the Associated Press) The pa per money Issued by the Turkish gov eminent is not siular In Palestine Since its issue it has steadily declined In value, and as the native of Palestine has an international reputation for dls- ion In matters of finance. It is not easy to hoodwink the people as to the real worth of Rreenhack ciirrencv The aovernor, JflMl Pasha, recently has Issued some rather peculiar proo Imitations insisting that this rise in the local rate of exrhanite Is due to .... u, no urning real i money" and that therefore the practice I of hoarding must cease. The proclaim!- I tlone declare that paper money and I II,.. ... O I,....., l.w. 1 ., . 1 specie must and shall be equal In value. and to enforce this somewhat arbi trary adjustment of financial values, he states that: "If our hope to have this adjustment peaceably effected is disappointed, ami If by the fifteenth Instant articles of any kind, whether food or otherwise, i annot be purchased with paper at ex actly the same rate as cash, I shall proceed to deport from the districts of Anatolia and Itoumellu every; tenth man with his. family, of the persons specified above (local bankers, head men and lead ing citizens). The selection will be made by lot. In the execution of this deportation no exception will be made In favor of the managers of Ottoman and German banks." This drastic method has certain ob vious advantages for the Turk, for the accusation of hourding and manipu lating the exchange lies not so much against the Individual as aguinst the whole community. In any case it is probable that be fore the governor is through, the bulk of the inhabitants will lie reduced to (iestltution. Mussacre by famine or by the sword, death uihjii the road to exile, will fall upon many, and while the ex change rate will tie restored, anybody who possesses a coin comes under the Charge of hoarding and is likely to suf fer. The people of a half-dozen races and i come under this modern Tuik Ish version of "Your money or your life." AMERII W mission SOLVES Kl ssivs RAILROAD I'KOBI.KM Find Man) Ways Ry Which Transporta tion May Be Speeded. Moscow, Aug. 2 (Correspondence of th.- Associated PressH-John F Stevens and his associates on the American rail way commission Is now visiting Russia for the purisise of assisting the admin istration of the Russian railways In Increasing their efficiency have discover ed many ways In which transportation may be speeded up on all Russian lines without additional equipment. The commission has advised the United States government to supply Russia with MOf more locomotives and 40.(Min more freight cars as soon as p.. -sii i. However, it win be considt Wable time lfore this rolling stork can be manufactured anil shipped to Russia. The shortage of bottoms on both the Atlantic and the Pacific will delay the delivery of the new rolling stock and additional shops must be erected at Vladivostok hf-foro such great quantities of locomotives and cflhi can be put together speedily. Meantime Russia must make the most of its available rolling stock and loco motive power and the American en gineers arc busily engaged asslstng the Russian railway officials In a study of the immediate problems. The Russian roadbeds are In excel lent condition. Virtually all the lines were well built originally and the tracks have been kept up. chiefly through the work of peasant women, in spite of the shortage of labor created by the heavy draft the war has made usm the male population. After traveling the full length of the Truns-Slberlan line and inspecting many of the ImiHirtant lines in central and southern Ku ropes n Russia the Ameri can engineers have found that Russian railway men are working at great dis advantage In not having up-to-date equipment for coaling, watering and cleaning locomotives. At nearly all stations In both Kuro I" .in .md Asiatic Russia, engines are watered by moans of eight Inch pipes. From twelve to twenty minutes is re quired for work which is accomplished in the Fnlted States in four or five minutes. Hv the installation of twelve inch supply pipes this delay can Is? eliminated. By the Russian methods twenty-four hours Is required to clean a locomo tive, coal it and get up steam again. Steam chutes are lucking and the fuel is transferred from piles to the tender by means of Steam shovels. Work that could be done in five minutes with mod ern coaling apparatus requires much time Then the Russian nglne hOUSSS lack the hot water equipment nSCSS sary for the washing out of holler en gines as soon as the locomotive comes Off its run. Knglnes are allowed to cool before they are washed. Then the boll- SS Washed with cold water Steam must then Is? raised In a stone cold Isiiler lsfore the locomotive is ready to go on Its run With modern coaling ipparattis facilities f..r supplvlng abundant hot water to cleanse boilers. the American railways coal and clean un engine in four hours, a saving of twenty hours over the Russian system. The lerk Guaranteed It. "A customer came into my store the other day and said to one of my clerks. 'Have you anything that will cure diar rhoea'" and mv clerk went und got him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Hemedy. and said to him. 'If this deos not cure yoa. 1 will not charge you a cent for It ' So ha took it home and .-.una buck In a day or 'wo and said he was cured Horry Co . Salt Creek by all dealers writes J H Va. For sale Find It In the wunt mis. IRISH POTATOES SPECIAL AT DUNCAN'S 50c PER PECK BOTH STORES DUNCAN'S CASH GROCERY AND M EAT MARKET Phonos ;;i, ioi;, ii.m DEATH PENALTY FOR SOME CASES IN RUSSIAN ARMY London, Aug. 31. At the conclusion of the Moscow conference, Premier Kerensky announced the partial adop tion of the death penalty as a neces sary measure to army discipline, ac cording to the Central News' Petrograd correspondent, who quotes the minister as saying: "As minister of Justice I abolished the death penalty, but as minister of war I decide It neeessury to partially re establish it. This re-establishment is necessary to the discipline of the army. The army must tie organized and discip lined, each combatant occupying his proper place and each recognizing his duties as well as his right. "The disciplinary troubles will be con served and will receive the authority in dispensable for the maintenance of the army us an efficient organization." LADY MAI D CAVENDISH is TO WED BBKttB CAPTAIN Toron'D, Aug. 31. Announcement cf tb-j engagement of Lady Maud Caven dish, the eldest duughte of the Iluke of Devonshire, governor general of Can ada, to Captain Angus Maclnt-ish, A. l. C, of the Royal Horse OuaiV.,,, was made here today. Captain Macintosh is 32 years old and Lady Maud 21. DeesMindenc y Due to Indigestion. "About three months ago when I was suffering from Indigestion which caused headache and dizzy spoils and made me eel tired and despondent, I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets." writes Mrs. Geo. Hon, Macedon, X. Y. "This medicine proved to be the very thing I needed n. one day's treatment relieved me greatly. usf" two isittles of Chamberlain's Tabids ami they rid me of this trouble." For sale by all dealers. Wauls ddillonal Receiver for Kaly. SI Louis. Aug 31 A petition fur an additional receiver for the Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroad was pre sented to the federal district court lu.i-o by the Central Trust company of New lorn. mis company hods I24.00n.000 worth of "Katy" securities und asks an additional receiver on the ground that in the reorganization now under w:, . preference is being shown to claims other than theirs. MOTHER SAID TRY IT Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Cured Mrs. Copner after Doctor's Failed. Cincinnati, Ohio. "I want you to know the good Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Com- pound has done for j me. i was in sucn bad health from fe male troubles that I could hardlv get off my bed. I had been doctoring- for a lonir time and my mother said, 'I went you to try Lydia E. i'inkham s 'ege tableCompound. ' So I did. and it has cer tainly marie me a well woman. I am able to do my house work and am so happy ns I never expected to go e round the way I do ncrain, and I want others to know what Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound has done for me." Mrs. Jotrg ConORL MB Harrison Ave., Fairmoy.nt, Cincinnati. Ohio. i woman suflVrine from any form of f"tnale troubles should lose hope until rhe hs qive.i T.vdia E. Tinkham's Vege table Compound a fair trial. This famous rem.ily, the medicinal ingredients of which arc derived from choice roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to ho most vnluable tonic and tafigONLtqc ut uc feaeale organism. FRUIT JARS Ball Mason Jars The Wide Mouth Self Sealing Economy Jars We deliver M STATE WOULD PREVENT (HOMED FROM ACCEPTING RING'S. DECORATION Washington. Aug. 31. A bill that would prevent former Ambassador Ger ard from accepting the Order of the Bath, with the honors of a "sir knight." recently conferred by King Oeorge of Kngland, was introduced yesterday by Senator Overman and referred to the Judiciary committee. It would prohibit any citizen of the I'nited States from accepting any present, emolument, of fice or title from any king or foreign Kovernment under penalty of a fine of 110.000 and forfeiture of citizenship. TWELVE ships OVERDUE. A Pacific Port, Aug. 31. Twelve sail ing vessels and steamships are consid ered overdue at this port by shipping men, according to an announcement today by the chamber of commerce. The list includes the Walruna, 2,530 tons. 91 days out of a New Zealand port, and the motor schooner Laura Whalen. 1.046 tons, 65 days out of a Pacific port, bound for the Orient. Recommends ( hamberhUn s Colic, Chel era and Diarrhoea Remedy. "I never hesitate to recommend Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." writes Sol Williams, mer chant. Jesse, Tenn. "I sell more of It than of any other preparations of like character. I have used it myself and found It gave me more relief than any thing else I have tried for the same purpose." For sale by all daaJam. SELF VULCANIZING RUBBERtPATCII Guaranteed to hold permanently any Puncture, Blowout, or Torn Place in Inner Tubes. STIX-RITK Is an absolute necessity for the Motorists' Tool Kit. It does awav with delays for VULCANIZING. STIX-R1TE Comes In sheet 1x18 or 54 square Inches, packed in air-tight. cartoo. Price, each Diractlona lor Applriat Clean surface with Emery Pair. Apply a thin coat of STIX-KITE CEMENT and let It dry for one minute. Cut off a piece of STIX-KITE sufficient to repair hole, and remove white Holland from rubber face Apply to tube and press Into place with Havers, lube is then ready for use. Snflielant for .14 Paaataraa If your dealer cannot supply you. address OKLAHOMA 0IL& AUTO SUPPLY Co. - ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA We Want Your VULCANIZING! PATTERSON MOTOR COMPANY K. H. Polk, Mgr. Phone 1187, Main & E St. AND to your house HARDWARE CO.