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Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX DAILY ARDMOREITE TuesdAy, September 18, 1917 KILLING GERMANS ran in OFHCKK SI PKK!NTKN'l! KIKIM. l . i n WHO SITI'INt. (TP or rm CI iiaco Journal: leopi can get used f n thing Were it not so. those who 4tavr to keep on kiKu-.g Hermans month in and moi'.lh out. would go mad and bite somebody Today I was out among the runs that are pounding the Germans in the neighborhood of Len It was tea tiane Cherhead seven British planes were wincing past on their way to a wres tling match with the enemy in the Clouds- Now snd then a six-inch sheil exploded in the vjcim';. f the British I n ier a wrap stutter from the i Canadian major, tery of fcowitiern On a wooden han-: k.i - cjp of tea h.r! :eee li if cmvas srrring as lidsummer sun. sat a of a bat-led his !wTTW Shell" Krtwren Kites g .town in the book ice down on the case. f buttered bread bit id chewed away for rour sever, five nine. Crew lifted huge sheli into itrer'c breech, closed an i locked rhlock. sighted and stood by. a men iiol ling the lanyard taut g a gulp of tea the major lU gunnery book and cas elf. "wonder where'n the devil they not this butter? Number one'. Fire."' Again the howitxer shivered and leaped, and. as the recoii threw it back into position. Bill came up with a tin plate in hu hand. "Here, sour-fare." he said to the tan ! yard puller, "here your blooming' jam. 'Shall I fetch you a finger bowl T And so the manslaughter went on. j Dispassionately and as coolly these men feed and tire their howitzer. ! When lunch tune ernes they may j knock off work for a time and eat com-1 fortably. rltting on a pile of shells, any on of which contains enough exploaive i ( for any reason it is unnecessary to kp ' on firing, the gunners eat and talk and tne guns without a pause. Seldom Talk About War. They seldom talk about the war. Rather they tell their experiences the last time they went on lea,ve. They talk about the shows they saw. the good things they had to eat. the pretty girls they met. what they weer going, to do when the war is over and the rest. In the trenches It is precisely the same: Between raktv dodging trench mortar stuff, they play checkers and other games, write letters, have their tea. and talk about food and girls and shows and things Of course these men do not lore the I war. Nobody loves the war. But they I are game and. the Prussians having commenced the war. are guing to see it I through. Ami the way to see it I through is to make the best of things, to get used to ft all and quit worylng. OKI. V 111 iM WOMAN SKNTKXCED ! 1' KM Kit SMS Hi HAD TO LIFE IMI'KIMIWIKNT l.l KN I P Al l. IIOPF Mrs. Hoc Convicted f lyiKiiiK Hushanri Suffered gony and Often Stayed ( a l wo las tnrr damage. Pawnee, ok '.a Sept. 18. Mrs. Mai Florence. Roe. the Maiamec woman who uas charged cith the killing of het husband. Jesse Roe. last April, within All Night Gains Nineteen Pounds nd Troubles Are Overcome. "t have gained nineteen pounds by actual weight and it certainly is re- who was charged with the killing of her j nwkable what a few littles of Tan'.ao serve the remainder uf her life in pris ha, aCoompllahed for me." said J M. on unless the criminal court at appeals j ;,rK. a well-known farmer at Rive. or a gorernor of the state intervenes Ue near Fort Worth. Texas. R. F l to grant her clemency. ! i Smith-MvKnight Drug Co . in Tussy by j boat. The crew lined the decks and 1 and wind in a typical Boston nor'easter Jackson Tussy and in Hoxbar by J. I cheered his majesty lustily The king today by way of a greeting to the R. Cox. Adv. I Inspected the quarters of the crew and Japanese mission. Notwithstanding the congratulated the officers on having disagreeable weather, the reception KINO OKOKOK ON I . S. SHIP. ' such fine al cimmittee was prepared to carry out : the plans for the entertainment of the London. Monday. September 17. j BOSTON W KI.COVJKS JAPANESE. - : guished visitors, beginning with today to the River Clyde, in Scotland., Boston. Sept. IS American and Jap-j 1 went on board an American patrol ; anese flags flapped bravely in the ruin ' tata house. A jury in the district court have re turned a verdict finding her guilty of "Up to last August " continued Br. Oeorge. "I weights', one asaAa and ha ...... I .1.. .. I I I T . - pen , ninetv-fiv- pounds and was on. of the aity at ninety-nine years in the state ' healths and I est men of mv age. f, ' physically, to be found in this section. Mrs. Roe heard the jur verdict I r,ut om ,lay whi,r u,tin(. up a wire with the same stolid Indifference she fence I began to have ins in the has maintained throughout the trial. lower part of m hack and notice.! my v. Mch la-te.1 a week. , kMn,vs were out of order I soon got Two bi-others of the condemned worn in HUCh a lad fix I had to give up and an KtfcM and Charles Burton, a sis-1 couldn't hit a li. k of work. I was ex ter. Miss Nina Burton, and her aged mined several times and was told I mother. Mrs. illUm Burton, have must have .trailed mvself in some way been with the defendant throughout the ; and that nothing hat time would do me trial, although Mrs. Roe urged them to any good. I tried for a while to wear leave het alone. Judge Linn spoke of the trouble out. but man found it was their faithfulness in passing .entence. j wearing me out. 1 was simply in agony The nothsr, who is 76 years old. was and my kidneys r.theied me so at night prMtratafl when she hea-d the verdict.) i , .uldn't sleep. Many a night 1 have . . . stujed u:i all nisl.t and when I did lay Trs LKGISLATrRB WILL down I had to , up every few rum- PROM ST.TE DKPARTMKNTS ' utes. I ju can t aeaeribe m, suffer ing. I fell off fifty pounds in weight Be I'agcrjaad was so weak I could hardly raise I my hands. I co ildn't even go .'.own Iane Star Oovrmment to irchlight. ANTI-s VI.IHIN CHIEF HAS ( RITK !M FOR MINISTIiRS ritser next .o No ; bellowed ntry round aiyut echoed and its thunder The major set a figures and refresh I hin; UP sang out the gunner of r: 1 crew. "Whatcher want bow'" an amn.uni t :'.:: tender growie.1 He was busy chewing and opening a ran of some sort of tinned food. Where's that jam"' aaUi the lin yard chap Jaar queried nil u he worked away "What jam" You mean the inuuarb faro "J'law. not tv.e riiubarb jam: ;!. straw- m fn.m Xiulkaits and ta'.lioli s Tlie mldn'l ici Prohibition. Oklahoma City. Sept. IS After three hours" debate on whether churches in Oklahoma had the legal rUht to usr f necteJ in their religious er vloes, the Oklahoma City Ministerial Alliance finally resolved that the whole matter in Its last analysts was be m.l its jurisdiction, and instead ia&sed a resolution that It support the prohibit ory laws of Oklahoma as they now stand, but without in any degree im pugning the right and privilege of any denomination to follow its own chosen course in the use of fermented wines In its worship. Yesterday's meeting was the result of another held last Monday, which, in turn was the result of the recent ruling of Attorney General Freeling to the effect that under a strict interi rota tion of the Oklahoma bone-dry law. fermented liquor could i-ot be import ed into Oklahoma even for sacramental purposes Ik. - f ..p.nuis, and i atii..ii.-s H. T. Laugh! f one oi me cniei speaKers at yestenlay s I meeting, as he was last week. He said: "In every tight we fellows had for tm rrrj III..!;. Mass. TOO FAT? re's a Simple, Safe and Reliable Way to Reduce Your Weight "s. 1 am em to tu prove - .,. ,R4Ms. A KM lll.Mll M I s h meal and one IllUh on MBfl TA1M ctions that come rondeinn merkans ho Ol struct t i trntnirnt at Home the improve , I nTaTjl . hratthler and -Adv. hips, thi "Put w. The Palace Rooms Formerly The Broadway i Under New Management Lorraine Boyd, Prop. 105 1-2 East Broadway Phones 434 and 1348 -Both branch-1 to -.v n. in fact I couldn't move around re last night a: all and just ha l to stay at home all .stigatlon of : the time. J institutions ; I tried to feel cheerful about my con inted for that ' dltion. but' I tell vou for two months Kin t.eorge In the course of a visit ' W-.' A MAIN is so busy these times that when he does gef -tHf --. 2 percent not voti:ig. a'.d the I resolution, which ha:! Ien Uiulei ts,,:. sld:ath n all da;., providing for n o.rr. mltt-e of thirt mem!.e, s i c-onduct the probe, while the senate, aftei the im hea.hment wuil had recessed, aJopte-1. by a vote of 18 to T. the Westbrrok rt ,olution providing for a committee of eleven senators to make the investiga There will, accordingly, be forty-one t lawmakers engaged in this wholesale in- f sent lown to the iW::-. WeU. 1 I after a few day I I'ottle was gone 1 mtnt. So I got a I on improving ar.. OS..KI ssMKN TO El ROPE. Washington. Sed. IS Several con gressmen probably will visit Europe and the western buttle front If con gress adtourns nx: month. Members are alr.adj t'ianning i either with or wttl "Ut official status Should none of the official invitation be accepted, some members plan to go in a body at their own expense. It is planned u ask Speaker Clark to head the delegation. four bottles and I square, there's not 1 Me left. All the pa j all the inflamatt' my kidneys are a. I as they ever we- I tor Tanlac 1 dn't ; held out much lor. ready gained ninet I feeling in tip lop ! have the best .if 'and rfs . mmend.i.: . in Wilson b; M:!ier Drug gh. My son- Tanlac. and . fix I dkln't: my fust i hat Tanlac I !ia v now taken I tell you, on the a sign of tn trou n lias left my back. soma to be gone and sound and regvlar If it hadn't been elieve I could have OH A MAN is so busy these times that when he does get a couple of days' hunting or an afternoon at the traps, he is looking for action. He wants to be sure about his gun and that is one great reason why everybody speaks so highly cf the Remington UMC Pump Gun and Autoloading Shotgun. And in shells, you will get Remington UMC results only from Remington UMC Smokeless ' Arrow" and "Nitro Club," the stcd lined "speed shells" and in black powder, the old established "New Club." Sold by Sporting Goods Dealers in Your Community Clean and oil your gun utth REM OIL, lix combination Ponder Solrcnt, Lubricant and Rust Prerentive i on the to use wine ! Everybody's grocer sells Krumbles, because nearly every body has learned of the food value of Knimhtes- ilk rm at iimwMM Slpfc 'OOLVC'ORTH BL1LDING, N! ' YORK THE REMINGTON ARMS UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY, Inc. Lrrjf ; Sljtwfii'uTTi of Firtjmi and Amrrumtuyr. m tht H'orfJ The Nev- Whole UTieat rood with theZ1 ZriQrorio..ut KlltfaaUfllll OS - Hi "SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE" Without a Smoke Do vmu know what it means to a soldier at the end of a hard day's work without a smoke? You remember how often "at home you were stranded, hut think of your soldier friend at the front what a "smoke" would mean to him. Thousands of our boys are "somewhere in France" without their favorite smoke they are fighting for you. Won't you contribute 2"c to -upply your soldier friend with a week's supply of -mokes? DAILY ARDMOREITE TOBACCO FUND has iust been -tarted. to upply our boys w iih their favorite smoke. Will you help to make it success? This has been endorsed by the Government. Through the efforts '.f this paper, arrangements have been made with the American Tobacco Company 'o end 15c worth of tobacco for 2n LONDON CLKANING AND DYEING WORKS Ins; tnm lesnel or LONDON CLEANING AND DYEING WORKS Here Is W hat They Will (iet: 2 packages of Lu k Strike Cigarettes. Retails at . A ptckafCi of Fu 1 1 Durham Tobacco. Retails at -. 3 bookl Hull Durham Cigarette Papers 1 tin of Tuxedo Tobacco. Retails at I books of Tuxedo Cigarette Papers 20c IV 10c 45c Htm St Urturrii tlte Mg Nkawi I'honr 01 1 Ml. lltlIMM, or II - OWN SKI.ItOI h s lltol'Oxt.l) Wsstainston. Sei.t It A rsasaMsaai Felker's Grocery Store wl plar to buy r;rorris. whr 't on nwf t th right i-rtet. WnOAl H Chas A (tanbom's Coff rr A return post card is enclosed in each package, so that every contributor will receive a per sonal acknowledgment of his gift. You will treasure this rmwsare from tho trenches. Every body wants to give a little. Will you help make it a success by doing your bit. Contribute! Organize your club, your church, your town, your office, your factory and give the boys just a little comfort thoir favorite smoke. Daily Ardmorite Tobacco Fund DAILY ARDMOREITE, Ardmore. Okla. Enclosed find for which p leasee send packets of tobacco to boys in France. nagrn I to be Name Address ( all l'?imei. 1 ;i or lit aflaSaiRHBiHflBlBHBlMBHHIfllH