Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX KING OF GREECE VHI M, MAN l (KimNKIt M Hr'r VMil.Kli. M T is mov WtCH IN NA.MK ONI, I ' ; al August a -(Correspondence of tilt- Ass.K-uUel i'ress -- King Alexander iraa the center of a brilliant scene as he la jite his Aral appearance before parlia ment today, took the oath to rule as a constitutional monarch, and delivered his first speech from the throne He looked a boyish king, for he U just sj: the youngest king in Kuroie. Hut he tall, stalwart and ir.l looking and. in his uniform of an nflicer of the guards with the melals and ribbons of royalty, he had all the beiring anJ t!ig oit of a monarch. The event was notable in many re-M"-ots. Neither this young man nor anyone else ever suppose I he w uld ever be king, until a few weeks ago. He is a wort f war-king a product of the great Kumpean war. His brother had been trained to be a king and had received a ( mm In high iiolitic. But when the lltl r.n allies gae King Constantine an Ultimatum to abdicate, they required ab that the crowr. prince, who had trained for kingship, should bJm leave And so this younger son. un triinetl in statecraft, was suddenly com fielle.l to take up a crown and become a in .iiareh. He hail exjieoted to follow ii l career of a soldier, and had been to school in Kngland and at the royal mili i sdt'ool at I'utsdam in (lermany. Knlente Principles Triumphant. The even was chiefly notable, how ever, in leing a sort of transition from royalty to democrar another result of the Kuroean war While this young Sj was king, yel the oath he was just taking was to rule as a constitutional munarrh, and his appearance in parlia ment here today, with the prime tain ister and ministers about him. was for mal recognition of the principle for rhldl this ministry and the entente al lies had contended, that a responsible ministry direct the affairs of the coun Ir, and not the king The recognition of this principle was prominent In the ceremony of today. It was less royal function, and more a gathering of democracy. Before Uie king were the electel representatives of the people, all about him were the min Isters an i there were comparative!;, few court attendants The speech from the pun Be had been preiwred by the minis tern, and when the moment arrived for its delivery. Prime Minister Venirelof took it from his pocket and passed It to the king for delivery. No Reference to ( vMistaiduie The pronouncement of the king thus framed by the mir,istr. carefully avoid ed an offensive reference to the (. tluf. in meni of King Con: UnUae. for IhV was a delicate family matter which would Involve criticism by a son of the I BACKACHE DISCOURAGING Unl Not So Had 1 Know How i, Reach tlir Vu-. -Min. ii, g moie iiisi jiii asinij than a . taut backache l.-une when you r ..nken. pains pierce you when oj bend M lift It's hard to work or to rest. 1 . kacht often indicatas bad kidneys, more people reiommend I loan's kid " i ill-- Bead r 1. 1 . ise C. C. Hidden, salesman. 623 A street. ' Ardmort says. Hefore I b an taking loan's Kidney PUis, my 1 h .d bothe.,-, no- a gisal deal i had a constant ilull ache ovei my ki'nev- and through my hips and Hi be. When 1 got down or had ben I in one position very long, it would I 1 I ' "'M do to . t: nigh ten up Hui :! l backache, my kidneys acted too freely and I would have to get up - during the night. I felt out of sort;, all over. I asked a druggist it I loan's KMnev I'M and he sakl I was no better remedy for kidney ( mate, f got a box and I had nca taken oiily a few before I was relieved of that misery in my back and mi kid ' acted bettei One box of Doan's ( .'.-J mc yp in fp,,. nhaie." Pi Ice Cue. al all dealers. Han't sim o Uk for a kldm j iemedy--get Kuan's Ki .iey Pllbv the same that M Old a .' had Fostei-Milhuin Co Biojis BuftWQt N. Y Adv. SCLP VULCANIZING itlTHBKR'PATCH Ouarantoed to bold perTnannntly any Puncture, Hlowuut, or Torn Ploor m Inner Tubes. STLX RITK 1 1 an abaolute necealty for the Motorists' Tool Kit It does away with delays, for VULCANIZING. STlX-airK enaias la sheets axlt or Mjnsre loebev packed in ur-usbi - csnoo. Irtce. each tl.Wi IMrwlUM Ur Asvia -f sarfsee with Euiery Ps. -mi-' Air.-. I of STIX RlTCCMCNTnd lei lie. Cut off s niece of "11 K SBMMM IS repair Bole ina en. ite shtie lioUsnd from ruNr see Apply to luba sad press into 4ee wiu aofaia. labels Ibeo read lor use KaHUUal lr B4 PuSiin ; ( roar dealer csaool suppiy you. addraas OKLAHOMA OIL t AUTO SUPPLY Co. ARDMMt OaOAROMA m m POWER ?1HB1 M 'ri asagY I acts of his father' i Hut It openly re versed the policy 'of the former King. In stronirly approving the course of the entente, whom the klme now referred to as friends and allies battling for the de tense at humanity, .is against the rm ity of the central powers. As a. spectacle, also. tilay'svent had its interest. The ministry had sought to give full scope to every royal prerogu- tlve. for they wish the new king to he a (real representative before the )eople of constitutional monarchy. The splen- the block without being completely e. did coaches of the royal establishment, hausted." said J. W. Bettis, a well with powdered grooms and footrnen. . known citizen residing at Oak Cliff, and heralds and outriders in brilliant j Station A. Route 2, Dalla v Texas, re uniforms, made an old world picture of j centlv royal pageantry, as the king moved be ' 1 fully agree with my wife now." tween dense cheering masses, with solid Mr. Bettis continued, "that there's noth lines of soldiers stretching from the iny as Koou as Tanlac for people in the lalace to the parliamentary chamber, condition she was. She bus gained fif The marole colonnade of the chamber ' teen pounds by taking four bottle and was garlanded with wreaths and flowers she now walks two miles nearly every and a great floral crown a bora the door- day to visit her sister and never corn way indicated that even in this abode i plains of feeling tired. She had a spell of democracy there still was welcome j of sickness five or six years ago-which for whit remained of r DATES SELECTED (IIK Vf.O I.KT-. Ol'r MM .MK TO WIRK STOKA DASH TO fsMWril IN IIIAMK. Cincinnati. Ohio. Sept. II Chicagi won the toss for the oiiermg game of the world's championship series at the meeting of the National Baseball com mission here. The official dates for the world's series as selected by the commission are: Chicago. Saturday Octoler 6. and Sunday. October 7; at New York. Oc tober s and 10: Chicago. October 12. New York. October 15. The linplrev The umpires for the world's series will be O'Loughlin and Rvans of the American league and Klem and Kigler of the National. Prices for seats: At Chicago Boxes. $5: lower grand stand reserved. $1 pavilion. $1; bleachers 50 cents. At New York Hoxes $21; upper grandstand. $3: lower grandstand. oien 12: pavilion, fl. .The commission also announced that l urchasers of tickets must buy them for three games. One per rent of the commission's revenue of series will go to the I sit and ball fund for soldiers In France. 1 ' - for Soldiers The world's series players will bt instructed to play an exhibition game aC either Rockford, 111.. If the series finishes in the west, or at Camp Mills Mineola. L, I., in case it finishes in the east, in order to give the soldiers a chance to see the teams play. The commission announced that the Chicago Tribune and the New York Herald would wire a 1.000-word story to tbe American soldiers In France at the commission's exoense after each game Secial invitations will he ex tended ij lYesitlent Wilson and fjs erals Barry. Carter. Bell an 1 McGaJa to attend the world's serie. A block of 1.500 seats In the pavilian has been set aside for the first game of the world's series at Chicago for the i and soldiers at Fort Sheridan. i nese win lie kho for l.v the ,.. r- INQl il INTO 111 !ll Or MIO RfXfl IIK P Bi ll (iuloii Ii Mean, ttii.t nw.r i This v-i olid Probe I 'o, CO N. H.. Sept The new inquest Una near here An King, of C our ling to a cd by Solicit 1 ami- to Coin bury to arm vest igat lor: The eaaona acte.1 in the into I Mrs the ige for reon that the result of inflicted It was lie., lav tha show NK KR M KKKNBEal UMA I IMO 1 BM IIMI 1 K Qarnaao noiialUi I 'a per tree, iioio ,M r'reiieli M Amxtenlam. Sept. 21. The f'.ei-man press In referrm to Hie ;.ierh made of the iietion Th" that for Qarasaaay, iuestiin i 1101. aza The lykai Anieliti Vorwserts declare I he Alsace-Lorraine I r sayK that the Qai 111 hi a few ilays lanitlon un II at- j titude of the .,lel uetion The llouMen 56etuna snd er papers assume that fh chaelis will refer to the .e. next Thursday In the i-elrli Tbe Munich Nrueete Na dar guaranteea If our enemies are al ready to renounce theli territorial si economk' isillcy of . . noi.--t ' l.r.NKKU. MOT! I TO TAKK HHJi HIMMWIi Washinaton. Bpt 21 Secretary Ma ker announce that then would le an announcement cutict-mma the army chief of staff in a few days Major ienersl Scott, chief of staff, resi hes the retirement h this month and the understanding Is that he Is to be re tallied in Hie service with a field com mand. Ill successor Is expected to te Mar Ceiiernl Tasker H. (Ills now assistant chief of staff WORLD WALK AROUND BLOCK WOULD EXHAUST HER Ahle To Walk Two Mile- Kverj IVay Mm. TakiiiK 1 an lac (mins Fif leen founds. , My wife had fallen off (arty lwumls ami at the time she started on Tanlac was so weak sh.- vuldn't walk around si m I to i. av he; sv stem all i m. lown. She was never like herself after that lime and kept going down hill und had no more strength than a Tittle child. Her nerves became so shattered that she would shake all over She had no appetite and after eating complained f t-n ible pains in the pit of her stom ach an 1 would bloat up so with gas that she c-iuldn't get sj good, long Math tftiM ...,,,1.1,,'. i .. . . I , , "i' up: lln the mornings feeling worse than when she luy down at nnrht and orni. - i ww iii .-vromore. PWmed of N lng tired out all the time. Newly elated officers of the federa 'She was under treatment sevei al thin. Kdgar Fenton. Lehigh, president times ami took all kinds of medicines , 6am Atkins, Shawnee, first vice presi but nothing helped her a particle until dant; Tom T. EHurvW Oklahoma City she went to taking Tanlac I had rend second vice oresktent: o ft UmmtU several testimonials for Tanlac from j Shawnee, third vie.- praaidaati J C !eople I knew and I decided to get my Orlssom. Okmulgee, fourth vice presi wife to try It. Well. It has proved dent: D. N. Ferguson. fifth to be a wise decision, she began pick-, vice president, and OMe S. Wilson Ok Ing up in just a few days and I could , lahoma City, nacretaiv treasurar were tell it was helping her hefore she fin- installed this momme' Mai her first liottle. Fmm then on sue Kepi uaining in weight and imp.ov- ing l ight along. She has now taken ! that they give financial rapport for the four bottles and is absolutely relieved I defense of W. C. Mood', who is see of her stomach trouble. She has a fine Ing a new trial at San Francisco. He appetite and is neve, bothered with gas was charged with throwing a bottb or any other signs of Indigestion. Her during a public celel ration there last nerve' huvt gotten back to norma'. 1 v ear which nsu!'.- ! ir th (loath 0' she sleeps good every mght ad Is In several peraons tajta health generally than sne nasi The federation also extee led : .iMtl ne.VK.. t . . . bee ih-it a,. i, . T" M.L V, i . o ,n, ' "Wter - - ' "tusi 1 .1 . : 1 Mils IlllflP it. r VJ, 1 Vhl . . coumn t get it there to let us know and we nwr ,,, imiias. tan- miHig orings leuer and 1 am glad to endorse it " Tanlac is sold in Ardmore by T N. Coleman, in Berwyn by Berwyn Drug Co.. In W ilson bj Jn... Tidmoie. in Wirt by Miller Drag Co. in hV aldton by Smith Ale Knight praaj; CO in Tussv by incsson tussy and in lloxhur hi R. Cox Adv. TEXAS GOVERNOR CLAIMS BIG LOAN WAS HONEST AFFAIR Austin. Texas. Sept. 21 In his re - fussl to tell the s-nate w her- he got -,- .-tMKM). Governor Ferguson sakl: "he transaction -as a clear. fen. nonest. daylight ileal between I men. There la no reason to suspect It. It oaaaaatOa with no legislation and The question before the court due to for a report or whether Ina court shall itself act dlreitlv on tbe matter Ri.F 1 F i UttODH ro BOLD in 1 UN 1 Kin- Sept n Members of xas will In ipugn to in- was am tie Bald . M Mill 7 I Mil l pesntiofi as Earner bi the lureei pRj - -t.e wJl lnxin her dutieh there I Ba Alonl,. mornmc l--rry MeUanirl. o Texas, has been here t h is week at tha baaV I - mm Mr- U C r 'en I Maury Short, mtut Joined the armv I several mths uico. arsl nan been In I training at MyracUMe. X. Y. ha return-1 1 ad RasaM While at practice neveral J m 4 i ajm he suffered in jurie which resulted in his detention in the hw pital for eleven weeks. He was given n dlsclmrire from the anu bemuse of I I'rmanent dbuUltrr Mihs Hettie Wilklns went to Norman Monday, where she will sttetid the unl K. irucWist P Coale will nslt sV v f W Arriv-tronic iwxtor of the v. - . hureh In s retival meetln here, bachinlnv next ttunda.v and last inic f. r two k lnf. ' (!. Splnd ier will . Irect -he mush-. BJsJKI 111 MARINELLO FACE POWDER IH Ulf FKMt-VI I , real i,r,e, rioo act. .1. i ling ithy i r.4 picNeetntheaiwslroo. other ... eipmu'f. Send ten cenu for dir.r I ""ex ed cx cnotainms this Puwdcr. JiTallll MK I (ii 1 H LaTM OMB IS 0 hi. s. W. I'lione M DAILY ARDMOREITE UHH FEBEMim ! SELECTS HUE j 'k-VT COW KNTHIX HKKK lllv MM) I.OJ VI. V MIR BQ1 l WORK i! WOMEN, Oklahoma City. Seot. U. BquaJ wa ges for women substitutes ir, isisitions vacated by men called into war service i.- demanded by the Oklahoma Federa tion of lahor in a resolution passed at the closing session of its annual con vention here yesterday Attention is called to the fact that thousand if men arc now leaving Industry for mill tary duties and that women who m filling their places are said to lie not receiving compensation eiUal to that given men for the same work. Tlo- res olution was unanimously adopted Ardmore was awarded the 191S ventlon which will he held on the end Monday in July The choice son se': wis made on the first ballot. Ardmore re oeiving ninety-one votes. Shawnee aT- enty-four. and Bartlesvtlle ten. AM I . . . -'" more was placed in nomination hv D. X. Ferguson, flfth vice president of the fuun,ii,n u ... . A resolution requesting the delegates j to recommen dto their r-M.e lii.- unions thanks to Secreui. of state Lyon fort I1"" oaving me ansent Young ln'law to lnc,v l,rarj election as . ! ii . ...-.. .i . j well as the general election, and by a j lesolution ,aod yesterday asks 'the attorney general to reconsider hts opin ion 11 that the law- providea only for absent voting In the general ele and not In the primary election. W VA1XJS1 F H Pauls Valley. Okia Sepl 21- Bp) have J. 1 lali Fifty ioails of broomcorn been marketed here at 1 rices ringing from 1200 to 1400 a ton About fifty liales of cotton were marketed yester (day at 20 to B.40 and seed brought a ton. Considerable alfalfa hay n the market and is bringing Ml ju ton. A few hog!, are lielng marketed. !1"11 m"H, "f ,h(ni ur" being fed for a 1 i',t'1r m:;r- Thc condition here for j reed Is dir. rent to most parts of south- r!1 , .k! lh.,m:i. rherf ,,lHnty ,lf nl. falfa. and hogs can be brought to . KMMi ""dltk'n on ti : (Msheis of c.irn A I irge numlier of I'suls p!e attended the farewell rec dered the soldier Isjys at 'A both Wednesday nigh: a: ! nne Thur For a Corn-Peeling Picnic, Use Geis-H Pain I. at Once, Corn Jojt Dim! tx your corn-ridding easily, with a smile, the banana-peel way. That's the "Oeta-It" way. the only way. your corn or callus comes off omplt aa lUuUb'b it wcro glad to get off. Travel nil Ike I mr "fleta-H." ,.J,,,-,'t h" cured more rorna thn all other remedies combined. Its na sure as the sunrise, and as J UN I) tmlli ISA I'on t tak a rhanc with your feet. "I1 nrd to experiment arils, unknown mixtures when you k,i25. "Oets.lf never falls. trta-lt- will remove any corn cr callua. Wear those new. atyllsh r Pumpa If you want to. . Jfj? anend and dance Demand (lets-It. -ihrow substitute hack on the rnunW J5c Is all vou need l-ar at nnr drug atore. or It will ba s-nt direct by E. Lawrcme & Co. Cairago. Ill Ki. in .vnlinnro and re-"mmended the world's best c.rn remwh l.y ohnson Iit.ik- 'o, City -uk Store f SUGAR WEEK at DUNCAN'S Cure Ohm ugar II He. for tl.Ot 16 m I., , rry Hiund BOTH STORES DUNCAN'S CA8H (IROCKRT AND MKAT MARKtT I'hone. 1,; .. 1012. IIU VW Wia W ,rl I, WW doing some splendsl work at this point. It has removed several old, unsightly cars from its property in the center of the city and Is grading the lots, prepar atory to erecting some good buildings-. The first building will be one for offices i for the division, master mechanic. The city has tic assurance that the Santa IV will soon erect a handsome and commodious brick dspot where the old wooden building now stands. The curbing is nearly all in and the grading done for eight blocks of rein forced concrete paving on .M44I11 street. This contract was let to home people, and is being pushed to completion as fast as material can be placed on the ground. The Chamlier of Qi mrnei.e has reor ganized and Is taking on new life. A large front street brick building has been fitted up for headquarters. The Chamber of Commerce, with Mr ' Hodges na secretary', the Farmers' Bu reau, with its two farm demonstrators, will have offices there A women's rest room is to be include Most of the farmers are harvisting their flfth crop of alfalfa and If the frost should be late, there will be si-1 crops this season. A large acreage of wheat is lielng sown, in fact the largest in the county for years. MAIHI.I. M UUH FBI Kill list m MAN IGEK .Madill. Okla . Sept 21. iSpeclall. At a recent election the city of Madid adopted the commission form of gov ernment with the manager plan. The newly elected commissioners were sworn in Monday night and immediate ly employed L. Ii Webster, editor of the Madill Kecord. as city manager. Mr Webster entered upon his duties as city manager todl The city commissioners are: H. K. Small. A. A. Kelle and S. I' Boyd j Carl Cayle. clerk. All other employes of the city will be appointed by the city manager. NXKWOOD I )1 rON MARK HI s (;hik Wynnewood. Okla.. Sept. 21 -(Spec iah. About 100 bales of cotton were marketed at Wyn&nwnod Thursdav. The rise at the closing of th market .- . . I I ue.iay was taKen advantage or by a ' large number of farmers and 18 02 was receiveil ton. by those who had good cot- TO HELP YOUNG GIRLS A Mother Wants Her Letter Published. Eaton, 111. "I wish yra woul 1 pub lish this letter for tin ron, SI of voting pris. My daughter suifi .-11 greatly from female trouble with crumps, and 1 headache, and backache most of th ' time. She never feit like working and ! it seemed as ihouch she wa sick ail the time. I decided to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and it haa he. icd her in svan way, hi fact it haa really r r, for she no longer haa periodic pains, and no more headaches or backache, ar.d I want all young girla wno su.Ter as she did to know about it.'' Mrs. Alma Mills, Eaton, III -r.cti::r dirl'c Experience. N w Caj'J '. Ind. "pTom the time I was f 'ev n years c!(i until I was seven th n 1 coffered each month so i had Led. I haJ headache, baekach' U iikh pains i would cramp Houblo 7 month. I di'l not know what it , wa.i to be easy a tnmut My health v run. 1 lown arid the doctors did od A n 'ierbor U.Jd r:v rr.oth' Vegetah!" ar.d r.ow I J 1 took It, .. person. 1 1 r ' I regular Newcastle. Ind I v.-ho a werp. ydia SPECIALH How often is It the rase with In compter.t cleaners that they have to refuse articles to be cleaned or dyed. Many will accept anything and half clean them for you or ruin them altogether. We are making a SPECIALTY of such articles on which others have failed. ( "tours for I'rrferiktn" KISH'S Km luive K xpert lry ( leaner ami ArtiMir Dyer of Southern Oklahoma. Office I'hone MnVJ. riant al 1015-101 V Wash ington. The Palace Rooms (Formerly,'The Broadway) Under New Management Lorraine Boyd, Prop. 105 1-2 East Broadway Phones 434 and 1348 I WO IMER1CANH HI l Washington. Sept 21. -The death of two memlie's of the American expedi tionary forces Is announced in dis patches to the war department. Myron Bartaann of North Vernon. Indiana, cap tain of lllljlliai 1 a. died Tuesday as the result of a tumor and Kdmund Squire, u. hutchei , died Sunday of pneumonia. I BTBSan Fleet President. Fort Worth Texas. Sept 21. Martin Rvan of Kansas City wan re-elected pnaaident of the Brotherhisxl of Ameri can Carmen at the annual convention here. Children Cry 2 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of .0 and has been made under his per C2ffljfZfjs sonal suPervision since its infancy. i,-&rv. C,X4Z jjow no one t0 deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. e What is CASTORIA Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural 6leep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the w Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TH S CINTAUR COMfANV. N rw VONK CITV The Young Housewife Finds a Capable Assistant in the Detroit Jewel "Special" Gas Range Ken t!ioutli ho i a gixxl rook, the voung lnu--wlfi- often rimbi If haul to Ifuni to mannge." Part of the dinner iihe has prhlrfull pteiaretl will tie finished long befori- other dishes are ready to sen-e. If this problem Is yours you BBJI solve it readll b th.- pun luise of this lanl Deirolt Jewel "Special Gaa This range la .scientifically arranged to meet een the requirements of the aoaaasaa .tinner. The burner top la oxtrs nom Tin- Mg oven that ItaKi- Iti tt-i ' a':d iiie conveniently pl.tced brollei uw the mm heat il the assssj tiiiie. NEW STATE HARDWARE CO. Felkers Grocery Store A good place to buy Oruceries. where ever; thing good to ent Is kept under one nof at the right -ric. SI'M IM-"hase A Sunborna Coffee Teis fa flaatw.n iaJtlar l ountry Mutter. Colorado and South V. getabloa and Fruits are sold every month In the year. Fresh Baltimore Oyster in season. Fall Flume, 17 4 or 134 Phone 366 C. P. The New and Second-Hand Home Outfitter. IN THAT BIG BOX HOUSE NO RENT TO PA . Just received big shipment white and ivory beditxm suits. Our specialties are the Herrick Refrigerato- the Border Queen Kitrhen Cnhim-t. sir!.' roll; Revonacl O' Stoves, Superior and Monogram Gas Stoves. We Swap and Bur AnythingEaay Payment. Friday, September 21, 1917. 1 NPATRItmC in sim sv is BLAMBD Hill I NRKST OK ORKINOMEN Atlantic city. N. J.. Sept. 21 L'hpati 1 otic business men seeking excessive prof Its were blamed for the Hpirit of unrest among labor by Secretary of Labor Wil son, who soke here hefore the laboi section of the convention of American business men. "Labor has been restless." he said, "be cause the word has gone forth that iron and steel operators are making 200 to 400 oer cent profit and shipping, mining and the other great Industries are get ting excessive returns." for Fletcher's Signature cf Caddo an 3rd A c HALL