Newspaper Page Text
Sunday, September 23, 1917. DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE SEVEN III GREATEST BATTLE EH FOUGHT 600.000 GERMANS KILLED. WD Verdun. AiiKUst L'V- (( 'on esi.imclemei The ureateht battle ever fought, an eighteen month MruKKle fur Verdun, which has been in progress wince l'eb vuary 21, 1916. has been u brilliant tri umph for the French army. Today not only the famous city but its outlying belt of forts are in the hands of the vic torious French defenders, while tin- dis comfited lei man assailants lie behind their shellsbattei d lines Miff Tin! se verely from the hard hits they have received and unable to do anything more for the moment to retrieve their most recent defeat than to try to hold hack their antaKonists while they re cover breath. Among the one-time wooded valleys and hills in the vicinity of the fortress no fewer than 600,000 (iermans have fallen dead or wounded. Tens of thous and! of their bodies were buried where they fell only to be disinterred again by shells tearing up the ground in the course of the Incessant bombardments and then once more covered by earth thrown up by other exploding projectiles. Tlie correspondent of the Associated i I'ress had frequent evidence, while; crossing the torn up battler leld, during the lighting, Of tlie temporary character i of the graves. Around I louaurnoiit. I Vaux. PeppW Hill. (loose Hill. Dead Man's Hill and Hill 104, all centres of I the most serious fighting during many ! months, the earth is impregnated with blood and the churned up soli is so: dSSStOBtad thai in dry weather it forms into deep beds of dust while ill wet Weather ;t is lust a swamp of ooze, through which it is difficult to (pake program. lime for Killing t omes. in the battles or August ami October. f forceB! wn(, owt1 time cam. 1!'K Verdun hail freed itself of some i ,1,,... ,.v,.....,t,., a hrfflktnl nrYtmaiv. Preparation! were carefully made and the artillery began its work of destruc tion of the dermaii positions about the beginning of the second week of Au gust. The (iermans replied vigorously and the rciiprocal cannonade gradually increased in volume until the morning of the day fixed for the I'rencli Infantry to go "over the top." That dawn when the writer made bis way across the seared and scorched earth towards the front line in order to observe thP open ing or the engagement, every noise conceivable by the human imagination seemed to have combined to break the ear-drums and shatter the nerves, while all about great slugs of steel fell and scored and wracked the soil. The result of the last battle may he told in a few words. (In a front stretch ing in a straight line Just alsiut twelve miles territory of a depth of from 1 500 yards to 1I00U yards had been recap tmed by the French, the villages of Ghampneuvilta and Bamognsux, as well as the woodv of Malitncourt . Avncoui'. I'amard and Cumieres had been OCCU' pled. Coose Hill and Talnu Hill bad been taken. Mort llomnic and Hills .'101 and 1144 had been stormed and occ upied, lover 11.000 prisoners had been rounded up ami nearly fifty Herman cannon had l been taken or destroyed, together with more than 200 machine guns and about 'forty trench mortars. OUtftgfal the (iermans. I Verdun had been triad from the con j slant menace of the Germane, and the French troops had shown their marked superiority to the Germane both on. the I defensive and the offensive. They (ie- fended the citadel with ti nacitj and wonderful courage when it was threat BnjCd by apparently overwhelming AN l NI M IL OLAM, Ever since the Class of 191X organ ized us freshman, with .lohn Thompson president, David Dawson and Honnle Duston, vice presidents; Maurlne Has ley secretary and treasurer, and How ard McNeeae and Jerome Alexander, yell-leaders, It has been traveling with rapid strides toward its goal a record In caking senior class. The goal whs reached last week when the class organisation was former. John M. Thompson, as a ward for three years of faithful leadership, was unanimously elected to serve as piesident. Bonnie Dus ton was chosen secretary and treas urer; Thomas Norman was elected vice president; Katherlne Adams, chairman of the entertainment committees; Koh- ert Harrison, athletic manager; Neal 1 Ferrell. sergeant at arms; Jerome Alex ander, yell-leader; and Margaretta (ira batn. advertising manager and regis trar. The following committee, Thomas Norman, chairman, Jerome Alexander, and Klnisc Snndlin, has been appoint ed to draw up by laws for the class. The first entertainment committee composed of James Stark, Florence Vernor, James I'ulllam. Floy Weeks, and Frances Duke, have the honor of entertaining the class for the first senior year. The class organized early, has money in its treasury; class spirit in abund ance; good officers and the best teachers of the (acuity backing it. Therefore, It expects and intends to make, tlir; senior vhiss a shining ex ample for all senior classes that follow. an investigation of wholesale prices of milk charged by members ol the Southern Illinois Mill; Producers asso ciation. The members of this associa tion supply a large part of the r.ilk sold in St. Louis. Wars on St. Douis, Sept al Hrumlugo of Milk Dealers. 22. Attorney (, oner Illinois, today began HOMB8 NKBD 1 NTii'KDKS. Household Necessity for the hrailiia lion of Small Hugh. Chicago evs: In these rvaelous days of big event one is prone to over look 1 hose small necessary functions tin .sum of which is the foundation of national welfare, and to look ahroa'i with .1 telescope for duties and oport'i" Ities Instead of undertaking those at hand that are visible to the naked eye The home, for example, must be kept In nbi-olute order, for the home is the rock upon which the state Is built; y ' the h mil' guard, in all its finer details, is too often unorganized. A family thinks it has mobilized its home pro tective forces to the full when It has set up a watchdog, a cat. a canary, a rubber plant, a war garden and a fly SWattiVr, Thes- are all very well as far as they go, but the woi Id has been mov ing swiftly and the most progressive and efficient households now have added the house centipede vulgarly Called the "thousand legged worm" to their lorces. We learn from a recent monograph an insects that: "All examination of the head of the centipede will reveal a pair of strong jaws that are used against enemies and for (he purpose of capturing small in sects tor rood. 11 considers tne riv a great delicacy and. besides tills. It eats fleas, momiuitoes, mothsi roaches and other small household nest.- It hunts its food mostly at night. The house centlpt. Is has seldom been known to bite a person, and if. in self-defense, It should pinch the baby's finger or toe. the swelling produced, if any, could quickly be alleviated by an ap plication of ammonia." In the light of these recommendations who can nfford to be without one or these admirable beHsts? It is noiseless, a night Watchmen, as it were- and its upkeep cost is practically nothing. In the event that it rids the house com pletely of all pests enumerated par ticularly the "and other" the grateful household should be willing to pension it on small bits of meat, or whatever Its system craves. It could be taken into the family and given a pet name. Philadelphia Mayor in Trouble. Philadelphia, Sept. 22. Mayor Thorn as D. Smith, for whom a warrant was issued last night charging him anil two other men with conspiracy to com nut aggravated assault and murder In connection witli the killing of a police man during a primary election here on Wednesday, today entered his own re cognizance in the ids appearance at She Real Him Out. Life: Budding Authoress- I got even with that horrid old editor last night. Friend How. dear? Budding AuthoressHe always re jected my manuscript, you know, so last night I declined his son with thanks. day. DoiYiinician republic is an area of in.- sum of $10 OOP for 00o square miles has a population of hearing next Tues- ' 7u0.000 Its 1117 sugar crop Is estimated 1 at laO.OOO tons. Neutrality. Plain Dealer: are neutral, Mrs. N( aren't wly we, -"Yes. show dear." iny bias. must Cleveland wed "We (ieorge?" Mr Newly wed "We mustn't we : "No." "Then 1 did Just right." "In what way?" "Why I gave all our French mustard and our Herman soap and our Knglish breakfast tea ami our Russian caviar to Mary, the cook. .Mary said she didn't think her folks were neutrals and she was quite sure they needed the soap and things Wasn't that thoughtful of me?" The) Started That. Passing Show: "Our gunners got the range at la-t and dropped a shell right among em. when I looked ggaln they were gone!" "For good?" "Well. Miss. Hi rj went in that direr- Hon." Had Knowledge of Both, Boston Transcript: Banker Do you know anything about checks and drafts? Applicant Yes, SUV I've run our fur nace for years. SHROPSHIRE'S Where High-Class Workmanship, Good Material and Service Counts Men's Half -Soles Sewed $1.00 Come here and get the BEST SHROPSHIRE LADIES' WORK A SPECIALTY 6 B STREET N. W. flllllM 1 pi 1 f ' 'iii i i 1 1 1 ill I ! h M m .1 II z I 1a , I ill 1 of tlie heavy pressure of the Herman hosts, but the outer line of bills and woods surrounding tlie city still was in the occupation of the enemy, The great Flanders battle this .summer was wed under wai when the French command er inchlef. (leneral I'etain. decided that the time had arrived for a new push at Verdun, before which a strong German army under the orders of the, crown prime was sitting. movemetxt which pushed the Invaders I hack until ai the moment of writing the nearest German line northward is over six miles aWay from the city, while to i the eastward the Ccrmaiis are only slightly closer. The French, however, I are in possession of all the comma ndiOH hills ami are able thus to observe the enemy's movements and to take thl neOMsar) precautions agnlnsl furthei , attack. RED RIVER KARMRR KII4JSD IIV M K.llliOI. inre. and Ml I of languages by the Rev. Lucille Snider, lea. In Short talks wen- mai Mi. Armstrong at ti Marietta, Qkla.. Sept. hSi iai George Shorter, a Inline .vim lived H few miles east of Marietta, near Tucks Ferry, on the Texas side of Red River, was shot end Instantly killed Thursday afternoon. In .lohn Henry, a brother-in-law ami neighbor farmer, Hoar) was wrested by the Cooke County sheriff and placed hi tin- Gainesville jail. Shorter was found dead in the field WhfS h was plowing, bis body rid dled With buckshot that had been fired from a shotgun His left In east and back were badly torn. Which showed that the shot had been fired at does range. Rem") admitted the killing, but failed to disclose the motive wllich. it is thought, was me, family af fairs Both men are well known here and are sons in law of .1. M. Tuck. the fetT) man. The body of Shorter was intei ed In the cemetery near his home Friday j eftci noon VI iKIBI I NOT KM. Marietta. (kla . Sept. IS, Mis- Qu e "jiha Burch has been spending the WtSh with lvr brother, Waldo, who Is stationed at Camp Howie near For: Worth, lira, .1. M Dates and daughter. HI - Pansy, were here the first of the wees visiting friends. The) wait former resident- of lifts ill,, but the) have l een living a' Dig Spring. Texas An educational rally was held at 'he l Christian ChUrch last night Man) patroni of the Marietta city SChOOU were present. n Interesting musical ti'iuiam war given In Miss Pearle Turner. Instructor of piano and Methodist church, w. M Balthro piesident of the Board of Bducatlo and t D Pelts, former oounty pcrintendeut receiving line was formed and the new teachers were preeented. Bsvaral important set 1 aarounot rocnts were made by Su pin Intendent Johnston, Mrs. w. L Hagan left Thursday for Rochester. Minn . w hi le she goes to undergo an Operation at tlie Mayo Brothers hospital. She was accom- paoied in Mr, ami Mrs. w a. Thomp son, Mr. and Mrs. Rural Askew have rented the home of 'Mrs, Ottley, in the north part of the city. .Mis I.. T BttrtOfl took her son. Wln dle. to DalhU til" first of the Week. when in u is operated on by a speo- lalist, in the hope of restoring his nearing, 1 he in stood the os; ation will, and It Is thought -that e will regain ids hearing, which was Slmoat entirely destroyed. William London, of Denton. Texas has accepted a position at the BBtlth pharmacy. Mrs W. E Buohaaau and daughter and Miss Mynan Biois an- in Ardmore the guests of friends anil relatives. Till. REPORT Washington Star: "M love," her; husband said to tins lad) you spend aii your mono; getting row palm rent." "And mui. lie 1 she retorted, "spend all yoers gittli; our nose nsl " (IN Mil'; OTHER II N1. -iiu: Show Mike (dining dinner ss ki The men be jjs I -An' phwat is he? !! '' S Ml. a !b i ' 0 In his mvo 1 32 Pas hour hers! We Carry in V C 1. iL Cf j- 1 jim.iv nit; jpicnuiu DeTuxeJine, Standarcl Loosu Leaf D 1 An Important Item Is Your Shoe Reptiring Shoes cost more than over and the price is jring higher. Iet us repair your shoes in the modern way. Raines Saddlery Co. 210 West Main Phono 190 "Sit Down ; Take em Off umBxxrmmmmmammmmmtMmD De Luxe leJer The New Heaters Are Here! 11 ji Peerless Tronseer )e Luxe Solid fbst BinJeri t 5ry!e H & J 5Keet Holders Style A Alun KMT De Luxe RinA Books won't be a (Treat whiit- untii you start using heating stoves. An ticipate your wan s now, whiie our stock is new and t mplete. We are selling the Efficient, Hot Point, and Zeigler, "the three wonder lines." Do You Want to Know What kind of draperies to buy? What color combinations to use? About pdriod styles? About what it will cost to drape your home? About Brenlin window shades? . About Whittall worsted rugs? About H oosier kitchen cabinets? About office furniture? About filing cabinets'.' About office supplies? About ledgers, loose leaf books, etc? Where to find EVERYTHING FOR THE H()fME AM) OFFICE? AO Risht ! Take This Tip and See THE BASS FURNITURE & CARPET CO. rHE HOOVER IS GUARANTEED TO (JET ALL THE DIRT Even on a carpet covered with cling ing threads, hairs, lint, cotton batting, tc strewn with litter packed with sand and imbedded grit the Hoover will quickly remove all the dirt both visible and invisible. Because of its mo tor-driven brush, the Hoov er shakes and sweeps besides cleaning by suction. Let us prove it in your home. Phone or call about our feature for "Not a crack nor pinhole in it!" Go to ytur windowi now and ex amine the shades. See if they are (peeked with thoe tiny holei and little rigged cracks that do to much to mar the look of your windows. In The Unfilled Grade of Brenlin jnr ( - gig u t a Or Window Shades yna will find this ctrtt fault of the ordi nary shade overcome. It ii nadt of a cloxly wuTenrlnth without that rilling of i which in tbeurdioarr shade so soon cracks and falls out in unsightly streaks scd pinholes. Sua won't fade it not witerspotit. If ada in many rich, lottris !ns ten's and ia BienJio Luslea. Cone sac It HOOVER s'JlVIAaJ aj fs elcciric SUCTION SWEEPER All the World's Best Music Is Yours With a VICTROI A Right 111 your own homt" you can hear at win th- greatest ningprn and nwsl rim f ill 1 1 1 wiirltl -the famoiiH art isis irbo sre oapttyatteg taoaaaaoa In tag .-r.-. i 'tiiisu-.i! rt-ntern: the famous artixt w In i make rrcimi lusivt ly for the Victor. t'omi' in and hear tbs victroia. Wsll llSWSUIlSliatS the various itvles to tllian.l i... ..... -I .1.1. ... a Short time. We allOW T"'" arranr.-.l r, -nil your conv cnivin m. n r TELKPHONl 1 1 i ok TBOfOE u-niR UKTQaUM Any time iu want Victor rSeordS lUickly. call us up anil we'll set them ! OU in a Jiffy. Five Days' Free Use to those who are interested. w j A word to those moving in new offices. Remember! W carry a big line of filing equipment, officM'urnftors, including roll top desks, flat top itanding and typewriter desks and are Mlling them at prii e.s that nvv iult restinR. On our sample floor you will see such lines as Shaw-Walker. Art Steel. Leopold and Johnson. If it's for the office, we have it. The Bass Furniture and Carpet Co. l Phone 425 E. B. RE1D, Manager Ardmore, Okla. lillllllilliil