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PACZTTV'O. 0MI.1II MEAT GROWERS MAD Or TMK OOVWIVWKMT KftM.V rORPOfUTWV FIXED PRICE OFFENDS KtfM Aa AaSUesl U -rJ OfkU I HHi 4 IT BJr K . tj h. I k- A lti r Big lJra. rnjfcihma City. I i.V.m bflkt i-ri r toM hy '- H Baraeav w iiVnt th feWal gr-c mnly hm th tiaoc of th pnr mi (M ar rl wheat trwa th huc rat f I2 f, . h- CT.jour' woald av im t thesr bwct la rteet lky wAd kv. ft aaat tfcI If p- ahowM la alrtr aTaya, aad tb wheat mtv&y AaatraJav India anl Argent wa r leased, tb prVw wtwld in? hsaCy and th producer nH h the Vsr- rtefor Dm iwiWif of BOn, graia 4Jr a-ad farsaer. liara tx,ke (ha Chamber of Cttnmrr rvwns y lrij aftareoow. He wa ir.tro'fciced by finnnmr Wfliiama HeeeraJ time tbrvwgVwjt fc adhere. tb tikrr eiBphaaated th fart that ther vu o ehr.e for an ir.crwMe In th prUem U wheat r-y the rrm- maarioR. H fl"l that th gra.n trad ev! sgrWu.'taml Jr.terw adopt a) altJtd of if samflo vi !f Jer.sU, ad help th H' i( the war. N IVr-rea-e in prir. iMdarlag that h pt f l"l on mhMt had fcn rrbi 1it a fir M impartial fMtv f tt aaathvn by a otramltvt of rn mm cYjtk hj IVoiVat Wtlarn. th tkT -rw that tfcr wtjM b ry tmi a Kb aji b iru at ttvt of th rrain enrjrjratirn. la fip'n t a n.iim 1vm on tt the aaxIWKW aa t h".hr it vo'iM h prjM(bl to n Kat f'r I? 2". a bwrtMC Kana aaW that rB manr wal that th mmmlmkm'M iirX wjuM I1 clrcwmBtwt. but lt K be kn tnxt tb fVral auOwltiM wr drter miB4 t carry oot th frrran aa ar rajurwl. "T"br t a f'rviKn gnrn nwota to titr th market ami buy rfcat aa aruriltkn of 'r, or make arrancMTMrota rhrfyy th roru'imr wouM b protM-tl and th pr.!ucr ba aaamrM a fair prW tbia till ma4 Mfirin raa tha qunxtlun that rr.frnt 4 tb rwemnvtut aaid Barne. "Thre waa rwthirtK to do hot lfe a aMadylnic hand on th. diatribu tbm of arhcat. and fra cMitrol ram a." a altr." (irmwr Air drinrmnrm. It traa vldtit frrm th beginning that tbera raa an undercurrent of dia ftatiataetion among th irlucr pre M. Thla waa ahown nutr frclWy by tha varloua ouewtWna proriounded to riaroea, and reached Ita climax In an hfter -meeting when the grower aired their grterancea In full. Irr. Ktratton I. V.mtV.. vmMrnl of tha Cnlfemity f Oklahoma, prealded at the gathering. C. H. Hyd of the irtate wun.-fl of defence t)d IJarnea that aa a reault of the price nxlng there avoubl ba a reductifin tit tftm 19 to 20 per cent In acreage of wheat grown by rklhofna farmer n-xt year. "farmer IMeeouragrd." "The result of th operation n far ha been to diacourag the grower from putting in a full crop nett year; the farmer feeto that a grave Injumlce. ha been Aimti." aald Hyde. C.ktk W. Vincent Hiatal that it hao ten planned before the price of wheat waa Bred Xs ow the largeet crop In the Mutttry of Oklahoma, but now the farm era had lot interest. He aid that from 10. 009 in 2ZAO0 bUHheia of wheat wan being fe1 to atock dally. Vrmr Snt Vear. Wvllh the baalc vrU now at $2.20 and the farmer getting U.S ha flgurea that with the bealc price at 12 next year hi return will be ft.S a buimel." aaaerted Vincent. George UUhop le-Ured that the Ok lahoma fannrn were after the high dollar, and K waa up to the government to taka the noriaeuencea If the wheat acreage fell off the rewult of the price fixing. H ahowed by comiarion how on4hird of a of ctton with prW free would bring more than twenty buahela of wheat with the price fixed. Ton Are the Ooata." "Ton homy-handed son of tot) are tha gnat In thl price fixing arrange, ment," declared A. K. Abbott, of Ala. He aald that the farmer had been rob bed of from S9 cent to $1 a bunhel on " wheat, hot ald that he waa not op posed to the plan If the price of other commodltle had been tf1 the frame a wheat. j Abbott aaaerted that Hover. when he got ready to etaWIih the price for wheat,-called otl the clltorH of farm paper for advice Inatead of farmer. If then Uunrhel an attack on the farm journal of the tate. The relation of the rt of flour to the price- of wheat came tip when an atiillfor wanted to know how It wa that flour old at a profit of M SO a barrel with wht brlnrlng around 2. Miller filrea Flrurea. A repreeentstlve of a milling concern read from a ormtpilatton, taking a bar tel of flour through all the procee tnmi manufacture to delivery to con tainer, and ahowed by the figure that there wa lea than M cenU profit on tha barrel. ' i la -a general rtl' to all the com-1 lJalnt nwJe. Hume urel that the fuct J auiet lw keK In mind that the country j l at wwi. and -that the condition ; intiMMMd on farmerw In the matter of j wheat growing are not n fai-t the out-; growth f keen ,niie w.-cl- but result from tha xigenie if war. "Tim mvot rememlier aim that wheat U Ux -s-'y rrt a V- it ttta c mtith y ar gwtal a ff." h ut NEW LIBERTY MOTOR TRUCK STRONGEST MADE lx farry frt tmr 0r Aay thtarwrier W Loaa. tJ., Jt aa-w L -ti KMor Uwi. Us f.rrt oaa Jtt I orx.pVrted her by tha ffOTraat ia- Crt aerret CMMltva. aa w gaaroa tA armed trwpa. ta aael to a lb atrottg ec ecasparad ta tlM fcoad tt a tgn4 m carry. e-tr tar) vt fcs thai twain Erry part baa b w aoou ararlas-Bal to cop with the irvoga T war It caxrtea fuCy 1V praada nort iA 4ttJ wevgbt tha cu.WMcai tnetaa of cvnrurAiz4 capary Tta trwJk will be aaed cf haaXj tot th anxf aad -J at b p,4 th rurket. garrerameat of frf-nua aay. lica J 4 -Im fcaertwW weathC it la aal tb truck ie baavited for nurml Um UattM of th larr aaavunt of gaa ouae avd c.J reqwired for It operaliua. Alao. M at aad HM tint fclnea which hare rn f.-e owe of their pateet far U d.. atiputed liua tha ivrw truca waa to b for gcrmnier.t uae ociy la outw.'d Oeaavo. tie nuchir- rep. rears ra ro ra!ieaJ opwxtr from the uaual Buytor amy traca. However, every part ha been ao ataailarttized taai bow th C.-t rdrr of UMi truck are delivered u Uw army, tt ta aal tney exdiki aJ! be torn tiows. the pasta nixed logaq-im.fiateiy aod U ooCTiplete track r'e xnljUA 1. . IKJCCHTH MKXK.. roNHiL who iicnus IMKRICAN lKKT LAW New ro.-k. Im-X. Jeu Martinez. a Mexwn, ixit who aJv in an Ameri J citizen, who ha refue to comply with th aeiective draft law on the ground that he i Mexicaji vlte t-onnul here, aa rreatel by federal agent. He arraigived b-f're a United Ktate commamvmKT and held in f 5 000 bail for examination. KI KSIAN KII.V.V hTKIKKKH AKK f.KiNTKH TIIKIK IIKMt.MrS Petrfrrad. l.-t. - The railway m-n' .rik has caol the Kuvernrrient to d-Me to grarit the Ifw.reased wage de. manded a from c-ptcmle-r 1. This win necessitate an exper.diture of "iO.009 rubles, and which the government ha deciled to meet by r9urar.gment of railway rate. Kimulun"uaiy the gor err ment will promulgate a law provl.t ing for special f'xx! supplies f'jr milrrxuJ men. Imki rtrfiorta ate that only the M'jscW and Petroarad railway syatem are affected by the strike and that work men on other lines are protecting against the strike. OKfAIIOM A CHAKTKKH. (klatujma City, Oct. . Secretary of Hiate J. L. Lyon ha lasued the fol lowing charters: lilliman IMp Line Comrsiny, Cush- ing; capital f 10,000. Incorporators: C. K. Hlilman and C. L. Clark, Cunning. Owatonna Oil Company, Oklahoma City; capital $40,000. Incorporator.- A. C. McCoIl, O. U. Hteen and Joseph Y. Kvana, Oklahoma, City. Franklin Oil and Ieyelopmr,t Com pany. Nowata capital .10,00. Incorpo ratom: J. F. Foltz, Nowata; J. f). KIls- worth and W. It. Kllsworth. Hutchin son. Kan. Ine Jack Oil Company. Ardmoic; caoital 1300,040. Incorporators: H. K. Wley. Kuth Ha ven, Kan.; Vernon Jis. Kansas City, Mt. and M. L. Opjieriid, lilackwell. IIKI-r:KHll M.W QI IT. AmNterdam, tM-.t. . There is grow ln dbijdeasure in Oerma par.'la mertary clrclt-s againttt Ir. Helffericb owing to Haturday' event In the relet tag. The Anzeiger it Ihisseldorf print a report that It. Helfferich will rexigi the vice-chancellorship In a few week If not sooner. Itooins 19 and II Phone I Its .Vow Open THE BEAUTY SHOP Mi tit Mabel Thornton, Proprietress Ne RrMlgman Building Order Taaen for AH Kind of Hair (kKxlx S MtnkjuriD8 tor I,11mi f;itWjien. ANNOUNCEMOrr A lecture on Christian Science will be delivered at the new Convention hall by Clarence W. C h a d w i c k Thursday night, October 11, at 8 o'clock. Admission free; no collection for any purpose. You are cor dially invited to come. Mr. Chadwick is a member of the Board of Lecturers of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ Scien tist of Boston, Mass. I IIE17S OF F.1ADILL TON I.ISVJ IN THT TOWN. inaii n aaal aty sUAacer . ft I I aaarart far ftarvey aMe Ualer Ked (raw Mart t He- aameat iM-aff rorTidri!c Jul Okla, fart f Mir ta Ibaiea f OAUM have been giBAed by tkt Hadill gin thi aeaaoo. Th crop jt th wectave cxasetdered aa averag. whxrh iwaat taat MadiJ wtl receive ev era! thousand more bala. Cctoo ki aeCicg o th atreet today at 2 cU ard ed at f4 per Ion r:r kING KIXJET HOM rrrr watks ahnk To itmiuwwtvT( and city manager ar exrted t toon enter into a coo irt ih aa eagineermg cocnpaBy fjr a Mirtf of aU th avaiiaih water lte adjacent to the city and for an estimate of the t'mX of bringing th water to the station, or mil wt of town. Th prelaminary work will take about two week, after which it t proposed to call a bond election to ot a bond Issue of sufficient atr to aecur an adequate and permanent water supply. lladin ar now experiencing ita second watvr famine In th past twelve month th pr-nt one being th moat serious In the meantim the commlsaiorter ar mak.r.g testa of local wella with th hope of finUnig well uffidntly stron to relieve th present situation. All mell in th residence section are fur niching sufficient water for all domes- tic purrxt. lied ( row hupervhor Named. ilr. K. K. Ititljon has been appint.e supervisor of tha women" work of th Ped rrtj Knitting club have bee organised anl a sewing room will be jopen within the next few day. l 'tf rials have leen ord-red f'r garment The taiKliall county Red Croea chap tr ha more than 4M member and ha made more than 1J0 comfort bars for Jnoldlerii. A Mtt whU h ha l-een pUcd 'on the corner tt the M.vlill National tor.k wh-re all xample from bal ot cotton and all wante crdton i placel, i. I roving a success, as several ooiiars worth f cotton ha already Ieen re ceived. Note and Personal. iunalr David Russell has b-n n' tifiwl by the i!eiartment that in the fu lure the lladill offite will be known at a central counting office, having Juris diction over all office In the county. An other county office will secure their j supplies here and make their report to mi oince. It is uniieratuod that a paving ariil mmn he circulated for xlgna turea. asking the city commissioner to call an election to vote oona ior im r,vintr of the souare and th street leading from the Frisco depot to the court hou. The following real estate tranife; have been recorded thi week: Chocta and Chickasaw Nation -P Joseph V. earner. 10 acre m section is w Kaxtman Kaney et al to Joanna Jeffer -A.n An ut-rt-M in section ?2. 8 e.: Jo anna Jff-ron et al to Eastman Kan-- Pay 0 Cash Pay Less Buy your meats and groceries here, where you can get them at cash prices for cash. BOTH STORES DUNCAN'S CAKIl OROCERT AND MBAT MARKET Phones 673, Kit. 1123 OCR VULCANIZING KQLIPMKVT la thoroughly modern and corn plots. Wi have ample facilities for doing work quickly and efficiently. Erickson & Priddy Tire Co. The New Poatoffice la Opponit U. MECHNICOFF Is not a Grnian ubtnarlna but tha World' greatest tnUk authority. II nays that Centrifugal Clartrica tion la th BEST MILK INSURANCE. OBTAIN ABLE. We ar th xc!ulv user of thl process. PRIMROSE DAIRY FARM 3MOKT WOODS. Prop. Phon 4 tO. DAILY ARDtToEITE acres, is W ; Kam-wiji Kaaey t al j Roder t Mis Tbte Htsur -f Vt Abe V. itavAs. V met ta serts WuwrvCke-. W. P. M to Ml Lfl-- rj. t l VtAm akMa-tar e al to A. J. ' Chaney of LeAao-aa. ITywt. acra ssctioa IT. 1M acre set j t II sad 1 acre ectoa II. U S: Couaty CVrk l"-r1 Ayr ha returned Akx Jeffens t al to A. J. Klynt. tmtn a visit with hi pareat at Wood- arrea secttoa II. 1W sT semao It. ! U1. acrs ra 1J. 7 ' V. It. i: v - aeat to Ardae anl . Th fofTowiiig maxrug been ha(New linaVtta yesterday a a bosices bee asrd I'roos th rvurt rlerk affkv. J. P. M'rruoA of Wuodrt. fJkla.. ta, Mm T2t Thotnt-k of Ifc J ! mms ff.x.:7. and Hear the Columbia Grafonola While buying a phonograph is a serious business in a. way, every dealer in Columbia Grafonolas knows how to make your time pass pleasantly while you are in the Columbia salesrooms. You buy a phonograph for your home, and you should feel at home when you are shopping for one. Go to the Columbia dealer's and make yourself at home. Play the instrument as if it were your own. Ask fonany record in the list as if you'owned-them all. Play the ones you like as often as you feel inclined to. Walk right up to the Columbia Grafonola, wind it, change the needles, regulate the tone-leaves you will find them only on the Cglumbia Grafonola. Put on and take off the records and dont be afraid of hurting the instrument. While the salesman will do all this for you if you want him to, he will be happy to have you learn to operate the Columbia then and there. Take all the time you want. If you should prefer to make up your mind about buying at home, an instrument will be sent to your home for you to try. There is no charge for this. No obligation to buy is incurred. Know the Columbia. Get acquainted with it, ask questions about Tt, take your time, and the experience of buying a phono graph will be one you'll always look back upon with pleasure. Columbia Grafonolas are priced at SIS to S350 COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY. New York tr-.p I"W" ' beng perfected b) th pas- and Double Take a lr and rorrrcathio of th Vethodl-d church to boM a rv1al meeting at an ,r!y data. It pJanned t secure th? I -rryi of aa rjre.iet ! J,j p Kearviea tr .--sailed bsines !a I' ser-ly I if f. '.m. Aethonr at th 'er la Mtrean with relatives. i if ttariajvf- court detnoatratn agent, rrtarn-d yesterday tntn Hher- -Disc Records ' I Holiday TwUmy, October 9, 117. I Mft,r. h Wrflt iO aW-l uiwi .hip tn ' Mafh-II rounty exhrt-t l.hown at the Ited Hlvr Vally fair I Mr J M. Jenkln si-ndirg t;, seek hi Kern. Texas ... iiim1 the ooib.t i tv. v. r. l for th UaptiM .ngrgtk.n at lLt--i 'Sunday. Carl ayh. -ity clik. ik-t.rg i Mc A tester this week.