Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, October 20, 1917. DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE FIV3 OIL AND OIL PRICES MklContinrat Oklahoma anil Kanra ......... , Haaldton . . ........ i JO North Texas and Panhandle Etoetra .-...... .. J.M linn lint (a . 1.00 . Moran . j.oo : TarnJl ' , ... t oo Oars loans light 0 Oonrtcana crude , t o: Htruwn . 130 Outdo Pool Is and abova..........'... 2.00 Da Unto Field 31 and abova . . . . l.oo CaJdit crude . . ... i.oo Crirhton cruila ....... 1.00 Northern Tuulniana 16 to S7. . JJ to J4.9 Gull Coast 1.90 1$G 11.01 1 00 1.00 .95 1.00 100 2 38 2.40 1.10 2.11 1.9S 2.11 2.01 1 ' Hour Luks...$1.00 Humble 100 Markham ... 1.00 Vinton 10C Jennings ... 1.0ft Hpiiulleinp ' .. Saratoga .... fatson F.dgerly .... Dayton ..... C-ISltH Crwk . Wooster .... Somerset ... Raglund .... lllliuiia ImllHna ..... Princeton ... l'lymouth ... Kaslcrti Stale Punn. 1X0 Mercer blk... J 21 Cabell . 1.68 Corning .... 2.00 North Limn 1.08 South Llma..t.0s Petrolla (Canadian) This Fox district. lM-at-t north of llculdlon in Carter county, stands sic- ond in the Hlate in gns production. The Itluckwcll area iititmlH first in khm pro duction ami Fox second. The aan)K lit Fox are. thicker, the gas wells are likely to be longer livt and when as many wells have been drilled a have been hilled at 1 Hack well Fox may take nrnt place in the state in the production- or kbji. The Low Star ia company has made the announcement that Its line from Gainesville to IHxlo will be com pleted by the first of November. Thin line ia a 16 Inrh from Dixie it will be built into Loco and Into Fox.' The Allen pool, located In 5 north and east. In I'ontotoc county, promises to become a more Interesting nrea. The K. C. Oil compRny ha lirouKht In the beat well In that area, which extendi the pool a- mile west and other wells are starting on that -side-of production. . The wellH are 7!0'foet deepl the ' production averages about 20 barrels, the oil has i ready mnrket at the wells at I1.R0. The Crystal White Kenning company has boon acqulrel by W. M. Bonner of Oklahoma. City and J. 8. Mullen of An) mo re. The refinery operate at Al len and is capable of handling the en tire output of the field. The principal operating company there, the K. C. Oil company, has been acquired by Simon WeHthelmer and his associate and Mr. Westhelmer hi president of the com pany. Several string of tools are op erating in the field, and the new pro ducer a mile from the old area lends much encouragement to operators. Ton totoc county has been very alow in com-' ing to the front as an oil area, but the county has a nice gas production. But the failure to uncover a real oil Held has discouraged some of the operators. K. 1'. Barker, vice president and gen eral manager of the Baltimore Finance company, of Baltimore, Md., is here to day accompanied hy his company's geol ogist. Col. J. M. Sullivan. Mr. Marker is here looking over llealdton proper ties with a view of making purchases of production. It I very likely that his company will enter the southern fields with the drill and will become an im IKirtant fnctor in further development vt this area. Hugh A. Iyedlietter. of this cit. has recently acquired 1350 acres of oil lands in the shallow area in Rogers and Craig i-oiintles. near the town of Chelsea In 24 and 25 north and 17 east. The prop erty .icquired has four producing wi-lhi lit this time, l'hillp B. HopMnH. of Muskogee, a member of the constitu tional convention, has entered into a contract to take charge of the property and Is developing it. Activities are to he begun at once J. V. Darby, also of .Muskogee, will be associated with Mr. Hopkins in the development work. lcal Interest is still being In the Kortuna well near Cement. In section 31 6n9w. The well Is mukiug more than 30.000.000 feet of gas nnd there is n domand for acreage these. (Suy T. I.dbetter and Knot Dunlap. of Ardmore. and W. A. Ledbettur. of Oklu I'oma City, own a lurgt acreage Fur- oundlng the ni w well. Franklin Phillips No. 2 Dougherty. In section 29 2-3. in the Fox district. Is at a depth of 1715 feet and is on top of a heavy gas sand. The 15-inch pas has been pulled and the 12-Inch is now being removed from the wll. The sand will' be penetrated with the drill when tho outside casing has been pull ed. No. 4 on the same farm Is making from four to 'five million feet of gas at 1475 feet and is being underreamed before the drill is sent into the sand. These nre days when the oil men re Mort to duck hunting 'or :-eTeHion. J. K. Davis, of the Umpire oumi.nnv. on the Kaves lake, near J'oo.ei Hie. bagged thirteen line ones. A party of four composed of B. A. Simps in. C. R. Sykes. W. D. Totter and R. 1. 1-i'and have returned from the Thuckerv'lio lake on Red river, where thev spent three days duck hunting. They had" the Hrt of killing the limit every -'' and tould have taken more, but the law created a limitation on the sort- The Ardmore district has been givtu KELLY BROWN Attorney at Law Muskogee, OkUu GAS NEWS recognition In the Mid-Continent Oil Men's awwM-lHtlon recently orgtinlxed at Tulsa by the itlaelng of the name "l' I. C. Dings, of the tiut. company, on the list of member of the txneutive committee. I J. Milhurn and J. W. Ilarreld, of the llonutokle Oil company, are here to uay on company business from Okla homa City. QIAKKK.H MINTKKATKI) AT CANTO.NMF.NTM, IH CLAIM TO CONVKNTION OK CIIIRCII Itichmonil. Ind., Oct. 20. Allegatam that Quakers at some of the training camps are being brutally treated be cause of their stand with regard to Mir tlclpation in military drills, have been made lit sessions of the live-year meet ing of Friends, the national governing body of the church. In convention here today. AI.SATItNS IIKSTKOl I'OSTF.RS OF t.F.N. VON IIINTIKNHl IMc Shew Haired of Hun Officer On Ills Birthday Aunlvermtry. Washington, (let. 20. Advli-e reach ing here from hull.eiliwid say Die poo pie of Htrasslnirg, Jlloti and other pointf. in Aleu.-e In r ilnt , roniond "I with a general outl.iir-t i.f nntM 'crnum fed Ing to cttemptH to part of '.lie n. Ciornmn war loan and celebrate II: hirtliilay of von llindenhiirg. In spite of the terror that the I'ru.i slan military nutlmrirli s have priHlin t 1 in the countr on the occasion of ti e hii'tlnlay of Von llindcnhtirg, October I. many posters hei.rlng the likeness ef the Hun general were torn down i. Strussliurg. At Mi U. the ol'lii 'Kl iel vert isements and poi ters of the nov -v.-.r loan also were ripped to ilecc. OhIAIIOMA TITY DAIKYMKN WIN FlftllT AGAINST CITY New Ordinance Kegulaling Trice l)e rlitred Infringvinent. Oklahoma City, Ot:t. 20. City ofllclals have given up their fh,ht for chettiwr milk following the decision of Spoclnl District Judge Crump that the new city ordinance, fixing the maximum price at eleven vcents a nuart, was unconstitu tional. Judge Crump held that the ordinance infringed on the; duties of the national food administrator. The decision came as the result of an appeal of V K. Wattors, local dairy man, for a writ of habeas corpus to secure his release after he had been arrested and fined by municipal authori ties to test the constitutionality of the ordinance. KLI) CKOSS OFFICIALS TO TOIK MILTHF.KN STAItS Washington, Oct. 20. In order to make a personal report to the people of. the Southern and New England states of the manner In which the Red Cross war fund is being expended and to give a (totalled account of the Red Cro.-m activities during the past six months, Henry P. Davison, chairman of the Red Cross war council, and Harvey D. Gibson, general manager of the American Red Cross, are planning to visit the Red Cross division head quarters at Atlanta, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore, ending their speaking tour through the west, which began today. CAM HON BKCLAKL'S AMKKICA WANTKI) IN ALLY CONF KKK( K I'arir. Oct. 20. Commenting on the iiinounci ment from Washington as to il. ,i,.i:.initif v tf Ihn ITnit.l Sllnti'. iiini- representist In the next ailleii cjiiicr enccs. Jules Cnnibon, secretary the minister of foreign affairs, s.v'd: "'Vc are not merely di siroUii of hccIh-t the United States participate, hut such pi ticlpation is absolutely necessary, men the essential importance of the roio the I'tilted States will play not only in the war. but In the settlement that will fol low." ILLINOIS KLh'VKN AND WISCONSIN PLAY TODAY Crliana, III., Oct. 20. Tbii is home coming week nt the University of Illi nois, the culminating evert of which is the annual football gume toCay with the University of Wisconsin. Coach Zuppke asserts the Illinois team Is out weighed, but to offset this advantage he has developed a fast, shifty eleven, the nucleus of which Is live veterans from Inst year. Coach Richards and his squad from Madison arrived hero yes terday afternoon in time for a light workout. MSCOVK.KF.K OF liAKDKN OF TIIK CODS IS Dh'AD Colorado Sprlnps, Colo., Oct. 20. Melunchton Sayre Beach, who,' with his purtner. Rufus Cable, of Dnnvcr. dis covered the Carden of tho Cods, near here, died here last night, aged 83. MINNESOTA PLAYS INDIANA. Minneapolis. Oct, 20. Mlnnestota and Indiana clashed on Northrop Field here today with Minnesota supporters pre dicting the elimination of tho Hoosiers from the conference championship race: Although the (lophers were outweighed. Coach Stiilim Insisted the Indiana squint was badly crippled and probably would lie unable to play up to usual form. NEBRASKA MEETS NOTRE DAME, Lincoln, Neb.. Oct. 20. The Universi ty of Nebraska football team meets Notre Ihtme here today in what follow ers of the Nebraskan say will be one j of the team's hardest games of the . season. Claim Bandits Kill KM Passengers. London. (Vt. 20 A dispatch to the ' Times from Odessa says 100 imssengers J were killed or wounded on a train held up by 2'0 arme ! brigands near Viadi- j kavkaz In the Caucasus. I SNUG IN VELVET AND FUR lip": .V.. ? t 4- 4 , - .'V.s.V'l. Talk alsiut Imlian .iiimiwr what been enjoying'" That is all the women and huts enjoyed It. Of course, one can at a pinch, umke her summer furs uo until Christinas, hut straw hats really must be put away until after New War.:. It ought not to le hard to renounce even n very bocoinlni struw hat in favor of this Is'wltehlng hat of soft velvet. mm .Wl LIVESTOCK. Kausus City Markrt Kansas City, Oct. 20 H.- Ke celpts 1,01)0; 16 lower: Ik'iv - iI "5 (lii.7;'i: light 1 5.00.' I S :.'); pit. H 00 14.&0. CATTLK: lUs't-lpts i ioo. Steady, i'rinjv fed .teers 15.r"ii lo.Tr, di-essed beef Mccra M.00W 15.0U; ionth ern steers 6.7y H.f.'O: cows 5.00 s.i ft; heifers 6Ma 12.30; slockwx R.L'5f 10.00; calves 6.r,ol:;.ro. .IJKKl': Ktreipts 1.000; steady. Ijindis 1 ?.00.''i ;.ilfi; e:ir-. lings 1 2.00 trl ."l.r.ii; wethers H.ooi U.r.ii: ewes lo.OQTf ,i.r,o; Kuvk. r R.tri fi IT."".. liii;ieo LKettM-k. Cliicieo, Ik!. 10.- Il,fs: tti';vi,-.ts 11.. UOli; idow; bulk, 15.0n5j 1.:',S; M'.tlit. M.R.'i iffUJ.W'; mixed M.'iOti H.7.; i:niv.v, 1 H.rtO; rough, !-!.,.H.wi',.iu: .-s, W 14.25. Cattle: Keo:,i;s, V.ikm'i; ik. l!::(l ,0.S,olni.ldli.v,. N:i- five steers, 1r. a l.V); wi-tM ii vteers, 5.90Tf!13.iri; stickers and fe.(l-i li.Oiofi' 11.40; cows' n iid heil'irs. 4.7'ii 11 .SO; calves, 9.0Ufi'Tt.0H. Sheep: Receipts V.nPO: ve'ik. Weth ers. 9.ll0(i 12. 'J0; lamos, I5.7-i 1 .J(V ;i:IN AM) PROVISIONS. Chicago, Oct. 2U. Favorable condi tions for the ui'proiich cf husking in tile main sections of the coi n licit aided today in easing down prices. Besides, good returns were noted from fields where the burking had already liein done, notably central Ohio, where un average of fifty bushels an acre w;is produced. In addition, the general fore cast pointed to welcome fair weather and low temperature during the next thirty-six hours. Cperilis.'r prices which ranged the same f:om yeslordny'a finish to 38 cents off with December, $1.15 1-8 to 1.15 3K and May 1.11 1-S to 1.04 1-4. were followed hy moderate declines nil around. Oats Weaken. Oats sympathized with weakness of corn. A majority of pit traders leaned to the holding side. Provisions Ixiwer. Lower quotations on hogs depressed the provision market. Assertions were current-that the supply of hogs for feeding was larger than had been ger. era'ly supposed. COTTON. .New Orleans Market. New Orleans. Oct. 20. Frort at many isjints in the belt caused buying on the operling of . the . cotton market here to day, but the resulting rise amounted to only 10 to 17 ioints. Idealizing met the Improvement, and at the end of tho first half hour trading months were 12 to 18 points under the level of yes terday's close. Offerings of short cotton, liased on expectation of a prolonged reaction on the part of the benrlsh" tr-nlers. weighed further ngnlnst values and later in the session the market stood at a net loss of 24 to 27 iwiints. The market closed steady at a decline of 19 to 27 points. HIsli Octob-T '-7-21 Pecemlier 28.30 January ,...28.18 March 28.04 Mav 2605 low Close 27.24 27.2S 28.00 28.02 25.77 25.R4 25.78 25.113 25.77 25.7i New York Cotton. New York. Oct, 20. Reactionary sen timent was reflected In a good deal of realizing in the cotton mnrket eurly today. The opening was barely steady at an advance of "one point to a decline nf 17 points, and the nctlve months sold 16 to 23 point net lower, shortly after the call with IVmWr touching 27. 3S nnd January 2.PS. The wmi ; he" mar. l:aJ f"n.t in MM 1 -t'-v.A' " v ; 'ii' r:v;::.-vi - C'oiic Service about this Siberian'er wenthyr we've who hod thriftily laid in their winter fur p.irt;i of the eastern belt. There were aJsj rumor. that n southern authority ivid retui-ned indicating 5,62,O00 bales .,inn.'-l. prl r to (K-tob r is, e.nil pointed to a crop of 11.036 000'.s without takliu; into unoollnt the last cold snap. Bullish crop advices, however, seemed to iiuve Iimi force us an immediutc mar ke: influence, and the tone was unset (luting the first hour. IWlizing continued lute in the acs ion with December selling off to 17.20 and January to 27.C9, or 34 to 35 points net lower, notwithstanding the bullish u vertigo of crop and stot news. The close was a few points tip from the low e.jt on covering with the tone ste.-idy at a net advance . of 1 point on October, but gtiii-r.'Ul;.- 10 fi 25 points net bwr. Th- tirirki-t cio-iU steny: HIeh Oe!ih.-r ...2N.'.-0 De-imls'. '-.UT.liO .l.'tnunrv - ,,-.V7.?-Marci M-iy 2.73 l.o ,v ?'5.C0 V7.20 2:.7' :.$ 20. IS Cli. H.' 2. '.23 2u.8 2.6 New ork Siwf Cotton. NI.v Vurk I I,.! '.'O ?lllit Cfltlilll O-jfl-t i I I'KODI ( K. y K.uit-as City. (let. 20. Better. ei;gb. IK'iiltrv: I'nchiniacd. rot.ico'K: ;!o.v, fl.5. hAKTIUJl AKK SOMhWIIKKF.. Wa - hlngton. '.. 20. An earthquake of ,'oine intensity and lasting more than an hour, was reportcJ today hy : the Georgetown seismoIo:ieal oherva-j too-. It whs about 2.00D miles from ' Wushingtdn and began at 11:43 a. m. J yesterday. The maximum vibrations were recorded between 11:52 and 11:53 a. m., nnd the tremors died away about 1 p. m. CLAIM SI CAR NOT HOAKDl.l). New York, Oct. 20. A statement is sued here on behalf of rellners. y, bile conci-ding a sugar scarcity, which, It says. Is temporary, declares there Is no hoarding by producers, wholesalers. 1 PLENTY BAUS FOR SIOAK. Washington, Oct, SO. Through co operation of the British admiralty wfth the United states food administration, a plentiful supply - of Jute bags for handling the coming Cuban sugar crap is now ;ueured, it was announced to day. ' Yk-ksbunr Reunion Clowe. Vlcksburg. Miss., Oct. 20. Tlie na tional memorial reunion of the blue and gray, which opened here last Tues day, was brought to a close late yester day with eeremonles. Representative J. W. Collier of Mississippi made a pa triotic uddrcss and F. M. Thompson of Rock Rapids. Iowa, gave reminiscence:! of the late .Ino. F. Merry, who was one of the principal workers for the estab lishment of the Vlcksburg military park. German Socialist I"Brt.v Dwindles. Washington. Oct. 20. Recrimination and factional strife mark the dully pro gress of the (ienusn socialist confer ence at Wurzburg. according to ofliciai cabled reports received here. Th:U the war has greatly injured the SfcM-iallrt party was asserted by prominent mem-; liers. who iminted to reducte ns Ir tho membership of the o-lohstag. i:chridc? man was aecHirl openly of undue '''' eminent leaning. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BllLDERS. Before beginning work An a structure of any kind, you must obtain a building rermit In accordance with section 2 of Osdinance No. 198 of the city of Ardmore. or the penalty of a fine of from $10 to $100 will be enforced. . Permits can t" obtiined at my os'ftVc in the citv hall. W. D. TALIAFERRO. 'v7-i Buliding Inspector. SUNDAY SERVICES HI'Hlll. ADIIKKSNKM MMSC, I'K TKIOTIC LINKS IN fill K( IIFH. Mlnilr4 Are Devoted I Cause and They Will Ulv Conslderabla Time to linNrewlnc Congrrgallou Wkh Need at ImmedUl Action. ' 'There will be sie-tal services on the iin of patriotism, and rh opisirtunlty for every cltlxcn to respond to the call by the novernment for the purchase of Liberty Bonds, at every church In the city of Ardmore tomorrow, .nd sur. rounding communities. Ministers of this city are devoted to this cause and their talks will be fur the purpose of impressing the people with the great duty und urgent necessity of Immedioto reHlxmne. Broadway Baptist. Illhle School at (U0 a. m. Young IVople's mt-eting nt':.1t p. m. l'uhllc worship at !0:ti a. m. und 7:30 p. m. I Topic of the morning address will be "Something Worth Hearing." The eve hi'irf subject will Is- "N There to !! u .Mllleniiinni'.'" which ii the second of ja i ;ii;i on 'Thinfcn to Come." ! SI. I'hiiip's KplMopal. i tforoei- i: S. V. and .Mel.ixhl I ' 'Inly Communion will lie celebrated ) nt 7:'I0 u. in. Morning prayer Willi se:-- nmri ei M. subject, "The I'.n-able of the '.'iurrluve huppcr." Su:ii.ty chisl will ! meet lit 0 -15. . i". w. ;i.i::n now us. ii.vtor. ClirMlan KcieiKT. (Ihoudwny and D Street N. W.) Sunday services. II a. m. Hubject. "Doctrine of Atonement." Cnklcn text: llebrewii 10:22. Sunday School e.t 10 a. m. Wedin-s-ilsy evening testimonial, S o'clock. AtMM'Lileri Bible Students. a t.. 0 . . .1 . .. ..a j, ; ,. c, . , T. 4W U Street northwest Sunday 50 ! p. m. for looune subject. 'The Lt iinomy Tiich Is to Be Destroyed." j sundav evening at 70 o'cl.Kk. corner! Tenth avenue and B street, there w, be Bireini Bible study. 'The New Cre- atlon." Wednesday evening pmyer and nf 7-in Krld.t.. evnnlnir lien an Bible study, "The Klnished Mys-1 tery," at 7:30. I tarler .Avenue .Meuiouisi. j Isim.liiv Kclirwil nt 9-1i ii m Kownrth I League at 6:30 p. m. l'ublic worship at 11 a .m. and 7 JO m.; .nhWI In th fnrnnnnn "Thf Indispensable Requisites of a Success- wounuen ri-encn aoioiers. noimiesa rci ful Life." j Ujjees tnd'American hospiuils In Francs, The theme of the pastor in the eve- wn down with tho British steamer ... ... If U 4AM.V1WU V... n 1 - , 1... .ning will be. "Tlie universal Atone- ment mii'.to by Jesus Christ." W. T. FKKKMAN. Pastor. Brojdway Melliodlst. Sundjy Schiwl at 9:4'i a. m. Pre ich- ini. at II o'clocl; by the imstor.. Tho nioi niog m- -vi; ha Iven sieciuliy ar- ra;iK"l to:- mothe . rf of Ardmore. The I sermon w ill be o:i this theme. ".Mother." j R nahAW will :dng a sons of mother; jono of his own comiiositioiis. ' A irceia: service for the young peo J pie of ArdiKore will be conducted by Mr. Ker.shatv at :t o'clock. Tie i e will i? im merlin;,- of the Klv jwcrih i.'jugu.' on Sunday nisht. ! j At 7 "U p. in. the iKutor. Rev. R. E. L. Jloi'gi'i!. will pre-jc!;. Si;c ial music , l.y i churn I I'hoir, i; iniiuetcd by Mr. Ki iisluiiv. i j On Tuj.-A.ay i.ii.t R.-v. iijiisnnw will give the story of his life and conver- Auto Jack A necessity for every automobile is a good Jack. We.handle the best line made Tell us your Jack troubles. In selecting a Flash Light we would recommend the French Flasher We carry these lights in all sizes. A Flash Light is as necessary to have about your home as it is for the automobile We also have Dash and Trouble Lamps. Oklahoma Oil and Auto Supply Co. ( Incorporated ) Wholesale and Retail DON A. COCHRAN, Gen. Mgr. ilL ii ii iiin-i ii: ru-' m : - iiniir - Mil, i i ; . : i ;i if -ii a,i .UUllllMJIIIIIIIIIUIUIlUIII.UllllliillultltlSHlUUiii ha way, before and after. Hun Ih Anlmisr lUptixt. Hunday Hchool at 9:41 a. m.; sermon at II o'clock, subject, 'The Fpread of in iiHiiei,- U. Y. !. U. at :30 p. m. Kernmn at 7: Jit o'clock, subject, "If Mlnnei flo to Hell, WhryCaresr R U AVKUKTT. IhiHtor. First Christ Ian. (Broadway and A I Bible Fchool at 10 a. m. i-,.mm,.ni,,n an.i nru., hmtf rvlce at II o'clock. Kermon "Why At- tend the liord'a Doy Morning Worship?". Young I'eople'a sjety of Christian Kndeavor at :30 p. m. Kenin worshln at 7:J0 o'clock. Ton- "How Shall We Kpe? OLARKNCK V.. WAONKR. Bastor. In Behalf of Necr BaplKts. To tho Cltlxen of Anhnor I desire to speak a word of appre ciation in behalf of the first Netsro Rap- tlst chun:h. These are worthy and en sion, relating Incident along thi iripriNin hiii-, ..s yw of 235,000. of.whkh Amerhn lg- cltixens. w..t their chun h is a contlnu- urM, t pltn, of ,4, g00 ,)th,.r KllM,H oils source of the very bet Inl1uenres j among their p,,,!,-. To I'I'1 Th," wurllVm vMblll -uppy of Am.rl value Just what the conditions ra now , 2.107.000. va. would lie If this church did not exist. ... . ,,. ..., and had never existed In our city. Thi church Is tie:iilng our belli and Is woi thy of receiving- it. DAVID II. COOI'BK. .Minister llroadwuy Baptist Church. SI'AIN ALLOWS ANOTIIKK HATCH OK SI BMAKINK RIIDKKS TO LSCAI'K Kern. I. Spain, Oct. 20 - Tho coiunvin- 'd'-r und sixteen sailors of the German submarine V13. who were interned northeast of Madrid, huvo escnjied. The si.-ond otticiM and six remalntmr min ors have been placed under fruard. - . clo-e it:knch okfickks akkivk TO TKACH amkkicans ! ofrleer. and 30 men of the rVench . ... . . , 1 1 r 7,' k L I' rench steamship. All members of the have been In active service and muny of them recently have manned K t ie erdun SCCMr. VAST QI ANTITY Sl'KfilCAL SIWLIES AKK liWT I New York, X-t. 20.- Two und :t half million pieces of surgl-al dressings, hospital linen and clorhlr.g on their way rom American ivni Cross women to '""""""i imii j - , montn, it was announced oy me ivco Cross here. , THRIFT Tho one habit modem boya and girls need moat to cultivate la Thrift. We live in an ago where every Inducement Is offered to ex travagance. And the end of extravagance is always bitternet. often want and Buffering, sometimes crime. THE BANK IS THK BEST HELP TOWARD THRIFT. Nothing means more toward the welfare of a young person than a Savings Account. STATE NATIONAL BANK OF ARDMORE "The Bank with the Chime Clock" iiiiiinimiTm?Tn'!n - mm,HTm:irTrTTTTnrTrTTmf'?iiirifrTtiiimtTiirTenittttm.mti - i.MMiitiiM.M.M i i ii ,iii -oi "i i i III: ' m i nni ii . , . " COTTON LETTER i . tKurnilK-1 hy Turner WUaon ft Oi, AnhiMireL II. A, B. Beer suy: As a fitting climux to a week of sen National bullish development I he mar ket went over th top this morning by orin a further slight advane. but tra,h" wer dtspoaed to MdiMs. Cbr .." wmuitenU. small r- action'4oltod In the aballn of nalue towarda, thq clw. Haavy to killing frost oecurred again I over nigni in raunsaa ann ieiiiHantrfi, In northorn and central .Mississippi; in ) the Interior of northern Louisiana, In i northem and oentral Alalaiina, and In , northern Oeorglu, while frosts, nvHtiy light, occurred In the eastern aud tral portioiM of tho Interior of Thxm. Variations In the world's visible suit- ply for all kinds allow a rhitlre hsm - j wltn corr,wmmdlng wA lost before Ust. of which 1J42.000 I In thi United St'ite against 2,001.000 lust yen- und 2,028,000 in 1915; In Kunqie. Iiichnl ing 85,000, comKirHt with 1.241.- 000 one year ago and 1,31)5,000 two yearn ago, of which Livenxsd Is croditml with 412.000 vs. 691.000 In 1910 and 94U.OUO In 1915. Aocorriing to later report lltinl returns to the National 'ilnners' association in dicate only D.22.')00 bulea ginned lo (s.-t. IH. vs. 7.203,000 to corresponding diite lust year and 6,709,000 to even date in 1915, indicating a yield, excluxlvn o$ 1 inters, of only 11.030.000 bales. Tho damage by frost Is estimated at 700,000 to 900.000 haloi. Viie niat'M-ialiaintr of' damaging fronts so fr.y1u.-Dtly in advance of tho averse date, for killing frost in tho Do'rtliern half 'if tlie cotton region has uiRlouhteil iy done seriouH Injury to tho kite crop in that section and will likely prevent tho maturing of any more cotton this year, except, perhaps, Jn scat t ore-1 lo calities. r i Sentiment in more bulllsli than ever, and while hSgbor pricua, jierhapa m:ii hlglicr, are possihlo eventually, it ! realbied that values are at a very high level for this porlod of the season when only a small percentage of tho crop bus been : market!. 4 - - Ofnial advioea to tho eifect that un American transport, under convoy, wan torpedood, hail a depressing effect on sentiment, an it was only yesterday that it was reported that assurance was given that danger to American shipping was -practically eliminated by our naval co-operation. Consequently operator are becoming conaervativo under present conditions and caution lx being advised generally. 1 1 i' i i ' 'i :i :, . i t" ' ! i r " ".-a s