Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, October 27. 1917. DAILY ARDMOREITE SUNDAY SERVICES I'KUKlUt Wit KICCKSH UK AMKIll CAN AKMM AT mi'lUTlKS. ViHtd CmimtvIIoii Drive Will Be Iahnchm! Tomorrow With Ijtyman Speaker In Kuril Church. MrllxNlM Couferenc t (Union lb-Kin. Tomorrow 1m Lllterty Sunday and In accordance with the proclamation of President Wilson thi ministers of the city and their conKrt'Kallun will liulil aiieclal ttrrviiva ut which prayer will bi offered for the huih-ium of th Amer linn arm. The Food conservation campaU-n will be launched In the churches tomorrow. fjiy sisnker wl'l present the cumiMiisn ut enrh of the churches. Ill the fore- niMin ('til. K. U lln-nciy will I. heard at Hi. Philip l-lpus-opal, ami K. K. Cull lot at Ht. Mary's Catholic church, lowing the 10 o'clock muss. Polio win- are. the HMsinniiients of o'li r luy Ne:ilL'i-M for tomorrow iilcht: llroadwity M. K., O. C. Ijislier. Proudwuy Iluptlst. XX'. P. Kre-cman. First Presbyterian. It. I-. IUkiicj. First Christian. V. S. Ollls-it. Carter Avenue M. K., A. I!. Hld.lle. South Ardmore Ituptlst, I. it. Mm -mil . MKTHOIIIKT COXKKKKNCK. The Wit Oklahoma conference of Mcttuxllst Kplscnpul churches tHoiph). will lie hi'ld Ht Clinton lieKlnnlmt XX'i-d-nesday. The Kev. XV. T. Freeman. Carter Ave nue M. K., who lias been at hid present burge four yean, cannot under the rules of the conference, be re-asslgncd ti that charge. Appointments prolmlily will be read a week from .Monday. Oth em from Artimore who will attend the conference are: 11. K. L. Morgan, wts tor Broadway M. K. Church, and Mm. .Morgan; Kev. K. It. Kenshuw of He troll. Mich., who la assisting Ioctor .Morgan in a aerie of special service; W. S. Wolverton. J. A. Bus and It. A. niKH. Bishop II. C Morrison of kcesburg, Florida, will preside ut the conference. Sunday Announcement. Following urn the detailed annnunce iiientu of tomorrow' service: St. rhUln'w KpiM-opul. (K and McLlsh S. V.) Holy comrrlunlon will lie celebrated ut 7:30 a, m. MorniiiK prayer, a social service of intercession, with patriotic und appropriate music, at It o'clock. The Sunday Hehixil will meet at 9:45 o'clock. Immediately following the morning Her vice cards from the food administration will be diMtrlbuted and all communicant are requested to re main for the alter meeting. The choir will meet, for practice, Thursday ut 730 p. m. K. V. f KH.DKN HOWKS. Itoctor. Kirwt Christian. Bible. School tit 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Ten minute talk by Prof. C. V. Richards, subject: "Street vs. Sunday Se-hool in the Life of a Hoy." Ten minute talk by P. V. Jack ion. topic The Cull to Young Men." Ten minute talk by A. Kddleman, sub-ji-ct, "Anlmore for ChriHt." Preaching at 7:"0 p. m. by Claude Kennedy. First l"resb lerLui. The pewH have been received but will not be installed in time for the Sun day services, which will be held in the busemi nt of the new church. Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.; meet ins of se-sslnn ut 10 o'clock; inoniinK worship at 11; Christian Kwleavor at rt:30 p. m.; evening worship at 7::ifl o'clock. CHAItl.KS i'. XVKITII. I 'antor. South Ardmore Baptisl. Sunday School at 9:4."i a. m. Sermon al II o'clock, subject: "The History and Development of ChriHtiaulty." P.. V. P. U. at B::i0 p .m. Sulij-t by I ir. J. K. youn ut S o'clock. I-!. J j. AVKIMCTT. Paxtor. Itroadway Methoiilst. S inn lay School ut 9:4n a. ni. Crenel iiiK Hcrvico ut eleven by the paNtor. Solos by the Ucv. S. H. KenKlmw. Kpworth league will meet nt 6:30 p. nii l'l-e;ichiiiK Kcrvlce ut 7:30 p. ni. A special theme for this clonini; service of the revival campaign. Jewish Temple. Scii, ices will l)e conducted at 7:43 p. rn. by ltabbi lilutt of Oklahoma City. X)NCKK(.ATIM KMMKTFI. ('hrUlian Si lence. (ltrondway and I Street.) . Suinlny nervict s Ht 11 a. m. Subject, 'lrobatlon After Death." Col.lcn text. Pro vet on. 14:27'. Sunday School at 10 X. m. 'Wi'dneHdny eveninif tititimonlal at 8 o'clock. Tarter Avenue MetliiiiliHt. Sunday School at 9:43 a. m. Kpworth lA-aguc ut 6J0 p. m. Public worxhip at 11 a. ni.. anil 7:30 p. m., with Her inonH by the pastor. Ait thin in the last Sunday of bin four years' pastorate, the pator and the con i;reKation would nppreclate a large at tendance. W. T. KKKKMAN. Pantor. Itroadway ItaplUt. In arixinlance with the resolution of ."ongreiis and the proclamation by Pre ident Vllson toiuorrow will Ite observed is a day of prayer for the success of our arms In the pi'cnt war. P.ible School at 9:30 b. in. Toung People's DOUftintt at 6:30 p. in. Public worship at 10:43 H. m. and 7i0 p. m. Morning subject. "The Scepter of Christ's Kingdom," with upecial ref erence to tile president's proclamation, livening theme, "The S.-eoml Cuming f Christ," lelng the third of the series on "Things to Come." PAVI'J II. COOPKH. Minister, The Kev. W. J. IlatHeld. I. of Oklahoma City, will hold vci vices in tiie ut 7:30 AieHM-lalnl lllble HlurfenU. Associated llllibi Students meet ut 403 It Street northwest, Sunday tit 2:30 p. tn. for at wly In "Talmrnncla Hhrnl owa." Sunday evening at 7-10 o'clmk. corner Tenth avenue and II street, them will be IJcrean Ulble Study, 'Tho New Creation." Wednesday evening prayer and praise service at 7:30. Friday evo nlng. Itereun lllble Study, "The Kliih-hed Mystery," at 7:30. IJVKST()(K. Kansas City, vt, 17. lioi;;i: Keeciitfa. .100; ctendy. Ibilk. IS 2lh 10.25; heavy. 16.2jHKS.S0; lllit. IS 0(11 IHl'd; j.k.h. 11.0014.50. Cuttle: Kiceipts, 1300 steady. Prime fed sti-erw, li.Ml! lti.75; dressed lsf steers. 11.00 15.00; southern titi-ers. 7.0liI U.OH; mwi, i...S"1i 10 U'l; heifers, .5012.00; s(J)ck rs, li .'.O a 12.0C: caUes. H.5II (ll 13. DO. Sheep: lb-ctdpts, 20(i rt.-oug, f-iinoil, l.00ffi 16.85; .vcarlins-N. I l.f.0i; wethers, 10.501 12.50; ewes. It ter I ! .mi; sl'ickers. 7.001 17.25. t.KAIN AMI riCOVISIO.VS. CiiiciiKo, K-t. 27. Ileal y Ml lliim led by home of tho larvest housi-s on 'change caused a sharp break In corn prices today, but th bearish drive was not long continued und the market recover ed most f the losses. Kenewal of rainy weather did a gisd ileal to prevont selling pressure to have a lasting effect, liecember option shew ed much wider fluctuations than the other months. Opening figures, which ranged from 2 1-2 down to l-2c advance-, with December MB 13 to 1.18 12. ami May 1.12 7-8 to 1.13 1-4. were followed by a setback ull around, and then u general rally that In some cases went above yesterday's finish. (lain Are Bearish. - Oats were governed by the action In corn. Tho same concerns that wild corn tiKik the bear side in oats. Provisions Stiffen. Provisions averaged higher, owing' to continued scantiness of hog receipts. At the outset, however, pork broke severe ly, influenced by the transient break In corn. COTTON. New Orleans, Oct. 27. (Jenerul selling developed in cotton here today and in the Hist half hour of busliiese active months were dcpi-e.ssed 23 to 28 Hlnts. Better weather over the belt for picking the crop and continued expectations of a reaction from the advance were the main influences. lloavy selling- pressure wns put on the murket following predictions of in creased ginning. Late in the session, prices were 26 to 41 points under yes terday's final quotation. The market closed steady at a decline of Pi to 37 points. High J-oiv Close December 30.31 25.92 23.!fi January ..25.80 25.G1 25.12 March 25.5B 25.40 2S.4 May 25.3 25.19 25.29 July 5.1 S PKOIHTK. Kaiisus City. Oct. 27. l!uttr, eggs, poultry, unchanged. Potatoes, steady, f 1.3.'. to Sl.fin. STi:i:i. MKN PI.KIM.K UIVAl.TV TO (iOVKKNMKNT Teiitoii I'o" Powerful ami Di'spcrate, (ary Says Prophesies ljng War. Cincinnati. Oct. 27. "To win the war our government must have steel ;md inoiv steel. There ls no room for dis loyalty in Americn. I am sure all the members of the American iron nnd Steel Institute are.wholcheuitedly loyal, and I want those who are willing now to pledge themselves to do their utmost for the service of th dr country to inise from their stats." I'nanimously, the 500 ilr.lcgat'.s at tending the convention of the Ameri can Iron anil Steel Iiu-iiMlte jumped to their feet when Judge El'x-rt If. (Jary, president of the institute made his re fluent at the opening session here. The discussions plan for the upbuild ing of stricken KuroiH when the wnr is over. "It fs clear we must prpare for a long continuance of hostilities, declared Judge Oary. "The (e is strong and desperate, and must be overcome b;. physical Ptrcugth and endurance. "Our country and all its allies are in r.eod of every pound of steel which ca be produced. No excuse for neglect. delay or Interruption can be accepted by the government. It is up to us to prove our continued loyalty to the (; eminent." Judge Cary said: "When certain newspapers In New York. Inspired by money that was from vurlous sources, characteiixing leading business men as derelicts, when they criticised the actions of the patriotic inauclers, it is to he wondered that some HiopIe get a false Impression. "If Champ Clark were to k to the oftlccs nnd homes of the bis bankers in New York, If he saw what tiny Mid their wives anJ sons and daughters fire loing for the stipiHirt of their govern mint in this time of war. his opinion would be different. Put I believe Champ "lurk Is a real patriot." K IM:0 l COMPANY 1MU( TKII. New York, tk-t. 27. Indictments ucalimt the .lieblgb Valley Kill road company charging consplrtry to vio late the Klkin interstate ominiciu law. prohttdtlng freight rate conces- .-sin and .liscriminatioiis. were fonn 1 by the fnl ml grand Jury here. I.d the wsnt ad. Kecond Presbyterian church o'rlock tnniori-ow nighl. IP l . T. KF.XIUIAT SI'KAIihlt AT K KA MA X I.IIIKKTV UtS MICrTlX;. ; Johnston County ll Iiik Ore jicd lo Alii In V. M. ('. A. ork al li e lonl V. W. Van Nay, CeiiiUy (iutlriiisn, aud Mayor l.isne lllslrlct (lialnnaii, ! . Ti.ihomiiik'o. Okla., Oct. 27, -ihri lal). V. T. Kexrost. of Anhnore, wua the pi iiuipal sjieuker at a big Liberty bono rally held ut Iteiikuii. twelve miles north of here, lust night. Mr. 1'exroul took us his subject the necessity for the over-subscription to the HH-ond I.lls-rty loan anil the meetiiiK was successftil Insoftir mi siibicrlptious for Isuiiis Is concerned. A largo party of Tl.ihomln men ucconiwiiiei Mr. H,-xront nu bis trip t-i I'eaKuu und patriotic talks weiv also made by Mayor Ned looney. diaries W. Kcuwick, fiunly atiorney. W. I.. K.Ullfr, usi-lhtjiit county at lor lie; , nnd ntbers, IteiiKiin is .M-atel hi the center of the ranch eutitiy of this county ami the meeting was well iit tendinl by well-to-do stockmen who were generous In their !nilwcifption. MAYS trn:s. Disi'.ict leaiiivtir itai:i (, i t ! V. M. C. A., in Tl-bom,n;o yi-Hlerluy olg.ii.lvtliiK the county fur the Y. M. C. A. work in the itiiiles ..t the font. Ml'. Hal lies fit ite ' that the pui'tsise o this or.iiuil-.'itloii .f to sol'cit fundi from each county .if the ftal to l forwarded to heailpmi ters for the usi of the Y. M. C. A. well; urn ng our Miicliers and siiiloiff nt the froct. V. V. Van Ny bus In ii ap;s)iute.i county chairman ui.d .tiijor Ixuey chairiinn or the Tishomingo ili-trict. .M.'-scs l.uella McSwnin. Tut and Hal Jean l!loc!;er are in Ardmore today. mi:tiioiists in kst (Jl'A liTKKLY (OXrKKKNCK T"he ijuurterly isinference of the rroadwny .Methodist chuich. met in the' lavt legular aesiioii of the yejTr last nh;ht at the church. All conference, claims ivi in reiMirtett paid In full and the business i f the conference was com-1 pleti-el. The Kev. J. D. Salter presided. Tim following olllcerii wero elected: Trustees: V. S. olvl ton, J. W. Hoff mann,. Ii. X'. Itmwlnl,-Monis A. Diggs. C. A. WhltohurHt. S.1SK, J. R. AY. Prinks; SuniUiy Schisil Miperintenilent. Oeorse K. I'oulter; stewaiils. X'. S. Wol verton. X". A. Wolverton, Kan Webb. J. A. Itass. II. S. nii-hop, X. W. ltoyte. I a. ii. corm;:, n. x. i'.gKs, u. a. iiow-i anl. J. IT I'oulter. K. C. Ilvbitrn, Mor- j ris Sass, W. W. Taliaferro, J. K. Trist ler, K. IS. Hi id. Itoy Alexander, I.. W. Cruco. I!. XX". j iulie. XI. S. I'orrest. O. ! C. IJtsh'.'r, J. C. McNfi -e, Hanin!, U. W. Kaiulol, K. I. S. M. Me Slough ami Shelton Tyer. Among those who will attend the an nual Session oi thcf-Weit Oklahoma!, conference- at Clinton, .He Dr. and Mrs.) K. K. U Mo'gan, i:- v. S. JI. ltenshaw, ( Detroit. Mich.; f:cv. a;vl Mrs. J. l. ' Salt.:, J. .V. P:ish. XX'. S. Wolverton. K. ' A. Ii'.;cs, Rev. XV. T. Kreeman of Car- i ler Avenue church, and ):. 1. ':' of Iiwreiien chaoe-1. JAPAN AMI C. S. NOT I.IKKI.Y 1(1 Ml 'I'tti V.K Military Critic Tells (ieriuaus in Class Japan Willi Kntente. Copenhagen, f)ct. 27.- 'at)tain von Siilzmiinn, military critic and l-'ar Ka.--t-irn expert of the X'opslch" Xeiluug of I'.eiiin, warns his readers tlvit they no longui have the rii;ht to count uimhi a future war between Julian and the I id led States, which, has becme :r tiei Ide.-L with the averauo Herman anl a cleitnlte element in the guvrnhii't't's poliiical calculations, Tld element, the captain writes, must he eliminated for :i long time at least. a:id tiermany instead must count nism Japan entering Into the Paris eoiMomie agreement me' pav'.li ipate in in ami f'tcrniaii post be'dinn wn-. Captain ion S'al.-.i-.'.-Kiu Klics his tet from the recent :a h hi Loudon of VisivHint Cl'.ia-l.i. Japane ainha --Tlor to Great Ihitniu, in wlo.'h lie v.'i.nid against lli nmn intri :ne for the purpose- of creating friction tictvceii Japan and the I.'nit s! State.-:. Tilt captain also refers to the nego tjittons at Washington of Vi-ouut Ishll, head of the Japanese mission to the United States. Ho sajs Ja;Min and America, taking a lesson from the Ruropenn conflict, m-.iarently bave de termined it is best to settle their ;irol Iems by arbitration and friendly agree ment rather than by costly hostilities and that it looks as thi ugh these- na tions would come to an agreement re. garillng Chine. tkiri tk to wo.xhcn IS SPOKKN P.V NOKTIK IJKr'K Itrllieh Lord Shows How Weaker Sex StipHsris Die Knipire. ;st. 1-onis, Oct. 27. Ixrd NorthclirTe. i head of the Ilritish mission in the I'nil ed States In en a.ldress to the S. Louis Cnainl'i r of Commerce, .-.-'id the alr:ot Ism of the west and Us spirit for the war was a revelation to him, as before h htft New York be bad ls n told that this reetion wns bale henrti d In the struiii'le. Continuing, he sal..: "IHi you unle-i stand how. with live milling men In the hYM. lirit iin maintains her credit and her exports I i as isfore? It has been ci ne only i.y the women of every clas goju ii-t" ;he g;-!-;,t Indilstri;:! plants and proving as etTe.ient .'.s the men. at tasks which, a fear year-; ago, wi re considered Im lHwsible for women. I am not sure that nil these are piois-r tasks for women, b'lt war is mr, and in msry cases the vpirit of the women is stronger tl.iii :h ii- idiystinl strength." .Mmiber of Ve(Tliuir' Ihwnl NaitMiL tiklaboma City. 'V-t. 27. Siverm Willjims hss ap;siiitisi Mc?:h-oy K. 'enii of Oklahoma Cltv s a memlie-r of the lUiard of Veterinary Kjiamirer. lucceilinit Dr. F. H. Ket.-ham. Dr. D.n's term v 111 end Ar.r!! 2 I!20. Tioiiniiiunn ur uonuiviinbu iicwo I CITY NEWS AND VIEWS. I I. M. Putnam fa In Miami. C. M. lluimood Is In tikluhoma City 'ir Kinnklln is In Oklahoma City. Int. r Adams is in tikluhoniu City. A. C. Cruce, of Oklnhonui V'H'. ' vis Itlni; his brother, W, I. t'ruce. Cxl. (iruves Leeper luia leturnisl finm slahmH City, rYud t'isigan'unil Jm- l-athnai en' in Okkihuma Cltyv. flecrge XV. Strswn Is in Oklahonui City. Hurry .Milton lias returned to Angus- i.i. .Kansas. Mis. .1. T. Ch.uicelior is vl.-iting friends I:- Oklahiati.i City. XV. J. t sssldy iii'idt a business trip to Pauls Vi.Hi y toiliy. He will brave to-light for Tusknhnma. J. I.. Skinner, who has been .itteinlinx I' court here has returned to hU ''Willi in H-ildrliville. Mrs. J. XX'. il.irivlil, of oklnhonui City. Is visiting ber motiier. Mrs. J. X". Ward. 22l I' sli-K-t southwest. i Mls Alart.ui tl links, of Sulphur Spiings. Texas, Is vl"itlng .Mr. and Mr.e XV. T. Ward. 316 !' slrwt w'lithwejt. .'dr. and .XI iv. fiu.i sireei northwi'f t, h v Port XX'orth. Texas. , Cobb, 11113 I) turned from l-'urmer Congressman J. S. I :ivenKirt, of Vlnlta. traiiHiicted business in feder.-il court tislay. ' Mrs. i-'r.-deiick P. von Keller and iluugbter, Helen, have n tin ne.1 from l-'ort Worth. Miss Madeline Chamblcss has re-turn- rd to Davis after a visit with Mrs. C. K. Harvey, 2! Kiftli avenue northwest. Charles M. Kvans, of Oklahoma City, is here tislay en route to Texas on a lecture trip. Mr. Kvuns will lecture in Sherman and Creenville. Mrs. Charles Vawtcr bus returned to her home In . Dnvis . after ti - visit here with Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Son, 10 Scott street .outhvcst. Mr. and Mrs. Puul .Moehlmann, 23 I! street, southwest, left this nenm for Kansns City, where they will visit Mrs. .Xloehlmunn's father, J. C. Murray. Walter K. linker. H rotrirKiny. 1 1 1th Hegiment Kngineers, Camp Howie, I-t. XX'orth, Te.e:f, is lu re .for a vhiit with his parents. fbsirre J. Kittcr. of OWuhorvft City. arriv iil ' yesti-nlay to spend two weeks with ihi-i grandrentf, Mr. and Mrs. !. W. Young. 552 Klghth avenue north- West. Mr. and Mr.--. XV. A. Henderson, 3'J It street 'lorthwest. have as their ui-st . Mr.. Henderson's sister, Mrs. J. Kos - Craves, i.f Shawni-s-, and Mrs. liordon Kskridgc and son. John Harrison, of XX"yn::ewoiMl. The iews tor the new Kirst Preslij tiriiin church have arrived and are be- ilig priced Ill ioritfon but will not be ready for tomorrow's si rvice-s, which will lie held in the basement, of the church. The rev M-rvjces which have been in progress the ast k at the P.inud- way Metiiiylist c.liurch will dose tumor row night. The Kev. S. P.. Kenshaiv, of Detroit, wiii tonight deliver a sermon on "The See-oiel Coming of Chrii-t." The' froat of the rock barn, on A stree t northwert, projs rty of The Aril niorcite Publishing Comgiany. is being torn ilown for the of widening the street nt that siint. The bulMijig will le rcmodi led. a new front put in. which will ls eleven feet back of the preset-, t sidewalk line. Mrs. K. H. Smith of Dokchito was hi re today, the guest eifJXIrs. Ida flrtibhs. :;i I North Washington street. Mrs. Smith, who- was formerly Miss Mollle Peel of this city, is en route to Okla homa City, where she will spend a few days. OKLAHOMA CH KTKI5S. Oklahoma City. Oct. 27. Secretary of Slate J. I.. I.yon has issued the follow ing charters: l.uelma Oil ani rjiis company, Okla lioiim City, capital $10,000; incorKrntnrs James V. Kt'is-rsoii, Pl.xmilngton, III.; 1. K. Pope, K. I. Monehaus, Oklahoma City. Robert K. Mee Mining and Develop ment company, T.ilsa. e-apitnl $20,000; fiuiipontors K. K. M.v, J. S. Allison. .M Mustek, Tulsa. Iv.-iJioma iH-veliwment company. Mi ami, eu pi till i.'.A.C'IO; hicoroprators, J. C. Jai,l, Miami; XV. C. Holdemtan. Tulsa; J. i -1,1111, Wagoner. Tropic Ice Machine eonijuiny. Oklc-l-.oiin t :ry, eapl.-al f),00il; incorporu tors K. .1. tlreei:. Rnid; K. K. Cainer, II. C. 'Ceo. tiklalona City. The l.iwton und Kl.itric eo:n- pan, l.wtoii, capita! $.!e0.000; Im-or Ikirators, John C. Keys, J. M. Young. A. Ii. Keys, l-nwti.n. Durii-tt. Floan A Co.. TuIku. c.iiit!il $.".,0rt; iiii-ori.orjtori, .M. V. Dunett, A. Ii. Sliwn. J. A. Denney. TuU. Shirt SI.h v. Oil isaniKiiiy. Oklahoma City: capital t.XO.Oml: ini-oriHil-atol-s. Jo seph .1. Milam. K. C. Milam. Oklahoma City; N. O. Kernel . I'.ritton. The Cumberland Oil and tlas com isii' e.f Musk.ih'ie inrniisiil capital stis-k from J23.000 t. $300,000. The OH H.-n oil coiiipat.y of Okln lionia. Increased capital st.s k from fjy OP" to J.'.O.OOO. The best medium for the situ 3 adver tl.-er-'ths want ada. SULPHUR HAPPENINGS SCHOOL ( IIIIJUiKN MAKK KKKOKT TO HAVK i'OTTON. ITlee Paid C'oltou Pk krr I'lays Havoc With Town Kniployers of Im. bisf. KoisI ( vnservatlon Cainp.ilKn X III Un Inaugurated Manila)'. . Sulphur. Okla.. Oct. 21. -Kprci..l-The ae-hool children who hale been M-r-milled to pick cotton for the lift sc. day ef th month In order to asdst the farmer In gutherlntf the he-ivy rre'p over tills itecllon, are making a splendid slum lug. Help is almost un obtaiuablo her since the farmers are paying $2 a hundred for citton picking. K. Htuurants and hotels, begirding houses and other plu.vs of business are bully crippled. Moro expei't tn leave for th" isxtoix lli'lds next week. The Holds are laden with the Ihss-y staple und bad weather means thousands of dollar loss and tho farmers realize this and must git eve'ry siuiu! into tho Kin they ss slbly eun. The gins here, three of tliem, are working day and night. TALKS LIIIKKTT IvOAN. James S. K's of Oklahoma City. Hit dressed u n pi esentatlve meeting here 1:1 the interest of tho eesrond Liberty loan. ItK.AIIY tOK r ()! (IINSKI.'VATION ( A.XIPAKiN Dr. Strutton D. lirooks of No:-mt-n. Oitlii.. ut the head of til) V. S. Kid Adminlst ration work in tlil.-t state, has i.iKiinted V. N. Cllffonl. secretory -manager of the Sulphur Chamlwr -f Commerce, county manager of the wor,": hi Murray county. Mrs. T. V. tlufford, preiildent of the Sulphur Chic League, has accepted the appointment of county chairman. Committees ure nt work, und on Monday, when the campaign starts, everything will he in n-udinees for the distribution of cards and tak ing of pledges. (iKKMAN NKWSPAI'KBS AKK I V KAHX OVKR KKKNCH ADYANCK Amsterdam, (k-t. 27. Oernian news piiiers are uneasy over the French ud- vancc northeast of Soissons. Those at Cologne say it is imisissllile to minimize the imisirtancc of the French blow. Th Volks Ziltung, however. saa: "XVe must not exagKci-ate- the meaning of the French advance. -IV Is only' an initial success.' MI)i:SXIIl(. (OLLISION KILLS NKUKO HKK.XLXN Mucoii, tia.. Oct. 27. A dense fog was rusiHjnsible for a side-sniping col lision yesterday lje-twcen the Koyal Palm, north bound, and the Kansas City Special, south beiund, on the Southern Itailway at Heed's Station, ten miles south of Macon, in which u negro tire man on the northbound train was in stantly killed und engineer H. K. Mur guy of Macon was. badljj hurt. None of the passengers were seriously Injured. I-AK(.K ItrTASH 1L.NT IN t'TAII lKSTIM)YK Salt Lake City, Oct. 27. A the i.f mysterious origin destroyed the mon ster poUish plant of the Mineral Pro ducts corporation at Alunite, live miles southwest of Miirsville, lTtah. last ni?ht causing a loss estimated at $250,000 and the possible loss of one life. Two men were injured. (iKKMAN (iOVKKNMKNT OWNS AMKKICAN L1IIKKTY BOND Philadelphia. Pa., f k-t. 27 The im-ja-rial Herman government is the owner of a Lils-rty bond. A local attorney has leen bundling funds of Cerman es tates in und about Philadelphia, und in settling one account recently, he hud a bulane-e of $ii0 which belonged to the imperial Herman government. . Ycster day, he applied $30 of that amount to a liberty bond to help the l.'r.lted States to win the war. v I'KOCKKDI MiS OK MF.KTIMJ OF liOAKH OK COINTY COMMIS SIONKKS OK CAKTKK COINTY. (Pub':ishetl Octo'sT 27. 1917) State of Oklahoma, County of Carter, ss: The-Hoard of. County Commission! rs of Carter County, SBile of Okluhomu. met on Oetol-:- 25th. 1517. said meeting be-lng u call meeting, all members of the board being present.- transuded the following business, to-wit: The bids for the construction of thir teen 113) mile of hard-surface road run ning we-st from Ardmore to the Ituyoti were opene-d by tho clerk in the pres ence of the board anl were as follows: Larkin Construction Co. bid $ 98.997.35 Taylor & Walker bid 104,514.93 Western Paving Co. bid 109.850.70 I-aikin Construction Co. being the lowest and lnst bidder, and their bill be ing below the estimate, which was $1Di! S45.65, said contract wna awarded to the-m to construct the above men tioned road. The application of Mackintosh-Walton Company to act as consulting engineer for the $70,000.00 Hewitt Township bond issue was accepted by the heai! and their contract approved. The' board hereby orders the county clei k to advertise, in The Daily Okla- honmn four (4) issue and in the Duily Ardmorcite three (3) Issues for bids to const rue't a h'.rd surface road running north about miles to Springer and west eight IN) miles to XX'ooelfoiti. und ftom Aroinoi-e towards l,ei-wy about nine C.i) miles, approximately Ut oil about 20 miles. Plans am! sis-cillcations to Ih em tile l:i the county clerk's of- m-e. There b ir.rf nothing further t come- Iwforv the Imard at this time it U here by ordeiv I that we stand adjourned uutil our next regular meeting. No-lem'H-r 3;h. 1917. X'it.ies our hands and aval this the 25th day 0 Ootnlier, A. D. 1917. ;. XV. YOl'NG. Chairman Ikuvd of Ceiunty Commis sioner Carter t:ounty. Oklahomu. Attest: Clarence Harris. Se'i County Clerk. conon una (Furnished liy Turner Wilson 4 Co., Ardmore). II. K II. Hour c. The reactionary enainey of tha mur ket wus moio pronounced at th clime of the wiek, with long eontrucU In pro cess of llquldatln.i, and It la feared that lliiuldatkm of spot may follow, causing value to wck u lower levV In the. near future. Week-e-nd statistic we're rather bcur lull. sechilly us rcKurd.-i aplnuers' tak ings of American cotton, now 5H0.0U0 lea than to ien date lust season when total takings for tho season were 13, 611,000 Istles ami It la likely that taking next v-evk will be smaller com Ml red with Inst year'a 445,000, lleeause of the high prks for the taw preslui't mill appe-ar to lie buying from hand to mouth, and It Is liilmoJ that there is a Hhortage of lubor In pinning district owing to the .child lalsir law and tho urmy draft, and as the war proKri-sse still further hard ships in this resMct are likely. A depressing feature of market t' luy whs the monthly report of the New York Journul of Comme-rre, return In dicating only a small percentage ()f tbe crop picked comiHtred with till time one year ago In thu following states. Mississippi 66 v 91, per cent. . Alabama 72 vs. H5 mt cent. Tennessee 45 vs.. 6 per cent. Indicating thut gainings In the future will be heavier than inter this time otic yeur ugo. The very lis-ht giunlnxs to date ure uttrihutf'.l to lateness of the 'crop lo the northern half of the belt and to the scarcity of labor for picking. Tho short age of Held lalmr is reported due to a migration of negro farm hands, the vol unteering and selection of men for mili tary duty, cantonment work and heavy demands for labor In the sawmills, i-ot-ton factories and ' kindred Industrb-K throughout the aoutu. Under the circumstance it is prolmble that there I much to tho claim thut the light ginning so far are mainly due to the lntcne of the crop and scarcity of pickers, and it I possible that the crop may be larger than the light ginning to elate would indicate, und if ginnlngs In the future show much of un Increase, they are likely te have a depressing influence on values. Conservative etlmate are that the crop is about a large a it was last, year and as 1.219,000 bale less than last year have " been brought into sight so far, it follow that receipts arc due to Increase from now on. During the pat week the stoerk at 30 interior town increased 100.000 bales THRIFT '" - -v . 'nie o-.ta habit modem boys and rtrl need must to cultivate to. Thrift., We .live In an age where, every. lndtceuientt offere ta ." traiagancc.' And the end of extravagance Is alway bttternea. want and Buffering, sometimes crime. THE BANK 13 THE BBdT HELF TOWARD THKIFT. Nothing nieans more toward the we)nr mf young person than a Savings Account. STATE NATIONAL BANK OF ARDMORE "The Bank with tba CWoe dock" THE VICTROLA IS THE PERFECT DANCE ORCHESTRA To think of dancing is to think of the Viotrola. It is the ever-ready dance orchestra for all occa sions. It plays any kind of dance music you want and always in perfect dance time. Stop In anel we'll gladly play some of tlm newest Victor laiwo reoonbt And well te'll you how you lain oa-sily. got x Victor or VietroU IH5 to t-IOUb for your .luvwi ri,-ht. iwiw. Bass Furniture and EL B. REID, vs. an litureaae of 50,000 but yaar, an4 tueki at all . Mirt DowlthMtiuWHuar light receipts, inereuneil I4I.M a. Ity. 004 last year, due to small nipnrla. - KHAKI I'NIFOKM ( KKATKM ANOTIIKK -VKI.IOW WMMt' FOK (JIKIJ4, WOMAN MMJKUV Hi-ocktun, Mass., iVt. ST. A state inent by .Mrs. Kullmilne Irnt Htuvismo, president of the MasMtdiustnU IX rsnua Christian TemtMrainm IJnhm that khukl uniform oonstituto a notr jetkw rll in Urn la in I fur the fawimUoa it carrt tin young and wtipolsni gjrts ww rrmA liitu tho oilW-lal nvlnuti-H of tlx atate mnventlon of tho orgiuiixatkMi. The statement has. arwsl protest from hmlhers whose s4 ar-i h th army. KKCTIIOVKN ANTI KACn NTIIX. rOITIAK IN AMKKICA New York, Oct. 27. Although th United States is at war with Omwny the classical tJeriiiuii musical kniilu tton of lioi:thoven and Rich and uttM-r will find plad.- In tho linnjruiu of the chief orchestras of New York, the X'hll- harmonki and Hymphony ws-MU-e. dur ing tht coming sramin. L'mhI la It llostoa Transcript: "Tim itnulKteir can go a way for the summer, but X.V:tn never tukes a vuiaition." "True; but S.ilan can s tarsi the bent a great ileal better thuti the niinfcttor." NOTICK TO CONTILtCnUM.'--Hids for tho oonst:uctiou of upproxl mutely 2l miles of exunty nrads wilt be by the county umnisslin- ers Oi ("inter county, Oklahoma, up to XX'odn-isilay, November 7th, IS17. at 13 o'clock m. Plans and srwcilii-atsms will mi -tn tllo ut the i-isjnty ixmrtboue. A ci)rti;ii chee;k of 6 tier cent nt tb ttinouiil of bid required. I J. W. YtMINC. A 1 test: fhniriMoii. Clarence Harris, Cij.inty lorte. ISI-XI.) Zl-9 "FORD" OWNERS If your lights are bad and your car hard to start, we will test your magneto FREE OF CHARGE with the only. Tester, in town. BILL BROWN'S "The Little Shop Around tbe Corner 29 North Mfll St Carpet Co. Mgr. a ..t3