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I DAILY ARDMOREITE Monday, October 29, 1917. T ACS TWO f i 'i ; 4. - Ml ! F FOOD PLffi IM H "OPENING SMASH" OF BIG in nm mm nmnx BEGAN WITH SERMONS IN PULPITS OF ALL THE CREEDS GOVERNMENT APPEALS TO WOMEN IN EVERY HOME. Waahlntton. CM. 21. Kood Adminis trator Hoover ha enlisted the support oT 14.000 "four-mlnuU men." who havt been apaaklnir In behalf of the Liliertj kn lo enter the nmiarnold enrollment campaign for food pledge week, whic bejraa yesterday. They will time upor householders the neceaaity of conRervlni food during the war. Wauiiintfon. Oct 59. Kood Ilediff Work brnn VMiterdav throughout th' United Htatea. It will le he culm' nating seven dnyn following month of preparation to enlUt America's 21,000 000 housekeepers in the government's food conservation campaign. The opening anuuih of the IiIk drive were food innervation sermons Sun day morning and evenin ly a majority of the country's hundred tlioututnd min ister. ThU n followed this morning by the active field work of the national army of 50.tfrt rn-n and women volunteer, which ha In-en or icanizeil and preparing for tlx- drive for weeks. The minlHtent' explanation of how and why the government niinn ita :2,000.000 housekeepers to conserve wheat, meat, fat and sugar so we can make up our European allies' food ehortaife, were emphasized by the volunteers perxonally vlitlng eoch home. Special Ktntementi endorsing Pood Iledge Week have Iwi-n iKsuud by high dignitaries and divlnti of the various churches. Cardinal Gibbons made a plea to the Catholic women of America to join the food conservationers. He said to them: "It gives me great pleasure to say that the patriotic work which is being done by Mr. Hoover and his various state organizations has my hearty sup port and approval, and I sincerely hope that our Catholic women will every where give him their earnest iinoe In this campaign." - Methods Bishop Admonishes. Bishop William Kroner McDowell of the Methodist Episcopal church, urging his people to sign the pledge card and join the campaign, said: The Methodist Episcopal church is supporting this righteous war in every possible way. I 'art of that support re lates to the vital matter of food con servation. We have heartily endorsed the program for Kood Pledge Week, and we urge all our families to unite in the food saving campaign as presented by the government It would help mighti ly if we had a hundred per cent of our families signing the pledge cards. The war for freedom must be won. We must help at every point." Directing himself to the farm women of the nation, Herbert Quick of the federal farm board, and editor of farm papers and magazines, said: "Food Pledge Week Is a big and a HEWS OF MADILL (ONUKESSMAN C'AHTKIt DKIJV KKKI) LIBKRTT UOAS ADDRESS. Cotton Hold for S8 Cents and Cotton Seed Reached $66. a New High Rec ord for the Season. News Notes and rnrsonals. Madill. Okla.. Oct. 29. (Sjec.ial) Con gressman Charles I). Carter of Ardmore, delivered an address on Liberty bonds at the district court room In Madill Sat urday afternoon to a fairly Rod sized audience. Ills address was well re ceived by the citizens of Madill and Marshall county. Mr. Carter has many warm, personal friends In Madill. He left on the afternoon train for Mill Creek where he addressed the citizens of that section in the evening. Mr. Carter was plain Fpoken and said that it is time for the fteople to know that the money must be raised, and that it must lie raised by either the Liberty bonds or taxation. Notes and I'eTMmalt. Mrs. M. C. Iowell Is visiting friends and relatives in Ienison, Texas. Bryant M. man, Texas. Harper Is vbfltlug In Sher- Miss Addle Atwood visited friends Id Denison, Texas, yesterday. Mrs. N. W. Welch Ardmore yesterday. viHited friends in County Clerk Karl K. Ayres and fam ily visited relatives In Woodville- yes terday. Itill Franks was a Tishomingo visitor yesterday. Charlie Johnson, who has Is-en visit lag here for several dsys. has returned to his home in the Osage Nation. Mrs. N. V. Milner ami son. John and wife, and daughters, Mrs. May Ken- drlck. are in the city from their home in Kort Worth. Texas. Mrs. Milner and family lived In Madill until the first of the year. W. P. Vann. a merchant of Woodville, was in the city yesterday. Miss I'oy Whitchurst. the Ardmore .high school. In Madill last work a teaelier in wa s visitor W. It. Crow of Kitigston. was a Ma- Nil visitor yesterday. Cot tun sold on the streets of Madlil Saturday for as high as " cents and BEGINS TOM DRIVE TO CONSERVE FOOD splendid thing. The attention of th nation must be centered upon It. Do you know what the Pood Itedge Week 'drive' will be? Every . home in the United States will be vlalted during this week by patriotic people who wiil tell how food m.iy be saved for our sol dlers, the hoKIUth of our allies, for the poor people of the warring nations and for Gurelve. ;t-t Into the Food Pledge Week famimlgn. Make your kitchen a food pledge kit.-ht-n and do ull you ran to niuke nil other kitchens food plr-dge kltchf-nn. You will thilM help win the war." The r tilted SUtes food ftiirmnlhtrutkni has . rxpreeyed anxiety that the 00J,- 000 mMi and women volunteers who go up anil down the land ringing door bells this week put "the simple, though vitally Important, food conservation plan" c-U-arly tx fore every home w. man. itnpreiing Umn each the real significance of the old aosix: "Every little bit added to what you've got. m.'ikcH just a little bit more." It Is the "little bit" added by each of our 2:0(I0.000 housekeepers, which is going to make up the food shortage and avert famine und disaxter among our European allies, the administration points out. 1'ret.Mi-nt llson has evinced his personal interest in the Importance of rood Pledge Week's success, "If we are to supply our allies with the necessary food," said the president In a letter to the food administrator and nxe to reduce our own prices of foodstuffs during the coming winter, it can only be accomplished by the utmost self-denial and service on the part of all our people through the elimination of waste and by rigid economy in the use of food." France Appeals to Americans. Recent cables to the American gov ernment from the government of France have strewed the imminent food short age in that country and begged that no efforts be spared to get the needed sup plies to keep hunger from descending upon the people of France. Thousands of American school chil dren will follow up tho work of the SOO.000 volunteers. These children have' been organized and working on prelim inary hood Iledge Week campaign work throughout the country for weeks. The same is true of the churches. Besides the churches, societies, lodges and other local social and civic organi zations are working with the volun teers. Many hotel and restaurant men have enlisted their establishments In the campaign and will do their bit to get the housewives interested Judging by preliminary estimates of enrollments In the various states, barfed on reports from tho volunteer units themselves, the vast majority of the country's 22,000,000. housekeepers will be actively enrolled in the campaign when it ends a week from today seed was selling for $. This is the highest price for seed this year. w. .. Winston -or .tirMUian. was in Madlll Katurday. Ilev. It. V.. Saturday. Noel wa an .Xda visitor ilr. and Airs. W. T. ArmstroiiK of Simt.on. were in Madill hSaturday. The m-proes of Marshall county who were accepted by the examining board for army services left Saturday after non for Camp Hheridan, Ohio. There were eiKhteen in the party. W. l. Sterling of Kingston, was Madill Saturday. (J. Al. Henley of Ardmore. was in the city Saturday afternoon. J lev. l.alK-oc-K OI Ada, was in the city baturrtay, en route to Kingston. DID GERMANY PLOT INVASION OF BRAZIL? lluenos Aires. Oct. 23. A sensation hai been oecaskmed here by the publica tion of n dlKpatch from Ilio Janeiro as serting that the lirazilian foreign min ister has made known that translation of dispatches sent by Count von Lux burg, through the medium of the fcwed Ish legation, while the count was Ger man minister to Argentina, has revealed a project for a German invasion ol southern lirazil. The newspapers here demand that the government publish the LuxburR dispatcher or else authorize the publico tion by a foreign government. (The dis patches were sent to Washington for translation and the "foreign govern ment referred to evidently is the United States'-. . The Argentina government Is being criticised for its silence. MORE MONEY TO BRITAIN. Washington. Oct. 23. Another ;ul vanrv of $1'5.000,000 was made today by the government to Great IJrltaln, bring ing the total loaned that country thus far uj) to 11,400.000.000, and the total to all the ullies. 12,851,400,000. Mrs. Pauline Gales on HEM-STITCHING with n:ns KYUIU.N 112 West Mala. Thorn 191 T TKMrKKATl KK Or TEN TO KltiHT KKN DMiKKKM IH TUK OK KICUI. KORKCAST. The official UKtthnr forecast today for Ardmore and virlnity is as follows: Tonight fair, colder, with tempera ture ten to eighteen degrees; Tuceday fair, rising temHrature. Oklahoma, tonight fulr. colder, with temperature 10 t IH degrees: Tuesday fair, rising trnvjierature. Eai.t Texas, tonight fair, colder; freez ing nearly to coast; cold wave ut (lol veston. rVin Antonio. Houston and Port Arthur; lentil-rat ure will be 54 to CO legree in north portion and SR to 32 Jegn-es in sugar and trucking region; vegetation should he protected and ma ture! crops housed; Tuesday fair, warm er In the interior; strong northerly winds und moderate gales subsiding Tuesday on the ciuist. "Mt Texas, tonight fair, colder in south iMii tion. freezing; cold Wave at Del P.'.o; Tuesday fair, warmer. TISHQfvUNGO HMfS H l. IA OK IIOMJ CA.MPAHiN IJKOl t.HT MANY SI H.N KIPTIONS I ( sstou S.ild At !? to : OnU and Many rarmera Tiirntd Kcss Iroflt Into (toverniuetit Itonds Notes and l'er- mi rials. Tishomingo, okla.. t)ct. (Siecial) The closing day of the time set for floating the second Liberty loan foun: Johnston county little below Its quota Workers In Tishomingo continued work ing until a late hour Saturday night. uuring an or me aay the streets were crowded with farmers and every bait of cotton 'sold snd there were ovet three hundred of them brought a so llcltation to buy a Lilerty bond. The big price of 17 to 2S cents made th average farmer feel that he could wel afford a 50 bond investment, and tin I total sal en were considerably IncrcasiH by subscriptions from farmers. Notes and Personals. A farmer in town with a large loac of gigantic pumpkins was tho subjec of much attention on tho part of smal boys anxious to prepare for Hallow e'en. I. T. Hexroat, of Ardmore, sfient Sat urday in Tishomingo. Dr. J. H. Clark, of Milburn. Tinhomingo visitor Saturday. J. 8. Ilatliff, attorney. attended court In Ita via Saturday. ii: Andrea lias returned from Oklahoma City. w-ek's vLsit in C. JI. Crowell, county judge, went to I Wapanuoka Saturday to hold a Liberty! bond meeting. e will make your suit or overcoat any Myle you may want and KUarantie a tit. f 17 Tailoring' C.. 2S N. Wnnh Imgton Htreet. "e . AUSTRIAN SUCCESS IN ITALY BRINGS PEACE TALK AGAIN I lurii-n. tj;t. :I9. Auntrian cry of ' speedy and honorable peace" has been raised by tho Austro-tJerman successe on the Italian front, the nresident of the reichntag said in an addre.-ta to tin 'eputles. as quot-d in Vienna dispatches. Ho admitted there had been great Kiix- ietv In rerfl to Triewt which had now been removed. Tho report of the proceedings in par liament adds that the German and Pol ish d-puties arose and cheered the en peror and the army, implying that the Czechs did not Join in the demonstra tion. LONGING FOR A CHILD Voting Wife Almost in De spair. Now has Beautiful Baby Girl. There is nothing more chamiin? than a happy and healthy mother of children, end indeed child-birth under the rieht conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. Lydia E. rinkham's Veg etable Compound has brought joy to many childless women by restoring them to normal health. Here is a notable case. Omaha, Neb. "I suffered from fe male troubles when 1 was seventeen years old. At eight een I was married and my trouble was no better bo I con sulted a rhysician who said that there was not much I could do and I could not have children. I read of Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and decided to try it, and it has Droved n ion Si worth it weight in gold to me for I am not only well but have a baby girl, to when I hear of any woman suffering as J was 1 U;ll her of Lydia E. I'inkhanTs Vegetable Compound. "-.Mrs. W. Ilr.!irs,19 MajesUc Apt. .Omaha. Neb. la many other homes, once childless, there are now children because of the fact thst Lyuia E. finkham's Vegetable Compound makes women Dermal, healthy and strong. 4 WAR SUMMARY. Italy's soldiers have failed to check the onrush of the Austro-dermans and the entire line of tho Isonso Is threat ens with annihilation. Hweeping down from the mountains into the plains of Frluli. tlie invaders have captures! C'ivl duln and (iorliia. 100.000 prisoners and 700 guns. Oreat llrltairt and France are reported to be taking steps to give the shattered Italian army in-ompt and full support. What form this wiil take has not et been disclosed. The French cabinet met last nlgbt to decide upon the manner of cooperation on the Italian front Where Oenerul Cadorna will make a stand la not yet clear, but two posi tions, capable of defense, are available. The (iermans have reached the lowlands and are but nlno miles from l.'dine, Ca-dot-na's general headquarters. The railroad running north and south through I'dlne might make a defensive line, but the Tagliamento river. M miles weet of I'dlne, probably would of fer a stronger defense. The fall of Gorizla is a serious men ace to the Italian troops holding the Oarso line southward to the head of tho Adriatic, but Ceneral Cadorna still would tie able to offer utoul resistance on tt line running through Tolmezzo, (iemona, I'dlne, liuttrio and tiradlscu Children Cry jgVwSCCvASXwV The Kind You Have Always ROM in use tor over over 30 years, has berne the signature of All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just- as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregorx, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its Rge is its guarantee. For more than thirty years It has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fcvcrishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids' the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 3 pBears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Exchange National Will Open for Business Thursday, November 1st, 1917 at 9 O'clock a. m., in building to be vacated by Ardmore National Bank at 101 West Main Street Your Business Cordially Invited Stock owned by local people. No stock owned by officer of any other Ardmore bank. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Fred C. Carr, President. Carl C. Jones, Vice-President. Cecil B. Williams, Cashier. Lee L. Tyer, Active Vice-Pres. Shelton W. Tyer. U. S. (Sherman) Joines. J. R. Dickson. Warren W. Martin. C. C. Chesnut. Isaac Roberts. The capture of Oradism by the Teu tons, however, would make a retreat fi-om the I'm ho Inevitable and also souiewhnt of a difficulty. The line of the Ttgllametitu river, it appears, would give the Italians the better nutural po sition from which to hold the Germans from the Venetian plains and the over running of Northern Italy, While the wh W h m. line Is in rave danger, there also is a serious threat in the Teuton Onve 1 1 the i'al ian line In thu Carnu Alps un I evt n In the- Dolomite north of lMlimo. Ap parently, Field Marshal von Al ic'n- sen is endeavoring to drive wedge between the armies on the Csrso front and those in the mountains northwest of Udine. Some of the advanced Ital ian isNtltions in the Carnlo Alp-t I rob ably have been abandoned already. If this should prove true, the Tabllamemo river seems to offer (leneral Cadorna his first defensive linn unless his ar mies stiffen greatly and hold the in vaders within a few miles of their prev ent position. Operations carried out by the Uclgn.) ntid French looking toward thu elimina tion of 1 lout hoist forest, north c? Ypivs. are progressing favorably. TM entire Merckem K'iilUHUla, north of Dtxniuoe has been captured by allied r-o.s who have also taken Meckem and several other villages west of the fjresl. The iirltlsh hold thu southern sidl of the for Fletcher's ,wv Bought, and which has been mm. ana nas Deen made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive voti in this. Signature of 232 It CAPITAL SURPLUS forest, and a continuation of the llelgo French advance would make I Ctr man position untenable. A tlermin r tlrement between Warneton and Dlx mude to straighten out the line anl eliminate the Yprea salient is not fn looked for in German circles. tinr leading Oermaa critic, Major Moisht, saya the front is In trou'dr, and that the Germans will have to re tire to a new line. Huch n linn prob ably would run through Menln l" llovj lers to Thourout and thence to the sea The best medium far Um email User Ardroorelte "Want Ads. You. cannot buy jas mantles by their looks. Buy them by name: Uprldht or Best for Light-Strength-Economy REFLEX'brand. 18.twofor35 N?4 WELSBACH:i3twofor25 GAS STOWES WOOD AND COAL OSSCO REFLECTORS with the burner in front are having immense popularity. People buy Ossco reflectors because they get quality, service and absolute safety. We fully guarantee our Gas Heaters. We have different sizes, styles and makes. Ask your neighbor as to our service and call 54. M STATE HARDWARE CO. lank of Ardmore $100,000.00 20.000.00 BAD STOMACHS THE PENALTY Stomach sufferers should take warn lug. Gall atones, cancer and alcnra or the stomach and Intestines, auto Intox ication, yellow Jaundice, appendicitis, and other dangerous ailments, ar oruo of tho penalties. Most stomach, liver and Intestinal troubles are quick ly overcome with Mayr's Wonderful Kemody. This favorite prescription has restored millions of people. Let one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy prove today that it will help you. For sale by City Drug Store. Adv. Gas Monties Inverted