Newspaper Page Text
Tuesday, November 6, 1917. CLASSIFIED WANTS On cent lr word eacn Insertion. A Minimum charge of It cents for advertisement run one dry only. Fif teen words mlntnmum number chart! for. 16 words one time . ..J5c ft word two tlmea I0f II worda three tftnea - 4So II worda four tlmea . ...0c II word five tlmea . Tie II worda seven times For Rent Rooms SOK HENT Nice modom bedroonvclose tn. Phono blue 445. C Will. 3-4 FOll KENT To couple without chO dfm,. two unfurnished rooms with bad. Columbia Apartment. 4-1 FOB RENT Front room In modern boine, with private entrance, Phone 683. -3 KOU RENT Two furnished rooms, men only. 602 Second avenue N. W. 44 FOR RENT Room, private entrance, bath: with gursw. 335 K St. N. W 3-4 kJR RENT Two Urge unfurnliditd rooms, may bo arranged for lUtht housekei pin for desirable people. 134 O. 8. W. Phono H54. 6-3 DESK ROOM KOK KKNT Jood light office, center business district Thi phone, safe, etc. Addrusa P. O. Box 270. H FOR RENT Three large rooms, aim) moaner room for llKbt housekeeping, furnished, to couple without children in no r-mall children. Also two un furnished rooms, all modern, close In. Inquire 22S A. S. W. e-2 ROOMS JfeCarty Hotel, modern brick Rates by the week. 8tovo to every room. Phcne 145. 2M0t For Rest Houses HXJR RENT Storage space. Rate n.-a--sonable. Add-a-Tread Tiro Co. Phone 1431. 3' Wanted to Buy. JIAVE YOU HOSrE OI THIS STUKK stored awnyT A now conctrn is In seed of office ilxturcs, counters, ta bles, desks, etc If you have any or all of this stuff, send full details and price to Newcomer, care Ardmoreite. 3-3 Automobiles. WB MAKE a specialty of used auto mobiles that are worth the muney. Cars sold by us guaranteed in good condition, and priced rifiht. Investi gate us, then write for list or call to look over our t-.tock. I!tck Auto Co., Ft. Worth, Texas. 0-3 VX)R RALE Several used Fords, worth the money. Tom Coorwr's (larago. 2-7 Help Wanted Miscellaneous. S. II. KIU5KS & CO.. WANTS INDUS TRIOUS YOUNG MAN TOR STOCK ROOM WORK. ERRAND BOY AND I5RICHT YOUNG LADIES FOR HALEKLAD1EK. APPLY AT KRESS NEW STORE. 5 2 Eggs and Poultry. KOR BALE White Loghom chickens, 311 North Washington. Phono 1367. 4 8 Real Estate if)R. SALE Good stock farm. 328 acres, west of Sprinor; 175 acres In .-ulUvation, 20 acres in meadow, bal ance pasture. Good improvements. Plenty of water. A bargain if taken at ooce. In-siruiilo terms. R. C. Mc Kiddy. 124, West Main. 5 7 THIS PROPERTY mut sell, reif.-ird-lens of price: 5-rtHim linuse and lot, southeast; fnur-ronm hnuw and lot, northwest; ImrtxT chop, a rooniliiK house and a restaurant. See Yut"s, tho Earth Man, first dir south of Stato National lUtnk. MY C-ACRE garden for sale.' Part chsIi. balance easy terms. Mast go in three days. Neal Cross. Phone red 7X5. 53 1-YiR SALE Five acres adjoining city on east. Phone 20. E. A- Flynt 8-3 HOME BARGAIN New California bungalow on car line and Tenth avenue. Terms. Phone O. M. Red field. 4-J KOR KALE Vacant property on Mo Lish avenue D street K. W. Bixby avenue, O street P. W. Walcott ad dition, R street N. W. See us before buying, we can save you money, GuUlot S Hull. 41 FOR SALE On C street N. W.. six room modern dwelling. Lot 75x150. Easy terms, price $2,250.00. Guillot Hall. 4-1 FOR BALE CHEAP JO seres of land S 1-8 miles south' art of city; 10 acres adjoining fair; my borne place corner th and Oadio. Sec S. M. JJIIlanl at cotton yard. 31-7 1 HAVE some houses t or ioi.L ImM to suit. John W. Hoffmann. J430t PlK KALK By owner, best new brick bungalow In city, closo in. east front, best renidsnrw section. Southwest Ardmore. WC1 ba completed Nov. 1st. " Phono 10M. 181 ' STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Wanted at onee an uerunite und ex per ' lenrrd lady htnoKrupher. Oosl sal ary anJ iermunnt position to ilKht party. Phono HS. any hour Th" IteSaw Tire and Rubber Ol Male Help Wanted WANTED Hoy to run errands. Aj ply Mr. Clark at Ardmorelte offk-e. WANTED A 1 "OUTER Apply Hass Furniture Co -3 BOY WANTED Apply RoyiM!:ure!l DruK Company. 6-3 BOY WANTED for delivery purposes. Kish's Clermlnjj nant, 1013 North W.-ishlnlon. 6-3 WANTED Wirht boys. 1 to 17 years, for pleasant mslde work. Good wages. Purity Pecan Plantation Co. 7 Salesmen Wanted AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY is now open for one or more reliable stock salesmen to assist In placing a . .limited, amount of stock in a conserva ' ttve'and well managed comp.'ity with lorpe holdinss In the heart of tho Miami lead and zluc field. QUA-JACK LEAD AND ZINC COM PANY, 41S-14 State National Bank B'Jildln. Oklahoma Pity. Oklahoma. Female Help Wanted WANTED Two waitresses. Apply Dick Cheek's Cafe, 37 Caddo Strvet. Phone 1369. 6-3 WANTED WOMAN to cx)k und do pen eral bouwwork. Apply E. It. Rtld at Rass Furnlturti Company ' 5-3 WAN'TKD YOUNO LADY for Beneral office work, nermnnont position. One who has had experience as stenoK rapber preferred. . Addns 114, care Ardmoreite. 4-3 WA NTED MlddlM aped, eneriretic wom:n as forelady in charse of girls Permanent position and ple.-i. ant surroundinKs. . - Must be compe tent, l'hone for interview. Purity 1'i.cail Pla..tlition Co. 4-3 WANTED Mitldlo aod colored woman for general housework. Oool pay. Phone 42. -t-3 For Sale ONE No- 7 Remington typewriter in first -l:iws condition. $35. 1. R. pest. Phone -15. 4-3 FPU SALE rurroi:;;hs adding m ohlne, ;ojd condition, a bursa in. Ad dress P. O. Rox 270. . 31-7 APARTMENT llf d'SE 9 room apart ment house, eliw in; furniture and lease; cheap rent: don't Investigate unls ou have $'ar0 each. Call (trwn S54. ' 8-2 FtU SALE Span of mules, low wheel wafton and harness. Apply Central Waron Yard. FOR SALE Nino months' old heifer calf, horse and biiKsy and fine blooded chickens. Illue Andalusians, Houdans and Rltodo Island Reds. Must go in. three days as I am Ieav imr the city. Phone Neal Cross, red 7S5. 53 FOR SALE by owner, new east front bungalow, corner lot. West Main and O street 6. W. Easy terms. Phone 101. 15-31 FOR SALE Two choice vacant lots, rach desirably located, one In north west, part, other southwest part. A bar-Raja If taken at once. R. C. Mo Kiddy. 1244 Wost Main street. Phone 22. 6 3 FOR SALE On D street N. W six room modorn cottage, east front, garage, driveway and all modern convenknees. terms. Guillot Hall. 4-S FOR SALE Pig nww stand with growing business close to Lee-Huck-ini Hotel. Apply to Sam Edelrteln. North Proadway. Oklahoma City. 4-3 FOR 8ALE Six room modem brick home, bordwood finish, concrete porches. East front, easy terms, lo mted io roUthweut Ardmore. GuUlot A 1L01. 4-1 Financial CITY LO.N8 Ourriot Han, ugenU Georgia State Saving Association. ofKT best contract in city. 13-31 MONEY, MONEY. ISARRELB OF MONET) to build or buy or pay your mortgage, liest contract. Rod field & DUnrs. 4-7 Lost and Found IF PARTY who picket up stiver coin purse, letter "II" engraved thereon, Saturday noon, front tubV upstairs at Weathciroer A Daulm's will return to Ardroortiito. n:u-d will bo paid. 0-3 Musical Instruments. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Stclnway-VowJ-Kurtzmann Pianos and the fa inous line of Aeolian Players sold In tilts territory by Homer U. Boyd of J. W. Jenkins Sons Music Co. 18-30t MONITION. In Hie I tilled Rlatr IhtrU t t)urt for the Eastern I)lstrit of Oklahoma. United States of America v One boj horso ubout llft.Mn hands high, out flnvle horse bumry, ono set of single harness. No. 2710. In Admiralty. In ..ibedlence to a warrant of seizure to me directed, in the above entltleo cause, I huv! selti and tuke.n litto my possession the followlmr de.:ribec property, towlt: One liy horso, about rifteen hands high, one s:n;?1e horse bURty. ore pd oi' single harness. I'or the causes set f rt li in the Mfl now pending In the V. S. I'istrict court for the eastern district of OUIalioina at Muskogee, 1 hereby give notice to all persons rlfliininu the sid desrried roperty. or knowing or having unything to any why the some should not Is? v.nlemneil and forfeited, and the pro ceeds thereof dktrilHited according to the prayer of tho llliel, that they be and appear before the said court, to be held in and for the eastern district of Oklahonui. nt the United States court room in the city of Muskoge., on the 2Jth d;iy of Novi mlw, 117, :it 10 o'clock on the l'ornoon cf that day. if the same shall l a day of Jurisdiction, otherwise on the next -day of jurisdic tion thereafter, then and there to in terpose claim for the same, and to make their allegations In that behalf. R. .V. ENIjOK, JR.. U. S. Marshal. Eastern District of Okie. ;;n,..; Ly M. L. RE 1 1, Deputy. IN AND OIT OF ARDJ10RE Acnrate Tluie Table of Passenger Trains' Anival and Departure. (From Union Ptatloni Sant:i Ke. Noiiti bound No. 6 120 a. m. Train. No. li 11":55 a. m. Train No. 12 3:H p. rn. Sonth bound Train No. 3 Train No. 11 Train No- 17 - 3:0 n. m. 13 p. m. 427 p. m. Hark Island liattbouud Westbound TYum No. CSS (illxcJ) Daily except Sunday Pr-tln No. 651 . 1:00 p. in. S-.:5 p. m. (lrvom RlncIIng Htatlon) FriMO. Easlbound rraln No. 60C S:35 a. m. Train No. 574 (mixed) . 15 p. m. Train No. 676 4:50 p. m. Train No. 680 (mixed) S.DO p. m. Westbound Train No. 673 (mlxod) 9 J 5 a. nv Train No. 675 .. ., . .1135 a. m. Train No. 579 (mixed) 4:40 p. m. Train No. 605 90 p. m. Ringllng Road Westbound- Train No. 1 Tram No. 8 East bound Train No. . Train No. 4 7fl0 a m. 340 p. tn .1050 a. m TAO p. m There Is more catarrn tn this s.c tion of the country than an other dts eases put together, and for years ft was supposed to ba incurable. Doctors prescribed local remedies, and by con stantly failitw to core by local treat nent, pronounced It Incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly Influenced by censtltutkmal conditions, and there fore requires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured b P. J. Cheney a Co, Toledo. Ohio, Is s constitutional wmedy. Is taken Inter nally and acts through tlie blood ot Um tnueotai surfaeoa of the system. One hundred dotta? reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cur fails to ears. Seed for circulars and tastl -Denials. T. 3. CHENET CO. Totodo. Ohio. Hall's Family TOIa tor constipation. DAILY ARDMOREITE MtacclUnuous WANTED SEWING and comfort niak I:ik. Phone 4S3. 0! FOR FALI On F utreet southwest fivs room luodern bungalow, nea fourth Kvrnue. $.1.2fi0.0tt usy terms rjtilllot A ibill. 4-1 FOR HALE n G street southwest, six room modern California bungalow, gantge, -einent driveway, large front and hark porch, easy terms. Guillot A Hall 4-3 Positions WaaUd WANTED POSITION us office girl. Had suvetli years experience, Geor gia Johnson. 220 North Caddo. 6-1 Livestock ITji: SAI-: OR TRADE For fresh milch i.o-s. tMtt rattling good light road horse. Mort Woods. Phone m. 4-s Rooms Wanted. WANTED liy December 1. two or thno mo-tern furnished rooms foi light housekeeping. Must b clone in. Call green 679 or 770. 6-3 WANTED Three or four furnished roorns in ntodern house for light housekeeping, close In. No children. Address A. R.. care Ardmoreite. 4-1 MEN FOR SIGNAL SEKVICK TO BK'TKAUNKI) AT A. M. Okluhonm City. Nov. 4. In the re quest of the national vocational board to furnish 1S.000 men for tho army sig nal service, Oklahoma will come in for her share, and s-c:-etary 8. M. Rarret of the State board has received notice to supply what he can. Arrangements will be made to start training immed iately 500 men at the Agricultural and .Mechanical College at Stillwater. Tills can be done at no expense of the men and very little to the state. Oklahoma's quota hss not been designated. MOON AND THK WEATHER Professor llnils No Lunar IVrloil In Ono CVntnry's Ilecords. LorJon Clironlcle: People who rely on tho moon as a weather indicator (writc-J a correspondent) must have very short memories, for accurate com imrlscns prove conclusively that there in no cjnmvtion whatever between tht weather and the mnon's changes oi phase. Prof. Schuster analyzed a whole con tury's wsath-.T rveard-i. and, as a result was unable to trace any lunar periot' in tnrm. Several authorities are agreed however, thut there is a tendency for clouds' to dl.'apear as a full mxn comes to the meridian of any place; but it Is a tar try from that to tho definite be lief ,?:tt the weather changes with a change of the lunar phases. 'jWj-i changes, cf course, cn be pre dieted for years in advance with perfect :;ec"J,-acy, jnd if the weather depended i,n tl.rm. weather forecasting would br tho simplest of all tho sciences, instead of the most difficult.' Eat less meat also take a glass of salts before eating breakfast. Uric acid In meats excites the kidneys, they Iwcome ov rworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. ' The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is Ir ritated, and you may be obliged to seek re ief two or three times (luring the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll lie a real sick person shortly. At first you. feel a dull misery in the kidney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach g"ts sour, tongHo coated ano you feel rheumatic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; alsjo get from any pharmacist four ounces of Ja.i Salts; take a tablesiooiiful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your' kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the ncid of grapes and lemon Juice, com b.'neJ with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys an l stimulate them to normal activity, al so to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no loneer Is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everyone should now and then take to keep the kidneys clean and aitlve. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jail Salts to folks who bclivo In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. Adv. WE PRODUCE ALL THE MILK WE SELL Cuullty 2"lrst. ijuantity a second coasj.Jerat.on PRIMROSE DAIRY FARM MORT WOODS Prop. Phone 460 ffpetlT la treat's nastaral discbsrim; pjn lessen poewnoa and will Bot sirietarr. Hrlicvects 1 loedsys. SOLD BY MtMMTII. Parcel Pot i f dattrtd-Prx ll,or8 soulri O .. TMSJ eVANS CMbSkALcS.. CINCINNATI. X f Uw tmt. ( lairair. cam ( 1 1"4 ! y,o harm, bate of ltr"-rr-c w Jl -nrt. Mil Id WlD-xW-StrpnMvSJ. fL. Wt".. toCij. an v9T,m tnun ct u tm, ml if mm on KIDNEYS BOTHER Mrs. Pauline Galeson ' HEM-STITCHING WITH FERN UYBURN IIS West Main. Toone 10J-4 VULCANIZE YOUR TIRES Stlrh In Tmw Have Nine Don't throw away your tires anfl tubes just because you have a ULOWOUT; bring them to us; maybo a few dollars spent on re pairs will give you several thous and more miles run. Mr. A. O. Cowan, of Dallas, la In charge of our vulcanizing depart ment and erorus of our customers can testify on to hl3 work. Prices arc reasonable. TOM COOPER'S GARAGE "Got Evrrythiiis" Dont let opportunltlos Ulp b you. I have a number of modern dwellings that were bum tui homes by the owners, and tbroug) unforeseen circumstances the are put on the market through ins. They are splendid values anc will prove u good investment fot those who seize tho opportunit and the homes now. Come In and see us before the) pass on. W. S. Smith Phone 222 K I T TO GARAGE Everything for tho Automobile 23 A 8t N. V. Phone S2 Expert Repair Work Grant Motor Cars SPECIALTY How often Is It the case with In competent cleaners that they have to refuse articles to be cleaned or dyed. Many will accept anything and half clean them for you or ruin them altogether. We are making a SPECIALTY of such articles on which others have faded. ( Tour for Perfect km" KISTTS Exclusive Expert Dry Cleaner and Artistic Dyers ef Southern Oklahoma. Office Phone MM. Plants at 1015-1019 K. Wash la (ton. HARRY, the TAILOR 4 West Main. Phone 133S v Men's suits and ovcrocats de signed, mode and trimmed In ray own shop. The beet fit. The best workmanship obtainable. Prices reasonable. KELLY BROWN Attorney at tiw ' Miukoce. Okla. AUTOMOBILES. Tha Wrtsht truck attachment for Fords? Paige Motor vo., turr MCJuesaar. tRudebaker, "The Gold Car," Rook Jadlllao and Keo, Moorebead, Tairara Harmon. Oldsrooblle. Elgin Six and Harroun, Bart Estsa Ants Corns?; AUTO ACCESSORIES. - - ; row Cooper's Garage, "Got Everything" ..':V. .... J. ..1. . Too Oklahoma Oil and Auto Supply Co. rree tiro service... -.- AUTO REPAIR AND GENERAL MACHINE Rltter A Rim. TI. tL L. Ratterv Service ArArYrrat KjiOxni Crt Wlllnnl Rnraloa ainey Mead. Service Station Vesta AUTO REPAIRS BUl Brown's Ford Repair Bbop, 19 N. cutrai Psrk Uarsge. 18 E St.. S. W. a White. Oarage. Ill Hlnkie ARCHITECTS. V. A. Callaway, 1)8 1-2 E. Main 8L 1. a White. Over Ardmore National Bank ...... ABSTRACT COMPANIES. Thlckasaw Title Cta. Bonded Abstractors, D. H. Dawson.'. banks. v vrdmore NaUooal Bank. United States depofcltory 4 . luarmoty State Bank, Largest SUte Bank In Southern Oklasoas II mmnniir. a in an amtmiation- The Peoples B. AX AssodaUon pay BARBERSHOPS. Dick Cheek's. 87 Caddo. Shave 16c, haircut 25o hot 48 eWoathi:i:, ' BOTTLING WORKS. ' 1 ; Bottled Coca Cola, The best drink on earth"--.-.:..'.'.---'.... s CAFES. Mow ftandol Cafe, lust opened. Luncheon 40c: Dinner 6c -Bef rtoe-.... . mperlal Crln, 11 North Washiiigten . . .- . rLPANINC AND PRESSING. ' ":".r2' "V Heep-D-Neat North Washington, Quality end Service. l-'J..'.;.... 11? CONTRACTORS. , ," V Mason-Wills Construction Co, Paving Contractors -1243 1 U Pn.lnv Nnrth Waahlnrtnn . 461 M. t. Mover, Building Material, Third r. k, sncieon, general contractor, st. wneuuiiwu.... . . - rrwi rwr.iNrpp! ANn SURVEYORS. WM. KELLY, crrll and mechanical engineer. 17 N. Washington Bt S. P. MATTHEWS. Office at City Ball ' DAIRIES Rock Hin Dairy DRUGSTORES. Boctftr Dmg Co PrescrlpUons a specialty -. wl DAILY NEWSPAPERS The Dallj Ardmoreite. $1 the ysar. - No"- "D'1 a ELECTRIC 6HOE REPAIRING. Caddo Electric Shoe Shop makes old shoes uaw, 23 Caddo,- 3. 'Sit dowa. takeem off." Raines Saddlery Co. -- Shropsiih-e's Shoe Shop. Sewed soles $r.00. & B street northwest. FARM LOANS. Geo. ft. Flab k Co., 1244 Wert Main - T-r vr-:i lll W. A. Wolverton, IS North Washington 8t 11 FURNITURE. J. H Akers Co, your exodit good. Ardmore or Healdton ' . GROCERIES. ' . . .. . , Martin Bros. 319 East Main T GAS STOVES 4 4 . Por Brooha Burcer stoves and firepUcos phone or HARDY SANITARIUM. , Fire-Proof BuIUing Instant Ambulance Service -..vuk.'-t.:. HIDES, POULTRY AND EGGS. Pratt A Co.. 4 block east Ringling depct . HOTELS. , Plaza Hotel, opposite both theaters. Rates. Europeaa, Jlf.jfl-! nn-s-.r- HOME BUILDERS. . Simpiwn Realty Co. builds homes in IKghland Tars --li -V- '.-ia INSURANCE. "Your Friends After the Fire," C. H. Clement 4 Co ----- T. C. BridgnisD, Fire. Cyclone. Oil and Anto InauraBce - JUNK WANTED. We buy all kinds of Junk. Ardmore Junk Co., it Caddo . . W Mo., Okie., I ,M. Co.. 110 Caddo, highest price for scrap Iroav. JOB PRINTING. , Ardmoreite Publishing Co.. R. W. Clark. Sunt- LAUNDRIES. Cook's Laundry, "Watch for the yellow wasoV.. --- Excelsior Steam Laundry. IIS S. M11L M. W. Whlttlnfcton, Prop, i: LUMBER. Van Denborg A Kembel, Cor. Third and-Caddo. N. E. Ml If The Letter Shop, Poblic Stenographer, 12 B St, N. W 44 r NEW SHOES AND SHOE REPAIRING. Diion saves you money fitting feet and repairing shoes good and neat . next to Postofflce 7 OIL LEASES. Eddleman Phelan. vQ leases, Eddleman BuUdlng I OSTEOPATHS Dr. Vei Bucbhelt, 108 a Main ' PLANING MILL. Hunt's Planing Mill, oornor E and Broadway, N. B. , PLUMBING AND HEATING. t ARDMORE PLUMBING COMPANT, f 21 S. Washington. Sam Weeks, Mgr., Phone 718 Hoffman A Co.. 24 N. Wash, opp. Poetofflce Geo. EXidMon, XI S- Wash. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. AHena Glenn. WhHOagton Hotel Res. Pbons 571. Buamea - -; PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. Downs Paint and Paper Store. Painting and Interior Decorating-- REAL ESTATE. . . 4 Maddox Maddox. 14 N. Washington ' -Highland Park." restricted resldenca district, Slmpeea KesJty Co 15, W S. fmltb, Beal EsUte, Loans, Insurance ' "Tha Earth For BaW B. M. Tatea, ever Ringer's ... , 1,r REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS L K. Best. eoliecOons. real estate bought, sold ar exchanged fflgna and Window Tnxtmlng. Downs Burnltfs Z3 years in. witn ana ror Aramorw TINNERS. "Keep your eye on A. C. Holman" ; . . WHOLESALE GROCERS. PuitM on "Dal Mowte" rruiss aad PAGS CLASSIFIED TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 4 forward speeds, Kcbola a lb J 13 Motor Co.. m uo- 110- ; m Station .lot Stntlnn. X Rl M XV L ! ' storage - liaiienee..--.... ..... - . 171 AND OVERHAULING Win Bt. PImmi.: .-'.-.'.T.' !'. ............ . . mi ...-'-'ii--'l4 ,-..'..e 1 ,, :. . .. i . ' per cent oa Savtugs. Thne Pepsiew. . -N aie- ...... . . .t. Avenue and Santa ye.......... ' TOM ; - -iMK. 3 64 APHINC . 4 ft- . : ' sTT Paint and Japer Stera....- Yagtaws a ir. IV, in Tt 40 tea