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DAILY ARDMOREITE PAG2 EIGIIT. flEVVS OF MADILL nel Mills cornea tq Madill every Tues 'There is a principle which is a bar against all information, day and make hla headquarters lit the county clerk'a office. TALIAMCUKO WKU. Kl RNINHINfl GKKAT QI ANT1TV OK WATKK, ivi- tvril Making Mow Than 100. 006 (lallorm of Water Jlally llnalii of II. K. Anthony Shipped to llonham, Texas, Vfterday. Malltl. Okla.. Nov. . (Special). The well, aouth Of town. is being aiuinped with aatlafactory results. ThU well will furnlHh surucieot wuwr lor ore miM-tlnn and Vther necessary pun Iomm. A larger pump hai been In- tailed aud the water situation In Madia 1h hein rreatly relieved. The Frlaoo v am u nlKn lieine Dumied. and la mak inn more' than JOO.000 gallons of water dally. With three or four wella of thla capacity. Madura water problem wouia be solved. Note Mid reraonals. The remains of II. R. Anthony, who died at Ma home In thla city of heart failure, were shipped yesterday to Hon ham. Texas, where Interment will be made. - McLelland 4 Woody sold and whipped a car of fine mules to Frisco, Texas, yesterday. They also ahlped a car of fat hogs to the Fort Worth market. John l. Funk, a prominent business man of Kl Reno, was In Mariill yester day. Mrs. Charles L. Turley in visiting her sister, Mra. W. R. Presnoll. at Ardmore. Col. 8. A. Mills, Indian agent, of Ardmore, was In Madill Tuesday. Colo- DILWORTH'S SPECIALS . 6 cans l'et milk for 33c ! cans tomatoes for 29c 2 cans preserved figs for 29c t naptha washing powder for 19c 3 Hutch Cleanser for 29c Finest Alaska salmon, can 19c 2 No. 3 cans hominy for 29c Strictly fresh egga, dos 45c 2 cans Vienna sausage for 29c 35c size Durkee salad dressing 29c 2 cans fruit shrimp for 29c 1 cans best oysters for 39c 3 cans pork and beans for 39c 2 quarts vinegar for . 29c 2-15c Post Toastles for 23c We are aole selling agents for But ter Krust bread, the beat bread you ever ate, per loaf 10c TUB D1L WORTH CO. 124 W. Muln St. Phone 104 Mrs. John Reynolds, of Kingston, la visiting friends In Madill. Rev. A. P. Johnson left yesterday for litmhnm, Texai.. with the family of II R. Anthony. Mr. Johnson will go from there to Durant. where he will attend the annual conference of the Methodist church.' Corporal W. A. Hradley, recruiting officer for the United States army. sta. tloned at Ardmore, la In Madill thia week for the purmme of securing en listments In any branch of the service, Miss Vlda Ward went to Marietta yesterday to visit relatives. W. K. Raps, of Muskogee, was In Ma dill this week on business. Ir. J. F. Dlckerson and family, of Aylesworth, were In the city yesterday. J. W. Armstrong returned Tuesday from a few duya' visit with his daugh ter at McAIester. J. V. Relrden wns an Oklahoma City uslnets visitor Monday. T NUMBER TIGHT .VKRLE ALfOCK, CONTRALTO. ANT. BF.CHTOL ALCOCK. TKNOR, AT CONVENTION HALL. Merle and Bectel Alcock. who gives the second number In the Greater Ard more Music course, will present a most attractive program at Convention Hall tonight. The demand for seats has been beyond the expectations of the commit tee, but there are ample accommoda-1 tlona for all who wish to hear this ex cellent entertainment. Madame Alcock, contralto, and Bectel Alcock, tenor, are regarded as the fore most duo of vocalists in concert. Flat tering press reports come from all parts of the country, testifying to tlje beauty of their voices and their charming per sonality. Paul Althouse, who opened the course, was greeted with one of the largest audiences that has ever assem bled in Ardmore on such an occasion, but it is the belief that the attendance tonight will be much larger. Competent ushers have been engaged and It is urged that patrons be in their seats early. The program will begin promptly at eight o'clock. BUCHANAN'S DIIT CLEANING PLANT llrot In Quality First In Service First In Equipment Why Not Get the Brat? It Costs No More We Make Old Hat New BUCHANAN'S DRY CLEANING PLANT I'lione 71 Auto Delivery 105 W. Main Itest equipped and only dry cleaning plant in southern Oklahoma normal, while the rainfall for the month was considerably less than normal In nearly all seed mis. The greatest frost damages was In the area from Arkan- mi east wind, where the crop waa from two to four weeks late. ICELAND THREATENS TO jSKCKDK FROM DENMARK London, Nov. 8. The people and par liament of Iceland are demanding a flug of their own and more Independence. although the island possesses extended home rule, according to a dispatch from r.Aland The dlsuatch sava that the newspapera of Iceland express the hope that the king of Denmark will sanction ihelr demand. Otherwise, he sees other solution than a separation from Denmark. ' Want Passenger Kate Raise. Washington. Nov. 8. Permission to increase Interchangeable imssenger mil euge book rates from 2 to 2Vi cents mile was asked of the Interstate Com merce Commission today by southeast ern railroads. AMUSEMENTS Palace Theatre THURSDAY, NOV. 15th Prices: Entire lower floor $2.00 Balcony -75c & $1.00 Plus War Tax. Seat Sale Opens Monday Wnfiam Elliott F.R7 Conutock and Morris Gest Present THE MOST WONDER. FUL PLAY IN AMERICA WIAA BANDITS DYNAMITE MEXICAN TROOP TRAIN AND KILL 60 G CARDS ' ft Juarez. Nov. 8. Villa followers dyna mited a northbound passenger train on the Mexican Central railroad at Ar mendiz station, fifty miles south of Chihuahua Sunday. Sixty federal train guards were killed, a number of passengers wounded and 110 bars of silver bullion belonging to in American mining company wore taken. Passengers on the train were robbed and several executed, according to Americans who have arrived here op the train from Chihuahua City. The major in command of the train escort was brought to Chihuahua Monday badly wounded. He witnessed the execution of a numlwr of his men after being left for dead beside the railroad track. He said Sllvestre Que vedo and Martin Lopez, former Villa officers, were In command, and It was bellr.-cJ Villa himself was near the r-ene. IpassionI 9 Months in New York 7 Months ia Chicago 6 Months ia Boston 10 BIG SCENES COMPANY OF 82 A Stry el Yeath.HisTrukaaa' 1. 1 PRINCESS (TO-DAY A Big Pantages Vaudeville Headliner Marieoff Troupe 8 People Singing Dancing Music JEANSOTHERN in "A MUTE APPEAL" . PALACE-TODAY VALESKA Sl'RATT In A RICH MAX'M PLAYTHING" Tomorrow; 111 U.IK IIl'RKE THE .MYSTI RIOl H MISS TERRY' Complete In ( Reels AW MISSION Mat litre . II and 22 cents Nielit 17 and 27 cents AP.D.MORE HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Tho high school foot ball team will play Its second away from home of the season at Purcell tomorrow after noon. As Purcell can not afford to finance the game the clusses here of fered to bear the expenses of the trip. The boys will go from Purcell to Nor man Saturday to attend the Oklahoma Kansas game. The pupils at high school are show ing much Interest in the concert cours and tonight the foot ball boys will be ushers. The majority of the teachers In the city schools will go to Oklahoma City November 29 to attend the meeting of the State Teachers as.-iociatlon. The scenery for "The Nautical Knot." an operetta to be given by the high school November 27 will be made by the manual training department. Kven though there is nothing growing at this season of the year, the agri culture class is doing field work. The members of the class are testing sol) and recently at the request of the own er, tested the soil in an Ardmore gai den. The motto "Industry" for the action month that is Just closing has been we 'I lived up to by the pupils and the fac ulty members are pleased w ith the work being done this year. The interest of the pupils outside of studies has up to this time centered on foot ball, but now that the season is closing, their interest is ling direct ed to Indoor sports. Hasket ball is be ginning to lie talked of and more time will be devoted to literary programs. The names of pupils chosen for both societies will -be announced at the be ginning of the coming month. Fretiuig Hurts Cotton. Washington, Nov. 8. Freezing tem xrature in all but extreme aouthern and lantern areas caused syme damage tar cotton during Octotwr. according to (lie monthly crop bulletin by the de- partnient of agriculture. Temperature for the month, the statement said, av-) eraged two to fix degrees colder than PROGRAM For i tit ' " SECOND CONCERT Ur.der Auspices of Ardmore Entertainment Association CONVENTION HALL Thursdav, Nov. 8, 1917 Merle Alcock.'Contralto; Bechtel Alcock, Tenor Mr. Robinson, at the Piano. Part 1. 1. Duets , . . . a. Wanderer's Night Song Rubinstein b. The Ring Dvorak 2. a. Star Rs b. Yesteryear Christ c. The Trumpeter Dlx Mr. Alcock 3. a. Love's Sorrow Brown b. Gotine Gialle . Brop c. Villanella Sibella Miss Alcock 4. . Cielo e Mar ("La Gioconda") Ponchielli Mr. Alcock 5. Duets a. Dear Eyes Fisher b. Country Courtship Old English Part II. 6. Mon Couer Souvre a ta Voix ("Samson et Dalila") Saint-Saens Miss Alcock 7. a. Crying of Water Campbell-Tipton b. Three Negro Spirituals Burleigh Mr. Alcock 8. a. Times Garden Thomas (Edison Record 820G5) b. Spring Flowers Philips c. Danny Boy : Weatherby d. Battle Hymn of the Republic Miss Alcock 9. Duet? Home to our Mountains Verdi II Trovatore Reserved Seat Ticket at Citv Drue Store. NOTE The next number will be given February 15 by Arthur Middleton, basso, while Alice Nielsen will give the concluding number of the course on April 12, 1918. The Electric Laundry Whether you io your own washing, hire a helper, or send the work cut, you can save money, time and wear, and tear by installing urt-ro-date heme labor savers driven fey G-E ELECTRIC MOTORS You will be surprised to see how little it costs to run these motors. Their first cost is soon offset by the saving in labor. Less than a cent an hour will operate most of the machines for home laundry work. A couple of hours will suffice ta finish a good sized wash the electric way. Will you try one of these machines in your home? PHONE 168 Our Representative Will Call Consumers Light & Power Co. which is proof against all argument, and which cannot (ail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. That is condenv nation prior to investigation." Herbert Spencer. Tie Amen (Grocery Stores ft of Ardmore, Oklahoma Id incorporated under the laws of .fields. Junt to the west of Ardmore, are I I UAM .t anil tha llntrtlit Oklahoma. Has for Its purpose tlie J ' ' " operation of a nyHtem of co-operative chain csHh stren. It hn two Btorrs now In operation nn! will open other as soon a condi tions commenHUrate to good buslne judgment Justify. The authorized capital Is now liou.- 00. This may be lnerenwed from time to time until the board of directors see fit to discontinue opening new stores. The first series of this Ftock will be ofTcrel at pur $50 per share, fully paid and non-assesslhle. The history of co-oeratIve chain cash stories Is one of unbounded success, as best evidence by such concerns as Kress Co., Woolworth Co., KersaKe- & Co.. McClary, Duke & Avers, Kuette 4 Co, American Stores Co.. Sears Roebuck Co., all national In their op erations. In Texas and Louisiana we have the Illustration of what local chain stored can accomplish. In the fnlted Cash Stoies of Dallas that have built from one to twenty-jlKht. The Star Cash has had a Rieater growth, havinK now 48 stores or more In operation, anil all making money, as are the Cash tores of Waco, San Antonio, Austin, H juston and other locations. The Nel sons of New Orleans In a few years have grown from one larite downtown (vish store to 63 stores. Tlie Atlnnta. wealth from the further development of the some Is assured. .Thl will make of Ardmore one of the largest cltleg of the southwest, and still further enhance the succss of the American Cash Grocery Stores Company. The Importance of economical buyinR creates a demand for the establishment of a chain cash stores company In this rich and rapidly Browing section of Oklahoma to' meet the requirements of those who recoKnlxe the saving due to csh buying. The Amerlciin Cash Gro cery Stores Company will meet that demand. The alacrity with which the buying public accepted our cash system and the extraordinarily liberal patronace extended u. Insures the success of the company here, while the urgent request from other localities for the establish ment of similar stores in their communi ties, doubly insures large volume of bus iness and consequent Increase of earn ing power. It is currently reported that one chain rrocery company saved more than $40,000 last year upon Its pur chases; similar savings may be mud by this company under its system of buy ing. Officers and employes will b- plnced under bond and the affairs of the com pany regularly audited, thereby insuring strict business methods and corrfct re turns to the stockholders. $100 invested In the Chal-' " ' ' ores for five weeks ending March 31, 1917, are reported to have amounted to $9, 623,698, or an Increase of $3.1189.824. or fiS per cer.t. Many other Illustrations from other similar companies are given in the same article, which says: "In spite of food shortage, the high cost of living and the wave of econ omy sweeping the country, the leading I tea and grocery companies report a large Increase of business. The same 18 true of the five nnd ten-cent stores." It Is reported that the Mercantile Syndicate of Ixiulsiana made an Increase of 60O per cent In Its vol ume of busuwiw, and with some 22 stores, realized a prollt of over 20 per cent In five months' business. It Is also reported that one of the small chain stores In. Texa turned Its stock in 1916, 23 times and made more than 100 per cent profit on Its Investment. It Is currently reported that another system of chufn cash grocery stores in Texas paid, last year, a 40 per cent cash divi dend and doubled its number of stores. To succeed requires only co-operation with the- ideal headquarters for a system of cash stores. All that is now required to Insure the success of this Institution Is the co-operation of those vitally Interested, first In the upbuilding of Ardmore; seconil. in the economical buying of merchandise. Then In mak ing a profitable' investment. uirminguam anil Aiempnm ru.rtT - . nnt , -I,.,.. fr. h,it i'si had a most phenomenal growth." airect HavInB on the monthly slip- .fones & Co., of New York, pay their first annual dividend of 50 per cent. The Mercantile Syndicate of Louisiana declared a 10 per cent dividend in five months' business and showed earnings it the rnte of better than 50 per cent. The American Stores Co., In three months earned $15,398. S15. plies of not less than 10 per cent from that to 20 per cenU This means to an average family a saving of $3 to $10 per month. Make four Dollar Help Win (be War. To the students of economy now, when the high cost of living Is the para- Thus It Is shown that through the. mount question, and the question of Co-Operative Cash Store systems the I making the dollar help win the war. "who would not Invest $100 or fl.OOil, or l:.rgest profits ure possible. Co-operation Will be one of the main futures of this organization, extending to the investing public who are In-;.ve.Ut-il In the progress of this country and who desire to get away from spec ulative investments and desire to in vent for income only, a safe, profit able proposition. Co-Operative Chain Cash Stores have invariably been a great success wherever operated. Affording the two most desirable elemers sought by those who desire to Invest for income, viz: that of safety and profit. Safe because founded on sound busi ness principles that of buying for cash and selling for cash. Good manage ment and the elimination of waste op erating along the most economical lines known to modern merchandise, reducing the expenses to the minimum, ! established a fixed place in Industry. or even $5,000 in an Institution that l.a.- for its puriiose an economical nn l sav ing syrtem that will enable the buying public to save a few pennies on every purchase. An average of 10 per cent to 20 per cent on every dollar purchased means a big per cent on the investment. Means a nulek turnover of merchandise; , means a big profit to the Investors. Can 1 you afford not to invest If It means you '"ail to have the system of cash stoics J In your own community? Will you avail yoi-rseir or mis opionuniiy or proru sharing. The Financial Age and Investment and Ranking World gives an astound ing record of some of these chain stores In Its publication of December 16, 1916. where it says: "Chain stores, smalt priced merchandise in a few years ha all under one managerial expense, one office expense. No bookkeeping, except at headquarters, or bad debts, delivery expense reduced to the minimum. These are some of the most Important con tributing factors to the safety and profit of this company. Profitable, because their small profit and quick turnover Insures the large volume of busines. and It Is the large volume that makes the large dividends. Kxcellerit location for headquarters: The American Cash Grocery Stores company with its excellent location for headquarters, should become one of the great systems of chain cash merchan dise, the largest In Oklahoma, one of the mout Important factors in upbuild Ine Ardmore, and one of the most profit able Investments for Income to be considered. The logical location. .MASTKKS OF MIIJ.IONS Investment-Saying Ascribed to Some of America's Foremost Financiers. Chauncey M. Depew: "Buy when stock Is first offered." John D. Rockefeller: "Don't delay; ret in while you' aitB." Jay Gould: "One hundred dollars In vested In the right place will earn as much as a man steadily employed." J. rierpont Morgan: "The foundation of wealth Is- th first $100 well In vested." Chun. M. Schwab: "All our self-made men began as small investors." George Westinghouse: Five thousand Americans are worth one million each because they invested In new things." K. H. Harrjinan: There are two fac tors which work against prosperity: one is Idla men, the other Is idle capital." They can be heled. Who will be counseled T An Investment in The American Cash , Grocery Cbi of Ardmore may lead to your fortune;. These concerns do a total annual Dusl- nrH of nearly $i:0,0O0,OO0. Four of! these chain stores have shown net pro fits in thrfie years since 19IJ f Woolworth $'0,J39.i;i Kruese M 22.911 Kress 3,11 2,571? MrCrory 1.011.304 Total of $26,7JWR5" The New York Curb of July 7, 1917, likewise furnishes some interesting facts as to the rapid increase In growth of volume and profit of these chain stores, it says: "Chain stores enjoy big boom Inspired by economical buyers. Fire and ten-cent shops aud tea mid general grocery emporiums record llonrisiimg business in all their lines. Great gains I shown by fhese Indu-trie." Ardmore, with her 20.000 population;! The Acme Tea company's sales for with four railways, excellent highways, Meal t-urroundines, progressive citizen ship, modern factories, mills, wholesale houses, hotels and excellent public buildings, is aa Ideal location for the company's headquarters. Southern Oklahoma, of which Ard more is the lea-l!ng city. alounds in rich mines and oil fields, and is also adapted to general farming, stock raising, fruit and vivetable growing. It is populated with a citizenship of rare progressive ness and no section of the Union is de veloping faster or along more perma nent lines. It Is believed that the great Heaklton. Fox. Wheeler and other oil four weeks ending Mav 5. are reported to have amounted to $2.1!3.o95. as com pared with $1,294,021 for the four weeks, endir.g May 6. 1916, an Increase of $819, 374. or 63.5 per cent. Sales or Grand Union Tea company and Globe Grocery Stores, operated by Jone Dros. Tea Co., Inc.. for the four months ended April 50, 1917. were $3, 52O.0S9, as compared with $2,996,144 for same -iiod of 1916, an Inrrease of $.')'3.94"i, or 17.5 per cent. Sears, Itnehuck & Co. report April s.Jes at $14,709,375, or an Increase of $2,966,570. or 25.26 per cent. Great Atlantic & Taclflc Ten. Co. sales Now Is the Opportune Time to Invest In Sharis of the Company. To more fully develop and cover the territory selected with more stores and to secure tbe co-operatton and Influence of the greatest number of people, which is a revogaized asset to any corpora tion, a limited amount to each investor of the capital stock is offered at par $50 per sham. WTwn this allotment Is placad the stock will either be with drawn or the price Increased, so that those who recognize the merits of the chain casft system, and the wonderful opportunity of the lurge returns pos silile should hasten to secure as much of the sXjw-k us Is permitted to one In dividual Investment, free from ull specu lative features, is indeed rare. The stock, of this- company meets every require ment of safety and profit. People must and will eC regardless of price and' conditions. We make the price as low as can iMMsiuly be this Insures vd ume, ami volume insures profit. When you advance the cause of any enterprise that lowers the high oost of living, you are helping to promote your own Interests. Economy Is one of the first steps to fortune. The history of human achievements is a record of bitter battles with the forces of "Gen eral Doubt." Hesitation Is the silent partner of failure. Do not waif until the stock is off the market or th price increased, but act NOW. !!ut 10 shares will be sold to one from this series. Cooperate and participate with us by iMH-omlng a stockholder, and thereby render a service to your com munity and secure a profitable invest ment for yourself. For ndditionnl Information call upon or address J. C. BLAND Fiscal Agent The American Cash Grocery Company Room 14 Bridgman Building. Box 480 Bank Reference Will Be Furnished Upon Inquiry