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TKACKKIMl IHCjws. ' 'v 1 ; M I ! 1 I II T 4 Con cc The ei li 5J C PAC2 FOUR. DAILY ARDMOREITE Friday. November 30, 1917. SOUTHERN PINE MILLS WORK NIGHT AND DAY TO DOUBLE SHIP TIMBER OUTPUT FOR NATION I. V ( y. it , 4. k vy ..v 4 )M. 1 i U :- -.-Hr"-"- .Tjh- '7 of massive Aroused to the necessity ofj irreater efforts if the nation's wooden Seet plans are not allowed to tar. dangerously. Southern lumber J manufacturer this week inaugu-, frated a speeding up program by, which it is hoped to increasa the out put of ship timebrs from 850,000 feet (to 2,000,000 feet a day. Mills whicr, liad never before cut a stick of ship (timbers are overhauling machinery I land installing new eauinment with a Srfew to contributing their part to the country's defense work. Many of the larger plants will run night and day until the government's re quirements have been fully met With the centralization of all lumber activities on shipbuilding comes announcement by the South ern Pine Association that a general campaign of instruction will at once be Mgun among mill superintend ents, loggers, and lumber workers generally, whereby maximum results may be attained and waste elimi nated. Thousands of colored placards are being printed, to be postei! up at mills and in mill towns. One of these placards reads: "Win the War! RUSH material for Ships!" Lumberjacks miles oack in the forests will soon be eatinc their din ner to the accompaniment uf patri otic oratory. The Souther.- Pine Association has engaged f.he sen-ices of a number of forceful speakers to visit work ers in the woods and mills through out the South. Cypress manufacturers have of fered to produce some of the extra large size timbers which are difficult to obtain in pine. "Every piece of express possible of conversion into shipbuilding timbers will be so util ized," said George E. Watson, sec retary of the Southern Cypress Manufacturers' Association. ' "Lumbermen realize as nsver be fore the tremendous responsibility! that devolves on them in connection: with a restoration of the world's1 merchant marine," said J. E. Rhodes, secretary-manager of the Southern. Pine Association, today. ."Without, an appreciable increase in the pro duction of new ships we cinnot hopo( to win the war. l or, in spite of the fact that the submarine campaign; has been brought more nearly under control than some months, ago, thai submarines are now sinking ton nage at the rate of 150,000 tons a week, while America's production oft new ships has been only 60,000 tons; a week. This disparity must be' f overcome. ' "Now that lumbermen are fully awake to the conditions, however, thsy may raj expected to do their full duty. By extra efforts, we hope' to make up for the time lost. ?n I have the wooden shipbuiMci gram fav ahead of schedule t . . middle of next year." LACKLAND SELLS MANY CHOICK U)TS Col. RufUB J. Lackland auctioneer, yesterday afternoon .sold ttie first of a large number of residence sites on Mix by and McLIsh avenues, under the di rection of Edwards Brothers, managers for the Simpson Realty Company. There was a large crowd In attendance and at times the bidding was spirited. Some exceptional bargains were secur ed and many choice locations were dis ' posed of. The first of the two Ford cars given away at the sale was awarded to Wil liam Snedden. Another car will , be awarder" today. Colonel Lackland concluded the sale of lota with thin afternoon's offerings. The sale began at 1 o'clock. PREDICTS END OK EAST . AFRICAN CAMPAIGN EARLY London, Nov. 30. The end of the East African vajnpaign before Christ mas is predicted by the Reuter corres pondent at Ndara. He declares that the German commander In chvf will either be a prisoner or in exile by that time. NURSING THE WOIXDEI). TO ADDRESS I NION LAROR MEETING AW IX Patterson, representing the Union Defense committee, of Sao Fran cisco, which Is providing funds for the defense of Thomas J. Mooney, accused of planting a bomb which Injured mem- members of a street procession. In in the city. Sir. Patterson will address a mass meeting of organized labor at the union headquarter. I. O. O. F. hall, at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. The meet ing will be open to the public. Ardmoreite want ads bring results. ABSOLUTELY SAFE When one works for money, spends his hours of labor and self denial for it, he wants to put it where it is safe. He does not want to lose it. The savings bank Is about as safe as any human institution can be. It is supervised by the civil authorities. It is safeguarded by its directors. It has every assurance of tradition and environment IT IS THE HIGHEST TTPE OF FINANCIAL SECURITY. STATE NATIONAL BANK OF ARDMORE "The Bank with the Chime Clock" It takes strength and courage to nurse the wounded. Every woman should make herself fit for war's call I at home or abroad. Health and strength are within the reach of every woman. They are brought to you by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Take this med icine, and there's a safe and certain remedy for the chronic weaknesses, de rangements and diseases peculiar to the sex. It will build up, strengthen and in vigorate every "run-down" or delicate woman. It regulates and assists the natural functions. At gome period in her life, a woman requires a special tonic and nervine. If you're a tired or afflicted woman, turn to "Favorite Prescription" and you will find It never falls to benefit. Hold in tablet or liquid form. Send Dr. Tierce, Pres. Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute. Buffalo, N. Y.. 10c for trial pkg. tablets. You will escape many ills and cl-ar up the coated tongue, the sallow com plexion, the dull headache, the lazy liver, if you will take a laxative made up of the May-apple, leaves of aloes, root of jalap, and called "Pleasant Pel lets." (Adv.) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Twenty-fU-e good reliable families to pick pecans at home; good pay. Phone or call on us for parti culars. Purity Pecan Plantation Co., South Washington St. Phone 1183. 30 J WANTED Girl for housework: no washlnc-or Ironing. Phone 1416 r 220. !Mrs. Kitto. 0-3 WANTED Forty young ladles and women for steady work at our fac tory: good pay: light and steady work. Purity Pecan Plantation Co factory Bouth Washington. 30-1 New Victor Records for December Will Be Here Tomorrow Come in and hear them. Lots of good numbers. D A CC FURNITURE nr DlADD and CARPET W. Talking Machine Kansaa City Uventork. Kansas City, Nov. SO. IUX1H: Uc cttlpts 10,000, 9 to 10 lower; heavy 17.40 4tl7.0; light lK0(tl 17.30; pigs 15.50 ti 16.25. CATTLE: Receipts 6.0H0. In cluding 800 southerim. Steady, I'rUnn feil (.teem U.tnti 15.50; dressed beef steers 1 1.OOiij H.!H; southern steeis 7.00 i 10.00; cows 5.501 10.50; lieifeis 0.50 111 I 50; atockers 6 5iMi150 calves U 50 il2 00. SHEKP: Receipts (1,500, lambs l.2i 17.00; yeui'lingd 1 .& U Oil; Wethers 11.6U 13.00; s'.ockers 7.00 il 17.00. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Chicago. Nov'. 30. t'nfavoi'aM Weuther conditions today gave a little strength to the corn market. Cars In liberal numbers, however, were being supplied to western roud.i which later led to a reuctlon. Trude was almost entirely of local character. Opeiilni prices, which ranged from 1-8 cent ofi TOWER'S FISH BRAND REREX SLICKER Practical as plow, and just as necessar Make every rainy aay count. Waterproofs Abaoluio . ore Morkod I i&r bjP AiTovrn ca boston to M rent advance with the January 1.21 to I 21 1-3 and May Ms I s to 1.19 were followed by slight general gains and then a moderate downturn, Oats. Jjuger receipts weukened the oats market after some firmness at the outset. Betterment of the car situa tion atti'Hctd much notice, 'rovlsloiiH. Provisions gave way to declines In the value of hog. Meprenslon whs chiefly In luid. COTTON. New Orleans. Nov. 30 The pence talk contained In the. day's political new caused K buying wave on the opening of the cotton nurketi beie todnv. which put prl.ea 2i to 26 points up In the first half hour of bUNlneh.i. A Woman's Duty r... h kAt-lnnlnir of tlmO. It httS bean woman's aphero in life to rear the future generation. Three peneratlons of expectant mothers bave aided nntura by the regular uie of the. time-honored ex ternal Application. "Mother's Frlond . This safo and reliable emollient softens the skin of the abdomen; the muscles ex pand easily and more naturally when baby is bom. and this liniment is the greatest contribution of science, to a hap py motherhood. "Mother's Friend" la the prescription of a famous phyelclan who preecrlbed it in his obatetrtcal practice for over forty years, and is of such a helpful and nat ural nature as to be In every way neces- ... ...r.tni tnnther. All reliable druRlBts supply "Mother's Friend .Apply St yourself to the abdomen and breasts rdg1.t and morning. Write the Bradlleld Regulator Co.. Dept. L. 200 Build inir Atlanta. Ca.. and they will send you a little book brimful of eclentlflcally pro pared information, without charge. Writ for It by all means, and do not fan to a tl Mture by the ue of "Mother's Friend". Ask for a bottle of "Mother's Friend" at your druggist' today. The market was held within bound by crop eetlmate or u.isi.uuu uaies, noi InuluilliiK liuterH. I'KORIXK. Kantian City. Nov. SO. Huttor, eggs, txiultrv: unchanged. Potatoes: Pleudy $1.7S4il.S5. ro.u. c.xum is pkam'k. I"arls, Nov. JO. Htrict economy In the use of coal In France is necewuiry this winter In order to avoid a s.iortage. This Is iM-lna accomplished by the I nuance f "Mil cards with which an amount Js allotted to each family with a limit of 2 pouniis a month lor families up to four iwi-hohh. Notice to All My Customers Beginning December first, will sell for cash. Ab solutely no credit. It will pay you to buy at these prices. These are sonfcj specials: 2 pkgs White Swan oats. 25c Mission brand fruits, all Kincis 2 cans best Standard corn 5 bars white laundry soap Matches, per box Okra, per can Large can asparagus Gallon glass jars kraut 1- lb Boy Scout coffee 2- lb Old Hillside K llw Ppnhprrv coffee OK flon rincf Tniif 20C Macaroni r 2 for 25c Spaghetti, 2 for 25c Dried beans, all kind3 J 17c 2 cans 1-lb pink salmon 35c No. 2 English peas 15c Large can California grapes 25c E:: D. Christie 25c 25c . 5c 10c 35c 90c 30c 55c $1.00 514 E St. N. W. Phone 424 The Symbol of Safety to Investors and the Men Who Make It Mean Something - This emblem will appear many times in this and other publications. It means something to every prospective investor in oil, gas, lead or zinc, because it represents the integrity and character of the ster ling citizens whose names are printed below. Our emblem on an advertisement means that the Eclipse Sales and Securities Company has consented ,to market the stock of the company thus permitted to carry our insignia. The importance of the above statement lies in this fact: We do not lend our name or efforts, we do not pledge our reputation to any stock-selling movement until mir pxnerts have thoroucrhlv examined the com pany issuing the stock. This examination must show that the company is properly officered, is neither under or over-capitalized, has exactly the leases and production it claims to have, and is so managed that every investor will receive a full and fair opportunity to realize. There are many such companies in Oklahoma. The difficulty has been for the non-expert to distinguish them or to secure disinterested advice. The policy of this company will place the securities of oil, gas, lead and zinc on the same high plane as any other industrial. PROMINENT CITIZENS-STOCKHOLDERS AND OFFICERS OF THIS COMPANY THK FOLLOWING STOCKIIOI GEO. C. ALCORN. Scott-Alcorn UruK Co. J. I!. ni'RWELL, J. I!, nurwell' Supply Co. W.M. E. BAILEY, Auto Tire Co. VM. C. HENTLHY, Eclipse Sales & Se curities Co. TOM BAUGH, men's furnlKhings. A. H. I1KOOKS. M?r. Swift's Prod. Co. C. I). BREEDING, I'arlln & Orendorff Co. W. C. BEESLEY, Eclipre Sales & Securi ties Co. V. H. BEESLEY. Eclipse Sales & Securl tieH Co. JOE A. BENTLEY, Eclipse Sales & Securi ties Co. FRANK L. CLARK, Aat. Cawhier State National Bank. G. C. CA STLEBERR Y, MKr. Pioneer Tel. & Telegraph Co. FRED S. COOMBS, See-Treas, The Clas sen Co. FRANK C. COOMBS, Eclipse Sales & Se curjtieii Co. ROGERS S. COATES. L. C. Smith & Bro. Typewriter Co. J. V. CRl'ZAN Dentixt. U. COOMBS, The Boardman Co. DR. W. M. CHADWICK, State National Rank Bid-. A. E. CARTER, Eclipse Sales & Securities Co. F. J. BREMER, Mr. Eclipse Sales St Se curities Co. JOE H. DFDLEY. Mgr. Lehlph Oil & Gas Company. J- A. DRLSKILL, Mr. Security Mutual Life Insurance Co. S. T. DIWCAN. Lewis A Mann Live Stock Com. Co. SIMPSON Dt'CK. Maywood Bakery W. If. DORR. Eclipse Sales 4 Securities Co. K. II. ELKLVS, Eclipv Sales & Securities Co. C. C. FLETCHER. Mgr. Fl. k Rulrber Co. ,IKKS ARE IMtOMlXKXT OKLAHOMA CITY IU SI. NESS MEN: -V. II. FRANK, Cotton Gin Co. I. IJ. FLANARY, Draughon's Business Col lege. G. B. FINCH. Bour Coffee Co. E, G. GLENN, Broom Corn Buyer. O. M. GILLISl'lE, Moco Laboratories. J. F. HARBOUR, Pres. Harbour-Lonemire Co. L. C. HIVICK. Pres. Hlvick Oil & Gas De velop. Co., Ardmore. L. C. HIVICK, Pres. Quadrangle Oil Co.,' Enid. J. T. Hl'GHES, Vice Pres. HuRhes-Bozarth-Anderson Co. CHAS. F. HEIDBRINO, Pres. Okla. Oper ating Co. F. E. HARKNESS, Sec. Oklahoma City Auto Association. S. C. SCALES. Stockman. E. B. HUGHES, Beacon Shoe Co. J. P. HESS, Lnyton Pure Food Co. V. B. 11AIUVOOIJ, Eclipse Sales & Secur ities Co. O. R. HISEL, Ijcal Building & Loan As sociation. L. E. KNIGHT. Knight Beck Co. R. A. KLEFECKER. Pres. Orth-Klefecker-Wallace Co. II. G. LITTLE, South Side Dairy. EDWIN B. McKILLIP, Mgr. Morris A Co. THOS. T. MURRY, Vice President Hlnes Oil & Gas Co. J. Y. -MORGAN, Eclipse Sales A Securities Co. MOSS. President Moco Laboratories. MOSS, Moco Laboratories. MCCARTHY, Dlst. Mgr. R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco Co. PAUL M. POPE, Sec. and Mgr. Sammies Oil Co., Vice Pres Farmers Mutual Co. V. H. PREWETT, Knight Beck Co. D. 1). PUCKETT, Eclipse Sales A Securi ties Co. J. S. REAVES. Sales Mgr. Eclipse Sales A Securities Co. ROBT. M. H(X)TT, Scott Drug Co. SMITH, Twyford, Smith A Crowe, attorneys. T. M G. C. S. V. YV. N. SHELLENBARGER, Registered Hereford Cattle Farm. A. C. SE1DS, Dentist, State National Bank Bldg. H. B. SHADINGER, Eclipse Sales A Se curities Co. SHELLEY A TRACY, President Southwes tern Adv. Co. J. S. TWYFORD, Twyford. Smith A Crowe, attorneys. T. J. Turner, Bates Adjustment to. R. II. WILKIN, President Wilkin-Hale State Bank. P.ank. II. C. WEBB, Mgr. Lease Farmers' Mutual Oil Leasing Co. JNO. E. WILSON, Fisk Rubber Tire Co. J. C. AVILKINS, Real Estate Investor. These men, also stockholders, are re spected in their various communities: W. E. BROWN. Chattanooga. Okla. C. C. BRYANT, Lawton. Okla. C. II. BUSER, Dale, Okla. L. A. BROWN. Shawnee, Okla. E. G. BURNLEY, State Mgr. Fairbanks Morse Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. CHAS. D. BUCKLEY? U. 8. Army. J. C. CASON, Stephens. Mo. E. F. COMEGYS, New York Life Ins. Co., Ardmore, Okla. CHAS. HAWK. Shawnee. Okla. S. A. HOLT, Arkansas Lumber Co., War ren, Ark. ' C. W. LINTHICUM. State Mgr. Southern Mfg. Co.. Ft. Smith. Ark. TOM MITCHAM. Cashier Lehigh Nat. ' Bank, Lehigh, Okla. PAUL MAIER. District Mgr. Van Dugan Extract Co., Denver. W.. E. NICHODE.MUS, Mayor. Drumright. Okla. T. M. PHILLIPS, Real Estate, Olustee, Okla. DR. A. A. ROBERTSON. Marlow, Okla. F. O. RAMSEY, Attorney. Wapanucka. Okla. A. IL SMITH. Frederick, Okla. FRANK SAINT. Perkins. Okla. Write for List of Investigated and Approved Stocks Fists!. Ae-.:..; F. J. DREHER, General Manager 511-518 Herskowilz Bldg. Oklahoma City, Okla.