Newspaper Page Text
Tuesday, December 4, 1917. DAILY ARDMORZITE PACE FIVC SOCIETY TIIINAM KAICI. Of unusual Interest and prominence ws the mnrrliiRe lust night of Miss Lllllun Tltliuim of Oklahoma City to Adjutant Ontral Aneel Kurp, of Aril more, which took plure at 8 o'clock at tha home of the bride's parents, Mr, n nd Mrs. Frederick II. Tl.limm. MH Went Thirty-Fourth street. Only relit tlvaa anil closest friends witnessed the Impressive ceremony, which van pr formed by the KlKht Kev. Fram-I K llrooke, bishop of Oklnhnmn, assisted by the Kev. Frederick '- liute, dean of Ht. fuul'a Cuthedrnl. The spirit of pa trlotiam waa munlfcHt In all the decora Hons, the entire lower aulte of ronma Muk drapud with the Auks of the allies, throwing Into relief atutely palniH, ferns Htiil bnxketa of bride roses. Ivory ped eHtuI HtundurdH overflowing with white rone were linked tiiKether with white aatln rlblMin and formed an aisle which extended to an ImprovlMed altnr draped In AinerlcHii Hukm, MtandanlH of white roue flunking the sides. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. A let ha Itarr Tuft sang As the Pawn." Alra. t mm Wolverton Young of Ardmore played the wedding nuirili from Ijohengrln an the bridal party deHcended the stair. Mra. Cecil V. KogerH, of Italian, Texaa, a sinter of the bride, wiih matron of honor, and wore a gown of white satin, with over dress of Nile green net and sliver trim mlng. Her flower were ophellu roue The bride, who entered the cerpmony riKim with her father and met the bridegroom at the ultar, waa gowned In heavy white satin, made in empire Ntyle, a court train being; fastened to the tihoulilera with band of pearl trimming Her tulle veil wua held In place by a Itandeau of pearls, and she carried a Bhower bouquet of white Klllarney roses and lilies of the valley. Adjutant Gen eral Karp waa attended by Lieutenant Jean C. Thompson of Camp Howie, at tached to l'rlgadler Oeneral 11 off man's staff. A supper waa served after the ceremony, the table being centered with an old KngUxh wedding cuke which the bride cut. Mr. and .Mrs. lCurp have taken apartments ut the Lee llucklns Hotel. DONATIONS OK MflXKY. The Ladies' Aid Socley of the First Presbyterian church will meet at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon. Instead of the usual Christmas bazaar, the mem bers are asked to bring donations of money. Those who have already made urtlclels are requested to bring them and they will be placed on sale. All lire nsked to donate as liberally as pos sible. The proceeds will go to the new church fund. XKW CLASS OK(i ANI.KI). With fifteen enthusiastic women in attendance, the second class in surgical dressings bewail yesterday ut the Ked Cross rooms. Forty-seven dressings were prepared at this time. Any one who has not yet taken part In this work Is requested to phone Mrs. Churls Hol ers for assignment. A market will be conducted at 2 o'clock Saturday at W. A. Colley's store, with Mrs. Churls Rog ers und Miss (ieorgia Simpson in charge. The proceeds from this sale will be used to buy gauze for surgical dressings to be made by the Ked Cross. Those who will donate to this market are asked to telephone .Mrs. Kogers or Miss Simpson. SKWS TOMOKKOW. TO MAKE KKD CltOMM MKMUKKMIIII' I MVKKHAL "To make Red Cross memierahl a universal American manhood u tha object of the ChrlMtmaa Ked Cross mem bership campaign" wild Henator Fred E. Tucker, who hua undertaken the leadership in nine countiea In the south era hu lion of the atate. The member ship drive haa been planned with all the precision that the general gives to his plan of battle. The organisation begin with a atate manager who haa divided the atutn into nine districts comiMined of several counties each and a manuger haa been appointed for each district. The district inienuger appoints a manuger for each county. The county In divided Into units consisting of cities, lncoriorated town und town ships. The county manuger appoints a captain for each unit. City cuptuina apKilnt a oa plain for each ward and the ward captain apMiliita wnrkera for each block. The captain of an Incur porated town makes his own divisions and appoints aa man workers ua ht necessary. The township captain up (Hilnta workers for each school district. For this Christmas campulgn all for mer membership ale set aside. All lire eligible for membership and the fee Is $1. Henator Tucker lias Inaugu rated u plan by which each worker will write out a receipt for each person solicited. If the membership fee Is puld the receipt is Issued to the member. If for uny reuson membership is not taken the nunio of the pel son und his resi dence toxether with his reason for not tuklng membership is indorsed on the receipt und ut the emf of the campulgn he will know the reason why every person in hi district is not a member of the American Ked Cross. THINGS WOKTII KNOW IN(i. There are about 100,000 Turks In the United States Not one of the great German com posers wu a Prussian. The bill pouch of the pelican will hold from three to eljfht pounds of fish. The Cafe Floriun, opened In Venice In 1613 and still in existence, is the oldest public coffee house In Kurope. Central Park In New York has un urea of Hti2 acres; Lincoln Park, Chicago, '52 acres; Swope Park, Kansas City, 1, 332 acres. Kvery day of the week is Sunday in some part of the world. The ureeKs observe Monduy; the Russians, Tues day; the Assyrians, Wednesday; the Kgyptlans, Thursday; the Turks, ! rl lay; the Jews, Saturday, and the Chris tians, Sunday. NTATK DIVIDKII FOIt TIIK BIO IHUVK ChrUlmaa Campahjn Will Net 500,000 Ked ( roHit MeinbrrhlMt. Oklahoma City. Okla., liec. 4. (Hpec lul.l The atute of Oklahoma haa been divided into ten working dlstrlctr, through which 500.00s memberships In the Kill Cross are to he ohtulned In a tremendous drive from !ec. 17 to lire. 25, according to those In charge of headquarters work In Oklahoma City. Kach district ha been placed In charge of one of the most prominent men of that section, who will have gen eral lis'al supervision. II. A. Ians of Hal tlenvllle haa charge of the north eastern district; A. ('. Trumb, Musko gee, eastern; J. II. Gordon, McAlenter. southeastern: Koy V. Thomas, Knld. northern; James Chenoweth, Okliihumh City, central; Charles Swlndall, WoihI ward, northwestern; K. M. Llnvllle, Klk City, western and Porter II. W'huley Amarlllo district. Managers for the southern and southwestern dlslrlcti have not Vet been designated. L. K. Plilll pv f Oklahoma City la director for the Christmas drive. Not only Mr. Phillip hut all his assistants are donating their services, and even office space and equipment have been donated by patriotic cltlsena. Members of the Oklahoma Patriotic Speakers bureau have been asked to give their services to the drive. Speak ers for any occasion may be obtained either through the local county council of defense or directly from the state council nt Oklulioina City. KK.I.IF.I' IN sn;irr FOIt TIIOSK MAKKKD Division Number One of Kroadway Methodist church will sew tomorrow af ternoon at the Ked Cross rooms. NOTKS OK SOCIETY. Miss Grace Johnson, 11. C street southwest, went to Gainesville yester day to visit her uunt, Mrs. Sue .McKe mie. Hefore returning home Miss John son will visit Ft. Worth, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dulaney of Paris, Texa, are visiting their daughter. Mrs. W. J. Cassidy, 820 West Hroudway. Mrs. Arthur Hall will entertain the Thimble Tea club at three o'clock Fri day afternoon at her home, the Maples, in honor of Air. Hall's sister, Mrs Hu bert Young, of Dallas, Texas. All mem hers will please phone .Mrs. Hall. The Pleasant Hour club will meeti with .Mrs. Henry Sutherland, 19 Second avenue northwest, at three o'clock Fri day afternoon. The Jewish Ladies' Aid Society will not meet for a month on account of the death of Mrs Johanna Kulish, a member. Mrs. T. A. Knowles and son, T. A. Junior, are at home. 125 1 strwet south west, after u month's visit in Waco, Texas. Mrs. Rdward Gait returned yesterday from Lexington, Okla. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Mulhern of Santa Fe, New Mexico, are visiting Mr. and .Mrs. P. C. Hlngs. Mrs. Mulhern who is a niece of Mr. Dings, was Miss Hazel Williams, anil has visited In Ardmore a number of times. Floyd Tullos, son of Mr. ami Mrs. W. W. Tullos, 1110 Third avenue north east, who belongs to K Company. 111th Knglneer at Camp Howie, Ft. Worth, spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. Mlnetta Ramey and little son. Hilly, went to Wynnewood today, where Mrs. Ramey will conduct a class In surgical dressings. A GREAT DISCOVERY (Hy J.' H. Watson, M. D.) The largest naval gun Is the 15-inch Knglish pun on the famous superdread naughts, and the largest land gun is the German howitzer. Of the two the naval gun fires a shell weighing more nun half a ton. while the other fires a projectile a ton In weight. Iticjclisls Cover GOB Miles. New York. Dec. 4 Pedalling nearly 100 miles behind the record for the J.'ml hour, twelve teams in the six-day bicy- le race In Madison Square tinmen nau covered fiOfi miles and 9 laps at 8 a. m. today. Madonna and Hello were one lap behind. KIDNEY M "KEEKERS HAE EEELINO OK SECTRITY You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Su.'h a medicine Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained In every bottle of Swamp-Root. Swamp-Koot is scientifically com pounded from vegetable herbs. It Is not u stimulant and is taken in teaspounful doses. It is not recommended for every thing. According to verified testimony it is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity Is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Koot. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you will find it on sale at all drug stores In bot tles of two sizes, medium und large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmr & Co.. Hingliamton. N. Y for a sample bottle. When writing he sure and mention the Ardmore Daily Ard moreite. (Adv.) FOR SALE By owner the following casing used in one well: 216 ft. 70-lb 15 1-2 inch. 562 ft. 50-lb 12 1-2 inch. 841 ft. 40-lb 10 inch. 1268 ft. 24-lb 8 1-4 inch. 1187 ft. 17-lb 6 5-8 inch. 1-2 H. P. eas engine and water-pump, steam head, standard rig complete, good condition. v 223 West Main St. ' Phone 1262. Box 978. Ardmore, Okla. 1 4 Swollen hands, ankles, feet are due to a dropsical condition, often caused bv disordered kidneys. Naturally when the kidneys are deranged the blood Is filled with poisonous waste matter which settles in the feet, ankles and wrists, or under the eyes In bag-like j formations. As a remedy for those easily recog nizor symptoms of inflammation caused by uric acid aa scalding urine, back ache and frequent urination, as well as sediment in the urine, or If uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, lum bago, sciatica, gout, it is simply won derful how quickly An-u-rlc acts: the pains and stiffness rapidly disappear, for Anurlc (double strength is manv time more potent than llthia and of ten eliminates uric acid as hot water melts sugar. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets for the liver and bowels have been favorably known for nearly 60 years. Anurlc is a recent scientific discovery by Pr. Pierce, -chief of staff at the In valids' Hotel and Surgical Inst, In Ruf falo. N. T. Send 10c there for trial pk. of Anuria - (Adv.) CHEAPER & BETTER BREAD The famous Krauter Co's. Mush Bread. Fresh daily. Rig loaf 15c. or 2 for 25c Try this fine breads 10 packages condensed soup, any variety, for 2aa You will like this soup! 7 cans Pet milk for 49c Learn to use Pet milk. It Is the pur est obtainable and roes farthest. 3-1 5c cans preserved figs 29c Be sure to see our Ms line of Christ mas toys and gifts for young and old. If necessary. r villi order anything you want. 1 THE DILWOBTH CO. 124 W. Main Phone 104 W help you aavea All That Remain Now Is for You to (irt Well. Men who are worked by a look of mis ery on their face, caused by a general I undown system, stand out In contrast with their neighbors who get about with the agility of a child. A love for fun simrkes In their eyes jnd they really enjoy life In work or I lay. Men who ure chained down by sick ness und despair, dreamily look un. help, icss unable to start a thing. They waste away their days, feeling they ure u burd 'ii on the world. There is relief for you. men. If you want to rejuvenate your whole body and feel good, take our tip and go to a live druggist and buy a Isittle of Pep Systemic Pills. Start taking them today. A couple of bottle will make that far-off look In your eye disappear; it will cause you to sciuare your shoulders and furnish you with strength to get about and do things. Pep Systemic Pills can be bought at lloyd-Hurrell drug store and other live druggists. For your own sake, you ought to begin a treatment now. Accept no substitute for these pills. v (Adv.) TOLD SHE'D BETTER MAKE OUT HER WILL Tabes TaiiUM and Now Keels I J We New renwn fan Do Her Own Housework. The remarkable results being ohtuln ed by the use of Tanlae la further evi denced In the case of Mrs. M. K. Cun nlnRhiim of S41N Humboldt street, Den ver. Colo., who In recently telling the story of her recovery, from a serloui compllrHtlun of troubles said: "A little over two years sgo 1 began to huve trouble with my stomach and 1 would get so tired und fugged out I couldn't get through' with my little housework without having to stop and lie down five or sis times during the day. 1 couldn't touch tnest or drink cither tea or coffee, and was put on a diet of the lightest kind of fissl. After eating I felt like there was a burning fire right In my chest and I suffered ugonles for hours. My food soured In my stomach ami formed gas ami my la-art would palpitate like It v uld Jump out of my Iwsly. My bloisl press ure went up to an alarming point and my heart acted so Mrangely I wua told 1 had Is-tter make out my will. I wus so nervous 1 could hardly sleep and many a time I lay awake ail night long suffering and worrying about my con dition. I was getting so thin and peaked my neighbors were all talking ubout it and asking what In the world wua the matter with lie. "I hud tried muny other medicine without getting any relief and after Tunluc was put on wile In Denver and everybody got to talking alsiul It. 1 decided to try It. too.. 1 noticed a de cided Improvement soon after I started on It and after my second bottle 1 ac tually felt like a new person. I have taken four bottles now und I cun eat most anything I want. I huve been re lieved of that burning sensation I had in my chest, gus has stoped forming ind the pressure has been relieved so my heart does not ixilpltute like It did. My nerves ure quiet and my sleep Is delightfully refreshing. I am so much better and stronger I can now do my housework without getting ull tired out ond having to stop to rest and I am now convinced that all my suffering wus caused by my disordered stomach. Tnnlac has done me more good than anything I have ever taken and my re lief is due to nothing else but this great medicine." Tunluc Is sold In Ardmore by T. N. Coleman, In P.erwyn by Herwyn Drug Co., In Wilson by John Tldmore, in Wirt by Miller Drug Co.. In llealdton by Sinith-McKnight Drug Co., in Tussy by lackson Tussy and in Hoxhar by J. Ii. Cox. Miss Mamie Campbell, of Melissa! TV xas, is here for an extended visit with Mrs. Fred Finley, bJS A street northeast. A R S O L 1'IELY S A F E When one works for money, spends his hours of labor and self denial for it, he wants to put it where It Is safe. He does not want to lose it. The savings bank is about as safe as any human institution can be. It is supervised by the civil authorities. It is safeguarded by its .directors. It has every assurance of tradition and environment. IT IS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF FINANCIAL SECURITY. STATE NATIONAL BANK OF ARDMORE "The Bank with the Chime Clock" "Get It At Frames" We fill your Prescription right. Ask your Doctor. Frame Drug Co. Cor. B and West Main Phone 387 Our terms make it easy to have a Victrola for Christmas A big gift at little expense ! A demonstration will prove to you what a big gift the Victrola will be for your family. Our easy terms will prove how little1 the expense of getting one in time for Christmas. , Victors and Victrolas, $10 to $400. Please hurry as it is certain there will not be enough Victrolas to go around I Talking Machine Headquarters. Coiiiu hi anu nwir our new December , records. , rt.-iyty,ttVj WiikmanSmrnscn The Christmas Display and Sale Of French Ivory Toilet Articles The time to choose these articles is now right away. The selections now are at their highest point of com pleteness. Many novelties are here now that will not be here later things that we cannot duplicate be cause the right qualities are hard to get. Here Are Mirrors, combs, hair receivers, hat brushes, hair brushes, cloth brushes, powder boxes, talcum boxes, buffers, trays, and all sorts of manicure pieces. Every article very moderately priced for the standard of merchandise "IVORY WARE, first floor, center aisle" Your Week's Washing for 2 1-2 Cents Visit Our Gas and Electric Show -AND SEE- How We Make the "Electric Washer" Pay Its Way Free Demonstration Tcday sold rfpf yiMA To On MjlfUW Easy RSm W Make Payments OS iSj .j Electricity EDEN ELECTRIC WASHER Let Us Help You Solve Your Christmas Gifts 4 Phone 168 Our Representative CONSUMERS LIGHT S POM CO. i .J J