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- V V,, Sunday, December 9, 1917. DAILY ARDMORE1TE PACE TWO 0 C I T Y 1l.NTKW.TO TO UIXK M-KTHtK li:(irI.H Tli vlalt Id A i illume IIiIm wtrk f Mm. . Wmiklvy of HI Jimriili, Mi ilnuiiMtli' rnntialtii, will nut only Im an rvnnt of riut IntviTat In muairal clii'lfn. Inn will mImu Iw mi IniiMirtiiMl Mffalr mii'lully. Mra. Wmkli-y In ruinlim iimli'i' lli tiNicKN of Ihr I'lillliiu'liioiilii MunIo dull, which fill lowing niKlnm imrllrril III iimny uf Ilia lai'tn-r rlllm of lirwiMllim lhi praml iimi aramut wllli It'i'tm racltala, i imiHliiiy to a ImMIi-I' uiiiltnataiiiltiiK of tha oiwrna, I Moliig to iphvv iiotliliiK unitona to viva Ihr ihiiIi hi-ir rviry oniMiilunliy of iiiiilrataiulliiK ii'l l ; rwlMtliiK lli m-PMt nmalial wnika of Hi Hmii I'hiIii Urawl Oit'r fomimiiy whlih will alu In thin oily Imm 17. Mm Wmklny who la now api-rtallaliiK In thin Mini of niUNli'Nl work, In oiiii of llio ttrat known mtialrlana In Hi" inlililla went Knilownl wild inat natural IhI rnt. Mm. Wcwklry Ima liail iiiniaiial Mil vmilimi'ii In ohtulnliui lnr iiiuhIi'iiI fill! out Inn. Hh la M pnill of Mnllill lc Man-liral. of Turin, Km tic, mm Alhi-rl'aiirr hiiiI Whlini'v Morki litm. IhiIIi of Iotnlilt Kimlaiul. KoIIowIiik liar iioft'iiliiml tli'lnil, kIii' hHil Ho' tumor whe-n vnry youiiK or miiikihk for Ih lata umwn Vloloiiii. Mm Wrakli-y In Rilihllixi lit lift- IhoroiiKli nin.linl knuwImlK. Iiaa n iitliaitlvf atatt pi conn- Mini H i'Iihi iiiIiik t'i'Hin Mlllv. Hlia Klvta a Hint mm li Inli'i ini'lii thin of Ihr itiUMlc mill llm atmli'a of Ihr iirmii. IHuMiatlim Inrni with Ihiiii lilnnii anil vnlfr ai'lt'ftloiia. Mlaa Ann Tlioinimoii will lr at Ihr iaim for Mra. Wrnklry. Thrnr Iwturaiwltala will hr oprn to th iullh Mini will hr nlvt-ii In Ihr aliilltiii him of llm hlKh ai'linol Thrrr will hr no hiIiiiIkkIuii. Thr flrat on on Ihr iloiihlr hill, Vaviillrilii Una th-ana" anil "I'lmlliuvl" will hr islvrii Wixlnrmlny nluhl anil llm followliiK af trrniHin at ,1 oVIm-k Mra. Wrnklry will arak on 'Thr Tnlra of lloffiimn." Mra. Vraklry will coin Wrilnra.luy lifter in miii ami whllr hrrr will hr llm Knrnt of Mr. aiut Mra. I'lmiira II. Ailama. Hhr will allrnil a mrrlliiK of llm I'lilUmr inonlr liuli llm I uftornoon nt Dm homo of Mlaa Kllrn nixon. A llnr innly will im nlvrn at Ihr I'nliier Tliurailny nluhl to arr "Wry Uoml Kilillr." Thr Phil liarmnnlo rlllh will honor Mia. Wrnklry Willi a luuiiiron I'rlilay ill Ihr foimlry villi) to lr followwl hy a' inunUiilr. KKTrKNS I'KOM CONVKNTION. Mra. Arthur Wali'olt. ivrrraiaimlhiK Urorrlnry rnrrnl of Ihr I'iiIIm! lmmli trr of iVnfnlrrnoy. who iitlrniliM llm V. H. I, i-onvrnlton wlilrli " hrlil In CtialtaiiiHiKM. Trim., thr liiUrr liii of Novrmlr, Ima rrturim.1 noil hua many tmri-mlltm Ihlniia lo Irll alxnil It. Thrrr wrrr 00 ilrlrKutra In nttrinliini'r ami niany timiimlra wnr rxtrmlisl thr W'omrn of Ihr aotith. Hplrn.ll.l rrimiia from all ll tlil'iia ami chalrra wrr slvrn alout llm nliu'-itlnnal and tilatorkal work. Slmr war waa il.vlur 4 miu'll llril Crow ami war rrllrf work liaa hrrll ilonr hy thla orcttiilwitlon. Thr iaui:hlrr of Ihr t'onfwlrrary txiUHht ninr million Oollnra worth of JL!tniy lunula. A nrw i-iiinilttrr waa trmsi -allr. thr "War ttrllrf I'om nilltrr" with Mi- Kounlrrr of Alahama a rhalrman. ml lUrtvlor In rai'h atala. Thr orvnnlaatlnn lriilisl that until Ihr war la ovrr, rxorllim for rnUnatlonul fuml an.t inonlr nr.slr.l for thr mm anil wonmn of Ihr iti. to aprml Ita rntlrr fuml for thr ! at thr front ami for Ihr iinnta of thr al lira Tim liaiiKhtria of thr i onfiMrraoy aiiroiitrl Jtii'O for thr tmitntrmuu-r of hrl at thr Amnii-nn Military ha lltal Just out of I una, ami nvotmimml rl that rai-h atutr OimnIoii haitrr fol low a aluilUr ivuiar. Thr txsl will tr lurmorlal to JoffriKon ils. thr only i-roUtrnt of thr lnfr.lciaiy. llf H-lnl IntrrrKt was thr h-imi t of thr (Mutational l,oinmltttr. A total of 70 i-holiirhlui In avnslitr.l achHla throughout thr iMuntry vulutsl at t. CM waa rrmrtrl. f Ihia nuniU-r at'holai hl i alms) at IT IT& rr hnn illr.1 r-luixrlv hv thr arnruil oitsiinl knlllliiK mill al thr rloar of Ihr uftrr uoon Ihr hiihti'HM arrviil u aiilml roiirar A lirautlful hliihilny inkr llluinlnrd with aUly ramllra. waa rut hy Mra. HiiKKa, whoar ilaUKhlrra, Mlxa Vrra tillv ami Mra. K. I.. Ovinia irrntril hrr li hiiiiilaoiur lin k pliHjr of Kiny fox. Thr Riirala wrrr lliultril to Mra. HtiKK" nrlKlilaira. UM Al. OKIiWIZATION IIKtilNS UOKK. Mra. t'luirlra von Wrlr. who waa rlri-lril rhalrirlan of thr loriil orKiml nt Ion iit aaalM Ihr VouiiK Wonu'ii'c t'lirlHllun uawMintlon III Ita work anionK airlw. whh'h Mlaa llrlrn K. Itarnra, n war woikrr of thr nntloniil roiiiitil of Ihr V. W. I". A.. InnUKUratril litxt wrrk. hua ankril Ihr rrHilrnta of thr vurloua ulit wH'lt'lli-a lo ntMH'Int rrnrrarnlatlvra w ho nrr lo form thr rxwutlvr roininittrr Nlnia ami hum. an l.ravrlv ilrfrmlr.1 nnil' i Kanlwition. Thrae trn .. i ....i...i J ,i, ...,) woini'ii Imvr hrlil a mrrtlUK at Ihr , r.ntliin. Thn i rniiilnlnic A4N Mir iiiulrr I Ihr illri'i lion of alatca anil chHiilria. I iklnhoinii Iiiik it arhnliiialilii In Ilia Woman'a t'ulli-ar nt t iilikiixha. In nil tllllon In llm aiiiolnmhliia, thr I'luilr luiiu'a irioit liuiuili'il Ihr viilur of niiiliila iilvrn In riluralloiiHl work ami thn runt i Hull Inn iniidii lo lllirniira hy rhnilri a mill ill laliina. A rrvlrw Ht I 'm I I iMlrlhroiir, wild (hum n-alinriit iiii lli'lialliiK wua our of Ihr ilriiaiirra Klvrn Ihr ilrlraiitra. Many of Ihr I Kiinlilna liml ri'lallvra at thr 1'ini Hint lialnlnii iiiin, anil thr wouirii nt (iiullHiiiHiau arr rmniilliiK" Ihr aiimr aymiiathy ami iloInK Ihr' aumr woik for thr hoya In khiikl na Ihr wouirii of Ihr until ilhl for llm hoya In amy. Mm. Wali'ott iilao tt'lla of Ihr lmii raalvr aalulr which Ihr I iiiimlitci a offrrnl to Ihr rinit In Ihr fnllowliiK form: "llrrr'a In Ihr atara anil attiM lliul wair ovrr a unltril cminlry, loynl nllkr hy Ninth ami Mouth. llrrr'a lo Ihr ao hiinoi itlily finicl pinlutr thr onr with chrrra ami louil Ihihhh'h; kii-i-1 Ihr ol hrr with hownl hraila iiml vrnna- lion." lilllMI OI'KI IIO I'AKTY. Mr. liml Mra Itov M. .lohnwni will Klvr it lnx ui it v Momhiv nUht, Hr- rnnhrr 17, lit thr I'linciwa tin-liter, when thr Hnn fiiiin Ope ni isimimuy will oinu 'I'liKlhiccl." ami "CiiMillrrU ItiiHllimiu. Their KUrxta will la- Mr. ami Mra. I'M war. I Halt. Mr. ami Mra. Walter I'rltch- low iiml Mla Mnrjuiir Kraua. Other Ihix iiartlea nrr Im-iiiu iiliinnoit. iiiiMiniw si ki-icim:. Mi a. K. I.. Kvhiih, Mi.i II htrrcl . V . eiitei hilnei yrxlrntiiy nftrrnoiin, thr nf fair hiinii ii iciiHitnt miinie for hrr imil hrr, Mra, Sidney Sukkh. w Iioko alxllelh hlrthdiiy It waa. Thr roonia wrrr dn-krd In rod mruiitlona mid wrrr hllhted hy ciiniNon ramllcH In allvrr holdrra. Thr kucbIh aent the tlinr In hoinr of Mra. Von Wrlar and iloilnnl Ihrmarlvra to Hii llir ilomitiona f roin len actlvr workrra In their church. Ihoar In turn lo aollclt donatlona front trn othrra. Mini ao on, llkr an rndlraa cluilr. ('011111111 Irr wrrr alao HiM'olnt el lo Intrrral cliiha ami Indiiea In thr wnr work of Ihr Young- W'lmirn'a I'luia- llllll IIMNIH'llltlon. r.WTATA Wll.l. iik rori'Liit. "Itrd Itlillnu lliHid'a Kraclir," n cilll lulu by J. Axtor Hroml. which thr m plla of Ihr Hrcond ward aehool will incNi-iit next l-'rldiiv nlaht at Ihr lliuli mcIiimiI auditorium, will appeal to ImiiIi chlldrrn and iidulta. It la luiard on thr fitHiinatinK fnlry atory of that niimr. iiml hetween acta thrrr will hr clever Kiioclnltlea. Mlaa hloy Alvla will Klvr u inni niiiiiner. oil ex Htulinieneld nml fiipl. W. W. Taliaferro will glvr u inllltiiry drill and Mra. J. Homer Ad- K'ont Iniird on rnte -11 This Year Above All Years Choose Practical Gifts SLIPPERS FOR WOMEN For both home and evening wear $1.50 to $10.00 SLIPPERS FOR MEN Kid with full leather lining $4.00 Warm Felts $1.50 up "The Shoe Store wilh the Christmas Spirit" J. W. Krueger THE SHOE FITTER HANAN SHOES See Our Windows Will there be a Victrola in your home this Christmas? HF. grrtfst sinters, musicians and entertainers in the world enter your home with the coming of your Victrola. You can search the w hole world over and not find anything ele that will bring to much pleasure to every member cf the family. Come in today and choose your Victrola in plenty cf time for Christmas. ir il w Victor and VlctroUa $10 to400 tnit ot Mjy tarorat Talking Machine Headquarters Have you chosen your Victrola for Christ mas yet? If not come in tomorrow and Jet us help you select one a gift that will make the whole family happy New Stylish Garments at Unusual Reductions We Are Not Offering Old Style Garments in this Sale Unusual December Sale Wearing Apparel Without fuss or feathers a most unusual sale, comprising the season's most desirable styles in Tailored Suits, street, after noon and evening dresses, new purchase and taken from our regular stock. A Great Reduction Sale Beginning Monday of Women s Fashionable Tailored Suits Sizes 14 to 48 Suits :toi $22.50 1475 L'm $39o50 $59.50 Suits to $39.50 Suits to $29.50 ?2475 19o75 Suits to $49.50 Suits to $77.50 53475 47o50 $95 Suit $55o00 On account of the unusual reductions No C. O. D.'s No Approval No Returns At the Very Beginning of Winter this Great Sacrifice Sale Women's Street and Afternoon Dressess Sizes up to 52 New Garments Sacrificed Serges, Broadcloth, Jersy, Satin, Chameus and Taffeta Dresses to $14.75 Dresses to $29.50 F9o98 19o75 Dresses to $22.50 Dresses to $35.00 1475 22o50 Dresses to $25.00 Dresses to $50.00 16o75 ?39o50 Special Dress Values These Street and Afternoon Frocks Possess Decided Newness and Smartness of Design Special Reduction DeSpain Smart Hats Street, Sport and Semi Dress $ 2.75 Dressy effects for formal oc- $ 7.50 Styles, formerly $3.75 to $18 Now $14J5 casions, formerly $9.50 to $30, now $lg.50 Fur Trimmed Effects Greatly Reduced Exceptional Values New Styles Evening and Party Dresses Reduced $15.00 Values '11.75 $29.50 Values 19o75 $35.00 Values 529o50 $45.00 Values ?3475 $12.50 Values ?9o75 Special Clearance New Winter Coats Half Lined, Full Lined and Warmly Interlined Values to $24.75 Values to $59.50 19o75 39o50 Values Values to 94 75 to $29.50 $45.00 Values Values $45o00 to $59.50 $19.75 Fine Plush and Chiffon Velvet Coats Greatly Reduced J34.75 '16o75