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Image provided by: Oklahoma Historical Society
Newspaper Page Text
Saturday. December 22, 1917. FAC2 TWO ) I ! OIL AND GAS NEWS OF THE ARDMORE FIELDS OILPftlpES Oak, noma wl Kuuu. HaaJdtoa Korta TtiM a4 pajihaadJa Eleetra, .... Mora Ttura ferentuted1 the greater ptkn ui tl h 10 the !. where it bu an vndn V-1 ha.f tntmt in In oM K iey trtr.j;er property, whko la op Jcmt.'y with tne (.Mce-Homlny It alo ha mm lease In the Heal-ftoa diet.-vt ikxii are In the same case. The Magnolia Ivtrolr um company odd-d li r. im Thursday after noon on the K A- H'fcer frm In the eouTriaest twrwr of the southeast qoar fee of ie.a Miuful murvr of fcrTifin ill. tuwBthip I soutfi. rn-e 4 west. XM OJ a-vl r.a, Jou-na!: IU;wd fl a , T,.a, m,.t vsti one half dim north SM l-.ev.pmet r-fntr. of C. M I , f here the Oytwy deveWoir.- ju'li'l"! treidt. am .iiosr un.) or at fet. the Tbora farm, ia I La a are Bead, aad located to the northwest pan ct Gray soa eoucrr, Tesa. baa weea shot down at fee stryc November It. wait- tne for J Inch casm'. which arrived thai wees, and rU)ln aoon should be la isrvsrraas acaln. Ttua aril la betcc dnld oa acreage Mocked ap bjr Kojr VI Jbhnaoa. cm a rtrwl u r wM oat by Julius Koha. and the well as cc trMrf for J0 feet. avil dr rased and apfjartntiy of nnr than inteKureace. In de-iauil cT bond Row wa committed to Jail to await the action of lb federal inn Jory. Corsica n li-ht . Coratouia en Birswn Ctddo Pool 31 and above. X Soto ITeid It aad abora - Caddo crad . jttlbaf it,t-e-.t 1.1 t-nt) -ove 1 ti' i.J l-i V t'- fjj:Xy. T U"r at H-airtu.r,. Okla- a-tll and U to , LH CrlcMoa croda Northern Loalataaa U 10 I7J tl te t t. Calf 1 1 1 IS hmr LaJta IUM Markbaia ! Vlntea IM JjH rmUru Mates Ivon. J 7 Cabll J 7 Corning' 24 Kortb lima,, lit ootb Lima 2 l Patroila Canad)aa Fpiadletop Raraxoca 1 Bataos 1-M lAsrtJ JS Dartoa 1H (looa Craak. IN Wtttr lii th-r at l.l f-t. If t;iai ail n- 1 ntunim m ijotv urid at ifhr dtrth it Amrt. Jm-. Mrt-tm a run-,... h iar tKht farrtli.r v Tti- wrri' asi "V laT I, a v. will -j. 1 the rjc J lrx liffl-u!ty in s-ttira tu'owii ( thia wil. Cbaiaaara world-record mr will b known at Prioo-aa Tbatr FYi-iajr aad Saturtiar. O. W. Crabtr. draw, r J Nat -rrtrlflrdV We TrwU. Mid the rtiwr dajr that h- unJrstuod cur aoldjora wrra -prtr rtrijr ali inarWenwwl" Tnla should mik tKcm hard fii-htr. lawiw Try C'.t.MIMliK'W. Ci!i fKb'iai iwifVi 11 1 fin a 1 u..u..MauMiifMrillHlMIMIIMiHftt'tf a--luwwHllllllUJiulllllllMll1''ml"'',', 'fil a'Kil CJaa J.'irnjI: It i an ton I t11 r'-''i"n"1rT artlvl- t- for the cntrti'-t)fn of an bt Irh lu tin from Hidton. OkJa . to M'u.fn. T-. Kia-hl-f rk u Trw l;i pri-- TK" l:; H-rt fJ o.mijon)' I? rivina bf fjr Ita '- a fw hunt'r--1 artl wKjt limt of th !-' !! ii irlnn II. tonhl; J aovith. ratiir i it. A ttar tic in rinit u-d. Wirt K rank Jin Vjtn rturn-J from North Tx. whrf h n oIll on i.-jln for the llaina Oil A (iu Cfjtn IMtny. mhk-h tfnp-ny l driilinc a l-p t'-at at llin-a;'. nfjr )lirir:il I!. Morn a- of Sa a PotVr ha re turned from a trip to the Ho 're-k IlilDOU Indiana trip MIIMONTI.NKNT K.IJ OrT. Oklahoman: The ftirurea of the total production of the mid-rontinent field for the week endifii; lJ.-eniber It bow the nvjet tremer.doua fallirjt off in the hwtn-y of the field. Primarily, of Oboiw, the alump in Kanasu and north ern Oklahotna ai due to the e-ere weather, but in aorne of the Oklahoma !ltrirtn In the middle-aoutrWn portion rf the tate, the dM-line. thouifh !e truuked. waa unexpected. Meal'(tn w the only !jctrl-t in the tate whK-h ) iJ ita y n. und thia ahOMed a failina; off of btV barrel a day, the figure for tb week enoir.K lmifr le-int; J. barrela and the tlifurex f.,r the week ending ie-emier 15 dhowinir but S" S'l lrrel. .'uhin reuiat-red a dwriire j of more than z.Ooo lrrei, tf:e fiKurea tieinit iOHl and i.!rO barrel, reiiec tlveiy. I;Uk-el ano W In the lit of dinappointment. The Utai pror!u-tirn of the rtatea of Kanaaa and Oklahoma for the week wax 24147 1arreU. aa aaainet 273 il4 tar. rela the prvtoua week. Kanxan ahowd for 113.124 barrel. aj ajfainct 137,67. Jarrtui and Oklahoma had 221.123 r rela, aa aarainirt 2Iaj;5l farrela. The total decline In dally production for the two urates wan Jl.7 barrels. The following are the companies In the mid -continent field whU-h had a production of more than 20.000 barrels a day on Uecember IS: (Jypfcy fil crjm pany, 44.0O0; F:mplre t;aa si Kuel com pany, 4W0; Prairie . Oil A Om com pany, Hlnclair corporations (In cluding tjisaaje Hominy and other out aide interestni, 2,00; all others, 121.000. The Sinclair production oannot be dif- H;ert l.orn the Kanicer, Texas. fieM are to the eSt that ! fl'rw of the big T. k V. we!l. nr Hanger, la In creaaing. and conservative eetrmatee now place the production at 2,r lair- Haaland 120 - - . ' . . country of Tcu. jvaaiaorj A ih The lrtrucerm mm. 1 pany is spudding, etarting with an 1-! inch hie an m-m meet of Mineral I mncetoo . Wells. r,r levers' Ke'reat. Near Ie- Plytnoath X , demona the lloxana crtnja iy is block- I rna U! ae'je. rruc-tiy in Comanche ojur.ty Imrw lu'r-ly rxjuth of the Hog Creek cim pa nys nir. A Ue-ation for a deej t rt turn !- i made between lieslemona and (Wrmn hy Katern artie. Kee o n-m a'e for lm- ....... . ..u . ...(.'. - e. njl ilt.n tet. 3.: to tXVt 1l -ather tha H; family resMe at Marietta The your,f 2H. Pat IViyle ha returned from a t' the Phoctiw cmntry. .(t l SKI Or' HITK rl. KKV. C C. Hone. fVty year old. was held !n j.0M( hail by I'mted ftates Com misior.rT William Hutchinson, U ai swer to a charge, of white .slavery. Iloae Is married and has aeven chi''reii. lxnue. l.i the :rownwood ehallow fieil much trouble 'th water is re io:ted. The drllllrs H !o'ie aith wa ter wei! na, and In many intance hy water wMI drillers who have had no eiperi-fice with oil wells. A eait water sand underlie the oil an). and many of the wells have bn drilled Into nalt water. Quite frequently the wells are finiuhe! without protection at the top and surface water rnns in. The Brownwood sand run seven to eighteen f'-et in thicka'-. Texas land measurem'-nts are made according to the old Spanish methoo. termed -ir." and !t is ' -t.f using to tho who are accuxtomed to estimating land values by acre but the prices ake I , for firownwwid leae c!'e to produc-1 tlon r-eem to run frnn li to $1,000 for which is usually termed an acre, outside of Te;as and Mexico. filue lll Oil aV 'ias company has a rotary rlir up In section 2. s. Te. near Meail. In f.rynn county, and is drilling at 200 feet In lime formation. Wichita parties drilling In section l.j is. ie. near Kenefick, P.ryan ciunty. , reimrt a seven foot sand at SO feet, with a showing of oil. wnrnii Involved Js only fifteen yeais of age. Hr tiepU; reside at Ada. Iloe met her about a y-ar o near IK-n-ton, where the family then rtsirfed. About two months airo the ciri went to flainejfviUe, where, she testified. K'e 1 visited her. ljt'.-r he went to flaima-j vllle and brought her to llarietta. The . sheriff at 'iainesville ntirle the hriiTj of tne cYunty of the c.ioe. aad he ; 1 turn scVit word to the deputy L"n'!?Ij r-iies marsnai per. ij-;iu: ii:i;iuj:ni wits In Muskoree at the tim-- and Ix iuty Key went to .Ma "ict'a ar.-J ar restel Hoce. The firl is nat lixk.iv. Save Your Cash and Your Health CASCARA K? QUININE Tne sffaadard ctAi cure I 29 ytsrs -ia tablet lon (. sarc. so opMtn oss eeid us 24 hoa grip in 3 iys. Mosey back if it fata. Or! the grautae b-st wita R4 tup and rlx. Hiil's isftare aa av Costs lest, gives 24TaaafaUt. At Aay Drag Staes Oxy-Acetylene, Welding, and Cutting We weld broken cylinders, crank cases, castings of all kinds. Hot water tank.-. copper coils, etc. We contract on ref.nery stills. h-ader, manifolds, underream crs. iars, buckets and boilers. We have a secial field equip ment ami heavy shop welding machinery. Harry A. Pallady 13 A St, X. W, Aribnore. Itox 1SI. Phone 2:0. IxM-aled at hitto's Garage. AT , r BT- a. f p .tVT" TfirVnir-., M-wsriw -a Mlf W 1T - " mrf rsa esftni'si is: n er rt ai : f t ig tl :-X rrWn r.f taay Li1 The well being drilled by C. V. West over and associates on the Handy A NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The regular annual stockholders' meeting; of the State National Bank of Ardmore, Oklahoma, will be held at its banking rooms in Ardmore, Oklahoma, on Tuesday, January 8, 1918, between the hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m for the purpose of electing Directors to serve for the ensuing; year and the transaction of any other necessary business. HAROLD WALLACE, . Cashier. 2 ; i i i sa5a' i I f Brings more happiness to everybody all the time than any other gift in the world! Comes in nine different styles to suit every purse, every taste, every home. Victora and Victxolas $10 to $400. Terms easy aa easy can be. Stop in today. Talking Machine Head q u a r t e r a I MSI li 1000 WOMEN WENT INSIDE WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? OH YES INDEED! Miss Abbie Bailey's Entire Ready to Wear Stock is NOW BEING CLOSED OUT AT COST Suits at half price. Many silk, velvet, geor gette, poplin and serges at one-half price. Many beautiful blouses at one-half price. 6ur entire millinery stock at less than cost. A Wonderful Sale for Ladies There has never been such a real sale on Ladies' high class Ready-To-Wear goods, Millinery, beautiful silk underwear, kimonos, and a stock that is so complete and well bought that you find just what you want in a few minutes after you enter the store. Only A Few More Days; Goods Soon Gone The stock is being sold out, in a hurry. Only a few more days and then the sale is a thing of the past; and regret to those who did not attend, and sweet satisfaction to those who did. Come see and buy the very article they have wanted so long, and to thin of buying it so much cheaper than they were ever able to buy before. Bring your friends down tomorrow. 104 West Main Miss Abbie Bailey 104 West Main Fancy combs, earscrews, beads and bags at one half price. Don't forget our penny ribbon sale. Furs at a great saving. Ladies' silk hose worth $2.50 anywhere, you can buy in this sale for $1.45. See our beautiful line of evening dresses.