Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, January 2, 1918. OIL AND GAS NEWS OF THE ARDMORE FIELDS HEALDTON FIELD OPERATIONS. Bayou 1!'U. Oil Co, Wortlmm..... " Ulack Kagle Oil Co... Otter ("Ml Co. Carter 'urter Oil 'Co. Mobley . fil ter Oil Co. Mobley . I'urttr Oil Co. Mobley i'artr Oil Co. Push fatter Oil Co. Rhodes .Carter Oil Co. Khodee .... Curler Oil Co. Khode . C nrtr Oil Co. Uhodes I'arter Oil Co. Ward . CVrtt-r : Southwestern HartKrove , Critchlow Krutsler ... . , Coline Oil Co.-r-Fru'ier .. .Celine Oil Cp.lones .. ,l li:ffee et al Tubbee . Kx.te.nsion Oil Co. Mobley Extension: Oil Co. Moblry Kxtension Oil. Co. Mobley Kxtension Oil Co. Mobley - Crate Oil Co. Carries Gates Oil Co. Simpson flutes-Oil Coi JSimpson .j C.nXi-t Oil Co. Wutkins 'rates Oil Co. Wittkins ;ite-Oi Co. Watkins HiUTioii, .). I-. Klmbrell Harris Pitts . ... Harris & Struwn Pitts Hivlok et al Mobley Hivick et al Holden Holt & Traminell Oil Co. Woodruff c M.iKiuiliu Petroleum Co.--C. Kicharrif Ihimble oil Co. I.. Tubbee . Humble Oil Co.,. Tubbt e Humble Oil Co. I.. Tubbee Humble Oil Co. I,. Tubbee Humble Oil Co. J,. Tubbee International Oil Co. - ('of ley Kinney Oil & Rel'lnini; Co.- Nichols et al Knitter , Lone .lack Oii Co.- Heaid Maicnolia Petroleum Co - Daniels MiiKiiolia Magnolia Petroleum Petroleum Co. Hose Magnolia Magnolia Petroleum Co.- Itose . . Petroleum Co. -Ko.e C. Kiehards C. Kiclianls W'atkmA ooilrul :' Magnolia Magnolia Petroleum Cii. Petrolcum Co. Mimnolia .Maunolia 'etroleuin Co. l'l-tri.lrlllll Co. Alichorn Oil Co.- Molilev Michorn oi! Co. Mublev N'y.iii.a Pet i cli-um I'n. Moblcj Nyanza Petroleum Co. Mobley duo Cities lias Co. McCoy Ohio Cities lias Co.- McCoy . Ohm Cities 'iiis c..- McCoy : )saiile Oil Co. dockland oi Co. Sarasota ICoekland Oil Cii,- Sarasota Kocklimd Oil Co.- Sarasota Ho: ana Petroleum Co. llapnood Uoxana Petroleum Co. Morton Koxnna Petroleum Co. -- Mullen Koaiia Petroleum Co. Westheimer lloxatia Petroleum Co. West heinier Sinclair (iulf Oi Co. -Hotmail Sinclair Gulf Oil Co. Westheimer Stn.wn Oil Co. Sarasota Ktrawn Oil Co. Sarasota Texas Company Ksperson . Texas Coman .1. -Watson Westheimer et al We-stbeimer Westheimer et ul Westheiirn : Woodruff Oil Co. Woodruff .." Woodruff Oil Co. WoolrufT " Woodruff Oil Co. Woodruff . Woodruff Oil Co.-Woodruff Woodruff Oil (To.-Woodruff Summary. CoinpletionK DrilliriK wells . " Hips Total wells . ... Arthur Adams, of Adams Pros., who has been in Texas for some time, spent a portion of the holidays in Ardrnore. Hanger is the center of the new oil field. in the northeast portion of Kat land .county, sixty-four miles west of l"l. Worth and thirty-three miles wist of Weatherford, on the. Texas & Pacil.c railroad. The tow n proper has a five 1 population of alxiut 1,000 and the float iOK population is beyond count. Th' r is much excitement there and men are coming in from every section of tlr I 'lilted States. The Texas & Pacific Coal 1 had about 20.000 acres of land m 1 tt r. c i.) that vicinity and it pave the citizens n! Ilanper four welln. one each to the foil ouarters of the compass from the town The first well proved to be a bis Kasser and was never completed, but with the Kas it is now sprayiutr oil. The second weil, known as the MoCluskey. went into t:o sand at u depth of 32 feet. The wind wan bare!) touched when oil began to flow nt a rate of -ISO barrels per day. Then it was sunk four feet into the sand and has doubled and trebled the flow until it is now produc ing 2.000 barrels pc day and is growing stronger all the time. The third well is now beiiiK sunk. , It was the McC'luskey well that has attiacted attention and caused the rash to this field. Geologists have, for a long time, declared 11 great oil field Mould be OIL PRICES tlld-Continent Oklahoma and Kansas $2.00 Healdton 120 North Tciaa and Panhandle Electra 2.00 Henrietta 2.00 Moran 2.00 Thrall 2.00 Coraicnnn lierht t . 2.00 Corslcana crude J. Ktrawn 2-0f Caddo Pool 38 and above T on D Soto Field 38 and above 90 Caddo crude . 1.00 Crichton crude . 100 Northern Louisiana 35 to 37.9 : 190 J3 lo 34.0 1.86 (Job Coait Bour Lake $L0 Humble 1.00 Markham ... 1AQ Vinton ... 1.00 fsnnijiiiti .... 1.00 SpindlMop ..I1.0B Saratoga 1.00 Batson 1.00 Edgerly .05 Dayton 100 Goosa Creek. 1.00 Wooater I.S8 Somerset ... l!.rG lBland 1.20 Illinois 1.12 Indiana . 1.98 - Mnimlm 9 11 I - Eastern States Venn. ....... 3r. Cabell r 2.73 Coi ning -v.- 2.80 North Uma.. 1.08 South iiitmtt-Z.OS j jyif nuyk.ii,.0a Petrol la (Canadian) '. ....... 2.41 y : ..l , - ..... .. . ..... , . . 25-4.3 it-4-;; i3-4-;t 13-4-i! 13-4-;! 1S-4-S 24-4-a 24-4-.1 24-4-3 244-3 (i-4-H . lft-4-i! 3-4-S 22-4-3 4 4 3 J.3-; 1:1-4-8 l!l-4! 13- 4-;: 24-4-3 22- 4-:: 14- 4-3 14 4-3 10- 4-3 10 4-3 23- 4-3 30-4-1! 32- 3-3 33- 3 ;: 13-4-3 23- 4 -3 19-3-3 31.3-3 24-1-3 24-4-3 2-! 4-3 24-4-3 24-4-3 2.v4-3 !' 4-3 1 1- 4-2 34- 3.3 23-4-3 23-4-3 23-1-3 23-1-3 22-1-:: 313-3 31 3-3 3-3 3 13-1-3 Kit? JliK OrK. 11TK. IVk. . Utr. IIK. Urn. OrK. KIR Com pi lrff. Orn. KiK- n.p, Or irry. Hig KIW HiK P. in tiS. 1 KiK It in Hlfi Uip OrK. KiR His lrn. I tiK Ore.. Cii; lr. 1 nv. Dir.. I tie. Hit; Dim:. Kip, Kif. Drj.:. Di-K. I irK. Dil.. Dim;. Kh; KiK :i 6 . 10 4 3 16 1 1 36 8 ...... ill 10 18 , 1 L'tt U0 ,.a 1 n I - 1 .15 .16 ... 1 ...43 Uti .::: .--Si 5-.3G ...37 ... :i ...l i l ...10 ...:: L'S Hie I rn. I 'IV. - 1 Mr. I I.-L-. I M-K 'lit; 1 . Hin DrK. Kin DrK. I tru. KU Hi',' I !". I r,-:. Hie Dip,. HU !". Di-K. Dr.. UiK His Hip 13 1-: -.2 1 14-4-3 .33 1113 2 ;; -.13 23-4.3 --"i 23-4-3 --."il 23-4-3 -.12 3 1-3 ...II ;-!-:: 1; 44-:: -. 4 L'."i-1 3 .. r. -jr, ..:; --12 1H-4-3 --Hi 31-3-3, -. 2 :;j..',-3 .- 3 " 33-3.3 10 3.3.4 2:.' ,-,-4-3 -14 14-4.:, .. 3 31.3-3 - 4 ::ku; .. :, :u-3-3 - 31-s.:; developed in that couniry. There lias been wild-catting all around there, m to the south and cast, with some in all directions, but it has pioci n disastrous, as oil was found only at m eat depib and with small flow, but the bri!u:i;ig in of this big weli inp.-ars to eonvinci nil men that there is a gnat body f oil there and what is now being aeni'vil N of the hii'Jlest value. The third w-l is now a' a death of SOU feet and rigs arc I more in that immediati Texas A: Pacific Coal liidil; 1-c ten vicniiu. Tl conviiinv nd otiic-s will e'ect rigs just !. Tin is forma niaterini c;:n be secure,'. :to:i is sncn that oriiiine; ,s i.isy. Aiany hig companies are in th and ;.t work on the -roii id just : fi-!, last as they ca:: : care it. Aciong tii-ac the TtiXm campanv, tic Kmpire. are the .Mai-- :'.e 1 Ard Humble, the Atlas, th,. Sun. too ra.lia and many others. Many Auliince people nr. i it a' there and much Ardino.-e money i ing into that fiekl. Some of the more people have purchase. I aiii.i ent right, some hn ve ' scoured least--, othe are (irinini; anu many oi t'leni are sonit way ihtcie-ted in t:n business the new field. ri Kaiifer is ovcrcrowdeil and hotel fa- cilities urc inaeeiMiate, it being impos sible to pmpcriy care for the thousands of people attracted there by the oil eV fit. ine'lt. I. I). lams, local mar.aijer of the Gypsy Oil company. 'has reiurned from Pennsylvania, where he spent the holi dajs among home folk. A report was received from the l-:;g-heart Gil .enmjiany's well, in 13-2 -1. to effect that the drill entered a gas sand at PjO feet that is producing ,,",00 0('(l fed t.f gas, estimated. This w"ll is located in the northwest corner of the southeast ijiiarler of tin- northeast nunvtt a' of the southwest fiiinrt.'r ot sec tion 13-2s-4w, about 200 yards southeast of the Gypsy wells in that section. There is every indication that an oil field will be brought in sonn wilt re in the vicinity of these wells and oper ations here will be closely watched by tho oil fraternity. The i'.igheart com pany Is a local concern. A report, unverified. Rtates that the I. & G. Oil, (tart & Mineral company's well drilling in section, near hoco, found osunri at 1,020 feel- that may bo rood for 50 barrels. Reports from, tho Gitiham iield con tinue favorable for the shallow produe fon. Fivo . wells have been drilled to the shallow wind In 31-2-2, reachuiR it at alKiut 270 feet. Actual production of tho shallow sands here is not defi nitely known its yet, but the Kirk com pany'!) No 2 Wi ll IS said to be priailiicih eitf!t'.hftrrels;and.tho--ibtrh thin i-eetion fire claimed to have what appears to be i I nnne of iln-m i bf-tur Kir.d. although lnt l.wfn put on the j The Howland wtl! on the .Jeffreys I ) lace in the corporate limits of the' j -own fjf lirohum, in 31-2-2. is reported I n the Kind at about 270 feet.' i The Chaftee well in 31-2-2 is reported I 00 the rand at 270 feet. A rlK is belnfj rtioveil 'to' where aw.-ll be ftarifrl for Iteniy Miirk-' ham in an attempt to find the shallow sands reached by the Kirk company. ;iiid others in 31-".-2. Py ui t ote recently taken, the. ;oik t: ,l has (ierlart it elf in fa 1 or of leasing 32,000 aetes of the western portion: of the Osaye., reserva tion for. oil and Ras pwpos-f -s additional to 1 the tracts uU'eady leased. It is in tlmatwl that the Interior department will approve the action of the council and that another hi li.;,se sale will lesuh. TVaiiie Oil Jt (as cjm;:iny and the ! P: ai.-ie I'ipe Line company arc prosper- ipk. Poth declareil extra dividends last month. The former declare! $2 extra in addition to the reRulur $3 quarterly, while the pipe line will distribute $fi th addition to the usual quarterly pay ment of like amount. Acorinc to an estimate of the pe troleum division of the I'rited States bureau of mir.c, !.5'Ja00p pUloim of Rusolitti a day will be required for the use of army, navy and aeronautical operations during the cuiiius year. The total daily Rasoline production is alxiuf .:.M0.000 e-nions. VI. e Hi! Siiile Pclrolc'.uu conir-anv of I'l.ick.'isti.-i was chartered on April 13, H".7. Tae concern !,;' thirteen uti.ici; li ilders. Il hi Man i.ieritioii n: its Hi -;t veil on Frula.i , tin- 13ti. j;;iy J3 its iirst will in the ;,..rb':- li, !,; st-ii'ted and a month later turned out t ' be a rusher. On August 13 the Oil f'tatc- Hi liitiiiB eompav.y, w;,s organize, 1 to take enre of the pro im-ti n Ircn ti e Vari no w ells. I.'MIIO'Y I 111 .Mill, ,.r.i i,f A, i. 'i"lh c in, t'lat .- eiiis , .'i..r. I I; I I i '-' !?:m.i. 1 ,,i ; ;e ,; llv l:.ld:m;s i.rc ;t. seitio'i 1 3. 1 ,v. nship 1 :; 1 t.r;h. r.n.i.. 1 3 s.;tJ,t. Ton:',. Vi.1.j. ' 3:!i'-' ( 1 1, ill M have ., tei r V ,' ,!' ; I, lb." 'in, aiii.'. , ''lli'le e Hit V. A;.-s ...,. ;. ,.111. (!!,,;; '" attention mm.nj! laic it r... A' roinfr I" izcelorjeal reports. Platte 'onnty is a prospective sh-.lleu .,)., oil district. PAN -I.MJ.M POIM. l.oi'iloi. .lar. 1. Kei:i;: ncwap: v telnvat-h-: tlx :':vspon!ct,t at .n'.'.ir .lam of the Cent. 'a! News u.cicy. are nv.ic.! ecciipie.i with tin e.rciirasion of the crnt.a! powc.-- a.t Hres! l.ltovsl; c incerniiiw i.ithi'aMin. Coin !. 1:1 1 ar.c Po 'and. Ai.liarentiy the lic'-.ra.i n-pre-fer,,i'i:t.-i ;. ieldt.t :o ; a.:i-' 11a a infill 1 m.-e. ll'i-s lif ii:- indicate1, by th.- ,.-,nl. ments of trie anno, itii'ii: -t pres. in co,i trasx i'li those r f ! il -:.. . aa,! eeni i cr.itic lii'vvspaper.-. Winter's Terrors Overcome m The healthy person enjoya cold weather. It is only when the circulation is poor, when the blood is thin and the system under its BfOPer Condition, that Cold WMlliPr Vina am- V ' 1 terror. Tn 1 circulation, throwinjr out the waste, and over coming the stagnation of catarrh, and you will enjoy crisp weather. Peruna Is Invigoration It relieves the system of the handicap of inefficient digestion and hampered breathing by restoring the mucous surfaces that are used in these functions. It gives tone to the digestion, and it clears away all catarrhal inflammation. It builds ud the strength bv m enabling the organs concerned to do their work properly. Its use in convalescence and in all weakened condition?; is wonderfully helpful. Liquid or tablet form which ever is the more con venient. Mamlln Tablets for the liver and bowels are a great help to good health. Pleasant, mild and effective. The lazy - J 1 1 t Mill - - ' nver is arousea ana vou leei ter at once. 10 and 25c. ,r. , ....... . .. . a our arujfjnfit nas mese two rations in tan er. or nnian torm. The Peruna Company, Columbua, OtBHIH ? mm HELIOTROPE KAHOMA W. J. .City .Grocery DAILY ARDMOREITE SOCIKTYf IN IIONOK OK A I TUKS. Mi. and Mrs, Kuwarit ialt entertMi:ieil at i o'clock lti'nclienn ' today at" Halt M.iiior in honor of l.ieuts. p. It. dish and G. It. Kurd of the t'nited States Aerial t.quadron. Camp Hicks. Kt, W erth, Texas. The cntvi piece i,f the iaiialitoni tan: a formed of pink c(ir nations. Seuted with -the hosts 'and honor KuestM were .Miss lOIlen PU'ksoii, Miss Florence Gait, . M Us Annie I). Thompson. .Mr.: and Mrs. .luhn 1.. Gait. Lieutenants Gir-h and Kuixl were -uesls of officers and employes- of the l'ir-t National Hunk al 7 o'clock dinner hist niuht at Pnrnick Hills Country club. Cove. a were laid for I', p. Maxwell, 1!. I). MvCuliunt, Kriei Purdap. Kdwar! G.tlt, John St:od;;rass, G. J J. Heffley 'thur Kvle. A. C. Strae'iley, li. j,. Stone, Charles Moler and T,ii ute.uj rvts Gi-h :.ivJ Kuv('. t t HKCITAI. TON Killl . The i'ii -t of tv.-o recitals by Wilmoi' fiooitwin, baritone; Florence Austin, violinist, and (Yonican. pianist, un der the auspices of the HlKh School Mothers' club, will be Riven toni tbt S:13 o'clock at .the I Pun School audi toi iiim. The sei oiul program will lie ,ivi 11 tomorrow niuht at the same iiour. ; eYi'law iiu; is the program for toniKht: Arise Ye Subterranean Wi.ids Pine, 'i j lanmi la! Caro Dene Secc: i 1 N,ia Pin Aniirai from I'iaro.. -Mozart I - WDniot Goodwill. ' I 1 i-i '! i:.::i,cie in A Plat Chopin ! Lee Cronican. iA'. ':vi P;;m' from the Com, vt.i ! '" ' ' Jin-H- .. . .-. ienxt, nr.s 1 I I 1.: '., A. , ' ' - . S. 1. I Wihnot Goodwin. I ale K.ev J Ta"imu !i ( Pi)i' Kreisler , ; e I I'.occherini-.Miisin ; ' r.ia" .rl.: n Paito- Praliins-I iai hini j I ...:!.. Austin. I'l l 1 n Solo . - Se'ei 'e l I In .Viiiumii ..Mnvkiiw.'-ki 1 C,.: 1 . KP.ale ill V Minor ... I . ;.'.! ; !.; .''.iiiic-'-. j i la Pl.laMe! ! Lai! tl.y I I . : -.liaoows I Wi ne,- Gaodw!: !v-::: i 1 I ; ii-l-:t i I . : ; Ayo i.. Aica'a I 1 1 nde.nee SP ;:; - !i::.;aata':.,., ' W liiitoi 1 ; idwir ! ..,.,.' 1 .d Su.. ! ,-:: .- 1' 0 - ; '-' . , a ir.l 1 ia n lei-. 1 a: man !.':. ia rs.l) . . Gat' Moil, 1 ot i.N Hoi si;. i opr. No ing a. i I .Mrs. II. I. aoll-e f 1 er,l.l '. I. A!,. I i noo in kept it lliei:- 0 P. street northwest. The liv- l ooir, -eaeiji ion h ill and lining al '..'lie ii cora t' ii in the seas ill's !-, of red a. id j,rccu, -.villi i :-caiiet K"i aniains anaiige-l effect. e, a a background of ferns and I.::: and ;n t!.e librarv pink carna-l.- ." bc.;unins wcri use.l. C.-ceiv Willi i.-. uii'.l Alii-. Aloi were . ::.;:'. :,...r;a.i. .1':. ;:::(' Al.-.i. V. S. a t M.s. il. A. tle.n-y. Ail t. .1. M. a, ii. A!,-. .Marvin p.el. Aim. Mo.-. i w n; e ,t ;.ou:i o:' t.i.'oMi I'harir.eii' e Stt net- U i . J?, fl fn&2l im"Z "ZTiurr,i prcpa - ti r GentUlgatit Oh!e Irtr.urance Againrt Baking Failures Goes with every sack of wholesome Heliotrope Flour The Always Reliable Expert rnillero make it so yood truvt you are sure 'to bake appetizing bis cuit?, cakes And pies. Lane t vi i and Keortcette crepe, with an arm bou quet of pink carnations. DuriiiK the afternoon voiil and' Instrumental selec tions wore Kiven by Mrs. N'C. Wood, Mis.-i Annie. D. Thompson, Mis Naomi Tyer. ML-is Catherine Adaini, Mis Lc lene Poulter-. Miss Klca'nui Lilly Kae a' number of read'un". As' istains- Mr.:. Moivan were: Ms. .1. A. liive.n:.. Mrs. .tohn Carloclt. Mi'a. I-I. A. Adams. Mrs. C. A. W'litehurst,. Mrs. K. V. tlrj.hanj, Mrs. Sum G. Won!. Mr. .1. Kred (Vninnr, Mrs. Mon js Sa; sr Mrs. .Hiotitt lloaril. Miss Cherry and Mrs, .1. U. Tris.tler. lietween the h JUrs of 3 and li o'clock ab:ut 200 c:l!"d. NKW KAIJ M KPKISK. Airs. W. K. .Moore, who- returned re cently from Pottle Crerk, Mn'h.. was surprised by 11 number of frienn-i at la r home, B2K Stanley boulevard. l:tst niltlit. An informal proxrani of in: li-atnenti.l and vocal s"li"tjgos and it adinvs av.h given. Nol' of Smiely. Miss Mabel Morgan, who spent l!i 1 Christmas lio'.i'lavs. with her iiirep'ts, Pi. am! Mrs. It. L. .VI111-4J11, 2'l l: : tret t roi thw. d left today for la!la i. (n' Miners Need Strength because the nard work Rraduslly weakens ren a Htronir man unless hia system i nourinhed with the pure food-tonir, 5cof('s Emuhion, whirh keeps the Mood rich, builds neaitny nenii, and rm muscles. Scott'i fmusionstrentlthens the lungs; overcomes colds and bronchitis, rheumatism miners asthma. H- AtoIJ Adrokolir Suk,l!l, niLWORTH'S SALE CONTINUES!! All t hi"-" week wp ure :n;ikir,, j.rrc:it l'l'dnvl ions in nil t--pr.vtiii'.'iits. '''.' ci ocolales, pir . !'.)i .'Warshinallovs. satin luitlpr l uns. peanut brittle ami all pur regular :0e per pound i-aii'ly. per lb 1 Or '.'..V dolls now choice for. 10c ."Of dolls now choice for25c 7."ic dolls now choice i'orJUk All our beautiful hand paint ed china and fancy bric-a-brac for just Half Price The DILWORTH CO. l'Jl W. Main St. Phone 101 0 R V. A.11 E Ml BUB NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINC The regular annual stockholders' meeting of the State National Hank of Ardmore, Oklahoma, will be held at its banking rooms in Ardmore, Oklahoma, on Tuesday. January 8. 1018, between the hour;; of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing Directors to serve for the ensuing year and the transaction of anv other necessary- business. HAROLD WAl.L.U'K, Cashier. New Wirthmor Waists Kach Waist carries with it an attractive New Year (Greeting IF you wanted to spend just one doihu- for a waist, wc hardly know a blouse we could surest that would jjive better satisfaction r.nd b? more serviceable than one-of pretty Wirthmor waists. The 'tvles are new the fabrics of excellent quality they are carefully made and cut so as to fit perfectly. They are the kind of waists that vve can highly and heartily recommend. Henry Baum & Co. "OUR PRICES ARE LESS" We are sole distributors for this city for the Nationally favored, Wei worth and Wirthmor Waists where she attends odisl university. the Southern Metre !" Josephine Uickson to St. tAiuis, where she Piircioiii lifter snendit Willi Ja r fi.tlnr, .!. . ll'ck lev. bnU; J. Ian a'.tendM 'i'he Pie nnlidav's ion. 32f' X'.iiv . .Mi ... . W. A, Ki;lev anil son. W'.llinet, Jr., 11 j C ;lreet sriuthweai, uiv re tyrccd Erorn lainesville, Texas. ?lr. ami V rsv K:isSy and William spent le CI:i JiolslAs in 'i'iiIkm. Ml'. a.nd .l:s. Harold ,limin hare " t,uin..-l 10 t.'linton ai'te- spenditu the holidays with Mr. an d:Vlrs. I lnrr Kcs ?' 1 13 Kif Is avenue ivniliwest. , Miss Helen Slrvers, who was the uest of Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Stahl, 113 'Hie bes! t:an;ril, us well as lie llh'ST. lonir. I'oV Iiv Eoyd-Harrcil Drug Co. P aw HJUIU. WnWHmVHBHMaMaaMMAv- 1 ' " M 1 ' - I SLI.F VULCANIZING 'iiiili'ui.laeu to hold iienuiinontly any J'un.'ltiro, Hlowoul, or 'Torn Tiacn in liinceTulies. S'l'l X-KTri". is an a ilu in noeessil v for" I h i Motorists' Tool Kit. It does away with delays for VIJUJA NlXIMi. ' STiX-Hn'Kroniesinilieels3v!S or M Q , .simnre lnelifs, yiieKctt in iiii-tlnlit, carton, l'ricc, each $1.00 rircclinnii lor Aiiil,iui Scan surface with Kmei y ApWv a Itiin coat r,f STIX-RI'lE CMMKNT ami let IttliT for one minute, (.'ut, titf a tiiee.e tif STlX-UlTlO sullleient to i-epiiir liolu, ana leniave white Hiillftnit from rubber fuee. Apply to tube anil press into pinco with tt'H;erf, tube Is then reaily for use. SoHielinii lor .1 1 rnori(nr Jt your donlur cannot .suiiplv you. atblresa OKLAHOMA OIL & AUTO SUPPLY Co. ! ARBMORE. OKLAHOMA i i 3 k Srstateisny V i. nunN(.ci 1 ' ' I - A' . . l ., irU . , ' . '-s. . '; tt',3(3 ' PAGE FIVlf : ... e--'ii Kihii IIi avrttiir northwest, returned ipsi' It i-tln v lo her lumie in Oklahoma ri'yi J VO-H. I!:i,-i , Nohie has returne I t.irCi iejvihe, Kan., after Hpunding the ChrVtif iruiM hoiitliiy, with Iwir mothiir. ifr$ W. M. ('nek, ni7 Kirst avenue aofttK' tj , . v Mrs. T. S. Ventre.-TM. Mi s. Luther yem' j ' tirm oaUHbter, Margai-Ql, havtfj i I lurnen to WvimeU-oo'l aftor apertitiii the leiliilay ia.m with Mr. amt MrsJ W. T.'KilMruv5! S nVnm. jKirttiraAlJ KK.uiv ai inMoiiiiKt nt i. ! .Shi.lhyviri.;, HI.,. Jan. i- Ji net er aire rtaiiiK eiglrt autunnh.lH biriK!fl her tKhi with tip rytlm.VuM total hi mm of ffi.OW. 1 j J """1 Life Was a Misery Mrs. F. M..' Jortes, of Palmer, Okla., writes: "From lle time 1 en tered into womanhood ... 1 looked with dread irom one montli to the next. I sulfered with my back and bearing-down pain, until tile to me was a misery. I would think I could not endure the pain any longer, and 1 gradually got worse. . . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day, . . . 1 decided to The Woman's Tonic " 1 took lour bottles," Mrs. Jones goes on to say, "and wan not only grci'tly relieved, but can ti'iiliiiully say that 1 have net a pain. . . " It has now been two years since 1 tookCardtii; and 1 am still in good health. . . 1 would ad vise any wman or gfrl to use Cardtii who is a 6uHcrer from any female trouble." If you suffer pain caused from womanly trouble, or if you feet the need of a good strengthening tonic to build up yourrun-do wn system, take the advice of Mrs. Jones. TryCar dui. Ithelpcd her. Wc believe if wilthelp you. at Just $1.00, I Kvery Wirth mor Waist is warranted to give tntirt1' Mi'tisfftctiori' vTV . i'. TAKE mil si i m a ii mm ii I j A11 Dggists . to 1