OCR Interpretation

The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, January 06, 1918, Image 10

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042303/1918-01-06/ed-1/seq-10/

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Thumbnail for PAGE TEN

fur day, January 5, VJS,
VJL1L iUy JL Hr JEjjTj1L1D
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I ' . I ' ' 1 f I ' 1 '
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a , '' .Ma. Ill I.
a' ' i . ..iji.if.;
S! i ' li t i- Muter oimii:iiiv. drove tlio car
I il H !' Ill, 111 (. iki.jllillllll I'il.V, I'lllillV.
Tie I'.il;.re ;i' i ports the sa1'-
..ml m!i.iy of .1 IVerltS-. i-r;lit spoil
.',, t' i- in .litn .M
CI. Sh. riiia.i i.f
! ! '.!' !.l.il.i.:i: .Vl.it..r Car uiii.;uiv 1
itiuiiif! l:"in a I . "a .-1 1 1 f U Ji lo
' .;! "I. I I 'it ' .
In 'alliev. jij
,1. e.,: pa tme Jl Now comes the time to clear apparel stocks, and the decisive reductions which we name to quickly
3 dispose of scores of the season's prettiest Suits, Dresses, Waists, Sweaters and shoes tell a story of
noteworthy savings for women who desire to be well dressed at little cost. Knowing hundreds of eager
, " ::;;',H:;'u;;,:t'' I:uick K, women will take advantage of this sale, and as wc have only 50 suits left to offer, we urge arly I
selections while assortments are at their best.
II. . l'. i' i si. ii. llui. k ,i,.;,U-r. ri port.-i
i: . 1 1 i II
,! of jii.. .:..-W.itlUm .!.- 1 H
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,' .'I a laii. k l,
. , i . ..I l.i in' l a i
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i V i a a .! lie "t a I. "I her e,i:ei', pas
i '., ' i e fa. : ;
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i , . ,
ai 'i r. "ii;, ill :,t I'a" rear i.f :.n j pi
'n'l eai u : i i i i l.a-' ,.'.ppe,l to take on , fi'j
i ' : I -l "!!' '.a' .., , -. s ' a lo ail'.'.v pas !j
j '.:''.- In pa ....if" 1" I 'A e. t he MM ' jj
I' ' , ii a:"l Hie eai I., alel IP" unser sliai . E
'it lie. I.is .!ii.'.- t" i .ana in s! a a. . in '
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1'" - ' ' ' i e; -" 'I I ait j . 1: j . H ., j ,.,.,,, f ,ie ( .ills i, an.
1 1 1 ' 1 , 1 1 ' ( 'a ! In i '.i r. , ' 1 1 a r 1 1 ' 1 1 1 e : s el fee 'J
T'i. ..ii;. r.
i:. .. lap-.. ..a. i'a..-i. a. ,,;!. ''
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'Ilea- el
( 1, I 'll'"l
Vi-.ll.'l I
' I. p" - i
I I J"!"'' I '
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'.: Will mi i:iM c i-,;;( !c.i. '
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i l.i.I ., ,.. I 'll.- l ! I . .i"i ' a I I e i ' . pi'. n ;yj
i 1 1 ;h. nir, ii ' 'l-.i.. I ,, t i ie. i .t-. S
.i ail l IP", nilli-s ..iilh i'l' 'I', 'pi'ha in y
i.e. . '.an' v. .up 1 1 i 1 1 r .lain al'i.1'
. ..I'l.,! , t ,'... P.n : ai i ! i 1 1 iii..'.
i ' i . i ' . -1 1 ' i . ' i j 1 1 . ' 1 1 ' . -1 1 1 1 a i i-i I '. '"
I ' 1 1 1 ' ' , 1 1 '.'i'l il 1 1 1 ' I " '. "I ' I I ' . l e, In I-.-
M VIHI.I, ) (Ii i: I) NO I K I S.
' tie' M. il ""I I i i . 1 1 1 . -1 1 II. v. A. I' , ,t
.', l e- . W ,1! ISH e ml- .i . sllhiee! at i'j
i ... in 'rail la a '', ''i'h.' N'.ii m e ami ,
i'l'."- el 1 ..' in l i,e ("hi inn I al'i- "
" ' 'I I.. ; i H '"'ii I "!' I he - eri.'s of ;a-r- I j
: l . " ' ; I - ea "'I'laii' s 1 .1 a eaV 1'he Voiee js
' i i : "1 iii lis- i,i I lo iir" will !' ..j
t': i:. . el Pir I ue (a i ,li:: ? T'. eie. '
i:--v. C. K. I!"iiinan. iii-Pir .r th.e ft
!'!'-!'.!'! mm ehi.r. P. via lime f"f he i
- ' : I "".-I . .it I ll" 111' Til i II : .rv iee. jjJ
" ! i"ii'' : ei 1 i'-ir Hi.' .- en me ; r iee, 'I
: i,i, jiii ,l n.' "Tin- Wiei:': Vl'tt- ail
p ml."
Oxy-Aceiykne, Welding,
and Cutting
We v. . -i I. ml,, a evli'i'lers,
cr.u.k i' i. i-s. i a v, ines of all k hp Is.
I !"!. w.il.T I.r.'-.s, eoppir eoiis,
e e.
i I I' n't ' ei refinery I'tiib;.
le'-eii'l-. Ilianil'.l.ls. u le lerre.i 111
).!. ,i irs. I.ll.'l.. :.- a'l.l I... lie.s.
U ii.e. e a : p," ..,! f,.'ll e.lli.
men' an, I !aa v s!ia;i v.eMinn
Plaeiiii:.'! y.
Harry A, Pailady
'!! 1.. N. ., Ardiiu.i...
IJiiv lei. l-iimir L'.'d.
S.iKiileil ;it Ivitlo's .;w;i;'.
ij Frfck-Reid Supply Co.
1 i Oil and Gas VJell Supplies
a ... f..r
" 1 I Irev HuildiiiK, Tnlna, Okliihoma
' "' 1 KAS'l'KliX (rn('KS
i 1 1 ' h i hi if", ivnti.
Whiltititili'n Hotel Iinildlng
Ardinorc, fiUla.
Wheeling t-t.-"l (.'imin, etc.
Iveid Oa.s Kii(,'inos niiil Band
Wheel Towers
"Hops" i'ullhiK Machines
K "liliiiB Wire In'liliii Cnldes,
Whitloek M.mlla HrilliiiR Cnb!"8
Kl Dorado, ( hjiitite, and Aupus
til, Kansns; nnrtievillo, Ilpwry,
i.i i.'ni- s ;siwiiir, Chelfieii. Cleveland, Tul
sa, Dru'iiriiiht, f-linmrnck, Cusli
HiK, Ynh", OlimiilMpe, Morrle,
lle.ildfoti, nri-1 N'e' V.'lUon, Ok
Ichotna; Wichita Fulls and Elec
ira T"h
,v I"- il
'Will . I " t , .
M.. lii.-s-.'il
a.ea .a 1 1,,. '
Sale Starts Monday Morning at 8 o'cloc
VUWi, Values as Compelling as Those Will Brinir Maiiv AVmikmi t
to Our AiiiKiicl I )i'i!.irimer.l fov This Crcat ''
earance Sale of Suits
fT ft:.
The monev-saviny possibilities are exceulioiial, wl I 1k-v lut a-.! I at U'avi'o:: u. c'tul
There are lifty of them, each a style thai lias found favor thi-:it;:h'r.:; u.j yj::-.v. ;i.
When you consider that there are many months durine; which you can wear oi:" of these o jils, you'
(iiicidy see why we call these Suits Genuine Barons at their low ):. w
Any Suit in Our Stock at HALF PRICE
i' . writ! ht '? (
Dcecial bale oi w at
J v- 'H ' "
That Offers an Opporlitnitv io .v. re
Unusually Attraclive Modeh
"io v,'');r.an ever had so many Waist.-, that aiiuti:; r cannot rind a ph::- ':n iicr war s r. i.: .
''.'r;; oflered ii! this sale rail lie :.htained at such a remarkably low price, ecoivnv, '. . . .. ,.
i'e t'hine, Silks ami Georgette Crepes.
Ordinal price ranpc from So.OO to :;'i .1.0).
Clearance Sale Price h 0:ie4;c ;h u
,:; ;);..;? slyi:s r.,'. are
.I. ,i i:cd. Maierii- are
J- JL W sl v 6,':. '
i v
i I
licccnl Sa'.Iacs an! i'o;si:Iar '.lid-.'v
f 1 --v r
15 a S
s -v
I1 l I
Ii 1
A new ni'ess always inis a r.iv's.eu van ::i a:.y ; .r.i;
i f the yo:ii anil vl;en it can he o:t:.h:ei so rr.-.a.'i
secure it. In many instances ,hey arc priced bei ' v; ;.
are many vaviallons iiie seasoii's ! ;c.; L rnrslss ir.chu '
iceable. w licther made of ser:;v (.! silks, in ihe p-..;:sdr.r . '..
You May Pick Our Stock d Dr
One-naii v nee
- t .i . J- i. . y C. 4
1 -vifc
fa 0
Knit Goods for These Cold Days
Values of far more than unusual attractiveness
I.-'i'.v SwciitiM'. (';;-, ami Cap ami Seal f Si t rc niaiuiu- i'n.m oiU'
hoiiiiay selling i.i cumvi lOeinlv disphiycil and pricv-il fur i-lfariuu'c.
Tiles..! Swi-ak-iv, Caps ami Cap ami Scarf Sis aro the nu.t corn
fonabh' cliithes you can wear, for they allow freedom of motion.
At. clearance .-ale prices we offer:
$.-.l)() LADIKS' SWKATKllS All-wool; colors old rose, (f fTf
red and reen, wiih white collars and belts; at i 3
$.!) LA OIKS' SWKATKKS All-wool and silk fiber, Q A OQ
in purple, rose am! lavender; special p4ro0
$7.oO AND $8.00 LA OIKS' SVKATKRSR Tn rose ami Kreen,
neavy weave, with sailor collars; newest models; (T !
$10.00 LA I) IKS' SWKA TKRS-Kxtra hoavv wpuvp. in
navy and copen; an excellent buy, at t
$1 1.00 LA I) IKS' SiVKATKUS All-wool jersey sweaters, in preen
ami mue; with sailor collars ot contrasting colors; (p-jj A (
sppciftl )JLUo
Compleie Clearance ? Ladies' Boots
i-.'ip.ae ;.i'.r !-'lu.. -!(;,': '.;; .-( ci f:;-o S: Li i iv; ivn RYrportant
factor in : i.n-'s p:'a,vr;:. .i '.L'.: ;ho ci' chi'rt Coinpleoe
Cl?:a'a':: c. i'iiou'.; r.s-- i: 1 ' .1 are . u.ne v.'i.at hlcompkte the
Si.oia ;oe (!; ';--; '"I umu ill j.sv-.ajL ni eMfy wa; and bear our
aaioe of i".-.iily an-1 :-!y'".
i" !! irs Pa!.),; Leaf lie Lac i.j-.s, -.vcj-Q VI. 'A) ; ..dv (fa.r Jj
P'-ice ia 5'c
'iii pir,: (';;!.. red Cloth ':p Sh.:-. in -rny -.i;a Lr-j-n ; A
worth $'..:."'i ; .-ah' jrice ''Xo d 'O
20 pairs lileck Kid 0-lm-li C I ; i h-To; HooU va;-i)i ; f7f
.-jccial 'iOo i 0
1 5 pi.irs Hlaek Kid !)-liii h Cloth-Top Yloois, WK-risi vi.'j (frty PT'jf
sale price i". $& 8 O
2.") priirs Soft Kid Lace and I '.at to a Paior.J L-lliKT f) f'Tp
Saoes; worth $.".00, vO.tiO and $7.00; :-:iie pik'e h vdo fl O
2 1 pairs Brown raid Urcnr.o All-Kid Shop.;; ,-,: ah $X.50 ft!? f'
and $7.V5 ; r-peciaL. $D0
22 pain Gray and Yivown Kid 000';;"., wiih doin iups; jj
worth $7.-"i0 and $7.7.); sale price is 'tPtJo?)1
TO CI. KAN l;I' AT ' i. OFF.
Infants' Sweaters and Chil
dren's Wool Caps
n You will find a jjood as
i sortnient of Children's Caps
11 and Infants' Sweaters that
Li arc good values at the on
w inal prices; to clean up, at
One-Fourth Off
fish '&m?f$vsv ( A iy-r 'y fy - m.
- 0fn
' f 1
111 ..:.;a,- ia .)t my ill! 0sy WJ
la-a .. .I valijet i.t,-, t,vt r'ii,d
1 "T .NO. - :il,u til-;tt
' '"'"ll''' "-'i.i .'..I .'lu,i Ji.i.i jv ikM;
' ' 1 '''' ''V- -3 CK

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