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The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, January 06, 1918, Image 12

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042303/1918-01-06/ed-1/seq-12/

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Wf 4 f f' Si "-M 1 3 P TF lr f
Hi t?A fel
A Novel Example oi
7 I if
wuiw ingenuity
in ike Life of the
X ff ye - - J 'i0 x-w tl'Tl ,J
en in
AMKKH'W s--r i lil i'T boys in ITaiic are h- It:
fed (CUM I i . 1 1 1 1 J - . Kit .'!:. :i." ih'.s lath. 1'
pi- t nr. '.-I lie do . ri!he ( tin I.' i, ! a ,"'! Mil
to err!. .in (.v ! ; 1 1 i u 1 1 1 cllllliar. i.il W :i-':.4
that ;: v. ith li.'' A m ''h ; -. : i ami.-.-. ;'. i !.
'I'll!.-', nmci !;!(. ut 'ni:ii.ir 1 is 1 1 1 1 '
H 1 : i 1 1 1 ut Van!. i i' il. ."-Il .i ; 1 y . I s :i , n l a
oil,ie ut' h ' i . -, i! if-1 iiiiili '. in n . . v :ri iir'.il
ieiv limber ami :;iii cat i i.ii: !;;' m i- I in k.i
ter with a ( mil. tin .. :.'n il.e li.iaur Aitli i
roul.'s I : a riii.ii; a t. il i. . a ilmitu'. t-f I .
aiul un w'll : i : i . ! -1 .-'aa.l ih.. a i r.i f t-n n i lao
t-U" ami ih-.-! lii-iim ii W nf Ui'iu iiiminii'il "I
ii l! V. I .
TIiiis. win a hii"..-. ni'i I . ; I i i -I lar a in. ii. t'u
nioli i"M' in. i v I"' il-l;i 't I I i "'it I !.. ; .I".
H' limit cull. an. I, t!,na::!i .-Ian. ill.:; mi a jmii i.f
l....-'. it i. ii'a.;. a irjiin.. l ..-: :iia a i.ial
Hii.l uriMi'mi:; I. mr mil . : .. in Kcil.l it il ia
Il . i ' 1 1 1 1 1 in. ii:'. iv ai;iriiu ia'.r In cal! HiN . ar
pal l I Ii" i-.m.I, In-- : v. tii in. in, i. in ih'li , il
I i in-1 ii a I I" I Ii; ii i n.i-: i' .;im . 1 1 is i f .-. !i... '
i. xi.n.-v.
Lifting; Cut Cans of fUcw and
Steil, with :i n s I i ii hi ili'el.nv, and la' tile rear i
has an oi n that oli.i ; a. . oin 1 1 1 . : 1 ; 1 1 i m f,.'.
llUf',0 loia.till!-' pail en its lullnni alal two i ai..lh r
ones on a shell above.
Supplementing the "..mi ate I .'r c Pn.li P-a!
food coiiliiiu.i v.lih a .i i.iii ; nl 1. tallmis
f-iieh. for suup . stews ami hml.il iinai--. i'i
of them are ul ill !:ea y inetal jiakit-',. In pie
vent scorching of meats c.nil.e.l in t'leai.
Soup, Stew, Tea and Coffee.
Ordinarily two or the f.inr c; Huder. r use 1
for sun i or sun, and lo for t. ;i cr coffee, r.al
w hen a I,tr.;er :uutiti!y of .'".; is i; nlnl, use
(an be iiKii.e in two mme i j Pad s, iarii',1 i..
the front seciioii, or limhi r. I... lies means an
8 ddit ional L' I .aailo'is ma he sii,"'!!. !'..
The two cyliuili is in the limb .', however, arc
lit fit til under ordinary cirruniainiu es lur nlhar
puriioses. They are in effect ihe inner 1 i n i i . -,
Of a pair of enormous thermos bottles, in which
to up or other food may be kepi hot for LI I hoars
if desired.
It appears then that the rollin;; kitchen has
B maximum capacity for hoiliei; 'l gallons of
food and drink. One such oinlit I.i dosio,i;ed to
feed L'dil soldiers, givin:; lo each man one pint
of Ktevv or soup, one pint of tea or coffee, and
ile liberal helniti? of roast ee-at i;v.--. i'-
' -!; ..s- ."' rtA r-.vtT.-J-!..- ,u i
;..-.!' . v " '"' '.- '..';' . i.'.' -." -!- -v
-i ii iiwiiiihiii 1 1 iiiibii wiimi ii i mi iMiipwiii iniw n i i im iiimiimiii wwmiii i mm iiimi w i ii M tm niiiw m Mi mi ii .wmii MIWHHI IHWII
j ; V t, , A f I
li .- '-,' .-.' - ; )'... !l : .'..." .
I v ' ' fifo''V: ves
! ttJiL.KU:HkMir.: M lwn,M'w'.i .e ii r-riL,fmkLtfiixmMUikiir'j&tMjknw-yi vmuwm
h-jaraaiujsaiiujirjk wmimi Aw MMiMtu.vM.MMiiifc. in umitiw
Soap lrom the; ollhi-r. tove.
in. in .-a 1 .ii n: d, . !' it L. d. .- i: eil. !, on"
1 ii. "I an., "t'e r li.f.i I :n :n ,ii el,-;n.-.s in
th" Iherlil". hull'. ',
Tie- I hei'i.io.-. Im.i: ; a, s'i lo e.il I ... in, have
I" .'lie. I c,e i i !,.a a. ,1 ti:;,!.: !,, a , r'pi'i'ics.
i tti-i. (.1 ; ia ;-. I a' lea i.f aa'e . I i is n...;.l
I" i ii-'.i I.. I i 'a '.i- c.-i... nl. 'I if y ha '. " In e:i
1 .-I "i I ill ."o '. eat he. . inn! e . Ill iii.ile;- f I'll'l-
d. linns ! 1 1 kee i li.eir loiiti-n's aiimi- 'e,ii.:-
I . ill I ' l it lllie" fur ; I 1:1)1,1'.:
.n-,.; si aaiae , ha t ii;; , e i i n 1 1 e t n a
'".il', i 1 e ' a ! . 1 1 1 i 1 1 a lir liie niahi o.' lo::;-.":'. Tie
i'rril ! ' tiou l!i:i"..i'i of the mlii::;, hin hen is
ii ;a.'la I lroi! il..- c .. hi ii, a s-eli'in. anil from
I he I'n II.-, I- i:. relink eh t !-e eooh'.: l ie .-t a fo MI1V
I n- o' nl t st-"l T'.-ll In-li.alH il wo- ilei-I'lll
la. i.-iy ol' ir if '1 thina.s, pr --e.itly lo he eiia-Jil-liitei!.
'Im ill- rams eaa:; iiie I. !,.-'.,: .. lellln'.'lal iin,!
llaicd on (( i-ia.ii.iil ilea r iiy, on veil i ;: 1 1 v for
c.e il i'.-i ul: i d. In c-ee it in- so dc.ii cd. these
ia.-u'ali-tl i eei iPia h-s u ny be i:,i..!up.ii ius lir.-
,-S cooker.'.. ThhS h.'l.es (he limhl'!' (l)'l tW)
v.h.eis ai d drawn h the pair of horses) free
for use as a wood cart, supply cart or water
carl. The ix cylin:l.i.'l cooking vessels wiii
nve to letch Til halh.us of wtitei'-H'tiotish for
an !'. iin- company.
''" ' 1 . i ' . i -' s ehesi, j, laeed on the groititil. dn-i
' ' ;
-.". '. ' ' ;.-..... .' . S l .- .' . 1'.
, - ' . . ! . - - . I I
iiiai iiii r i m ii.ihin 1 wmiim i
- up" for a Meal at the Rolling Kitchen Headquarte
eat v a.-' ;i r-n Ir!p lab'.', th" roasl inu-par.-.; t: .iiu
t1:.- (ni-n l'l-ia.'; placei'. upon il. and th" men I'e-i.-i'.
, :i..' tin ii- imllviiliiil portiias of Mi ' u t from
ii;. aiis tl't-v pass oy in .-1:i'a!" II le. each o:ss
tr iii" (or the pi1 ; m iiis aluuiin.uii plat".
riii';."- a;..!:.; h" wts bis helpinr, f "r
' "ii'-e iii ..a a'liiir.iiiiii cup with a t in ned-iroa
OptfriiR; tne Containers.
The IL'-ual'oa i oiKainers lor soup ( "fff"5
li.r siev i nr.-, oiirse. ery heavy when lull;
'"'t. I,, lif, liem Into or out of the "stove." a'1'1
for earryv. . iie cooked foods over shon dN
r .. ''a f'l.e-l'iol woollen poles at" provided, lit ted
wl'h ho,,! s s.i iidjns'.ed as to uri'Pple (throuU-i
r.:i;.il.l.' Ii.l.si the edi;es of the hip;.- cookinn
p.iti. V.'lieii not ill us". Ill:- poles aro held hy
il'-. '.s all the hides ol the coolt'.ni; ivn'tio'.l
a'l I ll:;t!..-r.
'I i.aiii.i; to il ise ingenious arrangements.
eu:i e ema.i i'.y ..f L'.ei men eaa he n rved with
a ana! hi a er few minutes. And, by the waiy.
ii i ' worlli ! 1 1 : 1 1 - ! 1 1 n i thai the aiiove-'ni l" i-""
mil of lile ciokilli; section lll'o llll
ii, .p. if ii can-less driver ueie lo i-ine o.i
with the mac'nine, without llftlnt? the legs !"''
tliei:' i-iiri.iiim position, tix-y would feimidy trail
ii. hind.
The cook's chest is a niultum in p.tvvo, com
I amble to ih" lamo.is and biexhaust itde las
' f Mrs. S.l.,s K.mily Robinson. In the bo'toul
of il are six canisters, for holding bu;;ui', beans,
etc A triple i i . m i a r t u i en t imLiaiaf( salt, pop
per and spice. In camp, the canisters are placed
on .-..nvehleiil sliehcs and the emptied chest
si-li' i the purpose of a III breiid-ho.x.
The chisi also coniains a cleaver, a meat
raw, iwo fPaiiu; knives, two shlnnlni; knives, a
steel I'm- vharpenlnn knives, two bitf forks, two
hU d i j 1 1 e rs, tvn his Indleh. two hit? spoons and
r louil-ciioDpe:-. Additional tools are carried ia
a tool-box beneath the footboard oT the limber.
The Rollins Bakery.
Kven more remarkable than ti'.p kitchen on
wheel.! Is the "rolling bakery," which (a Yew
American i:ivi tit bin ) is now uii.T-'r eonsidera
ti.oi by Ihe war deparinient. Ii is an aulomo
hilo bakerv, inoiuited on the chassis of a motor
truck, ami, wiih live men to operatu it, does (it
ls (
la'.tiK-d) as much work as i2 army broad-
makers can accomplish by methods hitherto
ado, lied.
Such n motor bakery can keep up with the
most rapid movements of troops in tho Held a
ery important advantaKP, inasmuch as its out-
put of fresh bread is always available for the
soldiers; ol bread, that is to say, right out of
tho ovi'ti. Us capacity of production is 3UU0 to
Ni'WHimpcr I ratiire Servli-p, 1018.
iw J(L
5 -V
1 1.' -J
- ,
v '-(I
l 1. '1
The Kitchen Separates Into Two Farts. The Forward Pait, or "Limber," Is Here
Shown chii' Drawn Off by the Horses.
' ''it-''"-'- ... .'- ,-: ., ., II
The Army
j-; : fo) - - - ,--r:?
NWf tf 7x )r
I'Ooo loaves por day, of any slzo, weight and
-!:;iii' that may lio ileiivd.
Tin' rolling baltory makes a louf from start
to Mulsh, taking the Hour and otlit-r innriHlients
on honnl in bulk, prepiti'luf; the dough In an
atitonip.tic inix,.!', Kneading It, (Hsehiirh'ti'-K It into
"ris!r:n t roughs," mid knoadinj; It apaln ua It
passer, alotirf ehnlii-operaled belt-conveycfa, to
be molded into loaves and dischargea! ready for
tlio ovens.
Th" bie-ail-niaklni; apparatus welRhs three
tons. It is T'j feet wide ami 'Jn feet long, with
a nix-font drop extension in the rear, a little
lower tli. in the main body, ao that tha bread can
be ;i ; ii n fil at man's standing height. Oiw Bide
of the In k! of tile iiiiielilne unfolds to form a
baU.r'.s work heiie'a. When set up for operation,
ilio whole affair is roveied b a eanvas tent -3
by 1 f.-et.
Soldier Critics.
The i-olaier :s always a very exact!!);; person
in n-..r.l lo what, lie rails hi.-j "grub." If it be
nut jus! as h" wants it, he is discontented ami
mav ev!i ln-co:.'.' niutinous. I'mle Sam's tight
iim neii lire i.i this respect rat!" r iainiered. Dr.
Paricy W. Wiiey, the food export, says that they
would be belter off wiih half as nun h to eat, but
i,tii--r authorities would be likely to disagree
with him-
A soldier, for llliiinc purposes, is no better
than his stomach. It is of utmost Importance
noi only that he shall have enough to eat, but
tliiil his digestion shall be kept in Rood order.
In fm hum' days it was customary for soldiers to
make and hake their own bread in the field.
This is no longer allow ed.
The war depart men l maintains rchoola foi
bilker-, in which enlisted men thoroughly learn
the trade. Thus American troops, wherever they
may be, at" always supplied with bread as good
ami wholesome as any city bakeries could
0' M ' . II
Bakery in Action.
A , d.Vta til
' rW i V&k" J I

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