OCR Interpretation

The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, January 06, 1918, Image 14

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042303/1918-01-06/ed-1/seq-14/

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Mias ClwrlcUe Eoylo
of Kow York,
Hclctor of Vvoili's
Ffcji'il for vv!",.-:i in
Fluuae for Distance.
W B BAglfiW ft
Brant Gas's
was i i
mo M if
co ww ibi ibises
s. V
Winter Swimming
a a k t ..... M
A. Jl 4. it.
-jp t
Jf . Y-.-a'." ! !
v ; s;. : ,
Ckamoions Who
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by L. de b. iiandiey
;uhorik) a I'Sukr S;:orU.
Mis'-, Josephine Eartl;tt,
National high Diving
Have Made
tin .
' :.!..! in hiMi y, i i;i
-!c"l v. imti i ini;
.iix v. i '. tin- .u i fii't
: -.! i-,'.;,-r ,:i.m of
Ii :r;i,, of i',- An-
i : i.i'i i i t". -i ;. .sec
;.. i i I it" 7 I-.'. .- -oinl: , Li.th
hlnii;. h' :i i'. i' in: i-sl im3 cvr U i:i eipi-a
VHtir Il 1 1 ) ' ' 1 : 1 ' ' ' r of t'lr Aii.'i (.'l.liri' ll.iMl-
f:l!i if '. o' ,'-.v I'llc V,'iiiitcit'. :- iviiinnilii; ..'m).-;..
4: - ,
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Mi :.: C !:!: U.-.U:jna of !Icv ork ;i:ki Hirs Dorothy Earns cf Lei
P.IL-J Fr.uiocs Cov elk of ,'i.m
Francisco, KoKler of I':uUi3
Cislar.ce Kccoi-ils for Wtiiu-a.
Miss Aileen Allen of Los Angeles, National
A. I. A. U. Charcpion in High and
Fancy Diving.
M:-;3 Thelma Darby, 15-V-ji'r
Ohl Girl of Indian
ti.joli.!. Who Hu Covered
Miildle-Distanco in Closo
to Record Time.
cf Wo: Id's Recor.h;.
i i
1 V
1 . '
'4 . '
i-liu.; Willi wim-M' : tna '.:'
i.ii.l pi o r. j!u. i:, . j( ls !,ai th' out-
!'! in-'.ii'. , i. i. nhiMKi a fni'-:"irv cor- Vv
' i-ii i hut )'-. 1 1 : rfn.-i U- V-:'M '"'-i
'I'm-::-.:. Ii.- Ohio v. ill ,,::-(.-i:iily I.i n . 1 I io. i,
o'.i :o i" : 1 1 ' in i ! !,- if f i' m; .. I ,:i
,.-r.-l v:i'.!-. '0'ii.:- uMld', v,::,i . I oi 1
l'." !ar :;:u i:. - p. -'o: iiianro v..i i ri.!.:- "' .i
hor'-r ' I, .hi ', .. . ;li- linii' I In- i hr
ton, pi . i -1 1 1 ' 1 1 , : - a.'1 1 i'i a ii"o Tp '. io-i ; ; ;i . '
!' (-ml t 1 1- . -. 1 ;.i ami I11" .!.! i !.. ::" '
i f i ! t aniiapU .'.i.,!i-,h. i 'a n. : v.: y v-
n. ! a ' nam !,i a;,. ;,; p ..: a I 1
lov. r ii:-t;,n-. i,n.i-r ilia nap. ioi,,::i a,a or
Ii,!,,. 1 1 ; i .-oalp ii;f I'l'iioo a! 'la' .-iaH'oi'. 'i'a"
!: , i ; , -. ar, tt.,. m..:-.. in la ; I'.p.'-.r in th il Ik- v :il
o,ip: ni:li hao !,. t n t i ; 1 1 at taa liaiol' oi'
; ;, , , ar 1 .. 1 1 . 1 1 1,1 f .Mi-.-; Coiuala Aii'!'. 'Am
v.i.n !'" t.'t'i"i'l I' -' v.P'il (I'll ioo:' t I' - saiia j;i
;-a ;, In r a lol :ua ::i : soil' fmUM ivi i '. 'i: oa . i :
a t .-iaaa'A' '.
AioitUoi- 1 i 1 1 ! i womlfr mail! or I .". in lir.o fir
', .aim., ia .MNa 'I'la lina I'.ivi y of !ln!i;uiapoH ', v.li
I, a- In i n i iaili!' 1 Willi lioili tho fi'i-a s'v1. ' a,n ',
1 .. U 1 ' Tola's. II T i-i i i lit Vi('h)! v o 'T .Mas ( ;
'paan ut :,m yaiiU in ; niiim;,.; ::i m.ls, ;o .'o..-:
pool. KiaUtfi iirobuLlo ln-r cu":iing woi'Hi'i liacl o'j
Hiss Ola Dorfner of Philadelphia,
KuHcaid A. A. U, Champion at 50 U
'V 400 YimU.
. . ; v ..
. i
I. .' ; i
York rl'-y are as gnoi.1 as, if not lietti-r than, their
ublcbt foreign rivals. And to ilii.s trio may soon Ijd
added an immature maid under 12 Helen Wain
VvTight, of Npw York city. A few weeks ago she
von by a wide margin an open A. A. l scratch
high (living contest from the 17-foot platform, not
over Miss Kll'.abeth Ber.'k.'r, third to place in tho
natioal cliamiiion.shi), hut also returnins an al
most perfect score. Three jadsw awarded her
an average of G8 points out of a possible 72. Such
mi pvhilitllini inl.-., , o ti.i i .
il. ,1 , .y ii ila imrrovemcnt !U r.ace her ui.dato Vor cominJ tU.e Z ? "
""'"h vuun ,,i HU1JI 111V 1 l lUUl I J I L 1 1 Ul 111 t l
,i ,i -.,t ,1,lPinit on'-v defeatiiif;, anions others, .Miss Florence M
' so mill ('l arae lit t ie ( rat oppoititpuy , j
,. . , , , , , . , ,, l.anghlin of Ptiiladephia, victor the previous wei
io. : lo r ip ! liatn oi ;'i , regulation leiuuh, i..,o.,.i.,i. r , ,
I hero nr.- Ma.s l'rara os Cow ells and Mrs.
a '.rioA Saii'li, oi San Francisco. Miss
i oM',1 l-.'i elf a worihy oppuil' nt to Miss
I Ml. -i H Al "an thronnho'-., tlio summer,
a a a i a.e a 1:1 10 plop ;, while i rs. Mill 1 11 nas acuiui
i 1' 'it'll n; i.i,; 1 o ili -faiicn record.;, hut unofficially.
"Ilili nr.d Fancy Diving."
In 1 iali ippI j.mry diviai; tliere is no positive
w:. 'mil a.p inc. our li iolei ; wiMi those of other
j...! :. far : eori s dep-n.l liirpi'iy on the variable
joi aaal oainiop. ; tile jitrc . 'as to what con
aii .- pi'i leei foi in. .over;holi'.-ai, compeleiit ail
'l.a' i'io' liaviip; : n in action tile American anil
'"'an i I:a in pious claim that the latter have
;.' !'', iiu.e i!ay.; on 'air lias; Fprinuoard Or
'a. ii i '. Tip y l i liovi1 1 hat at h ast .Miss Aileen
in addition to these mermaids of tested ability
who have fully demonstrated their class in the
open field, there are many moro fast developing
national calibre. Some should reach the top this
The country-wide popularity of water sport?
for women further improves prospects, because it
insures greater activity than ever before. Plans
are on foot in several cities for big water car
nivals to which will he Invited the foremost girl
contestants in all branches of amiatics, and this
bringing together or the district champions should
help materially toward the accomplishment of no
table feats, for there is nothintr like, keen ;,nH rir,
Ailin of l.oa Aapeiea. Mii-s Constance Meyer of competition to spur on to greater efforts and to
KrUa.ml, Or , and Mi.-:a Josephine Bartlett cf Xew bring out the best that is in athlete, man or woman.
How Bread Is Made With Sea Water
N CKRTAIX parts of France It has long been with Eea water are said to remain fresh for more
lie uougn ior oreau maU a weeic. During a journev of five mnntv.a
. . ;. 1. i.-ua parts 01 r rant'
2 a cpA.j.'u tj niiike up the
with tia v.altr instead of using, as is custom-
made from Havre to San Fraiidsco, in a sailing
wry, frvsh wat-.-r Ith the addition of the salt vessel carrying ltiu passengers and a crew of 2r
exciusne use was made of such bread
d to make tho bread both healthful and
v;:i ,( si
appciiain;.:. M. Abort Saint Serniu, a Frencn uu uiera was nut a Kindly case of llluesu ou
lia.al pilar;. '.aciit of the first class, urges the uoaiu.
v. Me- adopt ion of this practice, which has, ac
cordip', in him, several advantages; the bread
keep:! ppiAt longer, owing to the affinity for
water posse pad by tin; magnei-dum c'alorid sea
water coiiiiiiiis; it is very wholesome, since It
provides not oniv the. chlorids of sodium an
liiairiie'iiiini. hut other mineral substances which
('vbiap' J raturo hrrvirc, 1UI:1
'VS..-. ..-of M. 1 1, . .
me mu iiiuni. ue couecieu at a suitable
distance from land and should he taken from
depth of six or seven yards if possible. Tho yeasl
must be prepared with fresh waicr am the sail
water used for mixing tho dough. Along th
KnglUh channel and the Atlantic nee.-,,'.
(1 water is of Piiital.lo salt content to bo imed dl-
leciij. mpaueiranean water, however, has
Fait content so much higher that ii i ,d
tin- body can make use of. In a communication to use ono part of fresh water to throe n-iri 1
1 ii- l r"'w ui
nail, nnivi.
M.Sernln Fays that bread made with sea water
useful for everybody, is to bo especially recoiii'
mended for growing children, for convalescent
uuu wi uu iiiuBo who iieea 10 repair tho watitei
to (he K-si.e ScientilbnK; (Cans) he says
"I'.y way of reduaing tho traffic movement of
i-e.lt, it. is highly desirablo that there should bo
ie:;!. lation authorizing bakers in coast towns to
inako uso of sea water.
llolls made duo to fever or to hard labor.
f -
"Vl cwkn.r-
m (qyf fm :aw

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