Sunday, January d, iZS.
IB words out time 25e
16 word two times . SOo
IB words thrss times . . -45e
IB words four times . gOe
If words five times - 75c
IB words seven times - tOo
For Rent Rooms
FOR RENT Two furnish..! rondom
lUfht hoM.Kikecphi.L; i'.nm-.. I'huK
K73. J,?,.
l'VR Klv.Vir I'UITvlsli.',! lilil hdHi-'
keeping rwmc. 122 A nt N", l-V Mrs '
C SIrnn. thin; Wl Ti.fc. i.
KiR KN!T-liHtbti upstairs xoiilh- j
eani tiMimuun. fVi-ni!. m
fiuim. wiiui. r,i;i. r.;
P(R UK.N'T Xiec room, cl.ss. m
1 N. W. f'boiic 12a. ?,,
FOR RKNT New to4.rn tiuripaluw. 5
ami bath, fcmuno, (i anel Uli X. K..;
$w."i.0O. J'hdiH! owiiw., O. M.. Klr'uli'!s
I"'K HBVT- ic U-tli'iiom. suitAb!.'
fill' laily in- iKnifilc vUhniil chiltJivu;
only 1i'Ki('(MjiMI' iHiU- i.n'.il U.nit1.s
iu;i South :t Ht.. 3..
M'li KIONT -oiip f iH-ivishfil Mpviairs
liciliMiiiii ftii' two Kt-iiilriiicii.. W'itn or
without hoaiil. 411' Xurtti Washiui;-
ton. ri'.tni' .'ill;;. s-s
KOR RKNT Two unl'uniisjjoa li; but
housoltPi'imij,' loiim riiiulriri.. l'Laum
bUui 72il. ,"i ?.t
ii'is. i.i'.A I urn- or two ur.l u '-i.j.-Pf I 1
rootnn, ami t;a.!y;:',.. I 'him' Ids!, f. 7l ;
FOR RENT - Xii'i'ly l'uriii.-licd front bcO
room; in-ivati- faitiiiy. !1M Hiiliy Avr.
Airs. S. K, simi'h. I'lame whiif
FOR RENT On.' nicely furnishoi bi"
room for onr or two t'ci.tli'iru-ji. 1'honjit" 1
Mil, or call at S7 E Si., X. '..
FOR KENT Front bi'drmim, clos' in.
Hentlenian prcfurri'd. f'hoiu' UMC
FOR RENT Nicn front nidin fni hV
ruom at 410 Wont .Main utroct. 4 II
FOR RENT Hi."lrnnm to lady w ith priv
ilege uf kitclicn ov meals next door..
Silt Third Avu. S. W.. I'hon" -!NT,. '2 i
THRICE liKht hoiiS'.krciiiiiK rooinu far
lent, with Kai'UKu. Phuni' 14'4'l. 4 3
FOR RENT Xid-ly funiishi'd biid
rooni'j, closi' in; Kentltiineii piHrcrrtid.
20S X. Waaliiim'tuu. fliuno bhif 2','A.
FOR RENT Thrt'u unfiiinishi'd rooms.
21U A, northwest. All ponveiiifnrcK.
L. 11. Jiusjresv, U'liitiniuin i- Jiimpson.
Rooms Wanted.
WAX'THK -Hiiy sleepi.i:; rouni fur e,i
tlemajj. Atidress (ii;. can- Ardmoi-i--ite.
W'AN'TEI Furnished moms for hiiiiso
keepini;, close to sanitarium. No ehll
ilreu. Host referenctii furnisheti.
Hione Evans 1 R'4. 4-",
DIU'-SSMAK IN( ! Sat isf.icti'in Riunnn
teed. Uest references if required.
aOii C.strett K. V. al
Liht ybur property with Us. lf luivi'
tli" buyer.'; ami cam net yon Hi-- bmt
prices, (iiiod claspes ul' homes in d
mand. (iuillot & ibiiJ. fi :J.
1 MOVE and repair houses indpoiident
of union labor. Tlui.-'. Hincs, 120:!
Third Ave. northtaii. .".7
AVANTEIi All workin:, mot hers to
brim; their children pi 215 South
AVashinf-ton St. Numei-j-. The choru-e,
ID cents per day, per cliiM. 'Will be'
Well cared for by Mrs. Alamj, nvitroi:.
Mrs. Wni. Ficldhinder, general Mpi:---intendent.
4 ;('.
nittire fiximr, phoiioi'niphs. tyip
writers, soUli-rim, tubs and pots, rtv.,
Phono I J;t i Carroll, 2BI-.J. 1-7
Business Opportunities
t-ALE The Vest furnislml and
I.QDl I,.,.HA.I r..,..', I.P4 ... i.. llo-.I.V I
,uu..i.., h,-i..u,iIi in ,. '"'" j ,A I t.H li;.- liiioKaroper position 111 i,s .v i.W -d I-, 'aw. HI. '1
ton and doin a ood btisini'ss. Owner j ,.uy ,. j., Mll Holds. Hop'rence fiiv- :!. T1m1 this' n ,..if r :-i b- ;'- on
Bick. forced to so!.. If interested, act I nisbeij. AiHivesw Hi, cure Aii'timorem:. ', I'll-' Itiimftei 11" thi- i...:ir,' i.od :i erti
quick. "Yates, the Earth Man, over ,; ' !ill i:opy i f lius r.--.l.;ii'.,'. r" "i'-i ty
Dilwurth's store.
i'l R SALE Eight cows and culvers.
'. '. Wilsoii, I! milus northw.sit
of Ardtnnrc. C-.'t
FOR SALE Vount; mart', city broke,
witli bust?;.' anil harncHi; cheap. M.5
Isixth avenue X. W. 4-3.
FOR SALIC Some nice Jersey cows,
('an be seen at Dj Anderson's barn,
South Washln-ton i'l. Hoard i
llarttiitt. Phone 783 or f.H',1. 4-liil
iiARfj.VIN Brood how. and five weaned
pigs. 21V South W'aslunstiMi Mreet.
OpUuetrist Kye Sight SpecUlInt
Peraisjueiitly Located
Shuman Flower Shop
Ardniore Okla.
207-201 Von Weise IvrIMin.-T.
Phone 370.
A rii3t, Oklahoma
Male Help Wnnted
WANTKH Forty fu v; hv.'Art and
Women fur stead-y wnr!'. at our fur
tnry, gwii pay. Lirht and steady
work-. Purity I'ci'iui Plantation On.,
f.t:ty Srmt-h Wushiir't -.
man wlii lias hail sorn e peri'-iie-'
M soliiiritvt Job prtntiny,-. Hxrenunnal ;
oppvrwtrity l"''i' hustW. Commission ,
basi-- At.ly ti Mi Cherk at Ard-j
WANTKH Lady oi- ontlem.-n s.,li.-it- '
H. klW t.lWl pl opn-il V,1V, Al IVlVl. '
'! l,fsUk'il. Oi,H nl'i'f H a. Ml,. 1H i
U". .VUiiv. .V"- I
A NYKK - fii-i I'f'io; in oliiiiit. Wi'l
)iay M i"Mls n.r hon-.. Call ,-.v V. I
A. I ! Ka.i'i !.. I "UK Ml'-,. Co.
WANTlsK ViiHiik man vi U II wli.al I.i
roH-.. Ai.H-y to it T. M.-h
I :!.
'ANTKIV- Ky .hip of til." laii'.v.-i hit.-,
iVH'h:-i in lho r;t. i) book
'' " if' ,wi
ra-i at in ;i m i n y ail', r. n' i oi . a i :
nrs A.(.iiw-N l (V. Ho s;K A;-,l- .-,
MKiV :.'ll T.
WANT MAI. I'.SMKX ulin ;n i-'an I
Kos polity am) not. H."Vai-. l i moi-I;; t i
Mi-il nn'il wo p;;i of Try t ho I.i ;.( m-I, r
rvot put (Hi )Hi Amos ir:i' n v.i !!(.
AtxiJ)ly urii; js.i i'iiiii t i'iaa; "i'i
k C V srJ, ;ui.l l.l'A-'V if nll ill-.' V. o'lii
il.. s'niia i a , S ;'i
c.uuhkj: wivs u v-i'i i i).
Two i Pliwolc 1'iiys to y mud"- on
IViily Aiilnio.-oilc, lli.-ii .-a-IiohI hoys
IM'i'-l'orvot. lin wiai h:w pony mali! lv n
die I'OUli' V. i i. il..M pa;. a:nl sti'a.ly
work to th 1 i!'t :-o;i.
Aihi'v to Ka'nh Aloi't.ov. ,-,:s:,u:: at
Xi.ri li Will stii".: ,-nu-tu . it A' aomi' !
i'.o l-ii.iiii...; u!ur i ' .o -K to i
Female Help Wanted
- X J -l .Mi.nijo-ai. i v.oaiaii tor n.n-,
in.' rooin work on Cai-irj- it n-c. l'honi.
Ills, Wirt Mrs. Edm. .", .:
W A N T E Ii W hj i , or c.loi- i itirl for
hnui-f uork. "02 p. X. W . Mrs. li.
. i r-t-t- ri ! -r;.- j j
WAXTKU OirJ for fnpra.l linii.-owori;.
cook for twiii in family. N '- IX Sixth
A vf... nrihca-;. 4 2
'A'AX'I Ei.
ARUAioRi-: on. Lai
li-twieti Ik and I'i. ye-it i of at;i? to.
learn telephofir ope-i aiirn;. Tie' wuik
is very plrat-iim and rn-f fo- l..n:;hr.
intelligent Rirls !o I'-rn.
The luiii!-;i nr.-. no Ion?. th tr.lii!
tour lii'in;.', i.i'.Iit hnins.. I13 -i n s which
then- arc two 1 ." rp in tile H si jh rinds,
villi not tnijei one- liwur i.ircli.
The salary scJiot'ltil.-.' rt,sit fmm
511.111.1 to M ".oil per v. rt-i. tor 011(14101
with kimwI .p(icnt unii'ic for- .-uniii-
Hons j-irlis to a'hvaiu-.' l a o.ni.r.v '
piiMpiiins wii il higher ps v..
I lie "Hi. mi p"r wceti sal,M-,r if orny
paid tn HtiHlcii'--:' duri.-tf.-. the firs'
month while 1 h-y i.i " bt Pit;, taiio;hl
tlii" wurK. R"oum,- anil Snnday wor'.-.
curry extra pa;., and a dij off i'; nive.-: i
for ouch Sunday worked, (".tnploye
an' riiveii a viitnt.ani witii Cm 111 pity
of one wi'"K each yen::. Addilioual!
time off in pi vt 11 as irw-ruM; ;i!S is
consistent wifu r.uod husi'ii-'-'-.. 1
We deniie only v.irii4 wlm are over)
17 yearn oV ;m" and uh.i can 1 nine
vell riicnmmendi ! as m c'aaii.et.e;-
! Al'PlV to 't'ltief i iper. tor, Soii'li-vest-
evil Hell Tolnphnl'.' .V Telegraph C. '
Positions Wanted
E X 1 ' E I I K X C tl i'i " LAKY STEXOH ,
.... ,, , , ,
LAI'Hl-.t.. colle;o lu.-itiou, woliUI ;
also assist w.Ui baol.-.; rel "lences ,
Kiven. I'hone PliMi.
. ....
EXPEltlKXrellii bool'lieiipiir desire io
sitiou ,-it oiu.-i.'. 1.'. 0. Hex '.'7'.!. 4 II
Automobiles. j
Ft'R SALE lit 1,7 liioil.il Fort! 2 pus j
KKiiKiM' rniidsliic; ftood cotidiiiioi!. ,i,r. 1
Wilson with Ai'dmotv Auto Cg. til). -
. , ;
FlR SAI.K l!iimV roiiil.i,,ii;. just tiir ,
thin,-; to run iiboilt-; mooiI coudiliou j
Cl.mi.'i for casl). I'h-.ii.' 7iii',. Ceiilrnl !
Park (larauc Auto Exclaim;,'. ii-T I
l'Oi. SAI.E I'l'iroc-Ariow chaiulesB
bicycle, sprint, fork, cushion trame.
Cash in- thi;.' paymanu. full I'll
or 3s.'f. fell-
4U0. II!
FOR SALE -r.tl.'i Huic'-J roiuiHter in
llrst-clas(4 shape. Worth the moiiiy.
.. ('.. HcntiM', I'.O X. Wiishiiic,ioi
strt'ft. :!".
FOR SALE Hranil new top for Huick
little six tmirin;f car. .1. O. llcster,
lit) X. Washington street. 11-7.
FOll SALE 1111,7 Ford roadster. 1!U,7
Ford tourin;: car. tw.th in wood condi
tion: one Maxwell toiirlnsr car. kooiI
as new; Saxon six, llitynes si:;. It Is
worth your tim". Cotlie look them
rive-r. Phono 7iii. Central Park !ar
nse Auto Exchange- 3-7
hfR SALE The best Ford roadster In
Ardimire. .1. (!. Hester, 110 X. Wiisli
itiKtoil ctreet. 3-7.
For Sale
IMIi SALE .New live -p;is.--iMi( 1' Ford.
W. A. Edwards, 1 Tim-'-;'; Tiieatt r.
sa I.E
I'. F-i
u.'r:;-!'l tank.
secoxh hank n;ii- .,v.- f
Call a: the Hardy Sau'.t-iriu.n.
i'. .M :-:
".v Caiiforuri ' ' ' '''
i.". .i-.h-l,l... SAlj), .j.,,
,,"rt- ),,,. :: V"
I. .
! I.n- i"-:v.-- - ;
. V.. '. :! u.il '"' '
'al- .'''i'.' : v:! ,; ' ""
' . . , ,-! S'V '
biniiiil aw an I w.iv.
T ra'-. Im'o."iiaie no
ow n, t. ( . M. !: Mir! 1
Ft ll SA1.K o.i i: .
it-nth front .".
( luilloi ,V Hail.
Ft i.'i SAL!-. !'.'..,:. ,a
f. -. Willi . 1 h,.;
sM 1 al in;,v; n.-rtr.-.
i4!t .V liar!.
1 ; . i ! ' 1 1 ' .:i-'i
l i ii" -: . i;
-l ' i' .-..
Mil' T.-ain of i'.:.-: a! Mil
1 : . Va a ' la ., N .. ".:(, C ,Y
liil S i . I : N'oitliw.t, i,iv.. ino.i.in
h":n. an.l In:--, rl, ia ; Jl Mill
it' "' ..:!; tmii. 'in-' i w in.o. mi
I' lO I !. i -- , - ."I I h . v 1 .III... llilr
I on ni In-.ir-.' an.l In" lot- - . nil in asl .
S- 'l.ill, ,V( ) ili .. , ,,).. ,.., (.j.. ,.,,
liio'. Va-"i i'l.- li'.-m .'.'li, ..r
nr.ttor; t-v ..M.- -. i :,." -' ;.:
I i i I .! . ' -a" .'ii'iiinii el..-. 1"
:: i"' . 'mi n Ir.lf in !.'. I i.'i ..:. !
I: lv. .. "i. i:na a:. I. .( A --. :. :l j
A i i., ah " u i n ic.v i.-i.. i.. .... ;i ai
a hi'.l uain a ' ; ' n.'i! l;..n.' i: i u: l ii
O.I- t A ' .'II '.,-. , i i ' I I . . '.U-: i'. ,'!""' s of
la -I. i. !i : 1','u. 1 1 , i ' , i . i . ' I a.'. h:.i v
l-' i';. pai.:i Al-o ii.,,.;.,-!,.,;.! - I-.-.
I'l. Tinis.. V. I.o in,:'!, I ;.li,' !.,.,.(
(.t-il'.lill.i I'.ai'ain- iioillo raM at tint.
Ti-VpIimm.. :;.i. i: : , i
nil. :h",ii:h V, ;. ; ,
'i i
1 " .1,1 - a: ! 'i.a.ilii i ly.
I". t t' a.'I'i-S it I ."-'n: !,:; i r.
1 i d at" as a: I, an,. i.-i.vc.
".' inn , s at A i-.iinn i'.
:U 1 ii'" i s at i'.larv Nihlno:;.
All iiai.i in ,... Aim ono '., ami 1 0 cat
t"i ". ' 'ii" UJ-io'iin h.arl. a, iv ami anv-
tl.iiii; iu :. i
1. II. l:,.-l. I":,,!'"
s -; 1 1
L'gal Notices.
N TM'E 'i''i ;:TorK:!ii.!n mi:i:t
IX'i i - ii'-i . i .-a tin- I. ni: . of in a. in
iii-rl I I- a i., "' .'.I iinla .-, .Ian, an v ! I
i : I . tli -it- w i.i ho Inn. i a in. o.'.i "1
tin' st.,i-l.iiolil,.-:i of the I'.-npl'''.
l::ii:.l:a.i ,i I.n an assor:.,'. m of Aid
liioii-. ok:.... :it hi p.. it'o if ha. -i.ii'.'
i'j s.ud oity an.'! fir I.i' pinv".'r !
ol. 1-tiir.r lifif -ii tiirri'tin .. l i !-:i' for
th" i iisiinr: '-.: nan for 1! piii no.-i-of
tiaii :o-'.;i)i,' j.m'1: ;!. -r in; '!, t . ,.
may wnif lit-to: sai l nn-i iin,;. i i. I '
Si'lvi.l.:i'. lit la i'lar . -s-l'l.
NOTICU TO ST( K 'ICI It tl.l ER.-i Xot.Ve
I is herohy n!ven that lim aiinn tl in '. t
i i rit of stia kh'.lilar.'i ol' ih,- C.naraiily
State Haul, wi'l 1"' held in tm- hair;
imj rooii.-; of tin' li-ink hiiiluln'.- on the
si'nond Tui'S'lay in .laiiiinry i.laiina: (
St. UIS, I'i inn in a. m in I. p. ir I li
the election ' !" 'lift r.-s for th" t ii-a-
i-.g year and cm Ii oiln r Pu ia. -.s
in may coin,.' up I'm' i- n'si'loi-iiiioa
at thai time. .1. M. 1iinli'oi'il, Asst.
Ca:-hier. I' lah
.voTin. 1 ii shah f.i ph.hi'.ks' mi-:et-1x1;-
i:otwi"-n tiie iio'ir.: of la ii. in.
and 4 p. til. mi Tuesday, .lannary N.
I'i IS. tnore will be held a mootim; of
the shiirehoi 'a r'i of Hi I-':r-l X.-.l'ioirt!
1','ink. of .' rd'iioi e, Oi.'.ih'.nia, :il il
l.-aci1 of bit-i:u-: in said 1 it v and
Mat, fi.r tiir pill po-'.e of rl'"'!!!!,' nil!"
to lif'i ii nil ton to serve l.-r iho
i-i' -'tiinn ;.r-;ir. an I ! 'r Ih" purpose 1 I
trair-ac'iina. siieh o'lo-r l'ii iil"ss ii
.n-.' .me Let, re . 1 i . ii.' i-'ili-. I . '
A ipli-rt-iHi. ''uf
I I '.? ! i
N't'l " IK A!! Ili TIXH.
to TH!. ,'i'! i h ' Iv I lol . I -1 ' I P- d'" Till)
I'TI'. MAM I 'Al "I'l i:iNi; Co.M
HA N Y COPH'i KATi IN: re, pilar
me. 'life; ol I i .-to.!-holder 4 of la"
I'll.'. Aiauf .i"ii.!-)ii ; e inn . in-, .1 cor
poration, ii'! he h- ! I i l!"' i-eoeptiou
hail of Ih,- Fir io! IP .el, in Ihe 1 i t .-'
of .'. 1 1 1 n . a -. ';-I'K-r county. ia.e.ai '.
ill o'clock P. 111.. ",' 1 11" Kill '!.! V "1
.laiiu.tr.-,. H'lv A Hm.rd "f I 'li-retoi's
for the i-nsum'-: year '. ill he 1 .fi led.
Sillier S.nrtr-'. pre-i. I01: ; : '. ('.. '. hit
ciiurch.. secretary a::d 1 reaaiii-or.
ih. Kit
Whereas, the eui'iity of Cut." is the
owner of I.o1 K hloi k ItlPt. of the city
of Ardmoj-e, Oklahoma, and said it. t is
j nut needed by the couiMy of Carter for
I coin-, house t".- jaill parioes. an ),
Whereas,, siri property is t.ow valu"
: less P,i the criji'y of Carter for any
I ptfrpiw for ti'l.ii h same can he p-niilly
1 Used.
. I Xow Hift-' fi'if.. be it resolved by th"
jlhiaid of Ct.mniis-ioni-rs of Cart"r
.-oiintv, ( ik!.-i i.oiiiir:
I,. Thi.t slid propett',-. towit: Lot S.
l "' 'K" 'V- "! '"'Un: ' l!"
lahoiiri.. is iif'1 iii'.'ip i f',r court hnuse
j.,,,.,,,,-, or P r j.aji par"-,--, iin l
1;, 'j'h;it sai.l lot should he sold, an.l
file proceeds turricl over to 1! " county
treasurer., t u be u.-r l f-..- ti,.-- iiiiraoses
ct t'dv-il to as vf i re, h., law. Ic n r
t.:.e:l tn t. if 1 iit-'ye of ti,, i.i-,!ri"
noui t ii',' t.'.,r-v e-i'i-.nt;, , O'i,:. i.otr... a.vt
ri :-ii , ! Pi- 1,..- ;-i a;-1 A to ;.;!..
Hii'.e ulsist-I c 'I fr I'liol'.er-.i of C...
U-r .; U t,p;,i-,:.,,.. saii lifly
ntid ivtt.l'M sca .-i apprvt. urirw. Inj-it(.
w.icli to Hi,' Hoard I.,!' Ci.-i;,',- C-j(,i,--:is-
..,,,., , (-1M y,,.,
I'tissed ii.iiil ::;.,r,wt' il,.s tha- 4:h
day of I Khvh,:.: li't'.T.
;'. r. y ...';.,
Cia.a - i'.iii n, Knin-.il t.f C,.r;,.M'y (onif..'i.
uioiivi't. Ci,r:r cia-i.' y. kJi.
'V 1 u's;i; 'LA K E.M 'E HARKi..
.. '-"cr u,ay.
Wanted to Eay,
WAXTElj-ihi-iil I,',-'., i l i..fl.'l b-leyt'lo
hariv.-iii. Apply to lie, 1 ;,.'..iiie! tc,
-A riimrocitc ufric. 4 lit
WANTK'.t T,) I l.'Y from ! to cia :"U
brow (l Icidioru hen. . I'i cd Xii.yloi-,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -.- re,i m;2. 4
WAX'TEO TO Hl.'Y a live-rooia h..u.--....;
must ir' a b. l iai-iu .ni l all Model"-.,
rcasouiibly close in. Plianc lllhl. t'.-i!.
Wis WANT a foiir-roaivi h-.uist'. clory
in.; ahiiul ?2iK) cash, hiil.iuce montlijy.
Phono lli,;i. 1; :.
biivc a buyer for a larj;i' motlcrn
house, 011 a pacta! street. See us lit
nine, tituilnt .V Hull. I
WANTED TO P.FY iul your poo.l pc
cans nt my factory. 221 A it. V.
Write or plioiic Ml. Y'. H. E.piio.
Real Estate
FOR SALE -2'l acres It-:: rn.-l la"d at
lain" .:;,f; .. i uumi-
p. owd. f ":r and ore !r:'.f tn.a'-i south-
him i'. Anita.,,-". I ::. N-. p.
si.. N. V. .. c.i v . !;,. : 1 Ins.
fur sale n.r.
i.i : A.i' 'an. r
I I'-l liT'-:' o'
V.':!i-r '! .!i:r-
1 1 1' it .'.a. i;
i ' i i
.'.'' i'l. ; ;l . 1 l.-l .
I'.a.O'.' .:' )l.l;f I'll"
'.'.'li :: I I". !', v' i-. it .i.i i .a ,: 1 1. ' v, I',
i : : mi!!':', on sit .'.a I" I'.' ! ' , i . ' ' ! v....
1... 71 "; I..-, 'i nii ;i ai.i.t i I in. ml'
i ' ::. '. nr.". V- 1 1 i;
VI'K ! "'""""'"'"l
in . i . T 1 1 1 1 n o i ' ,
I IV, fl. I i'.iI, ! .'S' l. in
i.ii.-, i'i- i ii c ii m.ii,
ii 1.
i i T , ,i it ' '! I u .. - I ; .si ,n:..
!. 1 i i 1 'ni."'" Tun
I- ' ' - ' I M" I' - I 1 I'll '" ill. i -
!' ( : .ill h'l! 1V. '.i.i ll'".l"
. r ' '.! i -: ' . 1 am
.' I'i' i . I; a ;:l V. .I'll la f!l. If
.- tic i:..'i I. -
P. i . i: .V I I i: :;.
1 1
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I'M . 1 1 -1
lor harntii';,
' . S . . I . I . . is. . Ii', ' r .:n
.wi-l'iir. I" I ..'' a I! .ii. i
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I 'i U ;;A I.I') '''ii I il '.ill !i a i:;i a nd
""i,'i-i"u it., x. '. .. : is ...ni im ..li rn
Iniaal'iw; a har-ain .1' ; '. I at oar.'.
I luiilot ,V II ill.
l-'i iR S I I : X " ,iVt : '".a in ' a i n
I . ! 1 1 . : . ) a " oil I .I.:!. I 11 ' '.'"Illi ', llo.-tll-
v ' -.1 ; ', i. ;..t: :". ;' i i.i,. ' lai'l a
t II:.';. i; ;i.
roi; s. i.i: i ni 'ii h i i.M i ii st.. s nii "
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y. ti'.t :..i' ;: ml i" ..i , . ,i . v, : ; :
i''- "i' Ti-i .-. i ai..' a ,': ; 1 -p. ; .:.
Foil SAM-) 'fli-f " ii'".' In. i. r ; m
li ' ' 'il Hill ill , i." I 1 1 'i ' i', i . : i
so'.li 'i' a 4I. . l::n . -..... ; 1
l'al-lll I. '.1..I ill IV : " ;i . I K. C.
A'.cK i'loy. 1 1 j .: .via i,i .: . I 'in a,, i
'i 'R S M.t-: I- ;.. I. ,.!:,!, . ' I.i ' : A
S'l't'".-! I, ( I' "'!' "I Ml,"!-" I. '. :, llllllt I-
Co i
n. i i a'-
tl"tll o .,l',.: I.n:.
1 1 " .' , l.a 1 1.' '. . a,
l".,.,l:. !.,.
Km; s, i.i-: ..ii.;
nol -,'i :':! I A .III
in- n!-:. T' nil- ii'
arm. . in : ;
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W a .i'iii.'I:-!. 1 '1-Ja. A-.i.h . s 1 1. W .
I "ion 1 1 n. , 1 .1,1 1. ;, 7
.' X'i'r'.l 1 'I'll I.I.A.-'I', mi- Mixll !i
i . in ii'-ar V r liii-.i-". 1 1 1 , - 1 ., : 1 ,,-nl: 1
An.,, ,: : . . n't .. A 1 a::.., -.
' '
Foil .-a u: :-'t',rii .-,, 1 i",i,. i.
:' ii-" in :.n::, 1-, .- . .
m . 1 '. 1 a: 1.1 . ri . 1. .1. :,-'
wa.vi i:k. i:: i. intati: ti,:.-.
! l.un.ii'.'l sli. r.'4 i':i 1:'.." . ..,., t .
I a i.' on Pun.,.. ', ..... 1 I i I 4 .1
QI'I.'K SA I.ii 1 iF I. A X H f...- !-t I ' a.
'la) -. 2 no 1 a 1 if A l i 1:: a " I I:. . r
T. K. Im .: i t . .' 1
II'' Y li WANT I" hi: .1 .,;.;:,-.
il!l l II,"'". :' 'Ill'"', I i: i '1 ' ' I; I i . 1 1 1
a I his ;,,'v , ,: , ice ii'.'i- i u 1 1 i
Sin- '. I '.
I l''i Ml SA I.I I Two it.-w ' :.. an I -i"
j ' '!' ' '.l.'lll.-, llio' i, i n, :., l '. ,1 1,! ,' 1 1 i,,t r! .;''
) a-:' .' e. cio::e in s-r i :!"..".' . on p: e
I si 1 ! . Tin :i,s if .I" i;- -'i. I 'a: ai'.' I
! H. I 'ennili .-. il ) '
Lest and Fcai-.d
; I." 'ST On" R..:,i'fi siiv lio'dow h tn-
I tile I l.llii'e. bet we, 11 I ! 1 11 1; ! i ,1 .; i;. -p., I
I and Ciiiivt ii; ioi. Iiali. Finder p!'-:,se
i isa in .1 to 1 : 1 11 : 1: m; 1 a l.' t otliee a n i
j K t reward. C 2.
I - -
j I'-OI'VI 1 Alt ir i'i.,.-.. .'..! Ii',..li, ......
iiir:;e ri'e tiir an.i tin. on.- yootl Sit-t-
1 mil hut , on, ','. atrii f, ill with rin .' .
I Finder e.Hi liat- .-ani" l.y i leni if . tr
t pr I'r rt a n I 1 : in I , .: i. Ail, !t -
! I'.o.-; .'iT, Pnore.
I.i 1ST I',,!! ' pin
ell:! a ;,. an I w 1 ; . -
: ta il . . ir; i
ii. I -"1 in 1
Fr.ii.l-.' I 'I'":: 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 '. lor 1 "Wai-.i
I.i 1
1 1 1 . 1 r -' .ay, o . '
't 1 0 . .-ii A
m .': .''- i I :i. .';!!;
I ',-''. . 1 "... K ' i a
I'' :', I 1.." o,. i Ii i .
-X. xv ..
a hi'i:.- 1 ' r-,". a w 1 1 Ii .1,11,1 '1
:-i-.i'--- otilhi .1 w.tii ;-o,i
.'. bi t.! I and Kc i "
1 1.. 1 1 r. 1 1 1 .a 1
V. II h"l'a.; il:l
ItMtlaj- e t'.'ia:- i.ro'rin ra.-l; with ehaia
Call 421 or ti-'ifv
1 a i ..'.'die i, i:
i " '!'--
I I.OSY, STRAY KM "It SToi.HN Ah-utt
o.-i..' week ai;o. fawn ,U ry ou'.v.
bi.nnil.tl W o,g left j.n. . It.-ward for
i I'tluiti O -1'.'-. I'i sirsii, H. W.. Ai'.b
1 lu'.rk-. J . L. Wii.-'. a. 2 7
WE HA VP' two of the bis- lit lie hot.-!."
i',i A i'.lm .a e. 'ilo'.. ar.' laoin". tni'k r -.
Phone i J :!-.. li :',
ij A beautiful complexion is
ausoliitely guaraiuced by
the use of . and H. Cold
Cream. It will remove
liver fpot, Llack-lieads,
sunburn a n d freckles.
Sold and guaranteed only
bv the
10H West .Main S(.
I '-
Eoardirvj Houses
ON A N ! A 1' ;'!'!. January !. Hi- !
i ll.M.I v ;.l s-rvc all nn-i:" nt i-oi
bur. an. I room r,.v.,-,,i... W. '.M.
i w .: ", 1 'roes, i'licii" 1 i 1 .
;: 1 ;
i .i . I i t i ii. t i'" riHT in"-
I 1"!! . a ' - i- ("'ri''n.-' I
' I'""' l'""
i.i - ' " " I in-; a i-i'
li! 1, ... i f ri'i'-inv A I
r;.i.: .. ;. r.
I H M ; HllUV. " I. . I ; I $ I'MI.II'.ia.
I .oi" 1 v. A II , HIS I'l in I I IV 1, 1. 1, i
kvi:::ki: si.uj's
! . .x.MIT.f.s I. ai I
I !!. Ml. . I. .'11.,.'.
i;. ;.'
; i i" i- i'. i.,..,. oi -..,,-
vo: i. ,.!;:. . I. I .: -li.'.! I '.Mil,. I.n-
mi r' u i; h K..I.. i-i , :,;,,,,, h i,w . in-
; ii".'.i.'. i. li.'. ii. iiiiii' iii,:,jii si.i.i..
i I :lit in I. u. 1. 1 -s il!-;ia l. i". .1.
! II. .
-VCY UIAXS-Ipjlliot liall. ','('IKS i
(hvarv-iu Muta SaviTiKd Association.
nff,.i h..t I'l'iiri t In r'tv.
K i
i ".in -' . - wai .t i d r.;' lirr to
i'U;:.t it ..!; :, a. c.t
I Ml,!. "
''':,- . r !.,v,. " :: , .,,,,1
' ha ' ;l ' '' !" n li. : i.'., i i'. "ii I s t In o'-jiii.-.iii'.-
i!r .-l"ai.t .l or .1;. tip in
""I' "''il '-' .' of shade oiii.il
in ;it'v.
"otiri for l'i'rf.'i (im,"
v v ! t i "
Kvii'islvii Jiipcr; Dry ('!ii?i:its
nd .-!i.-lic ppTi of SiiL-thcni
O'.I itn iM.f . Of. 'n i' I'lailif S't'.t J, j
I'iaul'i ftt ill I.'i '.OI') n v;?m. j;
l .JIiCI. )
i '
Wo VVnnt Ycr.ir
I-1 I
"T-TT'i 'i-j vh .-T
' Phcrif llb7. Main & E St
" ' ":
.j . 0.-,-
f : . . . -,'.
0- '-'' ': r'-v ','-.('.
t ''rViri'f', -V. ;. X 1
'-' ' '','" ': '.-; -3,-vv 'V - .uvj w
.-7i v ry i" j. ,, f i
l-vt;--'. i .jJk-:;& i
A W.
K l
- I f "a
P'm't !t ' pp.irtt!;.l;!cH iillp hy l :
yet'.. I iin.e a nainlur of nod-.rr: ( 4
iiivt'Il:-.:;s Hint v-ei e htiilf for f. g
bumes by the ownn'.i, nnil throni;!! Ki S
ltiiforeseen cliT'umstaiica:! they 1' H
... - . 1 1. .. . 1 . r.
liriL l-i'-'i. "il (tie luaiiv-i uifotlll rj
they f:!
f:r Fpier.'lld vh'ucj find L i
vo a food investment for J
will nrovi
fj th"sn who Hcia the opportunity Sj
an.l '.'a li-niiCii now. I,)
Come In nnd se- uh before they I'
& I1''" "n-
VL S. Sraiih
: m
i'hone 213
I Ml'Kl'I AI. ( Al i:
X-i. 11 X S ii.-luiirt ' 'in St
New and l"p to Haie Chinese anil
American Pishes
( l.MVN. (.Ollll MIK'VK I.
(il'IIN l AM) NK.HT
Pliniii' tl.ii. liililcs lor Ijulieti
lloolhs fur Priviilc rallies.
The Hereford Park
If you v.'.iih to bav luli ! ' -1
I Icrt-for li, come find see our i
ciiinini4 oii'-- ear-old hiillr. rai-'- i
by us.
YVK.sTiiii'iMi.u x nn:i:
L -
j ij
the (;.s range
This is the Greatest Indorse-
liiciit lvei oivtiii a vjcis iciiiye
. i, t "I...V a l.niuli. .I i; san 1 -n.
:.v In. ili.iM"; ii::. .: it;.,
A iii'. i K.aii uniit u.
! '
'I'lio l.'.'ipi'ul iVatiii-is of tlii.- Ih'lroif
1 iiuint-niiis to I'-i. 'I h" anioiu t ni . t
i:. i.i-li;ht::il a "i'i i r: I',.'- imiliin.;
4 -' "'ii''-" la'i.h an I .ii. uv . oat in
an-, aiu.t s i!n't ;i.l.il'ii..
; )j I all oil, "I tai.i i'l tllr li'.- ,l ;;as
i i on. r. .vim ii" inn on: in lioiiii r.i.io.
for a -.low- I i.i! nil'.'':! I'-' i ... i;::!'.':i
r.t r' 111.; of ol I r r'i i1'.-
1 JJ
3 r n &' ,-"ir pal - "n h
' . . ' : V W I '
Li , '
y ... . Ui'-i ! i. j
' . I ' ' ' ,
i '' . ' -.! :'
- - -t '. 'HJ t
: ' ' li 'X4 Wl..J-W . I I
j I .? ', : j
A': -
i ''V 'X - :" ' " -i :
V ' Vs l ) br,- '
I s i ,.'- ',.. ; i '-"
I' II i: II 0 V. V, ) l T V I T T K Ii
in the la- Pox hnute. Th ir.. nml Caddo. No rmitM to pay and rnn sell
cliean.-i VU stoek "f all kmds lioi'S'-iiold po... la. Floor coverini,'.-! to
pari "i' stii,-:. Hou-aht In-fore the recnt advance.--. Too many tilings to
iieini-:.-. Call and look. No trade, an harm. Sp-Tlal pains taken with
newly nrirri' d i.eople and newcomers, and the oldtimers are entitled to
keep rnmiiir-. We een:iur.e new k'onds for second Hand, or wo pay cash
for .".'I hinds secondhand K 'ods. Fire .l.-iivrv. Call our phone 306.
I'. S. . Repair all makes of stovi s and ruruitiuv. Store pack, crate and
Booklet on Federal Income-,
and War Tax Laws Free
tut-.-. cz -a iv ..:; i;j'vi,,i ur.r.janraa hh'joum
vVriic Your !?.c(jUL'st io
ii. .1. Edwards, Mil State Nciicnal
E::uk L!J (Jklrhoma City
1 I"' ' ''! "I' I'fd'-ial iiii-'.iii" an.l war tiix laws
villi t.il'ii'-' .in.' ri, int' ror"ta'."ii. A rp' i-i-il!y i-iili',-I'il'"1
l'"if: i'i,-i"i; the I'ael-. in a. clear, eoneiie iilltl
. 1 n ' 1 n 1 1 t.iinr fi'itn. Alal''"! eotiu a inietita ry to those lv-
: 1 ' 1 1 1 a it 011 in:-1 1
Okl ahoma Municipal Bonds
Federal Income (iiu-hirlins Surtax)
rar Frofi!. a?.d Other Federal Tiixcs
ard al't Gr-ru! ar.d L;tal Taxes in Oklahoma
('' inv-t!i: nt "I'la iiial'i" s.eiirt i I"- the taxing ))ov,ei- of the
mu.i'olp aii' x-. th" !: ai if v i i.-: 1 1.. I'HPii; p. any voluntary or mort--a-:"
la a. n-ni ia ft en 1 1 1 ot-r , enl 1.1 7 per cent. Write l'"l' detail.
:il!l prieos v.itll eoMolel.' ile-'erl'it ,011. ,jM fitllnw.-:;
Sl'ii'.ii"" 1 My "f Ar.ni..iv AI11.
a i. -1 1 1 1 .''-.
Iji-.'.'i.l i"i Court;. ,,f At'.il;.: Re
run ::': : .s.
V '.ii.niiii hma t.f I;. ;;l:.; Alii-ni-
ipal i.'i.
M l.T'iio 1.. .vi: -i.i., of r.nffalo.
I I '. r; 11 r l '. ei al ;.', r, mi'.s li- .
.':''-".. "" i luti n of 1 ai'iie n I lit '
tl a- laaal 1 1 1 1 1 . I'.;.
S't "" ' i". o, t ', niton W. X; .
1-M. i'.-.
SI. I '. na township of ( end,
I i rt ':' 1 'ir. I !ri'.jes
s , l.t'oa lit-. of 1 Pnirxft la
I '.1 1 !; r I"'.
.t'f'i.i'ii'i township of Ih .wilt.
Farter Co.. Road and I'.ri It;.'- i'..i
I f.oin) oily of Aliiniiin I II, c
t i - I.i 1 1 1 li 1.
S't.ClllI town of N,-V,' Wil.-ail
i'lietrie l.i'jl,! lis.
Ji'.ii'ia tow 11 of ( illtnti Water
works i',--.
Ijl-.ii.io town of Re, I Roc!;
Ya'orW'ir!,s II. r '
S..0IW tov.ii.-lilp of Saliii",
Harper Co., I'.ri. !:.es .0.
mill Sapuipa Mtini.-ipal .--..
fR'.iiiai town of Shattuck
Ftlll'lil"'-! fill.
?''..'",m town of Stiiitford Elec
tl ie i.ia.ht an I Waterw oi l, a.
-EL Jo Edward
21 State Nat. t..-rk Bldg., Ckla'ioma City, Okla.
Tclc;2!-ton2 W. 3451
!u husiii".-:: In OUIaii'iuia nmr than 25 year :, Alor,' than $'.0.
(iiil). null In securities placed uiih i -uk'i's :ir,d iuvestor.-i without
loss of either principal or iutere-t. Wri'a for fidl data and details;
too iilnmc at my expense. Let me serve n.
v. HI I.h caol,,' I on the ransea of thU
. i a 1 1 thirty thauaUtul praotical
.leui'l ".-'pri iar das Kang an? too
, ;l ; n .-i i.i ;ai: pi isin,'. In cleanliness
..m .,ia na.-.s iho combination of baked
roi. ij. a unit. A bo vi' all It is an excellent
ran'to WO h:l. (".-.' liwtt privileged
i- iiiiv.. no, n i'amiii"'l in tne Bcarcn
nil liii ii'-sil a ! in-ly to t-von the most
If you want yitir MOVING worries
aid trouble eUnilna'ed have US IU0VS
yair i a-.i' Hhol.l 'fiVcti with otir
a:(mok si-;kvicb
Our m-n are the kind, that take ex
ai'iin; care of ALL articles every-thini,-
from ihe most delicate brlc-a-brao
to the bulkiest and heaviest.
The proper motor equipment plus
MiiHod. named, carefully directed help
ia:-ure the l il.t sorvlco when we serve
1'lione 78
ylti.iit'ii town-hip of Talihlna,
L-d-'io.-e 1 ',., R nails lis.
S7".m' ' Ity of Till.-! Fire Sta.
ami liicinorato)' I'l int 7: 4.
i r,2.iHii town "f Walters AVa
ti nvorks (is.
. -a. nan en y of Wattrika City
Hall .. n i .-'.-wi i s lis.
ii, 1. "..lam city t.f Weatiierfnrd
SeW'I's II:,.
Sli.t'i"! city of Woodward
Wal "is a, id l.ijilit", r,a.
.j.'2-l.i't.iil ( ilJahoi.ia Ry Co. Ok.
?'i '."i.ni.a i ity of Alva Schools
VI I "'ul city of Corticate
Schools T.s.
.fH.i'iiu city oi'Oeary Schools
$75, I eily of Ilenrvetta
Seltools lis.
VTa.iia i city of Tulsa Schools
4 ' 1 . 1 .
fR'.ilinl 1! per cent Con. School
I a-1. No. ::, Cu -tor County.
ifli.iMiil f, per cent School )ist.
No. "'I. .laekson County.
JM'tii) tl per cent School Hist.
Xo. 2 1. Johnston County.
$.Ul,ri'(l il per cent School Hist.
Xo. -l:',, ( 'artcr County.
Also $ inn, mm first Farm
A!ort..:t'4cs, 1; p..,- ,.,-,(, free
from taxes.
' ... , , -