OCR Interpretation

The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, January 06, 1918, Image 16

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042303/1918-01-06/ed-1/seq-16/

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Thumbnail for PAGE SIXTEEN

Mmclay, January a. ms.
! ;:...!.... t re" . nV; t an! V. . !! ; r
i ii::i '.'.i'h h .u ! nut ' i t whit-.
(Cop.MliI, IBIS, l'.v The S'mYr.)
A :
1 1 1 1
Kt.:hmial,:iu. The Cauoai mi;:. This
spot ua-s better known lo Noah than 1"
tho siverase Atiiericaii r I '.in ' l! .
thni;;;h every Armenian honoi s it as Ihe
spiritual center of his cliuivli, and ti.
capital of liis nation. :-" far a- 'I'"
Armenians are a nation, or have a ran
tal The town is a "icon Mint on t!."
prcat expanse of de-"'!:.P- I.: own (Cn
which lies between bee an 1 t:e ever
Irtstii.K mows of the mount:, ai
which the ai l; l.vt .i sift' '' ''" '
1- 1. -lie eves ut tl.o I I--'"
Mount Ararat. lioiiiinatin:,- a v. r'.o "
scape, and risimj to a m ::;.'.. 1 ' - '
feel. ScVOil mile:' distant i Uttb Arc
rat.' i:;.C00 t'""t lii.ih. fter v.i'iHi I
head dress of the Ainn io in pro t- i
modeled. The Ai ilK-maiis. law .-!:.:'.!
descent from .Noah's ;:i at ' ' " 1
Hon, call them--elvs 1 1 10 "people .',
Aiarat." Hereabouts their cin.rea
Hceplcs are i-lmpf-l 1'"" I .it'.- A:.-.i i.
The devotion of tin.: p. opl" l;Ji'1'" '"
known mountain in the win I.! " !'
compreliensihle to .i:nb.v v. ho ha
Uvea for days l.einath it . .-Im.iM-....
lie-lit.-, ami its eternal civ ' of p. o ".
Tot. jcars l,-..t-i( C.,:-.. '..'.:. "
tll-out made K-'lii- a ' 1:111 ' '''
imperial r.U.-t. I ir --e y lb- I i.umma'o, .
himself a lii' inio r ..i !
nan l" i '
a ft i r his serve'., i n the I h ii ',',' r . i
1 v.", I 'i !. C. I a . ..: .. u.'.l p.. .. i;
'!.- : n. that ,.:! :! .. ,. ii , ,.:' r.,. .,
of im-"T ,i , i:i i,;...M ..: t" lo .'; 1
tic p i . . h r i i , , . ; i f t M.-e at A ' inc. i ' i
"i ( 1 ' .:. n o, n, i 'iiii'ii'iiii'ii1. Tie e t n
d"Mi e to .! II .i l Hi"1 .e l 'i t c.l. .
i. . i. i r ! i pi'rpe! a. ile a n A i .
,iii,.i.i!,i.i i ,, i . .
h,.i !:.,'. e , , :-ni.,ps ) e a,;,. In
e lira, a' a elnnvii mm I :.
- t . o : ie - of t.i I .
. ! the A :! .,', ; , , i, , -
ailhoii h it Is :) y, 1 1.; talks fi"i !
: n I liifii mail a'el two or tln eo tltncs
, at i,a.i an ua' i.a, u:. a iim.hi fo hn.ia
J n'.t. oii.i'-, ts ta liiii-t',ee oi.r e.-iiv . i
tin. i He " It . ,i.- .i i .I , a ol , a oh of
i a i,i V. 1 1 . i a ii. : 1 .'.i; n . . ; ii !",. M a ,
,. ' ., ' on; a no' In r t in i a copy nf i
This Is to ciatii'y that Key. A. 1,.
l'io.-t in now i'i chaiKc us pastor of the
t'oi.aeil ('in i '.i.in church. lln is also
ihe stato sieiitary of the orKanizcil
veil; of the Co!i,..,l fliristiiui church of
j i .1. ah. ana. II,- has tln eu.lorscmenL of
state .,.ar I of tin- Oklahoma Chris-
i 1., 1 iiin: v. h Ii nl i.i -ii :,rt lo : liait .M;s:.oii.ir.v society, l;ev. 'crtrs
' i i. 'in i' v.. lor ,i '.iinloai inli to I liham -i ,,f Stillwiiter, pre- nlcn!; IP v.
ri 1 ' I'I'. a:.' h !..: t ni" il v. a', toje. 1 1. W.-ikiht of AiHinorc, sicretary.
! i 'at oa ii.i . i ll i ,:.e: nc.il jewel ; Me. I'rost ii ;it worl; colleciiim moiay
j vl- . I i.'-i I: i it for an amateur 1 f,,e the .!: y.n..:n oi the ciiiircl. exte ..
I i'i '! Att .'.!'! in puiilic laa'i'ij.n ,,an. An. nssista lie you may he
I ,,,;.! !:,: ha-, e h -i i.e. c informal i.il.i,- to r. ml, ,- will I,, i.pj.r e.vito.l. not
--;-'i i: ' M ' f A" L aiA-i :. m,,i!v ,y t,,. i;,.v. .;,.. .-,.,, .,t lls
!i-n i- w II'- ih,. ,-,'. out l.K i!e, hilt by me.
! a;-;- t. A.i-.- . a-i, v. h.cli I her-!,.- I Cl.AKI-iM'i: Ii. W'At IXI-ilt,
I'a-tor of the firs; Chi i-ii.nl Chun-h.
la te. I w :i nt eve, l.oily to have a p-i
fectly nood time anil I all. oim,' to do ;
all I can lo make the ov nini; u success.
"1 havo tried to think of same Una
of pro-ram that won! I j: e. r-hod.-,
hut I find it a difficult thine t"
do. so fin poim; to as!v o,,i t.i help n:n
out of my trouh!'. We can tall, ahout
the war and thus hae a lovely time,;
with a few fights iiaidentaily, erliap-.
or my il.uisliter IVmlope will rceile
KipluiK' to ytn;. W'hicli .-hall K he'.'"
I'loloniiid sliouts oi ari''
I'ortitual has mniiie.i woi lonr n the
ri-lit to i,-l';iiii: , .
i . . v .
i.i 1 .
r.a a
; ;. a. V;
I ii-I, - ! I
i l,- .. v.
' I 111. .111-
I.. iv t
i he Wiir ; nil an (!!.! Ciiurch.
.'! - , ' i . ;.t ' .: t ; i-
ni : .. t v. : .-, t . ' ' 'a ; ho ,ci-
to1- oi' t i 1 ;:,- ', ,i ''.,.: -oin-l.c. -
(Adv.) i
The I.t s .i f li il.
hi'h-.e: ",dy d.-a,- li-i'-n.,:s." said the
A s ; wlieii a!i hi r fi ii -a;.i had a - j
n.iih-d. I am iCai: h' -I to h.n ,. mi I
I'.riiu your l-'or.l cars to ll'i
Soil'li .ii!l street and have tlu-ni
prop-riv repaii , d hy a competent
mochaae'. Win ': ? u:: r.i nt eed.
Morale space. Ciia i-.;o-.: reasona-hi,-.
f w -
i, i ', r ii ,,i
a i
,,, h- l...
: 1 1
v. i ,
that time, v :'!,.. ai a
the severest I " ' ' llt'OI
1. .,, 1,,-Oli'c I ol CM
p'lartvi-'loms of lo- ail i'h- i-t
tl-.e Koman ciai-n-e. A i u" i- -Plained
Chri tn n. 1-1'' 1
the faith have I" 'ii i , ml mil' "i- '
Hie present time, ami Mc in oil
eall'-d the iiiart r nation.
l-'or til" pcl-.-eclltlolls of th,
pagans and I'.-is.au l.a-v.i'. -'-i' ' I
.1 "I. - ' 'A' '' ''j j
hiumiiedaniini. mocc it has I.. ' ll
..t this httle P'opl- to live ana ! : i:.- .
hiipdcl chil'li" a of the ,io,ni t. f . M
the eye of i-iviliz.it i '!" ', '
cent of Armenian at rooit a - ! 1 "' " t
two words. -Armenian tiocitic-. h , ., .
eotne to I- k' 1,1 '' ' ' ''" I
eonuii n min. i: -tool. P.,1 ..I ' ;
million lives, am'. Ha- " -i.hont
me here, ,:.-!'H- '"" 111 1 11
lief from America ami - ' "
do. I'l'on the or. iiropi-tv ,
lilonnstery li'-re. Ilil'.ei
the spire of th" am i'-nt ' I
;, 11 1,'u'her "If ,-lal ai c "" ' ' ' ' '
Within Which i- h' Ot He- P o -I -I '' -(
rv. twelve thoiPiin I reins.-- .-' ' "- 1
flout .l.-as'-. a,,,- the -etr-i.t h'
Vil. At I'm- moiiiei,,. all A: in. ,,,.. .
p.,, P,, h-t th- CiU.' cU- 1-""
S.1..1 th" Tinhs u.-t throush I"" -
p.assacrc ai.lcl h, ,ie ielll- v...--.. Ii
I 'am ii' ii-.
Where Mntrcli :iml x,r
Armemi. i- a .1.0. eh Mat-. ' ", r i:
thin;;, th-ai.-h ;-t;itc '-nm. ie a'- '
moil. The one tic that h.o h '
Armenian l"ol'l- t..f'l.. r.
lost I Ii- ii- national i 'na . '' ' :
five hu.i.liv.l P-.ii' a---o, is Ihe Chr, : ....
church, which has had an .'.'.
M-parafc- frotil other V i-ti:..i ' "'11
InlllliOIlS, Siilll e it IV." eted I ll- ' '
0( the Connul of ci.ah ,-.l,.u. !' - 1 "
Utile.- cait.-lil . hurchc . It I"
Wedded to the pa. t, and l."'-.l I"1'
formalism. N-v .-,-theles -, altho.n-.i th-
wor-hip h '"" " i! :"' '-'" "
tollKlie, the old Arlin -1.1:111. and a- i"l,..li
the people hav- not eii.-.i-..
. the . - l -. . it. H .
i!" In,..
.'i.aii riciu:
If, ia
i.e. of . i .,
' ! I ... I .
I .- I.n. I
, , f-e-i-aa--, th- eh.i eh leu h- 1,
j i -i a.. i lo.- i i. ,,',-. I . Ii.; ! !..; i hoi
! : . ; i in-. i -'. a .. 1 , .on of ,,o
. i .!,, -. of lio-.v pa- ,. l,,r, :-. ih- As
. j .. . ' ' -, Oiai'l i of I. , i , -I.-1
! ! :: :'n :, ' l! - : - 1 . . P. 1 --'- , I . -n
.! i.'i-i. an I ! -i, I- A, '
o I . I" I i ' III 1 ,
'. " of I'i r '". the :ei vice, of tin; ho-t. in tho southwest.
'!! hats nri.ii! new. A tit o delivery.
I 'hone VI. in;, w. Main
Ti '' ' "1 ' i i !.! an. only dry clr.uiiiiK plant in so.ill.ern (r,.!ahom:i.
. tit..',
it i -1 . i -.
t a 0 ,. ..nt.
.1 p
?3 R
V a,
! I.
to I
.at I
. i:...r -. of
t. !. :i-"l ma
ii i , i ' i -; .
' " ' i
-Mi 1. !e i V 1
I. p
', l.i h I
'- o. til
:l,.i:i ta th
:.o I hi: !
inn : l'-r
,f Ch, , :
I ... t
, I .
f i:
i: M'.'W . .'i I ;'. i i
!. his i .- o i i ; ; ' .
Old soft clean cotton ras at
Ardmoreite press room.
5 cents per pound
At pi
I'l.d Ii
1 l.e .,. .
A i
l a : ., Hi,. I in. i 1 :l I
-.o hiao ,n tii, . !.:: .
Ml. Ai u .;. p-m a.
il.ii- i- ;. . , a. i ; o
on, it pp..
t ! , ,
,ii 1 1
I :
1 I
I . I
in ,.i til ol 1 , , ,., n , l,,
ll inli .' ien V, iln I !n- alllnhi-ns.
of t he
V. 1 1. ll
have display.-! a p
a. :,, l,..l,al!' of I In' I, all
0 no, o
and the ": ml, I "f ' t" -.
KV. It the laf- ! of t! - illle, ,-
would have 1,,,-n avcied nnd th- !:..
1 l, lead'-rs not l--n alu- lo a' P'.o t -the
-jeinnh" or I."!, v..-r ' t l-Uttuili-'t
"In i-t i.i.i . I:- ': i .' A
meniat.ii were i cm-ale. tl- m.n- I I-
porous ni'lnl-i' 11 """'
faithful chiMron of I 1 ''' 11
twu-l'ol.l motive for lallii'-' A. tn-a.au-thev
a-s' "cd i.araon- l-r tonm-f ,
ami acquire.! I'.- ' '' ' '" "'" ' ' :"
addition to l-etnov inn a Im uno;iioo , ,u,i
petitor. Sol I' 'he A i no i. . '- I-
cially youiiK wo.ii' I-1'''' "' ''
lives .uiriuK' tin- recent ;,t.-,iie h,
conlessim; J-'.am. t la, iuh a 1 ar 'f .
mitl.hef have eho-.i -l.-.-'l. "-'' '"' V;
a whole, the Armeiti.iiiK ho, 1 -; '
t licit- ancient practice of .i,:.-.. h"' '"'
symbols of the Christ,;. n liutn.
i a' oi.iinetltolls inli"" ':":"' l' " '' u' -
eral cause of Christ a,-,: i' . which am,. ,
always he ihoiich' ..I i-i - ""' ' r
ICiUSt as well IIS of the W et. , , toe la- 1 WltM-l.
that this aiici.-tit Ai ni'-ma 1
i i
.'. CI' AH. II. al I. I
' p. 1 .. !,,- ! I , I .
..iO- Ihe 1, .
I..,. : I I. I . . ....
tl.e i i 1 i . ' I I 1 1
I III V. ,, a ,:M I CO O
i the 111. Clio
line tti .o , :i no i
I I'llle,' 0 11 1 1 ,1 I .
I ..Pie el.. !. .O 1 I.
,, ,1 hi. . .,; nr. p,r
C ; i. ;y fi' -l,
'-. n - ! ici-it ion.
i, ii i - it y it rri i nd
ruiMRonr. dairy farm
.MnU'l' UtlilPS l'rt,
rhap.e hit'
Air. Automobile Man
Whop, you want thf l)tsl. ptorajro fa-liliiif.-i
in the southwest, phone 72.
Iy the way, our builtlir. is
J. L. Wilson
Transfer and Storage
h . i . iir
i 'i .
i i
: -1 , at oil';
1 1 ' v tan
I o
which emhrao.s. W.ttl the I'M'i-l'tl"!! " .ll, .!- HI,
a r-latiNcly few I'i,,-,, Man:-, an.i loan n
Caiho'.ics, the l-ntiic Arm, aiau i -to "
is bci.iK made over hy the war. 1"
tho case ot the K'.-'im ''"'" ' '';'
;,,-,, nan. or All-eiii.in i '"U.. n. i i- -re.c'.y
lah"ii ofln -al i -.ni in "I ' '
new coinalions I"i,',i upoa t ''
vo.Kl-UIiea.-..I. I'i-" !"h,.ue .,;. hi
Cltssioii of d. In ite chain I"-' air.- o-y
been culiseier..! hy a conva-at, ai "I '
cleriT.v, ami lifV have p'.:,l;i,i,l a i--:,:
lUteliHB, in wluVIl t!i-- laily a i..u
equal lepro-vntaii'.ii, to put into hi ".
the new order. The ma-nit irie . I th
I1CWS is h.st Itll. hnstool hv tho-e '.'.a .
Know- most alvott. chinch l.i-t-r. :!
about the n-teiilpts to c'p ,-i , i itei-.i
of mu-h-.liviucl Chti-ti 'i.ity.
Americas i;i'fcct I .on iinenia.
(.if all the forces feat lu- eon pi: I ( ml
to bnnif ahout tm- i rmu, -ona t .
uhannc anion;; the Armenians, nahoi
liU; the 1)0- -f "I' the l'.aioooiint.aai'.l
rcf.irmpfs ami revolutionist the ot,.
that is admittedly pm amount is tim in
fluence of th" Am.-i n aa mi - an ai i. .
For upwards of u c ntm y. the Am.-iio.in
hoard has heeii conduct in- school.- mm
hospitals and churches in Turkey, and
most of its work has been d hiihw
the Armenians-, who early sln,v,cl theiie
Belves receptive of the educational . -p-I.orttltiities
tl.ust ol'Cerel. The intel
lectual awaUeninC of Armenia i of
undeniably American oiijpn. lta i -n
tally( it has sent tens of thousand-- c '
ArmeniatiK to the United States and
Canada, as students and settlers.
In the early days the Armenia-!
church opposed till these Ameti.-tn ac
tivities. The major analh'-nia v.as pro
nounced upon members of the old
church who had nnythlnr, lo do with,
the American missionaries. Thus it be
came necessary to organize the ini-siom
trained Armenians into a .oparnto
church, commonly called lAanr-elieal or
Protest-tit. Utit at present the a:m ol
the. Central Turkey niissirn, am tola.
Is not to make converts from the mother
church, but to leaven her wilh the mod.
erti and evangelical spirit. The oldest
missionary in Turkey, who ennie here
i I,,
i o ! i I.:,
I':-. in .;,;;..- 1 1 .ii :;!,
f i ..'.- Ah. . . l-i- .
Ai.n. . . ii. no. o. 1 .1. ,
''oil: t. hat the .Ma I -i- I . ii-
.io:,,i -a ; to so; id a- ....
plain. - a,,- f'l'i.ll. d I- Ii
Ti .:-.-. -a- . Th. i : r
l.i:;, I
,, Ih
, .' I 1
.'.: : i i.v ; v r '
mm mmMmmiaiMm
v. hi
I a t,
Livery Car
Oil fields, city and
coiuilry drives
California Cafe Stand
Phone 015
Cole Pate
--a '
' ' I -a ol'l III'' h,. t;
"' -pa-ted in hi - i-..h t
I'I --it ' 1 I ' h, : face, Pi w ileal
Was ti. in-to; i e, Ins pnrlraii, an-l th
was t to Ah--."-. A 1 1 j . ; ; i -idlr t hi :-
an adaptation uf the I,., end of
A. it none i,
rtw: .-. - ... iil'-M iMhij-'t ' in.pv.'inl. :''d. ly r-li.-ypio.an
I . tiii- l.'iai.iil, luam fiuutlnat... rl-nnlmiil ri In I tei
i " Nu t-Hi-m. iiiiin -1 tnarf -n.-.. ,";'.li v-.-,-ii. M;-l
I ,-,, l..uM(. Sir.". -Ii t.-''. UO'Mll IP1'-. W.T.o t.Ji.y.
51 A. 8. SaUlHIHUhJN HlMCDI CO.. M.I'5 CUT, 1 I
I'V'll'V v
id. t!
Ii wlTnMvn In trnnltr
A 4 uiuiatiiritl liiscl-tiri-s ;
!,'j n-m paiiiie ifl.tin-i poisiiiiouH
ni:a v-iii inn mi ciiiic.
Uolicvpj In 1 toodays.
1'r.rcol l'osl It cicsi red t'rice 11, cr 11 t)0ttles!'.J.7r.
iT'-pa-ed hy
with your slorajro battery jj
m.-iv be lhat. for .some rea- t
son it is not. takin.tr, all the i
current generated by your
dynamo. Kun the car in
and let our experts look at
it. They will diagnose the
trouble quickly.
211 A. St., X. Y. lMtono 77.
Elcar Automobiles
$875 F, O. B. Factory
Three models five-passenger touring tar, j'our
Iiasocnger Chummy roadster, two-passenger roadster,
ail built on the same chassis, at the same price, ;?875,
i". o. b. factory.
The wheel base is 115-inch, making a large roomy
car of fiii'j appearance, splendid construction through
out, t xcellent spring suspension, a pleasant car to drive,
very economical on gasoline, oil and tires.
The :15 horsepower, 3!-.x5 motor gives ample power
for all road conditions. This, together with Willard
batteries, Delco ignition, full floating rear axles, spiral
differential gears, multiple dry disk clutch, makes the
KU'AU a very enviable car at this price.
ELCAR automobiles are built by an old established
company, with plenty of capital to carry on their every
undertaking, therefore will be doing business and tak
ing care of their customers in years to come.
ELCARS are finely finished throughout. A car to
be proud of in both appearance and performance.
Cars on Hand for Immediate Delivery.
We offer you a courteous demonstration without
Wilson Motor Car Co.
115 N. Washington St. Ardmore, Okla.
With Ardmore Auto Company
p?1 ffSk p
Rv-c -! ify l-- ,i- -X
F;ZVy A w-t.-,I b- -r5iT .-.',.'''.' J
Bays 23 Shares in New Miami Mine Where
Vast Ore Body Rich in Lead and Zinc Lies
h Plain Sight at Bottom ol Completed
Shaft and Drills
Figures Can't Lie Our Ore Assays 21) per Cent
Richer Than the Average of the Entire Miami
l"ic(l-2.;()-Ton Mill llunnin-f Two Shifts
Ihih in Such Kith Ore Will Earn
$-129,001) Annually
How often you hear someone remark, "I wish I had a
bloek of stock in this, that or the other lead and zinc com
pany." 1 1 ' - t.-f;eu you hear them envying the "luck" of
those who have made fortunes from lead and zinc.
These men were no more lucky than you. What we call
luck is just a mixture of good judgment and power of
decision. It means knowing a good thing- when you see
it and then .craspinir the opportunity.
You can't eat your cake anil have it too. You can't keep
your money in your pocket and at the same time reap the
enormous dazzling dividends which come from a bona
fide, honestly operated lead and zinc mine. $25 $50
SIOD isn't much, but a small sum invested riffht this min
ute in the Miami Metal Co. has every possibility of bring
injr you returns beyond your wildest dreams.
r.eeome a copartner with W. J. liriggle in his pet lease.
?dr. r.rijrjjli-'.- 18 years' experience in the Joplin zinc
fields has well qualified him
to select the best. He was
hi the Miami field among the
first and .selected the lease
of all leases that proved a
rich one. Help him develop
it and share in the riches.
Our Properly Rich Enough to Make Even Srrll
Investors a Liu Income or Small Fortune
hii t I il;. ii ni i a n . ! ii u t i am th.- dump mi uur -10 ueiv li-ase
in - '-ti"-i :; l 1- "ii-'l :': p. i- cent i u-lici- than tin- avfi-aj?t- nf the
Miami feel. Ii ii :' oi i.i-r c.-iti t.i vi.w ,(., cm riclu-r than
lit! oi .!. o:i. !: Iii'-;, ainl ,1. iiwini s uf luiiii'.-i in .liiplill
aiol We'll, c'ny mace tiii!!iniia with pi io-s -In per i-iMit liiwor
lll l'l liu.v. o Acll I' . I il.lle: (o llie .;i.-:.., all ill ll (III-, fillOW
a I'.V i'i "e :',' ,1 f: , Th;; in coiii'.oci inn v.ilh mil- HI! Tunt
sic : I a . I v. f. , ,,r i ili I'! : pi , is ca colic I u- I cy Ihi-l is dllt. uf
tin ',ei-, rich linn, i nf too Miami lichl. iM.i'i-c in ostnr.-: are
ft .
n mm .JTii..
in:; nil
lar.-- monthly each,
ami that ili-vclop.
if :i l.-.n-n ami yon
Mills All Around Us Maying $150,000 to $400,
COO Yearly. We Can Do It Too.
'I'lio U-mi:o-;e au.l Alimtr, al n:ill,: ia tin. rontiii y ilintrict
Pear us nil' in-ikiiiir fin in .'iiii,nii'l In Jl"ii,ona a i'iir. .Miin
t:o;,, Welch I'li.lor-.vi itci :, A.linii-nll - Xus. I. 1' ami 3 ar
iiiln-r hiu; miiiii' maUi i i. 'I'hi'si- mills aiuiiinl ua clean u)
fi-i'in i-itihti-.'ii In Ihiit.i livn I ! i 1 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 ili
I 'llll.-illl-l- lll.il WO ll,le tWll 'IH .lOlV loil-C
in. i i r. Iii ipea m,n.. 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 - tliaii Ihe sain
will sec what :i w niiiici fill iippurl ii nity oli have.
Arrangements for Mill CciiiT Hushed Quick
'Action May Yet Get Stock at Par $1 a
Share Company Conservatively
Capitalized for $200,000
V.'e ice 1 1 If. ii 1 1 .'no!i ;il par .i!ne V I p.r .oliiirt' in ni'ucp
to ha n- ii ti e completion of inn- I n-i :..anti.n null. c luioW
line Hi" liiiii'.li.' i; is in up, i at , mi Hi" .Miami .!tal I 'oiiii.iny
shonl.l he , iiriiio:; ai Hie rale . f S-C.'a ni.n a j ,.;-. This is l'i;r
nriii;:, mil ...i nr. aia. .a- p. i - il .; : iin-s. hill upon i-olil niittlii'
ma.lie.il I o.iMiinii". inn- .'.iiton mill inn turn out at least IS
tons i,l "iv net po'-i!a. Afti-r :ill ' .'.p'-usi a are pni.l this will
iiic.in Sil."i prulil a ilny, m' S' I I. 'it'll :i ji-ar. I'.y uoi kin two
.'.hilt -i tins cariiii: can in ('..iililcl. -.iK a.i this .i nl it is, jt
can he si ill Huthoe ,n, i c:im il ..mi ply hv el i la mil ik t he capacity
of the null. There is almost mi limit to the inoiie.. we can
mal.e. It's just, a i i'.iiiii of ip ith," Hie mill up ami i'ettitli,-
il Koimf a', the earliest po.v-ihh. moment.
Clean, Responsible Officers and Practical Min
ing Superintendent Combined With Sure
Shot Proposition Safeguards You
No one iiuestioiis tin- womli rful richness of tla .Miami
fielil. e-iccijlly ai-i.iuiil Cou tin-.'.-, hc-ause it lias Ikvii proven
.score;! nf times to the tuu' of millions of dollars. Our leases
are rit;'it in the heait of the 1 ii.M - iidji iniiu; Century one
forty iliorom-hl- proven hy lest holes with .shaft in one, M)
feet nf laiernl -i ami I .mill tons of ore on the iluir.p ready for
h mill. The other ic:,s than n .ir,ls from the Kaiiia.ee mill.
Tin- oifieers ol tho Miami . . r ; 1 1 i 'o. assure el'ficii nt anil hun-i-si
inHiiMc;!',,,,.,,!. - , ,ru;"i,., ,,l .lopliii, Mo., who has hail
k nam: kin vi'iAits- K.ei:iti i:rt; m .lopiin. Wehi, city
anil Caiterville ziim flehls, ui!l lime chaiKi' nf iliit-ctniK tlm
mill ;,n,i inaiiHKiliK tin' 1'i opert it s. !(iek of him stiuivls tnir
stiiff of offieers, it! urn of integrity ami ahility. Jl. j .
Chuuiller of tin- firm of Nichols .V rliiindler. Imme huihler", is
presiili.nt; .1. I.oi-oy Siellor. !c. n-.-siilont: ti. A. Nir.hnis, treas
urer. Well.; W. Miller is secretary and our counsel is i'aul
K. l'opo, a iiioiniia ( il.iahmiiii City altorm-j.
1 1,. 1' . ..
Buy al Leas! 25 ,
2 v
Metal Today $25
I Pi
Tomorrow never comes, iiuy today. Mftlw this srt Investment on Which
to buil'l your future. ISuy $1U0 cr JadU uorth if possible, but do not let
the sun no down without M-mlim; in your subseription for at least $25
worth of this stool;. Thinic hou- many eompanies have started in the last
year ami made fortunes f.,r their stockholders. AVo have the same won
lerful opportunity. Vim can i;el in now at. par. Never was there such a
.-luinee to make as nitieli from a .small investment.
:ilii-H I'.aum I'.ldK.
Oklahoma City.
J ''"'! i payment. for si,are8
eumiiion fully paid and non-assessable stock in the Miami JleUil Co.
It is understood that this cninpuny is t,. erect a IT.O ton mill at the
earliest practicable moment and dial l am to sha- pro rata in all
property and profits of this company. .1
Your Name
(Remit hy check, bank draft or 1 . . money order
lars as you want shares. 1 10 It now).
-as many dol-
Miami Metal Co
316-18 Baum Bldg.
Oklahoma City, Okla.

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