H. II. SI'Afl.MNi.. Publisher.
Of Carter County and the City of
Ai dniore.
The Dally Aidmoreite
t'r.9 i ear..
Six Months
i mo Month
Olio Work
Vhe S.imlav Aidin.u into Urn- e;r-
by Ma.l J.' 00
1 '.-i'm lli? in Adv. tin;.:
The Wfokly Aidmr rclte
("U, o Ye.iv, ,y JI...I .! ;".-
Six Months .7.',
Time Mouths ''i:i
Adverteaiui n.r. pt'esen.-, fives
Te I'. Kin? Spread Am, ,- : -ma
!.' i-t :''''!; ., X.-w V..-
! i : x 'I'l l'-' I'u'ldii.-. Cli, i
Val.ihi'li.i l:u "I,!. i 'Cii;- ,s r,:
"1 a I iIt
, .h, i;.
Member c' tl',? Asfocia'?:! rt"-s.
fh.. .--i.ui;"i 'I !!.. ,., ,. ...... .....
tIM.'.l ! I !,,' .' .. I'm : .!,. a : , ... '
Jll-W S '''I'l'.' : 1 I M. : f . i ' l.'.t 1 1 , r , i " 'A , . ! I , i -
ril in lias ; r an, I t!!., liu- :,..-.,! i,.-n x
ptll.lrshe.l 'a ivin.
All t-i!.'!i" ':' n-inililii-:' I Inn ,.f vi'i'ial i:i'--
.alili"S ia-i ,'i n: i' al.'-.i ii!:"l.
Afilincri', Suililii.v, .fannai-y (j. Mil",.
m ki; liii; ;;ici:u c ;(!;;.
l'"l I
tin- in .l .!i.i, ,.. r :
a Ai!! b
,, :i: i! I ii
l.h,lil"l!t v. la a
" I i', t . '". oil
I. a- i I'T I ' a . t
I'l v. 1 1, I' . tail
!'.:' a , bra:
i I ! i ; a i y .
- I.,, laa!
oil. i a .
ihi.- la1!; m
l .. " li"! oi'l,"i III
', i " , 1 1 y w i' l
I,.,"., ',, r. '; lb.
.'.V I'-.r ,il"r,r;,
I ', ,;o I '.,
man i:i.'. -"i,"!)'
'ii" I I" '"
amir i
thud, i
I. I- I
w i i , I
,1'" I In
III . say "no :,l
demni! i - " 1 1 .-.'
I".- I a I laa I,', an I
loP-oloi b;. i
ma ,. , a onp i -a
in n a in ai! I i, r
i'l I 'i i o. to in i
. I o ( I , i 1 1 ia i , .
I in t an; In ra p:
I i ;n laaii la ' a,
.k" '! " ". I '
Mi l! lb. , n
:.:." I l"H.
i ' , i in,.' i -: :
i- Mill no!
i ;
iil im I . larl ia,
a oar i ' ! ' ... I I I.
f n a a ", , i li v.'oib.i
, l
t :
A la a i i,.' ...,. .i
lil'.'. i i lie ,1 will a ad I '
ml! thai
I" I be -I'll IIS ,ao t be;, V'i!i
I" ,-t : la ir
e.a in -' Io ; e t 1 bo.-" I, : al -I
a 'lie" a; 'be in ' b rill i II .
V in il i b, ; 1 1 " , i ; . . I j , a- a em,
Im i u "lb i i In- 1 ' 1 1 i 1 , , i -"ai
t h. St- . . a a 1 1 I
. i t's wl.l, ill' ( i :
) l o i b rm
I, fa, a
.:', I lo
ad tbe o.
"Wl.ll I
Pa'll for
na ri . I o . .
1. I be
lai.-llean lb'
til- Italian-
I'l. ill e-l iiin
f i "in . i ' -1 1 :
th. lani-
n r i :
l:o I i io l , i .l ,
And le! us a
- i n
I" 1' I o i ' I'll .' ! , do I
l'.'1'l '.' I od r aimd , I e I a
.'!"! I 1"P i.llll I ha '. e I,
l.e! IIS l,e y. lie, "
If on'.' tin. Iran ,r- a ,, I
w.-ra f a- siii-ii a p .a w-
P.l!"h t-
'I i I a.l
n i l".'l - to u-rr', a l ,- l ba n
ha'. - p, t: .',',1- n , ;,, , a - am a a
v 'A', ami p. .!".' e,,,. , o aid do
I'l ' I Ill.-lll IH-Usp ipel ,. bat li,lV ;,, , .,
n 'in nn a, id, lie, ,d i , ,;, ,,,,,,, , aniom;
I n k '.rained fell; wis.. I. "'A' al- no! with
tl -im
W'e A un-i i. ".;.-; a i . a - -nt ioa nt 1 1
!"'''i'l'.'. V. like to tl ink ."'. .ol pun, !:
u: eriiuii aN, ,,, v , s, ,i, ,,,, p, . , ,
!' "'i-h ib, m. ,. w ;, ,, ,; , ,.,, , ,.,.
l.' :e: i :',' I i-r .Ml nn
We hate !,, ,..,. i,,,,', ,
r- '' 1 ;,,u niini. I i
: - - -! a -l i,, ro, ,,u i ,,
m. 1,1. In
in m. ' ,
U e III' ;,,
o ai.a.l1'
I nan; the i . ,,n. , , , j,,M. i , , m.; p 1
i'i '" 'i am; ' !,, a smi in,; pet h ,,,;;.; , !t
- .! o! I II 'I I" il"! (hem rele,,-od
''I 'in. I will I-'" up from ail i! e
'or'1''" l'i'opa:ai..ii-!s when i , , ,,p,i
1,1 '' M.ltUM 'i'l' I'e is m.l.i,. w iil b,
a lo'ld one. a a, i h, uisu mis ,,' im rj
'' :"" '" al , iioah at l:-;,ri. hut !,,,,-
t'd'mii,. I, ray lie at , i a,-t- , In .;. i
Hi-nil. in that hour, mm d m, n,:,,
d'oil to U. e '.-,', i , ;, , , .olio, land
m I ins eon lit rj p, ! brow Up d a -I , Io ;,.
neiii - the issue, i, i 1 1 . p i j . a i i A in. i- ,ii
'""urd a ,....-. iii.,t . , ,,
I'M a-s iniieli in a, i i a - , w a- pi i,,r
to Aii",iisl. I'dl.
t !- ."in eel a yr.-al number of
peo.oit' In the rnii"d Slate- ,, a:,!-,"'
that ller.-llany ellain nol i,, 1, ,,,1
where she eaiuot I - I he,- ,r;
n:iiii.-t t-iviiiuitioii, tile war ul ,;1,.
I n in vain. If tla- ( ki m e ;.b!e
to ri'.i-i' liulitiiitf. iiiipunisiied. and (;
haek Imine to prii.are for lin m t
war, wiih .l itlel I'luropa in their u.,v.U,
il will have hern a Herman vi.toia,
even thiumh imi smdi .a vieiory as (ba--
Ill.iuy e.'.perled When -lie b, :;.iii l!,,. eo,; '
11, et.
Nohody eNpri'is to aiiinbil.ilo c,
Many. Xnhody wants to see her a, mi
I. date,. Nobody wauls to m :isli h i
e:;riit as a military lint ;,,
must Lee; i the peare In r, at t. ay an p sure that she ,;,,, -,0 her p,,u,i
to repeat her offeiise mm.; I,,. ,i, .--io- , ,
And ino-t inuiortaiu ,,f all ;he i
Man people must lme learn-,! the! "biuud.-r " of i-'.irl A dm! i i ist i a lor Cai-
the militaristic policy of tin ir war lords tl'-M. I Sill I'i ..''.-ssor ilariieid claims j
boes not pay. llal tlm iihiu guyeiiior fail:- lo appro-
Watch and guard against the ,,,y jcia.c the ' p.- rlmingy" ,.f cmdit imis.
wlmii (lertnany uliers to call il a dra w . ! I -'"-a n ile-s of what cmiilil imis are, a
It would ben 1,1;,.. k .lav I'm Ibe world man :tamiia,; in line wi!h a basket in
if Am. riea's hill,,.-,,,,, were th,,, ,
" -
.--III .1 II I ll.lllil'- r i ,
"lie ol the reasons given tor (he slow."- ' -lu
ss of (h,. war depa, Lucid in outfit. ( lilU.'i AM) ),IX.
tiny th" men nt tin- caiitonnieuis is that ' I 'our I'm!'.-.', be enmioi t ike a hath,
the National army lias a larger physical ; II,. In n v. fill stmn,
iiv.'ia :e than inwinus urinies iae had. ' I'm- when fr M'b Into the tub
It is tbereforo necessary to provide! 'j he water spianheu mn.
largei- sles of dullim- llian uisiial. The j - Washington Star.
. -Mini!: .- a: , i, 1, a ; was u , , ..
for beau-. It .-p. ;- I lli.,t tin
drafted tiK'u wi.ulil In' smaller, if a-iy-thing',
tli;m th- leguiat uraiv olun-
Moi vr. tin- se!idie service ri-
ITU, Is liav- shown a yi:i u, i.i J. Lid-
I'm y t -.. 'j row al' : i' tii.-.v l:.ii- 1) t :i
Tin n--u:ed for th'.'.r iK,! ill -.
"f t!a- e-iilmnii-u'.s t.j
'.i...v.! 1,m . " '- m
V-rage ol 1.. I ; 1 1 1 .-i s ;t. , lh.i!'rri-s a(
' a- inn-. a a p-ibu;.. to Hi. .-audat y
effects ,,1 ;i 11, V 1 1 .i ,i I . . Xer, i o
it ii urn " !' ir --ai
i ' 1 -i i :i t l"i,
Mu.,iur ip.,:i
' th-- -di,.,- pi ,,!.'. m
I"! !;..
, iM"i ma
! 1 ; I,,
u:'i .- r
a,'; aial.i
iw l
Nil.:. i
ni'-n li
I'M' 1,
I .i
! '
, (.t
I I'"'1
, a ..
!l.'-. .Im
It li
i;: i Mom
, 1.
f 'ml' a
I '
1 ,
'I h
I '
I ,
lii ba
mil I ba I 'a" i a
!! !"- -:bie ti ;'
b m lo" I'! r-V
d- : po' 1 m mil t
He b. Iter look
1 - a a a i , , --1 a -.
ae M,,t I,, .a.
.1 C,
'p or I'i.
e , I . a o
i- limn
,' ml
i a
U 11
a i i
that !li
' ','. Ill b" ".Y V. hell
man;, tla! na--n'! !,
he ,. ri brow a. In
be v., W b",l II" .. 1
I il
Al. at!
Ii- . .'.:- .-.
a tin- war. 1- t:
'. I 1
po 1
. A a
1 I im 11
il!i !,-
, linilor,
he ;i, oua:
uad some r.
for tim; th'.
t iioii ami. I: e humired and l'i:'! v-
t b lie .- nil" of ( bile , s, tiie Mm,.
b-r i- gi tting .-mall, :'. ,'''s a l.iiu way
to ",o. but I i;e s',1,1',".' is llkel V to P al ;.
I ha' tiie p-ople of I Iklallollla I III e lorn.
1 i- ineim.i i, s than he timm:!;!. At le.nt.
be'li mil al "be.imy, tini-'."
is tow n I" , t '
I il wil!
The .ileus takes a lot of money out
f town; but tin ma d order lion -e
n't ev, ii r.ivr a parade.
r ( ,, ol (lino attributes IlllWp,,; ieallil', heart-, wblll bit lei' griefs, ! I
I I iunii" in Im, slate lo the i
ins arm. snic. i,;. I waiting for his
,.:' : ' i- oeurn pir.niuiiiy imiiea I il I g
"I" "V, il sniie. c. .inn I. ol ne cxpccieu lOiilnag : lie cmihl I'aiA P.-r niniher. i he
, .,, .1,,,. I..., 1 o, I
...... i .... , , g, , . ,-,,, ,H ,, , , o, ,, , ,, ,
Political Observations.
I'.,,ni t in.,tr!y. Ju-it at this time there
are ton Many in n in rnngiess v.uo are
u "i - pa ' 1 is. i ; 1 1.;; ti pa' ; io! i.
'JVi.tM-we ami I-'iu: ii'a have a consti-:;.-;.,;,a:
.i-ivs! -n -v.-Mch --i:..ei"uti'. e
'l..tu.e .'.,., ratifvinc a fe'iCtl ' cun'sl!- I T.-.....V .T.-xas. T.-! Mirum: Right here
u :...,..,..,..,: p..-,...s...i by .-...,.;; i,y r,v.K,s -
:ini (if tha; l.
, tci
A)'l "in:i-n ! t ..f a Mifirsiir to the late
I i. I'-l Si it-'.i- N-.v'.amN i.f Xi-
v.i'ia ,.; r m , : i-:i t,, .,. ma lv at niuv hy
' I ! a"' l!" ,!'. 'i'il( l'.- .''( I 111', to l.e no
i a , !'"" f!a r.;i',t i 1 -: t : ilm L-ovrvnur
liiiaht 1 1 !- a la la ,. the pi. ire liiiu-a II'.
'I'!." li( j a : : a ia i ; r. na t a ill In
I'" ii i- U" In ' : A ui. a. t in ima rii'K in
''''hi', . i a . A a, ,;., ,.; the a at i a I, m
a "f th- . ', i," I.. !.; an,, a. A
"'I a '' '11; ': ' v. :. ,aa r I i,a!
'". !" I ' ' ' ' ' f ' a I '! -I a t w,
'ha-.l.. ,ir;, !: " , ai lial'i li'" llol: a
, ' i li- t ai' i ; ..ia... I". a- latin e.
"i I; to I '.I!' t'H't
a I ta r!a"a p: ,' 'a,!a'i
I' I '
"' I
I ia i:
,u , i
I I-".' I;,,',v i! i
' not."
-id, at
nn la
a i l i to
Will he
'A'b."i !
: . I .. a
lb- nil",
i,-iil .
.ant a
l to
II, ol:
" lie
i s !,,.'
til Ha' last I v.
nan. I v , "it a i
U", Ii"i"- , Ii-
,r .loan I-'. II,! ,n,
si it.-Mi.-nt.
-I-.IIII' LI I'f N.-W
a a , a l-a-ds and
; to appear tha!
a i "ai ' reiorm-'i "
, ,n :
a . , r.
"A .
Pi. i :
1 1
, a ie!i 1 1 mn 1 1 i
' i I i, 1 1 1 . ; I'm , ...
'.. re just uv ak
a. !
I I o
i -r
' 1 i. in s' tmri;;:'. la i,n
1 1 p 1 1 1 i o 'a a i i-ela i a ! ioe
im" '. ' , - H 'pin I !'. a! op
. u , iii".i nr.' I ia v 1 1 a '. i
i i i , . " ,a, -.''I', al a: i
a-iml of th.
nt."! Il,
, I' i' ba . lai'i
a el iel e.-.eeutiv
- aid ',. b" ia sale
, ! 'a i , lii P a tirm
th- rolimm ami I'i
lot lima:, la
or.d iiii' li
s P. i
a nl ti
, I ! i l i , .. I
ri -an n
1 1.
I'.'l m I a
a'" of bu
rn P 1 1 r and
il! :
in lliiimi ; ami ,
Thie" eaiib.bai
a 1 in i mi I : . 1 1 1 f
I i
. i .
to:- l ; - la" il:'-"e . ii
I'm'.."! Sb.te- Ma!
I m "I. 'I bee ,' -
in iw .' ".iieni a ;
1 '. ia-. n, I'm "i"' ...,
T!;. .tu p mi of i 'idea :
M .'all
.M i'. 01
, lioin:
l - lor -m
lain.; I '
, :o h : la'. e.
- -a an al- al".
-ma n iPia
a .;; i be- i,
l i. .' I; i.- .1 e ..
I b'l',1 1 'ilea a ilolmna
peeled i hilt b ' W lii i
I I'l II
K. ituhno,,,.. bum,
! 1 milium ep.h. !'
Vale- i .Hi"' h'i' ea'
man a ' i n - -.
I 111-. KMI'I I'.iS'S I ( li.
X"ia Ai l 1
! ,'li,.m:e he
lie " !.,-! W,
.-Illilll of Tie
w '
I In
i . :.:;i
, ,..,, ,-
ilow liny it I"
ha' force has 1
What pi;v
lie-.,! ,n
I a i a i '.'
Should one i
iby the ' Knitter
I l-'d call It I n -I uf a!!,
A serious lae-. villi , iidfa -! cam.
I'lriu mould,' ! as a wall,
I'.raws lem-i ly ihnwii. r. r- duwawu
Lip- pill kel'rd ell 'M' W i! 'l e , I ".
(. ', , : u ' ii I r. 1 1 e. mi Iim .i. .- -ing bi.-i
Sim's pleb.ed helseif lo bear.
llcliiml tl,,.-- me i.'i n kniiter's la V.
i What llimulils aii-- and surge,
p,,t par;fmbid to urge:
,, ,.,. imldier in ibe t.'.meli
v.a.v she lam-!.! nr moan;
-pp.. K n it t ! '.- face" La liiditiug I'm
Alibiii.b .-bcfi'.bt at limn,.
'I'l'M l.l-?-: T .I0K Kll.
Washington Star: A uumg gi, 1 on, r I
I , i , 1 1 ,i 1 1 ill I ll . , ue :-, I , i a n i ii -a I ic sun le-
.. i :. . 1 I ;.. .,.
'.I I. II II !il "I l-i in ' "'" io.- -1 III tne '
.nk and wrua'.'
N.-N.r tellj. lie."
'" ' 1 - ... .. .-.miiig. ,
ilsappoiuied Voice; but .Mark wasn't
din," yet. II- nipped lus pen iu i he Ink
:u,;.ln and added:
"l..'i'..'pl to keep in practice."
El Ki-no Democrat: "Germany Is Call
ing tin: Pnfit tu the Army." which prob
; I 1 " means they aro merely being
tran.l'i.Ti-t.'l from th diplomatic d-part-
lilt l.t.
1 1 is. Tla'.v
1 1 - -1 -1- talk
:t!ii,llt lia'in-
.ie.,ii st,..- .M.,vs.Lapita:: I lie uiti ,1.1 in l'"re, s is point., I out and Lio.,1
hoy in the fable la UK Ik" I at th- old man .;,.,..,. is optimist!.: as to the future.
,,--vi" ' '"" ln"n ,!ls !"I'I' At this tune tu. re is ,;,'e, mulu-il
tree witli lulls ,,1 m-ass. I. el I m li' Sam
ehu.iU a I'-w rorhs at tla- faoil -s ra I'l rs.
Tulsa WoiM:
W'e rolii; ra t lllal
the i-oli.'iel on,
i'i,.,i,iii llryan.
l-'i'.'ln lil.,. th'
.!r. Hrj.iii l'"i I, ''in
; liar i"uar,l
St. lo-rph ('.! '.I N. V.-s-.'! v ii! '.
as ii" a r" , a na' nr'i'H' fa-t , ir,
ils Ka.-i".' i .ia;. - I ha a I vt i : : I i
pi ' .-onl 1 1 ion a a 1 1 .
( hlila' -vi.'l" iT' N'lsl i:e::i..,
Wouldn't be nt ai'h lan'ri ", ii
if we ,ej.. all as poi :' i", a-
A ml 11 en
1 1 1 i ; or!,
u.- thitil
i we are.
.Miami :.'.'. Mar Ti"
I, a 'e a - tola i " oaba- l a n
K-rea. hi . I, n-Une ; ami I'.'
Im i w it h ..'( K. K. K.
I i.',,,,;..., -i
! !,,. ,',, lie
ibol'll !.-tv
I., Ill" bah
! i u i : 1 1 1 1 I
.1 ll.e 1 1 , l.l!
: ima .
. liormaa iTea-l I o-n i-
V il l i d una- let!.', - a
. ... v.-i " bile . r."o Im
not ansnernm the l-M.
Id. ib, I I .- 'i'i'' K .-- i:
I, ,ni i- b.-ln ,' broken lie'.:' '
'-," i' mi Ni ,',- ' . 'i li"
at: V man
'.ii;v, lain 'o
doa. so hv
A b.
' r:d 'nt nil'
,. -', .. Tiim - I "-ni""i ::': A '',:, i
,j ad-, -i I i-e. m I m '.' a in in'-: I-: i 1 1 "
I, m,i III.' a ba.''-!'. ' lllil'l "" -lb'
I io ,a::;'l or lonilMi." .d'ls' walll
. about l-.l J.-als- "Id.
M ilbai ii New:-: I f ;i w omau outs on a
arad" . he must ( et a I. or ainoiiiit
i jap ,-, -I mi tiie part "I the -p. etaiom
,-e MoiiPm-: "Waller
,1 ,,b''.v as mil' h
I. V.I
I'.oUl I .o'llba : a Sl I '"'I a." :.! HUlll. UU I
,., dar. d of it tha!
I ...nd samel iiues ,
mor- i haa n," I r.i- n,
il w a.- "of;, ai v i i v d
eMielm lv exr led." S". if the obj-i I
w,t- !,, cive ;ri a-rouul of the Iiiodern
-treei. "ih.- oeaPim t str.ei in the
w i." ,. its pi eat ba nl.s and ol Im;
liaanrial l.on-r-. il inm.hl be llia.le .in-t
a-. ,i,n as it w-!l eoidd I"'. I'",- th
a'. , amo r a, ',' !'. m ii iniut b- lil'e.l a
. a!' of dl .all t as a a .' aeeoilnl ee:;l I w - '1
I . ieed. w here'. , r on- pom ll .l! -s in!"
!h !,,ir; i,l'-1 of Il'e Marl, W ,11
a- -lire to l,,,d both ;,.:.,, ;-'. Ill tl!" o id I
.'a-. .-, w lu ll I li" l.oiiii'.i ".is alt'a' w il ' I I
tiie .-tree' I- I. bad p;:a!l
.... .
llanmehea a-tlltelv ln-'weeil tiie two
Iradin1: ipiarle.-s ,,.' old London. Ibe I ia.-t
and 'e-t Ciliaos, there mm-t llae b-eu
mem sli-rim; m'eid.n; - in t!m 1 1 : ; i . t i "
I '. r indeed tip. Lombard inei elia nt loo',:
i i .la.-., of ih" .l-w all. r hidw a r.l I '.
.'- i if b.i nisbm-nt .maim; i ,-. m 'i- "f
' ,.,1 l ae- and ,-i I I'l 'in I ir.:!a lid. 1 .nay
I-, L.lward's iv, b.'W.ner. lie'
ban . in- of lii" .lew' in Im-daml had
m.e'" an iipenim; for ib- I . ,ti ii ... e, I . :,
eli. mt. and so he eaiae, where Ir-m e-
.'lv naiioil," kll'iWi., Willi his sil.'ll o!
tie- Ill," i' baii-i. his pa ri'Pmialt pie. ires,
and hi i money to leu.!, and seltl-d hill"
Il in tiie midst of the e,l s i as to be
ei'laby aeeesaibli' ),, th,. Ule; elia llts o!
La- I I'peap and We-. ibio i p.
'lii- l.onihai-.'s Wore, nt any rate.
I'i'bai'-, and were popularly supnose 1
I" hail from! iir.ty. (deal numbers
of lb. 'in lid so. of emu e. but. afi, - u
''. i-ti.v llli.11 who traoed their
I'i'" v,'!io t.,k a pla f business in
"i' 11. ti.'' iii'i-hl.oriiood of ' Lombard
"'r I- 'reeled his i-i-n of Id- t ii : Palu
'i' nimi- ( 1 iii-renaiii or preii-
t.e-. or who'
e. ,; h .-, me pi,
I ..mbi r.i.
r miyiil in:.!' In, way
e to aire, was ended a
j 1 're mall;, , they cam" p, LmJand a
I 'ioa, 1. i-ii agents of ti,,. p.e s. who had
; '"'''I1, "'les to collect in the country . hut
1 ' expul.-i, 1 d o .b ws, tlmv
'luieid;,.- develop,-,! nito money ieadi rs mi
:i l o rn scale, and Were Mm spe. ia stand
' ' ''lugs. Tim a in l:::;s. L iuurd 1 1 1
!'!'- II- d hlS .i-V.e!s (O til" I .O 1 1 1 l ', 1 S
''"'" luoney lor hi- war with Lrance,
"'!'l I imi y V did miii-ii the Sinn,, thim;,
""' '"lb ' .-ears In!",'. So groaHy.
' Ivlward III ,,n to this
"f supply 'hat bis chief eredltors
,, Lombard linns ,,f :i,,.,lj mid
-'ii i'M i.i I lien-securities .
"'.' t" u I'l iiicm comparam cly worth.
I""' - ll'ii'iately Laidi I,,si un -ss Ulan
: " """s i'.v his royal patron, and
,V''- - S" did the Lombard
""' ' w. adopting ids m..u,ds
11111 r. -eobina, t, j, reward, f,,i
llk'' '"'' -lew. he was e.i..,..,
'"'i' ''i" eoiiniry. That took place iu
" Hi'o time, hut, f,,r manv
.' ears
''"''' then, I ingli,' h inerrliants
1,1 '" n steadily taking Urn place of ihelthev mm t k"en un their .-niriis. ,,,i !,,.
i .... ,
I lM"b ''s traueis and liu v
"udei's. and as t,s,. , ,,,,.,.,,.,
;l"u "i wealih and stability. t,,-,
jii" inundation f,,r Uniee great linaimia!
S 111,!, I, I...I.,. li , . , .. ' .
...... line .'liner Slile nl
"-" ''"W street running from t he
1 " .-il I .cha nae in il , .
i, Ural, street
"' is mi'., more inlercstii'.:: '
.". '. '" '"' """'' enict, suppn.diinu. 1
';;', ' ls ""' ''''laiii about ih,, story of I
"uii'iii-d slreei. a..,d th;,i js Uua jts
'"''si,,!-v s,i!1 'leclopiug. Tln re !
''" ''it, rest, says one mi.
i I uori! , . in 1 1,,. i'.,,.i 1 1. , , , i . . , d-posi,,,, in ,.. , ,,.nh, Is' v, V- '
w 11 ir i I was applied Hie i-.l"(
n. mg old and us.-h
Then (he appli-
: ... ...
lil'll W 1 S CXIeili O, t, i sl , . I,,,.,,,',,,....
- - 1 .-.oo,n,
- "iii'i'.iliy; Uicuc. inaibin" ,,r .,
I'ravy and cuiiihersuine r.i'tu,,., ils ,,ni.
". mm. 01 to nnj iiccumiilatiu.i ,,f old I
mil awkward articles. .More recent ly it I
has eigne to be applied to hence limber
or Indeed, wood of any kind, and so Jl
From Other
Editorial Pag
lluli'alii Xcus: l.i, a iii iii j,i . revi"v
, J f ( .hm'T,, i
:,reo'i; ..,.,'
uri the war situation In fare a laiila r-
li IS. ui es ex-
il laitll in til
soils n!' Ami Ilea a:ul the pnleney uf
tin ir aai in i j 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 the war.
riie moral ami nhvsii-a! value of mir
. ..
: ,,..,..,.., i, i, .nt
1'ea, I,
The l:.-::isll li.'inier,sies that
ii""l and points out tne mm h i.-- of un- il.;; lil" e!i"ln 's lol I
I nouer
and lie :e,e.--lly ol eoopi ra fj, ,11 an
u; iil:- a I ., iii ,,; i , r; lilmi to . . . i r i i
lii" porii.eiou. I'lii'.-ian inili" .-i-iii a::
an:,. or., e . .
Till .11 all - I s posi: i,-l is ... i.e. I i,
l.h'.ii i d orm and lit a !..-., of , mn
"I .a rn the na : ion to a ' eii fh,. in"
w in. Ilnnks Hi,.;,. i a l,ai:v, ,.. lion.-be',-.e(
i, i.-tor; and d-l-al." I,.. s::
"Tl.i.-i I-. IV, I !,.-., la t lib o I , .ir.. ,
, 'lie SeUil'L: lip of a .',l::i, of l.atiml
' I ll.'ll I tne i i a 1 1 1 pod, y al
: I l.-r virion ; w , J imi ; ,,
1," a lari'i "
j Tin- I Pa; i. b or, l i i. r i -'
Ho,.-1 v ia t !.!.-- '.-. ! A ".
it u.aiM
'. v:
loal , " I ai I ha !."! .a.l' i, oa li
iii.'.i i. -' that . m-i-.t !,:,. -e, npma
b-.' 1 'Ola .111', ai e, I ii: ;.; and ,n, I ea -a, I
iiola" priid le' :,,,i
i More li :ht in", nn ii ;, m - I. ? b r
lops In earr.v I liein o i i . Tin- I 'i,i: id
SI. I les IIIU'-I Ulal.e a I I h" 1 liissian
I nel'eel ia- ; in- l a k - lulls I b" lil:. , I. i
lilal ape. ',1,1; .
'I'll.' a,li"s have f id. i lb.,1 w- wi'l do
tbl :" 1 bb,',s "! i! , i - .,,ar li. :l p. 'I
will I'l" a II' I'.l III -.1 b" I'l' l'"l il'e-
I imiit of I : u. . ii pp. i i .- I,,,- . dia ill -on ,
I of Ih- -.'I-. a! I '"il, hi,.'. ( li I m l!! huow
; A lis , I .a kilo',',, h, I,. i,.,. I be , ie-a,"l a I '
U".'IS Pill Pay ai'e III,,!, i'e; io b.l'ee
lb- is
i .-sue b, !',,, a Ana i... i', adv."
!.!,,b (i
Mill v
"W e'l .
ae hue'
ii:l it's:
, , r t ia I
i '.;; :'ii i iii; v;i i. i;:-i ;;i:i)i;i.
lb" '""'l"l' 1 '-1 '"'! a: and 1 in'oliirie:
I :' I'i" v. .11 j: "ii I-r a ear or so.
A m-rii" a w iil lan e to ma l:e op t Pe.r
inhi'i- 10! n I... bi-m., "d !, 1 .a r.-es
Ve ai" li .' a I in . .1 sl ram; and 1 rae-
fill ' i.-my. II" i- ;:oiu:; Io sink- , n
bald bl'.ws. ;,ad la v. I!' try I" 111 ike
theiu a ppear a!,ut t v lee as bud a ;
they really wiil be. Note, for e Na ill ; ,ie.
ho'., effeetiv I'l', (be Telllo.l slaye I his
la b "I sii'm nil: slum. 1 1- permit ted
the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' u 1' ,,i inidmas ,, P-erea,-e 1,1
aim ' 'I : u Ta-n. .in ! a- many p 'o
pie had .iinrip.-d to th- e ,!ielu"ion that
the llUdi'l". ' I I'.ruti s ha I be.'U e.!er
min i l-'l. he b. '.'a 11 a buddy , m'l u-.'l ir
I ' b . 1 t of:'" a-n ,-. 1 1 s 1 , ii . 1 b ,; j.. ,,
n I'lile; laelies. Ibe Ib-rniail - il i il 1 1 , ' 1 : 1 1 .s
1 1 ' A '"':: '""I'l'i'in.'. 1 I!-;,
'""-' 'b's:i,..d 111 ir'T'-isiin; nun '-'.
j I ne 1 r I'liieiion ol now slims ia ( d'eat
Lribiin and th. I'mP'.i Mate- is -aii
land (iermai.y I, . bU",. and ef
fee: ive a rinies. 1 m t ii- ; ea s!ie b - a
I o.u i'I'I'i; I 11.1 y. At hum. sevi I
.abous 1
made her people rertl-ys
and d nbmt" i. It wo.ii l I .. i' .1 1 v I
1! Mibt thai (ii 111. any will inak-a furious
eifi'it P. v. in II'.' war before Ameri-iiii
troops 1 arty iim liditin- to (ermaii
soil. ( ba man'.' will not win the war. meantime. 1,10 i.iuisu win nave 10 pro
bat -in- in . 'am! peobdily will, inlli-i11""' ,l"''1' :IS best tl'.ey ran
m nines 00 ni- r,. : t en v i ,.,, 10
be ila. -l as "r-eroiiable iviaisis"
Then, ai'" p-eimim. life V,.- nl
l''i'"i"li, who has im", b-eu ni'-parii:..'
I'm- .1:1 i- a. ii rn of l i 11 la n h Ti :e;', a re
"pi imi:-is. 1:1. S. f i -lai r I lak, r, w ho
im U'.me s t hat tiie mrm , im 111, "bluff -ii".."
'hue mo-i n- fid citizen : '. id be
th".-' '.' i 1. 1 a, re; , IW lie ; II I',-:. , f , a r
lalnii;. and who wiii m; ltir;: aside
fr, in ''mm; limit- utmost to give Un
; limit- in most to a
nation a a i Hieimii ib.hthig force
W'iia i- .a- ills uiav b. fill us, v.- may
be line Ibal I bos- of (lermaiiy are ten
tines wi,r,-e. rim (ieriuins are not
-lata in;;, hip, tlmy nr- sub.-i-ting mi
miserable rations. The.' are liPifilUe
short of some, of the ' food-'
stiufs. Many of ilmm are ill tPrnm:! 1
.ad'-,- siibstaiiees that aie umi: for hm i
man coi'sunm,' ii m (brmiin" e-i mmt :
, mum,., .. ,m main imi -t
In.;, I n'.'i indeiiuib'b,'. and i! is pr ,li-
bp. that U e war u i'l m-l a' a mm -
earlier thai, mmi r a ily im-'i -led "
KFlil'IN'U I i" '111!: U;'.l J.!!.
.Miami News: I a. Irini ams found up.
on the piisniis of capture. I Cmrman or-li"er-i
make il plain liiat (leilliany ha-:
found it necessary (o look' a'.t.-r tin
inor d". or spiriis. of her armies. These
instructions go into detail, wph ad
monitions (hat t! llic'. rs lire to talk
to the turn, and "riion; ra ;;c timm."
I: i- stated that linle-s the oliic.Ts
, ", 7 """" .,:-'s'",y- "T
.''"',"; h become in scurmail.
.Make it plum to thcin. one order
. , . ; i 1 .. ,
M.U.'s. tnat we are winning. Mid tnat
tiie war will be over at no great di.-tarl
dab'." Then it goes ml to ray that
1 -Hirers can make the men better satis
lied by teiiing luimi bow hnp.-rtiinl it
is that the armv I i;siiiei"d as the
last i"-ort of the (lernian empire; that
.1 the armv lads, imrnianv , .(.
"Make it plain that the military inter
ests stand first i f all."
Probably the inm-t ominous word in
the memoranda is that of "persuade."
It is the Ih st time the ( lermam; have
used the word iu connect inn with the
army. "('onip.!'' has ben the word
most !'re.Ueiitiy used; compel Urn sob
iliers to tin this or that. Put the order
now is to persuade the men in see that
take iu ban, I and coitvii-c.- an'ene who
shows viaiH of we.'ii'im -s tl a' he must
conlinm- th" stn-.mlr for Ibe lathei laud.
erily, Is it signili-;:p,l that (lerm anvl
lias ;mn,ti, the Wold "persuade" b.
se;l of t be more brutal term" compel."
i Aii: Kii)s on i;;:::i,in.
h't. Smith (Ark. I Southwest American:
j demauding air raids in reprisal for
the raids made i: London, the critics
,.aini Hint the a, lies could easily reach
P-rlin, and Ihey d ui iud that such raids
be iniilcrtukeu. They are so eniag d !it
. ,
Z , li - n I iie" a r- wil i uig
; be carried oil!.
In tn,. i,..-t pluce, niany iiliim
. . 1. : a ; i , ,, ,
i.ippnsrii in i.imng w " 1 1 1 1' ii aim eiminc,.
' i.-, .... , ,,n ,i... , , , .... 1
J,,;,,, iln. ''..,,-.. innoe.-n't' there , manv of Ibe allies vb i ai
willing to do the same thing
m l '
Mli ,,;,, to, ti,., i,.,,. .i.i'n.
Iluus. Hill ovi'll if we should deride to
inuiuer inncenl women and childrtn. '
Hy lalilli llaritanl lielano of Hie
f I i m :i a , ,,i;,!. n' (.-.iimls n' Pru'o''
a piiun l n' ,- ilt pin k, an, I a live-pnuai!
sail; a' sulmv. lias that barrel o' llntir
1 or.i.o i
cune in yt t'.
Tin. f il.l I v.
was staialia'.' at
,, ,,.),,.,. ,.M,i ,,f j' ,.
eoiinti waiting
'! a.' a ,a ; 'ain, ,,. li,.n l,,..l..l -,t
,i , .. ',.
'i "mi e'l s,iei aai ins.
An: t .'iiinnej to la-ip tiie pnvei n
niee.t. pp "Lilly, air ou. Sunnier.'" she
i'-1'"'1- nryly. now da. ilarthy. tne first
ypeakt'!' sa,,i. "Ill'lniil' 111,' L'o l-l lllll, lit
j ,: Well. I dunnos I ho. I ,!,,
n,,V I'm on to. (if coos,.
u,,ii!, 'at o anythiiiu to stand in t In
1 v.ay " t a war, now we're in it. Hut
I m an ".d naer and I reckon I won't
i a " " im 11 -is um-li mm war or ! !:e
" '"'' '"!' '' v.-1 I no. I aim p st lo
'' ''-'"' ' rn : the way 1 b-'n "im; ."
" '"'; '"' " '' ,:: I "' ".'"-t l':e
1 way i " :i 1. .,.".::.-.Mai tiiy. An I I aiu'l
'" ii M .'h a bad ia i.;bb.r. have IV"
wni haven't la ai d the Ileus,
i s-ainuri, iiu-ii'il l.'oly ask-.d.
I illilll t see t!i- taoruiii- naner."
-" ' "'.nri:. !. iv.iii'Piii! io admit, that
roul'l lo- aii.tmu," w mm lie did
"Ai., t h. i.rd about ai! th, r. uce- be
"- ""W n Iieni Mame t,- l aliioi ;, . i,,,i,we take away from. Why, it's like be
Al. em - .ia In l.xa "
1 m I at b.r. tb,"i laiiahe.i. '-':
I ibo.i-lii 'on was in on last.'' m -ail,
'bir'iu-.: lor the door.
'I i.h'' nl the iiid l.-iv. "Ii's
u-t lin i-ilma you. Sa! lu.-'. i: -y
1.'1" .' .'i tins v. imli- eoiiniry is .low .!.
1 here ami a p; hi! - au w hm ,.
' Al ;. 1 ; i 1; - Waihiim. you ain't wed. i
" '"' u I -1.
' 'W' il ai.'l 111 im. i'i"ht luiud." -aid
'-. I'm 1 -limn .M.ii the mii-pol ti'iliu : nasi icr tiling to he. Samuel!"
Srum :. Th "n-l"iiii iii- l-imth audi Samuel's nioutli had lout; since fallen
'')'. ill "! '"I- eo'ini.v fiiei-f't a open. Now it closed with a snap. Ik
i' ."",' I. ft ;: ailim.: Ymu'vo n ad Imw ' had to moisten his lips before he could
""Uiriiines .1 , labile "' grasshoppers
' "'in''- iih .in- tiii.l eius eve y blade o''hanl savings!" said ho. l
'-ra-: i.n.l ee"v I -a:' in a wi'.ol- 1 ouiity "Not. half as hard as the trutli;
an,! lii' .1-1
'I !," an,
liu,- , ho!
loaves i: bare ami stark ' ,
rl o' iliiip-; has happr 1 in!
iimtry, old.', to the fences." '
" bj, A.arlliy, how talk! Look
.'" 1 o u r s 1 . o 1 1 1 d 1 1 ' out t he w inder - "
'''h. ill 1 tbupy's of wood and iron
aiib wire lor b. a is and rattle, I'm
la'10".. abmn the ', i,., ,,' fences oil at
mi. Sainm 1! I t !l mi. there ain't a
I. nee l-l'l am. whiles 1b.1t a body 1 a 11
I'm, I a roinlartabie plarr to perch on.
N'.a a I'm:.' . left 10 ilodue liehiml. Van
mil in.-, ami everyone else in this ii
l;u;e; . ia y man and w oman in th.
I luted SiaPs of America, from I 'res.'.
as tin- lliins h;,o don", in retaliation
for lli-ir marl-rs. th- bombim; of I lei-
1 1 1 1 pre--it , diairuUP s.
Il rim IP much father from th.--.-
aba I iim - ih.ii London lies fr, ,111 the
'a rm.. 11 inn -. In fart, it would I- a
r meiniou- im.i.M Pikin- n .- over
I! rlia ami I, -ml. the i.'iaee and r. I urn.
Ian 11 em,!. I be mm". An airin.ii! of
tiie aiii.s lea already aeeoiiiplisheil the
bat. Ib'-iuii instead ,,f dropping bombs
be dropped III 'r: 1 1. U! e. l!,lt I"i' any eon-
sim i an,. I'!!"""'! i'l murium-- w mai.e
to make
li... nip and to do eff. etive wori: would
be a tr, iim,, Ions un l-rtakim;. In fact.
""' 'i'1'"'"''1 """e1 '"' n' '"'"I "" 1 "
'" ''"' """l '"'u would be aeoniii-
ir witi'.out bomb
al! do so. In the
iim- I'.erliu, and wi
aaauisi urn 1.110s 01 uie nuns. m
1 . .- ,.,
is no iniurii) 11
siieh big risks i 1 order to kill a lot
of Aom-n and children, just to get even
with Ibe Hup-' for tla ir murderous con
dii'i Inward London,
ii: i;i i-'i-icr.
; MiA-aub .! a; d: A slmy is tnS
of a b,,y fr-m one of tiie trailing camps
. who r-t in 11 -.1 hoi in- for a is i l a ml over
la aid his r.i 1 her t-'i a young-r son to
li tin1 fill 11 Tim lad obj. rtrtl. and
I he fat lea' nr ,ini.-e I him a iiuart.-i- if
lie would obey. W b-r-11 ami the 1 mhl' o
soldier rem.' rl. en: "father, the dis
cipline iu tin- liou-e is perfectly rot-
b'U." ! tdart the year right by siiliarins Up
K it m".'' as a correctivo to the j w ith your druggist. In the drug: bilsi-
"''"". n" di-iiplinc prevailing in s' i Mlss 1hf.n, urc. many little accounts
inauv hollies mi!it.i-v training must!
;wii ,o not iimount to much to the
eoimnmrl u.-"il land w ho recognize tin: ' wiih wl-.i.-h many un.lis-i.lii:e,l ! i'l.livi.iiial who owes them, but amount
l-.s and girls start out In Uf". The to a great deal to the druggist. In fact
pi ,,. a. , ,t eiif , re, d ti lining of millions of ; in some cases they amount to the entire
i;ien. Ibe faih-'i'' of the future, will also ; year's profits.
I,ae Mined an a. Plot purpose.
Tii" II , maul 1 irk ,,f discipline among
the .M.iub of loday, who. one sometimes
feels. e"i', , lv know tiie meaning nf th.-
word "oP.o " ficcessarilv leaiis to araser
foi ins ,,f i m ubaroiaai ion in. other af
fairs, and th- lieM step, disregard for
law, is i!an:'erou.-b, e;.-. All teachers
knew I school children give the
M-.i-uie of e!,,',b-nce to school authori-
ti-.. ,l,a. the,- are trained in at needed drugs, now when we need
,..-, uortorious uK,t , money, do not pass upon the other ide.
, . . ' .... 1 1, ,1
tins tip -isure Is iif'.f n dangerously little, "
.... . . Denver Mud is about Hi. nnU- m-pn.
1 lii.iriii.'.ateiv, inn military training t
1. ur l.m s are I'i'ltiiig will not materially
liTi-et existiii'; condition iu Ule home, i
I r-s' nt l.n 1. el discipline, However, wiii i
Not a Com or
Callus on Feet
Apply few drops, then lift
them off without pain.
mil i . I ( -i 1 1 . -i c, na t i a ll-
l..,rit. discovered ii new I
P -ther' compound and called i
il frrcoi.e and it now can I ''H,,(' omaile, that also lias curlllK ft.
be had in huie bottles for i ,,,,:,-s- 1,1 Oklahoma Pity there is a lad
i few cuts rruin any drug ' 1k,s usl'(1 )''i"'p l'omade con-
. .ore. ! t'niiously for over thirty years, and her
You simply apply n feu- i ''""'I'lexinn is one of the most beauti
.',rp of fret-gone 'upon a j f ' 'O'
tender corn or painful cal- ooo
lus and instuutlv (lie sore- lr -vou cannot pay all of that old bill
mss ili-'apoears, liieii short-!11""'' I,a-V 111 ll';lst I'Kl't of it. Jt will
lv you will find the earn or j s,mw ,llat '"ll" '"W't is in the right
callus so loo-e that you can
lift il off w i'.ii fingers. I 0 0 0
Xo pain, imt a bit of ':'iugh hands can only be kept smooth
-on , i,.....i. either when apply.) ,,y ,!u' fl"' V.ig 4 Hand Lotion,
in' Ireezmm or .-ifterwurds. ' '' wi" (',ni' V"11 whether your Itantt
md i! doesn't even irritate '
ih- skin. 1
Il ivd crus, v,,;'f corns or I
" r;n l . tv ecu the toes, also I
miigiK iicd calluses. Just '
dnive! up and lift off so
isy. It is Wiinderfui: It
works like a charm. Trv it; 1
Women should keep free:;-'
one on their dres-sci-i nnd
never let a torn ache twice.
Sunday. January .r, 1918
n to I.oony Ann in tlO
ilent Wilson (low
poor house, every last blessed one 1
us is out in the open, v. here there ain
no i'i lie". Time was when we eouhl n
liinl a hamly little peroh on one fern
I or another. W'e eouhl all ay we wci
neither for nor auainst. We could n
; sav that while we iliiln't exnctlv Ma
:.ia .... K.l.,', .nail,. : n-
i eon,. i ai: sav tnat wiuie we wotildn
- I do auythin? to help this or that alolij
we wouldn't do anythintc to hinder i
v iild all say it wasn't our war, hi
inc fonuht as it was across the oceai
i sl.aiii' nf lis alil.l nvoil sav. u-IHm,
- l,i- thought, era.v, that it Wasn't Oti
I , i.. .. .. no,.,- fnlt.
- i , sav 'iwasa rich man's war Thni
was before our own boys KOt Into :J
I W',. could even say how downright son
mee wei e for the hinmry folks, and tl:
.,-ji folks, and the hereaveil ones ovt
; t brie, without feelinsr that 'twas o
I, usini ss as well as theirs.
j ' ;m those fences have Rone dowi
iSainuel. Now we are out in the one'
pasture. We've sot lo show which siu
1 we're oil. whether we want to or not
I 'I'l,,.. ...OPt so nuieh as : ivihhit linln f,
: us to hide in. What we don't help now
hinder. W'hat we don't stunil f,
, we siand ana in st. W'hat we lon'
boost, w,. hani;. What we don't nive ti
- n-i awake or heiim asleep, being Illivd
bein- Pead. '1'here ain't liny niidilh
ground --1 here ain't any I'elii'e. You'r
pir the unvern nl and what It want
1 and what it .stunds for, or you're .mains
p. If you d.ui't sa'e and Kive and worl
; I'm- it. you are spendhi";' and w'HKtint; am
woiiiini; iuainst it. And what's more
and I'miil. if you work against youH
itoVei'iimeiK you're a traitor! A tral
That's a nasty word to hear, hilt it
speak. "My stars, Alarthy! Them'si
Saniiiel and 1 haven't said half the
truth about it. Why. any man or
wonuui Ihat tries to lind a fence to
sit on, tln-se days "
I tut Samuel put his l.'iinille on the
! counter and raised his hands. "Here.1
Hub! Chaime tins bacon In beans, wall
: oii'.' And about that barrel ol' Hour v."
I his oiee sank a tone or two "thinl
j m-bbc you could eliattKe it, and Rive
nie a half barrel o' graham in.stead
!of the white'.' And say, you miifiit take
lout the rest I paid on it in potaters and
, apples hey'.'"
The did Lady smiled.
! be materially affected hy the training
of I lie fathers of the next generation of
I,,,., s .in, ( -iris are now getting. And
! there is promise of bettor things with
that next generation, when our present
' soldiers shall have homes of their own.
, They at least will scarcely be willing to
bribe their children into obedience.
, . 1
:7,IHI lil'HI.KS
. n,,,. ,.:1a r. TI. l.tslviti- mi
., Unities advise that they have discov
;;-im ,.,,l,i,.s .l,l l banks to
t ne cn-.l it of former I'remier Kerenukyj
,.,,,:,i,,. will bp f
tile ben, dit of victims of the liphtiiiil
which preceded the overthrow of tho
Kerensky regime.
Sweden li Iv-'rounie l'inlanil.
I Liunlon, .lain a. The Swedish council J
o,. iiiiinsiei s 111 a session pi csiocu .m
by King liustave, has decided to recog
nize ibe indepi mlence of Kinland, ae
eurdiiig tu a I. enter dispatch from Stock
holiti esterday.
st. Pain is now using a vacuum
weeper on its streets.
j o o o
; We .ft'n wondered why beautiful
I women with all the signs of youth, save
! l"-"b 'l and gray hair, no nut by the use
! Scotch Tone Hair Restorer bring
hack their charms. It is not only a
woman's pi n ilege. but her duty to do
o o o
We trusted you when you were sick
" '
aration made for similar purposes Which.
urn. ,m jnc.-ii pi ice, l ney may 8
win suck in uie oui cosi as long as pos
sible. Denver .Mud should be used in
all eases of pneumonia, coughs and ton
silitis, and in many cases it saves life,
o o o
I In China it is said that the settlement
of jill accounts on the first of the year
I is required, and that sometimes where
a Chinunum is nimble lu .settle upon
that date he is so chagrined that ho
j commits suicide, if we copied that rule
i in this country there would not ba
. enough live ones to bury the dead,
We know of no face powder that has
"", '!i,,,' beautifying cmality of Zona
u,' tll"s'' '"' u society lady or those of
aM outdoor lahorer.
'al:e a little effort and pay up your
''r"K 11 been runnhiK Jongei"
v'n n should you know that.
Frame Drug Co,
I I LII I It. LliP I .f J. J
frame Says: