OCR Interpretation

The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, January 06, 1918, Image 6

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042303/1918-01-06/ed-1/seq-6/

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Red Cross
Red Cross
Iiouh Weather
? " i .. Red Cross
r'vPN. 0fficial
?i . Uniform.
. Bed Cross
. ' f"7 V Hospital
(-XyX Uniform.
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Keel Cross Umnees
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h.M.rs i! 1.-! yc.'ir .wan l ;tr n.iiro tli a n u ilaaalns
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Mini. iuay Jol.i i In. i'i;!- N;'t.lohal i. .11,1.0
1 ' i I W'.!- I'd'ii F.ervlrc, in Volk city. Thiirn
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i-nl.. . .iti.l ii ij j.." i'l"t-l tint L- foro th.t win
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."a; viail I ram. l"i' V.'ui :.
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::':( ilati' in jaaa'ciaa.
Work of tha Natiovial Ltarrit"
'I l iar i i la' ii -" i !" :ila lo n , 'l l a.h I .,, .a. v, I'd
ai" i . a . -i : ' Ii..' a" ia,. ar rai.'. i.ii v.urh ia Ana r-!-..
I. at : 1" ; 'a-' aa a lo Una U ;, o . ia r .a a y
, y . h.a , ' a a . a ' ! ia:a a lo a lira I1..-, ;,ia: :
w . aa a. .. .1 ia a un.l' aaii lint ; h. in i ,;ua -ra;
1 i 1 1 a i I 1 a I. v. .H'li lo a 1 ,a i ao.l I'M i a... a I mi
hn.al !'.! raii'riii I'.al.'.a t'laha air riiaiaaaiiv
laaini;' oarao-l l"i' aohll' '.; lint r! aoal ;o raa:i:a
Dreyj of iho Women's Motor Corps of tl'e National Lciuf! lor
' ... " , V - ' '
i: v.r-.' .
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''ai mirr I Vntiiro Srrvlt i', I'.HK.
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i"k-;u oi lier vv oi't'.ers.
la liar rlu'aa tlieic ur cafotei las or lunch
r.i am! iho voiinj; women of the canteen
' a ai . i,,i 1 1. jM wol'L. N'ol loim ago th UiHKUO
1.1 , i il ., furnish a dozen wo mini to attund
' ' i'. r. !!. en, lurai.'hiiiy breakfasts for 2000
er a ei ,-..iiiini; i'nr i a,ai. Tbf)' were Oil duty
riy ia Ma niorii in;; rial every uiuu hiul a good,
ai-'an ;;.,1 in .akftrt aned him by these voluu-
! . ; . aa i ''"laia a! women.
The i;.ai i'ni nniforni is tetiorally the host
l.iiiiv.ii in any ronii,i,mty. The snowy white
i ll aiiii'iiiin ia more than attractive, for it
et'iv. i.is a .meat pui'imse and a tender work
a una e. ; or ii a . .i ii :. i ;.
I l.o.I
h tin- while unifoim U the one bent
1 iav. 1 1 ;;.r war has made It necessary to make
tiaio' ". One may f imi iir-nt ly wonder to what
vivae I iio youni? woman 'clones who ia seen
Women Service.
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Homo Defence Costuma.
on tha streots iu dark blue serge with an army
cape fascinatingly lined with bright red. Tbla
Is tho traveling suit of the lied Cross nun.
Never beforo have tho nurses travoled In suoh a
sensible, warm uniform. Hut this la not all
that uhe takes with her for service at the front
or for home duty. Experience over there na
indlrated that the lack of laundry arrangeranti
makes the white uniform impractical. They are
lnetty, but not the most serviceable, ao tho Red
Cross nurso sailing today is equipped with a
white uniform for dross, a gray crepe for serv
ice, a slicker and rubber hat and rubber boots
and a traveling uniform of warm, dark blue
Professional Workers.
Women who stand high In tho medical pro
fession are leaving their homes and practice to
Join the ranks of uniformed workers.
Every ono of these women are specialists la
different branches of medicine and surgery.
Among them ure women dentists, and America
has the distinction of having the first womaa
dentists at work In tho war zones.
These women belong to the American Wom
eu'a Hoapituls, an association that haa been or
ganized along the lines of the Scottish Women
and the British Medical Women. They were
organized by the war service committee of the
Medical Women's National Association and come
from all parts of the United States to sail for
France. On two hours' notico Dr. Helen Wood
ruffe of Los Angeles packed her bag and started
for France.
Ur. Kosalio Slaughter Morton, chairman of
the American Women's Hospitnls, has dono note
worthy work in Macedonia and Serbia.
Miss Elizabeth Hranagan, an inspector of tho
street cleaning department in Now York city,
wears a uniform of khaki in her work. She has
to her credit the cleaning up of some of tho
worst, districts. Last year a set of women under
her tutelage donned street cleaning uniforms
and at her direction have learned to work la
such a way that they can take tho places of the
men in this department when the necessity
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