Sunday, January 5, 1918.
Calendar for Sieving ltoom.
Monday Supervisor, -Mrs. Gilbert
Presnell; bed shirts.
Tuesday Supervisor, Mrs. V,. A.
Simpson; bed shirts.
Wednesday Supervisor, Mrs. V. K.
Wolverton; bed shirts.
Thursday Supervisor, Mrs. W. A.
TIaker; pajamas.
Friday Supervisor, Mrs. Coals; pa
jamas. Saturday Supervisor. Mrs. Amy PtUI-
ham; pajamas.
Calendar for (Jauze Itnom.
Monday Chairman, Mis. W. 1 Pai
ber. Tuesday Chairman, Mrs. Charles von
Wednesday Chairman, Mrs. Arthur
Thursday Chairman, .Mr?, Chads
Friday-Chairman, Mrs. .1. It. Wil
liamson. Saturday Chairman, Miss C.ladys
WILL SEAT 12,000
Divisini Manairor Geort'e W. Sim
mons, in the American Ked Cross . la !,':- j
cine, speaking' of the need of women's
working In this country, says: "A per
sonal friend of mine, who recently vol
unteered for service in the lied Cross
warehouses in Fiance, paying all of his
own expenses, writes me that they are
desperately ill need of sucks, sweaters,
etc., and also surgical d' essiims; I hat
the Ited Cross nurses and army nurses
have been called into the surgical dress
ings room to help out. The women are
working every day from 'J a. m. until
C p. ni. and at night; (hey do sterilizins;
ami a night shift then takes the rooms
and noes on durins the nifUit. There
are no holidays and no letting no." He
says the French have done their part,
and he understands better their view
point now. He says it is surely up to
America. Why is it that the thousands
of women who can easily afford the
time are not at work so that these nee-e-.-sa.ry
articles mmht be on hand here".'
Tim .situation is more serious than
America realizes. Can't you wake them
up? Do what .you can to j;et the wom
en in the southwest to realize the Ked
Cross needs are desperately urgent. You
cannot put it too strong.
An appeal like this, and it Is only one
of many that are being sent to the dif
ferent chapters, cannot help but make a
profound impression on the minds of
thoughtful women. Newspapers are
giving time and space in preaching the
gOKpel of work to American women,
teaching them their value in the win
ning of the war their actual relation
to it. AH the tears shed, the foregoing
of social pleasures, all the sweetmeats,
letters and luxuries are as nothing com
pared to warm clothing, socks, wristlets,
helmets and surgical dressings which
are necessities-, and will promote health
and contentment more than any thing
else we can supply. Luxuries are all
very well, are vastly appreciated, and
afford pleasure to the sender as well as
the recipient, but war is a yrim busi
ness, calling- for sacrifice and self-denial
and can only be prosecuted to an ulti
mate success when all sentimentality is
eliminated, or certainly made secondary
to the practical and stern realities we
must first accept and digest. Not that
tobacco, gum and candy should be ta
booed in a soldier's life; indeed, tobacco
seems to be a," panacea, for loneliness,
and even pain and no one would de
prive them of these pleasures; it is a
privilege for us to provide them. I'nt
the Ited Cross work, with its different
branches of service wherein every wom
an can do her bit, is the first place to
Iim i-Miisidcied when vou ask yourself
"What can 1 do for the buys in the J
The night class started Thursday with
n fairly good attendance, and another
will he launched at the conclusion of
this course.
The Thursday afternoon class had its
full membership of twenty and the en
thusiasm displayed in making the first
bandages bids fair to make this class
one of the best. The surgical dressing
rooms, which, of course, are ripen every
day, beginning this week will be open
Tuesday and Friday nights, so that any
one who desires may work in the eve
nings. The American Ked Cross is planning
to provide every French and Helgian
mother who may need it with an in
fant's layette. The woman's bureau has
published a leaflet, available at every
Hed Cross chapter, describing this sim
ple outfit of warm baby clothes. The
articles and garments in the layette
have been chosen upon the advice of
women representatives who have just
returned from a two months' investiga
tion of women's needs in France. The
Ited Cross is anxious that these baby
clothes be made at home instead of in
the work rooms. This will be welcome
news to the women who have been un
able to leave home to work. The gar
ments are simple, Great emphasis is
laid on the purchase of extremely dur
able materials, since, owing to the coal
shortage in France, hot water is avail
able in most villages only twice a week
and the greater part of the laundry is
done in streams. The method of cleans
ing Is by pounding with stones.
This work is also adapted to needs of
the Junior Ited Cross and women in
rural districts will find the making of
inifants' layettes an excellent field for
their efforts. Further information re
garding the purchasing of materials and
the making- of baby layettes, with pat
terns and instructions, may be had by
telephoning Mrs. II. II. Payre. and if
tho Junior Ited Cross decides to take up
the work, Mrs. J. V. Newcunib and Mrs.
John Carloek will be glad to give any
information or submit practical working
The How-Knot club, consisting of
eight little girls, gave an inleresticg
afternoon entertainment al the home "t
Dorothy Downard for the benefit of Hu
lled Cross. The ide-i originated with
tho little girls, all oi whom are in
tensely patriotic, and consisted or
program of singing and readings, fob '
lowed by an improvised vaudeville skit,
"Patriotic America." A substantial sum I
was realized and the entertainment, re I
peated yesterday afternoon at the home I
of Mrs. D. N. Walling, will permit the!
cliildrn to present the gauze loom with I
almost 1110 yards of muslin for bandages.
Another instance brought to the at
tention of the Ked Cross showing how
women in the country ca:i 1 1 1 is of a
woman living near Ardmoi-e. who is giv
ing a per cent of all money made from
the sale of butter, milk and other coun
try products to the chapter here. 1!'
other women living in rural clistri"ts
would organize cuius, or in more ivin no
iuistances, wink with the nearest m.-ith-bor
or alone, and nriaiiL'e m give a
small portion of the money derived from
the sale of farm products t;. Ihe chapter
here, or the one nearest to their homes,
it would establish a precedent in Okla
homa along this line and be of material
benefit to the Ked Cross chapter.
Cleveland. Ohio, .T in. S. City authori
ties have annour.ee I that the manlcipal
auditorium, to be known as the Cleve
land public ball, wi.i be emnpli t. d in
llita, and in coiise.niem various Int'T-
for the foundation have luen made and
the drainage pines have b vi place. I.
The eaiicia t" foo;m"s are g. U:g i-i.
The project le- fa" structure ii'vs
taUi'.ed in l- hririrv. ai'dr many
HscusMoa ;
io leader-!'
the plans
of a p:
si", in II '
in plans ti
city have
bring one
of the J ! i l' i i national
linns to this ,-it.v. T:
cost. $L'.."... and ils
will at at U'.eeu p. rs-.ns.
Its conn t ion will ren
ul'.-; ai i.-s v. h ich has ,;-, ,
from r m i ria n ia the 1
t ions. A not In r one tb
licient hotel nceotnnioda
being reiinoa d. A in w
ids-any combined
no perhaps hot h
political eoineu-
structure is to
mala u.ltiiloi him
v . a rs ot
l'n. b-v t
I.. D.ivi
(he has
lolilllll. to he lit!
0U w on h ( f city
I'lans we
city .areliite
m tin r li ad
lives of ail
'id catiouit 1 1
a of M iv
came to a I
'Paly v it.
It 1
.iv one of the
,-ut.d the cite
ir -est cotiven-
lack of Mil'
! ions--Is also
fireproof hotel
lions and
Unci i.-an
l'e-uit was
Id Sl ( I, e.l
sniiiM,!! t
f-ivir id' t'
nil itnanii'
a u! h. d'i. ii ' i
-I the,'
!'. I ;
1 eleeti
d. on
I I Io-
and the
, He- r
a tl.r. e :'
1 project
1'he city
other ai
was opened leietiily, unking three
the citv, and another one will he re:
to receive e,M, is jn a f. v months. Th
iss, .1
,! i nl
CO 'e
i i'''.!i;:i
The city co
ail ni-liiiii
ail I tile is:
I it ;
:.p oilll:- ! i
W ork i n t
inr.n- oiaOav.
sulfation wit
1 1 ! a ns i". r a s; rue:
, ret-.- and :::: 1
Mono, c .r.t ait'd'..'.:
hall or ::a il-irio
to itely !-'.n; n i . r
will have a staa
will b" -eat-- for
an, i;.m I in ,..
The,-'. Will 1.
Ii'iP with a s -. 1 1
i.ian n o,l, an-l IP
be pattiaPv abov,
np f,,- i !::'oii;..n
to t! ilier two
i'o i ,r .pace f ,- esii
be in :ll'l lMOHIl) s
ta ;: w a v -' w ill be
held j
A ing j
mrtas ot
nf r. i
. : in con I
t ; C .i'iV-.'-l j
n d w i; .
ini:a hall
.-(. Ti.ae
tir d ila, r
or music
.- of tin:"
W liic'il
d be ti
all el.lV.li
clines o:'
I an lie t!.
1 ro id
c' lai-
a- t!:e
lie oidainrd by ill- . !: anl. w hen it c enes to fort I and
siv.e n.t only to I I'litd;. is a land of plenty, in omparisroi
row. Is. but also to 'With i'.ngland in tle-se war timrs. Meat
tin. I iiuiik handling i h s s and piibitiacss days ;ir' unknown
i there.
it nubby riaci io uo
The Washing
l'if-01 I U:
folll- stl Uet Ul
i.;, anil loi.ins.
The iiii-ii
movement f,
wiiliou to i
their nrppinicnts on tra
cilities. They will emph
losilioii oil several big
triinlc liin --. ils direct
sunt li and t ho pass, nip
to and from IPPValo,
and idle r 1. k ports.
Act 1 1 : 1 1 i-oic-i i i : i I ion v
lie hall is w. i iind"t' wa
are pra. t leallv eoliloli e.
lit. illl lllofe I I
who are i.rgatilzlfiT the
r brincii i ir the I'.'.l'l em
evcland will ba.-e part of
aiortiitiou fa
si. e ihe city's
nd and wast
ouie: Io the
I'V ice
1- boat
nk ot'
.-. '.
All :
the pub
aval ions
Would Arrest Uuss Socialists.
London, Jan. a. Orders have been is
sued by the Pctrograil revolutionary
tribuntil for the arrest of the Socialist
leaders, Tsei'etelH, Cmtz, Tsherouff and
others, says the onrrespimdent at the
Russian capital of the Kxeha nge Tele
graph couiiinay, be- collaboration in the
publication of the "Alarm Ik 11." a rev,)
lutionary newspaper, which has been
suppressed by the bolshevik government.
h:i ii'iui": Fiotli rpptlnc anil dc;i's-
ion. I'or sale by
Boyd-Harrell Drug Co.
Wishes one and all a hap
tlif yta
1 hcnic :
VI.' A 11.'
:y and i;'i;spv 1MU:'. NKV
a.nd .M ATKill.AI.I.V. Uvm
rio'ht hy aticiidiiio; pluin h today, olorniii;.,
li':i:i'S. or WATCHWORDS FOR Till-: WAV
ICvoi.intr woi'sidn. 7 :?') o'clock: ih:-ni'
"C11R1STI AXITV AS A I):.l.'S().,, Thi- .iu ur-.
siTiiiuii-lt'i turo i:i a sorics ol' five-; ,, i lie lii'. l one
you will want the other four.
11HAR JACK LONDOX, now of New Y..rl:. re
1 a:
1 1 1 i , I , j . ;
l'; t ! 't'-.-.liV.-
-.. -;s..
I'd", own ari'a:i;rerne!ii of ih.e 'ROSARY" OX
10LIX. Ii' will play unaccompanied.
-Sit Down Take 'cm oil"
Raines Saddlery Co.
21Q West Main Phone 190
We Call For and Deliver Free
There would be an "EDEN ELECTRIC
WASHER" in the home To-morrow.
Phone 103
Consumers McsM & Power Co,
Open Evcnin ;s Til! Chriblmas
rrsrir."' -mrs-i. .psatretan!rw varwan r, msKiwaows; jbbiiuw mmMSjmem
M '
. , :.
h M Urn m-'UM
j -
CpV -
i W i t "i-ia . j-ss- k-uj,----i&w iv--- '. 1 k r-y'i f-?; r --- -----..'--i ..- i t
I hXi air;,
W0iv Cifvlias New
sJMi Tlerc on our floors are luuulie,,', , upon hundred ', of pieci ; ol furrdmre learinr special sale priee.', he-
SrwA caiuiu we rciuire the roiMii these piece.-: now occupy for the fiirailure which we will purchase al the fur-
Rr rfMf! iiiture exposition this mon;ii. I'hU sale is an auinial event wn li us, and is iYsp:t:si',)i,- not only for tlie
hpV!', in!mendo;i.; vohinv oi' luisiuess done duri.oe; this month, hut for the re.-.t vahiinc of Iiosie.pss done during
il'j'l l!u: ent5r, ,We!vt' Hionilis of tlie year, because- by conducting ilif-e tiilliual sales, we are able to keep our
tfJP' - stock freshened up by the arrival of new merchandise.
E2K .' Not a sinede inocc o; iurnilure reoueed lor (!us r. ile is imjK'.'iec! in tiie slightest d-.rrc( and Cm
sa r i i i i n n . . i in' ii i.i ii I h ii io1 i' 1 1 . , .. i,i nt'.i it - 1 1 i t i ....-., k . t ,!-, . i ..hi fui L" i . . in
1.1 ,. I PVl l.U J 1.1 C.UV UV IJIv iil I I i v. tl V L'-t l Ul V llil.i i it. H ol Li U , I'll! , U M rui i I ! IV,
JM '.- ular sclliiiK' prico and Iho Jaiiu;:iy s:ih' jirict. To
If rJhfr!
tin leroiic.. iK'twe' n the
;ive you pome idea of what Ihe different.;
have taken a few pieces at random from our .stock and illusi rated an ddt -scribed tie
4-PostBedRcom Suite
cr Ar.cr;.iiii
Tasos tin.' ilus't nrauf. t"i' ::lul bntUiin.
Credit Freely
This January
p I i
iff" AT
1 1 i
Period Dining
0 1 P
Bi rrssii I p: : rp
The Four-Poster Is Rapidly Gaining in havor
Thorn is soni"tliliip vovy siibstanli.il l.n.kiiiK abotit a suit- "f funCtiu'c nf
tliin typi'. Vt't iL'spile its tubslaiitial aiipcaianc the;.' an' v t : 1 1 1 1 '
grat'cftil lilies to it, which maUo It very iinpuUir, pai'tinilaiiy vlnai i-
Btfiii.'tpd ami fiiiishcil us this suit. in. In our est imat imi. it .n 'Si'iits c,i
nf. t'm host valitos in j-.prioil fiiniitiira of thi; type ulia-li v.c havi' i vi r placi' 1
Dit uttr floors.
1: - , -
J-v- I
111 UlUt'-piaaV 1'iVV price I'm
nf i!iU l"l"' an
lie cll'ccP-i-it
a-: pi.Pun
! i.---iif..'V.' ' -y- -! ' I j -o I I i ;
Ul... "ST I Ti""1 S-nt.:'1.'
Th:-. i-
f.iiir-pmp.'i' lulls
-hows what :-'aiii;;s cap,
watrluiisV ta.i'si' :'"i
rainnceiiv n!s, IPsl is just
ami ran be hail in : l'l. ;
C in. fsixc.
1 It" IPJTpBB .1
Chairs Upivokicrcd in Dlue Leather
Tlii.: t'roniucl! .suite was, one of the feature at tractions! at the James,
to. mi rm aiMire l ; x i n i ion. It is extremely atlraetiv e in ilesin, lias
hi. Inif.'i !. Willi -I'J in. cliiipi cahinet, both iiiccc-s behi;; of May unique
eon -ti'iiclinii. 1'ive ilinin:;- mam chairs with oih arm chair, all uplinks
tereii m I'lne leather. See this sniio in oar window.
l'l, a! -, laiO