1 r i DAILY ARDMOREITB Sunday, January 5, 1818. PACE ri..( i:. Tmla . I ii-k I'.osMiii ami IMtilim riirli - "Ctssidy." Tomorrow. Carlyle P.larkurll an.l Muriel Ostrich. 111 "The (.loo,! fiii- Nothing." I itrsilay. Sessile ll:i-tUan:- if "Th- V:i ft Hf Kast." cihn'Mlay. Sn-iia Markovs in !" 1 1 I'.i n i ! I Ma donna." Thursday . Annette Ki :, Tin. urn i "A ,,n .,!: Of tin- Cllds." Krids.v. C' 'aldine l'ai r..r i:i ' 'I'! Woman h" Korgut." Saturday. Kmilv H-vcr. i-i ".Mia" Mr, .h- .,,..' " it ai (.ii 1 1 1; ok i in; mids." i "While tin- I'al me w id I I ;ni ii'! VMiially clever run of pictures this v . mm above all others wi'l stand nut v. i.ii a lust", all it-; ..v.n. " M:i.(t;lii-r i.f 1 I avis." wit h Aiii:.-H- K i ! i in. i i , h1.ii ii ,- houkwi f,.r Ti m -:;i.i . Thi-. :- rj WC'll kllllWIl. !.!' I.f II- llln.-l fa OHI'l. I pietm cs il' tli' .Say ami .1 : pi.piit.i t r. fepnkcn (it as tin- ' in; 1 1 . a .!..il.u- I"' tun." .It is in I'M n -I.- !mI ' I .-1 j persons appear in I'.i' vai ' In i( Hni! It' ii'- I '.7-1 1 I" ' mm: :. lls.'d. Tlmi" aiv Hi"!'.- in-.n Iv.'.i Inn died datming giN ' "i'-"i 1,1 ' sultan's liurnti. A M -h .t - l.tidt at a cost i.f $.!r.n. iiii.l il.--!i.vi I i- OIK' (if I If lug SI ''IK "-' "T 'il' I'l' An entire l 'in ilit.-:iii i- 1' ml at-. I ii pOpUlati-l'l W.rl " i:ll!s7. 'I !. I! i n (if this ;reat Inm. PHOTOPLAYS AND PLAYERS JL . . . TRAPPED IN MINE HOCTIC NOCTURNE DANCE OF THE 6EA NYMPM8 IN WILLIAM FOX'6 MILLION DOLLAR PIC TURE DEAUTIFUL, "A DAUGHTER Of THC GODS." AVilliiB-ltari". 1.. .("!i. n. One luni ilril iiihii hii. I li.y. vi:-" tiH.ie.l In the llarnHiii mine nf t'i I'Piin.ijdvuiiiti ('mil PumpHnr t I'att.-ten tmlay vytien tin' mi. lilt" Vfin cive-l ja. lettit'U il.e.vn lliui!- ftrtiaN (if t'i:, ' af c e'.l -ni'l lueU. 'I'll Kain u:v ir viii-i mil entirely t '.it i.fr. Hail in ; i f t'a' itnin iHuin' l woikr.fs k"I "ut i.'1'.'1;', AlniuL twenty note wliulitly Imit. 'ritHi'l rinrtin Iieliin.l th full hi'Vi'U tninrfl, nf whnrn Ilie (a tniiaay itlieials e.Hn mi triuiM. TIim cm vein i.) line nf the Ur(;eit sinc' tho (IIsmkIoi- in the Htmfier tnirie nearly, in which h.'ureH af in.-n were entuinb'l hii. I ni'vor ri.niu4. AMri.l'J ;.K I'Oit ALL NKKDK IN OKI.AHO.MA. Ht, Miliiel rnumy ili-Uclmii-ntH which ntw-in;.l4 to uutituro it I'lViirh poat, PtilTerrJ uti't'ct'ia'alo iassea under our fitv, wit limit uttaii.inf any result. An-iitlioi- ilen.iun I'tT.irt, In thu rev-!u'.i i.f I'llrcy, met thu hiuno fate. AV'b took irlniH'r," t A.MI'AKiN FAMILY GAKULNS is ri..M-;i) in schools rates at which work should be done. Recently the operating company askeU the commis.-iun to raise its nitfs, which was refused. PHONETIC SPELLING ADOPTED IN RUSSIA the l ii.itu 111 V. an il :: n.c i if., ".i hi t'l.- A..;."- 'I' III.- ' ..! M .. U-.'l i.f !l:i- : ; . '.i.'i' .- icill tie' 1 1 1 1 ' ' I 1 i l-.ll-.u II i.f Ai.. Ii "I e 'II a ll'l 1. - I.T.I.;.- . i i a . I i 1 a 1 i:. i ut i - l Sunday. The tail (i.('l. t V r son an. I I'auline ( 'in !' v i l'a.si.l was niilv a '. rat. ulm never n.'ul a eh: eanip stiuiii; ami slam."! the ..i i ! I' was ery mueii a ma s. Tie 1 el ! this t'ietui e is st) '.in:; a ml tin ' ' i one that posa'.'s. s min-h .( - ;..' : luai t inter: .-:!. Man I . When "Til" ( ..i".i i ,r h.i "" ''" -. tla' )ian-.iii. of tins i C'lii ii' I'ia' iei; " wiJI havn the oi"'l I ' 1 1 h I , "f ei'ltt of the mo'-t lasenaiti.iif I'lay-i l.ii.n-!-The story deals uith .he k I In i I. .-!..' h . a. younx tna.'i who lias .' ( 1 1 1 - ..f .-irn-.i. : and Is et''"niely hiaihle. hut win. I.:, failed Id make ;;oml In hm n. - . in: We.st hi) has a sii.l.h'U L.iu an; in 1 ' his inoth..'i- at,ai:i. lie hi- u..t : . . -n in-: for ten years sime th tinn- 'hat - father thiew hint "lit ..f ii:- h tor inishehavi.'r. .la. ii il.-ei I" !' I'a i. home, hut. he has ,sf i-i!,l.. ihtTa-n't-ia loiritun; hi: iiihHmt. I' ioal' I." I e i I that his father has .he. I and Ilia la mother has man led au.iiii. .ho i; rejil that Ins Hi"! ia i ': -.ee.eid husi'ami i -. a wealtiiv. aiist.iaialie i i , . I i '.- i . 1 1 1 a I , who is the father of a :-nii and a dauehli r I". hia first mariiai;.'. 'I'll" sou an 1 d:i:i.;ii ter tire a ristnei a t ie and iii'li and mighty like th. ir father and .la. I; 1 to fit. in well in the l.niiih . I'm, el; cmieK to tue point w here .l.i.-: i :.' CUSeil cf the theft of .1 kl;.'.' I. "'..a.. iiii; to a Iricm! el' ihe ('ate.: !e el'. .1.11 Ii (toes to a 1 : 1 1 in and 1 1 I,.- is I. in." and content e l tint il h" fin. is t hat ie sti-phrother is a raiii.a hid :.. T a .l.lck Sl'tS himself the .l -k "! 11,:' '.. : Ilia stephrot her do tie ! a I.; t !,ia: . :: manner in which .laek : iic. . I- in la laudahle . flint and the i-war.l w ha ll comes to linn con-;:' ate a inidia terlainim; (Irani. i. t'a'.i'. i" :. n..! plays ihe role of Jack. .! :ri. 1 ( ea -j,-i,. anil Cvelyn Ii ley : i in lh" pie tut e v. it h Mi. I hack u e'i. 'I liesilav . In Wat. 'him: ' Tie fa:l f I h- C.i - t ." t he iholop!.i '. in winch S.' lie 1 1 ,n ,, I. a Wil. the popular .Inpane- ,. a. I.n- i . ! . t ured. and v. hi. h . om- l.i in,, : a- a i. i Tile-day. a del ii h' I'al I on ..f 1 1.. ( M i. lit l : 1 e ' aled. .1 a ; .a n. f..!;.!..i. illnl ll f. ailt i mated e l -paes ,.; thai roll lit i .'.'. M 1 1 1. 1 1 ii I 1 n i . e.v a h . :. ' n : mall', nf I la l" In. nee I , 11. ai i I.. lie. I ill iiliiiliit.il.. .'. K . a n i ,. ai . ihe .1 a . 1 1 a ( inddl - S nf .'d ' a V) , pi. I '. - an ill, ! part in ha Miia I'm P. a 1 1 f i : . Il.'l i) a lid hel oi ne. ami I :. : .1 a I e the nM Japan . late .a T..I. . i .. t" i. !l I'e Scene-', of Womlei fill I " I'll', :, la! a teresl. I ii 1 1 1 1 Ii' ! Ie T mil ..f : , a a ml co-star nl" 1 1 i . a I. a ', a . . .. ; i i i picture play .-,'eia,l of the ma',.' L hroidere.l silk kiinoim tnnl ii i . .1. Iiesr footwear. eilnesila.s . Minn Sonia .h, i la e, ., w'a,. , mal ; lam 1'h '-t apji.a : a m - a - a . a -.. 'The rain!", ala l' a: m, " i - ha i : . one yi ars oid. Slie , im i , , n, i : a . The ;i' . i P.. hi, I . i . - i the lla'h l'lirst of - I.'.u.ia ii i, tiias tu e ia i v t ,n ::n i in (hi, ;..:; t'.m I'di'.ilii;-: an. ,i i.f seel, e-' , : a 'iiuaim: ,,.ul . '.-. am i .- caimhl. r. aah, l.il.d. f"!' the yai'l' u eontaim e : ed I n d. The h' I i-', I in a ii e .", and I"" I' el 'I f In" t.'"',- ia h I!;. :', 1 ..I :' '' a.' urd;i . , Hi a" I. A : ... Mm. ." -,... ' v, -, : - ml' . dian. I,, :''' '-.i : : appo: i -.; nh, ,. . -. Iii a a. Ie I km kins Aiayc, rellia"! pnlor tin! feaiare pmluie. a r.ni. ',!, t.h.AV II e.u II il:.'., ,'.s II a.. I. !li. I'lithe liiinms, v.a: i.uv-i ill he mi'.'ai. .M .inhiv Hod ,: The Nutty I'our, hartnonixers. tla: .Mutual Win im.vs Tn.-.-.lM. 1 'l!".M.."!ic luilihiilN, piyst ill.'i u in' I 'A' . I all' in'm Is, I'i'MM i "!. j Alma ilanlou in "Tim Mystu' lliair," 'J i " yi a-;.'.; Ih ie-:, I -. ' t ' I I 1 1 : 'ire-p.i.i the piclUtu to he f.'atllled IihIh.V. Iluti iii .on. an! v.i'.h f , i ii i i . .'i i, e'..n nl The piil'lie proiiram for the weflk, p.'oj Ie ill Ihe ill, pt: l. d l.ela .;t thu tieptlat; Matunhn, will ho u fo'.luwn a e J Jutl U....;. Ms.-!' a n I iaily a in u hi 1 1 c i . V i:a h ,r ' "'a la' Il : l.'U.ll -t'l! S -. I Il ("ill. hi, i I (il.n e Ii ' la "A ( Mri, . -, ol patt' t- ; I , ' - '111' ' I .aue.".'llle !', lalll'S f.'lil I..-, n and ( h. I'e, A I'l .Moniltiy. I Itnth t'lllTuid ill "Thu Savae." ,e: ! he ' 'I'llUhllliy, v.l. lie! Ida Mchmid In "l.'ndluu" (live wonder i.imh'.'i- : I nl nctH H um famoUH Ktory). a hah : U'l ilni'sdliy. chia us : Wlt.jl'reil Allen hi "'J'h .Man I later.' niinv; i 'I liurmluy. iv ! ! .VIImuhI M:iui:iti ami Wiilluce .Mac !mi an iiaiiald In "The Maniae tip('..'a!allnli," ' I'liiiay. i- U i-4t ! I vi. ii .Ma.uk!n iu "Thu Queen of (JUlulauii'i City. Jan. Z. "Oltlahoina muni Iikvb a (.'iinleti for every family. Havn your t.achvra to ssu that every home rewi cscntcJ In their school makes pin ni (ally fur a family garden. This v. Ill yu a k.ng way toward rvduc.m; tip? l.inh voxt of living unJ ut the same tini" will Kiivo tlie foo hi so essential to witl- 7T i;t the war." Thus It. 11. Wilson, .tati KUpirinten.leiit, anpeuls tu thp (f caillity suprriiituti'lents of the stat'? in i a Xevv Vein's meeting. Organization of, hoys' an J gi'ls' cluos ia order to in-I creuso the production of live stock, poul- try, agriculture ami gardening is ur,.:e.l hy the state suaei intendmit. The thrift I stamp movetimtit is also commended an.l j It is urged that the matter he fully ex plained so that the cli ildreil will under stand uhat it means that they may take lulvuiitaip! of an opportunity where frugality is taught and the spirit of sav ing setn. tiling for a "rainy day'' may by in-lilied. London. Jan. Amiilst tho whirl of events involving the fato of the Rus sian l.ation, the halshrvik government h is found timo to ih i-ree that KubsU shall adopt phonetic spelling- January 11. Three Vowels and one consomint I were eliminated from the Hu:-sian alpha I Let. .AlMlia WANTS COMMISSION to si.:' lis oi;i)i;i: asidi:. Oklalioma City. Jan. 5. The Okla homa. opera'Jng c uniaipy. wliicli- oper al.'s sa Aerul lauiidlirs in this city, tiled A, i. ' ' '' - i '" ;',- '. " ' 'v - -1 ' Vi,t,s.,-;,! ; .i Y: ''v!id t'C v''i?'J';'WH A'.V '..a V'Ka 'ma - V' ''-''-''aJ ."' . y, U Wf i ;'v "' - ' ' .( i'. ...I . ,. :..i;.rri ' J '- --r -..'.- ,,-....4. r - -,( i ''- ' I I ' ( .imp cf Chnr i'i 'ni ir'i In "Th" lle'l-." at file I rltici- CREATEU AIR FLEETS FLA NTs ED E Y MUriS TO OFFSET AMERICA AMP.IviC.AN CIIIEDREri MAY GATItER iXRAi Mi-TAL AS AN AID TO THE WAR ! CIKMW-l M HK TWO K A IDS. I. mi M. .Ian, "A i aid ai ten i ; I -d hy h ' eimmy .luring: tin- ni; iii in the mho. i r ... I of I Ml, h'a;c .as re;ml-., , ."'na;; !..- - our t roups." tlm war : .. " : -.rt -, ' m.i'e r !m a in- r ii d'eg (loiif.t'rvHlion Olllcer Tttlla How to In criiasii Ihe I'rcsHiirv. Oldahoiul City, .Jan. r.. That there is ..Hough gas in Oklahoma fur ail im poses, and II al it can ho sevured if Urn proper liK.ar.K arc employed, Is the Ftate muni nf A. L. W'alktir, chief of the oil and gas bureau of the corporation t'ljiiilnUslon. The coinmisiion has just taken up tho Investigation of the recent gUM Hhortage iu which complaints sign ed hy a large liumhei of Oklahoma gas ooiiHuriieiN will be heard. The case has j tmitam with th- corpora tit-n colil heen continued to .luiiiifry II. I mission asking that an order of the Mr. Walker siivi thein .", re iiuinril of ' 1 ointnissiou ulierein tiic latter assumed I 500 gas wells iu tin: state and that t he jurisdiction over tile oacrating mm . ; available supply is ample for all pur-' !"' '"' s' 1 'f,''- T1"' '"innilssion in poses. This docs not mean that il could I11"' ,J''-U y n.s.-,uni."l oiris hctinu ini-r the he used wiiHlcfully. however. The ! (mtnp.'iny as a puolic utilily and li.ved trouble, Mr. Walker hiivh, is that ma m- , compiHiies producing gas will go nlom; until Ihe natural or limit pressure be gins 'o disappear ami tlmu the well i closed nil or pl'sggcd and a new mi" Is sought. What is needed is a "locator pi.mt," something .Mr. Walker says Is of reason ably .small expense. Tlm.-:" may he .lis tribtilcd along a pipe line and can fur ni--.li the iirtiiicial pressure that will j'ao.-.l" the gas till- i ; u, 1 1 the pipe-. As on as Llie rock, press ire goes off Ho well th" gas comes slow. Ihit tlm booster shi'lnna" s.-t at intervals .'ihuii: Ihe pipe liims Wo'.ll,1 pick up til" pres. nr... and .-end the gas through the pip-.). Another thing Mr. Walker says must he reinedi'"! is the habit if setting pipes within the fre.ming liim The lines are not laid dep ememli in the ground, he says, and of course when severo coll comes, the pipes being so near the surface, the val.T from the. gas on the inside ft" e.-es and "honey combs" or stops up the hoi" so thai, very little ems could get through. Willi the suggestions mud., followed out, Mi. Wa'ker behaves there cail l he a suf ficient suiipiy of g is at nil tiim s. and the (';p('i!-e would ha slight A con crete staieitmnt. Willi ligup's to ixpkii.i W i'l he III I'ill hy the dep;!! tun ut soon, he..! iltg (I'l this pt-opi'siiioil. .HifvV y;' vj l i M fe-'-.to ( :;!..i.M I-lvi yliody wants th" ,-r. ant tlaa-e d i s. The best iiiace to gi ! it is oi :' I'l' one of West's h.'-- buttles of milk. Compare the cream lit n a. hottl" nf mil' milk with ntimii. t'.mn you will ,.ii"w what's what and who's wlm. heliverel in Ai'dniore for la cents n i i " rt. I 'bono L' it ii m it i: i ii i ! I'll l.la''i'ii!:a, Special Chick Feed, Purina Scratch and Chick Feed for sale by DUNCAN'S CASH GHOCKKT AND Mil AT MARKRT riinnes tlTll, 1012, 1 123 "I I Gray Ooze Ladies' Boot $10.00 Every width and size just in J. W. KRUEGER Hanan She-en The Shoe Fitter " V . i . . .-S (( - i - e.i, I ,n i a if '..mnehe TWO ( r.UM VX ATTACKS I'AII, T'ari-i. Jim i' --"Activ. arthlery light g .ai':' 1 I:- the night In the region mg cue ,,f our I south of Cernl-y nr. 1 mi tlie left hank A l"v, nf niir if th.e Meg a. near Avoeatirt wood." civs tiiiliv1'! offlchil report. "N'orth of Tha Certificate of Deposit If you havt' funds lhat you are not yet ready to invest, deposit them in this Eank and tfet a certificate of de 1'Ooit. Thus your money, if left for a sufficient time, will draw interest, besides beirijir safo and ready for you when you want to use it. STATE NATIONAL BANK OF AKDMORE "The Bank With the Chime Clock" II ill War Oikl.M'OM N s t I I t;( 1 I i l l) -I l l'I A I .'l-s.,li I I'laus M:n!c In i;ar:;,iiu Tlll'nii;!l Al.il' i lading ( ::i:n:i' .- Ion. : : I. f. r ; on an ainmu nit am -In Ulissillll hm n, h.. ; ; 1 t he d.'tnoer.'i' :c t ,1 o lielieves it wi'l ii-' presi nt t unn. ul. 1 1, a ,11 It i'. 'd i 'a ' -'' f. ,i l go ielo I hi h ,: I . ' OI. .p., I.'i sis d I ' !' I. I ; 1 1 I , III : ds I'riilay. ( leraldine Kirtar. p.eaiiai i '. lxith opera and : .ere. n, v ill ! traction l-'iiday, a' I iii he :. wonderful photoplav ba .,! on a A.mcric in lust.it v w h- n M mt ' iu his A'.'.t.'CS ere ri 'll'lllel a , I I Spaniai da. headed h , ( 'm P .. T; Use of gtl II poi del' ill Auaiael Had t' rihle halile scenes are ahowm in her oarer.- has i ; i :,; i . - a : r i .. aflord.'d a belter i.ptrt nn.t I.. .1, her wonderliil l'i-tri.uii" talent-. W l!:e K..-I.I portravs tlie i.-.i.i:ig r, I'h" 'i,; ::i,i..e p,, ,., ,. site the famous iieties-' ami the i iiia,r,' j, ; lllM , ing cast is one of t he .-1 ron.gc-t i .a a- . : , , , ( j,)!ti x. hi . Ii i : ,,! selilhled. .Irani.. Marl 'I e rst.n. w ho n.t f ,., v n, ,, the story of' "Joan tue Woinan." iu !,,,, , ,., ,- , , , ( m which (leialdine larar starred, i- a'o K.,, ;,,Ue,,.,, u,- as. the author of "Tin- Woman Cod l-'tn--' n j , ,. . ', ,., got. lor her tniiue Mms i :ml 'hei-,ei has taken the sloi y of a pri a es-: wi n yells her (iiuiitry for Ihe man -Ii" love-, tleruldine Kan a I- is sen as Teian. ll.iuiilll.'l Ol .-I "ineai 1 1 ia , ,-iif l.la- III ,,' ",.,.(; hive with a handsotiie young Spauia'.l, i i,, i il pi h ' I 'I'l i n I' r- I V" ' anli .ml j ut '.:; to I a; h i' e I tiled. ,;l .11, ,'l III the p ' - wla re i! ,. ', , , ,,', igiuat " imit and lie i i ' . " il i..llld In' ! I I'"' h i i 1 !" Ill.l'i'.e id be I icing j The I h.rt- I PRINCESS TO-DAY CI, :'. ,ii"K'i!l: i!T vi' ,(':. r;: F'.'ii '.a ii Ai-Hr-K !V"i'K F'.":- ':, ::!i".iM.' ,; : '. I ' n 'i'Of.FV O ,f... IIO del. .J' which role is pliiycil by Walla," He I, The Jiroductiop is one of Ihe inn-' eiai nra to Mid lioaiitiful ever tiimle hv i , , ,; lie .Mille. The i (-product ion of the fa IlltilH Azt"C pyrntiiid of Ten a!ii th largest setting ever built lor a photo dramatic production, Ihe pyiamid being nearly -U0 feet in height and an evict reproduction, in c.ry detail, of the famous telllple lo the Autre goih. liter ii thotisanil men look pari iu the thtill lug battle scrties nml the effe, is ,, (he first few- cannon and gunpowder graphically shown. The int. rior nf la is will he ' i-, a w e!l a. - . ral I'lp par.ha' a-d. ill that It !'( iliialmnia i 111 it. lis the hoy 11'-: t ' I . I t ,', aali! mils . elude a ' lis ' lll'a 'ice a:' I ,1a t e:,,l:'.a a til tt Im: lit nc cur ai an., I iii'iiii A puiiii er of oa r " already 1 1 n - i ' i a ( i,.'a "" h- -t.ll a la,a .. n '. r i t im n f. 't lm i i , t Ie ,m. ol live ;, i hat inn a he f d. Net-. "Valiiund" I'arly la Kn-.y. ':: .'is- ' i'': l.hii.'r.ih nf Trlll.f., ". t"l!lp"lai y , iiail ll: ai 1 "i e nf the organ: ici s of i he recently I ''I '(""I "na t i. a, a I" pa i l . ha . a , ; c-i .1 that her. .after ' i. e i h i i , nil n I ). C. '":"' -' "f Spol. ... lai ;;.., u ill he ia, i ha: gc of tlie he polilie d pari ', 's 1 1 1 1 i"iia h, adoiiai'li i : in i 'hieami ami 0 w ill he . s :aih!e ft,,. Ihe delai's nf t va ! 1 1 i',': 1 1 ion ami lea-li i-ian hi' I ... I lijiamn, i.s -ie o, ,, uio-a ,lrilh wiil ,1'llin Ihe tel.. nf t , ,ora r V minute detail, the huge sacrificial room!, p. ,, , ,,. .,.,, ,,, y jj, Ijeln-,' repioduced iu the exact rizt ofl.icvote his lium p, ,,;h, r v.m k 'i lit' FOI.l. al ri.rp.-.ly. ij-?!ut iii Xi'ii.Fcr:-:: inl I'lhi'di i'd di '.'in;: m lion of vn'iit'dy. af:.; a iiani;n "TilF MYSTIC IIUU;F' 'i'oinori'o'.v : EFTli Cl.UFOUD "THE ;A'A(IV," PALACE TODAY DICK ROSSO N and PAUEIaH CURLKY in "CASSiDY" 'i'o.no;'!-ow : CAUEYEH KI.ACKY'Fi.E and AlFinEL OSTiUCHH in 'The GOOD FOR NOTJilN'G' Cominpr Thnnulr.y ! A XX'ETTE KEEEERM A N'N' Tin' Alillinn Dollar Sp-vcLaeio Admission 2.k' and fiOo plus Yar Tax. People's build Semi-Annual Statement of the A im & Loan of Arclmore, Oklahoma As Reported to the Stale Banking Board December 31st, 1917 ASSETS Cash on hand $ K 172.(1") Loans on mortane security 2"i.),")27.00 Loans on stock security 3."," ',.00 Funiiture and fixtures IF1.,.G 1 SUtiortory and supplies 18G.00 Deiinqucnt int?r.:nt and premium 2 T D . 8 In:;iiiUicQ and t":;t:i due from borroworn 12.7 I'.xpcii.jc C'l'iu-.-Lei" fuo , C2;),7f) Toiul KSKM.lT'J.lM) MAr.IEITIES Due on inslallmenl stock 14S.4f4.T9 Advance payment of stock 51,1 30 Fully paid stock 1)2,825.00 Due borrowers (inr-ompktt- loaris) 10,423;.i2 Bills payable Nona Continent rer-tn've t'timl 1, 373.27 Advance payment of i-iioreiit 413.02 Total ?3P4a?3.C9 State of Oklahoma, County of Carter, fi. I, ('.. P. btdvideo, Hfcretary of tho above, named nitroclallon, do poiemniy nvcai that the a'oov-e alateniet 1.', tnte to thy beat of my knowdwdgo and belief, ho help nie God. j (Seal). .Utbiici'ibed and sworn to before me Iii is ;'nl day i January, litlU. My commission expire-j Auy. 2D, 11.21. Correct ATTEST: G. P. SELVIDGE, SeciNitary4 j MARY 1,1 ARSEY, Notai-y Pulia - CUAS. VON WE1SE, i. A. APPI.K. Bhtolfi U. P. ADAMS, 1 4 1 IPS