Sunday, January 5, 1918. DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE NINE Y EXTEKTA1N MM .MIT CITY (LIB. Mr. and Mr. V. K Daiber diter tallied the members of the Summit City drib Friday niyht at Dornii-k Hills Country dub. A 7 o'clock ilmner was seixed from two Ions tables, each liuv injc as ils central ornament a crystal vas huJding crimson carnations. At eacto ptala lay a carnation of enrre- spondinif hue and the place cania were Inscribed with verse suggestive of the jierson at whose jilate they lay. In the tame of five hundred which followed, llr. iind Mrs. 1. C. l.'inirs. Mr. and -Mrs. was presented a haud-painted creamer Slid sugar., llobert Gillam was awarded the men's trophy, a necktie. The eve nine's pleasure concluded with dancing. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Wirt Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. I.. J. Dol man, Mr., and Mrs. George Fish, Mr. and Mrs, J.. Homer Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Z. G. Rowland, Mr. ami Mrs. J. V. KruoKP.n, Mr. and Mrs. H, (?. Spmildins;, Ml:, and Mrs. P.. C Din;;, Mr and Mrs. Robert Gillam, Kverett Kruejior. Mrs. Sephie Kutzow., Mr. Mary Collier of Ijinro'ln, III., Mrs. 1.. A. Trdweil of Ann Arbor, Mich.. and James lowland of Mason City, Iowa. INFORM AL K KCKI'J Hi S. Mr. and Mrs. V IX I'oHor uavo an Informa'l reception 1-Yirlay iKfclU when the KiiQKtH were asked to meet Mr. Pot tor's Hitter, Mrs. C. A.. Kinear of Scat tli, Wash., and Mr. Kinttar,, whn came Tlluraduy for a short visit.. In the din in(r room, which was hriyhtcned by ni'imson roses, refreshments were served by a group of attractive Kii Is, incJiid'itiK Mkhwb Mary lioonc, Georgia Simpson. FUen and iJorolhy Dickson, Helen and TluuUnv Ward and Mrs. Kinily lm!kes. I)A( IN(i I'AICTV. Mlssos Clara 15. W'altrip and Lucy Cook wore joint bostes.o.s l-VMay nislu at an enjoyable clamiiiip; party at the honw of Mi:, and Mrs. Y. P, Poland. Hill C street southwest. Mis. Charles F. Adams assisted in eniertaininK After the program of twenty dances, hot chocolate and cake wore served. Tin' truest included Misses Knthe.rine Adainas, Katharine Pliinum, iKuntby DliiK.s, Florencj- Wall, Wilinii Lois Rob erts, Minerva Thompson. Ilu.l! l.:it ford, Louise ami Anita Jedbi-lter., (nine Madden. Thulmu l'diss Kobcrts, Norma (lies, Cecil .limit;, laa'ile K' illiiiMMvm -th. Lucy Penn liaokei:, Nolle ViNu:i, Kleanor Jinrron, Vii'tunhi Lnn,, Gi-etch-eu Lack, F.ula Ma MnfietT., Keiunn Kcbw.ito, 1..i;11ii Somtirul, and Hor ace Ab'.Murtiie, ,lui:y Muss. Cecil li'by. F,lnir HIoukIi, i;looim;r Sullivan, Dsuilnl Poland, IHluj l.eilln.tter, Granville Gra ham, Vernon Collins, .P.imcts Suliivmi, .luselih Thompson, iMiu.i:len Champion. Lawrence Kutch, Waltiiip .lacksnn., I. tidy Spatlw, Chester Franklin, Willis 'l'vu nv, Travis latter, Uussull "Weeks. Viv kui Presueli, Lnon Jjauhe, Gtiui Kdul iiiaji, Ernest Lykin.'i. 'i'homas .lohusoa. H'-slitl KelvulUv. Philip Midi's- I'OK (.Mil, l'-l&UADS. J. II. llarcrav.', Mrs. .1. P. Grubbs, Mrs. Uobert Si'ivally. The club will moot next Friday with .Mrs. 11. 11. lb nr, iu3 A struct northwest. Fmhroiilery ( lull. The Wfdnesday Kmbroidery ciub will he cntcrtaineJ at :', o'clock Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Fred Kyhurn, Ninth and ) streets nor: o-i. Members are riHiuestod to call the host'.-,;. I.adie-i of Hie Leaf. The Ladies of lie- l. u v.iii moot Monday afternoon at the lonite Mrs. Homy IVtterr. 1 G yw;-. m utlmvsl. Mis. Maude 'I'unio r will be the leader md the ttoneral sub.;ect will be "Five Plays by Lord 1 Uin.i ny." ricasanl Hour ( Lib. Mrs. John Gait, will oiwrtain the Pleasant Hour club Friday al'tei isk.mi ;it Gait Manor. Wasliimitoii 1 in i, Two ( lull. The Washiiutoti I'm t two club will he entertained Tbur dav nlfrrnon ny Mrs. Victor Wiliianw. ciinu iii.s AM) 1 tU)(.i;S. 1 .o til oiik'h's Cltis-. The Loyal Women's el.i s of I ho First Christian church met e.-toi day al'b r niiiHi with Airs. .1. Cl.irene.- Ib'.id. 'i'he business t"..:don was f.dlnwe.l by a seeial hour, dunnx wliii-li relre limoiits were served. Tic ( lass will ei.f'i t a.n Thui's- ,t. the iu.tiio .1 .Mrs. It. II. MISTAKEN IDKXTITY IS t AIS1C OK SHOOTING AT LAWTON day uf tcriioon ut the homo of Mrs. A. V. Wailoustoin, 1121 C utroet south west. notf.s of sotitny. Col. and ilrs. I;. L. Gregory, 818 Mc- I.lsh avenue, left last night for Jack sonville, Fla., whore they will visit their dauclner, Mrs. S. L. llreaux. Colonel Gregory will return the fiist of Febru ary, while Mrs. Gregory will remain until March. Mr. and -Mrs. Roy Johnson and son, (Key, left yesterday afternoon for a ten day-' trip to Gland Kapids, Mich., and Ciiiea-.o. M'S. Fdward K. Krtell and children. .lack. Mary and Lobby, are in Okla homa City visiting Mis. Fitell's sister, Mis. William Marshall. Miss Jim Kleins ,a-j returned from Waco and other places in Texas, where she spent the Christmas holidays. Miss MaiKaret Cherry has returned to .Norma n to le-entcr the state univer sity after spending the holidays with lor mother, Mrs. Henry Cherry. G x" "ley has returned to Cainp P.owie al'toi speiidiue a ton days' flll'ioUli here, 'apt. . p. Patteisoii, Contpan.v I', Ulth niimont. I ', S. engineers, who was 1 oie on Mek leave, has returned to HIGHWAY MF.IVIING ( Al.l.llll AT SI l.I'lll K I OK JAN. II day aftoriM Cio li w in lienor of el i s. J.o'l; London. Cire'o Nutulier Two. A meetlir," -nf Circle Niiinlie:' Two of P.roadway Alethodiot oliU'ch is an nounced for i::i' o'oloeU Tinsday aftei u.iiiM at the homo of Mr-. J. . Shelter,. 1002 MeLish. Lloe'ion of office! will be bold. Circle Number One. Circle Number One of I headway Methodist church will meet Tuosd i afternoon at 2'.:;i) o'clock with Mrs. John McCarty, D2:J A street northwest. Division Number Three. Pivison Number Throe of I '.roadway Ilaptisl church itf, i-, Tuesday iificr- at I! o'clock with Mis. I . M. Wall- iiiK. L'.O'J Fishy .I'.eiuie. Divisiiiu Nuiiilior One. division Nu.i "io ( F""olw!iy Paptist. ohiH-ch w i'I meet Tu-m!:. afli r laion .it. 2:10 o'.-loek with Mrs. M. S. Killl.ey, UU'i Kiev. Mb a , cell,. 'thy,. - I (Continued on pane 11.) Liiwtou. Okl.i., Jan. 5. Misdakeii Identity Is assigned as the can. o of a killiutf yeitord.iy moniiny in the Kock Island freight yards, when K. S. Taylor. Hock Island guard, almost instant ly killed. A. L. Morris, city nii;hi policeman, was shot throiiKh the head, and Vic Spailin, deputy sheriff, re ceived a slight wound in the shoulder. Harry WilliiiKham, deputy sheriff, was not hurt. AVilliugham, Mollis and Sparliu had none to the Kock Island station, after looking thr.nmh sum; of the acant buildings in search of ttani biers and linuor, and wore walkim; south from the station when a flash lifilit was seen and a kuu was fired, the bullet hitting Morris In the luad. The officers drew their guns and fired and Taylor was killed. The coroner's in quest hold that Talor came to his death by Ktinsliot wound, the shot heme fired by II. 11. Williiifcham. The cor- oner exonerated Willini;hai:t fioni are crime or wroimdoim; m the case. Tl l.SA (H NTV I'l.ANS I5l(i KOAI) Ul II DING l'K(),!i:CL Tulsa, tlkia., Jan. a. --Fnless some un foreseen obstacles prevent, Tulsa coun ty within the next six'y day-- will operations on a ureal hind surface in id buil.lini; cimpuimi tor which the oteis I'.iive antlioi'i.ed the expenditure of : 1 .T.'iO'itm. Tills. i cutty will build Pel mile-; of road and W'iishiue toil county, on the north, plans to build ; inpkto systi-m ol perinatient mt;ii:i,--, and likoui.-o Creek iin.l Okmu?eee couiiLie; on thi- south. When the.-, f i.i! i iuiu. ties have coin.leteil their plans the oil bolt, of the Tills, I district, an boa-t of as good highways as any other :imilar area in the 1 oiled Stales. llor.ison. Texas, Jan. 1. O. J. .hu so. i or l'ur.tnt, president ot tue Okl.i- houia, Texas and (luif Highway a so- ciatioa, ha- i.-siied a cnl for an annual meeting of this association to bo lu l l in Sulphur, okla., Friday, Jan. tl. M:'. Johll.-oll has urged eye. y count V Ihrouch whicii Ihe hiehv.aj' jeisses to send la IT'1 doliuil.ous. Fesides outlin ing work for this j ear, the nr;;uni'a tiou will elect now officers to have chai"'P of the i". eolation during the ensuing yea.-. The highway extends from iehita and Florence. Kan., through Oklahoma and Texas to Pallas. Tile iissoeiat ion was formed in I 'cni.-'on in J'.!K(. NORWAY I.OSFS T FN I Y TWO SHU'S 1)1 KING lli: I.Mi'Ki;. K AISFK'S MAN I KIDAY Ill'AIIlS Al'STHIANS MOKK ( (N( ILIA l'OKY : A lust ocl.i tn . Jan. a. The s.)eia!it nrw . piinoi V'orw. torts of Perlhj s a s , 1 1: it I "'. L' iuaido pa', i !. the socialist i a-ader. told the iciehst.ig main cmutnit toe that the Au.-triani were more con eihatoi y than tiie Germ ins at the i.e. ice nogotiat ions at Pi est f,ito:l,. The Ger man under secretary lor foreign af fairs. Parcel Von 1 lotnhus.-ohe-l lad.len li.iusc n, oeniod tl'.is. lb' saM no diiTcr onee of any sort. eXistotl bitweou the1 iGeinian and Austrian delegates. i:nki:k is aitoimi d si ,n a lok i kom ni a ada St ale : senator f vacancy causeil 1 G. N'ewl Mlds. le. Poyle. 'Th". :n uniil tip- n held in N';v. it.l Nevid:t to 1111 the the di .ith .e' Ftar.e.-i Go .orroir Kr.inict I . .-i nnoiot nvt' i oh -'et v i xt r':t., ' ion to hi Reno. Nov., Jair 1 loislerson. binko' lllia.. Nevada, p.- Charles Felknap aiiil : ttipi !!''' of appointed United ?-""5i-: 1 ' '-"?r r St A h j Tc set too very h:l r-3ults ?:1 Dr. Humphreys' "Sffventy-tevcn" 8t the first 3neeze or sliivcr. "Seventy-seven" breaks ri Coloi that hang on -Crip. All Dm; Eturej. i'J Cv.'V Loi'.dpp':, Jan. n.- In I'pp'nib'r twenty-j two Norwegian rhd-s, with total gi'iss 1 tonnagp- i :i:'X'i . were l"--t. 'i const'-i oup' of war una up'-, the Xorwcninn ' iega'ip'ti a uiiopI iipipI. Sev i i.t j l'r, i lives; were I'ist. i AKDMOKi: SOLDI! K I Mil M MLi:. "We luxe ha I : o oral l.i tish.'S w 1th ' tno enemy ii.''i' reii hiiii: tin' iri-nclies; here, which 1 am sure I would not 1 hav e iv i.-he 1 had it n .1 boon for j Mayr's Wi.ndi rful !b im ply. It Iris en-1 tirely cured mo of indigestion :inl uwfu! gas in my slum pi h. Ai 'iiv food now .ligosts as troiHl as mo!h"r's iee, to." j It is a si.nplp', l.arinio-.,-. pre; ,a . at ion that j ii'inoyo; tiie eatairha! nouns tr'nn tb'l mto'tlnal tt . t ami allays th- ir.llatu- j uialion yiah causo-; ia'tica!ly all 1 . 1 1 1 : i 1 1 . IL-rr and intestinal nihnem . iiii'hi'hng a opemlieit is. ' i i " eo-e will eotiviuie or nioni'y rpfundod. Citv Drug' Stota. ' t W. 0. W. Installation All niomln'i's of the Wooihncn of Imp Vv'ovUI, tho Woodmen Circle ;md the p;;ljllc :il !ar;';e are speeially invited to alt em I our inshillulion of offi cers, Friday nijrht, .lan. IS, at ( 'o cmicn lla!l. .1. V.. ('.ALT, ,). X. MOiUJAN", DOCK II AYS. ( 'oiiiniit'fe. We prepay s h i p p i n g c h a r g e s on all m a i 1 o r (1 e r s P8" 5 VWIttA&JPTI a 1 1 rxt I J.I AF F M Zffi J Ki V hJ IUI in a i 1 o r il o r s filled I h e s a m e d a v v c e e i v c d Now for A tin oci' ; - ,'iid Society. vti!l..r of '"io .leC will be P.'-bi nt 1 I. Mihsvps Virfilnia Lynn and KtiJ;leritie Stonuni gave a dauee last nigibJ at the homo of MUk Lvnn, F ntvf t soutii- t'st, to which only g'Irl ftaondi'. wei-e Invited. The young hostesses ver as KiKtcil In entertaining by tbuir mothois, Mrs. TC. L. Lynti and ilrs. .1. W.. Stonum. , A patriotic touch was pivon to ihei rooms) by attractive ilecorations. The programs contained twmity dances. The gucsta' Hit inchideil Mioses Lucy Cook, .Ta"a 15. Wallop, lunothy Dings. Gretehen Lacy, l-'ranees tlraham. Wilnia Ixiis Kohert-, Minerva Thompson, Joan Lttlbettev, Christine .Ionian, Kiiih F'isclilv, Mary Noble, Mary Davis, Mabel Dyer, Sallio Less Freeman, Grace Dyer, l.ucile Killing'swortli, Nellie WiFoti. Margaret Chivera, Norma Gates, Lucy Pennybacker, Cecil .Lines, Uegiua Schwarz, Louise Leilbr.tter, liallie Liin fori, Mabelle Goddurd. Florence YSaH, Virginia Cole. GIVES LINi: I'AUTV.. An enjoyable line party was given Fri day night at the Palace by Miss Kloanor Lilley. . llor guests wert Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Dlshop, Misses Flla Peterson, Allie Depew, Heba Siielton, Kleanor McPlice ters, IJllian and Margaret liishop, F'leu--ence I'hilbroid;. Kefi esliinenls liervoil later at Frame's. KMTJiTAI.N J-'OB VIS1KWJ. My.. and. Mrs. Tom Frame gave a nonu dinner Tuesday in compliment to Mj s. J. Litse-v Smith, Kuest ul' Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Frame, who returned yesterday to her home in Wichita, Kan. Covers were laid for the gaiest of honor and for Mv. and Mrs. V.. F.. Frame, James Framo of Carnp llow.m, l't. Worth, Texas; Mrs. J. L. RigRins, Mrs. IX L. yuarles, Mrs. John Ficcmari of Tulsa, Cupt. It. W. Patterson nf Camp Lowic, Texas, and the hotjt and hostess. I,1E I'AKTV. Mrs. Edward Ertell pave a line party yesterday afternoon at the Princess in cumpllmont to T.. J.. Spikes of Uealdum, who 1h Viaitinc Mrs. (1. JX Paine, and in honor of Miss Helen Flack of Phila delphia. In addition to Ihe honor guests the. party included Mrs. Paine. Mrs. .1. Maurice Miller., Mrs- A. H. Kinard and Mrs. F. K. Stat en. Refresh ments were served at Frame's. COMMITTEE MEETING. The executive committee of the Red CruBB will meet at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon al tiie office of Klrkpatrick & J.linUle 2 1-5 West Main. AMONG THE (MRS. lioness lo Club. Mrs. J. D. Haxdwicke, C20 C street nortlmu-st, was husless to tho Friday Aiternoon KnittinB dub. Thia was the Btwcmd meetins of the club, which was oi-ganized shortly before the holidays. The time was devoted to knitting for the soldiers and to discussing ways to conserve food. The members pre lloov erlz'iny und no refreshments are served at the meetings. There were present Mrs. V. Kestler, Mrs. R.' II. Henry, Mrs. tiuali Cisco, Mrs. Cl. W. Tounir, Mrs. Oh! the Charm ef Beauty Let XluaH's Calcium Wafers Kostun' the Color lo Vour ( Ks ami i'.c uiuti' the Cause nf Pimples, lil.K l.heads, I'ilc. i;eiy cue i iimp'H a b. auiil'ul :U:n jus4 US rvei-y oi," onyie. a h.-aithv p son. Cnsighlly I'aoo. I" i 1 1. - I with pirn .Jes di-eooi at ions, hlaeli bead etc., are noihiiii' hall unb-aitr.y rao.-s doe lo l.F..',3 impurities, cn-an.- the h:.'lll,sh.-s o ... Then, All Ready Great January The wise and thrifty people who are shrewd enough to appreciate the fact that ail goods, almost without exceptions, are going to be higher priced in the future, will lose no time in attending this great clearance. oi the k i.i. ,3 V i 'l "Life (. .ie N'ov Is a L. iir.eous Thing, l'ir I Have. .Made All '.'roubles a 'Ihnii, of the l'aL" You i,iiist not believe that, drugs and salves will stop facial .( mi: hi s. The ciiuse is impure blood Hie I with all manner of refuso matt.i'. Stuart's Calcium Wafers cleanse and clear the blood, driving out all poison:--aiid iiiiiuiritics. And you'll ii.'ur liave a good complexion until the blood i flci n. No matter how- bad vein complexion Is, Stuart's Calcium Wafers will work wonders with it. You can get the. to lit tle wonder-workers at join- dritggi: I's for ill) tents a package. m:i:io tkim, coitox F. A. Sluart Co., TiU Stuart Hlilg., Marshal', .Mich. Send me al once, by return mail, a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Name Street City State Special Cut Prices Now Bit? No. 21i "pound can finest white Hominy, now !'c Regular lac. size bottle best Duality Sweet or Sour Pickles lie Rosary Chocolates-, the most delicious quality; regular 40e per pound val ue; now, pound '.'He Snow Flake marshmullow, white va nilla or toasted; now, pound '.'lie 2..c and 'Am: Dolls, now 1!lc fino I lolls, your choice "J.'ie 7ric Dolls, your choice Hile All our ribbons on sale now; all you want; any value or color; any ipiantity; at just one-half price. All embroideries now on sale, your choice ill just one-half price. The DILWORTH CO. 121 V. .Main SI. Phone KM. The Home of .Mush Hroad. Six Days of Drastic Price Cutting Come and Save Money WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S HOSE, THE PAIR, 12c Women's and children tS black cotton hose in an ex ceptional quality. Women's sizes S 1-2 to 10, children's sizes 5 to '.) 1-2. Regular 20c values. Sale price, the pair ; 12c 35c POPLIN, the YARD 13c One lot of cotton poplin in all colors, and comes full uO inches wide and worth iific. Sale price, the yard 19c BUTTONS, 3c THE CARD One assortment of fancy and pearl buttons about three hundred cards in all; worth 15c to 25c. Very special to clean up at, the card 3c FANCY RIBBON, THE YARD, 25c A very special lot of fancy ribbons which has been sell ing during the holiday sea son for :'5c and 40c. Suitable for millinery use, hair bows and other trimmings. Janua ry Clearance Sale price, the yard 25c TALCUM POWDER 19c Regular 25c Colgate's and Williams' talcum powder. Q 1 1 4-lii V,w If. Bfl kJon'. pi ivt , Llic UUA 7. '-n fi ; y f v ;a,i mm S.7M. I1 ifh"V; the Second Wee Clearance Sale Every department in the store contributes its quota of merchandise to this sale at below regular prices, thereby it is an event of con siderable magnitude. K hi r, if. v V:: 5! f I V1 ii wrz'ji-M IT ) I Jff 1 ' ,l . p lap' I I .V tm W.M K I The Greatest Dis posal of Ready-to Wear in the His- i tory of Ardrnor The Clearance oi Suits and Dresses IIaJ Price SOLI) FOR $25.00 ALL SUITS AND DRESSES THAT FORMERLY REDUCED TO 50 12 ovo ?25- $0050 A l $' ALL SUITS AND DRESSES TH AT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $35.00 REDUCED TO ALL SUITS AND DRESSES THAT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $-15.00 REDUCED TO ALL SUITS AND DRESSES THAT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $50.00 REDUCED TO ALL SUITS AND DRESSES THAT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $05.00 REDUCED TO ALL SUITS AND DRESSES THAT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $75.00 REDUCED TO ALL SUITS AND DRESSES THAT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $85.00 REDUCED TO ALL SUITS AND DRESSES TH AT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $125.00 REDUCED TO All Silk and Wool Skirts Reduced 1-3 i SOT 50 50 $IJJ: WOMEN'S UNION SUITS 8,;)c Women's ribbed fleeced un ion .suit.-; in an exceptional quality, with all wearing parts bound. Two styles are. offered for thi:-! .;a.le low neck, no .sleeve;;, no bullous and ankle length. IliU neck, onjr .sleeve;;, ankh; lenirth and button. All sizes are in cluded and are regular $1.25 values. January Clearance Sale price, the 'arment39c ONE LOT OF SKIRTS THAT FORMERLY SOLD UP TO $7.50 $O05 ON SALE FOR Z ONE LOT OF SKIRTS THAT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $12.50 $95 AND $15.00, ON SALE FOR O ONE LOT OF SUITS THAT FORMERLY SOLD FOR $15.00 AND Sf05 $20.00, ON SALE FOR 0 All Evening Coats and Dresses Reduced to Half Price CORSETS 9Sc One table of corsets in Gos Farcl and Eon Ton makes that heretofore sold for $2 and $2.50. All sizes in the lot but not all sines of any one style. January Clearance Sale price 93c WAISTS $3.95 Waists of an exceptional quality crepe da Chine and georgette crepe in colors of white, pink, green, flesh, na vy and others. Regular $5, , $6 and $7 values. Very r-fecial during the January Clear ance Sale at $3.95 p 1 it si i i