Newspaper Page Text
Monday, January 7. 1915. PAGE EIGHT DAILY ARDMOREITE LL3YQ GEORGES III SPEECH n n ii i 1 1 M , , . i. i.,: Ilia' ui i 'iiwii'i till ATM 10 , Tu !. u'-"--.. i -mini. n u'i I ,,i , . a- I 1,1 lialU ; .i- ia Hit: ll'XIl'' ! ;.? ,, (!) TmMf'i r.f-. lit" i ,,.;,, I Hi.' Vv Htttt til" j ;,,i,:-(v'V s.k'-M ! inli't mil '. 'ii'i'!.-"il, I Si;. 1 i!:,(l-.v.-!,!iM- it t lit.-- A "'.i-Ll ' h. A'llV i i.m itp-l I"1' I1-1'' "' I i VsO-'W i,'l V-"'""1 ami-', 1 " ' v it. r. uiM lr. ' 1 ('' ' D 1 1 M H I .1.1 I I I ft 1 ,..,...,. 'i t IMii't.-.i. nil UMIIU&.V ui ,,.., ,, lln.l ai,i.- Ixnt t fl I'' nilrt incut . ,A,.Tivr ' H I'"' t.-Kiu - !' ''' LONDON NKWSI'.UhH 1 J'N -i ,.,,. th." !. r-.o.-... !. Ii- hi) in .rri;o i. and ,,,.,,, t uk, --..-a. t;.. ,., .....l,J)t-.-;i--..t it .momlntoi .. r..r th.. .u- ,li..u uf Cc !y ami Au-ina, but. , ruaaiuiiiM n u., . i 1, it Mi (o ( tin-in f.ii'ii ! ,,, a Jn!::.i.!v in tin: wi ' t Hi' l-lnniun.I. '!"inil.!lti"tl J th' ll.-,,,-'.. ' : i It... 'i-'.V '...11- U "ill I'.lll' l'.H- it tuKs iii t:i JEWISH B FIGHT III PALESTINE IS IN ItEHTIKH A!:MY AM) WILL BK i.:.i) i;y ikisii lion Ill.Vl Lit, I. :-. I i.e. 2J, iCorre''i: mswp of In. ..sncyiU.l 1'ish. Tli ti'-W Jew -ll Imttitliu:. ui the l:rt;li army i- miv OLD AK.MV HOOTS 1 Oil KOADS. I'oimliti' Si-idieo Monthly: Waste hunt h-atlioi' has hi-cn usoil fur making lliii'ln ill KiikI.'IIIiI. t'lllllllillillK it with tihiK, Ki'aiiiti', In ui'st our, asphalt nml hi uitni'ii, ;i matriiul was ohtaincil which pofsi'ssoil thi' luifiltii'ss it i n 1 rini'lity of tin' iii'iiinary tar maru'iam mail ami at tliii saiiio tini'i ii'dui-cil ilii.t ami was iiini'i. i i'.i!ii-nt than thi usual roail. Al tliuiiii it was .s-ufiVii'Mtly haril to bt-ar hi'avy t'ral'i'ir, it yiuhiuil without 'iai:U ii. H on the sin f.n i'. It was pati'iiU'il in l'.ill), uinli-r the name of "hiotiKhitc." I AST WORD TO E lallW I - - - - mid ' ...ii.. m .;i ii. . l ots thi' tii i'iiiai if ,:;;.;,., win - iiTin, iiml O'lo r .l.iarn.Lls I mi.n ,M(,us in AsM-rlii.M of lioii. .M....:it- :'-i I'.i:- a IIul-i v.!t i. r. Til.-. I. Mr I ,!..,,( i;i...iii;u .-ail that !r.-nt Britain ;,iV I 1 an '. II..IV ai,.l vai ti.f r..:...t;.-n f I".-.- ha'.'..1.". i u:.-!i-r tin- i-i'ii'.niai:'! i Cot. J. I '.' ' : r-":i, an lii.-lmiaii aa-l u i i-.-iii l.i:t:ti r it: Kast tvrn in l WlillM ,i ,. i., r ..... . ; ,. ,, .... II Tmi'ion, Jul!. " ooiiiiuii, as is .i ... . -1( tin. cuui..: hl.l 1.1 '.Ll- . ,isi', ran ijf J"''-' 1,v ' tin- I.i. mli. n l.r.-s. it iu.'V ;'" 1 ; ,,,-vi i- h.-for- l'i. M...-I 1 i".'-i 1 won "ik-Ii iiu'-' !.)! -': ' ' M hi-t Mat.-iu-nt : .'t ' ' Cnvt 1 mi's v..ii- .u:a-' n 1 !' lii... thai th. iv v.iil in- - -' ' ' iil'illinll "ll ' i' ! l .1 ' " ' 1 1 ' " ' : , Tins ui 1 l. Hi"..' ami ' .. ' -; " I ;,. r r 1. 1 1 . ;. ' s A 1 1 m i-'-i -),!,.,! ; hi-'-lni l l I .-" i ' ' m$tv I.M-i'ir,. I ' '' 1 ' ;'- 1 li.'i-l.ii-.-.i I" l..r." I ' -: ' "'- ' a I. ml I-' ' : ',: All nil- ' l.i'V. is h" . -a "ii CU,.-. ii ii a- I" I- . .i' iii'- . . . ' ui- 1 i. i,-, -i ;. ...i m ' ;-1 in ii,--. '. - . ' i ' ,.,,1-y, an. I ma lin I ' I . ii; ' as .- . 1 1 1 . -1 -1 - i . m ' 1 1 i,i.. ! ' 1 ' ' ,'ini"H- i in I" i. . Ii;ht-. .lain in Ai;.ro a.. Willi 111" I a - I'l ."'I . : i - ,,-'. ,,il nim: IV: I. .a n. !n .-. l;i,t l,i,"M-. 1 1 ' I i . i'l ' ' 1 1 1 i ' I ' . i lii.inni i.- 'A ,..!,..! "I i i : a i ll"! ii:- "t a i, i. . : !. l:,- I. 1-'- : !.t ,', t:.... ' ..-1 1" -l'h- th" Ki'.v l: !, ' I'.i t Utl .-Ill's ii."' s la.. I ' h-l to a'-l ha1.- , ii'i i ..lily li'-r owii l"o!lir . I la : :a 1 1 .mi tli" " - . r r i ; . ; . t -. ; I ..linn t'.. ."i'l ,' i! ' a .a ' ... ;i in,: ;.i v. i a- i nil!-: 1 . , , ii v. ,, j . , ' , t ' i a 'a . il ..Ml- ' , : .i I', a- to., in iTiii.-r an j la fur. until n. ii, i ,.f .! : i , ... . HTI- lali-s t i ! 1 1 ; Hi ':. W ll'-l - Ii., l.ihli'ii- am i i : . i . t i.r .i.-.v- .lin". A I i.r tin' . s -a I' 1 1 -a i.' ll. t il" il. a, la. -.n: f - I I;.- Iiu'lll. .1 a la! , . . . I a i :; i n C.lil'-H I Mill.; I.MlllUiK'i M i l l II : l l (l 1) SIDLI.II.II I S ON WAl: NIAVS. Ti'u. wlii'ii it is to h" ohtaiiip.l tit all, lis for mine than $"o u ponml in I 1 ... i tin. yiaiii's tinit th i man .'uhiiars mntilat imI many I'.-iiaii ami I'l.-ia-ii oliilih en in th.. rapttiivt ii-;;i'iii- linn- I "ill fully Vl-I ll'l"ll. lit' Hi" .'M.i.itin "W York National tinal'l Hoops at I'amp U ailswol til, I'.I, J'.'.i haV" a''li",l lot' insura ni-i' ai;iv milim, J I i',L' mill. nun, an mi-iiifi' of a.s,4i!l i-arh. ! A th-nnail .n-rial olfiror who ruin ma mil'. I otii- of ih" .-iiipi' in tli" last .i.i P lin i. mi o.-i l.nii'toii ailtnits that aiiioii;-, tin- i- plo-i i-s iIivik-I wore i.oh.ii. i . : . t . . i 1 1 1 1 ,. l", malmiiiiiii ilis.-as" '' '"' J , him ),,. i ."..iiii'i ,-ailois ilui'inif "' 1 " I!:.- War as a ii-:iill of iihinaiiii" pirai-y ,u' on iik i i-i ant shijr. Tins shows ,iart of " -I-, ami iin-1 l.-i-tn '-ni-.-.s of iiH-i'i-ly i,,-- i" il..- ih iin iii ;.-o ' riinii-nt. I i Aniii'a-an troo- in l-'ram-" ar" nu lla;, ,;. h. i ait.--,. th"- aaiinot tliriov hand l-i . I, a.l. i as lia y uolil.l I, I -"hall --. Ti.o on t lai.l injur. 4 t '... arm. il has lus'ii ... I. i una. ,i. 'I'l:. ;,- am lall.-.lit the la it l ii i i. I.--1 hall linou. Tl.' hi i: ,- I - -1 .-1 1 ' . .,!.: in. Ti: lii ial li-ooi is of the r."U' i '.i '-,' an, .-lit on tho nii'. -.-ai t cs of I ijiiant nil- Hi" I la :m - of I.") i l, I lin. ; in that in, on ; ri'j, of w 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i. v.i-re II 1 1. -u 1 1 v i a i - . i'. t'ri m fiv" to n ' ii", : I , ,tu tin to ft ft i-.-n am I of t.. inni T wt t 01 IEV HOTEL III ' -"ll ars of iii;.. .1- 1 i pi . I ' I i I 1 1 1 . I lal'lllloll o I I a! I' ( C. i' 1 ! I'l pi aim jiil la i m my in Til" .Mail t'oiil'l h" iuoi a : imp1" or ii 10 t lian Hi" !-!' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 . a I h it i- h p. . .. ,, ' i .- i I IT III l ll-. it ii-, Ial - ii 'a h"tl. r t. -nil . I'l-.-tni.-r l.l..; I I;,.,!--, ' h" u.i i Liu . i,.--. r ..: i . llli'tlt. hill I a- t...i. .ll a t'-.i' iKiily Ti !' .'I'.ipii linai 11 loa l of a l: i, ' . I r. -a i tnimls. It i:in tiia; ail f .si-til ri!:i 1 ' . i - t . i m .. i ,m p in th- .-l.iliiiii'iii, 'a i . a i ' , ii ant i.-ipat.--. w.ll .li a v. a , , , i lous i n;;" f r. mi I ; i nia i: - . I .niuiinarl. in ar. Th" 1 i;li' ,i-u ; i ,! ,, ; i.. , Tiirnt :ii a I 1 1 . ima i ,: in I ' , lilt! ll'.. ami w. t.ii." it. on- .. ;:s orally. Into Ini" will, I 'a- pop, I' ih-tit WiNoti i Ian' iy ha- I , n ir ni. ( m Ihi'S" 1 i 1 1 --. tli- rai !,,:: , ., a :-" I .a Willi rl,ar i-oiim ,-,'ia-. a :., j ,'i : m .,i,. . Thi-y ni" th" hm - I ., , .. ,, , a ml wo must spin I I,-. i : .in : .,,,! , i".iii::;l'. It i - ; i ., ,, i ' ,. . Th" haiiy H;". - - ,.: , has :-i"io n t'.- . i i :-. in. -i ' tiill". To th.- I -fy i'l . . v . , fill i.'i'lilS ill '.' i , I ' : . (';'.- , ll , , ,' i iV" 1' ,l:;ll" of ant , . . . , I' -, a si-.-ln illuoti:,- t 1 1 1 . ,. i - 1 1 -1 ! , , ; : th" .i i.-al nit ii'. Viilorv I, Ki-iil War Aim. Th" aw of thi- X,. i '. . - viotory is t !,. "I iv war a , ;:i v. . n ' . : ciili-rin:', an-l if I 'a- ! 'a .: 1 h i- i . . y n lunl i . -1 1 ' i ', i . 1 1 - 1 I -" . - r ' ni 1 . nii.i: on that in a i ipl", .. ' , ..-.- i liavo l.-i '! Won l-'iiy a a. I' ap.. of 1 hj ,r. iii v: ' . '. i ', .ii -,,t i .-. tioti i,i i-iyli.t; th-it ,! ;i " in , s t! o mi". -!.i in- -a ;,,: t a .-, a. , ' rv . i1; a to i'P -r:. "' . : - ;,'j . ,. : i ANAi.tMs oy !iii!ii; -s mi:: fv ii'!-: r.t;i i i iii i ;;;.: 1 i:.ivi i I.'...; n i i. m . l.'i . . mi".". :a i . ... i ' . . i livi-i-.l i i I I- ;. i a i, . ., ' . ll.- pi- . a; : i : . : ii : . . ol liir -. . . i". I -1 r I i i i'. . la- i b"i".' lia- Win l.i I a ii in.,,.. :,; Jnol '. s : , . ll a- . il;, 1 ! ,, i , a h-fii.i- h i h i! i : i ' . . . ' i 'h i. '"'. ! - I l - in i- i )..:'. . ,, ..: la ,i""'al -il, ma-- ii .i w ;:: i imi .-- r i iiai- I'l .'. -in ' .' "" iir:tit; I ,:r i i at.i i a- i . 'I - a i'l ,1 in I. ! , in .1 lip a I a HI. . Ill" Val An a K..., I 1 1 1 my offii'.-r in t h" i- i r I ii. -t i p..". il to f iinl many hat i-tns in Tio i.a ii him "ii'.i"-;. II" .ml no!. .-k-an , ,!.- Iy Till i; aiiollt it th" i,M .-!'.,-, i' , i,"i; " " l-.-li. -.i' in pui-i--a-,ii- . -f "o in-", hi, v," imw are ton poor la pi ,n-i I"" li." 'a. of i ! - Miii-i-.. --! of '.la- hi n k li'.r in - if wiiira ila- ' ii-rhui ns ha" Iv-n :ii!,i -. in ti.i : war is th" j i';i! ;. r I'minty l.iiml whii ii tli.-;.' haw- ai-ioi-,l". to thair pri.s in. ,, ; - .,f V. ai . Til" I i' 1 1 1 , . 1 1 1 s a liuiv t h"ir pi i o-a-: s of ' -1 y .-".Hit l .ltiitlS of . .on 1 1 u i j -1 1 l for th" 1 1 li, i n t "i in t:i e of i . otii l in! Ill" .-il.-'an, aln " of th" - I I'll, I u wliiali tin' li". illl oialer to ha ; ah!" I" loll', Mill Ih" tasks uhirh tln 'a!!.-:- a - - i-i I to t'ni-lil. Vork is; prui -I's.sini; r.ttjiilly on tho now lioti-1 hiihaini,', tin' r.inninir of rou er"ti on til" siMh story 1,, ini; now in p:-oi;n --s. Th,. contrarl f ,r t'i" tm ia COtta was ,t a U ilavs ami to th" Xorlhw "stet 11 Tari ii Cnttii riiinpany of Chira'i anil it is uinli-i ( I .-- w ill ho mi ih'lay in tho li.-'Kni -,' of thi-; a;-t of tho mat. -rial. Tim ""ii'rm-t for th" plumhi'mv it it. i tho mi'l work has not y, t hocn J"t. ami on th" prompt m-'-s ,,f 1 1 1 is part of th" riinstrii"! ion wiil iii ml th- in 111 il.'t i, ill 'f til" hot,-1. Tiio 1'oiii-H't'. i-on-ti uati'in was hi run Am.'. 1 ami Is now m-uiir-, i . ,in ; i,-; ;, m. N'otwithstiiiiilin- th" -oM-uty of th" v.i athor, 111" Work ha - m.t r a.--"'l. This hii.-i l.i,-"ii mini" po.-ihla hy I on t i i , y. 1 1 1 , -hllilililli,'. W. 1'. Ih-iihi-ra, .- ti i it i i ; . 1 1 . 1-i-nt in" for tim l-'' ( 'on.- i i na tion i-oin pa ii i . lin- i-n'il r.n I,,i -i, i i , i . . I ami i'.i i T i. 1 1 out a plan for h,-.i'u y i-oii.-i-t - of a i-iitin!,. ilas ,:-,. an' t'i,; hiiriiiiii; of u.i.-, ' h" l.-iii'.iiin; ,-: Wiapp.'il ill "anvil - a ml , il !i t In- la at it has I ".ni p. .s. iiii" to n a' 1 1 1 ! a . ii a I u i p'T.lUllv of T'I ihr.i ('. in I ii 1 1 tin- - orot" roust rm-t ion r. mlil 1," , a n i, . i , . .". i n in f i ""-'in-.: w "at !n r. ( 'olui .a re I Willi "iim in :, ,. ; a i ! t ' oiitili y. th,. Si'i.ihoi f i-i.iui -,:-v ,. i.. . , n dirt li iw to in sarin i m- ma i ,-i I : ! P ,r I iii -. pin t of t ho i.orh. 'I'lm !:,i:ii a . .; mill rout l lo t -i ha " h" -n , h-l. i 1 a i. on in .-on ut of 1 1 ," : , i i-i .; y of ma i - i i 1 1 ami hh'h .i i him,-:-: ,-y.;i: ial". a hoti I hi m i iiiy ; ia-m-- . - to , -il , a-l -. I lm fiiifi'iitm-iit of w hi -h ini.-hl 1... p, ,,h i.-in.itiral. Ti: ;;, in thr - i -. h : ' a -a i.i h-. r pi.-t" I w it nin a nml I 'a I'l illllint; of til" l' V. I I I In'li ha l.i : in. A l'm-1 prol. 1, in ha.- I . ..-.!..-, I ni Iii-. i "Mist ni,-1 .on ivi.'l; ,m I i ,, i, ii ; -; i , . Mr. 1 !.-'ll,ii'.-:: m,;. t !..-, 1, i-n . all th" iilu;; al.oilt i," nla,- - o.,,'.-- In- !, .nm -of th" hoi.- ilia.: .-a .: ii!-- ; 1 : i- '. i . ami l ha t v. a s ,l n -at I ' m ' . ', ; .-, ial 1 , .. , 1 lin i-.i.i I. a a. 1 t ii t. t !; -, a . i , -a- ii n fi.-l i-l ii m 1. r i I " .-,'.-r; n, ' in i- I in-.', ; ,-r ila :- :a - -: w Inn - a ' i a i . a' , a '. w ouM h" i "' ui' ' 'i, I i - oil i " li;;: o.i i y a Unit $1.7 ." p. r h i.a !. W" !'., .1 l.ii: '.!' k of ,'..; .I. rats, I'l a n. .- In a t y a ' i i ha . f. :. , .. IF YOUR GARMENTS NEED CLEANING, - J DYEING OR REPAIRING, PHONE 71 - ; AYo offer you the service, of the best, in the uouthwest. Old liuU i-.tfi'le new. Auto delivery. BUCHANAN DRY CLEANING PLANT ITione 71. 103 YV. Main The best equipped and only dry cleaning plant In southern Oklahoma. (;i:s;.iay kkco;mzks :i: Klll'l I:1.IC OK FINLAND Atr.-t. rd.iti i n. -'I- in r 1 11 - has ( alls fur Ilanli Statements. YYi.i.-hincton. .luo- T.-The comptroller ,f li," rurronrv tooav lssuou a ran i.l-.'.-'l tii" I'lni'.isli ropiihhi'. An ,. riiii'litioti of all nation ,il banks of ofili-ial iii-,:it,h from I '. r 1 1 1 1 says that ;tUT th" I Pa-.-in a, ini-.-iu-iiim-nt ihyiaro'l its w illir.y m-s s lo r. i-oyiiu-.r tim ilnlo. pma I. m of i-'i : , l.i ml, i hi h run n cui I -i ,,r i !. i:v, I t h" imp, -rial i haiir'-llor to i '.pi i-s i in t hr l.nni" , f t!m h-rman p,-'i riitm-i.t n r'l.i.'.iill i-n of t ho rini'Mi i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i , to pi. nipot.'iiiiarirs of l-'inlaml now in I'., i-iin. i ' ! i a n , -, 1 lor You llartlim; i'-.-.i".l th" ) ,l"i:ipoP-i:t in iii-s Sun. lay ami ii I , l in. ,1 I lata ( i .-ill ia : . lm.l r, r "-I ir,l l- in! I. Aii-iriiiii SorialUl l.-idrr lo.'s. A in.-1, i .i.iiii, .lam 7 - Th" i!, ath of l a, iii. on t 1 ',-ni, ;oi pa I rh f l oin i " 1 1 1 Pi"-i.l"iit of tin-Am-'rian ih.-t i-i' Ti;-- li pi pot a;,, , i-: - -t in in t'i" I'liihil .sttatcs at tho close of busi ness Monday. I lorr-inlior "1. ;s.-mi-Auiiu:i'( tutonn-nt of the People's Building and Loan Association of Admcre.Okla. as i"i,i P d to tho Stat" Hanking r.oanl 1 1.-, amh.-r ".I. 11M7. AS.-laTrf I'.mh on band --- 5 .172.4". I.,, a, is on 1 tamp' security. 2".9.n-7.l.") i .a,,, " s.-i-mit.- ::;:,:nr, ! f I,.,- ::.-l I'lvt 11! ! 94il.ll ll." Austrian j s,.i, ,,.v ., sli,,pli,..s ISiMI'J lis- , 1 1. .a i i,a,.r,.-t nml lire- luitiiii .,.'., I n -in a. i, i o ami lit-es due from hortinv.-rs 12S.S7 i:p. ,,-" - ('Ini t.-r I'm'. - 0L".).7a II" had I i vi I'.i r hull r of t of t' " I'llil'-.l it -I lil.l.'l'l. I SOLDJERS III CISAP The abrupt change from horae comfarts to camp life may be trying cnycusr bey's health, but if he will o;:Iy Lhe rich liquiJ-fooJ in jJLUJi 1 J Total $:;04,;l i.iAi:rrni: Into mi ii:st-i!!in,iii stock ...?14S.4"4.7:i Alliance p. i .T, i, tit of stock -. a 1,1 ail. Ml I 'llliy -,al,l : lock !l2,b:'." I Hi" l-oi-rov. i r.s (ita-ouiili-t loan-) lO.-mii Hills pa.vahl" ... N"oia ( ',mi,:..:i at or i .-a r ,. fund.. 1,'.:7:'..7 p:i im-i,l of interest ti.'i.ll.! Total $:;u4, 172.1':) S1 ,' ,,f Oklahoma, (.'utility of Carter, I. i :. I'. ;, iii:. ... si eretiiry of th : ''', " iiaiii, ,1 association, do .ileinnl."' that Hm ahiiie .snitoniont is true io th" I. "-I of ,ny knowlodi;,-' and belief, ' ... la-!;, in.- ;,). (I.r. Si-:LYI I id-:, Secretary. ; m'.-i.h. it V'ill create richer blood to e5- Suh-, rih.-d :i",l sworn to before 111" tabiL'i botlv-vvr-irmth and fortifv liis ' " : l,;,y "'"y, lflis. lungs and throat. ILousands of j ZZ tclciiers ell over the world r.,n."i .T't'i:yT: tdieSuott'fi SEttwlstena chas. von- ,vrise, It ii e xactly what they reed, i s' A- A,'! ,:' J " ill C. I '. AIJA.AV-?. l. aj Jjiivclor.i. i:kk i.i.w ; .us wANTi-::). Tin. I,, al . ii 1 1 it ii.i i hoard i:i In m .pt "I a hi.--, i a ii fiiini the adjutant " a,. . i'I.U - for l-i-i,-k!ai "' .- to I." I t I k' la- I 'a I'l. .sun A hP'tli'l. T".- . Sno; i:l tlm." h" III;., of Pin-- A-l I '',''!' i '.I '. w h ' i .I-- ire I'lfot mill imi In -I iii: -al.". ,1 111 i V h, o'ot.l ill"i hv j il . a! li, o fi I' ill" lor ,1 hoill.l. , all kinds of iiitnli' i ,ni i:ai,,l. 1 'i,.,i:.. v.i. ;, ', j s-'-'ll hcwtl,'. I'.Lo:;.!., 1.'. .','. I I 11 ! I i ' i ''rvff"-r'1iiii "r-'T ' -r-iri; vwii- fr-nnn-f -iniTr-TMimrmin-ir.wi iihhiTi mhhititm i wi iiinwunw a PICPXES FOG AND DUST iii v. I-:.: i".,:! in m iii.: i;. si w i i ' , - ; , : i . : i . - . a :i .! i ilc P 'lor 1 1 ii s ! i ntn mild-, i , o i n y-mm a-, p, a- . ... . OIU 1 ' M' . i i f-.::c..s,s j ; .!.!:!' to .! !-: i ni; i if vv 10 1 A (.'. v. vMpi, ; ,.' :d i. ; in ; I - m lot' 'no : , 'I- -. .... :i-- 1 ! :- " ". INti .-. A'.irlNiiMIIN'r - l iu?: ii'.-. wii.i. ; i. r i-a.i- f- r ai:, -a m, "Ut lo itiia Stocl.miin Is Drowtieil. li.iaim-. 'kia.. -Ian. 7. ( i-yir Mnr-11-. a v.e itlr, ; -'. lilih P , Mas liruV.-iii-il f- "ir.ia-- ii,i!.. iiiinllcu' ducks. Morii li-ia- t: .-"',. ah 1. " or. a l.i k " and was i, ',.'"'., to 'Mini h. "uu." of In; 1,,-aii 1 III, I il.i; , '-tlies. PALACE TODAY r. ln.VLF. BLACKWELL r.n'.l Ml'niEL 0STRICHK in "TTIK GOOD FOP. NOTHING" Turnorrov, : P.KfiSuE IIAVA KAWA in TIIK GALL OF THE EAST' ; i - p'-rm ' t".l li 1 1 . s t ' .Hi ol ill- 1 ' ci til:-I- i'ltmnt of I-: rit-n ia! a ; in: s.-if ". '.": tan a.i it i ii. - in--' t -., re of I'll in'. : ' .. i ' : I tl'l'.a ll V. . i I M Ni!!,U 1)1' lil.I.f.N V 11, a .' ..f II-,. : i. i.' ;.. a-l I (..S V. .Hi I i; I. :,U i I ( ;.-! . ia o, la'. -. .. . - -1 in . : : a . i . ,- . 1 n off. - : . I ;,- . i i -. r . , .. of : . ;. i' a- ! i ' . -; " f .','',: itlKl l l'l', r' lo-.l "I I I , . ia a ... 1 ... I'l 1 ' ' . te,-,l!s lia I , -a - . i... I ; , "i . : : ., ' , it! al ,H',1 a- i !:.... i.- , t. . . iii..'...- t I'll Pi ' - , a. i-i I'm cm -. j ! i- an - ,. . ' . ' i ' . '.',-....,,, on !hi- I-i : , ; . .,'!.' '..,; .! - - "' v P .;;;,i,r'a a: yii, y r, ' i I i , ; l the po;:-: I m,-, ! - .,.. .. , y , i ia Iv ir York ( ily. lorillll!;,- o;' l-o a . -.:,: ,.-'.!!:; ':'.'. lira a".', it :' ,, i . . 1 1 1 1 , I ' ' , I v. . , i . , i , I lllfi" ll'.ii'u; . ,.l' Nai i"-..:i::'.c -. Tin- hi o.nt pi lia lpi. , ,, the ru-ihls of i ,i',i"i,i::io ; :. i lill.-IH of the plei...'V .- t m ti I . II elllitiCiHted thi i ip", ifa-a ,' -, in !..!; i.i ' tiillt ii"l criltiicjlt Ll,. in.,. I-' ! o I I! faivertied" lini- l h.. t'i.' t:.,u una i ,i. any territorial it,.l.:i...:!m",.ta ;if'r- ii. WW, replncini' r'm- oil t. nil. , i-;l i.f s-t'.ii Jnetit by oil' palini - ii'ouml a cva.a Uiliie b.i a fi'W neuliuf'.i - .- I i"in.i. - i tierce tiie iuteir.-h- i..f i, i.r liiiiu.-.y o; ,'ci unother. I'i ihcicir i. l mil;. i)l j . i r,.m, IllM'kiiifr mi This iuYa. he Ch riincl that J Groat j'.ritiiiu tu .stand by I 'J' ' linuiil'.ii ." in l!ie iiiihiary : r. Ji'iance ia lier detiiiit.i!.-: for the iim Is? to lot u.i io it, in ,;U.v hit Unit, of the wroui of when ',, was il" -Ihi-i,'. Tl.v ui,l i iclat..d i., ui.-u Jirivcd of Alsace I ni ti iiu- ami was : nij- j Woa's i.s jm,I,:ir, Hll..iuAt. it,... Iiom jiortintf Italy in her c'liim hjy i t-uiiimi u l.'.-.'.iu word whi.h n. tiu in.,., my with peoples of h"l' onij lac a J Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning ; VVai'n ,xw:y all tiie stomach, liver, ;.r.J bj'.vcl ;oijons before brtakfast. RANGE 500 FT. Sets Mi Sissdard in Aatomobiic Heailghling Thc Conaphorc i.s tho .-eicntific device for automobile headlights which Kivc;; lon- raive and ri'lu direction lo the beam and eliminates glare. It luii- a smooth outer surface and a serie-; of patented horizontal cor rnyutions en ti'.e inner face. These jiateiited .oi,i,ue;ation.s ben I down the litdil rays and concentrate them in a Ion;, iinen.-e bourn which docs not glare and which is never more than 42 inches above the road. It is in a do of Noviol Glass, (a patented golden-tint glass) which absorbs the violet and blue rays. Light rays transmitted by this glass eliminate back-glare and penetrate fog or dust. The Coiriphore is unlike any no-glare lens or dimmer device. It is the result of three years' experimentation and is fully protected by patents; both the iiQn and imperial are patented. Infringements will be pros ecuted. It fits any car. It complies with all city or state no-glare laws. It makes night driving safe. 'if, ;'- : ; mi- b"..t dnv !n am: d-i v on;. I to f. -I , ',. fi liisiile; l;. Hour I il" t" I a, it i - nr t'-ny ii" tin. I Mlclirc, yoiii j l.i . n -. i "i , In'ii man' laaal; no e ui-i ipa t ; n, 1 - I ' "l I! I t 'l "k.-t, I- i' k hradncli" ! i,, !', i h . -1 1 n in ' I--m or Kim-'.i , neal nl.mi i i'li, i mast hiiih" en Km im.i'le liK- .,'al hatlm out-:,!,'. TliW I" la-.lh, llloiv j II ,'-.l t.l III , bee. i II 111" hkill H'l do t,, ;:h.-,oli til 1 1 ' 1 1 1 I'l' f5 Into tiie bloo.l w hi 'a I ! i n t-iv. I poi c do, Til-' i-.r.-i 1. .." ill ti," l,m i,l.,-.hll, of ..II I (Uolll! I I'Miiciuil. 'l.i.-tijn 1 1 1 1 .-. 1 : - in H, t. tiic,l fi..i"s ini -I.-. I iar l..l, -i . 1-..1 s t, I 'cr cut . tic U- il '. h- popll.a I ,,m ' a i-.a.,!. ,-f' i. : ..-en. i 'illy I ;,,.. 'a . i a" oil. A !..:.!!.! win,.- , :' " I.' '!.- itfl t"- I'M ha, k !( il. i. V.ttliot.t eompilllet 1' 'il . hi' la -t rnouiilair ." M,,u... McKp.i,.,. t. -'-ii-i-i Ii'i 'ion f . - . Mount Acini it-.ui. - i iaii .'ir-i i.'.ii a, ia-it f,.,i; Mount ,i i-e.-r, 1 mh. i 'l.ina,,i,ii'.' fi,t. wtil toiiKile now mi'l. 1 A ii, -'. ri i a l in tice for liinna ui i, i-,-i,'a. Mn;,ti--. a., o ttlld irt'lyiUlU W.'S lil-J i Ut I....I l!;.M. . 'lit i- Kiiiit" pcinriy.e wtis uj.piivj in tin oat-e of I'liliitid, wbii-Ji the prelim. M'id i-lniuld bo tin iiiclri '"iiiii'Ul and c-.-ju JIl'itH- ail K tiliilicly r'oliti.i I'h iiH.'its tii,,; wish tu unite in it. Attain, in the i ,.-" of tlte (Jermaii ivIoiuvk, 2ti r. I.I',, I (inorse poinU-d olH. that tiio wirii-s and Inturents of their pative iiiliiihiiiuils inns, be primarily retained by the "yc conference. I I ''.l ll. ) lla.-.-.D "'i. em. tin. I t.'!il' w.-'ii i I . I ri "til II',- .-lolll a h. Ill r.l , I, idtiel , .1 :.,... .'iim; h.. I'- Pi i. ml each ; 1 I, , , ,1 '!: : . f I'll Wil'm W It It 11 titi I I i ;" an ,, i.f !'iii"-toi,.' phi'i-pliat-.. in it ' ITli,.-, i. ill r',.,it.'.!. pi. I'll..' and lio-lieii i i 1 1 i io i i 1 it, ... iii,- t-loiuacii. ! iim; lliol a tod tor, I I., I to'.ll.lrll. I i i,-i a i.u.irl. r i . . t of Ii. a, -alone I piiosnh,, t .' ii, mi onr pii.n liiici. I. It ! a ii., i. on i a '. ii mil an, no; timn-lr.-,..., t ; Iii ; . t a i mi , a !i 1 1. i a i 1 i. , . ii i ia art i.a ' m i i a I 1 1. ink pi.m i'liali d It. I'". -il. V. ilijll i . ., , . , , . , ...... ,t i'.-., lia1 .,i - rm a ml t.i.iins; also lo U " til I la ,r i,u-a;i!i , . 'I'o I . 1 like i oiil,,; laik.-i fi l l, i.I.e ) OU t il h. -i-ie your blond, iii i ns and hits ii,-:, litviiimi saliiniled with an accii 111 ' "'' 2,..n Von h ii's t luul.iliun of body poisuus, bciu I'iiik ' 'I.. ,'....,ii Assouan. ms in N.rin .', iiiit- 1 t ,-eati noil and above all. keep it up! An ."a. wi h a tola! nn inhcr.-hip of 11 -'.i.Ui.'il. ! p and hit water acl on the skin, 'J l: y ou n.-d 7i I'iiiin.-i and huildiiis j h ini.iii;. . lswceteninx and mrif ins, .o Va.ind a; '.', a 'id aum -e,;ati ' hme.-itou..' phoi.pbate and hot water be pio,"'! Iy, iiicTi nun real ami pvrnouid, at fnre in i akfast. to t nit Hie ihumacli, liver, .WW $iiutMim, ll.iiii.e.i and howeln. Tile S ""'I 111- hi,, i .; , ,; ' "1 ll.'i chill, il o, f 'al . ,i .1." I .l :-t Alll: lli.-liil .-lliod III, l i,t Puiia d .'i.-i-i... . k.ili ila i rd It J ,7..l ,i,t,l, f-nim. in th. sai.-ial dmaii.iminmw i,i I. ; i'l ...;.; ttfuiH f..mii. Thursday : "Tho Voiviis of the World" ANNETTE KELLEKMANN . in the Tdillion Dollar Sptn-tack1 "A DAUGHTER OF THE G01XS" Adniission 25c r.nd 50s; plus War Tax (! Fik;ay : GERALD1NE Suouortotl b.v Koki i ) in the iwf-t taliett 5oyt pk'- ttiiv of thi.' ".T'iis;u -THE WOMAN GOD j R)R(J0'r Ail mission nil day ItV &. Se , PRINCESS TO-DAY ! I T.ip Ordinary Htadliaht Class Blinds Vou with Its Glare jyp-"K-. - - GRACE HUTCHISON MUSICAL KEVUE COMPANY Fourteen At'Ui People. Four Vaudeville Act. Munificent Chonw. Complete Chiinge of Program Daily A EM A 11 AN' EON in "THE MYSTIC HOUR" Tomorrow ; IDA SCI1NAI.L in "UNDINE" Five acts from the won derful story. FIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE C0NAPH0RE FIRST FOUR EXCLUSIVE Tho Conaphoro lias five major advantages: 1. Give headlights a range of at hast 500 feet, when a standard bulb of 21 candlj power or more is properly focused. 2. Cuts out all the glare yet uses ail the light. ' :;. Penetrates foj;, dust or smoke, so you can easily drive 25 miles an hour under adverse weather conditions. 1. Itfj strong aide-light illuminates the roadside and the Noviol Beam inula'.' the green stand out, so you can distinguish bushes and ditches. 5. Never cloga with dust or mud in summer or with ice or snow in winter. MADE Hi THE WORLD'S LARGEST TECHNICAL GLASS WORKS The Conaphore is made by the largest manufacturers of technical glass in the world, the Corning Glass Works, Corning, N. Y Behind every Conaphore are the facilities, experience and reputation of thu mfllton (Jullar corporation which bo enjoys the confident of American wilroads that it makes all tho semaphore and other signal ghu-.s used on practical i.ll th? railroads in America, -.:v.,jii:.'vj MADK IN TWO KINDS OF GLASS " v Cor.apbores are mado of clear glass ns well aw Noviol Otess, Clm gb3 Conaphorea uro equally efficient in giving long range and. ejiminatin: glare but hick the added advantages po.wt.tHl by i.lio Noviol Glass of elim inating back-glare and penetrating tog or CiuL We seuviniy recommend th e Noviol. OMalioiiia Oil & M Supply Co., Ine. WKolesaia and Retail DON A, COCHRAN, General Manager 1 1 -J