Newspaper Page Text
Sunday. January 13. 191S. PAGE SIXTEEN DANA' ARDMOREITE BOYS I SERVICE PRJHSE WORK OF 1 1. I 1 i. Appreciation of the work of the Y. M. C. A. predominates In letters received from the boys In service, both in the United States and "over there." A let ter from Alpheus A. Itint'cr of Ard more Rives an account of his trip to Fort Rosecruns, Cal, as follows: "The trip out here was a lout,', but very pleasant one. I left home Wednesday noon, December 13, and arrived m f-'an Diego, which is about fdx nnle.-i from the fort, at t! a. m., Saturday, 1 ceiuber 22. We went north to dulhrlt) and then traveled in a KOUthwcwteTiy direo tion. From Guthrie w hail a special carrying 200 all of whoni wen; en route to Kort RosoTan.s. Wo ate at the Harvey housiw along the way. Anianllo, Texas, was the largest town we passed between Outline and Kan Dteo. The route lay throush mountains and dry plains, and through the Mojavo deacrt. San Diego la quite a, modern city of about C0.OO0 population. Of course a' large part of its welfare U .lun to the location of many lnww In its trade territory- In addition to lArt Koa crans, there is an aviation ramp, naval station and from l!U 000 to 40,000 troops are at Camp Kearney. Kort Kox-. himh is located on a mountainous peninsula with the I'ai'ilin on one wide and a liar bur on the oilier, the fnrt lyin;; mostly on the harbor .side. NiiiiHToui Ouild ings are beintf put up for the aoeoinreo nation of troops. At present a larite number of us are living in t"nts. ThU 1s very agreeable, however, a:; the weather is mild, with very little rainfall. The V. M. C. A. In the tent in wloeh 1 am writing is the l-U upholder of a fellow's spirit-4 at the fort. Various en tertainments take in the Y. M . C. A. in addition to the movies and tmi.sie. Games are also at the of the men. Stationery is furnished free, read ing matter is always on hand and many other conveniences are supplied." Mai Wegcr, J lattery A, ll-Url field artillery, at Camp Travis, in a neent letter, enclosed a program of Huiicav fcerviciw at the l-'irst I'resby teriati church. In writing of it. he ,:.iys: "Thev are doing their bit and then some. We got to service and they serve us dinner on 'real duttwtj.' atcr which We spend most of the afternoon holding informal souk services in the basement and e.njoy oursolves to our heart's con tent. This is done every Sunday and how they can afford it 1 do not kno-v, for their basement is latge and it is just one large 'mess hall' full of boys In khaki." On the program is an in vitation which reads: "The army men who are worshiping with us today are cordially invited to be the guests of the church at dlnnex, which will be served downotalrs by the ladies after the close of worship." The word dinner was eiianjred to feast by Mr. Weger. An other announcement on the program called attention to the regular social entertainment for the soldiers on Fri day evenings. Mr. Wetter referre1 to tlila by saying: "I-Yiday evening, when we can yet off, we go down there to the basement of this church and for a few hours and almost forget there is such a thing as war." He then writes: The people are doing a wonderful work for the boys and except our de:tr Y. M. C. A they have everything else backed off the map." A letter from Alex I'arkcr. on board U. S. 8. Annapolis, states: ' I have been hi the navy since I'JOS and have never seen no many happy sailors, ai though we are at war. The snnie on their faceit is enough to convince a parson that they appreciate the gift1-"." This is in nrference to Christmas pack as ea they hud received from the Red Cross society. Mr. larker, who is a flrst-ciajj petty oflicer, writes that mail li received every two weeks and that among the most interesting mail re ceived is the home paper. OKLAHOMA CHARTERS. Oklahoma City, Jan. IS. f-'ecretai y of State J. L. Lyou ha-s iabucd the follow ing charters: Alien Auto Livery company of Tulsa; capital stock V&0.0OU. Incorporators: A. 13. Alien, J. W. Kennedy and 1'. L. !ait lett, Tulsa. iia-K.eo Oil Ai (las couipauy of Okla homa City; capita stock $100, 000. In corporators: George liaker, Kte it. Mc Kee and Tom V. Coats, Oklahoma City. Mutual lYodueing Oil & Can i-omuany of Oklahoma City, capital In corporators: F. M. Overlecs, Ki hard flood, liartlrsville. and J. F. Wads, Ok lahotna City. Lucky Lease Oil company of Oklaho ma City; capital stock tfrfi.ouu. incor porators: VV. R. I '.ass, A. L Haas and K. V. ilarbour, Oklahoma City. Allie Hankers .Securities company of Oklahoma City; capital J'O.tWo. incor porators: K. G. Nelson, W. G. Frank lin and li. Uetig, Oklalioma City. Game Oil company of Claremore; cap ital $40,000. Incorporators; J. C. Reed, Jack ReeU and W. LittlefJelU, Clare-more. COLD WSAT1UCK DAAIAUI'S JUATK WUKiVT I'LiTfO) OKLAHOMA and TEXAS NEWS NOTES OKLAHOMA. ! TEXAS. Thirty thousand dollars is considered a fair estimate of the value of the pecan crop of 1'oltawatoniie county, the last year. Prices have ranged from ten cenl.s to fourteen and a half cent:, a pound. Three schoolliornes have Ixen de stroyed bv lire in Colbert during the last four years and a fourth attempt was made recently. Fighting blood continues to run In the family of V". J. Oldham, veteran of the Civil war, and pioneer citizen of Miami. H" has one son now in the service, one served in the Spanisn American and the Wind is ready to go. Albert Louis Cnldiron of Sand Springs is the only lru klaer in Tulsa county who did not claim exemption, lie ha.s been ordered to (iamp Kelly Field, San AntoTiio. Texu.s, for military training. Joseph Knirnt. who lives In the Valley Grove neightKirhood, west of Shawnee, won the State Hankers' association scholarehip in the A. and M. college at Stillwater by making the best record of anybody in the state, in the boys' agri cultural cluli work. Rristow will shortly be entitled to free city delivery service. Costal receipts for the year ending lecernbr "1 were surlicient to entitle the town to this privilege, Oklahoma will establish a workshop for the mei-hanii-nl training of b" who are to go to tile cantonments in the coin ing (iraft. Tie 1'nlversity of i iltialioma and the A. aid M. college have off-n-d their plants for this purpose and tlie ftoek Islam! has offered its shop at F.I Reno. A susir famine prevails in Menrye'ta. No wholesale orders are being taken and an effort is being made to make the present supply last until February 1, when a shipment is due. A house to house canvass is to be made show wig the housewife ho;v to conserve sugar. Housewives in AlcAlester have be.-n advised to prepare themselves for the war time delivery system which is to ro into effc-t January 21. The grocer.-, will make only one delivery a day. except Saturdays, and days before holidays. The small town of Quapaw is fast be-om:n-,' inetrutiolitaa. From a liamb-t of a f"W dozen shack -i the first of .hit' uary. 11)17, it has kvowii until now it is one of the must up-to-date little towns i:i eastern Oklahoma, with a million dol lars' worth (f buildirnrs. A student i hurch. the Prst institution of its kind in Oklalioma, will become a rality within the present year if plans of the Methodist Kpiscopul church, south, meet with the success which now seems red. lleligious work amop.; all students of the university will be the work of the chuici.. A c:uupa'gn is now under way to raise the ncccs.,ary funds. The little daughter of Harrison I'.ifcvn purchased a packare of candi'-d pofx-orn it a grocery store in Watonga and in it was found a qoantity id naphthalene, powoVrtd moth ball. Th" paper con taitiLng the drug was part of a sheet from a Chinese ainuuiac. Miss Annie Cal hveil of Rising Star v.-as killed and her mother and sister injure l when the team of horses .Miss Caldwell was drivin,; became frightened and ran away. The Southwest Afyociaiion of Nur serymen, an organization composed of i members; from the states of oklalioma, I Arkansa.1. Louisiana. Arizona, New Mexico and Texaa. was formed at belli son l;c I week. The Lio'-.s club of Wichita Falls will send a representative to New York flu meiitii to convey a personal invita tion to James . Oerard, former am bassad: r to Germany, to visit thai city and give a lecture. The proposed iiuarantine against Gal veston, Jefferson, Chambers, Harris, llrinoria and Hardin counties, prohibit ing the raising of cotton for three years, in order to stamp out lho pink boll worm, is being opposed by cotton men of those counties, who are in favor of isolating Infested districts, but object to a quarantine against the entire sec tion. A chamber of commerce, with a mem bership oT 100. has been organized at Tea g tie. More than one hundred union jitney drivers of Oailas have volunteered to carry striking firemen free of charge, during tin- term of the striae, as a mean.- of showing their .sympathy to the tirenien's cause. j The state highway department has i re in- led the pea iltice, s of the stale I to suspend enforcement of the anionic I bile license lav, until the ilenarimenl has ruinpU toil lho work of pa.ssi!ig on UH rcnewe.l applications ami sending out the I'.MS i.eals and cert ui. a t :,. When bit by a large motor t-uek a street car e.sis kn'vked off the iracks .-it ichiia i'ali.-. The mototman v;t.s evereiy ii jureil. "War Savings Week" will begin Jan uary It, in compliance with a procla mation issue,.; .y (Uiveriioi Hobby. The entire state will participate in a cam paign to purchase $,'.,,oyi.'.uuO worth of war savings stamps. Will Thompson of Dallas was kille I at MeKiriney by coming in contact with a live wite. Sixty thousand Volts of elect: ieity paseej through his bod;.. O. F. Hardy has resigned the olliee of county attorney for Sotu l y county and ha- gone to Aniarillo. A. '. W'd inetn was appointed to till his posttio:.. A "war bread dertion.tmticn." to show what war bread i- arid ho.v to make it, .oiidijcteil in Uak Clilf, was largely attended by patriotic women. War bread demonstrations will be held in twet,t- ( ight !Lti-icts oi Pallns lor 'he next three or four inonlhs. 'Packard" Livery Car Oil fields, city and country drives California Cafe Stand Phone 615 Cole Pate To eel the very best reculti take Dr. HumDhrev' "Scventv-even" al the tirt sneeze or m.icr. "Seventy-seven" break up ColJr that bang on Crip. All Druft Storef 'A .x'.Vjw Itfretlr la treatlBt uamtuiial disctri!i ; pjnatMuafr paiau4Ui ad will BOt Atrteinre. hiuivo3 la 1 luaoxys. HOUi BY BBCUKiilMTH. rircM Post tl ds!rd-Price tl, or U tlari7S. T1R EVAfS Cftia1)CAl-CO..C4eacrNATl.a Special Cut Prices Now Kig No. i'-i " pound can finest whit Hominy, now !K' Regular IGe size bottle liest (uallty Sweet or Sour l'ickle.t !)c Rosary (Thocoiati'S, the most delicious quality; regular -PK' per iiound val ue; now, pound rdlc Know Flake marshmalkiw. white va nilla or toasted; now, pound ?!)( 2iic and Hfe Lolls, now 10c !0c Holls, your choice y 7'x' Ixdls, your choice 39c All our ribbons on sale now; all ynu want: any value or coloi;; any 'juantity; at just one-half price. All embroideries now on sale, your choice, at Just ora?-half price. The DILWORTH CO. 114 V. Main SI. I'hoiw 101. The Home of Mush Bread. Tulsa, Okla., Jan. 12. Late planted wheat In this section of the state ban been injured by the severely cold weath er of th last four weka in the opinion of DeLarue Baker, farm d.imoastrator In Tulsa comity, iiu-ty pLanted wheat which had timo to root well lias escaped injury and is in good uoudition, Mr. Baker, however, in advising farmers not to plow up wheat that Ls not look InK well at tills time, on the theory it may come out in the spring and do well with seasonable weather at that time. The ereatest Inconvenience farm ers are having U endure Ls the lack of wheat pasture. For tite last two years farmers hav3 received little, if any, ben efit from wheat for pasture in this sec tion of the state. KNOCKS WILSON. Berlin, Jan. 12WVia London). The Taoblatt Bays of J .resident Wilson's war speech: "Mr. Wilson would find himself mistaken if he BurmiBejl that the reiclurtag committeo was ready to negotiate peace on tbe basis which he declares to be tho only one possible." Ml THE UNIVERSAL CAR The l-'ord .Sedan is elegance builded upon l'ord iiuality. la town and country' here. Ls the dependable, every day in tlre.yiiitr encjoned car. Not only is it a car of handsome appearance with high cbuvs interior fittings so much appreviati-d by women- but it Ls the same Lord 'The Universal Car" whlcJi more than two iiiilhon owners have found to be the most reliable, the most S'-rvieeable, pnurtical ami ei-otiotnical car to o wote and tmmitain. tXird S"dan $6SG f. o. b. l-Uoit. t and 10 Eat Main Tom Cooper's Garage 1'uoue 70 (i o t Everything UKRAINIANS IN BATTLE WITH MAXIMALISTS (OTTONSLKI) "HOT lMXIS." I'etrojrrad, Jin. 12. K!RhtinR lasting seven hours has taken place between Rachmatrh, in the Kovernment of TcherniRoy, aeeordini? to srivicis re ceived here. The IlKhtins is said to have resulted in severe casualties. Ixindon, Jan. 12. A Renter's Limited dispatch from l'etroprad says it is re ported there that Ukrainian troops have occupied Rachmatch. in the piv ernment of TchemiROV. afler severe IiKhtine-. Iiolshevik detachments have seized the stations at iJebalzavo, in Khartov, Inovska and Semenov. (OiTON SKKI) INQLIUY WILL HKUIN JAM AKY 14 Oklahoma City. Jan. 1. Lare num hers of witnesses are beiiu; summoned to testify in the cotton seed inquiry to be conducted by the attorney general's office and the corporation commifi.don. The hearings will op'n in Lawton on Jan. 14 and sessions will be held at a number of tnw-ns in the southwestern, southern and southeastern parts of the state. The attorney general's office is in receipt of much information relative to the cotton seed price situation, die of the thins the department has de cided to do is find out why cotton seed and the by-products are not cjven a pkice in the market quotations. The lepers of I'anaimi. Tho United States is certainly tot "land of cotton." Nowhere else ia the world Is cotton prown in such abun dance and put to Mich a variety of uses. Tho fiber, of course, ia made into cloth; the od from the seeds is used as a cheap substitute for olive oil atiit as a ba.-ds for lard, :.nd now the see .'.a themselves are belnit Kiound into flour and used for food purposes, says The I'opular Science .Monthly. ( lin.tersnapd and jumbles are made from it, and It is mixed with finely chopped meat and tied in sausnite links. To make tin- cottonseed sausaKf three pounds of sausnite meat is mix-d with one pound of cottonseed flour. This flour is said to contain as murri nutr: tion as the meat which it lakes the place of, and to effect a savins of .S cents a pound on the sausaee. The University Corner The Crowth of Habits. World Outlook: When the I'nlteo States Kovernrnent becan to construct the anama canal it found seven pitiful leiH'rs in the republic in an isoirited am forlorn buildinj:. In l'Joi ''- was volon to spend for a suitable buildin;; for these outcasts. In April. 1 '07. a hospital wj-s opened at 1' iio Seen. nr. t j each patient was jriv-n a plo' of laud i on which he Plight raise pui s and ve.r tables, and so be partly s Ifupportlns. The Hpiscopal church, in establishing, here the Mission of the llo.v Comforter, has offered these leper:; practically the only society they ever see except each other. Now a chapel, a school for tbe children, and infirmary for the shut ins uinl laundry and ;rartcns for the active make these lepers t"fi that they arc bcini; Riven their chunce. Christian Herald: A Philadelphia em bezzler says he can remember the time in l is life wdien the owiim of three dol lars worried him. I'.ut owIiik money may. like many other things, Yircome -. habit and sear the conscience, lb- ac quired the habit, an I in late years felt no uneasiness in borrowing ;ill the money he could net his hands on. even without waititur for the owner's consent. "How use doth breed a habit in a man."' Habit lies at the basis of all our or dinar; action. Kverytliinp that we do repeatedly becomes easy ami habltu.v. Havid Hume di-clared that the habit of reeiiiK the bricht side of thitnrs H worth more than a thousand pounds a year. Diliftence, economy and perseverance arc habits thai entry life as s'e.uluy to siii'i i'sm as favoriiii; winds carry a siirp at sea. I lepra i' y is ret an inheritance, but a character formed by persistent ban its. A rid reet i ;j,le is only the confirmed habit of doiiu; what is riul't. The truth is not simply that wo may form habits; we must form habits. Could the yoitnu but realize how soon tlcv v i'l become mere walUirur bundle. of habit.", they would take care to have loose habits helpful instead of harmful. Ui'it seniors in the electrical nchnol ! of the College of Knginccrlng will start ! January US on their annual inspection , tour, under the directum of the h' ad of th' School of Klectrical Hatrineer-infi-. The trip, which is required for j graduation, gives the men an idea of the large plant.", and also prepares them for special work. The trip Includes in spection of electrical plants in Topeka, Kan.; Chicago, tiary, Ind.; St. Louis and Milwaukee. Plans and bulletins are already under way for the fourteenth interscholastic meet at the University of Oklahoma. Tho meet will be held April llii, '.'! and 117, and indications point to a larger and bet to,- meet than ever before. Cue new f'-ature will be a current events study contest, which is being conducted by the extension department. The finals of this contest will be held at Norman. The program of all the winners will be held on Friday night, and it is planned to have a concert by the university band and glee club for the benefit of the visitors. j The Pierian Literary soeiay recently elected the following ollicers: President. Kthel Adams; secretary, Kmpo Henry; critic, lliith l!r"tch. and treasurer. Tien nie Henry. I'r. Stratton 1 1. lirooks is now in Washington and will do all in his power to get tho federal food administrator to visit Oklahoma. Another object ot Doctor Lrooks' visit is to get military equipment and guns for the students of the University of Oklahoma, where military training has been made com pulsory. It is thought that there will soon be a well organized and trained regiment of soldiers of the university. Within the last week plans have been formulated for the war registration of the University of Oklahoma women. The campaign is to enroll every girl in school in some work that may be needed by the government. Chi Chi Chi. an honorary society, com prising representatives from the na tional fraternities, has recently been organized in the University of Okla homa. The purpose of the society is to encourage the highest ideals of friend ship and conduct among its members, who are chosen from the junior and senior classes of the university. Among the charter members are "Snot" L)u rant of Durant and Thomas White of Wynne-wood. IMPERIAL CAFE No. 11 N. Washington St. New and Up to Date Chinos nd American Dishea CI. KAN, GOOD SERVICE OI'KN DAY AM) NIGHT rhonr 657. Tables for UuBns Booths for Private Parties. PALACE TODAY "THE STAIXUOSS BARRIER" All-Star Triangle Cast Tomorrow : JUNE EL VI DUE in "Til E TENTH CASE" Coming Tuesday FATTY ARBUCKLE in "HIS WEDDING NIGHT" Coming Thursday: THE DA BARA in "HER GREATEST LOVE" The story of a sweet and innocent girl sacrificed on the altar of a mother's ambition. PRINCESS TO-DAY GRACE HUTCHISON MUSICAL REVUE COMPANY Fourteen Acting People. Four Vaudeville Acts. Magnificent Chorus. Complete Change of Program Daily Today's Bill: "WHOSE BABY ARE YOU" JEAN SOTHERN in "A MOTHER'S ORDEAL" A 1'a.seinating photodrama of a woman's battle with so ciety. Tomorrow : FRANKLYN FARNUM in "THE WINGED MYSTERY" The DETROIT JEWEL SPECIAL THE CAS RANGE YOU SEE ADVERTISED IN THE MAGAZINES m&s. i!i'M88l mm w 11 H ,-V. - .'. w-t.t ."it, T yf;i This is the Greatest Indorse ment Ever Given a Gas Range Today a hundred thounand meals will be cooked on the ranges of this one style, chosen last year alone by more than thirty thousand practical American women. The helpful features of this Detroit Jewel "Special' Can Range are too numerous to list. The amount of gas it saves is surprising. In cleanliness nd dellKhlful appearance nothing can surpass the combination of baked Pbomte finish and nnowy porcelain equipment. Above all it is an excellent baker, always dependable. T.y ail odds this is the finest gas ranee we have ever boen privileged to offer. And hundreds of good models have been examined In the Bearch for a stove that mhcht be recommended unhesitatingly to even the maut exacting of our clients. NEW STATE HARDWARE CO. i V ft 'A . hmmmrnnM mm See Our Windows To-day- Witt m Just to keep our tailors busy wc are offering 20 Per Cent Discount on all tailored suits and overcoats tailored to satisfy you. Every man who delights in smart looking, per fect fitting clothes is interested in this announcement of the Season's Great Saving Hundreds of New Patterns to Select From Finn 0 Miser Co,, 228 West Main St. C. C. CUSHMAN, Mgr. Stores at Oklahoma City and Miami i