Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, January 18, 191S. DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE FIVE More Than 100 Ways to Cook Pciatoe It is claimed that there arc more tliun 100 ways to cook potatoes, from the primitive (and still probably the la-sli methods of butting or bakiiiK with the skins on, to the limit complex ami Eea.soneil dishes. Here are some of the ways known to the United States de partment of agriculture. Have you tried them all, or do you known about u: many more? Boiled Chips Mashed 1'an browned Salad In chowders linked .Shoestrings Hashed brown Mashed f. led stuffed In fish rak"s J n liRht brea.l Plain frie.i French fried Cluuffre i-'ouffle Iticed Jn hasli lUscuits Saute lYenme.1 Croquettes Au firatin Soups In stews 111 meat pie t rust The eating of more potatoes :'"!' : up per, or for luncheon if the family is :e customed to have ilinrcr at mi?!'t. i supKcstion of the I'nited Stale, iVji-in inent of agriculture, in order t 1 : 1 1 t' tremendous crop ,f tubers !' ...lire! : the United Slates this yea:- m..y be utilized us fully as possibl and spodai-e avoided. Such increased i:s" s'i iu!d, Ml the same time, bi ins an..'.:t a. savin:.- of pram sini'e one common vc-u:lt of .Him: moie potatoes is the eatir : a" Irss wheat bread, which is a c.-isoe. lbte mi.--Kestlon when one rvmemle . that l.ith Of them are used as a inure of itardi in the diet. This 1 .-.!tn-;.,.-ii hi cs.iln consumption is desirable, the liio.iri- tatees. then the ei-s well beaten. Set in a pan of cold water and beat until cc Id. Add flour, mix well, ami drop by spoonfuls in deep fat. Fry until brown and drain on brown paper. Put one- Ardmoreite's Monthly Report of Carter County Schools WW, MKS. M.i;v KM. I III) Ml KKKIKK iin iii siiwi) half tcaspnnuful j befoie tivihe. Ui. when done. lly in each spoonful !1 in powdered sugar I'KiS AND I'UUIOTISM. The increasirii need for fats and the decreasing pork pio.luction both at home ami abroad havo become alarni iiic First, let us consider the need. The li'inl value of pork is very hiKh. In lluiope it has Ion:.; been considered one of th" main protein onnlaiuim; foods. There are more heat an ileni-rcy in a pound of pork than in a pound of beef. Think what this f,(; cnsti'iietil nnl.i.s as a source of Mi'-a.tli and ciii-r;v to lho-e tllell li::!(t'.n r i-t Then .i wi The .-vv in- ! ehhlirU' til-' i.i 111.' oa ami for m .1 as to tl ds i hrou enemy t s : aous ! t t'eiiches The roni la normal sup II ici ieahy lo-,l;a 1, .-'la lis: fo: Fmrland MiMlity . :i:;v i on,- lied .! : talk sopp! inent io! lit s out, and the of praln for shipment and to the soldiers anil countries enitHK. d with against Ocrmany. Th" useof more luncheon should tie a sim the opinion of speia.ili.ils inent of a-criculur e, mi, :i!l Americans like pntat. ttiere are numerous ways tri us in It nee. Soldi. IV of I I her the w.r m-m for prc.-ent supply, out l-luropc, in ions, have de suae the war ly to O-at P.ritaiu iilan.l and Svvc Inn n cut off so tint ,;ola, and the I'nited d--. I lv. ry where in has risen and the many shops hav and. In fact, there la-iuisilinhliu; the i.tirely for army j And has- A m.-il.-1 and Canada's pro ' :: ion a.i v :. ma-cl to cover this lluropi-an hori i in the contr.irv , there are in this country than .:tr a-.... There i a i per c. nt iii ban pro- ill Ihe l'nil-d Stales. In spite 1 h'"1 A in.-i--.--m mi ople at- three half pounds more pork per per- t' was the a.aa;.i.e cor, amplion for the lluv.' years the war. tnat our own army i? in the ,,-re will I.- a st. II heavier drain rk supply. This v.e mart nv ci . increase. I pi odtiction and by y in cur ow nada then 10 snvliv.r in lays In I Joiner School, Hewitt Township. Pupils enrolled, IIP. Pupils neither tardy nor absent, 5. Average attendance. 34. Motto for month, 'Make the best of the lost opportunity." K. (.). Stubbs, teacher. Norris Chapel, Morgan Township, Pupils enrolled, 50. Pupils neither tardy nor absent, 4. Average attendance :S4. Pupils with highest standings during month. Patty Fuller and Hula Thom ason. Motto of month, "Force of habit." "The Christmas Harden." an operetta, was given during the holidays. l-illa Musgrave, teacher. Motto of month. ' Increased ef ficiency." Christmas exercises, with a tree, were held hero. Jackson 1. Pinkerton, principal. Ultie kilibon School, I. one drove Township. Pupils enrolled, S'.'. Pupils neither tardy nor absent, 2-1. Average attendance, 7.1. Pupils with highest standings during the mouth, Carl Johnson. Carl Kreiger, Uoxie Moore, llulen Troop, i'.eulah Johnson and Itobert Price. Motto for month, "lie present and on time." C. F. Meponel. teacher, I, one t Irov e, kla. .Mary shand, In.!.'-.huroh (.lean School, Alters Township. Pupils enrolled. 112. Pill " neither tardy nor absent, 11. Ave. .se attendance, 1U0. tlu Pupils with highest standings during I I .oar Hoard Tree School, Hewitt Township, Pupils enrolled li:!. Pupils neither ttudy nor ab-o'tit, 1. Aver age attendance. 11 1. Pupils .with highest nmnt n 1, Calvin .lame; Cahlvva month. Yehuu ton Ciodvvin, White and The ferry, Virgil l'.rvan, Kntli (iardner, C dma Cook soy. Motto for learn W. month, to do well.' 1. Ivvenrs, te standings during Knight, Velma and lamina Way. "Put away evil and leher, l.oani. Ilkla. I grocer and the purchaser, for the for ! met- reduces bis expenses of delivery and of Keeping accounts, while the cash customer, who lakes her goods with her, does not have to bear the unjust lUaliala ,1a r e v hortaei hicticn in ss hi if expense charges deliv ere I. Incurred by tier nci-. her purchases and hbor has who tin-in tt pntaP pie matter, in of the depart--,. p'actieatlv es aral since in which il ¬ ia I aar i ,,ih by eo'lolli: I a I ma ' n production and nri consumption, has alrea lj- b vn sys this din etion. Paeon- madian liotels and public ace- showed a saving of thirty rent f ir September and forty cent for ( Ictoher over the nil'- Il Mrs. the been ( Anlninr.-it e Cor I espondenee.l '.ildton, ikla., Jan. HI.- Mr. and Carl Jones, who hale been vvith I'lu k-lteiil Supply coiiipan, , have transferi 'd to Wilson. tubers may be prepared to avoid a sameness in the diet. Pc'ati es. ev.-n :i their s-implest form-- baki-il and :.o.i ' -make good luncheon dishi -. They may also b- used for makiu,r a vai.-tv (if dishes such as creamed and i - li lopei potatoes, with or without ehee.-e, stuffed potatoes-, potato croojui ttes. ro.l so on. Combination dishes, udi as hash, stews, meat pies Willi potato crust, and so on, in which a eou-ide. able amount of potato' a is used with other foods, may constitute practi . div an entire luncheon, being hearty eicmt n to serve for the purpose with a li't'c Kilad or fruit or sweets. The following recipe: for pot. 'to dishes are a few of the ru-.y which the housewife will find ur"lr:l in m ', ..via,; supper or luncheon: I'anncd I'otaloes. Cut cold boiled potatoes iet . i;wrt"f inch slices; dredge li.rhtly with Hour ami fry in pan with a little butter When light brown, lo-ap on side of pan: let stand a few minutes, then loosen with a knife and turn out on a platter in much the same way that au omelet is taken out. Sprinkle with sale and serve at once. espouilih --t ilnal i d m d la -t nth. it th- mi would furnish lore than hah' n i v . II v i v or-; in; :i is I 111'.. I rathe r.uv he country -f I. mot . marl hone WI din humi cost, eept; a rev -r ll'll'SS - tin m. the li on, hava eir.. an:, c i ions of the country I ue I to t'i- has 1 tan I- r c-iit simply by me custom our to market with a tailing purchases 1 of hav in ; th-ni delivered. wouh u hav e expressed their to carry tin ir imrehses rs and so re-luce tneir cers. almo.-t without ex--co-operalcd with them to a 111 ' ; an ui 1 - had of goin basket and : n tin w it !; i 1 iii" n. es ina-l,--l I 'Cash and t': a ud Carry " "t'hargf and cent naiie, ! e; Win Slice. S! ,S roods ray" t!i live pel I t liv or' taking re th- plan has .fully . the eroier w .ill three prices: e lowest; "Charge cent more, and .another bve per i possible saving ten ci nt. r-vs-U-l is fair to both the perl-, cut .n I potatoes. 1 a-spaeii : alt I'otato ami rrk Slew. Three or four slices salt small pieces, I m:-diuiii-sizv fmion. 1-2 cut! water, o ', t 1-1 teaspoon pepper. Fry the pork in a dee;) frying pan until it is light brown, then to the pork and fat add the potatoes cut in l-'J inch slices and thinly sliced onion and sea sonings. Add the water, cover closely and cook until the potatoes and onions are so.'t. The mixture should be stirred occasionally In order that the P-rk and vegetables may tie thoroughly mixed. The, "stew," as it was called in old limes for it is an old fashioned dish should bo moist, but not thin. lsscaKe-seil Polatoes. AVasti and pare potatoes; let them soak for a half hour, arid cut in 1-4-inch slices. P.utter a baking dish, put in a layer of the r.lieed potatoes, sprinkle with s.-dt and pepper, dredge with flour. r,nd (lot over with tablespoon of but ter. A little grated cheese may be sprin kled over each layer if desir- d. Uepeat until the liaking dish isnearly filled, then cover with hot milk. Pake 1 14 hours In a moderato oven, or place on the back of the stove and cook slowly. Potato Sivlail. Cut cold boiled potatoes into half-inch cubes and sea-son with salt and pepper', or a f.?w drops of onion juice if desired. Heap in a mound in a salad dish and pour over all a cooled salad dressing; nnd If one wishes garnish around edge with a circle of lettuce and hard-boiled eggs- For variety add to 1 cupfuls of po tato one-half cupful of diced cbid boiled Vet and 2 tablespoons chopped parsley ir; carrots and a little choppea celery leaf may be used if preferred. Many cooked or canned left over vege tables may bo attractively used for talads. Piced turnips and carrots ar iften used in potato salad. Left-over beans, peas, etc., with finely diced po tato, may be used to till tomato cups and served with any preferred dressing. Coolied Sal;nl Dressing. Two eggs, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 3 tablespoons water (cold), 1-2 tcaspoonful salt, 2 teaspoonfuls sugar, 1-4 teaspoon ful mustard, if desired. Beat the eggs until light then add salt, sugar, mustard, water and vinegar and beat thoroughly. Cook over boiling water until thick, stirring constantly. Hour the hot dressing over the cold po tatoes, and net away until cold. If pre lerred, one can let the dressing got cold before using It, and this Li best if other vegetables are used with the potato. Potato Fritters. Two cups hat mashed potatoes, four table-spoonfuls milk, ouo teuspoonful (-alt, cayenne pepper, few Brains, two pggu, one-half cup flour, one-eighth tea spoonful erated nutmeg. Add the inilk and seasoning to the po DANDRUFF i.a (.:::!. i: pof.s this, p.kaiti UilS on: i!.IK. .KOVS NKY H.MIC iak:u:ns i.kay iiaik. I s.mlrufi', or little scales of dust from tin- scalp ami hai', causes r.iyness falling of the hair and lial Ine-s. Mod .-oeahed hair ton:, s are too simple o: not enough to the scalp ami I air of dandruff, and that's why sou have be.-n disappointed. Put I.a Cr-ole is different. Apply it freely to hair and scalp and the scales of dan druff will fall from your hair and scalp in a perfect shower, and after drying your hair your head will feel line and dandy and ynur scalp will be clean. Besides, if your hair Is prematurely gray or has a tendency to grayni ss, I,n Creole will darken it up naturally and cause thin hair to grow thick and fast. All druggists sell I.a Creole, or sent direct for $ ! .CO by Van Ylret Drug Co., Memphis, Tenn. (Adv.) MySorefhroaf 81 Hfc II reels boiler, MotheiJg .Mrs. Nellie P. Baiulol is in Ardmore on basini'ss. V. i : ii! lings of Ardmore was in lleal-1 ton yesterday. V. N. l-'ariall has returned from Ard more. F. Woods of Ardmore was in Ileald tun yesterday. Build Kailew was in llcaldton yester day. I.. Mel'a'.l is in Ft. Worth, Texas, on business. Miss Cenevi.i Moore of Ardmore has been the guest of Mi.-S Wakefield. Jack l.angston is in Aialinoie on busi ness. Iia Creen has returned froin Texas, where he has be.-n working for Hi' 1 1 limbic hi company. Mis. olli" I'nlhiis is in Ardmore. Charles Jones of Wil.sou was a llcald ton visitor yesterday. William Ward of Ardmore was in llcaldton yesterday. William tiuvis of Memphis. Tenn., Is in I lealilton seeking a location. Mr. Mr.;. A. J. Morris, who has been visit ing friends In .loplin, Mo., has returned. Jack Mcdiath, who is working in the Fox field, is visiting home folk in llcald ton this week. Davis is favorably impressed with I lealilton and expects to locate here. Bert Tucker of Waurika was a busi ness visitor in I b-aldtori yesterday, 1,. '.. .Morris is in Chi.-kash.i this week. W. N. lligins lias n turned from Ardmore. Wallace ,M Miller, e nit: actors, are drilling in the Fox field. The Ufd Cross workers are knitting sweaters for the soldier--. Bong Kim; has retiiriiid from Cov ington, Okia., whore he has been em ployed. t AiTBi; si i i-'i'iu i i:om BI.I.KD AM) SNOW. Norman, Okla., Jan. lf. (Special). J eports to the food administration are o the effect that in many parts of the s ate th- cattle are suffering from the t-.lreme cold weather. In many places tie iced supply is low and owing to the thin condition of the herds the cattle ii -e not able to withstand the cold. The f od administration has been informed t tat many tons of cottonseed cake are being riisln-l to the sections wher- here is little fodder or other f I. Ship- nents from Louisiana will soon lie made. II' the supply of cake even from that tate will be small. .Man Ihi.isled of Mm ao.ule. W ith Other Women, Wife Says. Kansas City, Mo.. Jan. Pi.--Mrs. A. K reiser sit t am! killed her tm i Kdward K reiser, organi.-t of the - prudence Boulevard Christian and a musician of na:io;iai reputat'on, in the l.e.h.ooni of the.r home, March '!, jl'.MT. In explanation she declared tin j killing was the cuiriiiii.iiion of ten years j of domestic trouble, that he had b.ia -ted j of his "affairs" to her and had Haunted I before her his alleged relations with othe r women. The couple was in the house with their y-year-old son. B.ilph Franklin K reiser, at the time of the killing. The boy told the police be heard his parents (Uarre!iiig. but did not know vvii: about. Alter a scream by his mo-lier, he said he heard his father ci v "No, No," followed by another scream ov Mrs. Kreiscr and the sound of a sla t When neighbors arrived, K reiser's body was lying on its left side, lie had been killed by one hnlh t which en,, i d his back in the right shoulder. In a statement t,, ih- police ;ln oay of the ihooiing. which Mrs. Kii-i-e: :e fused to sig n, she --late I: tjuanelcd All Night. i re anu i nav e pet n i uarr-i; week over his conduct. husband and I had ipiai relcl cally all night and this morning slimed. I vv-jis standing at one j my husband when the shootrv pencd. He did not know las lor live t: ' -; oa bor d. .May 21. I .' I t lilies Jwur.t Kr. , Th - trial lir.-t was s-t . but it was postpone.l i nice r was 1,. n n in Law- Kan Ills tirst organ leissorts were (,iven liim by his mother arid as a hoy he plavel ii, local i-' In !'.";! be returned to Kansas City after a year's instruction under Alexander : ii I :i i.i 1 1 . iii Paris. Mrs. Kieiser, who was .'.lis; May item dersou uf keaincy, Mo. was his third wife. They were married Fib. r. BlUi;. j alio was a farmer's daughter and had t sought a pi -i' ion as soprano in a choir) here. j Kn Bar's tirst wife obtain. .1 a divorce , in It'll l, alleging non-suppoi t and indig-! i, iti.-s. His second wife, a choir s piano, di.-d in April, pju-l. "NOTIIINC TO KKPOKT." London, Jan. l'i. "There is nothin of interest u report on tho Brit.-. front," sajs today's oiiicial announcs ment. . Ardmoreite want ads bring results. The Hereford Park IIEREF0RDS FOR SALE 1C you want to buy full blood I lerefords, come and see our 12 coming one-year-old bulls, raised by us. WESTUEIMEIt Jt DALBE ug -ail My prac;: We I -i.i- of ; Inp- ha.l I I wa le had IrantH Iniii." whe: the tragedy, story of ir She told i M he ll t he gun in the In his guilt to me. shot my husband." The day follow ing Kreiscr amplified th mestic unhappiness. fails between her husband and oilier women, many of them pupils of his and prominent in Kansas City cir cles. She gave names addresses and dates, charging that one woman n;.d twice attempted to poison her and te'1 nig of au alleged attempt at suicide In another woman who was in love w-;ri the musician. All told, she named seven WoIiimi, I. lit said they wen- mdv the orris she could recall and that th.'ic were many other--. AH had been his pupils, she said. She declined he had dared her to leave him; that be said she was top-rat id only because she was his wife; lett that she diil not dare expose him, be cause his friends would not believe 'h lacts and no newspaper would publish the statement. Attorneys for Mrs. Kreiscr waived th.. preliminary hearin;, and she was o -r.T-i.-i...usv-.s'-icW ' T i - -f -V ' yfrT" Here's a secret about making good coffee v. -t-ri'.. tEELCL'T- A good cup of coffee has made the fame of many a housewife and many a chef. The t xperieliced housew ife knows that to make good coffee, she must g 't it fresh from the roaster. Stale coffee has no u l oma. It. Ii. M.t Coffee Always is fresh from the roaster Its rich fragrance comes to you in tightly scale I packages. It moves swiftly from our roasters to con sumer. It. I!. M. never tarries long on the grocer's shelf. Order a pound from join- grocer today, it'll be I r-esh and fragrant. Ridenour-Baker Mercantile Co. Importers of Coffee. Oklahoma, City, I . S. A. r ARDMORE WOMAN NOT WORRIED OVER FOOD SHORTAGE "I have lived nn toast and water for over six months and have been scarcely able to eat. anything for the past year-. I b.-aan suffering from stomach trouble and bloating live years ago. A friend recommended Mayr's Wonderful lli-ni-cdy and since taking six doses 1 feel am entirely rest.ued; even cabbage does not hurt me." It is a simple harmless preparation that removes tho catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the iiillammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intes tinal ailments-, including appendicitis. (Hie do:-' will convince or money re funded. City Drug store. (Adv.) STOP PI! H S INSTWT KI'.I.IEF IKOM NF.KYF. TOK'I I KK AMI MISLtn W ITU 01,1) "ST. JACOI.S I, l.T. Ml INT" Wirthmor Waists Still Priced at Just $1.00 NEW STYLES ON SALE TO-MORROW Hub this meat right nerves, and appears. "1 (liters pain, relief" wide the skin. Don't suffer! It's small trial bottle f and gently rub the soothing, penetrating lini into the sore. inflamed like magic- neuralgia tlis t, Jacob's Liniment" con It Is a harmless "neuralcia i doesn't burn or discolor ' so needless, oin any drug 'ai lung nerve flet a store ;" and In just a moment you will be absolutely free from pain and suffering. No difference whether jour pain or neuralgia is in the face, bead or any . part of the body, you get instant relief j with this ub! time, honest pain destroyer . it can not injure. -(Adv.) Ik t i-mn:ap..nrmt'iimtnwnT,xi.Tm, ;i!ii 1 i-vA R eh&7 ffor Coughs e Cblds ' lias licen cnsint; pore throats !n all parts of tlie country for SO years. It h tlie nationat cough ami cokl remedy. Containing !alf.nn it soothei, lieals and re duces inilamr.tation and conces- tion. Ilrcaks up the fever, too, and cools the raw spots. The kiddies like It. Give Dr. Kiug" New DUcuv.-ry t0 croupy clul Jren. Get it at your druggists Thursday Will Be the' Biggest and Best Day of the January White Sale.1 Since the opening of this money saving event on last Saturday, the weather has been too severe for many to attend, and our best bargains will be offered you on to morrow. Take advantage of these wonderful values in Dainty Lingerie and Beauti ful Snow White Piece Goods. We spent many weeks in planning, and collecting merchandise that would mark this as an exceptional sale, a sale that really meant a saving to you and would bring credit upon this store. WiilcnmnSimnspn " ijiiii..isrTm.n;"'' ai" ii .-.riirihial mi til i'Wt'CI,1 Tin- Wirth mor is tin1 Staiivlartl Dollar Waist (if America A4 1 ;it(ue . - I A-2 AIM i i r kuw- ... i Each WaLst Guaranteed, to jive entire Satisfaction r Nt:w lUTHMOI "wan H i til i oiiuc: mat siR'ct uio way in 01 sl'tiily defies the title materials ereaier lu me of sale and merchant, have of mmc; prices. Extensive economy in manufacture, no selling expense and a sincere determination on ept down the price without in any way sao l'.Kl'j is a pr preparation through greater v the part of maker ril'icing (juality. Isn't this a valid reason why Wirthmor Waists should be more pop ular the coming year than ever before. The Nationally Favored Wehvorth and Wirthmor Waists can be sold in just one store in every city and they are sold here only. HENRY BAUM & CO. Our Prices Are Less. Keep Dowel Movement Regular r. Kinit'H New Life l'illu keep you In u liculthy cunJitiun. Hkl tho body of iioisutiu timl waste. . improve your 'OTnilexion by keeping the H'avcJs rctf regular, yet a bottle fium your drug- iiHt Ui-Jay. Llfl'v-ctivc but luild. Have Your Car Heated : The Utility Pro- &m 1 " -- .'r-ti u. - HEATS Your Car. i How Utility Protected Heat er is attached to the exhauct. Just below your feet, in any gasoline-driven automobile, there is an exhaust pipe, hot enough to burn deep into the flesh if you touch it with your naked hand. Waste gases hotter than the pipe pass continuously out over the road whenever your motor runs. Why should you accustomed to all the comforts of heated places in winter time sit directly above, shivering with cold while your motor heats the road behind? The UTILITY Protected Heater eliminates this waste. It harnesses the heat as it passes beneath the floor, and brings it through a flexible tube to the foot-rail radiator inside your car, where you regulate the temperature as you want it, by means of a convenient regulating valve near the floor. ' Oklahoma Oil ? Auto Supply Co. (Incorporated) Wholesale and Retail DON A. COCHRAN, General Manager