Newspaper Page Text
Saturday, January 19, 1918. DAILY AKDMOREITE PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIED WANTS IS worda on tlina IS wordk two Uinea IS worda three time IS worda four times It worda five times .450 ... . 7Bo IS worda Mren time J0o For Rent Room BOOilS at McCarty Hotel, liricl; build ing, stove in every loom. Kates rea sonable. Phone 140.. 19-3 FOR KENT Nicely furnished bedroom. 314 H, S. W. Phone 1713. 19 3 FOR RENT Fron t bedroom with pri vate entrance to bath and porch; sm Uemau preferred. 15 Fifth Ave. X. W. Phone 1551. 19-3 FOR RENT One light housekeeping apartment; also one sleeping room. 202 North Washington. Plione 750. 1S-3 SOUTHEAST UPSTAIRS BEDROOM in modern home., close ia. Phone 1S70. 16-7 ROO.MS FOR RUNT Nice and warm. Ous extra hu ge room. I 'hone 101.",, at 115 B St., S. V. lb 3 FOR KENT Light housekeeping rooms. 31 5 North Caddo street. IS 1 FOR KENT Two large, elegant house keeping rooms, private opening. Also a large southeast sitting room. Phone blue 1SS. 1S.1 FOR KENT Fine largo upstairs room, near bath for one or two men. 1'rivate family. 630 West Main. I v3 FOR KENT Two light hntisi keeping rooms furnislied, to parly without children. it A, nortneost. i none 200. IS 3 FOR KENT To gentleman, desirable front room in new home; new fur nishings, bath adjoins, separate front entrance; two blocks north new tele phone building; references. 310 Third avenue N. W. 17-7. FOR RENTTwo or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 31.1 Fourth avenue N. W. 17-3. FOR RENT Furnished rooms one haJf block Main street. 17 South Mill street. Phone S00. It!-.'. Automobiles. I I'. RAND NED 191S KOKDS Can deliver immediatly. K. son, Madill, Okla. for sale. K. Jack-15-7t CHANDLER CAR for sale at a bargain for cash or to trade on good real estate. Phone 1109, or Box -ISO. 13-7 FOR SALE Ford roadster and five passenger in first-class shape. J. .!. Hester. Room 313 Von Weise Bids- Phone 1319. 13-7 FOR SALE One 1017 5-passenger Ford, good running order; one lil 17 Ford roadster, line condition, large steering wheel and shock absorbers; one 1917 5-piussenger Studebaker, slightly used, private car; one 1917 6-passeriger Simon Six; three 1917 5 passenger Dodge cars; one overland. tripped down for light truck. All at a bargain. Phone 760. Central Park Garage Auto Exchange. 147 CHEAP FOR CASH One P.uick 1917 4-cylinder touring car, line shape; two late model Ford touring cars; one Paige touring car. Whitchurch Sup ply House. 10 IS For Rent Houses FOR RENT li street S. -Four-room house at 515 W. Phone 375. 19 3 CONTEMPLATE building two 3-story brick store building on Broadway. Want tenant for second floor. Will arrange to suit tenant. Roy Alexan der, phone ltii or 1059, 19-3. Rooms Wanted. WANTED Room with board, in private family, for wife and myself. Call C. F. Blankeuvhip, phono 3ti9. 19 3. Wanted to Rent "WANTED Two or three furnished rooms, with beth; close in. Call C. F. Blaukenship, phono 309. 19-3, Positions Wanted YOUNG MAN wants position as col lector or part time; references. Ad dress Box 695, Ardmore. 19-3. Lost and Found LOST Between Wool worth's an J Baum's, two small boxes of medicine in capsules. $3 reward if returned to Ardmoreite. 19-3 FOUND A bunch of keys. Owner pay for thin ad at Ardmoreite office. 19-1 LOST One handbag, Jan. 10th, between Looe Grove and Ardmore. Finder re turn to Ardmoreite oflico or phone green 348 and receive reward. 19-3 LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN Latter part of December, fawn Jersey cow, branded W on left jaw. Reward for return to 403 G street, S. V., Ard more. J. L. Wilson. 1S-7 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR. Win. a HANCOCK. OpUweirUt Eye Sight SpcelaJbit Permanently Lctd Bbuman Flower Shop rdmors Okla, J. M. WILLIS Attorney-at-Law 207-208 Von Welse Building. Phone 370. Ar&BUgs, Oklahoma Male Help Wanted WANTED Man with family to work on farm: will pay monthly Address Jim Watkins, Box 334, Ardmore. 1J 7. WANTED--Teamster and also cement linisher; first class. L. R. MarsFvi. IStifej II 1S-3 WANTEI - Boy to work afternoons ;nd Saturday nights. Apply Mailing Room, Anlnioreile Office. 1S-3 WANTE) Dairy hand. Must be a good milker. 1'". J. Kins. Phono 37-. ACTIVE MEN. who can invest $1.00') up, with services, in going business. Box 4S0. 13-7 Female Help Wanted WANTED A young lady for millinery department. Apply to Buum's Store. P.l-3 WANTED While girl to oo general housework ajul care far baby.; family of two; no washing. Address 119, cue Ardmoreite. 1 ;:!. WOMAN COOK WANTED at 111 Stan ley boulevard. Airs. Dan Blackburn. IS 3 Real Estate FOR SALE -Sixty acres unimproved land, 4 miles northwest of AiJtnoro, $S per acre, worth twice the juice. S'e Vales, the Earth Alan. Office over Diiwurth's Store. I H 3 l'OR SAKE- The lliil Sanitarium prop el t.. I.iU feet on Wrt Main and II loom house, modern i-utivi-tiii,m'i. Price $;!,-ii)u. Terms. Ruj A IcAandor. I phone 1UU or 101'J. V.I--, j OR SAl.E nort Invest, in w 0 room bungalow, ! loin, immediate posse sioii. (.'.-. sh or terms, d"r, phone 10" or IiC'.i. 1( V Alea 19 : 1VE AND TEX ACRE TRACTS, im proved or unimproved, close in. at u bargain. Vales, the Earth Man. of fice over Dilu orth's Slot?. IS 3 FOR SALE A t-plendid iU'.Ie iiome of six looms on Eighth Ave. N. W. Own er is moving into new home adjoining and prefers to sell than to rent it. The price is $3,000. Terms can be ar ranged to suit. J. G. Hester, Phone 13 III, Room 3B'. Von Wciso I '!dg. 1 FOR SALE Ninety-acre farm, 5 miles lurtheast of Ardmore; good improve-m-nls. Terms it desireu. O. AV. Whitehurst. f, 14 FOR SALE Several good modern houses, close In. Terms to suit. See W. D. Taliaferro. 2A-3U Livestock ' FOR SALE Three full-blooded Poland China male shoals. C F. Barnes, 13 1.1 Hargrove. 13-7. FOR SALE Several good Jersey cows. One DeLaval separator; one disc cul tivator. G. E. Goodwin. Phone 349-1. 13-7 FOR SALE Cow and calf, $00; die is nineteen months old. 19 N St. N. W. 7-14t FOR SALE Some nice Jersey cows. Can be seen at Dr. Anderson's barn South Washington St. Hoard & Hartnitt. Phone 7S3 or 699. 4-1 Ot Financial CITY LOtNS GulUot & H&ll, agents Georgia Slate Savings Association, ofter bewt contract In city. 1281 Typewriters. OLIVER TYPEWRITER (V sale on the easy payment plan. Send stamp. Address llox 3. .ita, Okla. 19 3 FOR SALE Royal typewriter, practi cally new, for $10. Inquire at Dr. Dcnham's office. 19 3 WANTED To buy and sell typewriters of all makes and models. We have the only expert typewriter, cash rei; ister and adding machine repair man in .southern Oklahoma, and guaran tee all his work. G. W. Bitter & Son, 19 North Wnshington. Phone S0G. 17-7 Miscellaneous WANTED Harry Abies, junk dealer, buys all kinds of junk and second hand oil supplies. Main ollice, Heahl ton. Phono 113. 17-1 ni. Salesmen Wanted CANDY SALESMEN Experience un necessary. Advertise, etc. Bis pay. Pern Co., 317 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 13-7 Business Opportunities SO ACRES LAND in Atoka county and good Chandler car, worth ?S00, to trade on home in Ardmore, or for a business if some kind Box 4S0 or phone 1109. 19-7 For Sale .!RS. L. N. MURDOCK has quite a great many good tilings yet to sell ill household goods, furniture, dishes, quilts, comforts, sheets, pillows, etc. Good feather pillows (goose feathers), 34 inches long and 30 inches wide, at $3 per pair. Residence, 1003 7th Ave. N. E. Residence Tel. 310. 19-3 FOR SALE A Bargain, good six foot oflico table. Phone 190. 17-3t TEAM OK MULKS, wagon and harness for sale. S09 F.ighth Ave. N. V or Glass' Store. IS 3 FOR SALE Hay, 95 cents per bale at barn. Jim Watkins, phono 730. Two miles west of Ardmore. 15-7t FOR SALE AT BARGAIN Two house3 and lots in northeast Ard more. Twenty-five acres good land half mile from city limits. Team mules and wagon. Horse and buggy. Leaving town, must sell. Make me An offer. Address P, Postofllce Box 91. 10-7 FOR SALE Fullblood "pit" bull pups, six weeks old; pedigree guaranteed. Call Daniels, 31S 1) St. N. W. Phono C77 or 5. 7-14t Lefjal Notices. PIMM EKDINGS OF MKETINO lF Bl) KD OF COl'NTY COM MISSION KKS OF I'AKTKi: COl'NTY (Published Jan. 19. RUM. State of Oklahoma, Carter County. The Board of County Commissioners of Carter County, state of Oklahoma, trot on January 17, 19IS. as per ad journment on Jan. 10. 19JS. all members of the board being present, the follow ii:g business was transacted, towit: The board convened for the purpose of canvassing the bids on lot S in block j 390, in the City oi Ardmore, Oklahoma,! w hich had been advertised for sale by i the county commissioners; the clerk i ailed f;ir bids and there being no bid-I o'ers for said property the board made i sip order directing the clerk to have the district judge of Cart' r County to ap point appraisers to again appraise said property, which said revolution is as fel lows: j "Whereas, tin' County of Carter is the owner of lot v. block 3! 0, of the City of Ardmore. Oklahoma, and said1 lot is not needed by the County of : Carter for court house or jail purposes; and I Whereas, said property is now value less to the County of Carter for any purpose for which sajne can be legally u sed. Now, therefore, be It resolved by the board of commissioners of Carter County, Oklahoma": 1. That said property, towit: Lot S, blo,:k 390 of the city of Ardmore, Okla homa, is not needed for court house or jail purpose-;; and. That said lot should be sold, and the proceeds turned over to the county treasurer, to he iced for the purposes I as proviucd by taw; and That this resolution be spread on the minute-: of this board and a certified copy of tin-: resolution, pllipeliy certi fied to as required by law, be certified to the judge of the district colli t of Car- ter lie ton to Cuiiutj, Oklahoma, and thereupon be pr.tyed to appoint three disin sted freeholders of Carter County, ippraiso slid property and return such appr.iiiseuienf forthwith to board of comity commissioners of lor ( 'on i;i v, i 0, I.i lioiua . the Passed and approved day of Jaiiiiar., , I'.'IS. I'. W this the yol'NG, 17th Chairman Board of County Commission ers of Carter County, Oklahoma. Attct: CLARENCE HARRIS, County Clerk Carter County. (Seal). Tile board further ordered the county clerk to publish a notice of the sale ot said property, towit: Lot S, block 390, in tin- city of Ardmore, Oklahoma in a in wspaper of general circulation in Carter County, i; 'a hoina. for 30 das prior to tie- date of said sale as provided by law. There being nothing further to come before the board at I hi.-; time, it Is hereby ordered that, we stand adjourned until our nexi regular meeting in Fi h i nary. Witness our hand and official set-l this the 17th day of .lanuarj, 191S. G. W. Yt.ib.Nii, Chairman Board of County Commission ers of Carter County, Oklahoma. Attest; CLARENCE HARRIS. County Cietk. COl'NTY I UKASl UKK'S CALL I IKI SCHOOL DISTRICT WARRANTS. The following school warrants an hereby called in for pa incut. The same will cease to draw interest thirty days after date. School District No. 1 to 17, inclusive. School 1 lis! rid No. I School District No. 33 to fill, inclusive. School 1 n: irii t No. School District No. 13, Warrants No. 3. Warrant No. .1. 3 1 . W;u rants No. 33.. Warrant No. 3. 30. Wart ants No. S to 31, inclusive. School District No. 3S, Warrant No. 1. School District No. ID. Warrant No. 30. School 1 'istriet No. -1 7 to 39. inclusive. School I list riot No. i Warrants No. Warrants No. 34 to 40. inclusive. S. M. PARKER. County Treasurer. Ardmore, okla.. Jan. IS, 191"!. NOTICE The partnership heretofore existing between Will. J. Clowdus and Henry Bridge, under the firm Guar anty Loan Office, 119 East Main St., Is dissolved, and Win. J. Clowdus has no further interest nor eutiniTtion with said firm. Henry Bridge has as sumed all the obligations of the firm of whatsoever character and that all notes and accounts receiveablo are to be paid to him. In witness, we have affixed our signatures this 16th day of January, 191S. VV. J. Clowdus, Henry Bridge. 1S-3 HIT NOBODY IS I'OOLFI). Germans' I'rofc.l Reminds Senator of Hired Man anil Pumping Job. Washington Star: "The Germans do protest too much," said a .senator. "The Germans started the war, and all the world knows It. When tl ey try to prove that the war was forced on them they just make fools of themselves. "They're like the hired man who was helping his boss pump a cask of whis key into wiine barrels. The boss, being called away, told the' hired man bed chalk his lips; then on his re turn he could be sure that no whiskey had been drunk. "The hired man agreed, the farmer took up a piece of chalk, but only pre tended to chalk the man's lips. Then l.e went off on his errand. "When he returned, an hour later, the hired man was pumping away. He hadn't touched a drop of the whiskey, of course, but his lips were now very thoroughly chalked." Timing tli Tickle. Boston Transcript: Hub Every time 1 look at that new hat of yours I have to laugh. Mfey Really! Then I'll leave it around when tho lull arrives. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than ull other diseases put together, and for years it was sup posed to be incurable. Doctors pre- cribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure by local treatment, pro nounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, greatly influenced by con stitutional conditions, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a con stitutional remedy, is taken internally nil acts through the blood on the mu cous surfaces of the system. One hun dred dollars' reward is offered for any case that Hall's Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi monials. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. FI.KCTION PKOCI.M VI !0. Fnder and by virtue of th Con: lion and Laws of the State of titu )M c homa, and an Ordinance numbered 33.1 of ihe City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Commissioners and ap proved by the M.ivor of said City of Ardmore. on the Mh fuy of January, 191s, entitled: ORDINANCE 331. "An Ordinance relating to the failing of an election for the purpose of .sub mitting to the qualified property t.'ix p.'iyin;,' voters of the City ot Ardmore, Carte,- County, Slate of Oklahoma, the proposition of issuing the negotiable coupon bonds of said City of Ardmore to the amount ot Two Hundred and Twenty five Thousand J33.1,OOO.OOI Dol lars lor the purpose of providing funds for an additional water supply for the City of Ardmore, and 11- the purpose of equipping and connect in;; said addi tional water supply to the present city water supply, and improving the water works svsteni of said City of Ardmore, nil of which shall be devoted to public use and to be owned and controlled ex clusively by said City of Ardmore. Car ter County. Oklahoma, and declaring an emergency." And an Ordinance numbered 330 of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Commissioners, and ap proved by the Mayor of raid City of Ardmore, on the Sth day of January, 191 S, entitled: ordinance ;:'n. "An Ordinance relating to tiie cidlini; of an elcclaui for the purpose of sub mitting to the qualified piujerlv tax paying voter:; of the City of Ardmore, Carter Count., , Slate of Oklahoma, the j I i oposit ion of issuing the oc-totuJble j coupon bonds of sai l City of Aidmore to the amount of Fift. Thousand l$ .0.0O0. Oji Dollars for the purpose of providing funds for the construction of a system j of storm sewers within the City of Ard more, Carter County, Oklahoma, to he owned and controlled exclusively bv said City of Ardmore, and declaring an emergency." And an Ordinance numbered 337 of the City of Ardmoie, Carter County, Oklahoma, duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Commissioners and ap proved by the Mayor or said City of Ardmore on the sill day of January. l'.ilS, entitled: ORDINANCE 337. "An Ordinance relating to the calling f an election for the purpose of sub mittim: to the qimlilicd property tax paying voters of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, State f Oklahoma, the pi oposit ion of issuiiu; Die negotiable coupon hole's of said City of Ardmore to the amount of Twenty Thousand i.:0.l) Dollars, for the purpose "f providing funds for the purpose of ac quiring a site and erecting and equip ping a b."l'n and storage house to he devoted to the public use, and to be owned and controlled exclusively bv the said City of Ardmoie, and declaring an emergency." And r.n Ordinance numbered 33S of tho City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, duly and regularly ndoptol by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the Mayor of said City of Ardmore on the Sth day of January, BUS. entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 33. "An Ordinance relating to tho calling of an election for the purpose of sub mitting to the qualified property tax paving voters of the City of A rdmore, Cattie- County, State of Oklahoma, the propositi oti of is.euim; the negotiable coupon bond,) of said City of .'.rdmore. to the amount of Fifteen Thousand (M 1.0IMI. (iii) Hollars, for thr purpose nf provr'tng funcs tor securing site and the erecting thereon nf an incinerating plant, and the -ehnse of equipment for such inrita-rnP.'ig plant, to b" used and owned and controlled exclusive!;, by the City of Ardmore, and declaring an emergency. And an ordinance numbered 339 of the City of Ardmoie. Carter County, Oklahoma, dulv and regularly ad iptd by the Board of Commissioners and approved by the Mayor ot Mini city o! Ardmore on the sth day of January. I'.t IS. entitle, I: ORPIN NCE NO. 339. "All Ordinance relating to the calling of an election for the purpose of sub mitting to the qualilird property tax paying voters of the City nf Ardmore, Carter County. State of Oklahoma, the proposition of issuing the negotiable foupoti honds ot said ( ity of Ardmore, to the amount of Fifty Thousand (10, 000.00) Dollars for the purpose of provid ing funds for the improvement of the sanitary si-wer system of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, are) the extension of the sanitary sewer sys tem within the corporate limits of said city, to be ow nod and controlled exclu sively by the City of Ardmore, Okla homa, and declaring an emergency." And an Ordinance numbered 330 of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Commissioner-!, and ap proved iby the Mayor of said City of Ardmore on the Sth day of January, I91S, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 330. "An Ordinance relating to the calling of an election for the purpose of sub mitting to the qualified property tax paying volets of the City of Ardmore. Carter County, Stat" of Oklahoma, the proposition of issuing tho negotiable coupon bonds of said City of Ardmore to the amount of Seventy-five Thou sand tJ71.000.Oiq Dollars for the purpose of providing funds for the extension of water mains, and installation of addi tional lire plugs of said City of Ard more, and to be owned and controlled exclusively by said City of Ardmore, and declaring an emergency." And an Ordinance numbered 331 of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Commissioners and ap proved by the Mayor of said City of Ardmore on the Sth day of January, 1IS, entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 331. "An Ordinance relating to the calling nf an election for the purpose of sub'" mitting to the qualified property tax paying voters of the City of Ardmore. Carter County, State of Oklahoma, the proposition of issuing the negotiable coupon bonds of said City of Arflmore to tho amount of Twenty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars, for the purpose of providing funds for securing a site for ?. park in the Second Ward of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, constructing driveways and walks there in, and erecting park building thereon, to be used unJ controlled and owned exclusively by the City of Ardmore, and I declaring an emergency." The undersigned, W. R. Roberts, M:r, or of the City County, Oklahoma, d election for the 7th BUS, for the IMirpos-, Ardmore, Curfr ies hereby call an day ol" February, of submitting to the qualified properly tax-paying elec- followil'.g qlles- isnnnee of the tors of said city, tile tions; cone rnoig the negotiable coupon bond of said Ctv of Ardmore: PROPOSITION NO. I. Shall the City of Aidmore, Carter County, State id' Oklahoma, incur an in debtedness by issuing its negotiable cou pon bonds in the acgregate principal sum of Two Hundred and Twcnly-tive Thousand tJ::31.oiui,O0i Dollars for the purpose of providing funds for the pur-j pose of securing an additional water supply for the Oil) of Ardmore. Carter County, Oklahoma, and equipping said additional water supply, and con tiectim; sail additional Water supply to the pres ent water suppl) of said city, and im prn in;; the water-works ssteru of said city, w hich shall lie iV on I to public use, and to bo o.Niied and controlled exclusively by the I 'ity of Ardmore, Car ter County, Oklahoma, and to levy and collect an annual tax, in addition to all other taxes upon all the taxable prop erty in said city, vuflicicnt to pay Hie interest on said bonds as it falls due, cud also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due. said bonds to hear interest rot to exceed live per ceutum. per an num, payable semi-annually, and the principal .sum to become duo within twenty-live years from date, PROPOSITION NO. 2. Shall the City of Ardmore. Carter County, State of Oklahoma, incur an indebtedness by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds in the aggregate principal sum of l-'ift) '1'buiis.ind it.iU.0U0.Olli Dol lars, for the puipo.-.e of pioviding funds for the purpose of consti aiding a s s loin of sioini sewers w.tlai the cor porate limits of the City of Ardmore. Carter County, Oklahoma, lo be ow l.ed and controlled exclusively by said City of Ardmoie; and levy and collect an annuftl tax, in addition to ah other taxes upon the taxable property in said city, v.ullioionl to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due; and also consti tute a sinking fund for the pament of the principal thereof when one, saiil In lets to bear interest not to exceed live per centum, per annum, pa) abb' semi nnnually, and tho principal Mini to be come due within twenty-five years from oatc. PROPOSITION NO. 3. Shall Ihe City of Arumore, Carter County, State of Oklahoma, incur an in dt by is: uiug its negotiable cou pon bonds in the aggregate principal sum of Twenty Thousand ($30 000.0(1) Dollars, lor the purpose of providing funds for the purpose of securing a site and erecting thereon and (quipping a hai'ii aial slorage house lo be devoted to the public use, and to be ow tied and controlled exclusively by said city, and lev) and collect an animal lax. in addi tion to all other taxes upon all th" tax able property of said City of Ardmore, siiHioient to pay the interest on S'id bonds as it falls due, and also to consti tute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due, sari bonus to bear interest not to exceed live per centum, per annum, payable semi annually, ami the principal sum to be come dii" within twenty-iivc- jears from rate PROPOSITION NO. 1. Shall Ihe City of Ardmore, Cartel County, Stale of Oklahoma, incur an in debtedness by issuing its negotiable cou pon bonds in the aggregate principal stun of Fifteen Thousand ( J 1 1,000. oil) Pollers for the purpose of providing funds for the purpose of securing a site and creeling thereon an incinerating plant, and the purchase of equipment for such biciin rating plant, said site and plant and equipment to he used and owned and controlled exclusively by said City of Anlinoi't', and levy and collect : n anna! tax, in addition to ail otiier taxes upon all the taxahl" property In said cjtv, siitlicierit to pay the interest in said bonds as it falls dee, and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal tliet-'of when !ue. said bonds to bear intete. t not to c:oerd five p,.,- centum, per annum, pay able semi nnnually, and Die principal sum to become due wi'liin twenty-live jours from date. PROPOSITION NO. 1. Shall the City of Ardmore, Carter County, State of Oklahoma, incur an itidoKitodiios.-, by issuing its negotiabie coupon bonds in the aggiegate principal sum of Fifty Thousand ($10,000.00) Do. lai's for the purpose of providing funds for the purjioso of improving the sani tary sewer system of the City of Ard more, Carter County, Oklahoma, and the extension of the sanitary sewer sy.V ten, within the corporate limits of said city, to be owned and controlled exclu sively by the said City of Ardmore, Car ter County, Oklahoma; and to levy and collect an annual tax, in addition to all other taxes upon all the taxable prop erty in said inly, lo pay the in terest on said bonds as it falls due and also constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof, when due, fanl bonds to bear interest not to exceed five per centum, per an num, payable semi-annually, and the principal sum to become due within twenty-live years from date. PROPOSITION NO. 6. Shall the City of Ardmoie. Carter County. State of Oklahoma, inrur an in uehfedness by issuing its negotiable cou pon bonds ill the aggregate principal sum of Seventy-live Thousand ($75,000. 00) Dollars for tho purpose of providing funds for the purpose of the extension of water mains and the installation of additional lire plugs within the cor porate, limits of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, and the same to be used, owned and controlled exclu sively by said City of Ardmore; and levy and collect an annual tax, in addition to all other taxes upon a!' the taxable property in said city, suiticient to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due, nnd also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due, said bonds to bear interest not to exceed five per centum, per annum, payable semiannually, and the principal sum to become due with in twenty-five years from date. PROPOSITION NO. 7. Shall the City of Ardmoie, Carter County, State of Oklahoma, incur an In debtedness by issuing its negotiable cou pon bonds in the aggregate principal sum of Twenty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of providing funds for the purpose of securing a site for a park in the Second Ward of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Okla homa, and constructing driveways and walks therein, and erecting park build ings thereon, to be used and owned and controlled exclusively by the City ot Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, owy ad collect an annual tax, in addi tion to all other taxis upon all the tax a''lo property iu said city, snlbcient to pay the itit"!-st on said bonds as if falls ! duo, and ah-o lo constitute sinking tun.l for -lie pavment of tip. principal thereof when due, said bonds to bear live per centum interest, per annum, payable semiannually, and the princi pal sum to become due within twenty live years from date. No person shall be entitled to vote on laid propositions except he is in all re spects a qualified properly tax paying elector of saiil city. In case a majority of the qualified voters as above de scribed ,!ui!I ute alllrmalively for the issuance of said bond the .Ma or and Board of Commissioners shall issue the same, an. I not otherwise. The voting place of said election shall he the Ot) Hall of said City of Aid more. Carter County, Oklahoma, and the following named persons are desig nated and appointed to conduct said election at said voting place; such olli crs shall also act as counters. Judges: E. E. Guillot and Sam Butler. Clerks: .Marvin Wolvtrtou and J. II. K aim. The polls shall be opened at S o'clock in the forenoon and close at i o'clock In the aXteruoon. Tho ballot used at such election shall be iu words und ligures aa follows, to wit: OFFICIAL BALLOT. SPECIAL ELECTION. Ilelil on the Seventh day of February, 191S, in the Cit of Ardmore, Car ter County, Oklahoma. PROPOSI TION NO. 1. Shall the City of Ardmore, Carter Count). State of Oklahoma, incur an in debtedness hy issuing its negotiable cou pon bonds in the aggregate principal sam of Two Hundred and Twenty five Thousand t$3".,.ooo.ooi Dollars for the purpuse of providing funds for the pur pose of securing an additional water supply for the City of Ardmore, Carter' loitntv, Oklahoma, and equipping said additional water supply ami connecting said additional water supply to the pres ent water supply of said city, and im proving the water works system of said city, which shall ho devoted to public rso, and to be owned and controlled ex clusively by the City of Ardmore, Car ter County, Oklahoma, and to levy and collect an annual lax, in addition to all other taxes upon all the taxable prop erty in said city, sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds ;us it falls due. and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when duo, said bunds to bear interest not to exceed live per centum, per an num, payable semi-annually, and tho irineipal sum to become due within twenty-five years from uate, FOR PROPOSITION' ( ) AGAINST PROPOSITION ( ) PROPOSITION NO. 3. Shall (he City of Ardmore, Carter County, State of Oklahoma, incur an in debtedness by issuing its negotiivile cou pon bonds in the aggregate principal sum of Fifty Thousand ($10,000.00) Dol lars, for the purpose of providing funds fir the purpose of constructing a system of storm sewers within the corporate limits of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, to be owned and con trolled exclusively by said City of Ard more. and levy and collect tin annual lax, in addition to all other taxes upon the taxable property in said city, sufli. cient to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due; anil also constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due, said bonds to bear interest not to exceed live per centum, per annum, payable semi-annually, and the principal sum to U'conni duo within twenty five years from date. FOR PROPOSITION' ( ) AGAINST PROPOSITION ( ) PROPOSITION NO. 3. Shall the Ci'y of Ardmore, Carter County, Stab- of Oklahoma, incur an in debtedness by issuing its negotiable cou pon bond; in the aggregate principal Mini of Twenty Thousand ($30,000,001 Dollars, for the purpose of providing funds for the purpose of securing a site and erecting thereon and equipping a barn anil storage house lo be devoted to the public use. and to be owri"d and controlled exclusively by said city, and lev v and collect an annual tax in addi tion to ad other taxes upon all the tax able property 0f said City of Ardmore, stiflioiont to pay the interest on said bonds as It falls due, and also to consti tute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due, stud bunds to hear interej t not to exceed live per centum, per annum, payable semi annually, and the principal sum to be come due wil'iin twenty llvti years from dale. FOR PROPOSITION ( ) AGAINST PROPOSITION ( I PROPOSITION NO. 4. Shall the Oil) of Ardmore, Carter County, State of Oklahoma, incur an in debtedness by issuing iis negotiable cou pon bonds in the aggregate principal sum of Fil'teon Thousand ($11,000.00) Dollars for the purpose nf providing funds for the purpose of securing a site and erecting thereon an incinerating plant, and the purchase of equipment for such incinerating plant, said silo and plant and equipment to Ix1 used a' owned and controlled exclusively ' by said City of Ardmore, and levy and collect an annual tax in addition to all other taxes upon all the taxable property in said city, sullicieut to pay the inte-cst on said bonds as it falls due, and also to constitute a sinking fund for the pay ment nf the piincipal thereof when due, said bonds to bear interest not to ex ceed live per centum, per annum, pay able semi-annually, and the principal sum to become due within twenty-five years from date. FOR PROPOSITION ( ) AGAINST PROPOSITION ( ) PROPOSITION NO. 5. Shall the City of Ardmore, Carter County, State of Oklahoma, incur an in debtedness by issuing its negotiable cou pon bonds in the aggregate principal sum of Fifty Thousand ($.10,000.00) Dol lars, for the purpose of providing funds for the purpose of improving the sani tary sewer system of the City of Aid more, Carter County, Oklahoma, and the extension of the sanitary sewer sys tem within the corporate limits of said city, to be owned und controlled exclu sively by the said City of Ardmore, Car ter County, Oklahoma, and to levy and collect an annual tax, in addition to all other taxes upon all the taxable prop erty iu said city, to pay the in erest on said bonds as it falls due and also constitute a sinking fund for the payment of tho principal thereof, when due, said bonds lo bear Interest not to andexceed five per centum, per annum, pay- ab.e senu annually, bum to become due and C:e principal within twenty live years from date. FOR PROPOSITION ( AGAINST PROPOSITION I ) PROPOSITION NO. 6. Shall the City of Ardmore, Carter County, State of Oklahoma, incur an in cebtodness by issuing its negotiable cou pon bonds iu the aggregate principal . mm of Seventy-five Thousand ($7.1.000. 001 Dollars, for the purpose of providing funds for the purpose of tho extension of water mains and the installation of additional lire plugs within the cor porate limits of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, and the same to be used, owned and controlled exclu sively by said City of Ardmore, and levy and collect an annual tax. in addi tion lo ail other taxes upon all tho tax able property in said city, sutlicient to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due, and also to constitute a sink ing fund for Ihe payment of the n'ritiei pal thereof when due, said bonds to bca'' interest not to exceed live per centum, per annum, payable semi annually, ami the principal sum to become due within twa nty -live years from date. AGAINST PROPOSITION ( FOR PROPOSITION ( ) PROPOSITION' NO. 7. the City of Ardmore, Shall Carter County, State of Oklahoma, Incur an In debtedness by issuing its negotiable cou pon bonds in the aggregate principal turn of Twenty Thousand ($30,000,001 Dollars for the purpose of providing funds for the purpose of securing a site lor a paik iu the Second Ward of Urn City of Ardmore, Carter County, Okla homa, und i-onsli'ucLing driveways and walks therein, and erecting park build ings thereon, to be used aud owned and loiitrollod exclusively by the City oT Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, and levy and collect an annual tax. in addi tion to all other taxes upon all the lax- able property in said city, sullicieut to pay the interest on said bonds as il falls due, and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when due, said bonds to bear live per centum interest, per annum, payable .semiannually, anil the irinei pal sum to become duo within twenty vn years from date. FOR PROPOSITION' ( ) AGAINST PROPOSITION ( ) Those voting for tho propositions shall indicate the sarin' by placing an "X" in the square opposite "For Propo sition"; those voting against shall so indicate by placing an "X" in the squaio opposite "Against Proposition." Said election shall bo held and con ducted in all respects according to the Constitution and Election Laws of tlu Stale of iklahoma. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hav-J hereunto set my hand as Mayor of the City of Ardmore, Carter County, Stat- of Oklahoma, and have caused the Seal of said City of Ardmore to bo hereunto affixed on this 17th day of January, A. D. 1918. W. R. ROBERTS. Mayor of the City of Ardmore, Cart'!." County, Oklahoma. Attest: G. W. CROOM, S'ity Clerk of the City of Ardmore, Car ter County, State ot Oklahoma, Published in Daily Ardmoreite Jan, 17 o Feb. G, 1918, both inclusive.) SCOTTISH KITH CI .ASH AT GLTIIUIK NUMBKRS -Ut Guthrie, Okla., Jan. 19. Four hun dred and forty two candidates received the thirty second degrej ut the closing session of the midwinter Scottish lilie Masons here reunion of which was the largest class on record. Tho class crganr.ed under ine name of Service class ami elected president, A. A. Drum mond. Hominy; vice presidents, Lieut. M. M. Webber, Stratford, and C. E. Sharp. Woodward; secretary arid treas lirer, W. C. lywis, Buffalo; historian. S. (). Ilenshaw, Sapulpa, and orator. 1 T. G. Heim, Billings The closing event f the reunion was the cioss banquet at which 1,000 guests wore present. In cpector General Hale of McAlester pre sided. Toasts wc'ii? responded to by the class ollicers. Following the) banquet was tho anrual ball with an organ re edal in the auditorium. OKLAHOMA CUAI'.TFJiS. Oklahoma City, Jan. 19. Secretary of State J. L. Lyon has issued tho fol lowing charters: Frator oil company, Frederick; cap! al stock $30,000. Incorporators: W. C Lukenbill, E. F. Murray, John. B. Wil son. all of Frederick. William Godlove company, Kingfisher capital slock $15,000 Incorporators William Godlove, Pearl Godlove, Gran: Humphrey, all of Kiiignisher. The Eluosa Lead ii yjno company ( 'klahoina, City; capital stock $300,000 Incorporators: Maurice Dawodoff. W. C. Greening, A. D. Hudspeth, all of Ok lahoiua City. IX AM) OCT OF ARDMOIti; (From Union Station) Santa Fe. Cortlibound- aiu No. 6 aiu No. IS Train No. 13 loulhbound Train No. 5 Train No. 1 13:30 a. tt 11:55 a. n 3:01 p. n :1S a. in p. :3.1 p. .rain No. 17 Rock Island Sast bound .rain No. 6.12 7:30 a. v. Train No. 6S4 (mixed1 Daily except Sunday 3:35 p. n iVestbound JTrain No. OS:! (Mixed) Daily except Sunday 1:00 p. ir rain No. till 8:15 p, n Frisco. iastbound ain No. 500 S:33 a. t: Train No. 576 4:50 p. j. .'rain No. 574 (mixed) 1:05 p. r Train No. 5S0 (mixed) 5:00 p. I Westbound Train No. 573 (mixed) 9:15 d. r "rain No. 575 11:15 a. i. Trail No. 579 (mixed) 4:40 p. p Train No. .105 9:00 p. I Kingling; Road Westbound 5'rain No. 1 7.00 a. i Train No 3 3:00 p. i . Tast bound "rain No. 2 10:50 a. l fraiii No. 4 7:00 p. i BUSIES S1SG9 RGYJAR3! inT EaucciMfoJ"MopLbly"i '.cmpuand. Suf t&y rei!VM Of the fkonseit, moit obnntt abnormal rmM In fi -dftrs. No harm pain or Interference witb work. J tl.&OlDoabU Htremrth l'i.00. I'JQKUt fRtfc. Yrritota OL 1 I. SQUTHIhtiTQN BttUDT Cf)., .KAlSAS CiH, t (I i.