Newspaper Page Text
Tuesday, January 22, 1918. DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE THREE MARIETTA HEWS ROTES (A'SCbaapalte CbrrespowinuceJ Mrlnttn. CAUv. Jan. 22. Charles JRUev MnOinfqfc hiuuoriat tad vhriinrwt, MBistsd by Mm Truby Kally, contralto 1 4 aooocDpttnfst, under tho auspiceer of the stria auxtllury, will entertain the Poide ta Marietta Jan. 25 ia the opera house. It Is given for the bonoltt of the Red CroaB society. The heaviest snow that has fallen in twelve years foil In Marietta Humlay ulfiht to a depth of about live incr-ea. Thia la very encouraging to the farm ers of the oommufiity urn! us-iurus kockI Boasuulug for the wlitvat crop. Mrs. Bouiile Nuwtou, who in in tlie hostiiUU ut GaiuesviUu, Is Improving. Duu't forgft the McOtUtiy iHoKraru fur the beuuiit of tho RihI Cross at the opera houso, Friday night, Jan. -j. M ousts. Stuples and SoiOKgins were amonj? our visitors Sunday from (Jaines ville, TVjtaa. W. L. Pilworth was down from Ard ttore visiting his mother and attindiiiH to husinexa matters Monday. John Scromrins Ardmoro Sunday. visited friends in All southbound trains wuiv late Mon day on account of the severe snow storni. Join tho Community boorit Love county. League to help The teachers of the Marietta Heading circle met in the county superintend ent's oflice Saturday. The subject, "The .Backward Child," was discussed. The local exemption board reports that it is about two-thirds through witn classilications. Miss I'unsy Lattinier pave a C o'clock dinner to her friends. Those present were Misses Kisselbur, Cleinm and Lattinier; Musm-s. Turner, shipmun, l.attimer. KisseiburR and AUeygood. The county superintendent culled the executive committee to meet with her at her oflice Jan. "!i to arruntre for the county field and track meet some time in April. Mr. Shields is rewirtcd to be unite ill in Loves Valley. A number of out sleigh riding Sergt. M. ( Marietta Sunday the yountr Monilav. folks were l'.'-uy was visiting from Cainp l'.owie. O. C. Turner and Verry Martin of Ardmore started overland In a. r.ulcu from Flint. Mich., Jan. 1U, and arrived in Ann Arbor, Jan. IS, finding the snow prevented their going farther, the snow being five feet deep at this point. Spenco liitbinsnti bed in Loves Valley is coniined to his Word has just been received nf tin death of Gilbert llurnes, son of Mrs, Mary harm's of Marietta. .Mr. Karnes lives in Tishomingo ami was crossing the railroad track in a ear and was run into by the train and killed. Mr. 1 '.antes leaves a mother and four brothers. Al bert. Harry. Jim and Jodie ll.unes. and two sisters. Kit tie and Mary. Miss Mary Harries is employed at the telephone of lice at Tishomingo. J. C. Kubcrtson has bought the T'ml Thompson ranch, eonsisting of l.TL'O acres, the consideration being $3S,0)0. The deal was made through the Jordan company. lxm't be a slaeke inanity League. join the Com The lumbermen report an exception ally good business for this time of the year, the only trouble being that it i hard to get the material for customers There is a great deal ot building going on in the west and northwest part of the county, there being much govern merit land paid out In November and the purchasers of the land are either building for thcm;.clves or their ten ants. Clarenee Steven, sixteen years old died at his heme, twenty miles south of Marietta, from spinal meningitis and was buried at Oswalt Monday. Vc7. Steele of Thaekerville died Sun day evening of pneumonia. The Rev. Mr. Dyers, district mission ary, lectured at the rtaptist church Sunday night, his subject beine "Pro viding for "His Own." Everyone Is invited to attend Community Leaguo meetings. tho Leave your news items and subscrip tions at lirowne's Variety store for The Dally Ardmorelte. Tho only paper giv ing you the latest leased wire details of current events. Let us deliver The Daily Ardrnoreite to you and save you the trouble of waitins for i'.. We will call daily for your news items for The Daily Ard morelte. Mr. II. B. Browne, correspond ent. Mrs. Kobinson, Mrs. Cboate. Mrs. AVelch and Mrs. Teeters are attending the sessions of the Women's Mission ary society in Ardniore. Head first. it in Tho Dail yJrdrnoreite t in account of the heavy fall of snow, The Daily Ardrnoreite solicitors were unable to call on tho homes in the north west and tho northeast sections of Ma rietta Monday. Soon as the weather ' will permit, tho solicitors will make calls in these sections of Marietta. There are only fourteen more of the nine-piece aluminum sets to be distrib uted in the northwest soetion of MarW etta and seventeen in the northeast sec tion, on The Daily Ardmoreite's special offer. If yon wish one of tlie sots, it would be advisable to call on Mr. O'Crten at Browne's Variety store to- morrow or telephone Mr. O Brieo. Call 133. The Daily Ardrnoreite givea a $l.F0 certificate free with each nlno-pioce aluminum set for $1.98 on their special a nine-cup aluminum percolator for $1.25. This percolator retails now fur 13.50. A. she -quart aluminum teakettle with a two-quart iiftuutnum cereal cooker inset for $2.00. This teakettle an Inset no wretail at $5. This itukeitle um caasorolu with a heavily nickeled steel frame. This classy casserole looks like a solid piei.e of silverware and re tails now at $4. , certiflcati and $1.50 yets one, A six-quart cooker with a safety-first aluminum cover, whUh hits a strainer also, prevents scaldiUK of hands and los of foods; can In" liiul for $U0; retails now for $8.50. A four piece Hnrlin combination set can be used for einbt or ten different crxikins purposes; can bo had fur $1.!K; retails now for $t.C0. An ehht-quurt perfec tion steamer cooker, with an aluminum steamer tray and putint aluminum cov er. You can cook two kinds of food at same time in this cooker; excellent for pot roa.sts, boikl dinners, soups, raisin;; bread, and has no equal us a pinsvrvlnK kettle. This steamer conker and pre serving kettlo retails now for $j only i.'.fiO with a i-erlilicate. Only a few of these pieces k-ft. fall at Browne's 'a riety store tomorrow and see these very useful cooking utensils. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Myers are enter tuning tlieir Ki'uiulsim. lloy ("oody of Mar low. Positively no orders will be accented after 100 onlers are taken in Marietta on The Pally Ardmoreito'a spe-ial olTer of a nine-piece combination mukinp set of twenty-year Ktisninteed ahiiiiininn ware for JI.9S. With each sol is Kivi'ii a certificate jjood for Jl.nO on your choice of six other twenty-year KiiaruM teed aluminum cooking utensils. i.ovi: coi'nty .;kts advk k Mr. Slnnli-r litis Some Interest ill? Things lo Say to Fanners. Pruning fruit trees and shrubbery shuuld Ik- done this month. There are a number of pigs through out the county living with the thumps. Thumps in rno-d cases ay caused by al lowing the pigs to sleep in dusty beds. Protect vour hogs by keeping clean sleeping quarters. The ho.-, of Oklahoma last year who belonged to the Hoys Agricultural clubs and grew corn, made an average of thirty six bushels to the acre, while the farmers of Oklahoma made an averact f thirteen bushels per acre. New don't dist mirage your boy or your girl if they have joined a eluu; enemirnge them, it will nav von. The great prnMcm mat has been and will be confronting Okla homa is hiw to keel) the lmv on the farm. America is facing the great d farm-hum! .shortage that e ever faced encourage 1 lie tiuy li lay on the farm but you will hay tiling that be ma;, to give him some call his own. I notice there Is almost every cottn miinity, or will he stalks are not beini. being plowed under in lb-Id in the com . and I notice th cut. Cntess you ge them plowed under pretty deep you will have trouble, plowing under cotton stalks is small cotton's greatest enemy and every farm should be equipped with a stalk cutter. This snow and sleety weather sure are hard on those chinch bugs that are camping outside of your wheat, oat and days out, have y ou a ml r-.irn Mi-Ids waiting for the warm to come. If you have burned them they will ted bother, but if you not disturbed them, they will visit ixii!. You had belter take a day off must them out by burning that worth't-s-s bunch of grass and weeds around your tields. Sv.eet potato grubs and the p'nk boll worm are the latest pests you will have to look out for this year. The swot1 lotuto gruos wer e discovered near Pern son. Texas, last vear arid the pink boll worms were found southwest of llous ton. Texas, I have a number of bulletin;- for fr distribution: if Vou are interested, they aie for you. They are as follows: Cot ton improvement under weevil condi lion, the boll weevil problem, poultry management and turkey raising. The Oklahoma Marketing commission villi the assistance of the county agi rd of the state, has corn buyers in Mb souri buying corn for Oklahoma If any Love county farmer or feeder want a car of corn, it will pay you to s-o your county .".gent or write tho corn mission. "pave the Horses and Prced." was the slogan of several of the great special horse breeding associations at the meeting held in Chicago during the week of the International Livestock show. A horse famine afler the war is predicted. Let every firmer in Love county raise a coll next year This spring would be a fine time to get into the dairy business as a sid line to your regular farming, with but Ut fat selling from 'IS cents to ,r5 cent oer pound (and the chances of itss going higher) and the average farm cow pro duclng fiOO pounds of butter fat yearly and wo have in Ixivp county about 3.000 head of milch cows. This numbe should be doubled, and every ftirmc should be selling cream instead of buy ing butter, SPECIAL NOTH'K TO SIBSOKIUKUS IN MAniF.TT Commencing today The Daily Anl morel te will be delivered to all sub scribers in Marietta by carrier boy in stead of by mail, at no additional cost to subscribers. If you fail to receive mm K:- V. l nelieves Stiff Neck When you wake ur with a stiff neck or sore muscles, strains or sprains, une Sloan's Liniment. No need to rub; it quickly penetrates to the seat of pain and removes it. Cleaner than muesy plasters or oint ments. It does not stain tho skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle handy farTheumaticaches, neuralgia soreness, brnisea and lumo Lock. In fact, all external pain. Cm era us sized bottles at your druggist. I; i hil . lli la? mMi OKLAHOMA and TEXAS NEWS NOTES OKLAHOMA. a automatic central is soon to be installed In Henryetta and the. cheer ful voice of the "hello" girl will be heard no more in that town. Despite the fact that the citizens of Mabel arc paying bonds for water su-rv- to the time of nearly one hundred thousand dollars, besides a big con sumers' rate, the town is in the throes of a water famine. George Podenhammtr of Mount Grove h:is presented a fine fat hog to un editor in that town in payment for tho editor's efforts to get him a wife. 'Ite editor did his beat tlirougb the columns of the paper. With the placing of a l.ono kilnwatt turbine in operation, the electric light plant in Iiivvtun became the lil'tli in size in the L'nited Suites. Jefferson county has the honor ol shipping to St. Louis the first bale ol cotton gathered from abandoned tiields school children for the ited Cross. Fourteen schools took art in the work. The acreage of watcrnu Kins in the district around Tcrral is likely to be reatly reduced this year because of the lack of lainlall and the prospect that cars will not be available fur ship ment to market in the summer. The Key. Wade 11. Hoggs, pastor of 'eutral I 'resin terian church ut Shaw nee, lias lieen appointed manager r the campaign pi raise Oklahoma's quota for the liseal year beginning April 1. I'.MS. Oklahoma's portion of the $'t,- Prcsl.iy terian benevolent fund i. J1.VU00. From the prison camps oyer the stale same it Ayleswoith. Stroud, l.'iwton, turn and Calvin, and the state le'itiurv at .McAlest T, comes the i-ws. that the vtlletnle clemency of overpor Williams to the prisoner.: was vindicated and all those who spent the lidays at home with no oilier restraint upo-1 them except their promise to come hue!;, returned on time. rhcro is nothing unpatriotic about (he family of Mr. and Mrs. William Itorahaligh of Smith ("enter. Their son Pert has re-enlisted in the' navy after .1 service of eicht years; prank, another i. is at the front in Prance, and P: Ipli. the third son, is in (raining at imp I'linslnn. The lather would ta il the age limit pei nni te l. I toy Scouts of Ohio:a--h:i mad" tour of the town with their sleds and ollected the books and magazines that were donated to the liMary at 1 or Sill. record in butter- mailing has lx-eii scored by Mrs. .1. C. Forth of M.u'loW She owns a Jersey cow that has pio luced 101 1-2 pounds of butter in tw( months, most of which luur sold at -hi nts a pound and h;is brought her tb nice sum ol J-1-Om. Okmulgee llremen and policemen as sumed the rules of good Samaritans and subscribed aJid collected a fund of J 100 fur the relief of Sam Arthur, who va crippled in a mine accident, and ills sick laughter. Toe Ixiys will continue the ;ood work until bcth aro on tin ir feeL Tlo Ardmnre.ite bv earner today or hereafter, please notify Mrs. X. B. Browne, at Prownes Variety storo, at once, as no Daily Anlmoreite will lie sent bv mail after Tuesday to subscrib ers residing in Marietta. This change is made to (ivo our subseriliera better sei vice. DON'T FUSS HUH Mustsrole Works Easier, Quicker and Without the Blister There's no sense in mixing a mess of mustard, flour and water when you can easily relieve pain, soreness or stiffness with a little clean, white Mustcrok:. Musterole is made of pure oil of mus tard and other helpful ingredients, com bitted in the form of the present white ointment It takes Ihe place of out-of-date mustard plasters, and will not blister. Musterole usually gives prompt relief from sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, head ache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, Lirnbapo, pains nnd aches of the back or joints, sjirains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and GOc jars; hospital size $2.50. Tackard" Livery Car Oil fields, city and country drives California Cafe Stand Phone 615 Cole Pate jviaKe your spare money earn big dividends by taking some of the Spring River mining stock. Low capitalization, home people, strictly an honeat proposition. Capt W. E. Whitting ton, president. Guy T. Lawrence, sec retary. J TEXAS. According to reports compiled by the railroad companies, nearly r.tioo cars of stock have been hipped from San Angclo during 1917. the shipments be ing as follows: Cattle, liitili ears; sheep, 1. 1SJ; goats, ."il'J cars; horses, CO It cars, and lings, 7fi cai.s. The Farmers' L'niou of Grayson conn ty, in a statement asserting its loyalty to the I'liitcd States govci nmcnt, an nounces that it is willing for the gov ernment to commandeer farm land an,l direct each farmer to raise what is most neeJed to help win the war. Beginning last Saturday the public schools at Brady are to lie in session sit days a week until the close of the present term. In doing this the com t siiperinteiiiieiit feels that he is carry ing out tin- national idea of conserva tion, inasmuch as he shortens the length of the fthuol term and thereby gives tho teachers more time in which to engage in other work and releases many students who may do usefu work i. and cs of on the farm or in the home garde o reduces the operating oxpcu term. Kvery pupd in the Col. man High si iioul is an owner ot a lluitt Stamp War-Savings Certificate, the total amount, ol stamps held amounting to Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Carter K belt e have seen their four sons cut i v ii c of I'ncle Sam during th ar. Harris Carter, aged the r the last litest, some aged si .me ;s Willi tin- Kaiuliovv uivisi.iu where in France." Shelby drier. -'', is on the battleship Brooklyn " here at hi a;" ''laud" CaOir, age is a carport' 1 at Camp Travis and Carter, aged IS, is assistant sin in New Orleans. The father has 1 1 1 1 1 1 i ri '". in Coke county for thiit years. During last year the number of in mates at the slate penitentiary at Aus tin decreasiNl according to the annual report to the prison commission which has been tiled with tne governor. The total number of inmates January 1. was 3,1": I. Dorothy Ince lleiuhree, t wowcck-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. ,, lhm bne, is the youngest member of the Henrietta. Bed Cross chapter and pos sibly the youngest member of the 1 1 Cross ia tb" stale. S!i- became a mem Try Making Your Own Cough Remedy D V! Ton enn narp hout f" and hve ut luutio Llad. Kualljr duuo. In If ynu combined the curative proner ties uf every known "ready-iaadc" couu'll reiiii iiy, you would hardly have iu them all the curative power tliat lies in this Rimpln 'iiomc-rnadL'" cough nvrup wLicli lakes oruy a t--vv to piepcre. b't from nnv d nii-ist 'J'-j ounces of riiiex: (CD cents wurtli). pour ill into a pint bottle; and li 1 1 the bottle witli plain rruiuilated sugar syrup. 1 lie total cost is about )5 cents nnd pives vmi a lull pint, of really better cuii!i Hvrup than jou could buy reiuly-rrmdo for $2..r)0. ladies pleasant and never spoils. Uhis l'iiiex and sugar svrup prepara tion (,'etri liglit at the cause of a cough nnd rrives almost immediate relief. It luoserirt the phlegm, stops the nnty throat tickle, and lunls, the sore, irri tated membranes that lino the tliremt, cii':"t and tiruncliiiil hihes, ho jicntly anil easily that it is really astoriiphini:. A (lav's lis" will twtiallv OVeritime .hi brtlinury coult and for bronchitis, croup, wheiopiiiti coin.'", nnd lirouchial ualhiua, there is noUiinj better. 1 iiihx is n most vnluahle concentrated compound of inline Norway pine i-x- i tiui-t, and ban been used for Kcucratioua ta break up wnro conehi, 'Jo avoid disappoinliuciit, bo pure t ask your dru-rrist for ounces of rin.x" with full directions, and don'fs ftcerpfc atiyth iny else. A rTuarante of nlisolute Hntisfaitlioti or money prompt ly refunded, poes with this preparation. The, l'iuux Co., 1'U Wayne, lud. Oleomargarine The War Mnst Be Won in the .Kitchens cf America Even though food prices are high, you should not stint your fajnily on nutrient fats. Children need them, Give them plenty of Armour's Glendale Oleomar garine the true butter-equivalent Spread it on Bread, use it in cooked vegetables and for all forms of baking, in sauces, in simple eccinornical cakes. The purity and Quality of Glendale Oleomargarine begins with the selection of ingredients. Government inspected, it is further guaranteed by Armour's Oval Label the world's best known pure food trade-mark. In thousands of well-managed homes it is the economy product. Order a package from your grocer today. ARMOUR A COMPANY Chicago KatuM City l I I HH An HI i I I If .W-'- -""THi. I 111 her of tne American Ked Croaj when two days old and was presented a mem bership certificate, a service Hag and a Red Cross pin. The state of Texas overt ubsciibed the Students' Friendship Loan Fund by $1,600. The state's quota was $10,000 uiul of the total amount subscribed, more than $3 ,0Uti is now in the hands of the secretary of the association at Dallas. The second large shipment of velvet beans has been received at Ballinger and distributed among the stockmen for cattle feed. P.florts will le made to grow the beans on irrigated farms. Ilecorrstructioii of the peanut storage plant, which was recently destroyed by lire and in which $luo.OOO worth of ih-u-nuts were consumed, has begun at Dublin. Detiuito plans for an active campaign for the sale of Thrift Stamps and War Savings I'crt iticates have been made in Brown citnitv. The campaign will be gin Hin and vet y si pool in the county will be visaled a.s soon as weattK'i' per mits. Seventh grade pupils of the l-'ortl school in Brownwood have adopted a French orphan. Liicnuo lfeurie. Paris, France, burn April H. I'MH. The pupils recently sent $?:!. having made this money themselves at Saturday sales, ,-hild. to be used in support of tin1 Ardrnoreite want ads bring results. For Binning Eczema Greasy salves and ointments bhouM not he applied if Kood clear Rkin is wanted. ' . r 1 . 6" fr A .. From any druggist lor sac, or $i.uu iui extra larpe size, get a bottle of zemo. When npplied as directed it etlecuveiy removes eczema, quickly stops itchinfi, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cle vises and soothes. Zcmo is a clean, dependable and inexnensive, ix'nctrating, antiseptic, liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is .iseffective and satisfying. The E. W. Rose Ca. Clcvcl iml. O. "Khaki" Men's Calf Jnglish "Something New" $8.50 J. W. KRUEGER lianao Shoes The Shoe Fitter Sit Down Take 'cm oil' WhilcYouWait Raines Saddlery Co. 210 West Main Phone 190 We Call For and Deliver Free 2304 it, miwTffMipi',piiiff EPAIRIN6 Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The. Perfect Laxative is an ideal remedy for consti pation. It is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that :icts in an easy, natural manner, and is as safe for children as it is positively effective on the strongest constitution. Sold in Dru Stores Everywhere 50 cts. (r) $1.00 A trial bottle can bf obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticelle, Illinois Protect Your Against Poor Light. Mazda "More Light for Less Money" Buy Them by the Box of 5 We give you 10 per cent Discount Phone 168 Consumers Light & Power Co. ARDMOREITE MI The bound volume of The Ard rnoreite file for the period from Mar ch 22 to July 1, 1909, is miss ing, having been borrowed from the office to look up some matter of record. Will the person into whose possession this book has passed or who may know its whereabouts please notify this office and be rewarded for his trouble. Copies of The Ardrnoreite for Sept 26 and Dec. 1 and 4, 1916, are wanted and will be paid for at the rate of 25c each to the first person bringing them in, one or all of them. Please phone the editorial rooms of The Ardrnoreite and ask for Mr. Adams if you have any information as to this lost file or missing papers. Children's Eyes We Handle the National Lamp SSING oiler. With this certificate you can get