Newspaper Page Text
Sunday, January 27. 1918. DAILY ARDMOREITE PAGE ELEVEN MOTORING The Ardmore Auto company has de livered a 3,400-pound Kissel truck to Fox & Lamb, The Wilson Motor company delivered a 11 v (.--passenger Elear to O. L, Meeks The Ardmore Motor Car mmnanv as organized last week with an In corporation of $30,000. This company was formerly known as the Oklahoma Motor Car company, but because of an other corporation of like name in the state the name was changed to that of the Ardmore Motor Car company. P. Statler was elected president; A. C Statler, secretary-treasurer, and "V. A. Hensley, Vice-president and Eonoral manager. A meeting of the officers and Directors will be held this week. V.. Statler and V. A. Hensley attended the automobile show at Oklahoma City last week. The Southern .Motor company has de livered two Dodge roadsters and on sedan to t lie (.'.rant Mutur coinpanv at Pauls Valley. Morehead, TClliut & Co. have just re ceived a carload of Cole eights. Tom Cooper has delivered a five-passenger touring Ford to M. I,. Alexander. The Paige Motor company deliverer a Paige chummy roadster to C. Ueal week. O. "W. Crabtree of the Crabtree Motor company attended the automobile show at Oklahoma City last week. Tom Cooper delivered a Ford touring ear to W. C. Cumminys at Lone Grove last week. The May-Watkins Motor eompuiy has delivered to C. '. Hill a late sport model Oldsmobile. The "Wilson Motor Car company de livered a live-passenger Elc-ar to the McCurty hardware store at Marietta last week. Hoy McAllister of the Paige Motor company attended the automobile show at Oklahoma Oily last week. Tom Cooper has delivered a Ford touring car to II. M. llolloway. Jim Moieheid of Morehead, Kl liot & Co. returned yesterday from Ok lahoma City, where lie attended the automobile show. The May-Watkins Motor Car com pany had on display at the Oklahoma automobile show at Oklahoma City last week one of its 101ft Oldsmobile sport models. This company secured three of these models, which are. the only ones in the state. L. "W. Punn has purchased a five passenger Ford touring car from Tom Cooper. The Southern Motor Car company has delivered a Podge touring car to C. F. Hill of the Carter Oil company at Wilson. T. J. Copeland has purchased a Ford touring car from Tom Cooper. "W. T. Tyer and H. I.. P.eede of the Southern .Motor company attended the auto show at Oklahoma City. Hints for .Motorists. Emergency Valve Removal To tackle a valve replacement single handed when you have not a valve lifting device Is not anything to look forward to. There is a way of getting around the diffi culty. Simply interpose a piece of pack ing, almost anything will do, between the valve cap and the valvo head; re fix the valve cap and the racking will prevent the valve rising. To lift the spring and take out the cotter is not hard now. Spring Clips The small clips that are frequently mounted on the outer ends of the leaves of semi-elliptical springs must always be kept drawn up tightly. The function of these clips is to prevent the leaves from getting out of align ment and they also act even as shock absorbers by bringing the outer leives into action on the rebound, while they likewise increase tho friction between the leaves. Rim Rusting When a rim has had some of Its paint knocked ofll, take the precaution of applying soma graphite yt nt once, not only for the looks' sake but to prevent the formation of rust -vruioi Tnrmlnals Cattery terml nals that have become corroded may be cleaned best by a strong solution or washing soda. After they have been dried a light coating ot vaseline will serve to protect them against a return In Refilling Water System In the main there is no danger in pouring com ttpr Into tho cooling system of the engine, no matter how hot the latter , may be. But if so much or tne water 1 has been lost that the tops of the eylln I ders are uncovered, the engine should I be allowed to cool off before tho water , system is filled. The reason is obvious: I if cold water is poured directly on the I hot cylinders, where they are exposed, there is danger of cracking them, ow ing to the contraction due to the rapid cooling effect of the water. Keep Planetary Gears Tight It Is a wise precaution to occasionally go over the bolts which secure the several sec tions of a planetary transmission, to see that no looseness has developed. While the loss of a' bolt or so might not be enough to allow tlie gear to separate entirely, there is danger that it might weaken the fastenings so as to permit the gears to work slightly out of mesh, or that the remaining bolts might be sheared off as a result of being over loaded. Lubricating Pump Spindle In re packing the gland of a water circulat ing pump, use plenty of graphite with tho packing. The spindle Is seldom adequately lubricated and tho graphite will go a long way toward making up for this. Incidentally, the use of gly cerine in the cooling water as an anti freeze precaution seems to assist In the lubrication of the pump spindle. Replacing Spark Plugs Two things are to be avoided in replacing spark plugs, one being too tight an adjust ment In a hot cylinder, which makes It almost impossible to remove the plug afterward, and the other is the break- ing of the porcelain insulation In plugs of that type, through contact with the wrench. Socket wrenches, if made too narrow in the neck, will often cause fracture of the insulator unless held perfectly in line. Determining Polarity, About the sim plest way of determining which is the negative and widen the positive wire of the battery is by dissolving a few grains of iodide of iwita.ssium on a bit of blot ting paper moistened with water. When the paper so treated is touched with the two wires, the positive wire will form a black stain. Iodide of potassium may be purchased in any drug shop. Separating Gear Parts When separating sections of pear boxes or crank cases, it will sometimes be found that the parts stick together after the bolts have been removed. Care should be taken in separating them, especially if the parts are of aluminum. Driving a chisel ur screwdriver between the two sections may make a nick, which will spoil their oil tightness, or may raise a burr, which will prevent the parts from coming together properly. The applica tion of too great force may cause the parts to spring. Gently prying at a number of places, after the stuck parts have been tapped all around with a light hammer, will usually separate them without damage. Loose Check Nuts Loose check nuts on the rods in the braking system may become the cause of a serious mishap, if they are not remedied in time. When the check is removed from the turn buckle or other adjustment, the tenden cy of the vibration is to loosen tho ad justment of the bands. As this may occur when the car is running, the chance of having the brakes fail through slack adjustment, is worth tak ir.g into consideration. KANSAS CITY'S FIRST YVAItTI.MH .MOTOR SHOW Kansas City's first war-time motor show will H-fleet the stability of the In dustry. TM rush of exhibitors to get space has broken records of former years, and when the doors of Conven tion hall are opened Monday morning. Feb. 11, every foot of the big arena and the two improvised balconies will be filled with more than two hundred of motordom's latest designs in passen ger and commercial velwses. Highly decorated and variegated paintings and upholsteries, alwavs as sociated with "show motors," will give place this year to more workmanlike and serviceable stock models of every day use. The decorations fnr the big hall will rellect the type of cars. I tilily Will 15e tho Keynote. A keynote of utility will mark all the exhibits. The decorations have been shipped from P.oston and the construe tion of the two big balconies will be begun soon. The truck division, which will he larger than ever before, will attract the big business concerns. The possibility that the country may be dependent on motor trucks for supplies, food and clothing, has caused a rapid develop ment in commercial vehicles and the sixty or seventy designs which will be shown will bo of the most modern type. To Build Office Building. The old Cruce-Maxwell building at Hl-3n West Main street, adjoining tho site of the new Ardmore Hotel, is to be torn down and a four-story office building erected on the site. The prop erty Is owned by S. A. Apple, Wirt Franklin, Kdwurd Gait and Roy M. Johnson. J. 15. Manslield, who has oc cupied the west store with a grocery, has sold his stock of goods and will letire from business for a time. English Take Prisoners. London, Jan. 2G. The official state ment issued today by the liritish war oflice says: "We took a few prisoners last night In patrol encounters south west of Cambrai. Hostile artillery was active early in the night against our positions in tho Scarpe valley." GOODYKAK SALES UF.AClllNG $1110,000,000 A YKAIt The Goodyear Tiro & Rubber com pany's gross sales for the last two months have been running at the rate of $130,000,000 per annum. This is more than double the gross sales of $(13,950, 000 during the llscal year to Oct. 30, 1916, and well ahead of the gross of the 1917 year of $111,450,64:1. There have been few more remarkable Industrial ex pansions than the growth in Goodyear from a concern with only $2,1S9,000 of gross in 1907-0S to one with $111,450, 643 of sales, more than fifty times as much, only ten years later. Goodyear Tire is one of the largest consumers of rubber in the world. In 1917 it used 24.000 tons of crude rub ber. This is 10 per cent of the total world production. Goodyear employs nearly 20.000 per sons at its Akron, Ohio, factories and at the high point of production last May had a monthly payroll of $2,"00.000. Throughout Its organization including branches and selling agencies it has 26.000 persons on its payrolls. Goodyear has doubled Its plant sys tem during the lxst eighteen months and today has plants capable of tin ning out $200,000,000 of products annually. Two interesting phases ot its activity are the growing of its own long staple cotton on lands in Arizona which it has purchased and is cultivating. The com pany owns 24,000 acres of land suitable (ur cultivation of this grade of cotton. This year it is expected that 15,000 acres will be under cultivation, yielding perhaps one-third of the long staple cot ton the company must have. Goodyear has also followed the ex ample of I'nited States Rubber and has developed rubber plantations in the Far East. It owns 20.000 acres of rubber land, of which 2,500 acres are already planted. P.efore this year ends tho com pany hopes to have 10,000 acres of rub ber lands planted and 2,500 acres In bearing. Goodyear officials rather expected gross sales for the l'JIS fiscal year of 150,000,000, or $10,000,000 more than during the 1917 period to Oct. 21. 110 MF Gl'AKl) MKKTIXfl. Capt L. S. Raines Issues Call for the Ardmore I'latoon. I,. S. Raines, captain of the Carter County Home Guards, has issued the follow ing notice to the Ardmore platoon: "All members of the Ardmore pla toon of the Carter County Home Guards are directed to meet at the courthouse at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night. Jan. 29. Capt. L. S. Raines will be present with important orders from the governor. Nothing except illness should prevent the attendance of a member, as it is of supreme impor tance that each and every one be pres ent and receive the message from the governor and a report of the progress of the home guard in this county." NKGUOF.S NKAH ItltOCK IX SIIOOTLNO AFFRAY County Attorney Hardy and Deputy Sheriff Carter returned yesterday aft ernoon from the vicinity of Brock, where they went to investigate a ne gro shooting. They found that Harri son Douglass had been shot by his brother, Leuda Douglass, and that a ne gro woman, Florine Gunn, or Corinne Gains, had also received a load of shot in her hands, face, head and left arm. Harrison Douglass was shot in the face, his eyes badly hurt, and many of tho shot lodged in his arms and legs lie said that after his brother shot him that he was blinded, but got his nix shooter and took Tour shots at his ag gresiior. but did not hit him, as he could not see to shoot. Those Injured were treated nt the sanitarium, but Leuda Douglass, who Is alleged to have done the only effectual shooting, was not apprehended up to late yes terday afternoon. He is said to have come to Ardmore after the shooting, which occurred Friday night. Trouble over a lawsuit is said to have been the cause of the affray and the county at torney thinks there were about seven negroes engaged in the row. VISIT FROM I)U. K VAN'S. Well Known F.ducatnr Ueilerates His Belief in Ardmore. Dr. Charles Fvans, now with Dai low's Weekly, and who also devotes a Kieat deal of his time to patriotic lec tures throughout the state, was in Ardmore yesterday for a few hours. "Ardmore is a 100 per cent proposi tion, I tell the people I meet, for It is Half Tones Zinc Etchings Color Plates Drawings Quality Engraving Co. 110 So. Boulder St., Tulsa, Okla. Ruy a "Universal" A Tractor which will handle all your farm implements easily and naturally without side draft. Plow, harrow, cultivate and har vest with it. See it at WAI.XTT VAI.I.FV FA KM. One Mile West of Ardmore. SUCGS & REII) "Packard" Livery Car Oil fields, city and country drives California Cafe Stand Phone 615 Cole Pate hardly possible for a man to put his money here and not make a good in vestment. I am more convinced of the fact every time 1 return to the city. "Speaking about The Daily Ardmore ite, 1 have never missed an issue of the paper since 1 left Ardmore and I can freely say that I am ready to tell the people everywhere that Ardmore has the best daily paper in the state. Ardmore is a most excellent field and her fame is being spread by her news paper every day." I'niler a War Regimen. Mrs. Kaw ler Did your daughter learn much at the cooking school? Hostess Well, she learned how to muke a lot of dishes we can't afford to eat. Turkish women never serve in Chris tian houses unless it be as a charwoman. "GOT EVERYTHING" TOM COOPER'S GARAGE 8-10 E. Main Phone 70 RITTER & SIES MACHINE AND AUTO SHOP I HEAVY AND LIMIT MACHINE WORK OF ALL KINDS; STEAM ENGINES, PUMPS, (JAS ENGINES, TRACTORS AND AUTOS; MAKE SPRINGS; ACETYLENE WELDING; STORAGE BATTERIES CHARGED AND REBUILT. WE ALSO SELL AND HAVE IN STOCK THE FA MOUS U. S. L. BATTERIES FOR ALL MAKES CARS. WE HAVE FOURTEEN AUTO MECHANICS AND MACHINISTS. WOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL. RITTER & SIES PHONE 1000. 116-118 E. BROADWAY. :C3 m-m LUKE5-(5Iv5T0REI yKTROLHS- Don GErJjRQTHER5 EL05EDCAR Women are immediately won by the beauty of the convertible sedan. The first enthusiastic impression is strengthened by the convenience of the car and its fine fin ish and upholstery. It wfll pay you to visit us and examine this car. The gasoline consumption is unusually low. The tire mileage is unusually high. Eedan or Coupe, $13S0; "Winter Touring Car or Roadster, J10S0; Touring Car, Roadster or Commercial Car, JSSj (All prices L o. b. Detroit) Southern Motor Co. Announcing a Change of Name T he Ardmore Motor Car Co. Studebaker Agents Formerly The Oklahoma Motor Car Co. When incorporating this past week we fouud a firm incorporated in Oklahoma City under our former name, so in the future we will be known as The Ardmore Motor Car Co. INCORPORATED B. STATTLER, President A. C. STATTLER, Secretary-Trcasurer W. A. HENSLEY, Vice-President and General Manager In our new garage at 8-10 East Main street after March 1st, 1918. Tom Cooper's present stand it I