Newspaper Page Text
Tuesday, February 5, 1918- PAGE TWO DAILY ARDMOREITE I ERROR REIGN no nonnEnTKS and mi hdkrs om it AUMOST N'KillTI.Y IN nil 111AHLA CITY. Juarez, Mexico, Feb. 5. Conditions have grown so bail in Chihuahua City few venture from their homes alter dark, passengers arriving here last TiiKht said. Kobhcries and murders oe rur almost nightly ami there is an or ganized league which has terrorized one section of the city until all the po lice and eemlarne'S in that district have resigned for fear of them. Re cently, a woman was kidnaped from her home and held for ransom by the rob liers, who released her upon the pay ment of 1.000 pesos. Men go about at night dressed in federal uniforms and rob. assault and kill, the pasesngcrs said. Whether these men are member of the garrison there, or are using the uniforms as dis guises, was not known, but two men, wearing the uniforms of a captain and a major of the national army, were executed by the army. Three of the robbers were caught and forced to tell who were a-ssoriated with them. This resulted in the arrest of a number of the robbers, although robberies con tinue night and day. Three men were also shot and killed by the military patrols recently while attempting to rub a house near military headquarters, A brother of -fuan Morelos, superin tendent of government railroads here, was slabbed to death anil his body lobbed of valuables and clothini; re ct'ittly. WAR SUMMARY. American troops are holding against the enemy a sector of the western front northwest of 'foul. Karly yesterday the American artillery, with a barrage, checked Herman plans to raid the American trenches. It has been learned that the enemy in tended to make a raid only fifteen min utes before the time .set. The Ameri can artillery lire was centered on the spot where the (lermans were gathered preparatory to the attack. It is be lieved the (lermans .suffered heavy cas ualties. It is believed the Clermans have not been able to occupy the fust line trenches blown in by the Ameri can artillery the first part of last week. On the American sector the number of men in the first line cannot be dis closed for military reasons. North west of Toul the battle line runs almost duo past and west from St. Mihiel to ward the dei-man border. I'rom St. Mihiel to AIku-u the terrain is hilly with forests here, and there. Meager information concerning the strike situation in (Jermany does not make, clear whether the workmen re turned to their tasks yesterday, its their lenders liud advised after threats of force had been issued by the mili tary authorities. Wilhelm Hittman, an independent .Socialist deputy in the reich stag, has been sentenced to confinement in a fortress for five years by a court martial, be for i) which he was tried on charges growing out of the strike movement. Conferences In I1erlin between states men and military leaders of the central powers are reported to concern the food question and the probable attitude to ward Kussian and the Ukraine. Or man political circles feel, a report says, that a return to Berlin of Foreign Min ister Von Kuehlinann .and Czernin fore casts the breaking of the negotiations it lirest T.iiovsk. Active lighting between the Ru manians and the bolslieviki has begun. Two liussian divisions were captui'.'d by the Rumanians, who also have gone to the aid of the authorities of Uess arahia against the bolshevikl. Heavy lighting is in progress in llessarabia between the Russians and the Ru manians. There has been no change from the daily routine of raids and artillery duels In i'rance and Italy. Kntenle aviators have bombed the ( lerman submarine base at Zeehrugge. i'.ombs also were dropped in the harbor at liruges. Venice, 1'adua, Treviso and Mestre have been bombed hy Austro-German airmen. There was no loss of life or property damage in Venice, but the other cities suffered casualties and prop erty los. Italian airplanes have bombed tin. enemy roar lines and rail way traflio. 130 gki:i:k mitinkkks akkkstfi) at i.amia London, Feb. Z. Complete order has Tieen restored at l.amia. northwest of Athens, where solders of Uriel; infan try regiments mutinied, according to an Athens dispatch to The Times. One hundred and tifty arrests were made in connection with the mutiny. Former Premiers Skouloudis and Lambros and other former cabinet members under impeachment have been orderJ to con sider themselves under arrest in their own homes, where they ate guarded closely by police. All political prison ers of military ag" undergoing sentences lii Athens have been sent to the fortress of Nauplia. The newspaper llestia of Athens, the dispatch adds, calls the Lamia incident a blessing in disguise, saying: "It furnishes positive proof of the underlying infection which the Veni zelos government trusted it could not cure without recourse to surgical reme dies." WHKAT AM) MKAT SAVING .NIK MS ON GOO STKAMSIHPS "Washington. Feb. 5. Operators of more than U00 American steamships have agreed to adopt the wheat and neat saving menus, proposed by the food administration, for ships plying in the Atlantic and Cult' of Mexico. Murine labor leaders already had prom ised that seamen will do their part to ward seeing that the program is ob served to the letter. With eight wheatless meals a week, one wheatless day a week and one meat less meal a day, it Is estimated that a reduction of about tifty per cent in vheat und meat consumption will be ef fected. In addition, consumption of pork is to be cut about 75 per cent by serving that product only three times a week. C. Itoone Taliaferro, I'ndertaker, has moved from West Main street to 23 South Washington street. 3-3 CITY NEWS AND VIEWS. W. A. Fasley is in Miami. Mrs. Jordan Telford has returned to lierwyn after visiting Mrs. A. O. Wolfe. Mrs. Roger Whitfield is in Mansvillo visiting her sister. Mrs. (). W. Lynn. A regular meeting of the city com mission will be held tonight. fi. K. Shuman and I. J. Willingham are in Oklahoma City. The Rev. .1. Clarence Read is tempo rarily occupying the pulpit at Walters. Mrs. J. R. Callahan has returned to Shawnee after visiting her mother, AI.s. Thomas Cook. 1'. C. flings is in Tulsa to attend a board meeting of the Mid-Continent Oil and tlas Association. Mr. and Mrs. W. !. lavisson are in Oklahoma City, where tney will sisil Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus K. Webb. Mis." Sadie Scott of Columbus, Tenn., ai rived this noon from FI 1'aso. Texas, j vhere she has been visiting for two j mouths, to visit several weeks with her ' si. iter. Mrs. .1. A. Livens. j Mrs. Shelby Fownard and Mrs. Thomas Norman were called to Coalgato ' this morning in response to a message I notifying th tl of the serious illness of tneir mother, Mrs. Wilhelm. Frank Thyng, who was injured in a j I Kitball game about two v eek' at;. i. lir.dcrwent an operation on his li:;i lhi morning at his home, Jl'j A street north west. Mayor W. R. Roberts said today that he thinks gardens sluild be made' in some of the parkways, lie would lik" persons who have vacant lots, am! are willing to have them used for gardens, report the same lo him and lie will li i 1 pel sons to cultivate them. In a petition filed in the district court Ida l.iaggs asks that she be di vorced from her husband. Crockett I laggs. She alleges that they were mar- Nearly Every Be Traced to DR. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN The Perfect Laxative Quickly Corrects any Disorder of the Intestinal Tract, Relieves the Congcs gestion and Restores Normal Condi tions. Is Gentle in Action and Does Not Gripe. Sold by Druggists Every where 50 cents and $1.00. A trial bottle ran be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr. W. H. Caldwell, 457 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. c- ' Uefore m (S7g 4fflSS PeerlessBlow-MShoe Is all and more than the name implies It Stands Without a Peer We have the best Blow-Out Shoe made in Amer ica today- This is not alone our opinion, but the opinion of every person who has ever used or exam ined the Peerless Blow-Out Shoe. We have yet to meet a single person that has not pronounced it by far the best Blow-Out Shoe that he has ever seen. Oklahoma Oil & (Incorporated) Wholesale and Retail DON A. COCHRAN, GEN. MAN. ried Aug. 1, 1914, and that in the month of March, 1D1G, he was convicted of murder and sentenced to serve twenty years in the Oklahoma slate peniten tiary at Mc.Mester. Salmon Williams returned yestcrdar to Norman, where he is attending the State I'niversity, after visiting mother, Mrs. T. 15. Williams. hi -5 Th? Woman's Missionary Society of the First Christian Church will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. 15. II. Cur lew, 409 North Washington street, in M 'ad of with Mrs. .1. Clarence Read, as announced. The play "No Trespassing." which was presented last night at the Carter Ave nue Church by members of the Kp w irth League, was a splendid success, and nctled a sum of $;n, which will be r;si-il in F.pworth League vork. The local exemption board has Iv-rn i engaged in cheeking up the eases re- turned to it by the district appeal boar I j No. L'. at Tulsa. Nearly all the app--ai from this county have been denied, ircin ! to US per cent being thus return",!. F.ula Floyd has filed suit in the dis trict court against her husband. W. .1. Floyd, asking divorce. She alleges in her petition lhat they were marrie I Sept. IS, lill. and that he was guilty of gross neglect of duty in that lie failed to provide for her support and that on Sept. 17, 1S17, he deserted and abandoned her. She further alleges in the petition that he is a painter and be longs to the painters' union that he de camped with 1U0 belonging to the union of Ardrnore. She attaches to the petition tiled in the case a page from The Fainter and I letrorator. the ollicial oigan of the painters' union, showing a I lit t ti i of the defendant and a state ment lhat he is wanted for cml.e..le incut of the union's funds. ANACONDA STANUAK1) MAS S'.'ail.OiiO riKIO Anaconda. Mont., Feb. 3. Fire early ferny practically destroyed the plant ( The Anaconda Standard. The loss is est 'mated at $LTi0,U00. Ardmoreite want ads brim? results. Disease Can Constipation Jitter Auto Supply Co. i i i i ii J 9 ITNKUAL OK MKS. V. W. THOMAS Sl'NDAY AKTEKNOOX Funeral services for Mrs. C. W. Thomas, who died Saturday night at 1 o'clnek, were held Sunday afternoon at -o'clock at the home of her mother, Mrs. Susan M. Nichols, 1009 f5urch street northwest. The Rev. David II. Cooper of the Rroadway liaptist Church and the Rev. C. K. Wagner of the First Christian Church conducted the serv ices. Interment was in Rose Hill Cem etery. Mrs. Thoma-s died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Raybon Wilkes. 7S1 West Main street. She is survived by her husband and six other children. .Mrs. C. S. Wyatt of Texas, Mrs. Clelie Crim, William MeCatiley, now at Camp Travis, Russell, Cruse and I louglas Thomas. She was a sister of Miss I misy Nichols. For Burning Eczema Greasy salves and ointments should nc be applied if good clear skin is wantec I-rom any druggist for 35c, or $1.00 fa extra large size, get a bottle of zenio When applied mS directed 'it effuctivelj removes eczema, quickly stops itchinc, and heals SKin iruuuics, uiou oui", uu.i.o, wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cleanses and soothes Zemo is a clean, dependable and inexpensive, ptTietrattng, anusepin. liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effective and satisfying. The. E. W. Rc;e Co., Cleveland, O. HOT TEA BREAKS A COLD-TRY THIS (H :i small package of llanihun; iireast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tahlcspoonful uf this hainhiirg t-a, pill a cup of UiilinK water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teaciipl'ul at any time. It is a most effective -ay to hreak a cold and cure (,'rip. as it opens the pores, relieving congestion Also loosens the bowels, thus break im: the colli nt once. It is inexpensive and entirely vege table, therefore harmless, (Adv.) GLASS IF SALTS K Your Itack Hurls or ('.ladder llollici Von, llrink Lots of Water. When your kidneys hurt and your b.cli feels sore, don't Met scared and oiocerd to load your stomach with a lot of ilruifs tiiat excite the kidney.-; and irritate the f-ntire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your i-HV.-Is clean, hy llushiiur them v it h a i i 1 I . harmless salts whicli removes the li idv's urinous waste and stimulates them to their norma! activity. Tie f motion of the kidneys is to lilter the hi ,od In :'l hours they strain from it -iifl grains of acid and waste, si we :n p'adiiv understand the vita! m- ooiUnc" of keeping the kidneys active. I H ml; lots of water -you can't drink oo much; also i;et from any pharmacist i '.unit four ounces of .lad Salts; take a talnespootiful in a ulass ( f watc r be i'ore breakfast each inornini; for a f": days and your kidneys will act line. I'ni-; famous salts is made from the a id ;f grapes and lemon juice, combiner lithia, and has been used fur .Derations to clean and stimulate olouccd kidneys; also to neutralize the i-'ids in urine so it no longer Is a : inve of irritation, thus endim; bind 'or weakness. .lad Salts is Inexpensive; cinnot in jjrc; makes a del,i;hiful effervescent .ithla-water drink which everyone -"loiilu take now and then to keep their 1'dneys clean and active. Try this. i .so keep up the water drilikimr. and in doubt you will wonder what became I your kidney trouble and backache. (V',aLMtwaHkrMflmtaaa t I in i tat nun ' M 304 to 318 Baum Bide. Ql'AKTKIt .MILLION OF WOKKKUS AKK NKKDKI) IN TIIK SHU'VARDS Washington, Feb. Ceneral Man lier I'iez of the emergency fleet cor poration yesterday asked governors of all states to help enroll lT.0.000 workers in the shipyards by issuing proclama tions calling mechanics to enroll in the public service. NEWSBOYS' STKIKE IN NEW YORK CITY ENDS New York, Feb. 5. The newsboys' strike, whicli began a week ago after New York newspapers had raised their THAT ANNOYING, PERSISTENT COUGII mnf lead to clironio lunff troubln. or mean that the chronic siasj already la reached. In eltiiur cauo try ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE This tonic it 1 ti.mio-rp pninr sup plies the a'-knowledtfwl bnttitq jf t'.tl 'tum treatment without dUiturtiliiff tha Btomacli. iNjiitfilnu no AUoLiul, &nr cotio r ilabit-FuriaUtr Dru. $2 tie, now $1.50. $1 size, vow 60c. Price Include war tax. All drurdstst. Fckmrtn Tnnoratnry, IMitUdlhia NO RETURNS $25.00 Street Shades to 49 Bust 25 Silk Values to $34,75 White and Flesh, Spring Suits s NICHOLS and CHANDLER DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS This handsome home located in restricted location for sale by NICHOLS and CHANDLER Homebuilders, Realtors, Architects price from one to two cents, came lo an end yesterday when a newsdealers' com mittee accepted the publishers' terms of $1.10 a hundred and an offer of com plete return privileges for unused pa pers for an agreed period. Newsboys will receive twenty cents a hundred more than they did before. i ( iy TOM COOPER'S GARAGE "Got Everything" 8-10 E. Main St. Special Sale resses 25 NO EXCHANGES Values to $39.50 Street and Pastel Shades Q 7C Georgette and dj J. J? 0 Crepe Every Express Brings Us Additional Frocks - g A Woman's Store For Women's Wear 7"K t 4 i j Hinc lilae Lacrirnae. Boston Transcript: She Father read I your books of poems, dear, and wept over every line. : Her Affianced He did? I ui,p yes. lie said he couldn't help j but weep to think that such an imbecile was coming into the family. IS IT A NEW KLAXON YOU NEED? We can supply you. Also can we provide you with every auto accessory, tires, lamps, wind shields, gloves, oil, gas, chains, i spark plugs, pumps everything. And if you think you've been paying too much heretofore, we ask you to get our prices. They speak for themselves and us, too. (fU 16o75 u Spring Coats ? i 1 Oklahoma City, Okla. a i si Head the want ads. or