Newspaper Page Text
1 Sunday, February 10, 1918. DAILY ARDMOREITE. PAGE THIRTEEN S I BOOM HIES Calendar for Sewing Kuotit. Monday Supervisor, .Mrs. (lilbert Presnell; bed shirts. Tuesday Supervisor, Mrs. 1J. A. Fii.ipson; bed shirts. Wednesday Supervisor, Mrs. F. 11. Wolverton; be. I blurts. Thursday Supervisor, Mrs. AV. A. I'.aiier; p:: jamas. l-ridny Supervisor, Mrs. Coats; pa jamas. Saturday Supervisor, Mrs. Amy Sted liam; pajamas. Calendar for (lanzo Koom Monday Chairman, Mrs. Y I", Tlaiber; viee-chi'irinan, Mrs. O. 1. How land. Tuesday Chairman, Mrs. Charles von Web. e; vice-di.tirmaii, -Miss Crain John bun. Wednesday Cl-airman, Mrs. Arthur C. Straehlty; vice-chairman, Mrs. Ar thur Kyle. 1 hursday Chairman, Mrs. Rogers; viee-chairman, Mrs. Neustadt. l'iiia Chairman. Mrs. AW liamon; vice-chairman, Mrs Hans. S.uurday Chairman, Miss f'.lady. '.illin; vice-chairman, uiiappoiiilcd. Calendar for Cutting Kooin. Monday- .Mrs. h. S. Dolman. Tuesday- Mrs. Coats. V.Vd.iosday .Mrs. Lan Walling. Thursday -Mrs. C. M. Henley, l'riday Mrs. u. C. l.islur. Charis Walter A Wil 1 lurry here are hundreds of wounded men in need of proper surgical dressings. The Ked Cro.--s nurse and the doctor are doing their best, but if they do not have the sutllcient amount of 4x4 wipes. or other neissury articles, then you, who will not give up your time and sacrifice some pleasure, are to blame. Many will say. "If I hail only worked." but it will be too late. The women of Ardmore, many tof v hum do no have even near relatives in the service, arc giving their time and need your help. Nothing oi events them from be ing at the work rooms day after day. and nothing should prevent any one giving at least a part of her time, ho not tlilay in answering this appeal for help, notify th" supervisors at once, ami join the won'.t u who are doing their part in tlii:: great sti uggle. CITY NEWS AND VIEWS. .1. S. Mullen is in Oklahoma City. Wednesday The Maccabees will meet afternoon at o'clock. A regular mooting of the Sisti-rs will be lield Tuesday 7;;1U o'clock. Pythian liiht at MOKAli VKTOKY W()Kl.l MIOl 1.1) WIN, TArT SAYS Former I'resident Taft Declares lulled Mates Will Insist on a Jus! l'eacc. Not One of Conqlist. Utile Hock. Ark., f'eh. 9 In aji address to soldiers at Camp Tike today. former President William II. Taft said that "peace now. even though it be made on the basis of restoration of the status quo. without indemnities and with no annexations, would he a failure to achieve the meat purposes ti.r which America and her associates in the war are lighting." He said a victorious result is nece-sary to wive security. Mr. Taft sad that war is won the I 'mtcii wish lo he heard a.- terms. -Tie l'iiite.1 States will insist on a just peace, not one of mate rial conquest. It is a moral vic tory tiie world should win." w hen the Stales will to peace locomotives will operate on one of the most unusual o-. e-carrying railroads in the world. Although the mines are only foui miles inland, the railroad winds in and out in order to limit the grades to a maximum of P, per cent, the length of the line being increased in this way to fifteen miles. The total ascent made by the trains to reach the mines :s J. 1100 feet, it is planned to haul from twelve to twenty cars, each laden with fifty tons of ore. 'u a single train drawn by one locomotive. The ore will be shipped to the Cnited States ia the i'liiiama Canal end will be made into strel at one of the largest plants in the Kast. had passed through the receiving sta tion, and the hands of the doctors, it was in-ariy midnight. Several of them were awakened at 4 o'clock the follow ing morning to assist the cooks in pre paring bruckfast As one well built, sleepy drafted man got to his feet, he stretched and yiwned: "It doesn't take long to spend a nljjMl in the army." a visit was made with relatives in Wil more, Kv. Mrs. John for several proved. Yell, weeks who has been ill is somewhat ini- Poring last week IK, bed shirts and 10 suits el pajamas were turned out in t ie rutting room, and an unusually large amount of work has also boon accomplished in the other work rooms, considering the fact that on many days theie were but few in attendance. Fri day's record in the gauze room amount ed to !3u 4x1 wipes. Those who have worked and who will continue to work urge the necessity of more help. Ap peals for Workers have been made from every department ami if the women of Ardmore, those who have not done their duty, wait until they hear that the American hoys are wounded, wait until the casualty list comes from the) big sprint: drive, it will be too late then to make surgical dressings and hospital garments. If each one would do her pert, giving thl-(e half days a week, then no one would be overburdened. This is no time to wait for telephone calls, urging your presence, your help, but eery woman should notify the supervisors what days siie mi assist. This is a work that requires constant attention. The demand is great now, but later, when America joins in the big battles, pernaps within the next) 7. two months, the demand will be greater, so great that the combined efforts of every woman in America will hardly supply the needs. 'When one stops to consider what a littie thing is three half days a week spent in making sur gical dressings and hospital garments for wounded, dying men, compared with the agonies and suffering of men who give all for our safety, can one do less than give it? Think for u minute The Woodmen Circle will meet in regular session tomorrow afternoon at ":'M o'clock. 11. C. Pallard and Price South. Com pany K, Ulth Regiment F. S F.ngineers, are spending short furlough here. V. Y. Morrison of New Wilson and Agnes Taylor of Cornish were married yesterday afternoon by District Judge W. F Freeman. Miss Isabella Morton, who is teaching school at Pauls Valley, is spending to day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Morton. Miss Clara Shook has returned to her home in Coffeyville, Kan., after visiting Mr. ami Mrs. William DeVeny, '.'03 D street northwest. ll.'ilph Woods. Company I. 112nd In fantry, Camp Howie, who has been visiting his cousin, Mrs. Ralph Ram sey, went to Oklahoma City yesterday to spend a few days before returning to camp. larria.e licenses have been issued !o V. .Morrison, 411. New Wilson, and Agnes Taylor. Cor nish; F. 1.. Fuiiss. .11, Dallas, and Mrs. Fairy Morris Pry an, SO. Paris, Texas; Will Toiiey, ST. and I.eona Mann, Cheek. Mrs. Al Pace and son, Jack, have re turned from West Liberty, Ky., where they were called on account of the ill ness of Mrs. llice's father. His condi tion was somewhat improved at the time of their departure. Fn route home v. V V7 Our Millinery Department offers tomorrow An Exceptional Collection of newly arrived Smart Spring Hats at $5 $7.50 $10 featuring Georgette Crepe Hats Lisere and Satin Combinations Hats Made of the mw Caterpillar Braid Never have we shown more attractively Trimmed Hats at these popular prices. The colors are most fascinating and the styles the very latest such as the Bustle Back Hat, Military Turbans, Mushroom Pokes and many other decidedly new features. WIiilManSimnson The trial of cases on the criminal docket will he begun ill the district court tomorrow inonurg. The brick building formerly used by the federal government on West Main slrc't, adjoining the new hotel, is being razed. It will gie place to a new building-, but owing to the dillieulty of se curing labor and material construction will not be begun immediately. Swift Tune. Kveryhndy's: A trainload of newly drafted men reac bed their cantonment late in the afternoon. P.y the time they The Greatest oi Indoor Sports IJeatiui; Old Man Dyspepsia lo a Finish With Stuart's l)yspiisia Tablets. TacUe a tiood Fine Lunch anil tiel Away Willi II. I.OV. CAMT.K MAKKS PKOTKST. Topeka, Kan., Feb. ;i. A protest that the appointment of Harry N. Taylor of Kansas City, Mo., as director of coal distribution for six states gave coal operators tinwat ranted distribution of coal was made today by (lovernor Cap per. In a formal statement, the gov ernor declared that the action of the national fuel administration "looks like surrender lo coal operators," adding that consumers should have been rep resented. Mr. Taylor has authority over coal distribution in Kansas, Mis souri, Iowa Nebraska, Oklahoma and Arkansas. ItKTl UN I Mi S01.D1K1W SINXi. An Atlantic Port, Feb. 9. Seventeen hundred Canadian soldiers invalided honii, but all well enough to take care of themselves, tonight Joined in singing the songs of the trenches as the ship on which they arrived here from Fu rope was warped into her berth. 0 OR DiK HABIT Orrine has been uniformly successful in restoring victims of the "DrlnK Habit" into sober and useful citizens. If, after a trial, you get no benefit, your money will be refunded. It Is a simple home treatment. No sanitarium expense. No loss of time. Orrine No. 1, secret treatment; No. 1, voluntary treatment. Costs only $1.0') a box. Ask for booklet. Coleman Drug Company, 9 West Main street. (Adv.) We Have on Display In Our Show Rooms the New Styles Of The "Distinctive" Cole 8 Chief of Police Segier received a tele grain from Joplin. Mo., saying that Wil liam Deinp Johnson, lined as a vagrant in police court Friday morning, was registered there, b(ut that he had never called for his questionnaire. He wii! be turned over to the federal olliocrs. Fdith Yount has tiled suit in the dis trie) court against her husband, John Yount. seeking a divorce. She alleges in her petition that they were married in 1901 ior It'll, the petition in part not being legible), and that ill Novem ber, PUT, he abandoned her. J-'he also alleges teat he lias failed to provide her support. A telegram recch 1 yeti rday after noon by The Ardiiiori'ile from P. A. Knloe Jr., Fnited States marshal for the eastern district of Oklahoma, stand that the attorney go o ral lias extended the time for ali"H enemies to register to Wednesday, r'eb. PI. The registration was to have closed last night, but this order gives thr ;.' additional days. Chief of Police Segler, the registrar for Ard more, received a iike telegram. I'p to 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon only eight had registered here. ur stomachs icad us three or more times a day to the business of eating. And it is the greatest of indoor sports, a year-around affair throughout life. To Keep the stomach tit, to keep it braced and in training at all times, the very simple expedient of a Stuart's Oyspepsia Tablet after meals will prove . a constant source of both protection i and preparedness. No gassy, sour, ! belching, bilious stomach, no distaste for food, no coated tongue, no distress after eating, no matter what you eat, when meals are followed by Stuart's 1 lyspepsia Tablets. 1 Oct a a i) cent box today at any drug store. Let them oigest your food while the stomach takes a much needed rest --(Adv.) Moorehead, Elliott & Company Corner A Street and 1st Avenue S. W. AV. II. Hudson has tiled suit in the district court against l.aura Hudson, seeking divorce. He alleges they were married March ID. PJOS, and that she has been guilty (! extreme cruelty. He asserts that in January, of this year she left with another man and took their eldest hoy with her; that she was se n in Ardmore in February and since that time he has not known of her whereabouts. They have live children, aged thirteen, ten, eight, live and three years, respeetive'y. He asks for a di vorce and the custody of the children. School district No. 110, by ,1. J. Stevens, C. K. Morgan and F. M. Prewstcr. mem bers of the board, has tiled suit in the district court against J. 11. Joy, alleging that in 1011 the defendant agreed to sell to the board one acre of ground in the northeast corner of the southeast quar ter of section 21, township south, range 1 west, for school purposes; that on Feb. 7. 1011, the defendant was paid therefor the sum of $10; that the boa. d erected a sehoolhouse on said land and otherwise improved it, but that the de fendant has failed and refused to exe cute a deed. The board asks that the defendant be decreed to execute a war ranty deed for the property. The trial of the case of Mary Moses vs. Mark Moses, for divorce, took up all the time of the district court yesterday afternoon. The case was contested, both parents striving for the custody of their one child, a girl about four years old. The wife charged cruelty and the defendant on the witness stand admit ted that he had struck her when she called him a vile name and he made counter charges of improper on her part. Much damaging testi mony was offt red on both sides, to such an extent that the court denied a divorce to either party, but took the child from the custody of its parents and entrusted it to Mrs. A. K. Curtis, county probation oflicer, on the ground that neither the mother nor fa ther is a proper party to have the care, custody and education of the child. K a fit Aramore-Akron ire Rubber LOCOMOTIVES IN PACKAGES. Knock-Down Principle Applied in Ship ping of Hallway. New York Kvenlng Post: The "knock down" principle, which has long been applied to the export shipping of furni ture, boats and numerous other articles, was recently employed In the cast of three electric locomotives weighing 120 tons each, which were completely dis mantled and packed in boxes at the Fi le, Pa., works of the (leneral Electric Com pany for shipment to Chili. Each loco motive occupied sixty-two separate boxes and packages, which ranged all the way from a parrel so small and light that it could be handled by one ma t up to a package over forty-five feet long and, weighing twenty-three tons. The locomotives were ordered for use in connection with an iron mining oper ation in Chili and were shipped some 6,000 miles. They were first erected and tested as if the shipment, was to bo made on their own trucks. After the tests were completed, the locomotives were taken apart, the various parts all bing marked or ticketed to facilitate reassembling. Al! of the interior elec trical apparatus was removed and packed, the roof of the locomotive, in the meantime, being fastened to the platform and then boxed and packed. The motors were removed from the trucks, the brake, rigging add accessory apnprtus disassembled, the trucks sepa arated, and the axles removed. The shipment was' mado by rail to New York, each locomotive occupying eight cars, three box cars for the smaller packages, and live flat cars for tho un boxed parts und heavier boxes. The contents of the cars were unloaded upon their arrival at New York and were transferred to the steamship by harbor lighters. On arrival at Cruz Grande, Chile, the Will Have at the Very Outset Such Advantages as FUEL Cheapest of fuel, electricity at practically lc per kw. per hour. LABOR A model and modern plant, scientifically planned to permit unlimited growth, also maximum produc tion at minimum labor cost. MANAGEMENT The invincible spirit of practical, successful tire men who are determined to put ARDMORE tires on the market in the next 30 days and quickly make a great success of this business. BUY STOCK AT PAR This stock is selling at par, $100 per share, but will be raised in price just as soon as we receive some of our equipment, which is in transit at the present time. Buy this stock while you can get it at par; if you don't, you will eventually buy it at the advanced price. We have among our stockholders some of the most successful business men in Oklahoma, including bankers, lawyers, oil and mining men in fact, all professions and trades are represented. Join our large and rapidly increasing list of stockholders and share in the profits of this wonderful industry. Pay yourself a dividend when you buy tires, instead of paying it to someone else. Clip this coupon today, now, for as many shares of this stock as you feel you can afford to buy. A Few Facts Regarding Our Large Factory at Ardmore Three hundred and one feet in length, 90 feet in width; 110 tons of steel used; 3,644 window lights, re quiring over 3,000 pounds of putty; 250,000 brick; 27,000 square feet of floor space; fireproof; equipped with the very best machinery. Electric power will be used to drive all machinery. Principal motor, 350-horsepower. Capacity, 500 tires and 500 tubes per day. Will be increased rapidly. Will employ 300 men to start with. Will bring at least 1,500 people to Ardmore. Automobile tire stock, safest and best money-paying investment. Do not these conditions awaken your thought and make a powerful appeal to your good judgment? If the above can be accomplished, where conditions are not so much in their favor, where they must labor under greater handicaps, what may reasonably be expected of THE ARDMORE-AKRON TIRE & RUBBER CO.?