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Newspaper Page Text
UL i la. S cAfM. fix 4jHUh POPULAR PASTIME By McCool '(lux "Waan't it cold ' '.si night?" "t'old? Why 1 was awakened y llie noise of my wife's teeth chattur 'ng on the bureau." I HOPfc- HE. LIKE.9 JT "TH EL. KNITTINGBAG NAE.? SHOP-UF TIN G-A2V LVf-VDAY IN THE, SUBWAY HKIJ. Spccl of Thread Don't Mr. Scis sors talk a lot of foolishness? Hull of Darning Cotton Yes, sheer noose use! mmnwm piittfi mt extort hu i V;w mi J K r A J s r-. i I'M i -r T.. i FTiv ..v UH'UKri I.N VlliW. I hear Joo has groat prospects. Yep, his rich urolo lost a quarter, and Joo says he knows just where it Is. DotShT HE. Loo CUNN l'N A PiCTU-RE. OF VITH THE NEW SWE.ATEU.ON ill TH. ICNITTING- HI to knit foil -Ilk fin r:.'!:i ,1 "wnnh'iriwMiiirijt AT Till: I'KACK CONFRUKNCK. Mother I)ear Who bepan this aw ful fight? Little Janr Harold did. He wouldn't do as I told hi;n to and 1 wtia only making hii.i mind. STILL POPULAR The .w iuuidn' hole where onco he piuyetl Ueoeath the drooping willow's ahaiin Ls lone and cold. Me feeU the chilling winter hUutt Where once the brooklet gurgled ptut In dayi of old. Jv'o mora he turnw hi.'i hide to hrowii The while a summer sun looks down With look benign And yet he do;s not rail at Pate. Ho yellH: "Hey, Uedl Corno oa an' skato The ice la flne!" B l Mr. Vig: Vou'ro some swell dresser, Mr. Horso, you always have on sonn thing new. Mr. Horso: Yes- my wife rjills me a reitular clothes horse. f in NO FAVOFtlTES. "Oh, no," soliloquized Johnny 'bit terly, "there ain't any favorites in this family. Oh, no, if 1 bite my finger nails I pet a rap on the knuckles, but If the baby eats his whole foot they think It's cute." Ci.EYKI:. "Clever, isn't he?" "Very. Ho can even persuade his small boy who wakes at 7 o'clock Sun day morning ready for play to bo back to sleep for another hour or two." SME CONTUACTOn. "Yessir, 1 was onct a busy con tractor." "Humph!" "Honest I was, Boss, at a early ae T contracted measles, mumps, and whooping coui;h all in one week!" TMIC KNITTING RESEUVKS. "What are you knitting there?" "A sock. Wu woinin can help win the war by knitting." "That's right. Sock it to 'em." V U.' i) " v - ONR W1IO KNOWS. The Marker You've scored four out of a posaiblo fifty. The Hookic What do you mean possible fifty? A score of fifty at that range ls Impossible. I've tried it. SL'CH IS LOVE. First Horse (attached to lover's sleigh) Let's run away, Domino. Second Horse What's the use. They wouldn't notice it. mmm0i " !. ZmMF WW 111 w Mm 1 SUCH 13 IJFIU. "Life ls just one thing after another." "What's the matter now?" "I've been taking dancing lessons for six months just to please my wlft and now I've got to begin all over again and learn to dance on skates." AMBLING AMBROSE By Cowan I WHAT WCAUCfeuFl uHUNAyglvAJ 1 M $ I LOOK. 0U. W Mm.XArA lT T EW.WELL j ' I DE 1 (t BMEfeTHOS a! YMUC XL ZdH AND j ? , PEROti TO.'SIAWJE' J 3K PONUi A tAEWBEfe OP TWL XW t UEAsDE. JV ) HIGH SIGN NOfeue DEEI niS - WED THE. UGHT OF f ' 1 BOT UPON 1 SlAue CLUB AND OF DE j K " JUDGED BEFORE i I ' CLUB f ' 9 J-