Newspaper Page Text
rAGE EIGHT DAILY ARDMOREITE. OIL PRICES Mid Continent Oklahoma an J Kansas li.09 Healdton l- North Texas and Panlian.lle Electra Henrietta Thrall Corslcuna Unlit Corsicana cruilo Ktrawn 2 00 2.00 no I - 2.00 2.0i 1.03 2.00 Caddo Pool 3S and above 2.00 I DeSoto riel.l 38 and above Caddo crude Crichton cruilii No.'tlieru Louisiana 35 to 37. 9 32 to 31.9 . 1.90 . 1.90 1.00 . 1.90 . l.ii Gulf Coast Bour Lake $1 00 Pplh.llK(l Humble 100 Saratoga . Markham 1 00 HatHon Vinton 100 IMeily - Jennlncs 1 00 Dayton ... $1.05 1.00 1.00 .95 1.00 :oe Creek . 1.00 i:steru Slat- Wooster 2.3S 2.5 1.-0 2.12 1.98 l'enn. 4 00 Cabell S 73 CorntiiB 2!0 North lama . 2.08 South Lima . 2.0S Somerset l::u;laiel lilliitu I n. liana I'rinei'tnti . 2.12 Plymouth 2.03 tetrolia, (Canadian) . At Duncan a loc: Ijeeu organized ,th 2.48 co r pan v 1, Ihiiican IV- Iroleutn C.ompaiiv, in the inuiiediair town of ha- more than O.i within a three-mih to I. ten itoi Vll'i!lU'. ol t ! Tli.' eomp Kin acre, h. radiu it Pun est otle- can and w ill drill (In half mile northwe-t to-' 1'. of 111 norate limit -. ami slum I ! tin til! a citv. 4 a failure it will then nd tost southwest of tin- eitv. It claimed the compare hi- ample funds to make the e tests t!ioroi!"li and deep. Puncan citizens are '.el ting into the oil gain- wit ii con siderahlc regularity of I tic 'I lie success of the Kahro Company, m section 2 4s.?w, composed pallv of Puncni t-it ii-ii -. n lilated the oil fever in that prinei is slim i it v . The Prosperity l M 1 Company, mi , , i section r Mr'w. t re a good showing at . is setting the t cr hel'ore drilling in. I teet Cvpsy Oil t , in section I'rub: ha- d'-i s-::d to v in a through t! SCO itU ;i at 2.210 sand at led ami i I i.. now .'.JJO te. about W It I of in showing and will a gasser. vi I.I ii iil.O! Ill ti obal lv be shut for Otis Smith, of panv, has ri turn trip to Tul-a. I Ml I , bu-i- In the f'row: ,1 beb' two good we!!- are report'' in on llrnv. nwood cii'. n hv I lo'dowav Ivaiii No. 1 od to shot and i- estiina'" ! g"' to 20 barn-Is at 2'; l"t. m 1 he Ramsey farm, live n of I'.row nwi'.od, i- ilvilii' .g 1 feet. Magee well No. 1 Maves farm four an 1 mih'- west of I'.rowuwoo derreamiug below (,U0 feel tor;, to setting tin- casing ; sand, l-'oi'.iteeii acres ol t sou farm. se en mile- ea-i wood, was leased to Pali; for l,ni)U recetitls. om I. is pre) uu- ri the IV 1 a me ow 11 irt ies P. row nwood l'IV;i-i "Paily I '.ub 1 in : Mrs. l.nlu M. I iettn. r. one of the several women operating in this field, has "put one ovir on the Oliver tract norlhue-l ot town. In order to hold the lease on this tract. Mrs. lUlfner wa- reipiin-d to begin dliilir.g at ami the land owner was nm anxious bli the lease to be alidated in thi- man ner, conse(pieiiily ir.t erte: ed -oMie-vhat with the stabli-l'ine'ii ..f a Tig and the beginning of dil'i'm:'. according to Mrs. lleffner. While the land ow tier was si, fully a night or two ag was moved into place plIKt pi ace . a big i In I under Mrs by sum -si lleffner'-, orders, and 1 net morning it was chn and is still on the job (low n 1 he lease. nig a.. 'I'uKa W'orhl : ' '.enre t ,1c h n turned from 'l'eas a:.i! Ii the trip overland from th in'' field to the new product , 111 e!e t'lll- u pur nl i CIS I 'acme chased by the l'rairie 1 hi an (.'ompany irom the ' I Coal Company, and h cntliu -1 ie over the outlook. Mr. Cole saw, that the prospect ot (bin;: aeiive construction work on t'.ie pipe line appeals to him greatly and that the people in the llealdtnn field throusdi which the line will pass are very enthusiastic. II It's Easy-If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to feci young to do thi3 you must watch your liver and bowels there's no need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look in your face dull eyes with no Bparlde. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from in active bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which be gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the substi tute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They bring about that exuberance of spirit, that natural buoyancy which should be enjoyed by everyone, by toning up the liver and clear ins the evstern of impurities. You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab lets by their olive color. 10c and 25c pel box. All druggists., - Miami. March Davcrtiort and lr. K. I. 1. lame inita, v. l.r nwii tiie Daylight Ica-c nor; 1 of 'Juapaw, art- making 1 1-j -iraiioiis ;.,r tin' erection of a mod ern ;.hnt at once. Two good strikes v,'i'r n-!i!i' on uii icae .aiuiuay ... , 1. . .1 ... vvit'iin ln Hour- oi eaen omci ,u an average of 175 feet. Work will lie hegiin on the sinking of a shaft at once .rid plans are now l.cing dran for the erection of a modern mih of ."in.1 tons capacity. ( ";m . n .i J i t - from iklahoma City. Tul a Miami met and incor- pol'. Safi loll, I'le; v hat w ill be known a-; t ne ird Mining Company. Tile r otliciis were elected: (. ar! '!'ul-a, president ; Walter i. Tulsa, v ice-president ; . Iiiii. .Miami, secretary ami I ,11 . ir.' -.ill! I ! I .'. i'i - ... I llUl 1 rea .er. er. 1 lie company lias a ji i c on section four, two miles ,,i-t ,)t Commerce, on what is known as the Wilson land. Four holes have already been drilled and the drilling work was again re .uined wslerday. Ore levels have been fo'iiiid at a depth of l(o feet and again at - 0 fe t. The deepest hob--: is !0 feet. In three of the h,,les there have been twelve, thirty and ll'.irt v-six foot faces of ore en countered. The dihiralty Company has he gun the mining of the (Jueeu bis tiiei' mill from ( 'an .-r ille. Mo., to 1 oeker . die, and wi immediately Levin ilu .vbieh is erection ol i! on it- lease. i; located three-fourths ol a i. ; of I ioekei villi' on the -Me. There hive been JO liilled on the Ji I acres, the l lead uncovered running a , ,'u u XII per cent, making : i e richest strikes ever en ed in the etitire mining di I ii'- ore runs to w ithill .is one ol (oiint'. i e 'rift. I feel ot I The S ' i a n . ' M sinking ic top to J!"-" net deep. u,'n n I and Zinio 'om ated JOO yards cast ol the 1 IiT, depot in Cardili, is .vo sh.ii'i s on it- properly. Alii. i everv promise oi uevei ore. (Juatitities of jack taken iioin the mill shaft, s p r cent and heller. A i. pre: i have be, 'i - -a) in,; 1 , m 1 1 i i ,t HN leet lias been drilled In Id la! and JJ4 feet in the -1 'I b Pr. n Ko alt v (. onipativ ua alty si l ike Mill o haft i on the i'rag -1 II i 1 1 ocken ille. m a drill hole d body of ore but w hen t he It i I hat e.ed h ol 1 lea i pr 15') feel. bed a depth of "() feet ispect wa-, opened. i I l: u .-k v Joe M mi'ig t ompany. a-e ioins the Red Magic on . and is opposite the Jack 'if '.tan l he erect ion of a 2"0-Tue-ilav. which i- under the ,! toll 'l. . t o be completed within the time the property was ;d. Pec. 7. there was um tr'.lv down. In an isbtoot iiiri'iM -h.,f! i- in'"' ore ;.. a raging 1') per cent ba a f '-ii d. Tin- a 1 1 . .l.-i Miniuig Company has ;uo i'i i.l ligs hu-y o:i its Kansas h lidii:.; three niih-s north ot I 1 1 . ee. : In the b ase east of Qtia three hole- are drilled, caeii bowing ore suhiciently rich to iio.v t''.:m satisfy those interested n: the company. The Sunrise Mining Company, con i ting of S. M. Samuel, 1'ryor. il.hi . president; 1 1. W . Paugber- . v.1 i : ii 1 1: . . ice-president : P. W. iireii'i'in. I rea .rrcr, is now drilling o'l tbc : lord .bole. The b ase is lo cated two miles west of Cardm and ' three-fourths of a mile west of the i in i.ieagle property. 1 he s., -,,11,1 shaft of the Otiapaw Mining Company, located within mil feet el the M. ( ). X- Oi. tracks, n (Ju.iji iiv . has been coindeted and j .-in cxci ptionally rich grade of jack ha- In. en -(ruck 100 feel from the siir:,ii- v. lncfi snow- a lace oi feet. A 250 ton mill will be moved ;o :uis : ropeity from the l" Till dN nict v. it h in the next few day-. Va'eria! for the I'.illiken Miniuig I 'oiiip.'iiy's mill is on the ground ind t he e t ' t met ion w ork w ill be coi'iim i ic-d at once. The mill is iii.uti ll-. a new one. having been .roi!j;?it bete floni t!ie Jopiin dis tiict a'itr being run only twent oiie da v -. PATRIOTIC MEETING AT ROCKY POINT TONIGHT ie Koel.v Hill nuil lock 1'he f de tte- lelisc w ill meet al 11 hi I'oint follovv- !i iool!io',i-e mill', iii.;; pro;;raiu will ( )pcn iuir sontr. ' e civ-n : merica." Welcome pentcr. I 'at riutic lie- W. V. Car- ;u ldr ess, Andrew Kiddle. Son;'. "M Ol Kentucky Foster. Keadini:. A. K. l'.ushy. Duet, Mrs. Frank Little Willie l.ittle. ddress. licnrcv W. county superintendent. Address on food conservation, Mrs. Minnie 15. Church. At the close of the program there will be a pie supper for the benefit of the council of defense. Mrs. W. . Carpenter is chair man of the program committee. PREACHER TO SUPERVISE BOY SCOUT WORK; SALARY $3,000 A YEAR Okbhoma City, March 1. Rev. J. 1'.. I'eisiiine;, pastor of the Harri son Avenue Congregational Church, yesterday, at a meeting of the Oklahoma City Hoy Scout com missioners, of which Mayor I'd Ov erholscr is chairman, was selected as scout executive to supervise the work of the local scout patrols for the coming year. Mr. Pershing will be paid $3,U(K) a year. The selection of Mr. Pershing as executive follows the successful campaign conducted a few weeks aero, when more than S15,(XK) was raised Lu Oklahoma City to carry i Home." II OKLAHOMA and TEXAS NEWS NOTES OKLAHOMA. C. II. llr.rt: .man, a fanner in who registered as a enemy, and who is .etinie, Claude and ' iradv I ount v. iorniaii alien guardian for F Make Airir.gton, through his attor ney. C. L. McArthur, received the approval of Comity Judge lv. F.. Davenport lo $150 worth of war savings .stamps for the mi nors. Ilor'sman has lived in lirady County 45 years. This is the first case in this county where a guard ian has made application for the purchase of war savings -.tamps for minors. I. M. I'.ili-. has sold a v.' 10. The S" pounds r t.oui.d. i I'.ryan County farm sow and nine pigs lor o'a and pig- weighed and sold at 14 cents Six Indians havi dilfcient towns in of the state on tin ing dead Indian been arrcsteil in the ea-teru part charge or steal , claim and sell ing it to parties in Waurika, when i lie Indian was very much alive. The Imlians were not very communica tive about I heir case, but claimed 'liey would be able to give bond. lohn Ii. llnt'l', who has been told by his wife that she would leave! him unless he would replace her! money which he had spent, tooK; desperate means to do it and was shot and wounded at Wi.-'er while trying to escape from tin Wisterj Hank with $1,500, afh r locking tin cashier and several customer- in tiiei bank. lii w i le i-, a ( 'hoc! aw . The oldest resident of Fort Oih-I -on, "Aunt" Ocorgia Scott, is dead. I -die was naif Cherokee and half' white and, .-d'hough In r exact age' was not known, she was thought lo! be over 'XI years. She had lived in I I'ort (iibson about 75 war;. j Frank ('ampin and .Miss St Ola Kan., both deal II of Clille i mutes. a rile -Mm!, vcie ; nii iii. i, I he prineip; in Part in sil an iiiit-rc' e recentlv g we i Ming 1 1 ulah is t he on the I of C.-riey. 1 lul meaning liaeb- uame ol a in-w town e, I.i miles southeast ah i- an 'sage word The first McAdoo for president I Pemoeralic club has iieeii organied 'I In- purpose of the nominal ion the treasury for campaign opens. in )klaboina ( il . lite club is to urgi ol the secret in of president when the barm lands in ( iklahoma are more 1 valuable now than ever before. The' good crops ol last year are assigned as the reason for the unusual de-i mand for farming lands. j Preliminary work on ( ikmulgee' rw water and sewer systems, n : which the sum of is to l,,. expended, will be begun immediate-1 ' The water reservoirs and puinp uig station are to be enlarged and : he mains extended. i Absolute harmony made possible: :he (lection by acclamation of W. 1 I I. Masters!!!! to the in-i.o.l ,. ..I hi- Southeast ( ikl.ilnnu i Mducation- .IV . i 1 ii . vssoi i.u ii 111 inr i ne eiisii i'u Master-mi is superintendent ity schools in McAK ster. ear. the The Clio Mining Company has 'iee'i orgauied by parties i'n Ada ind incorp irated for S'5.0'l. Their ompany hold- :l lea-e on -10 acres oiitneast ot (Juap i w. "ii t tic work (it tne l!ny S euuts lor , ' he IK ! '. hive years. I I lie e.iiiimissioncrs. in iiamin,; Mr. lYrsliino;, M.)eetcil a m.ui who lias I. ecu verv s CC(. ,-,, : , (ork anil act ii t ie luriiit the .ast i evcrai vears. I'lirou'li Mr. I'crli tlie scout work in has ".row n r.ipi.llv. as.-erted yesicrilay y wotilil ,-nlvise the i'oni;ret:ati.m Smi- ilia's -le'ivitlcs 1 iklal'oma Citv Mr. IVrsMn.; that lie prnbali memliers ni' hi 'lay t!i it he will r. poses to eivt hi-, -eotit v.url. . i;:n. as he pro er.tire time to News while A-.lnioreite. It In news The Daily Strictly Modern I'liono I0i IIOTKI, AKTliriS llealdtnn, Olila. The Place Where You Keel at Home Transient Trade Solicited Two mocks Soul Ii of Tow nsile Office Weather Forecast 9 ' . ' FEATLiUXG IN OUU (JAIlMENT DEPARTMENT A SPECIAL SHOWING FOR SATURDAY OF SOLID COLOR KHAKI-KOOL SUITS AND DRESSES. Strictly new and very much in favor for this spring. CREPE DE CHINE AND GEORGETTE WAISTS at $3.75 up to $10.00. ORGANDIE AND VOILE WAISTS at $1.00 up to $5.00. i A DIES' AND MISSES' GINGHAM DRESSES IN EX i CELLENT MATERIAL AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS, $5.00 to $7.50. CHILDREN'S GINGHAM DRESSES OF THE BEST GRADE AND OF SPLENDID WORKMANSHIP, 75 eta. to $8.50. EVERY DAY WE GET NEW GOODS ON OUR SECOND FLOOR. WHILE IN THE EASTERN MAR KETS, OUR BUYERS ARRANGED WITH THE MAK ERS TO SEND THE NEWEST GARMENTS EACH DAY BY EXPRESS. IN THIS WAY WE CONSTANTLY ARE SHOWING THE LATEST TO BE FOUND IN WOMEN'S WEAR. TEXAS. a desire to do tTicir "hit" in winning the war, more than l,t)Ui) farmer.-, of Panola County have signed pledges to plant 50 per cent or more of this year's in food and feed crops and thus re duce cotton acreage and pasturage i.ind. Many of the farmers pledged 5 per cent of their acreage to food crops and a few signed UN' per cent for foodstuff:; only. Mverey busi ness house in the county closed dur ing the food production drive day. The desire of J. P. King, a Beau mont negro, to get into the army and help whip the kaiser was clearly demonstrated recently when Kinlg u-poried to the medical examiners, al the oaice of the exemption board. ;bat he had walked from Hanson. Shelby t'ounly, to llcautuoiit, a dis :a:ice of over 100 miles, in order to report on time. King is a robust negro measuring 6 feet 1 inch in his stocking feet. He wore a pair or ahoes out in the j.iunt, but the ex ercise seemed to do him no harm, or W.l.s ie i.isse acccpti ii d the examination and I UlpllS oi th-j Sherman public in have made a splendid record in war woik as shown by the fact that the (hildren in every building stand I f W per cent in Red Cross membership, 100 per cent in thrift .tamp campaign and are now 100 ;.er cent in war garden work. There will be ing in vlnch uakin; a war aril ib i, fi ir e ich build family to , is also the city and t each child be a w ar garden. 1 1 1 1 y i end i: Soli. acant lots lor war : have 'arden- cen in tend I ).-n Tin can . have been placed on many cigar coiintcts in Texas cities A-i'h signs on them calling attention 'i the fact I hat the Red Cross chap-' ! er, can use tin foil and asking that j i. v cry tiny . .it be ..aid to bring a everyone sa ing saved. 1 in toil Is good price and ny their "bit" ronsid- . rable , bich vork mot cy to pure room... can lase he realized with supplies for the An obi lioctimeiit, bearing the original signature oi (iovernor Sam Houston and granting to W. S. Morton e::'iiy aces of land near hrownwood. has recently been filed here for record. The grant is dat ol July 2o, 1S''(, and was originally ib d for n cord in 1S77. The dc- Miic!io!i in the eotr.ity record made .I iice,.ar- to record the grant again in naier to perfect the title to he cigl'H acre,, n .w worirt a con- lerab i.-l- p amount ot muiky fur oil J. c: o fi hlig to a record recently Te ;as Agricultural i-Statioii, Mubbock, l')17 that sect ion of onipiicd I.V ti.i ;'. xperiiiieiit Su in: i-i r the yi ar he s'.ate had the i rienceil in 2 ! ; ..ere oiilv S.75 ! iwesi rainfall ex ears. While there j ineiies of rainfall I luring tin a ere el v cut ire ii id. car, the crops Te:1 thou. :ril section -tatiot'ed a' a big I'.ibl. . i v the Rev aco list whose home lr-.-.,sed the est I'.ook in and Mii-licr, of t'.ie sig- , of the aviation corps, Rich Field, took part in 'lass meeting conducted lames F. Francis at i Sunda. Mr. I'rancis. is in I. os Angeles, ad soldiers on " 1 he (jreat 1 1 istorv ." ARDMORE'S BEST STORE FOR SALE I have for sale tlie best store In Ardiiiiiie! ('onsiilcririK location, size i.f HtiK-k, volume of annual sales and net profits, tliis store Iiils no e.lial that I know of. If you want a new location for your business, If you want to buy the bluest muney-mak-proposition fur its sine in Ard-llioi-,', see in- ipiickly. Slink will invoice about $J.SO.J.OO. Will sell at a hiu discount. Will in lainle ov. r $.'0'iiiu worth of fixtures nlksoliit.'ly fre". I test location in Aril more and rent is only $100. 00 per month. R. C. McKIDDY Kcal Kslate and Ixians, liti1 , W. Main. liiono 2J. TUNUIIIT FAIH, COI.PKK; SATlllDAY l-'A lit, WAR MICH. Robert Q. Harris, of Siebold Hotel, Ft. Worth, Texas, Gains Six Pounds Gains Relief from Gall Bladder, Rheumatism and Kidney Trou ble, After Using Only One and a Half Bottles Pep Systemic Pills. Robert O. Harris ("Red") makes the following statement to Pep Sys temic Pill representative: "I suffered from gall bladder, rheumatism, constipation and kid ney trouble, my system was greatly weakened and for a lung time I was threatened with paralysis of the left I ide. In other words, I was 'down ind out' phvsically, Imt atter Using I one and a half bottles Pep System ic i His, i am practically cured ol all ailments. Hut I intend to con tinue the pills until I am thoroughly relieved. "At the rate I have overcome my weakness, I believe about two more bottles will make me once again well and strong. "I have gained about six pounds since I began treatment of the Pep I'ills and they are a great boon me People suffering from nervous ness, gall bladder, constipation, rheumatism, sleeplessness, stomach troubles in all forms and that "tired, fagged-out" feeling should begin taking Pep Systemic Pills today . Pep Syst"!uic. Pills are strengthen- j i;ig and act as a rcconstructor to the etitire system. Sold "by llarrell-McCarty Drug Store and other good ibuggists. ACCMIT NO SUIISTITUTF. FOR TIII-'.SI'. PI I.I .S. (Adv.) Palace Theatre TODAY (IIUAIJIIM'; I'AICKAIi IN' "Tin; in-:viii si o mc TD.MI IKKOYV i:HTK Sll .NON IX " HOY" FRI. MAR. SKAT'S NOW HENRY W. SAVAGE OIT'KKS I OITI lil; SHOWS JN ON'K Drama (irund Opera SpecUule Musical Comedy The Tremendous Musical SlMJrtaele Five Absorbing Acts, f:mo'lliKhe( by Seejiie Splendors, Interpreted by Ketnarkable Cast. SYMPHONY OIUTUuSTR.Y l'riees $1.00, $2.00 American Cash Grocery PAY CASH PAY LESS 14 East Main. Pbone 66 For one week, bepcinning Saturday, March 2nd. we will sell the following lfct ot groceries at these prices. No order for less than $2.00 will be delivered at these prices. Irish Potatoes, per peck 17U-10. sack Corn Meal 8-lb.saek Corn Meal Hominy Grits, per pound Head Rice, per pound CRACKERS. 15c pkgs. Premium, 2 for 25c 15c pkgs. Sunshine, 2 for 25c 15c pkgs. Fairy Sodas, 2 for 25c 15c pkgs. Krispy, 2 for 25c 20c pkgs. Saratoga Flakes, 2 for35c 25c pkgs. L. W. Sodas, 2 for 45c 10c pkgs. Uneeda Biscuits, 2 for15c 10c pkgs. Takhomas, 2 for 15c 10c pkgs. Iten Biscuits, 2 for 15c Package Cakes. Bulk Cakes. 15c pkgs. Graham, 2 for 25c Reg. 35c Honey Dew, per pound 30c 15c pkgs. Vanilla Wafers. 2 for 25c 5Qo nydrox per p0Und 45c 15c pkgs. Fig Newtons, 2 for 25c . 15c pkgs. Cheese Sandwiches, 2 for25c Reg. 50c Vancho Tea Cakes, per lb. 45c 15c pkgs. Currantana, 2 for 25c Reg 5QC Cheese Chips, per pound45c 15c pkgs. Chocolate Fingers, 2 for .25c R M pound Bulk Crackers. 17yc Reg. 35c Chocolate Finges, per lb30c 0lsa War cSckersf pe? p"o"und"20c Reg. 35c M. M. Creams, per pound30c Corn Syrup. Breakfast Foods. 1 i r i t -i,,! Krrn 83c 30c Pks- Quaker Oatmeal, per pkg. 28c 1 gal. Red Labe Karo 83c v q g fo25 1, Gal. Red Label Karo 43c ceam f pc pkg 20c 1 gal. Blue Label Karo 76c 20c pkg post Toasties. per pkg17V.c !,: gal. Blue Label Karo 39c 15C pkg. Post Toasties, 2 for 25c H, gal. Mary Jane 43c 25c pkg. Pettijohn's Breakfast Food 23c The Cash and Carry Plan is coming. Fall in line ; American Cash 14 East Main. IF YOUR GARMENTS NEED CLEANING, DYEING OR REPAIRING, PHONE 71 We offer you the service, of the best. In the nouthwest Old hau made new. Auto delivery. BUCHANAN DRY CLEANING PLANT Phone 71. 103 W. Main The best equipped and only dry cleaning plunt In southern Oklahoma. American Killed in China. London, March 1. The body of one American has been identified among the (7S victims of the dis aster at the Hong Kong Jockey Club Wednesday, a Renter dispatch rfom Hong Kong sas. The stand, which was used by Chinese, col lapsed and then caught lire. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAX" OINTM I NT fails to cur,- itching. I'dind llleeding or Pro Hiding First application gives rebel. Piles. 50c. PRINCESS-TODAY SAM M)l uiiil bis HIP HIP IIOOKAY (illil.S Prusentlriu Musical Comedy "' Vaudevillfl Iteview with a Company of 15 ARTISTS SPKCIAL SCENKRY KDNA (iOODKUTI IN IT IK AMKIUCAN MAID" TOMOIUIOW "WHAT HAPPENED AT 22" THEATORIUM F1UDAY 11th Episode of "THK FIGHTING TRAIL" With WM. 1)1 'NT AN and CAIUiOLL HOLIX1WAY SATUPOJAT 4th Kpisodo of "THK FATAL RING" Featuring PE.ARL WHITK The Latest Proven Oil Field is Coleman County, Texas. If interested in oil leases, write, wire of phone us. Geo. G. Murray Coleman, Texas. 44c 92c 49c 8c Anijv He VUdlJ and Price Store Phone 66. It is reported that 3.000,000 per sons in Turkey, Armenia, Persia and Syria now face death by star-Nation. ANNOUNCEMENT Wli.ti ymi Ki-t a .stuck euiiipany willi tin- water s.i!."'.'''l out, and real tanuible as.- els back of it. and In a profitable line of luisiness, man iiKed by bun. st men, then you are koiiik to make mimic real money, and there is a pension in store fur you. We Offer $15,000 of the unsold reiiiainiiiK; portion of the -hi Star Ucflnlni,' Co., a done corporation of $100,01)11, the balance of the .slock h.-ivlni: been nubserlbed b the management at $1.50 per Hh.ire. The actual assets, $1.00 fur $1(10, represent, tins valuation. The refinery is situated plumb In the heart of the llealilt.m field in Section 11 on a line of railroad and predict dividends of "0 per cent monthly on the Investment. Anyone pureha-sinn the entire un sold portion will havo the privilege of panic ip.itinif in the management as a ilirector. For further Information address W. II. RILEY & CO., Bankers, Whittington Hotel xrdmore M. J. Munn Harry F. Wright Munn-Wrighl Company CONSULTING GEOLOGISTS Inspectors of Geological Reporto Appraisers Brokers Agenta 208 Seaman Building Phone 5703 TULSA, OKLA. Soaps and Washing Powders. Gold Dust, per pkg. 5c Sea Foam, per pkg. 5c Borax Washing Powder, per pkg. 5c C. W. Soap, per bar 5c P. N. Soap, per bar 5c O. D. Cleanser, per can 9c Babitt Cleanser, per can 4V2c Sapolio, per bar 9V4c Bon Ami, per bar 9c Bon Ami, per can 9c Toilet and Hand Soaps. Fairy Soap, per cake 6c Cream Oil Soap, per cake 9c Lava Soap, per cake 11c Wild Rose, per cake 9c Fairbank's Glycerine-Tar, cake 11c Grandpa's Tar, per cake 11c Cuticle Vegetable, per cake 4Vc be patriotic. Grocery P. E. Chambless, Mgr.