Newspaper Page Text
.1 .. PAGE SEVEN Wednesday, March C, 1918. CI a I 'Cmt Pdir Woirdl 25 cents minimum. 15 worrts one time . 25c 15 words two times 30c 15 words three times 45c 15 words four times 60c 15 words five times 75c 15 words seven times 90c For Rent Room ROOM AND HOARD in private family for gentleman. . 317 Kighth Ave. X. Y., on car line, l'hone 5U FOR Rl'.XT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping, modern, close in, to couple without children. Inquire 22') A St. S. W'. FOR RKXT bedroorn. in Phone 435-1 -I'pstairs southeast high school block. 0-8 FOR RKXT Large southeast bed room with bath and private en trance. C. Wilkes, l'hone 174S-J. 6-5 FOR Rl'.XT Southeast, bedroom, modem, with use of garage; close in. 617 l'.ixbv S. W. l'hone 51.-). 6-7 FOR RKXT One large unfurnish ed room. 108 South Mill. 5-3 FOR RKXT Two rooms for light housekeeping at 214 A street, iX. W. l'hone Frensley's Kakery. 4-. TWO large housekeeping rooms, furnished, and garage; close in, modern. No children, l'hone 1510-R. 4"3 VERY south 1570. DKSIRABLK bedroom, close upstairs l'hone 4-3 FURXISilKD ROOM for rent close In; gentleman preferred. 317 Fir,t Ave. S. W. Phone 1472. 1- VOll KENT Furnished front room, a'- ininmt: bath, with private wiuaim-. 22 Fifth Ave. S. W. For Rent Housea FOR RENT '5-room house Stanley boulevard, l'hone call at 126 1-2 West Main C. Mckiddy. , 1023 22 or St. R. 5-3 FOR RENT IN 11EALDTON T wn new modern four-room $30 rent. Apply at Miunctonka Co Phone 115, lleald- ton. 2-7 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT Two light housekeeping rooms, close 111. V Matlock at Cooper s Gar age. 5 WANTED TO KENT Four or five. wiied house or apart tnnt Modern and close in. Would like possession March 1. Address 1 i t? 9n:i. with full nartculara. 24-12t Wanted to Buy. WILL PAY CASH for good used automobile. Must be bargain Address 35, care Ardmoreite. 5 WIl.l. PAY CASH for shoe cob fit. Phone 1483. 5-3 (WSII for second-hand furniture Phone 1483. 5 WILL CALL and buy your mens cast-oft clothing. Phone 1483. 5 Cleaners and Hatters. WANTED All kinds of ladles' and men's clothes to clean, dye, preBsand repair. London's, that Is economy, 803 West Main St. Phone 301. 30 1m RELIABLE DRY CLEANING PLANT. Phone 1717 for quick service. The home of good work 3-7 W Ik Maim Wk Male Help Wanted WAXTKD A l.oy not under 16 yours ;it Anlmore Decorating ( oinpanv, 1U() .North Washington st ret". 5-3 1.1 VF. representative with influence in this 'locality to represent us for the sale of leases outright or stock in high class developed lead and zinc company. Properties that are proven. Xo prospects on antici pation, only high class, no wild cat commission and interest in properties to right parties. Ad dress M. (I. Moore, Room 235, Terminal Arcade I'.uilding A, Ok lahoma Citv. 5-7 Female Help Wanted llAMiil'RMAID Cordova Hotel. 1 U'AXTKD -hone 273. ( WAXTKD A rcs. Apply cook ; llardv also laund Sanitariiun. 6-3 WAXTKD White lady to cook for ten nun at camp of J. K. Faucctt & Co. in Fox field. Apply 130 C St. X. . or l'hone 31S. WAXI'i'.D AT OXCK stenograph er and bookkeeper. Must be ac curate and good penman. Per manent place. Address Drawer 4, care Ardmoreite. 5- Positions Wanted Kl'F.KII.XCF.I) LADY STF.XOC KAI'liKK, 1'), wants position in Oklahoma; excellent recommend ations. Ruby St. Clair, 313 Y. Jones, Sherman, Texas, l'hone l'hoenix Flevator. WAXTKD. POSITION by experi enced stenographer with refer ences. Address 306, care Ard moreiie. 6-3 WAXTKD Typewriting work ot all kinds solicited. All work guar anteed. Called for and delivered. Address Miss Olive Armstrong, I (). llox (')2, or phone (71J. 5-7 YOUNG MAN, going to high school, desires work as collector evenings and Saturdays. Am tak ing typewriting and shorthand in school and would be able to act as stenographer for my employ er, if his correspondence is not very extensive. Address K, care Ardmoreite. 5-2 ROC FRY CLE experience, can ;R with 5 years begin work at once. ith dress 1102 I! best references. Ad street, X. W. 5-2 LIMITED AMOUNT of steno graphic work solicited. Phone 1860. 28-7 Automobiles. FOR SALE Five-passenger 101 Ford. Good condition. Phone 25. J. P. Spragins. 5-3 FOR SALE At halt price, two Re public trucks and one F'ord car, slightly used. Terms to right party. Address Box '33 or phone 380. 4-3 ONE FORD, light truck, very thing for delivery car, practically new. One Forni-A-Truck or Dodge Pros .chassis, in first-class condi tion. One F'ord roadster, 1916 model, which is a pick-up at $325. One 1017 Dodge P.ros. touring car. Chalmers and Hup roadsters both can he bought right. Southern Motor Company, 407 411 West Main street. 28-7 Rooms Wanted. WANTED Three furnished house keeping rooms by 15th; north west preferred. References. P. O. P.ox 762. Phone 1792-1. Business Opportunities FOR SALE: OR TRADE Busi ness property, separate or togeth er. Gross receipts, 1917, $22,000. Will t business for residence properly and rent building; two story, for $100 month. Price of business, $3,250, price of building, $12,000. Incumbrance $5,400, long time. Address Barron s Restaur ant, Paris, Texas. 5-7 If two families live side by side for ten years, one owning their HOMS and the other paying RENT, the increase in population will raise the value of the HOME and raise the RENT of the other. Everyone admits the prudence and necessity of saving and yet millions of people go on year after year paying rent, when by a little will-power and judgment they could be their own landlord. Laid Tk FMimdkilinn Classified TApkini Mredtoiry Automobiles l'hone Studebaker Rales Service, Anlmore Motor Car Co Cadillac, Cole and Reo, Mooreheud, Klllot & Co 1300 Marmon and Oklsmobile. May-Watkins Motor Co . 923 Aulo Repairs and General Machine Ritter & Sles, U. S. L. Service Station 1009 Automobile Batteries Ardmore Kattery Co., "vVilliard Service Station-. SCO Architects J. B. White, over Exchange National Hank . . 12 Auto Repairs and Overhauling Bill Brown's Garage, Old Kxcelsior Laundry UMg 62 Building and Loan Association The People's B. & L. Association la., 6 per cent cm Savings, Time Deposits. 345 Cleaning and Pressing Keep-UNeat, N. Washington, Quality and Service . . 11 J The Iteliable Dry Cleaning l'lant Juick Service 1717 Civil Engineer and Surveyor WM, KELLY, Civil and Mechanical Engineer, 17k N. Washington Rt 465 B. P. Matthews, office at City Hall . 83 Drug Store Bomar Drug Co, Prescriptions a Specialty 651 Hardy Sanitarium fireproof Building, Instant Ambulance Service . 12J Laundry Cook's Laundry, "Watch for the Yellow Wagons" . u New and Second-Hand Furniture. C. P. Kail, 210-20 N. Caddo St. -Also Exchange and Repair Furniture 386 New Shoes and Dixon Paves You Money on New Shoes or Repairing (next to PoKtofflce). 719 Second-Hand Store KINNEY Buys Second-Hand Goods ioj Steam Vulvanizing and Repairing. Central Park Garage. 18 E St., S. W. Used Cars Bought and Sold 768 Tinner Keep Your Rve on A. C. ITolman 37; Real Estate HAVE 2 DAYS ONLY to sell 11 acres improved, new house; land ready to plant. Price S1.25U, ca-h or terms. I!uy and move right in. This is a safe investment and you can grow a living. See Yates, the Earth Man, over Dihvorth's Store. FOR RENT Forty-acre farm, two miles from tow n. C. G. How land. 6-3 CALIFORNIA to exchange for Oklahoma property. Los Ange les, 01-rooni apartment, $65,000; Redlands, swell residence, bank appraisement, $18,500. P.ox 305, care Ardmoreite. 5-7t FOR SALE 70 acres land near Ilealdtou oil field. Apply G. L. Tyson, Ringling, Okla. FOR SALE A 5-room house and good lot; gas, city water and elec tric lights; on Ninth avenue and A street N. E. See Kinney at second-hand store. Phone 100, Furniture repaired and refinished 4-3 FOR SALE Two nice residence lots, 4 blocks north of Main, on paved street; gas, water and sew er laid into lot; one three blocks north Main, half cash, balance terms or will consider car. Ad dress 15ox 33 or phone 380. 4-3 FOR SALE Seven-room modern house, with or without furniture 317 E Street, N .E. Phone 1616, Mrs. M. Kemp. 4 I HAVE several nice places for sale, on terms to suit. A splendid opportunity to tet a home. See John W. ltofr man. 231m FOn SALE Several good modern houses, close In. Terms t" suit. See W. D. Taliaferro. 26-30 Eggs and Poultry. EGGS, They ting. EGGS White lav all winter. Orpington $2 per set- Mrs. II. W. McGill. 4-3 WANTED Brown Leghorn roos ter; single comb preferred. Phone 483. 6-3 THOROUGH BRED EGGS for hatching. W. D. Young's S. C. White Leghorns, E. B. Thomp son's Imperial Ringlet, Barred Plymouth Rocks, per setting of 15, $1.50. James G. Patterson, 21 Fourth Ave. N. W. Phone 1035. 6-7 Miscellaneous WANTED 100 hats to clean ani block at London's Steam Dye Works at 203 West Main St. Pnone 301. 30-lm DAILY ARDMOREITE. YOUR 0 Shoe Repairing For Sale FOR SALE One horse wagon and harness. Apply at Lathrop's I ailor shop or phone 3'n. FOR SALE- -1 pair 421 E canaries and street, South- cage, $8.00. east. FOR SALE One good delivery horse and wagon. Will sell horse wiinout tne wagon, worm tne money See him at Sneed Furni ture Co., 216 West Main. 4-3 FOR SALE 5-room house, large corner lot on Stanley boulevard Bargain, on easy terms, if sold at once. Phone 22. R. C. McKid dv, 126 1-2 West Main St. 5-3 PRAIRIE HAY for sale at the bat 11, 95 cents per bale. Jim Wat- kins. 1- ALMOST NEW PIANO for sale or will trade for F'ord car. Phone 1223. 27-7 FOlt SALE F. J. Klne. l'urti Mcbane cotton seed Phono 372. 10-lm Cards of Thanks CARD OF THANKS To the manv friends who so kindly min istered to us during the illness and last hours of our dear son tieorge, we desire to express our sincere appreciation and thanks J. H. Smith and wife. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to all our friends, who so kindly assisted us during the recent ill ness of our loved wife, mother and sister, and for the many word of comfort in the dark hour ol our sorrow at her death. W would also thank all who contrib tiled to the beautiful floral offer ings how expressive they were to us ot the love and esteem ot friends. May Heaven's richest blessings rest on you all ; may (lowers ot happiness be strewn along your pathway, but whe sorrows come mav vou receive words tif comfort and loving as sistance. Bvrd Newman, Dessie Newman, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ben ton. Financial CITY LOANS Home money; no delay easy repayment. Peoples Building t Loan Association, O. P. Selvldge, Sec Phone 315. 241m CITY LOANS Gulllot Hall, agent QeorRla State Savings Association otter best contract In city. 12-31 OWSK 1 i a v auai i r i in ii M Fir Wal Lost and Found TAKFX IT I'.rown mare mule, about 15 years old. Frank Reyn olds on Crnce farm, north of citv. (.-3 LOST -Sunday night, casing. Return to new Ford Ardmoreite f $5. 4-.? ami receive re ward Livestock FOR SALF. One brood sow, four blocks cast of street car barn. M. A. Tavlor. 4-3 WAXTKD small 11111 TO SF.LL Two good 5-3 C Hall. Professional A. Y. E A ST I'd WOO D, M. D. Office phono 0711. Kesidcnco phone H;S2. 71m WOULD CO-ORDINATE U. S. SECRET SERVICE WORK Several Bureaus Ginid Are Often Not in Harmony. Washington, March 0. Repre sentatives of the various govern ment but cans of investigation and secret service were called into con ference todav at the department ol instice to discuss means ot co-onii 11 itmg tiieir work and eliminating ferreting out of implication in tne nemv agents. These meetings have been held weekly lor nearly two mouths 11 was disclosed todav. although hereto fore care has been taken to main tain sccrecv. Officials finally con sented to publication of the facts fler it became evident that propa ganda h heing conducted through out the country for some sort of consolidation of the bureau. Represented at these conferences ire 1 11 c department 01 justice, nu- reau ot investigation, tne largest 01 the government secret service agen- ies, the intelligence bureaus of the irmy, navy and state departments, respectively, and the treasury s ctts- oms bureau and secret service. 1 he meetings were called Inst in Jaiut- irv bv hihn Lord O'llrian, special issistant to Attorney General Greg- orv 111 charge ot war worn, to sup- dement a svstem which had exist- d for some time for exchanging in formation through the army intelli gence Inireau s clearing House. I hese discussions, the partici- lants say, have demonstrated 1 lie need for close co-ordination of the nireaiis, but have emphasized that each has its own particular held, mil that the overlapping of activity- is comparatively slight. Personal friction lias arisen in many cases net ween tne neui agents of these various services who may have been working on the same cases, and to eliminate these situa tions is one of the principal pur poses oi the departmental confer dices are considered entirely NOTICE FOR BIDS. Th? Board of County Commis sioners ot L.arter county, ukkiiio- ma, will receive sealed bills until 2:3- o'clock P. M., March 12, 1918, on remodeling and repairing the following bridges: Approach to Anadarko Creek Bridge, between Sections 21 and 28, Township 5 South, Range 2 Last. 14 ft. 1 Beam, Mile 2, Sec. U, II, State Highway. 2'.' ft. 1 Beam, Mile Mile Mile Mile Mile 5, 4, 4, 6, 6, Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Stale Hijrhwav. 14 ft. I Beam, State Highway. 1-. ft. ' I Beam, State Highway. 20 ft. I Beam, State Highway. 30 ft. J Beam, State Highway. Info'niution on II, II, II, II, above on file in County Clerk's office. Bids on this work will he opened at the above time and date, and work awarded to the lowest and best b.dder. G. W. YOUNG, Chairman, Board of County Com missioners. Attest: CLARKNCR HARRIS, Countv Clerk. (Sell) ' 1-1 It ftk unofficial and rather personal in character. The co-ordination of the different bureaus is known to have been dis cussed at recent cabinet meetings, but it is siid that absolute consoli dation has been frowned upon by most cabinet members. Doctor Laird can be chronic diseases at hi road car west of Kini consulted on ; private rail- ling ( Frisco I depot, A and 3rd X. W, In future all Irishmen with the 'Iritirdi army wounded or sick are to back to Frin to complete covery as soon as they moved. serving who are be sent their re can be ARDMORE PLUMBER THOUHT HE NEEDED NEW PIPES "My al way: severe Moinach and intestines were full of gas and I often had colic attacks. The pain and , . 1 t 1 soreness needed ; caused me to I'liiiK 1 new set of pipes. Since taking Alayr s ondertul Keiueoy all this has disappeared and my only trouble now is to make enough dough to buy all the food I'd like to eat." It is a simple, harmless prep aration that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation winch causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. City Drug St'ire ( Adv.) IN AND Ol- OP ATtDMORK lErom Union Station) Sanla I'e. Jortlibound Train No. G Train No. IS,... (Tain No. 12. southbound Train No. 5 fraln No. 1 Train No. 17 12:30 a. m. U:G.') a. m 3,05 p. m. 3:r.Smm. 110 p. in. 4 :2 i p. m. Rock Inland Sastbound Train No. 632 Train No. 6S4 (mixed1 Dally except Sunday... Weiituound frain No. 6S3 (Mixed) -7:00 a. 111. -12:10 p.m. Dally except Sunday 1:00 p. in. 8:15 p. m. Vain No. Gil I' risco. Saatbound aln No. DOG ...S:35 a. ra .. 4:50 p. in .. 1:05 p. in. Train No. G7K aln No. 574 (mixed) rrain No. 5S0 (mixed) 5:00 p. m. Westbound Train No. 573 (mixed) . 9:15 a. m. .11:15 a. in. .4:40 p. m . !):00p. in. frain No. Tran No. .Yalu No, 575.- .... 573 (mixed) C05 Iiingllui; Road Westbound Train No. 1 7:00 a.m. Train No 3 3:00 p.m. Sast bound "rain No. 2 10:50 a. m Train No. 4 7:00 p. m. lock CirilnlFflcate .MnaScapal airadl CoirporaHnoim Handsomely engraved designs, the very best of workmanship, may be had in Ardmore on short notice. A specialty is made of this work by Prinaftnirag Oqpt E. W. Clark, Manager. Ask Mr. Clark for sam pies and prices or phone for him to call and see you be fore placing an order. Job Printing Dept. Phone C84. I flOIES $1000 REWARD! LWES nSueaifar'MoothIr"Coinpounrl. Hafely roller eom r9 th lnnrMt. nvtit oMllnala. hnormftl etmo In 8 toS dtyi. No harm, pain or InUrfortmca with work. 1. W: Doable Htrentrth l'J.00. 600UU MU. Write today. Qiia S0UTH1NGTOM RLMEOY C(lM . UNSU CITT, HQ. OS. a For Weak M Women YA in use tor over -iuyearsi Thousands ol voluntary letters from women, tell ing 0! the good Cardui lias done them. This is the best proof ol the vahi3 ol Cardui. It proves that Cardui is a good medicine lor women. There arc no harmful or habit -forming drugs in Cardui. It is composed only ol mild, medicinal ingredients, willi no bad alter-cilects. TAKE The Woman's Tonic You can rely on Cardui. Surely it will do for ycu what it has done for so many thousands of other women! It should help. "I was taken sick, seemed to be . . . ," writcsMrs.Mary E.Veste, of Madison I leifdits, Va. 411 rtrl ilniitn C t ll'Bll, couu naruiy want . . . W just staggered around. Wy ... I read of Cardui, and after taking one bot- fey tic, or before taking quite YA all, I felt much better. I took 3 or 4 bottles at that time, and waj able to do my work. I take it in the spring when run down. I had no appetite, and I commenced eating. lMl'iatlAL CAKK No. 11 N. Washington St New and Up to Dale Chinese and American Dishes CI.KAN. ;00 SKKVICR Ol'KN DAY AND N Kill I' I'lione t',57. Tables lor Ladlei Booths for I'rivate Parties. . VA YA il7 It is the best tonic I ever mf f yr saw." Try Cardui. nS RELIEVES WITHIN 3 DAYS W 1 A.I unr.lural ard muecuf d:tchart ailher 3i I Tri.t t.Ji fuck. tonuintll Sf I n.!wl Q , M. 0. G U ibtolutt!y hirmliit, pimlm And l VIII not c.uf. Itnctur. l il QO .1 Druiantl or Pft4id X ACRE (HEHiCU HFC CO. LTD, Itn tiltia. U PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR. Vm. 8. I1ANCOCK Optometrist Eye Sight Specialist Permanently Located Shuman Flower Shop Ardmore Okla. V- 3. it WILLIS Attorney-at-Law 107-2UU Von Welae Building. Phone 870. ArdiRTt Oklahoma Wail i