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FAGU TWO . . HARDING SHUTS OUT BONHAM 1-0; CLOPP'S BATTING WINS GAME (Special to At Rnnham, T-xas, Aug. 11 Tommy Hardinc regained his regular form Thursday afternoon, and allowing the riunham club but oiu hit. shut them out by the score of 10. H vas Hat-'linx's cvcoml one-hit nm i f the stason. With perfect "con tiol ut all stapes of the game, tin' Veps twirler come out on top of the pitchers' duel versus Blankenship, Konham's stellar moundsman. It was Cloi.p, Peps 6-foot center fielder, who wielded the stick that .-cored Ardmore's sole tally. Smash ing the pill for ft terrific iliive In the third, Clopp consigned the hall to deep light alone the foul lin and took three sacks before the fcpher? was recovered. He contin ued his journey and came home when McDowell made a wild heave to Wal ter, the bull taking u freak hop in front of third. ' Clopp also slammed a Mugger i' ihe fifth, and slammed two of De tour hits which the Ardmore hits men knocked off. HUmUenship's de livery. The other bingles Were whir t d by Younij nnd Dutch Behren. Dutch was back at short, after tin absence of threo days on account f Illness. Fues Young, back at li'-st, played a stellar K-'me and pulled a snappy double play unas sisted in the sixth, when he inter cepted Tinman's pop fly. and put Coyle out at first. Thursday's victory was the se. straight win for Ardmore. The score: Ardmqrc AB. H O. V Clopp. cf 3 2 2 0 .Vnes, If 4 0 1 Toung, lb 4 111' Lovelace, rf 4 0 0 0 Tnte .::), 3 0 0 1 Teard. 2b 4 0 I.ehren. ss 3 1 Allen, c 3 0 Harding, p 3 0 SUMMARIES TKXS-OKUHOM.V I.KAfil'E Results Thursday Ardmore 1; Uonham 0. Sherman HI; Cleburne 2. Paris !l; .Mineral Wells 4. Slalidinu P W I. Pet. ft ft Paris 40 32 14 .718 U ARD.MOKK 46 .10 16 .652 2 Mineral Wells ..45 2.'. 20 .fii.6 6V& Sherman 44 IS 26 .409 13 Ponhnm 45 16 29 .356 15VJ. Cleburne ,t 40 IB 31 320 17 Where they play today. Ardmore at Bonham. Mineral Wells at Paris. Cleburne at Sherman. AMERICAN I.KAGIK Results Thursday New York 7; Philadelphia 3. (No other fames scheduled.) Standing .. Totals lion ham Coyle, If Pittman. cf .. Hendnson, ss . McDowell, rf Walter. 3b Tanner. 2b Early, c Delmasso, lb ... Iilankenship, p 3 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 3 I 1 0 0 4 0 6 I 1 14 1 0 0 1 Totals 26 1 27 12 Score by Innings: Ardmore 001 000 0001 Eonham 000 000 000 ' Summary: Runs, Clopp. KrroH. Tate. Harding, Tanner. Henderson. McDowell. Two base hits, Clopp. Three base hits, Clopp. Double pluvs. Pclmasso to Walter: Voting, una grift rci. Struck out, by Mankcnship 7. bv Harding 6. liases on balls, off Elunk cnshlp 2, off Harding 4. Stolen bases, Pittman, Early. Left on bases, Ard more 5, Bonham 4. Time of (janie. 1:40. Umpire, Reynolds. TEXAS I AC. I E Results Thursday San Antonio 4: Peaumont 3. Dallas 3: Wichita Falls 1. Ft Wirth 9; Phrevepnrt 1. Houston 3; Galveston 2. Standing P W U Pot, New York 103 64 39 .621 Cleveland 107 60 41 .617 Washington Ill 59 62 .531 St. Louis 105 51 64 .486 Detroit 108 51 67 .471 tSoshn 106 49 67 .461 Ohie.TtfO 105 40 59 .437 Philadelphia i.-lu7 40 07 .374 Where they play today St. Louis at Detroit. Chicago at t'levetund. New Vork at Philadelphia. NATIONAL LEAGUE Results Thursday Cincinnati 6: St. lxiuis 1. Uoston 2; Philadelphia 1. Pittsburg 5-7; Chicago 4-3. Brooklyn 5; New York 3. TWO CAFES CLOSED BY STATE OFFICER The second restaurant to .be closed l.y order of Mrs. T. H. Stuoreon, state sanitary inspector, charging unclean lines, will not open until 5:30 o'clock this afternoon, according .to a notice 1 osti-d on the door and signed by Mrs. Slurg'-on and Dr. A. Y. Kusterwood, e'ty physician. In u number of hotel dining room kitchens and In restaurants, instruc tions hnve been issued as to the dress if the employes. OVERSEER OF ZI0N RENEWS ATTACK ON OPPOSING CHURCHES 4 2 ,7 n - Standing : ',' P W L Pet. 0 o P,tt.burg 105 67 3S .637 New York 107 65 42 .607 07 ,i Moston 10S 57 51 .527 Drooklyn 10S 57 51 .527 O. A. M Luu 100 53 5.1 .500 3 n Chicago 105 45 60 .409 1 ' Cincinnati 108 47 61 .433 0 :i Philadelphia 102 30 72 .294 2 0 P W L Pet. Wichita Falls 33 24 9 .727 Dallas 37 24 13 .649 Ft. Worth 36 23 1,1 .639 Houston 35 17 IS .4S6 Jlcaumont 34 15 19 .441 Shrevepurt 35 15 2o .429 Galveston 3.1 12 21 .364 San Antonio 33 S 25 .242 Where I hey play today Houston at Galveston. Dallas ot Wichita Falls. Bvautmn at San Antonio. Ft. Worth at Shreveport. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION Results Yesterday At New Orleans 2. Little Kock 3. At AtlaLta 3. Birmingham 5. At Mobile 0. Memphis 7. At Nashville-Chattanooga, postponed. WESTERN LEAGUE Result Thursday .lophn 7. Oklahoma City 0. Omaha 3. St. Joseph 2. De Moins 3, Sioux City 1. Tulu 4. Wichita 3. Standing IV W I.. Pel. Wichita 114 70 44 .Cll Omaha 116 67 49 .551 t'kluhoma City 111 61 Co .540 Sioux Citv 11.1 56 67 .507 .loplln 111 53 5S 479 St. Ill 63 IS .47 4 Des Moifies 112 62 to .461 TuHa 1 15 40 76 S4 Where they play today. . Cincinnati at St. Louis. I ChioaiiO ut Pittsburg. Philadelphia at Uoston. Brooklyn at New York. URITISH FILM PRODUCERS PROTEST AGAINST IMPORT TAX (Br th Asteclitfd Pni) y London, Aug. 12 A letter protest ing against the proposi-d American Im t ort tax upon motion picture films as "pri hlbitive and detrimental to the In ternational interchange of Ideas of life" appeared In a recent issue of the Lon don Times signed by 16 British film producers who nppended their signa tures to the letter as members of the Lritish Producers' Committee of the Incorporated Association of Kinemato Craph Manufacturers. The letter declared that If tiritish manufacturers ore to be entirely debar red from introducing scenes of lsh life to the people of America "there can be no option but to prevent the practically free importation of American films Into this country," The letter notes that the 30 per cent ad valorem duty is based upon the cost of production of .simllur work in the United States, asserting at the same time that the cost of th produc tion Is admittedly about five times as heavy there as In England. The writ ers say that about S5 per cent of the films showed on British screens are of American origin. Zion, 111., Aug. 12. Wilbert Glenn Yoliva, overseer of Zlon, renewed his attack today on churches conducted hi re in opposition to the Zion church with the announcement that the fa mous leases of Alexander Dowie will bo changed to prohibit the transfer bi' property without the personal ap proval ot the overseer. The new leases will be for a period of 1,079 years, or until the end of the period during which the Lord is expected to come and take his saints out of the world for seven years. After the seven years, according to Dowie's teachings, they "willbe re turned to establish his rule through out the world for one thousand years. Dowie's leases, made in 1900. were for lluo years. The flight of the saints to heaven was to take place some time during the last 100 years. Th- new li:tes. running 1.079 year, will terminate, like the originals;, in the year 3.000. Mrs. Bradley to Wisconsin Mrs. Florence G. I'radley. secretary to James Barron of the Chamber of Commerce, left this afternoon for Mad ison, Wis-, f here she will take a short course in community .work, while on a three weeks' vacation. Had Close Shave "My wife and children thought I 5Nas dying when, after an attack of acute pains in my stomach, I became unconscious. It was right after our Sunday dinner. They say 1 looked like dead and guess 1 had a pretty close shnve. 1 had been having more or less stomach trouble and bloating with gra.s for past two years and could get no permanent' help. Talking with a Mend about my attack, he advised rue to try Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. 1 have not had any gash or stomach trouble since taking it eighteen months ago.." It is a simple, harmless prepar ation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes radically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Frame Drug Co., and druggists every where. 'Adv. LATEST Washington, Aug. 1 2. A conference of house republicans Monday to con sider procedure oil the tax revision Mil was announced today by Repre sentative Mondcll, the republican lead er. Although there was further de lay toduy In consideration of the bill l.y the majority members of the ways nml means committee, Chairman Kord tiey was confident that it would bo ready Monday morning. SPORT BRIEFS For quick result use Ardmon-ite Want Ad. Philadelphia, Aug. 12. An all-star card for the night of August 24. at the Philadelphia national baseball park, has been announced by the pro moters of the Lew Tendler, Kenny Leonard match for the world's light weight title, which was to have been held here tonight, but which was in definitely posttmned when Leonard dis locuted his thumb. In the windup. Tendler will meet Sailor Friedman, 'hicago. Oilier matches include Johnny Dundee, New York. vs. Joe "Splits, New York; George Chaney, Baltimore. v.. Harry- (Kid) Brown. Philadelphia, and Danny Kramer of Loston vs. Charley Lt-doux, th French bantamweight. Kansas City. Mo.( Aug. II John Bunny) Brief, first baseman of th;? local American Assocfetion club, has hit safely in 26 consecutive gume up to and Including yesterday's con t sts. Brief also leads the Americap .association this season In home runs having pounded out 26, the last two of which were made yesterday. The association circuit driver record is 29 held bv Gavvy Cravath. Lyons, France. Aug 12. American marksmen won the tenm champion s'r.ip of the world in the Interna tional rifle shooting tournament held here Ibis week. W. ft. Stokes of Washington, D. C won the Individual hnmpionship of the wmrld. his score of 1,050 break'ng the previous world's ncord. He also won first place In kneeling and prone shooting events The teams scores follow: 1'nited .states. 5.015; Switzerland, 4.931: France 4.00s; Italy. I,6S1. and Holland, 4.249. Washington, Aug. 12. The body ol a man Identified hy the local police is Louis Webb, 61 years old, of New Ruchelle, N. Y was found last night in a car on a Pennsylvania train ar iiing here.. Evidence showed that lie had committed suicide, the police said. Muskogee, Oltla.. Aug. 1?. For feat t) heroism, two Oklahoma coal miners will receive medals and the relatives cf two others will receive like rec 1 unit ion ut the luteriuitioual First Aid nnd Mine Rescue meet to be held in SI. liOilis, September 6-IJ, It was an luumed at the headquarters of the United Mine Workers here today. happiness Over a false reprieve IS short lived t'nion. Mo.. Aug. 12. While kneel ing In prayer in his cell at the Frank lin county Jail last night. Charles Jucoy, 18 years old of St. Louis, con demned to be hnnged today, was told that a telegram had arrived from Gov ernor Hyde at Jefferson City, grant ing him a 30 day reprieve. His joy was short liMcd. however, for a few minutes later When the original mess arrived at the prison, it was dis closed that n telegrapher had made ! mistake In transmitting Ihe message over the telephone and meant that Ja coy must die at 9 o'clock this morn ing. The telegram was mo from-the gov ernor confirming his granting of a .10 day reprieve recently to John W. Car roll, 34 of Fair Chance. Pa., who was sentenced to hang with Jacoy, follow ing their conviction for the murdef of Benjamin KcUcwe. a garage owner at Perger, M., Nov 20 last. Demand Preservation ; - of John Adams' Homei lumm fine WANT FORI) TO RUN RAILROADS (By International News Service) Hart. Mic!. Henry Ford will run the railroads running through Hart if the citizens of this place and vicinity have their way. 1 A petition, signed hy 400 fruit grow- Quincy, Mass. Sentiment temporar ily triumphed over modern progress when tire Quincy City Council delayed action on an order to take a few feet oi the John Adams lawn in Quincy fT the widening of Franklin street. Charles Francis Adams, the Quincy Historical Society and the Daughters of the American Revolution fought the annexation. Adams said that lo desecrate the dwelling in which two presidents of the 1'nited States were lorn would be com parable to build ing n street through Mount Verndh. Proponents of the order dectired It would not affect the John Quincy Adams House and would take but ft lew feet from the John Adams lawn. Opponents, however, held it would destroy a tree which litis long been a landmark. The order was recommitted. AGUE BROKEN UP 4 EN THREE DAYS, Swamp Chill and Fever Tonic Brings -Relief to "thousands ers, has been forwarded .to President H.'.rding asking that the railroads ot Hart county bo turned over to the Detroit automobile manufacturer. Th petition was circulated by fruit grow ers v dissatisfied With present freight : ates. After pointing out the 20 per cent reduction in rates on Mr. Ford's De troit, Toledo and Iron ton Railroad re icntly, the petition states the belief of the petitioners that Mr. Ford would pirate the roads for the benefit of all and not for personal guln. Don't keep on lufferlng from tbow awful chills that horrible ihlverlng nnd shaking that burning fever. Oo to your druggist r general store this very day and get a bottle of Swamp Chill and Fever Tonic the famous, never-failing remedy tbat'i been relieving the suffering for years and years. For the small sum of 60 cents yoa get a sure-shot remedy that quickly drives out all the malaria and drives it away to stay I That's why so many leading physicians prescribe Swamp Chill Tonic as the bet malaria rem edy theto is. Swamp Cli ill Tonic contains oo calomel. It is tasteless, easy to take, and has no unpleasant after-effects. No purgative has to be taken with it the medicine itself acts gently and agreeably upon the liver and bowels. Get well immediately, by getting e bottle of Swamp Chill Tonic today. D293 Oklahoma City, OUIa.. Aug. 12. The Ileiiryeltu Realty Company of Henry ittn, Okla., capitalized ut $.-0,U00, was granted a charter today hy Charges -I R( mile, tiiiR secretary of state. The charter holders were given as H. D. Mode and Neomu Mode of Henryetta. and T. II. Thompson and Maude M. Thompson of Miami. Washington. Aug. 12. Rate on coal in carloads from western Kentucky to points In southeastern Missouri and portheastcrn Arkansas, were found by the Interstate Commerce Commission to he unduly prejudicial to the AVcst Kentucky coal operators, the commis sion holding that surh rates should exceed by more than 25 cents a ton rates from the southern Illinois group t'i the same destination. WIIJ. VSF TF.AR BOMBS ON MOBS (By International News Service) Dctrtit. Tear gas bombs will be come part of the equipment of the Detroit police department soon. Police Commissioner Inches announces. The gas produces a temporary but violent crying spell which doctors have declared harmless. The gas Irritates the mucous mem brane of the mouth and nuee and causes the tears to flow. "I believe these tear bombs will as. Kist in quelling mobs." said Dr. Inch es, "and will also be useful in captur ing the man who barricades himself nnd then Invites ttie police to come and get him. The liomb could bo toss ed thn ugh a window." SHORTS KC32IES K'.MOR Ihe Boys and OirlsNewspaper HOME WORK PLAY OtrWl. 1S I. Asutlstc Kltan jkt Bit'tnt Unit enc J y. ONE REEL YARNS Where They May Today Wichita at Joplln. Tul-a at Oklahoma City, pin .Moines at St. Joseph. Umuha ut Sioux City. KSTKRN ASSOCI ATION Results Thursday Ft. Smith T. Okmulgee Drumiipht i. Chl'-kasha 7 I'awhutku V Sptfhgfield 1. Ft Smith . Okmulgee .. I'nwhuika . Drumtight . Fn.d Ilenryetiu .. Chickusha .. Standing P. 41 'i 41 21 41 21 41 W. 21 1. Pel. l ,f.:i .12.1 .Sin .US :3 21 ,4h? ..39 19 20 .41? 39 18 21 .462 Where Thry May Today Ft Smith ut Okmulgee. Puwhu.'kn at Springfield. Chit-kasha ot Drumricht. Hitiryeitii ut Fnid SOt Tim F.STFRN I.F.AC.I K Iteoulls Thursday Independence 4. Miami I. Mukotte 11. Coffey ville I. Snpulpa 12. Pitching 11. I!artlsvil1e R. 'uhing 1. Ktundini t IV W. I.. Pet. It dependence Si 25 10 "I I P.ttsbuta- 3 21 U .sco Coffryvllle M 22 14 .C22 Mil'korre 1 21 IS 7S Buttlesville M 1 IT "nmtlra 35 1 IT " Miuml .... M 11 V T Ctshli.t 3 T U 1M Parasites "VttUBr man." 1.-JJ U Unelt Ceorre bwys liked to sit around L'nflie CvM-m'a shock U-cauet he calld tbera vising mn" and tikl to them If i,. i-ro in awn u' "yeunf man. neirr be a rai-asltf." I'm-la Owrgt's ejaa were focusaed cn to bird. out.Mrt the window, a iniall y iluw one ard a big sri-y one. The "our(! n-an" lonkert, too. Tha CowblrS A Pjraalt" rxu'imcd Trw-lt r.oorga. aa hi- tiV out n grunt olnud of smoke, "la a ih ilil cimnrv and a luwblrd. A row- tilnl never Liiilu a iia't n( Ita own. It Ipya Its egg In uthor !irda' nests ai'l l a other b rMe lis young. It ia aoie to tnkt cart of it'lt but It dnnn't. It ha no self-respect. It Hx-ne-a off Utile birds like that wild eannry. Tha cow-bml la a paraertt JUt as 1 once vat, ard that little wtid canary l a fool. )t bk Pncle Oeort heavl nnolhir amoky n qK and thi n another, lis sat silently lool. ire out the window. "What iri yu fuiiig to say. Hncle Cvgrk,'" kd Ihe "younf man." Ur.cH Qtvrgc'a Story "Tunj main, k-ok at me. look In'hle th. old aharlt. What do you iee? pav rrty, hopwlnesnftaa, uaeleaaneM the and f a rvunjr mn who waa a psnutte ' "My (ulka had monev. 1 nr bad to work. Pa Kv n.e all I wanted. Bed-re I n-aliii d It 1 w as thirty yeara aid. Ti en one diiy Pa died. He left some mom, but it wasn't aa rr.u'-h aa 1 had eaptrted, I sown tpent It and had no more. I arsa a paraait, young man, conaequently. a failure." The "young roan" waa terloua as he truil4 borne In the dark. "WVII. Mnrr," auld Dnd at topper, "ou bi tter Mr that Jonra t oy to mow the Invrw tgmorrow " Tha "younx nun" sat ailn' -Yaung Man" Cats Job Next day at Minn tBt "young an" c.i"- home, awautins. "Say." au d tha Juliet hay. "what are you mo wire tbat Inwn fur rn yur Did wrnta iw to mow yours. "Ii working. r-illed ht 'young wan. Iag offered yon the Job here and tVal't all tif'jt. You weren't pnr;ia,ie. 1 wa. Rut I won't be any m e 1 "Ve " rrplled the boy. "Ctiiie Orvive told me tfsvt you would be ooii.let far tea aome day benu wsa .tarniff how to rrk. anil, you f.rt lot. i.ut I jivs Itucls 0rc i.. 11 rn ctt. . i 'P.-t'i eBwiu .. . " i I TelE IT ART AFTM TP MILES Or TMfi DAILY HAIUMCr;OT( (Vukr cue up and Send It In.) Three prvlVma In word arithmetic. J. "Slrnp" minus "trap" plu "eve" plus "cruvrn" minus "cruw" equals ? I. '-Earth" plua "re." plua "Ink rnlnu "mn" mlnm "link" euunl '' I. "Nicba" plua "rtpne" trrinu "cheat" mlnua "o" equina . Anr to yetirdii'a: .MASTS ANN IK SN'OI'.K Till Kt FRULlti TRIO MAKE SAFE CAVE IN SIDE Or POTTER'S HILL ik. TrioHurry. Joe an Jorm needed a meeting pTuce. Tbey couldn't uae Harry's baaement. It waa i" damp. John's lrn waa aireouy in habited and Joe had n- place to or,er WMiat we oucht o d;." "kl John cn day. "ia build a onve." -.w cave- too danservus. Tp liable to full In and bury you." Ham waa doubtful. ol If oo ina'e It rlfbt. aaid Ha Anally convinced Harry UiM a care built prr.ily wuW be- Juat-lh thtns. . , Joe waa fur the Idea from tha art So Ihe Trio tH to work, aittsins o n bole In the side ar Potter's Mb The ho! waa murte larsa enouch l hold a bl pncWinpt i. wbl-'h Hurry lather svrured f"r th-m at a don town store. The top waa railed t .he box und bncJ. A hole lair mouth to crawl thmuirh waa m:id" the Ude of Ihe lx. A amsller l"ix which the grocer I nnud woa lBCi-d tl openii flu'ea (or a yeeillmlun and pipe wera made In the tH r tlie und p'ik put In. Then earth waa tnrown over two buxea and. If a Berun did not ready know thut the Tria'a eave tbi-ra In Ptter a hilt, hs would n be the wiaer. The amoller hex hilks to the l' aerved a an entranee to the c. . I'll I a little puawif-wa', Juat lu Santanca Sanaa What U a. iitence aetue. anyway? Daw you It? t.vok fur the niamai ti-st toniorrow and try youiaerf out It's a good one. Sura, Hs Knew Mother fholdlnc uu a picture ot S eirn)-"hat la thst?" I.lttle .lacjt "I know. It's S hora In a bathing suit." Svxttt Mtmorle I Tone to rive the diime a 'al. 1 could not let her stand he mad me think of Mother With that strap brtj m her nsnd ll nu Tha Question e: I atnat only for my frlertda, And are they your friend after get thrmieh NUTS TO CRACK (Mik one np and ,.o it In ) What la a mini like who Is In the tdddle of the o--"i ii1 emi't awltn www .nawr to esierda'a "What la It that will eo up a apout down but will ent tro iluwn A apowt VP AH Mm je nnv.iu SAIIMIIWr . Mm enoush for a bay t wtgsle throush na turne'i with a awlnin Hoot Pome rluh buuae. eh WlnSTar Si lulu hen It na flnlnhed. TUnuy." herna4 bla pals. Read Ardmorelte Want Ail. ! f RoCk SalEii RIdiCuLoUS f 4 I! Wood fee awbaM 0 Ash la th b""t woo for baah ,. b'l'a. Several o'nlllla hnv to be cor ttderoil an rhooUne nal fr bl th. mot Irepettant of thaae sre elsn and atretm h. Tt li-k tint atra" aro sevn at the irxunant ths Wep aimed bw.w meats tha nlnf bull. I th wood ts Mt aillf4il. Ih k ita n Special Saturday WASH FROCKS! Frocks regularly to $29.75 given away for just This ridiculous sale caps the cli max of the season for wash frocks. We are cleaning out our stocks to make room for new fall merchandise. They're simply give aways at this petty price. Organdies, Ginghams and Dotted Swisses. 20 in all. Made in various smart styles. Many tastefully combined with white. Your size is here, too. You'll have to hurry 'cause they'll fly like the proverbial hot cakes. $10.00 For frocks of Organdy and Dotted Swiss that were $39.75 It is ridiculous, indeed, to sell frocks for so small a price but they must po. Why, the mater ials' themselves are worth more than $10! And the style and workmanship is of such fine qual ity, too! Hrown Yellow 131 ue Honey Dew White Combinations Hows, frills, . pipings, - unique taichos, in fact everything that adds attractiveness to a frock is found in this lot. A model for every type. Mostly small sizes. Only two size num ber 40. live- 2' A', i i I f I I,