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PAGE TWO TIMELY HITTING BY PEPS WINS THE LAST ; GAME OF SERIES 4-0 (Special to The Ardmoreit-l j Fonham. Texas. August 14 Nick i Caller. Ardmore Iwirler. pitched the) first no-hit. no-nm pa me of the T-O season hero tuN r.ftet nwn and shut J out Bonham in I Ik- la-t same of the j Series by tilt' score oi -le. u'n on Eonham runner reach, d second and j fly reached first during the entire the entire y.-d to the walk.-, and elVed 11 flee game, Three who jmirn firs, pillow (rot there l.y cne of th thiee who ree pass, was the man who iot to second or a steal. It was a thrUlins siirht to the thousand fans who witnessed the eon test to observe the manner in wnich Carter and his battery male, Lcma.--ters engineered the mound workman ship, while performing in bit; league style in the field where the Pep, whose .snappy work blended ill perfect xratmcr with tlie performance of lli Ardmore battery. All the A.-dmore boys played well. The Bonham fans were riven a treat of tho work which has made l.emas ters famous during his regime with tt-e Ardmore chjb. Always on the alert, his peppy work was very no ticeable throughout. The man whom Carter oiupitched was Blanker.shin. who. according to reports, is scheduled to report to Uie Chicaeo White Sox in the bit; show Monday. Tho Peps got to P.lankcn thip with bunched hiU in two innings which were iKvountabli? for the Ard inore scores. The stiekwork of Clopp. Jones, Young, Tate and Uehnn was responsible for the Ardmore mcoeSMf ul offensive while Tate, who stole three bases, suirn.-d In the pillow cin-ling. A h'jart-breaking event was the three-base smaah of Jones. A rule of the field is that any ball going over a barbed wire fence which is in the cutfiold. constitute!-, a home run. Jones lined the pill to the wires, and ala.s! iiad. but true, the ball struck a two ty four Ptak.i, and bounced buck into the field, thus robbing the Peps left fielder of a circuit clout. Tho score: ARDMORK-- AR H ) A Clopp. cf .-,13 0 Jones, If Toung, lb L'eard. 2b Lovelace, rf . Tate, 3b : Lehrer.s, ss Ix-niajters. e Carter, p Totais FOXHAM Coyle. If P.ttman, cf Henderson, ss McDowell.--rf H A I 0 0 I u A 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 Walter, rt) 2 Turner. 2 b S ;:arly, r 3 1 ielmr.s.'O, P 3 Pinkt-nsbip, p i 2 1 4 4 0 11 0 0 0 27 Totals-. Score by innings: Ardmore 000 010 100-1 ton ham 000 000 000 0 Summary- Runs, Clopp, Jones, Beard. I.erriiLf tcr, errors. Boar.1, Boh lens. Tanner. Kar! ; three base bit Jones; sacrifice hit. P.tunan: struck, tut by Blunkenshlp 4. ty Carter 0. Vase on balls .off Blunkennh.p 3, uf:' Carter 3: stolen ' ale Tanner left on ba-o. Ardmore C. B 0"tlbie piay. Bi hr ti:i to Yoiitig; tinie cf game 1.4.V rn:pire Uiwson. SportitorialS Well, no-run s.r, waddj game? ethink of '.h-. r.o-h.l loi So do wc Sort if makes up for the two Which iiouhiim handed u.". It's a cln- n the much cain music Hayer: m a same umpire didn't arcajng like iht. .-i-f-: : tne , .Nick affair. C4U".er' work wxs a novel thai the Bonham club Li here, , the ljcal "pticiar.s are perarir.g for lcrureO tuJies. Tfccy jay tnj dawn In TexJ, they suirt a;iiy..t Udl ! When tfce k-Ji i Jj: le-g'.nnlng to' .can 9 r.v,! to fall Ar.J fey !'jr :iM i.unTy thynrw i. Ji., thcri ;e bJ'.bn:i y-aid a:.d ; ra.e. JmJ tttvi t joe.n ft Itu'.r per.r.'.i-f. th'T .nvi-s; in ba-ivljall ; AnJ what ir.'T j-i? mur.y b- ). K. AdJ Ui.a."i fr? ...ry becume ..'jc day fccU r.o n.:;-i wiore tle-v c mi from 1ft a c.vh !;.'- yl iho.r WilCT Ihey t.u; ar.J rw t.i tie. Kt.i H on Vhe ci3D f Ardrr. .r- ' ;i. Ilura'.'.o Titm Defeat Trrrapiu The Ardn.irr Tirets d'-leitJ the 1t rlrin-r Trra;;T. at the 1x-j1 T-O park .'nlday by 'he v c! Tbe r ime w an 'tnt Vng !'.y.r frr-n -tart to f.niri. and ui of w"jif variety until h lart h5J of thf nlalii. y.n. witb Line GroTf iridirr br the core i . rftvwn a J-bare"r to Jip Irf.. W.jvh .xr-3 to am nl !.bn-si-Jf wvnrl Uir pliV.eY Kt '.he Witi nlug laiTy Lro JT M jrtT n.r.lrl . U rurT.L Tfc rsr.wnr- h.- t.e.l the lln run vvrr HtJiI lio'J and Ftrun; TCJinaa. vach it! who n reached fjrrt c coxV. The feasar U 1r gtu wit On nil uf Iv- ar.l the r-ld.ns cf 0.k.(. bo'.j wth Uie T.cri. BltliTIT: T-f'ir-fc. Jtmr. Tuhua at.d RaKy TeiTAjnai. Pd nd llcmiuct . Wab1ncim. At, li I'rellM nto v CrrMw-k in tmWti uui niuitntaiti FaciiTr tTTitory nr fwinJ fcy tiir t terctiie Cmn 1'gnimUitm l be Mt tmjrn ad snrraaounUk. Urf the rommHslo lrnsrrd to the railroad Itjif Uie frrrwrn: r diould U- n dtjvrO TOltmtarlty to V) pr xwat ol tin? ftwii: mi" the rwltirtiur. WC t l SUMMARIES TKXAS-OKLAHOMA I-EAGl"K Insults Sunday ArJmurc 4; Bonham U. Pari S; Mineral Wills 1. Cleburne-Sherman, rain. Standing ! V 1. Pet. CB 4H il.) 14 .714 0 4!) 21 18 .6-V.i i 4S -5 -.1 .1-1 t'Ss 4! 19 JT .4i:i H l-' is IS :io .37.". lfiHi - lo .n- lSSi thins Ardim'iv - Mineral W.' i Sherman jjoriKim j.;, Cleburne here They Hay Today f.onham at Ardmore. Paris at Snermati. Mineral Wells at Cleburne. . TKXAS LKU.IK Fori Worth tl. ShreVeport j, WlchlUi Tails 2, Dallas 1. Houston 4, tlalveston 3. Beaumont 4 1. San Antonio Standing 3-6. Clubs P W Pet. .7iU i Wichiia Falls ---3ti 27 Port Worth Dallas - -W - Houston 33 IS Shreveport 3S 1" l'.pimriiunt 3S 1 1 .ulj .liUU I .474 i .447 .447 I .35-1 Galveston 30 14 2 San Antonio 37 10 2 Where They Play Monday Houston at Galveston. Beaumont at San Antonio. Port Worth at Shreveport. Wichita Palls at Dallas. .270 A.MKK1CAN I.EAliti: Boston 2, Wushington 0. : St. Louis 7, Detroit 5. t'hicajro 4, Cleveland 1. Three scheduled. Standing Clubs P W L Pet. New York 10 Cli 40 .023 Cleveland 110 OS 42 .CIS WashliifTton -113 U0 13 -"31 St. Louid 10S 54 i4 .500 Bostou 107 DO G7 .407 Detroit HI 51 00 .400. Chicago 109 47 02 .431 Philadelphia ,.-110 41 09 .373 Where They Play Today Detroit Chi'.'ut'o at New York I Only tiuee Cleveland, it Philadelphia, scheduled. NATION.U, I.KAtil K St. Iiuia 10, Oinciniiati G. Boston 3, Brooklyn 2. New York 8, Philadelphia Pittsburgh 1, Chicago 0. Standing Clubs Pittsburgh New York Boston . Brooklyn P 1u Ill -100 112 109 111 , 103 107 Pet. .o:i .013 .575 .51 S ..'iO.'i .432 .407 .29 St. Bouis Cincinnati I'hicai'o Philadelphia - 4j 44 32 7 Today Where They Hay Philadelphia at Only one gtime New Y'ork. scheduled. WKST TKXAS l.HAGl'E None scheduled. Standing Clubs P Sweetwater Abd. tie- ! 20 Btilhr.gcr , .i-7' San Ancelo 20 W 21 20 IS 10 Pet. ,ji.l .550 .:,14 444 Where They Play Today Abilem- at San Ant-'ilo. Baliai.ger at .--we.-t wuler . SOLTHKKX ASSOCIATION M niphis 4, Allar.t.i 3. New oricans s, Mol.iie 0. Nashville -IS. Chattanooga- 2 7. Thr.-.-!.-.l. StanUiiig H-jbs - 1' M. mphis -11.". New Oriear.s 111 Pet. ' .078 .fill .002 .:,;!.! .5.13 : .too ..ISO j .337 7i 70 f.i Birmingham 113 Little Mock .107 , .Atlanta. 107 1 Motiile 11 3 j Nttlihvill,. ,u i 112 40 14 W here They Flay J-.-Mu at I.H'.ie P.oc K. Today Cliaitanootra New (jrlear.s Three g-unes M'-iiiphis. P.inruiigl, l.eduk-d. Belgrade, Au.i. LI. Majyar and Julo S'av i lemeiitH in southwest! rn Hun fatv held a monster meeting at i pnllan-hcn fees) a Imniln'J nu'les -oath ol Budapest last nii;ht und i reported Iiitc thai the n-public ol Uaranva (the name of the province ol .which l'ec the lapilal) ha l)Oen Jiroclaimed, with the prrUdeDcy ('.fcrvil to Count arKolyl. Mrs. Nicholas Longworth tWWr.liUM IIIWM.jXXMiHtttOW A new photograph of Mr. Nir.b k Longworth, wife of Cutigreatsman Longworth, of Ohio, and daughter of the late Colonel Theodore Rooe ve'.t. There 1 le'dom a day that Mrs. lAihgorth cannot b feen at the Cupltol, iifi Interested observer of d?balcs taktr.g place cither la thJ bouaut oi lu Uguiutt ,'-1 ".t'-'-i' , A't--'--. fcilM. ' ' - vcJ .itM.VWi' "Isr JLM JEFFRIES AND HIS BROTHER JACK BOXING AT A RENFFIT IN LOS ANGELES fry ' At a recent benefit held by a Los Angeles club the main event w-as n. between the former champion Jim Jeffries and his brother man In the ring was Snowy Baker. Despite his alderman it- four round bout Jack. The third proportions the former champ made his AMERICANS AGAIN CONTEST IN HARMS- WORTH TROPHY RACE (By the Associated Fruss) Detroit, Aug. lj.-Tiie 1H21 Harms worth trophy race in the Detroit river here September 3 and 5 will be the 11th contest for the international pow er boat championship title. It will be the fifth time the trophy has been contested fr in American waters and the eighth time in which the L'nited States has been a contender. The trophy was offered in 19U4 by Alfred ll.irmsworth, Lord Northcliffe, but did rwt attract American compe t it ion until i;07. when Commodore K. I '.I. Schroder, with his Dixie, brought it i 'to America. Commodore Schroder re- ! pi-ated his victory in 1!)0m. with Dixie ! - II.. over the Huntington May. New York course. ,i races were held in lihis nor during the war. The history of the llarmsworth trrw .hy races since l'J07 shows thrtf Anier leans have been victorious five time, end that a steady development in speed has marked the contests since the first Dixie captured the trophy in year. A speed of 28.6.1 miles an hour won the trophy in 1!07. while C,ar Wood drove his Miss Amer:-a at he rate of i',l. 5 miles in 192'l Winners of 1307 are shovwi in tl an hour to win the races since e foiloWillu: owner, K. J. s; course. South- 1 soT- winni r, 1 lixie i Sclir d,-r. 1,'niii d Stall ample n.; 2-..0... 1 ; it .h w.iim r. i )i II: owner, ourse. K. .1, Hunt- Schi'.dir, l.'nited State. ingtoti. Bay. N. Y.; 31 Bi01 No race. 1 91 0 winner. Dixie K. Burliam, 1'nit.d Huniington Bay N. Y lull -winner Kx.e K. liurham. .I'mlnl llunlit.gton Bay, N. Y 1'.'12 winner, M III: Stat owner P ; course. ; 34.7.1. IV: owner P. Slabs; course .: 40.42. Leaf JV; ownef Sir Mackay l'd:ar. Hui-.lingt, n May. N. 1 v 1 3 winn.-r, Maple S r M.ickay 1-Mgar, Msborn May, ICng.; 3: 11120 w.nni r, Miss 'iar WocJ, United l-'.ngland : course ! Y : 42.75. Leaf IV: i wner. I Kngla nd. S3. America; S-Ules; course owner courr-e, .owes, I. W.: CI.5U. Wlien the war broke out Commodore Pugh of Chic;ig. in 1314 i i., was li t. owes, reaily t. e. nte.-l with sir Mackay l'd(-tir's Mapl Leaf V., w. hl.s Disturber IV. The courxe for the 19'.'1 llarmsworth event ineasjres five nautical mik 1 and the distance U 40 nautical miles, j or eipht laps to tTie h'-at. Tie rules ' ttovermriK the contest reijuire that the team from any contending country, to i. ic ist of not nr re than three b.atx, must win two heals to take the tr , phy. The deej of ifift provides that an individual boat need njt win both heals. Asainst 3.r Mackay Fdifar'." Maple Li-af Vll, five American boats have teen nominated for the elimtiution i trials that will determine the trio to defend the "P.. T." as It is termed by powerboat men. The elimination trials bo held Sept'Tnber 1 und 2. ' The nominees for the elimination races ar -lis America JL. Hut Wood's new defender: the fin-t Miss .America, owm d by O. A. Wool. Jr.. ,li.rd entered by the Miss Metroit Pow- , erboat assoelatli n; Y lKer Hoy IV, own ed by V. V. VoU'T of the Portland. Ore., boat club; Mis' chicano. ownel ! by Sheldon Clark of the 'h'ic.ifo Yacht club, and DlsturVr IV.. owned by 1". 5. Rrlcjjn und i ntered for the (Tilcauo Yacht ,lub. 1 Hlr Mackn Maple Ie.if VII. enter ed fr the Riyal .Motor Yacht club. I la the only i raft to present the I lenainij country. The pnntest will be a battle of 12,- Icylir.d'r ermin. ail the craft named for '.If .eVflll beinif equipped With power tlunt of thin type. Both tie Mis America li anj the Maple Le.if VII have rmir U-'-jbndei motors, while the other have one or two U cylinder rn:inef. Wood 'predict a mod of W miles per hour fnnn hlr new defender, while the challenger i iud to have excevded Kf mile un hour. NORMAN SHUTS i TIKNF.R KAI.I.S 1 HIS WKI K SeA-orvl humlreil Hoy Sonuts. with their pr'n; and fnenLi. from N I man win be encatnjied at the Ar-1-liior- HuJ rXiiut" ruervation at Tur pi r Fall ttiir wik. An advance party rirlved S.itu1uv to put the camp In hupe A mom; thoe who will take ,i part In Un b--i0erh'.p wj'S are m.-m b rr of Uir Vloerit oi Oklah.flra UVUltT. brother step lively. OLD-TIMER LAUDS BABE RUTH - AS GREATEST OF ALL BASEBALL CIRCLES New York, Aug. 15. idol of baseball fans ears ago, sat on the Polo Grounds during between the Yankees Amos Music, an more than 20 sfdolines at the a ri-c.-nt game i-s and White Sox, P.uth w Irt'in he d..--figure in baseball. marveling in Babe clarcd the greatest "It's -bi-eti 1!) years since ! saw a major league game." Music remarked. 'The.ganie --U'-e has taken 1 -ng s' rides. Back in my day We had some heavy hitters, but none of them could hold I a cand to Ruth. I r.-l.-r tp Wagner, I Lajoje and Kd I lelehanty." Back in the nineties, when Ilusie. appeared at the Polo (Ir.'Unds, the' cheers and the shouting w t o all for him. The Hoosier Cyclone, they called him f, r hi' was considered the grcat-es- right-handed hurler m the game. He dropped from the gatne'in 1902 af ter lr:ng vainly for two years to ov- reome the handicap i f an injured arm. When Rusie left the game he re turned to his home in M uncle, Ind., and later went to Seattle. Wash., where he worked as a laborer. He is last the jo mark in years and his hair is gray. He sat unnoticed by I players and fans alike, for lie was I atikti' wn ;o them. 1 Then Ki, (oeason. the old manager j cf the White Sox, reeo;n,.isl loin. They I were rivals f, r pitching honors in j ine oi, I iias. I m sure glad to sec ou. Amos." ' flleason, "seemn I'ke iol times to see y,.u ground." The j 'aliens old t wirier returned Hie greet ing and they walked to the While Sox dugout arm-in-arm. ' Although Kusiu had not witnessed , a pin jor hiigue game for so many years he had kept up with the game i through the newspapers. I ISosie said he didn't approve of put i ,ing a curb t,n the styles of pitching. "iiv them a chance to develop. In my time we were not permitted to so.l tb, ball and there were no freak deliveries. We had to d''x-nd on speed and fast breaking curves and we had a gnat advantage over the batters. The batter of today has the edge, how ever. The livelier ball und curbing ff be pitci rrs are the reasons. This cat carried tou far. ' "Tin crowds are greater today tlian at any time. P.a.-iebiill Is now a (freal rational institution. The White Sol scandal has not hurt the (tame much JuJ.;e lindi.s has offset that bun..- yc " I The Arc de Triumphe In 1 tin luiS'-st triumphal arch World. Paris in the South American Beauty i'r -Mi, -.'. "?. i.'.tt'.iW-.' mm-' C,7-;ty''Vs' i' l-v '. ' 'v. r 1 55 9i IkbUltMteM Hlll M. frf Konoru Jj-obo Vareln. lf of the new M n'i'.er lo the Lolled State from Pruguay. (IIII IHtKX'S HOOKS laiie I In inn :: ttfiice Supplied Wlfjird of in," Pannt Cory a Little Uo Itlun." "Plie In tilt IVovds.'' aruf Mother tloonv Artimnn'Mmii ft Xew In. 4 Wirt Main I m BRUNS0N NOW BACK ON FEET ONCE MORE BETTER THAN EVER OUalioinu City Man Was in Rheumatism When lie Taking Tantoc Bed With Itegan "It's a furt 1 was down In bed fin t of my back with rheumatism when I began taking Tanlar, nnd here I nm on my feet upain feeling j better than I have in fifteen years." said C. Brunson, 409 West Oak St.. Okloji ma City. .Ok In. "In 1 S07 1 was first taken down with rheumatism in my buck and join's, und several times a year since that time I would net in such a bad fix 1 would have to be helped in and out of bed. I could hardly get up and uown and at times was so nervous and miserable I could hardly sleep. N'othlim 1 tile iitreed with me and I was stiff and sore dayln and day out. "Tanlac has made a great change in me. Why, 1 feel like a ten year old l. y compared to the way I felt be fore I nok Tanlac and have gained ten pounds In weight nt least. I sleep good every night now and get up in the morning rested and f. el fine alt day. My right arm and shoulder don't hurt me for the first time in nearly fifteen years and. in fait. I Just fee! like a new man in every way. I think I everybody ought to know about a medi cine that does what Tttnlae" has done for me, and I'm glad of the opportun ity togive this statement." Tanlac is sold in Ardmore by the Frame Drug Co., and by leading drug gists everywhere. WIRT HASKBAM.IORS SWAMP TliK AliDMOKK KUiS 13 TO 3 The Wirt baseball club swamped the Ardmore Klks on the local T O diamond yesterday afternoon by the swe of 13-3. The oil field men started a hit ting bee right off the reel that lasted throughout the game and accounted for the lopsided score, together with contributions in the form of K,lk er rors. The game took on n comedy as pect as it progressed and provided much amusement for the spectators Kechtin started for the Klks. but was tetired in favor of Paid Whitehurst, who knelt on the mound prior to throwing his delivery and prayed for victory. P.ut his prayers were unh'-ard. as the results of the contest show. MOST OK LOOT FROM WAI KOMIS BANK HU M AVaukomis. Okln.. Aug. 13 A tin win containing 1.S0 all but $100 of the lot secured by bandits who Su'.lir day robbed he Waukomis National Bank was found late yesterday by a searching party In a fork of a tree seven tjilles southeast of here. The cache wus discovered a quarter of a mile from the corn field where Kalph Fwiwr nnil K. M. Matz the alleged robbers, were captured late Saturday by a posse. THRKK CITIKS ASK I.OWKR (iS PliKSSl RK IX FKTITION Oklahoma city. Aug. 15. Threa; ouwes of gus as n minimum pn-ssure instead of four as required by an or- j der of the corporation commission i now in effect is sought in an appli-1 cation filed with the commission tolay by the Tit City c,as Company of Chel ; sea. the Moggs Company find the Nowata c,us Company of Nowata. The application asks a modification of the previous order. WK ill mmri& will 1 iif v . a Camels are made for Men who Think for Themselves Such folks know real quality and DEMAND it. They prefer Camels because Camels give them tho Smoothest, mellowest smoke they can buy because v thev love the mild, rich flavor of choicest tobaccos, perfectly blended and because Camels leave NjQ CIGARETTY AFTERTASTE. Like every man who docs his own thinking, yott want fine tobacco in your cigarettes. You'll find it tvkmuh DimrjrX'11 0IENO I. MAKK TWAIN'S (Ol'SIN iiunokh) p.v the royai. c.ko(;kaphical society As a result dl' hoi work In the widespread distribution of geograph ical knowledge us well as her explo rations and travelogues on two con tinents, Mrs. Mildred Clemens Schenok t-f Berkeley, Cab, a cousin of the Int. ."lark Twain, has been made a Pel low of the Royal fleographk-al Society ol London. Mrs. is the first woman of this country to be so hon tired. AXK CROP BY 500 IXCRKASK.S PL R CKXT IS REPORT The tane syrup crop w ill be in-1 creased by 500 per cent this yeur, according to J. .1. Chandler of the Chandler (iroceiy. Jobbers of Ard more havn ordered four cars of syrup containers mill there has been a brisk demand for them for the past two Weeks, The price is now around 50 cents a gallon, Mr. Chandler said, and it is probieiiiH Ileal as to whether there will be an Increase. All that i brought to Ardmoii finds a ready mar ket, which is most encouraging to those farmers who put In more .anc and less cotton acreage this year. State Visited By Kain Oklahoma City, Aug. 15. Light to heavy rain fell over practically the entire state and, extended into Texas, iiccordlni; to reports received here to day by the l'nited States weather bu reau. The rainfall during the 24 hour period ending at 7 o'cluck this morning was reported from various stations as follows: Woodward. 3. So inches: McAlester. 2.79; Okemnh, 13.1; Hamnioiu ,1.03; Newkirk. 1.01 and Muskogee. .07. Ok lahoma City recorded .23. A title which has been Ixirne by a member of the royal family may not bo a doped by anyone of less rank. STOI THAT ITCHING If you suffer from any form cf ' skin ills, ase such ns Itch, eczema, ring-worm, poison-oak, old soreJ or i If your children have some skin trou- I ble, we will sell you a Jar of "Blue : Star P.emedy" on a guarantee that If not satisfied your money will be re- j funded. City Drug Store. in Camels. And, mhil ycii, no flashy-package just for show. No extra v:i,if,; ?rs! ICo costly frills! These things don't improve 1L2 smoke any more than premiums or couponr. But QUALITY! Listcnl That's CAMELS t POSSE SEARCH FOR SKEDEE BANK BANDITS Pawnee .Oklu.. Aug. 15. Posses were, searching the country south of Skedee today in an effort to locate the bandits who yesterday bored un der the floor and into tn vault oi the Citizens State Bank at Skedee, and escaped with a few hundred dol lars and papers taken from safety deposit boxes. Rain which fell after the robbery obliterated the bandits tracks and held up the pursuers. ABAXDOXS HOPK OF CAPTIRIXO PRISONERS Leavenworth, Kan., Aug. 13. Hop of capturing four prisoners who e caped from the Kansas state peniten tiury Saturday night was virtually abandoned today by Warden M. N. Amnerine, who said he believed the men had succeeded in reaching Kan sas City. Ed Mitchell, a fifth prisoner who attempted to escape with the others, fell 15 feet from a ladder and wrench ed his knee badly. He was recaptured. It was at first reported he had been ihot. (jOVERX.MKXT CONTROL OF BRITISH RAILWAY'S CEASE London, Aug. 15. Government con trol of the British railways, begun at the opening of the world war, ceased last midnight. The stockholders of the railway companies during the last seven years, have had their dividends guaranteed on a pre war busis. The new act governing the futtrre of the railroad administration becomes -operative almost Immediately. Under the act rates and fare will be fixed by a tribunal. Labor conditions gen erally also will be in the hands of the tribunal. American women have the most beautiful eyes In the world, says a well-known London photographer. To prevent milk from running over when it comes to the boil put a spoon In it. i$f w A31 '! (hunt't Slvt k 8op), fii n the treatment ol Itch, .p"""' Ringworm.Tett.rorBi.. inri diteMet. Trr tieaUBtat kI out (Wk. city asrug Siore Sanitary Mattress Factory We Keiiovute and Manufacture Mattresses of All Sizes . and (irades , .. Patronize a Home Institution Phone Hit MO h. Main St. Ardmore, Oklahoma HARVEY BROTHERS Fl.XF.RAL PARLORS AMBl'l.AXCE SERVICE Phone 73 PHOTOGRAPHY from "The Artist shop of Southern Oklahoma-' RUSSELL STUDIO .1 1-: F.ujU Main . 1 MrTWLMTUM. T7