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n SUNDAY', OU'lin:. ;,,, SENIORS ENTERTAIN WITH ELABORATE HALLOWEEN PARTY C Midst a Klare ot spooky linhts the blare of lnii:lrn and tin- nouiiiUiik of, trumiK'ls nntl drums tho spirit of ; Mardi ( ri'lKnrd nt tln w-nior r:ir- ; nlvul at Ardmore hlt;h pt-hool Friday night. Tht) carnival wan lu-lil In the gym and was attended by tlip lmg- i Mt group of , Nludotits, tMfhiTs and I friends evor assembled fnr a function ot the school. - Tho carnival queen, Miss Norma Gates, on a fompnus throne In t'iie center of the gym covered with ori ental rugs of every country, sat with her ever attentive servants, In ori ental costume who assisted in dis tributing favors of black und ornnfte paper caps. The .queen's costume was fashioned after the (typsy mid was elnborate In its sparkllnR ornaments. Her attendants were John K. Dexter, Jr., Mark Khkimtrlck, Tweed Sum nmn, IiOiia Stonumn. The entire, gymnasium was the scene of (ralety with Its decorations of black and rnnj,'e. Witches, cats and oflher suggest ions of Halloween ami side (fhows of Rypsy fortune Idlers, for tune tellers of every kind. frrijis. mid ffets, tlsht .rope walkers were there. Tin n ibere wa.-t Madam IVn li hon, the riilnilsl, the oi-itul fortune teller, Itlue Heard's wife, the Million Hollar Ileanty, Madam ZiiiKcrella, who spoke tiothitiK but Spanish, the merry-po-round furnished lots of amusement for the llllli' folks and the baby incu bator wa.- simply ridleuloiis. the art museum wns n rare thins and ti'.ie RWiininiiig liiateh between two (lirl.s created much merriment. Hut the lii'i feature of Ihe earni vul was the minstrel show which was a grand success, Im-liiillny soinrs. "f'r.rry Me I'.aek to file Vlrttinia," "The Jinrk Town Strutters Hull." by Hessle Newman, l.yndall Hudson, ( leu Cariienter, Mary Nell Crown, Clar pnee Ureedlove, F'orJ tluthrie, I.u liiolit Ch.iddick, t'ldi' Croiiiwell. Uia Iokuc by Ford fiuthrle, I.yndcll Hud son; Imitation of preacher by Clyde Cromwell. Then there were .juw and old southern dances by Ford Culhrle, Hessle Newman and Mary Nell Hrnwn. the final was -It's Nobdy's Ituslness Rut My Own." The Italian muwio grinder and his monkey, ballocn slrls, carnival pollne, flower girls, gypsy maids mid ven ders of all nationalities mingled the crowd and sold their wares. with FIRST RAIN FALL SINCE EARLY JULY .V light rain fell over this section Inst night which gives promise of some relief from the protracted drought that hns covered this country since the early week of July. The last general rain that visited this hcci Ion of the state was early In .June, but on the 11th of July light 'rain fell over the county that was In strumental in retaining th,. moisture already In the ground. Tall gardens have been n failure owing to a lack of rain, slock water Is getting scarce and in many section is being limited to supply' them. f V Prilling in ihe fields has 1n-en held up mi account of n lack of wnler and unless u general rain conies very soon serious results will follow. Full plow lug is nt a standstill only in case where farmers own heavy inirloi-s. Plowing wilh horses and mules has been out of Ihe question, and Ihe farmers would welcome a heavy rain at Ibis lime. ARDMORE CONTINUES CHAMPIONSHIP CLIMB BEATING HUGO 4M3 A Fumble and Penalty In the Last Quarter Nets the Visitors a Score. Pcal;.lng the Hugo foolhall sqund by the score of 41-13 last Friday gave tfie Arrim. "re high school -tdsters the fifth consecutive victory of the season and incidentally added contest to the string of the undefeated tossers of the pigskin. The Hugo ag gregation did not score against the varsity team, hrt made their points while opposing trie sreenri string men A fumble wns resultant of the first of the Hugo touchdowns, and a pen alty which carried the hall halfway across the field and within 15 yards of . the gonl line, netted the visitors the second. Slough's "0 yard dash through the entire Hugo team immediately fnl lewlng the klckoff. To select any particular star is almost out of the question, for all the local lads played well. Mobley was "as usual" In fine form, and performed his old stunts of tackling hack of the line and re. covering fumbles with rcmnrkablo ngilily. The blocking and tackling of Ardmore men shewed noticeable provement. CHI Hamilton, Ardmore's husky suffered a cracked rib during play, and may be kept (alt of game fnr tt few days as a result. With this exception, IMe team should "fie In perfect shape for the coming contest versus T.a w Inn next Friday. Although defeated by S:iulpa. I.awton Is re garded as a strong contender and will fight hard to break the Ardmnre Winning streak. Animnre l.lncup Joines Ia ft Knd Crown TWt Tackle . Thompson Left (iuard Havidsnn . Center Mobley .Might fluard lrby Itighl Tackle Hamilton Itight Knd Sullivan T.eft Halfback Wlllingliiim ..night Halfback La ml .Pull Hack Slough . Quarter Back Substitutes: Strange, Tillman, Tate, flump, Walcott, Flatt, Flnley, Wade, .MeKelvey, Holt. Riindol. Oixnn. T.ur t'tMi','h. West. Free-man. ftiisbee. John n. Touchdowns j mm, Lamb, i floats fi-nm j Joines 2. ! Referee: Royei I Head Linesman Stiaehley. (.hoiua: cook, whuui.ivn (IIWII'ION, ticii; koic ' cot i wiiii ( akckntim: : . I !,!" . .. 1 ?i t the ' a f the! m'S'S the FOOTBALL RESULTS Although, the bout between Georges Carpentler and tleorse Cook, Austral Ian beuvywciKht champion, does not take place until Hcceinber 2, Cook hns already begun bis training near lon don. The bailie Is creating great deal of interest in l th Knyland audi Fiance. This photograph of Cook was made recently while he was training for the bout. Sullivan 2. Willing. Slough. Wade. to vhdowns: Sullivan 3, SOONERS LOSE FIRST CAME OF THE SEASON TO NEBRASKA 44-0 Fumbles and Poor Aerial Work Responsible for Oklahoma Defeat. Fmpire Lang. Van Hyne. Timekeeper SENATE ADOPTS BILL OPENING CORPORATION RETURNS TO CONGRESS WASHINGTON. Oct. 29. Income tax returns made to the treasury by coriioralions would be open to In tpcetlon i.t the request of either house of eongiivs under an umemlment to Ihe lax refit-ion bill adopted tc.duy by the icnal" without a record vote. A number of majority. seiiHtors wore fitmi WLshin-ston unlay and thu denus'tats geneially were opposed to night meetings, tin- plan was to recti s lute In Ihe day until Monduv. The work on the bill Is fur from finish. d and some leaders on both sides of the hainiiei- doubt that u final vote on the Mica-arc can be had mm ll be fore next Saturday night. immediately upon eonveiia,'; the senate, launch, d into Ihe capital Mock lax fhtht. huvlnx before It the amendment to retain this tax whirl, the finance committee putosci to ie cal on next January fust. As usual, a quorum was obtained for only a lew minutes, bm Si iniloi Stanley, demnctat, Kentucky, fori d roll cill so as to gei tli.- ab-".i-liM-H buck Into Ihe chamber. Many Lives Are Feared Lost in Cloud Burst VANCOL'VF.K, IJ. C. (tel. 2li. Muny lives are feared to have been lost and scores Injured b a i loud burst which flooded and initially wept away Ihe town of Itiliauniu Beach, II. C. last night, necordin;! 10 advices received hciv lo.lny. I'liy ielans and nurws left lor the scene of liie disaster on a special steamer. r.eporls today said thai the town had been practically cut In two by n stream of water which dashed down a mountain rid", sweeping iiiiiiichiii buildings on the licarh. lliKunniu liracli Is a mining town with impiilellon of linn, eiinnter. on a mountain 111 mile from here on Ituwe Hound. FUNERAL SERVICES OF LILLIAN FRANCES DOUGLAS HELD HERE The remains of t.illlnn Frances, lit. tie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin V. noughts were laid to rest in Hose Hill. Cemelery here yesterday after noon. The child was aged 4 years nnd mnmhs and was the only child In Ihe home. It bad been III for HOtllA i lime nnd Ihe parents who reside in I Han Angel.i, Texas, lonk it to n liospi. tal In llnuaton for treatment ,u, die j child pass' il nway while In that city. I . Ashley Chnppell of Ilrondway Mcihodist Church conducted the fun jeral sei vlci s at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Ivey Johnson t 1215 McLlsb. i Music was furnished by n qunrtette comprising .Mesrtames Harold R. i blmes. Jo H, Turk, N. C. Wood and Marvin Rell with Miss Mary Crimes accompanist. The songs snng were "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know," which was the favorite sons; of the child and one that she hummed Just Wore death came and "Sleep Little Rnl.y of Mine", by Hen me. Some of ihive here for the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. J. p. H. l.lpsc'onib of Houston, grandparents of the child, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. V. nussabaiigh of Jnekslsuo, Texas. Mrs. nuswilmugh is Mr. Douglas' sister. Mrs. Frank rutsenger of Cleveland. Ohio, tor to Mis. Houghis. Mrs. K, comb of Han Angel,.. Texas, grand mother of the decensed Mrs. Karl Coulter nnd Miss nestnutt t.r Kingston and Mrs. !M Flynt of Madlll. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. St'Miuiu of I leaver, Oklahoma. Mr. nnd Mrs. Houglas lived In .Dili city for n numlier of years ami they have many friends and relatives here. The funeral was intended ,y ,, i,,,. company of pe.,p,. and ihe floral of. fcrlngs were generous and verv beau, tlful. LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 29. I'laying Ip a flld of mud following a long and steady downpour of rain hero, the University (f Oklahoma went down to defeat before the husky Nebraska aggregation this afternoon, the Soon ers' first defeat of the seanon, by a score of 44-0. Costly fumbles by the Sooners were largely responsible for their defeat. Inability to use the aerial game In which they, are knewn to bo excel lent, was a big factor In Oklahoma's defeat. Two touchdowns in the first quar ter upon wftich, Swanson. Cornhttsker captain, failed "to kick goal, netted the northerners a l'.'-polut lead. They came hack In the second quarter and scor ed n third touchdown, Swanson again lailinfj to put the pigskin through the bars. In the second nunrtor Oklahoma opened an aerial attack and after several failures. Tyler completed a pass to Hendricks for 17 yards, . fol lowed by another, Hendricks to Ty ler a gain of 11 yards, Nebraska added 13 (mints to the one sld'il score in the third quarter, when a series of line plays, culminating in a n.Vyard run thnugh tfhe line by Wright. Nebraska half, netted a touchdown, Swanson kicking goal; and Morrison's . spectacular 50-yard run through the Oklahoma field made Ne braska fifth .touchdown, Swanson missing goal. The fourth quarter saw the final score, when James' pass was Inter cepted In midfleld by Noble, who made a squirming run thmug'ii the field for .15 yards and a touchdown. Swanson Kicked goal. At New Haven Yale 4.",: Crown 7. At Cambridge Centre li; Harvard 0. At Lincoln, Neb.--No.hraska 44; Ok lahoma, 0. At llol.oken, N. .1. Trinity 6; Stev ens 0. At Amherst Vermont 14; Massa chusetts Agricultural College 7. At Lawrence, Kan. Kansas Uni versity 21; Kansas Aggies 7. At Koston Bostcn University 14: Rhode Island State 0, At Lewlston. Maine New Hamp shire 14; Bates 0. At West Point Army 53; Susque hanna 0. At Syracuse Washington and Jef ferson 17 Syracuse 10. At Raltlmore Johns Hopkins 44; Western Maryland 0. At Easton, Pa. Lafayette 35; Rut gers 0. At Lewisburg, I'n. Bucknell 41; Catholic University 0. At Ilhica, N. Y. Cornell 69; Hart mouth 7. At Amherst, Mass. Amherst 20; Hamilton 7. At Waterville, Maine. Colby 3; Maine 0. At Urliana, III. Michigan 3; Illi nois 0. At Madison, Wis. Wisconsin 35; Minnesota 0. At lOvunston, 111. Northwestern 3; Hepatiw 0. At Chicago Chicago 35; Colorado 0. At Washington. Georgetown 28; George Washington 0. At Lafayette, Ind. Iowa 13; Pur- duo 6. At lndlunapolis IwJlajiu 7; Notre Duma :S. At Detroit Ulnverslty of Detroit 14: Tulane 10. At Annapolis Navy 21: Cethany 0. University of Maryland 7: Univer sity of North Carolina. 16. At Grltuifll, Iowa Coo 10; C.rinnellO. At I'oiMand, Ore University of Cal ifornia 14; Washington State col- ! lege 0. ) At Fort Smith, Ark. University ot Arkansas 13; Southwestern Methodist University 0. I 'At Kansas City. Haskell 21; Tulsa University 0. ! At St. Louis. Washington 2; I Ames 0. At Milwaukee Marquette University 7; Michigan Aggies 0. At South Bethlehem tietilgh 21; West Virginia 0. At Allentown, Pa. Swarthmore 6; Mauhlenberg 1. At New York Boston College 0; Fordhnm 0. (tic.) At Mlddletown, Conn. Wesleyan 14; Tufts 14. (tie.) At Salt Lake City Utah 17; Idaho 7. At Austin, Texas 66; Rice 0. At Columbia, Mo. Missouri 6; Drake 0. t:t i.hi; akoi m MAIL IKK li ItANDI I'S NKW YORK. Oct. .- The green automobile used by three bandits in last Monday's $10(1,000 mail robbeiyi has been Identified and the net is i drawing close about at least one i.f j the thieves. Chief I'ostoffiee hlfpec tor Cochran said today. Information concerning the finding of Ihe bandits car w-as withheld but It was learned that inspectors and detectives on the ease are Inclining away from the theory that the rob bers were members of a band who committed mail robberies in other I cities and an leaning more toward th theory thai Hie liu!,li:. was llu j work of local talent, aide.l by an "in-1 side isitlfeileleti ." 1 oi i k i i. Ill l' VWS I'KK'K ANYWAY MrsKoi;i:i:, oua., tut. mi. John Wll.-on, also known by a (io.en other aliases, pleaded guilty in the district court lale yesterday to receiving money under false pretenses and was el ven cighi-en months in the stuic penitentiary. Wilson represented himself as the agent of a fictitious ' steel laanutac- turlng concern. Prior li his -rinal n tell graphed city anil county officials in me, I him, announcing he wanted then) to be his guests at a .dinner. Few of the officials responded, but 'ho-e who did were lavishly entertain ed. The next day Wilson cashed two ill-god bogus checks for $25(1 each on local merchants, and was detained while Irving to cash a third. Sponges are popularly regarded as a kind of sea plant, but in real'ly they aie the skeletons of a low type of animal. Head Ardmcrelte Want Ads. SI FS KOIC POSSESSION OF DIAMOND SH D a sis Lips gnat child. I Louie ANTI KI lil t It I'AUTY It I. IS IN OlttiANIZKI) NKW YORK. (ci. 2!t. The nnt. Kit Klux party will have a pluee on the ballot In city election No. ti mber S. I'.e b mrd of elections announced toil ty. The p-iriy's n m Inc. Is l-Mwar.l . Itr.igan. candl- date for Juilg.. f g -ral si.Ps,ms court in New York. An firrnw the part's emblem. Kvelyn Prenit, executrix of the es fife of F. N. Preultt, deceased, has: filed suit In the district court for possesrlon of a diainnnil stud agniusl 1 Harry Sipes. She alleges In her peti tion that F.N. Preult gave Ihcdlamniul' to the defendant to be traded, t tin t H was not traded, that she had demand rd it nnd did not ic elve It and that the estate l elitlll-d to the p'lj-.sessioi' tf the diamond. She also neks Judg ment for J!00 as cnMs or daintiCcs In beliin dettiid the poesslo:i of the property. The suit wu.-i brought by her atiM-neys (Voce Potter. Armament Delegates Arriving Now Daily WASHINGTON, Oct. 28. A large contingent ot the Chinese delegation to the armament conference will ar rive tomorrow afternoon In a special train from San Francisco and will be met by representatives of the stato department, the army and the navy. The leading member of the party Is T.lang Ju-Hiin, an Influential leader In the Chinese republic, who will servs as an advisory to the Chinese delega tion. Another member Is Vice Ad miral Tuxi-Kun. Foreign delegates and nlso press correspondents attending the arma ment limitation conference would be the guests of the nation on a tour of the country, including the Pacific coast state, under a resolution Introduced today by Senator Stanfleld, Republican, Oregon, authorizing the secretary of state to issue Invitations for the pro: posed trip. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 29. A Japa nese delegation of udvisnrs to the armament conference in Washington, the second to be gr'eted here within two weeks, nrrlved today on the liner Sblnyo Maruk. The delegation Is headed by F.. Kumur, u secretary of the department of foreign affairs. A trade delegatiigi, headed by Vis count F.. Shibiisawa, prominent hank er, also arrived on the Sblnyo to re- the visit to Jupnn or tne puny Frank A. VaniWlIp Inst pay headed year. bv SrTK SIUUKH IN I OKF.ST KKIKII'IS nut SI, K.I Oklahoma U li receive tl.17K.III from ihe United States treasury as Its share nf he receipts from the nat ional forest i for the fiscal year end ing Jim. 'to, 1921. This amount Is divided, IMI.7A being paid to the slate for revenue and $:t:i6.i;ii' for the forest service r. ml and train fund. Scecial Services Begin Today at Baptist Church fipe. nl ennm liMlc services will bo cln today at Itioadwiiy Raptis1. Hmrch to continue for about two weeks. Hr. S. M. Hi own of Katisn City, will oivupv the pulpit today at hotr the morning and evening services. Meelltu. will le held every eve limit b'B'nnitig nt 7:3" o'clock and dor ian the Week days, inoinlng will opi nut 10 oYlts-. flu. iiiildle Is conllallv Invited tend all service. Dr. K. 1.. Havblsoii. pator of the chilli h. ii'turnrd home lal nlghi from a week's slay in Oklahrma CUV and Knid. He conducted services ol ImiiIi i!.ii e. servlcs to III PAMII.V Itlll NIOS XV WILSON I'AST VI:i Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wllllnghum of NVll-wm held a family reunion und Celebration nf. Mrs. Wllllnelium's flf t)elghth '' Ui liiday snniy -rmiry i.t their home In Wilson, Tue"ly. The daughters, Mrs. .1. F. Arnold nnd daughter of Wilson. Mrs. K. H. M I' ll n and liuslmnd of Imperial, Cat., Mr. P. !' Vastlilnder anil htlslmnd f Imperial: sous, V, M. Wllllngliau nd wife of Ardmorv; J. I. WilPivt ham of Wilson nnd fa..,,!..'; Verner. J. A., and Vcstcr of Wll no and Itnh . WH of Ardmore wre ii-tent A. C. Sies. K. M. Jameson. SIES MACHINE CO. Phone 1000. 116-118 E. Hroadway. GKNEHAL MACHINE WORK IN ALL LINES, HEAVY WELDING OUR .SPECIALTY, MACHINE BLACKSMITIIING AND SMALL FOKGINGS. WE SURPASS IN SPRING WORK. WE OFFER YOU COURTESY - - - EFFICIENCY - - HONESTY Why "Look Forward" to Owning a Home When You Can Build One NOW? Hero's the whole story in a nutshell: if you are paying rent, you can own your own home..If you are i i pr u r i n k on build inj.' a home why not drop in and. talk the matter over with us. We might be abl? to help you in many ways. We have some plans of beautiful homes. It is yours for the asking. Instead of continuing to collect a lot of rent receipts indefi nitely, you will be paying money on a house that within a few years will be free and clear Your Own Home. Drop in today, let us give you details of our plans. Cornwell & Chowning Lumber Company Phone 170 Corner Third and Caddo Kg rtfifli ear mnmttrm o. 'II X.' - 1 I i-ual pgfesiii in iii 4 I i UI Ml B Buy Direct Save the Difference Enthusiasm grows as men come and SEE what remarkable values in our fine clothes to order. There's no disputing the fact that our high-grade, beautifully tailored clothes with Extra Pants FREE, represents the biggest tailoring values in the city. Remember Piig output reduces prices, in creases values tremendously. The small tailor can't approach our values. His small output prohibits it. Dig output, small profits OUR WAY. Small output, big prices the small tailor's way. Choose for yourself. Comparison imme diately proves that we save you $10 to $25 .-v.- &t tfet a4;'.''''" SUIT. TO ORDER $3P V'.-.v:.-,- and up Have You Seen Our Special m:( Window! Some Snappy Woolens Extra Pants Free Alro Ladies' High Class Tailoring AH American Tailor Made. 213 Wert Main Open Evening! Jcis C.'.npbtll, Mr. ft 77 .7