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PAGE THREE SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1922 THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. BETTER METHODS Resolved MENTAL MARRIAGE PROVES SUCCESS! WIFE TELLS WHY RESULT ON FARM OF COUNTY AGENT I Resolutions? Yes, we make Vui, I Not to keep them, but to break them j For we're only poor weak mortals after ail. "Little Johnny Jones." ! 1 (1. I' Selviriro munuirer loan ss- .. sociatiou: 1 mil toint to push my' Simpkins is Fifth Man on baiD" mor lh"M dld '" IMl: 1 T - 1 TT. ... , will devote as much lime as possible to Job Here, But His Work publi(. arfait.B. , anl t0 KiVtt , j family every advantage within my In cmie. Has Been Far-Reaching to Farmers. Resolved: To keep cool when hot chocks om in on cold water I. ills. This is signed by employes of the oity valor office. 11. O. Bailey, lire chief; The firo "Bringing the oity and county to : frether," has been the aim and the b ' ject of county farm agents ever feinco ' tho system vrnn established several yeurs ago, and to the agent perhaps more than to any other cause, baa a 1 boys me tletcrinlncd to make their 1 Jtetter feeling: been engendered be- I work as efficient an human caa ooh- T .Z ,. . . "Wy perform Carter county has hud tho services of a county agent for several years, in fact from almost the beginning of ' the system, and the agent has been a ; big factor in bringing about bettex I conditions on too farm and better methods of fornring. The work of the county agent is no .sinecure ho bo a man who un derstands people,, know whereof he ' speaks and .be oblo at all times to , t,"lv true and direct Information to ; the farmers upon all subjects In ! which they are interested. Such a man j is a valuable asset to the community , and worth every dollar the state and 'county pays him for his salary. Agents Well Informed Carter county has been extremely ' fortunate in this respect, inasmuch lbs all agents who have been assign ed here have been men who were well up on the duties and require menta of their office, and the labor l they have accomplished is very evi 1 dent to thoso who knew conditions as 1 they existed on the average farm be-1 lloro the work was started. I ' The present agent, John W. Simp iklns. Is the fifth man to hold tho (job In Curler county. Mr. Simpkins was agent In Tillman county before cumins here. He has been here more ftnan a year ana lias luiriy started to, l put Into operation many plans that! have been maturing tor some time. One of the principal features that he proposes to advocate this year is J r rerrueing or larm lands 10 Keep ine ; oll from washing away. He has given ' sewral practical demonstrations of the methods employed in various sec lions of the county tliut have created considerable interest iu this branch .if fofrrt U'npV Mr. Simpkins has the. farm boys of abo,,t '" wa,w or 1 l" I lh,! U i'. A ... r-OM t mi T I.I ' 0r ' '$k$ George Alexander, waiter: To live a life so that my children au point to their fathci s'nd say ' He was a Man." How's that'f "Undo .lohn", cook at city jail: "Well, sir; I've just about reform ed, but I'm resolved to get uiah nelf a wifo before this next year is out." O. M. Henley, retail merchant: Live better do more business and have tho "Smile that won't wear off." C. A. Crockett, manager Bass Fur-! niture Company: 1 am resolved to '. btmd my every effort in employing and ' using all the diligence in my power ! to co-operate with the authorities in making the streets and sidewalks of our city mure Uivltlug. OMAHA. Would you marry a man without even seeing him, just be cause you liked his poetry? Mona Marti wmi, daughter of a New York capitalist, did. And hci marriage turned out successfully. Now she's mother of four children. .Returning to New York from Pails where she'd studied art under the famous sculptor, Auguste Rodin, Miss MarUnscn read a volume of , verse by John G. Neihardt. Mr. and Mrs. John U. Neihardt She liked them. Hlie wrote to the poet Six months later u train was tarrying her to Omaha an-i Neihardt knew that in tho things that really counted we were one." Neihardt Is the only poet laurc- was standing on the station platform ate In thn United Ptr.tcs. The Ncbras with a marriage license in i is coat j !.a J.:.".! i.iture Iium K.U'n him tlv.t pocket. i title in rerosruitio- or lvs epic poe:n "Why tbould if be foolish to marry without Beeing each other with the physical eyes?" Mrs. Neihardt asks, "is not the ideal more real than the material? When Mr. Neihardt was In Omaha and I was in New York, 1 immoi'al.iing the wist. The '.our Neihan'r children nro pn1- dixies. They l.-r.ow tho lHad anl Odyswy t. - Inti-ii .1 ;.;. tii yjur Itid tlif-s i.l!(;w "Moth' r C;nose" nnd '.'o Peep.' HUGHES RECEIVES GERMAN CHARGE W A Hill NCiTON . Diploma tic i (la-; Uoiih between Osrmany and the ' I'mited Klates were resumed officially ' l iute Saturday when Carl I-ang, charsie I d'affaires from the lieriin government i prweiiteU ilia letters of credence and i was received by Secretary Hushes. 1 The German charge preseut-d his j credentials to Mr. Jlughna at 2.3S ' and at that exact moment were re I snnirl the diplomatic relations which ! have been broken since Feb. 3, 1017, ! when Count von Itf-rnatorff the (ler : man ambassador here was bande1 hs passports. Mr. I-antv arrived in Washington ' only last Wednesday. The haste to have Mr. Lajis rcc(iRiilzl as fler i niany's official diplomntii: represen i tntive was is-casioned by ti is desire to I li received with the other members of the diplomatic corps by President Uardlni? at the New Year's reception next Monday. The new Austrian charge, Kdgar A. C. Prorhnlkalso will be among those to be greeted by President Ilardins at his reception. OUR MERCHANTS NUT CRACKING DEVISE ATTRACTS ATTENTION Gorman Takes Census of Boll Weevil and Finds 'em Fewer o- (Kditor: Mike Gorman of the American Na tlonal Bank who gives much thought to agricultural interests in this coun try suites that there are fewer boll weevils here this year than a year ago. He bases this statement upon experi ments made by himself. About this time a year ago. Mr. Gorman says, he made a trip to the country to make a dult boy," so the old adage goes, investigations concerning tho presence As an antldote for this possible evil of the weevil. Ho founu many or nrnlM; ,,. ,u ., nnal Guess who mado this one.) ! umn. in me - , Ardmore.a remediM. maue a trip ot ine same nuiu iui mo, aBent.j same purpose and says he did not find! Under the direction of Perry Max- Vol. ;a weevil. j-ni aoes not iuct.ii nam well tn club nas one-or the finest GOLF CHAMPIONS HERE THIS MONTH "All work nnd no play makes Jack SportitorialS j An invention of particular interest :at this time and which has caused , much comment in Ardmore Is a nut ; cracking device that is so adjusted as ; j to crack a r.ut entirely and In such a manner that the "goodies" are not I crushed or chipped. 1 1 n " " u I This machine was Invented and Is This hero resolooshun bizness Is all now being manufactured in Ardmore right it shows a fellers got good in-j by II. C Atwood, who has a shop ut tenshuns, anyway. ; corner oi i. ana r Fireeis, nonn- west. ir. Atwood lias been working Kven nt that, what's the harm In Jon This and other inventions for sev- iTnl V.fir u rid hng hnd llid mil breakin' them-becau, if yuh keep 'omin), w thp mart fop about you won't have any to make next ,t yea,-, it is now being sold nil over year. Logic. i Oklahoma and Texas and Mr. Atwood Is planning to enlarge his factory In Sounds kinda funny "if yuh keep order to take care of the increased em you wont have any." Hah! ; oemana mr tins macnine. in aaumon to the hand nut cracker, which Is so l'iighteen youngster of Ardmore began career as merchants on Saturday. They are the Ardmore ite carrier boys. Beginning Saturday they took charge of their own route., not only delivering but collectuis fur papers. And the boys did surprisingly well, too. People of Ardmore with the exception of a very few who did not understand the ptao ex actly co-operated splendidly with the young fellows. I'lider the new circulation plan the Ardmoreite boys on the routes collect every two weeks. Ity doin their own collecting they are enabled to make more money for themselves and then again they learn to be more careful in their deliveries. If Ardmoreite subscribers pefer to pay by the year, and prefer to send their subscriptions to the pa per direct, it is all right. The of fice will pay the boys their per centage just the same. Tbe Ardmoreite asks the sub scribers to encourage the young slrrs in their first real business venture. Have the few cents ready every two weeks. The hoys will appreciate it and. the Ardmoreite will appreciate it. SPRINGFIELD MOVIES BANNED BYBLUE LAWS SPRINGFIELD, Mo. Springfield, according to all indications i&tur day will start the New Year with out Sunday theaters as the result of the special election here last Tues day when the voters by a majority of almost two to one, adopted . a proposed "blue law" closing all plae i cf iimusement on tho Sabbath. Th row law is effective' Sunday, and, tin far as could be learned, no move ment has been made by theatre own ers to combat It 'with legal measures. Col. S. A. Mills. Indian "Whadda yc mean, resolutions. ; stead fixed it so resolutions aro necessary forever. Forget it." The girls 'II hatta help the fHlers ! "mde i,s t0 automatically adjust Itself hi tne siz oi ine pecan ana xnere ' lore to cruelc it without Injury to ... . , . . n., , 1 the meat out if they swear off smokln.' Mr. Gorman "that there are no weevi.s : ,f KOUthwost Hv the wav. girls of the :3rd cen-' , 7 ' , nas aiso per- here because there are, but It does fc 1 fected a. motor driven nut cracker mean that there are not so many as ""d '"rough, his personaf efforts the j miy model, are yuh gonna swear off i ff,r Uf!e , ,h(. ian?e nut cracking and ;n ..,. .,,rn ; -00 members are daily taking more ; smokln ? ' mielling factories throughout the James Barron, secretary Chamber a r"" ,,b"' ....,, ;,,,, . . . , . . w ., , ...... ..,1 rn,n 1 active nteresr in t ie club Th s in- ' rountiy. or t oinmerce; i am going 10 Keep .11 r. uoriuan una juoi it'uimi. - !,fier ihi riiv ilnds until Hninethinc- is I a ti lt) to Coli n county, Texas, where teiest has extended to the women Known to ne ami . ,,,lr!l, .,,.),. elnh ",-'u ,oi,u J" rm a re ihe county well organized and taking tin Interest in their work, the various clubs throughout tho county have de veloped a spirit of rivalry among rach, other that stimulates every mem ber to keener action, and tho result is Bhowlng in more and better cows, pigs and poultry on the farms. When the farm agent was first in .Mailed in Carter county -he met here, e tho agents met everywhere else, se vere opposition from farmers who re Kent ed his presence and he was told ' muru than once, to go about, his own lousiness as they were geetting alonsr 1 very well, and did not ask, or would not accept any of his advice. Thi reception did mt the Mment. He told Mr. . Fanner ho f was here to slay and that Mr. Farm-'-r might just as well take a few moments etc and listen to wnat lie lhad to say. Better Methods RslabUsbed The result was that first one then lunother farmer was won over until kVefore very long all becamo tolerant iff the county agent, and were willing ho tu&e his advice on many thinirs tihat they had hitherto been total grangers to. Tbe result was better farming mctr- iub, ucbicr vuuuiiiiiii vi uviux uu 4 Iftirm and better contentment in niral kwmtmroitiosi gcnendly. The name ones nuu upifru vim uviit fc uio dkiii Ining would bo tbe first to raise a very audible protest- were it to be iumounced that his services would no longer bo available in Carter county, mA the board of coanty commission ers need hav no fear that they will be criticized for allowing his salary, but they were In the beginning, for Lppoxllmr what a lot of farmers thought pa4 money needlessly ppent. flOW IktANY WASH CAN (K hUTMSr MAN KT AT OXK TI.MK? A New York Oity r-ft:uii ant keeper fciromises to satisfy the appetite and Lnil to capacity with beans any man twho comes Into ills place. And all tor rihe .sum of fifteen cents. At first glance it look ns though 11 lie restaurant keeper stands to lose on this offer, hut it is Kiilc til say 'that nine out of ten of his patrons f'svM fall far short In their capacity t'er beans from taking his profit away .U'rom him. The tenth man may cat teo many besns that thero will be no jnrofU to the server, but his offer Is k'.tracting so much, business to his , place that he can afford to forego ft he profit on one dish ot beans out nit' ''ery ten. tllOON FOR SUXKIXD (OMKS: TRY THIS ON TIIK WOMEN where the farmers raised a half bale of cotton to the acre. He says the farm- and during T.9-1 a was formed which meets every two iers there have learned to make cot-! weciis. uauy piaying oi ou is aiso ' ton in spite of the presence of the indulg'-d in by feminine club members, I weevil. They do it by burning the An n.,.restne announcement to golf , stalks, the; weeds, the grass, the cane ; js (hat Maxwe 1 pall'neS anil men uie eieuu um tuw The fellers wot bumps over the oil Mr. Atwood was formerly connected ! witli an oil firm in Ardmore having I come here from Durant, Oklahoma, lution to only swear twice when goin' over the holy hlghwav once when , on different inventions. they hit the first bump, and then when they hit the last. DoKKonlt, now they've gene and i fence rorners and they burn the weedb i now negotiating with two famous golf j XP,i ii, ,oad and we ain't gonna have. much to juke about any more. my job." Dr. K. I.. Davidson. pastor f'.roadway Baptist church: "I have resolved to abstain from any ard ent spirits and to lay off my six gun during tho coming year." . ... iii aii f ' and trash that accumulate there. By players, James Barne? of New York, J. . ivrueger, snot Healer, ah oi i u vl weevil in tbe winter national champion, and Walter Ha- us should resohc to co-operate closer . ,h(msvps f tne presence en of Chicago, western champion, to with the Chamber of Commerce, and' " n . ' . . ,'.! ,., . ' ,,,,.; IL il Illlilll'll Ulll llin 1.117 ruiiuu ,i,i.i.u- nuic n iiwiivii- u t,,,iiic Aitn -juiiiis iing season. These farmers thin out this month. Definite anntfuncement of tho parent stock of weevils, they ri'iid-. these urrangemenis will be made with er them so few in number that they . in n shoe; time. have- to multiply many times before During 1921 the cluJj building was they become so plentiful as to have enlarged and improved in many ways numbers enough to destroy all the cot-land the club has been the center of ton. : number of very enjoyable social After they destroy all the parent : events. j bono massagers pay double taxes for . ! gnoa roaus. i in 1914 and he has constantly worked OITIXMiK ON CONSTRI CTION WORK IS FAVORABLE I am resolved particularly to get be hind the movement for a beiw-r water supply. W. C. Burton, manager oil mill: I resolved sometime ago to make no resolutions, but if I !,.ive made ono it is to do all within my ,:-wer in mak ing Ardmore a bigger and belter town But, maybe, now we'll hear some D. N. Ferguson of the Carpenters' Union of Ardmore, hns recently had opportunity to come in contact with men of ids profession in Shawnee, I FLEAS PIT NEW WIGGLE IN GREENWICH VILLAGE . Greenwich Village, which boasts be lng the center of art Ufa and new artistic movements in the United States, has had another bit of notor iety thrust upon it. Fleas by the hun dreds and the thousands have Invaded the Village and the art students are stepping lively these days to escape them. The New York City health au thorities are lending their aid in stamping out the pests, which are thought to have been brought into tills country by immigrants. They fear the Insects will help spread dis ease among the citizens. Complaints about the fleas are also coming fiom other sections of New Yor City. funny stories for the fellers wot ride Tulsa, McAlester Mid other cities of the vends is gonna be in good humor " men say that me ANOTHER 'MEANEST M.:" ROBS CRIPPLE AT 1 FU after they're fixed. And with the fixing ot the roads, the osteopaths oppozishun Is gone. By golly, they oughta make them building outlook is favorable. The prospects are that there will be more construction work In 1922 than In the past year "Labor and construc tion woik are undoubtedly on the up ward tieiid," Kaid Mr. Ferguson. during 192: Alma May Wintin, telephone opera-1 lor Hotel Ardmore: Not U get angry i when someone trying to telephone gets, mad. but to give due consideration! j stock possible, they plant cariy, they i cultivate intensely, they get as quick ! a growth us possible and they make ' some cotton every year. "it is my opinion," said Mr. Gorman, 'Hint the tanners i i Duff Heads Bar Association j OKLAHOMA CITY. John Duff ofi Happy New Year, and Cordeli was elected president of the i more of them. Oklahoma State Bar Association at1 What is- claimed to he the world's maicRt mnn has foeen discovered at Saranac Lake, X. Y. The expression, "he's so mean he'd take money from a cripple," was borne out in this in stance. Allen Sevcy, so crippled that he must ho moved around in a wheel ed chair, is at Saranac Lake for his health.' Recently he asked an acqualn- i tho state should mee ' houses, they should appoint captains, j they should organize to carry on this ! cleaning up until every farm is given tho same attention. If one farmer works ever so hard lie cannot accom plish anything. It is like killing rats. If rats are exterminated ail must work together. "How much cotton should tho farm- plant?" was a.'kl Mr. Gorman. "All he can attend to," wus the reply. i "Cotton is our money crop. We can What's tho not get along without it. Every farm You always:"' should attend to pigs and calves and sheep and cream etc., but many 1 of them do not have a chance at that kind of farming and they must stick to cotton. There is nothing hero to Justify Idleness. We have a task and we must study the situation, loarn how to triumph and then do it. I .1. Robert (Wildcat Bold t Villain, ' have faith In r.hes fanners and be clmnipion wildcatter of 4S states and 1 Heve they will win." Mexico: Resolved: Never to drill any to the source. A. E. Ewell, Jr., with the Hum ble Oil and Refining Company: Never to make any more resolu tions because I am too tender hearted to break them. J. C Clopton, manager Hotel Ard more: To fill every room in the hotel each day for Zio days during 1922 i er and let Pep reign. Sholom Alechem 1M Gull, oil operator: use of making them? break them the next day. 1. O. l.: Never to tell a re porter when 1 return from a trip but always tell him I'm leaving utter I'm on the train. said Mr. Gorman, i , , i n this section of ,ho losl"ff BMslon of 8nnUal COn- , el at their school vent'n hm' V Sell It through th Ardmoreite classi- iod ads. Osage Claims Ordered Paid. ; PAWHT.'SKA. The Osage Indian tanee to take $147 all the money ho thousand I agency l-ccoivcd government order to , had to the hotel office for safe keep- Viof-in nnv:n.r . ni,,m ntri riot l ..,.. I . . I-t c-....... .1 wiwiipi u.i..,.,.- ,Si i iiji nas i.i3 ufccb ocvey our vi potent Osages. under bill of March j his money, as his acquaintance de li. Th claims amount to more than camped with it without paying his $700,000. board bill at the hotel. more dry holes, uiid to extend the Hewitt southeast extension to Love county and then seme. Slate Checker Plsij ing Chump. STILLWATK!:. Oklrj. I.. Hlmo of I'usliing. won the state checker cham pionship iiere by defeating J. M. Grove In the finals of the Blih an iiumI checker meet. . Threw SI ones; Fined $5 OKIiAIIOM A CITY --Ten dollar lines were asnssed Saturday againot three men charged with having l trow n rm ks during h dint urbane ifcentiy at Packing Ton-n incident to the strike of pnckuis house em ployes there. The men were alleged o he strikers. Ten meu wr injured in tho mrlee. A veterinary of Taenma. Wach., has .tliM'uvered that an npernlion on the lirynx of a naif y ;!o:it ha removed Hie cuuc of her enntiniiiil hlutling. In ntlier word". It has been a Mcn eer to the goal. Tim goal's owner and Ills neighbor are .'eiilly pleaM-ll at t)i revolt and hav mad') up rpnrse to buy the veterinary a prevent. experiment are now boimt made ,011 e:ils mm dons. .No iloillit WHIlin, ille next few" years hi- cliles Willi oi'diliuliees iillrin4 any eilir.ensl who tvish to keep-a, cal, to have tli ; nieruiion ,.erfoi'ni"d on II. Thl". of j ci'iirse, Is all ilepcntlcnt on the point Ail whether the opeiatioli is mn'M' ful In the cuso of cats, i IOO LATE TO CLASSIFY '"FOR RRNT Nice front bed room In n beautiful brli-ii. Phone '.'llii. 2,"i Fourth avenue, northwest. 1-3 I'olt I Sri NT Two light hon."leeplng rooms. $"i.iui per week. Mmlerii. f;(is' St.. N. W. 1-3 I yl Ri:T - Nice bed 'lit desired. C y't'liol .... niie 22111, room with rnth St., northwest. it LOST I'imtofliee key, name Hltnehed ; uu card. Finder kindly return to l.ois Svlmlell, 6"J F St., mil th east or ihon i -''it. 12 May 1922 Be A Prosperous Year For You We take this means of thanking each and every person for their patronage for the past year. We also wish to state that we will do all in our power to merit your patronage for the coming year. It is our sincere wish that you will have a Happy and Prosperous New Year. THE DIXIE STORE N. M ASSAD, I'rop. HAPPY NEW YEAFL 1922 WILL BE A (iREAT YEAR. A YEAR OF SOUND INDUSTRIAL LIFE AND BUSINESS ACTIVITY. A YEAR OF PROSPERITY. WE MOPE THAT YOU WILL (JET YOUR SHARE FOR THERE ARE COOn TIMES AHEAD! 'out Ardmore'i Leading Department Store. a ft. aVJl I