OCR Interpretation

The Daily Ardmoreite. [volume] (Ardmore, Okla.) 1893-current, January 02, 1922, Image 2

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Hefner and Dyer Not to
Assume Arbitrary Stand,
In Aftermath of
Crossing Wreck.
Elimination of . dangerous grade
crossings la a popular toplo for con
sideration since the accident at Me
Llsh avenue Friday night according
to statements of City Manager Dyer
and Mayor Ileffner, and they are
going to take action as soon as the
tueslion of tito best manner of pro1
coedure Is determined upon to have;
I he menace removed.
Both mayor and manager do not
wish to take any step that will seem
abritrary, they say, but they are de
termined to protect the lives of the
people who are compelled to cross
these dangerous places if possible.
The question does not confine User.
to the McLlsh avenue crossing of the
Ringling road, but will embrace
every railroad crossing in the city
where an accident is likely to occur.
The mayor called, attention to a
subject covering this question that
will be discussed at the 13th annual
good roads show to be held in Chi
cago, January 16 to 20, which In.
part is as follows: "The grade
crossing menace is a grave one, and
enc that will receive more than
rassing attention at the meeting,"
he said.
, "Out of the 12,000 persona killed on
tlie highways of the country last year,
7,000 were struck down at grade
crossings. Investigation has shown
ulso that one motorist in every three
l careless at grade . crossings, ap
proaching the tracks at reckless
speed, and without taking due notice
ol approaching trains.
"In 970 cares In which motorists
ran in front of the trains, 136 per
sons were killed and 405 were in
jured. In 4S0 cases motor cars were
stalled on the crossing and were de
molished, and forty-three cars actual
ly collided with the danger .signals.
'An investigation conducted recent
ly demonstrated Dint most highway
Accidents occur on , long stretches of
road instead of on thuj curve, and
rre due to speeding and reckless driv
ir.jc rather than to skidding."
The mayor and manager think thai
drivers kIiouI 1 ho cautious, as well a
the employees who operate the train,
hut the danger of the grade crossing
:i ever present and with a propei
cate or guard, would eliminate future
tntalitiua in Ardmore.
onard Mitchell Bout
Postponed to Jan. 9
MILWAUKEE. Wis Rcnny Leon
ard, lightweight champion boxer, will
meet l'iiiky .Mitchell, Milwaukee, on
Monday night, January 9, in a 10-
vound decision bout, insteud of lh!
afternoon as originally arranged, the
I-OKlponemeiit being occasioned by n
muscular affliction euffi-ml by Mit-
Leonard w.nl through the formal
ity of weighing In this forenoon, tip
ping the Ihhiii at 1374 pounds.
Hilly tlihkon, manager of Leonurn
r.gures that -by hiving the champion
meet Mitchell on the !'ih, he will
still be abl" to carry out the arrange
ments for l he ihuiiipii.il to fulfill hi
"ngagements at New Orleans on -full
uary 14.
All public hulldingn IhimU. and
Uuslness Iiouks were closed today,
(irooery Htore were open iarl of
the day In order to supply the needs
cf their customers, but all latK- tie. i
partment ston s I- sed Saturday til
and will remi;in ilosrd until tciiioi
tow mnrnlnK.
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Manly spent
Sunday aft 'rnoon woh fii'-nds nf
Pilot Point. T.x.i". Tiny mudo ihi
trip In Dr. Hardy's air plane. I'll H Ai
Uew driving. The distance, so miles,
was rovered in very quick tltis".
The city schools opened this morning
after a wcem vaeuthn With little
notable increase m the attendance.
SenliC high srhrol students wete
rhown a picture outlining tl.e dif
ferent steps of the packing Industry
from the ranges to the consumers
mhle. O. H. Woodruff. prlncal bish
echool, anno'jticed that educational
pictures of this kind would he shown
onoe a week.
James A. Cotner of New Ynfk ia Iti
tho city tciluy 011 business.
Gus Tooln of Oklahoma City, wus
In Ardmoie to-hiy on basinet .
County Aswasor Jalm Speers wor.t
to Ok Inborn City today to .-ttend thf
annual meet tne of the statu organisa
tion Of tjf 4SWMOTS.
The monthly reiwrt ctf Fmler Sheriff
fleorge K. I.nrtnan shows that there j
Vere cowlned In the county Jnd dur.
tng the month Jost fnst U prisoner
of this numWr 4 have eltlior serv
ed eentence or hare been released
tindr hond. Thero remains tedy S&
prleonera In the custody cf the sheriff,
Albert Cooper, law student at O
tf nnd Vernon Htrange, sgrioultore
at A. A M., both of Hugo, were here
lust nlfht returning to their re
rpeetlva rnlligea after rptndinf ths
lirlldnfi at home.
OffirUI la rremmad
AN'AnAHKl. In reronltln nt the
faithful discharge of his duties as dls
tniraintr agent and rhlnf rlera of the
Kiowa Indian agency here n. It. rvw
ley lis been awirded a prnmollen h
the department and on January I
will resume hie fomiee riHtlea as tra
ellnf auditor with an Incre in
Wc ffp"
'i r ..I y ;,v i mU--
NFTW YORK. The crowning of the
usual quota of new champions in
sport l.atured the year 1921.
Biilia-.Cs, wrestling, boxing, base
ball, golf and athletics saw the rise
of new titlo holders.
Seldom a yclr passes that fnlU to
see the dethroning of one or more
c:iam;. n' wh .-iiions appv veiy
secure and the twelve-month just end
ed was no exception, for tho uncrown
ing of he great Willie Hod by
young Jake Sohaefer, Jr., was a
Following the lisU of champions In
the leading branches of sport as com
piled by Jack Velock, International
News Service sporting editor.
Team California University.
100 Yards M. Kirksey, Stanford.
220 Yards A. Woodrlrig, Syracuse.
440 Yards O. O. llendrlxon, Cal.
&S0 Yards K, Kby, Penn.
One mile J. J. Connolly, George
town. 100 Hurdle K. J. Thomson, Dart
mouth. 2:'0 Hurdles K. J. Thotnpon, Part
mouth. Held
Shot .1. A. Hhclburn, Danmouth.
Hammer Pandrow, M. 1. T.
l'ole, Vault Tie among Norris, Cali
fornia; Horwood, Harvard, and G.
D. Brown, Yale.
High Jump Tie ltwcon I-andon,
Cale, and .Aruller, California.
Rroad Jump K. O. (iourdln
fiO-YarJ Run Frank Conway.
Hofl-Yard run J. J. O'Rrlen.
1. 000-Yard Itutt Sid Ie.slle.
600-Yanl Hun K. j. Murrey.
Tw3-inlle Kun .Max Huhland."
l-I'ounil Shot P. J. McDonald,
standing Hroad Jump W. I. Heed
Orie-AI-le Walk R. V. Hamcr.
TO Yard Hurdle Harold Harron.
Standing High Juuii Kd Kmes.
Won title la.ii year.
ino-Yard Hun Charles I'addiM-k.
1'20-Yanl Hun Charles 1'iiddock.
440-Yard Hun W. K. Stevenson.
8hu-Yard Hun A. llelffrlch.
Mllo Kun Joit, Hay.
1'ive-Mile Hun- H. V.. Johnson.
Three-Mile Walk Willie I'lant.
1J0 Yiud High Hurdle Karl Thorn
fnn. 1'u-Yard Low II jrdles Karl Thom
son. 440-Ynrd Hurdles Arnold Peach.
Itrosd .lumji R. O. Courdln,
High Jump P. Y. Alberts.
lloii.Step ur.d Jumr K. Oeist
Pole Vault- K. Knourek.
Die letiHic loving public ef this
! r.nmiutilty wdl welcome the .
iioiitKemeiit made tecet.tly hy th
Pss Furniture thM the right
fr mens 'ictor srttpts will visit Ard
n. re tit the Contention Hull. Fiiilay,
Jmii. litli.
For years Burr has h'en a tmtianal
favorite, his rrrnt populirpy hsvln
been gained tlroug:i the nuslium of
la ictor record. During the paet
thrcf years l.e has apvrct in many
cities us a member of the Victor
Artists troupe, giving bis admirers the
(ppcrtutiliy rf bearing him in person,
htid bf'omlng acquainted with one
It ey liuj known bnig only through
a wax disc.
Burr has many liohMe. one of
which Is the ra.smg of the black sil
ver fexl Nrr Keysville, N. Y. he
has ejtshll.ihed a large r.indi wlinre
he ppenrt as much uf hi tune a
lsnlbin with l.ia pets.
Appesiiiig with Hnrr, will be, Hilly
Mi fry. tenor -vomedinn: .lhert Cmnp-
Iw II. leiior: John Meyrr, barltore. 1
tYnnk Ciflxlnn. b iweo; Monroe Silver,
in nolifct.M; iVed Van Ep.
Joist and Frsnk Pftntn, pianist.
rtisemltle work will he carried by
the tlteellng Trio and the I'erlene
This nginient extraordinary has
keen eectired through the efforts of
the popular Victor dealers in Ard
more, Ifca rnrnltnre Co., and lAik
Mneki store. In apeaklnf ef the ar
tiata, Mr. Crockett ttrtes he heard
them In tevelanil last year and wtt
hraeed a parked house. Pea's ehmild
le resreved at enev
Runaway Prrw Fatal
At.TttS- II. M. Wiitm. Iivirt one
mile from Martha, near here. dead
aa a reuh ef a runwsr of a team
of hnrers he w.e driving while re
turning home frm thtt plara. I'tastr-t
autnMs brought Cie Inf red mm tn
tlie nnspitsi, nut ins ekuii erh
eJ and he die eerersl htir laler.
1 1 LYmm
2Ti Katptorv P
Shot Put Clarence Houser.
Hammer Throw Pat Ryan.
56-Pound Weiglit Pat DcPonald.
Javelin Milton Angler.
Discus Ci us Pope.
Decathlon Dan Shea.
Pentathlon E. Gourdin.
Champions New
National League
Champions New
fork Giants.
American League Champions New
York Yankees.
International League Champions
Rultlmore Oriole.
American Association Champions
.oulsville Colonels.
Iiicific Coast League Los Angeles.
World's Home Run CJampion
Tube Ruth, 59 homers.
Nntlonul league Hatting Champion
Rogers Hornsby, St. Ixiuls.
American Leaguo Ratting Champion
Harry Heilman, Detroit.
Amateur Champion Jesse
National Open
National Woman
Marlon 11 oil Ins.
Hritlsh Amateur
Champion Jim
Champion Mis
Champion Willie
Hritlsh 0n Champion Jock Hutch
Mori .
World' Pnifexsiiiuul Cluunplons
Heavy Weight Jack Peuipsey.
Ughl I leavy Wight Georgo Carpen
tler. S i idh-wei gh t Job n n y W ilson .
i Itrrwelght Jack Hritton.
Lightweight Heimy Ionard.
I Vat her weight Johnny Kilbano.
Itan'aiiiu eight Johnny Puff.
Flyweight Jimmy Wilde.
American Amateur CliiunplmH
IAD pound Clasf John Hainm.Pllts
burtth. 115 Pound Class Georg Daley, New
121 found Class ln C.artin. Phila
UiST Saturday n'ght between town
and rd Ave. N. W cord eisleg
r.'. r:?.JJ:s
pnit RENT Five room modern cot-
tage, east front, paved street. Price
. . i 1 1....
rii.MWiie. .....,. ...
phone 4j.
WANTKI-Two gentleman to board
and win, rensonwhle. 611 2nd north-1
wext. Phone 747. 21
LEASES nrsr wlldcnt drilling now
n-t reaching productb Ti new Ant
lers s-i'iiUow flell. Thr-e weils drill
ing. " te 0 rr acre. Titles, guar
anteed. HiKl'Mt A Miller. Hcx4s7.
Atit'.ei-. dkh. 1-S
NIOILT rnnlhed led rnom. Also,
practical nursing by m'.d.iie aged 1
lity. Swt.sfnetioii guronte-d. Phone j
:i: Mrs. IVnpmse, 2-S 1
FOR It KNT F.inlhl
keeping rooms. P.iotie
O. Sims
light house.
U5 Mrs. C.
xl RENT Four room house.
J 5
FOP. RENT-1: room house; 2 baths:
4 romn apartment now retitiiig for
US tut. Ktirhth avenue northwet on 1
rt, 75.flrt. Phono Mt. 1-S
uriT wit 1. toi r rritorr.
NEW TORK Johnny Huff, holder
of the American flyweight und th
wnrlda bantamweigh' rhamp!cnshl)
will eall for England on Jn. 6th. fit
m visit of II weeks to fulfill a thea
trical rentraet. Manager Iw
rud. who will aeeompany him. sab.
that he expcrte-l the vrtrrsn Jersey
lexer would be called Ufon to de-
fend hla world bantamweight title he-1
tcre he ' retorncd.
At lMi A fandiastfl j thi city. It was announced today by
TCI. pa, VCa. Wovne I.. !,. ky. ' I be eeeretary of the local charily or-repiiblH-an
rnmty trevurer of Tillea ' gMdiytion. Thl -.van made poealtde
eounty. auiKHiecd hla rnndidsry to.ler I turough lh co-fneralln of the pro
fr nte trsie'irer. rlc ' the e;y. the secretary aald.
135-Pound Class Ben Poteau, New
145-Pound Cluss Charles Jenklssen.
Loa Angeles. '
158-Pound Class Sam
New York.
176-Pound Class Magnus
New York.
Heavyweight Class Gordon Munce,
of Bayonne. representing the New
York A. C.
Two-Yenr-ftld Champion Colt Mor
vlch. Three-Tear-Old (T.iampion Graylagr.
Rest Pillies Nancy Lee and Bit o'
Steeplechase Champion Swecpment.
Kentucky Derby Won by Behave
English Derby Won by Humorist.
Kentucky Oaks Won by Nancy
British Oaks Won by Love In Idle
ness. Audacious lowered Mni o' War's
American mile record by 1-5 of a
second. Time, 1:35 3-5.
(ioalor lowered Man o' War's record
for a mlli' nnd a, furlong in 1:49 flat.
World's Heavyweight Catchas'atch
Ciiu, 4'haniflilon Stni"!aiis Khyrakn,
of Poland.
i Amateur
10S Pound Class Carl I'enson,
Swedish-American Athletic Club, New
I York.
115-Pound Class Jot Troyer, Red
lands I'nlversity. 4
P.T. Pound Class Robin Reed, Mult-ii-.itiuh
Amateur Athletic Club, Port
land, Ore.
135-Pound Clans J. J. Iluinerich,
Los Angeles Athlet'e Club.
145 Pound ClasK R. J. Vis, IiR An
geles Athletic Club.
l.'iK-l'ound yiuss Charles Johnson,
Swedish Gymnasium, Boston, Afass.
175-Pound Class Fred Meyer, Chi
eugo Hebrew Institute, Chicago.
Heavyweight Clafs Fred Meyer,
Chicago Hebrew Institute.
- Mrs. Arthur II. Cawslon
Nira. Atthtw II. Cawston Is the wife
of the new t. X vice consul to Cape
town. S. A. She will pelt with hint
shortly for Capetown it Is an odd
coincidence that Cawston le the nm
of the mii who brought the first
ostriches to California from Cape
town and established the famous Caw
stoii nstrbh farm.
Ilelxd Many t'afortunates
A DA. During Hie Christmas char
ity work. 471 persons wera helped In
(9p J
1 mm 1
) 70- : i
" .' V JT
Men's National Sli.gles Champion
William T. Tllden.
International Singles Champion
William T. Tilden.
Men's National Doubles Champions
Vincent Rirhnrds and William Til
den. Women's National Singles Champion
Mrs. Kranklin I. Mallory.
Women's National Doubles Cham
pions Miss Mary Browne ond Mrs.
L. Williams.
Girl's National Singles Champion
Miss Iftlen Wills.
Women's National Clay Court Cham
pion Mrs. B. C. Cole.
MXn's National Clay Court Singles
Champion Walter Hayes.
Men's National Clay court Doubles
Champions Walter Hay.-s and Clif
ton B. Herd.
Men's International Hard Cotirt
Champion William T. Tilden.
Women's Interm tlonal Hard Court
Singles Champion Mile. Suzanne
International Davis Cup Champions
Anierlcan team (Tilden, Johnston,
Williams, Washburn).
Men's National Indoor Singles
Champion Frank D. Anderson.
Men's National Indoor Doubles
Champions Vincent Richards and
Howard Vophell. y
Women's National Indoor Doubles
Champions Mrs. G. W. Wrlshtman
and Mrs. Marion Zinderstein Jessup.
Professional Court Tennis Cham
pion Jock Soutar. x
World's Open Court Tennis
pion Jay Gould.
National Amateur Court
Tennis Champion Jay Gould.
Intercollegiate Champions Pennsyl
vania University.
National A. A. l Champions Kan
sas City A. C.
National Interschnlnstle Champions.
Cedar Ranl.ls High School.
World's IS. 2 Halklinn Billinrd Cham
pion .lake Sihaefer, Jr.
National Amateur ltt.2 Ralkline Pill
hud Champion Chnrles Heddnn, Dn-
wi.glac, Mich.
Natloeal Three-Cushion Champion-
Hob Cannefax.
National Pocket Billiard Champion
Kallh Greentcaf.
East No champion detennlned.
Middle" West Iowa.
South Centre College.
Pae'.flc Coast California.
National Soccer Champions Robins
Dry Dock Team.
Indianapolis ROO-Milo Sweepstakes-
Won by Tom Milton.
I'nlontown 255-Mile Sweestakej
Won by Roscoe Harles.
French Grand Prix Won )y Jimmy
j MLrphy, at Le Mans, Franco.
Jumes Harker, who was shot und
Injin-fd nt Crusher Saturday night,
left the Hardy Sanitarium Sunday
after being intend for slight wounds.
Local oil leers know nothing f the
particulars of the shooting as It
occurred in Murray county. It was
reported, however, that no arrests
had been made In connection with
tint chonting. Harker received load
of shot In 4im person as he was run
ning away from his assailant whose
name whs not given, his Injuries were
LfiNlxiN. It took a battery of
guns in find out. that tin an-heologl-cal
treasure was concealed In a
iiiurth ut txwer llalslow, Kent.
The Med way Hntteries Indulged In
practice tho other day. The toncus
ekns cracked tho cement In the
chinch, and the workman was called
In to repiiir It. He found tracoa of
metal under the old cement and. with
' visions uf hurled treasure, removed
I the rest of the cement.
What was ilisclneed wu a henutiful
twelfth-century font, evidently of ;
continental workmanship. The howl
was enriched with figures of a king,
with, crown and weptre, nnd of an
gels with outstretched wings.
Arrhcolcll are studying over the
find, which will probably roach an
ulilinnte resting place in the Itritlsh
groes ane'ed Saturday admitted,
according In police, that they bsd
Umpered with a switch and ov.
raileil passenger train No. II .of
the Teas nnd Pael'le near here
Friday liight. "Jit to see
treln wrecked."
Bell It through I he Ardmorelte classi
fied nils.
NEW TOKK. Father Knlekerboek
er turned his pockets Inside out to
pr.y the piper for piping In the new
year amidst a Volstead defying cele
bration that overspread Manhattan
from Harlem to the buttery. Police
I'eoordKyiimerated four violent death
attributable to holiday over-indulgence,
3 men and women in hospitals with
gunshot or knife wounds, a half
dozen poisoned by bad llquer anu
scores of summons served by mem
bers of the dry squad of 200 who at
tempted to make it the driest New
Vear's eve T.rvadway had ever seen.
MUSKOGRK The petitions of Ver
non and Albert Sharum for $100,000
damuges ngainst their grandfather, A.
11. Shnrum, wealthy recluse, contain
too much "sob stuff" to suit Archi
bald Bonds and Kelly llrnwn, at
torneys for the old man.
They filed motions in tho district
court last week to require William
Neff and Harry (5. Davis, attorn
eys for the two boys, to squeeze out
the "superfluous verbiage" so that
the jury tlmt hears the cases may
not be prejudiced merely by reading
the petitions.
Such phrases ns "worth t.'iOO.OOV"
as applied to Sharum and "gave
them an allowance of J3 a wook to lo
divided between them for their support
and then finally shut off even that
and left them dependent upon the
United Charities or Muskogee or a
living.'.' ure prejudicial to the inter
ests of the old man, tho motions set
Branding all such phrases, as that
as "impertinent, nonsensical, mali
cious nnd prejudicial," the motions ask
that only tho bare facts alleged by
the attorneys for tho boys be left
in the petition.
Ml Kl)i:it OF HKOTHF.lt IN 1AW
TL'LSA, Oklal-Jess Jackson, who,
according to the police, shot and
killed H. Smith, his brother-in-law
nt the Jackson home Saturday night,
was removed turn the city to the
county Jail today nnd a murder in
formation was filed against him by
Tom Wallace, assistant county at
torney. Jackson Is expected to have
his preliminary hearing Thursday or
I riday.
- New English Billiard Record
LONDON. T. Newman was todaj
considered as holding n new world
icronl in English billiards by tnakiiiK
a break of 1,274. The former reronu
of 919 was made by H. W. Stevenson
ill 1912. Newman's former record of
was mad" In October, 1019.
Four More Bootleg Victims
NEW YOHiC Four more- victim
cf bootleg liquor received Qt Hellevue
Hospital today, swelled the tell of
the KVw Year's revel, which claimed
three dead and sent scores to hes-
Iitals. Three of them were uncon
scious and one had a fractured sku 1
f.im a fall.
, Plans S ill Hang Fire
CHEROKEE. Despite- the fact that
the old city commission and tho city
manager were ousted nnd new rlty
officials elected. Cherokee's improve
ment prejtct Is still huiglni fire. The
old commission ' was ousted, it wan
chi rgid, b cause It spent too much
money on Improvements.
MI'SKOCiEE, fikla. Forty littk
lioys nnd girls toilay faced n cold
world when announcement was
made that the Iwy Nursery wns
about to "lose its doors for lack
of funds. A recei,' subscription
for finance failed to produce
enough Tumi to Insure the Titra
tion of the Institution.
Hands High In 1 1st
ICNID. Enid stand thirteenth In
the list of cities of the Tenth fod
rral reserve district and Is only ex
ceided In lmtik elenrlngs for the
month of November by cities of great
ci jMipulntb '..
Co:ka Spell Ilia Name
lOPLAR HLl'FF, Mo. Tho miwt
freakish "doctor sign" In the
world attesta the heulth of this com
munity .Hanging over the sidewalk
Is the "shingle" of Dr. J. L. Har
well. It Is tn by clghttsin Inche.
with the background made up of
J.omt pills, pink pellela predominat
ing "Does" name is spelled out with
corks (rum medicine Uittles. Did sur
gical Instruments and bottles decorate
the top of the queerest sign.
Head Ardmorelle Wnnt Ad,
We Give (Jrecn
17 lbs. Sugar $1.00
12 Cnns Sugar Corn $1.15
12 No. 2 Tomatots $1.25
3 Large Del Monte
Peaches $1.00
8 lb. Swift Jewel $1.10
4 lbs. Swift Jewel 60c
10 lbs. White Karo-60c.
Oysters, Fish and Fresh Vegetables Every Day.
20Tlast Main
Senator Asked for Quiet
CeremonyJ Body Lies at
His Bachelor Home in
Philadelphia Now.
McCumber Succeeds Veteran
On the Senate Finance
ments for the funeral -of Senator Pen;
rose are still incomplete today. It
was definitely decided, however, that
t would be strictly private, In com
"liance with his oft-repeated wish.
' In making this arrangement .Leigh-
ton C. Taylor, for many years the
senator's secretany, said that mem
bers of the family would attend the
services and that a congressional del
egation probably would not come, here
for the burial. The date for burlul
will bo fixed, Mr. Jaylor said, after
hearing from relatives in the west.
Meanwhile the body of the former
senator, encased in a metallic coffin,
covered with purple cpth, lay in his
bachelor homo here. No crepe or
flowers marked the presence of death
in tho old-fashioned brick house where
front a sick led, he had conferred by
telephone with national republican
leaders at Chicago convention which
nominated President Harding, Every
wish of the former senator for sim
plicity has' been carried out
Expressions of regret nt his death
continued to pour in today from all
sections of the country. None of them
was made public by his relatives. Gov
ernor Rproul said he had not decided
upon Senator Penrose's successor. Un
der the law, the governor 1 empower
ed to make an appointment to fill
the vacancy until the next general
election which will he held in Novem
McCumber Gets Post
Senator Penrose's Important post
as chairman or tho senato linnnce
committee, with Its generalship im
mediately of tho pending tariff bill
and of subsequent fiscal legislation,
will be filled by Senator Porter J. Me
Cumter of North Dakota, 'another
commit to veteran. Mr. Penrose's
death, republican leaders snid, would
not cauHO any material delay in dis
posal of the tariff, the administration
allied debt funding and other bills.
The republican vacancy on the fi
nance committee, according to rarty
spokesmen, probaily will go to Sena
tor Frellnghuysen, of New Jersey,
under tho seniority rule. Senator Pen
rose also was a .prominent member
of the immigration, naval and bank
ing committees, all of which will
have vacancies.
Senator I'enroseg's death deprived
him by a few months of that dis
tinction of statesmanship of having
his name attached to a general mnrf
measure, which Is schi'duled for en
actment during the present session.
His conptnnt devotion to It and the
recent tax revision law was said by
his friends to have taxed his waning
strength greatly. Senator Penrose
di'd of pulmonary thromliosls, us 11
result of heart failure, Dr. Roy D.
Adams, his physician announced. Doc
tor Adams and two nurses w'ere the
only persons In the room when tne
end came.
No New Year Arrest
MIAMI, Okla For the first time In
years the New Year passed without
t.n arrest by an officer In Ottawa
county. City officers In Miami end
Pirher, the largest cltl-s In the coun
ty, made no arrests.
Woman Shoots at lltikband
Odell Dutilap, ncgrcss, is In the city
Juil awaiting trial on a charge) of
disuniting the peace by shooting ai
her husband, P.lshop Dunlnp, at their
home In the 200 block of F. street,
northeast this morning. She failed to
hit him.
Stop That
It's unnecessary and
turve racking Apply
cooling Rcsinol
Ointment and know
the comfort it gives.
Ttjadinjr Stamps.
10 lbs. Blue' Karo 60c
Spuds, per peck. ...45c
Loin Steak 20c
Round Steak 17 'jC
Chuck Steak .16c
Pork Sausage ......20c
Sliced Cured Ham ..3."c
Sliced Bacon ......35c

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