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1 ily 1 fgOCllT Y METTOpa I I'linne 5:18 Year 8JL The feature of an oeii house ifteet-1 iNK'of the Ljulirs (if thf l.i'.-if. vhlh will hp (jlven Saturday, is ii )-cturo on "Jlodurn Diatim" by Mrs. Maj,-- I ITU.- V. Harry of the A. A M. Coll-pe I of Stillwater, Toxus. Mr. T'.mv ! I well known to ArcJiuoro women, h:iv lii lived hern sumo Jenr.s. uml is rememhercU us a womiut of hi'h in-tellim-nce. Tho jilaco fur this meeting will ho announced later. Tho meeting of the Lndiea of the Tho ar for- Monday n flit-noun was jiostponed on aeeotmt ill. tho iih.senee fi-uin the ejly ,.( nev 'nl liieinliera who were on the oro-Kriim.- Tho Philharmonic program which wus to havo been (jlven at tho Kirst l'l'tMhylerlan ehnreli on Friday, has been postponed unlit January 13, on iieeount of thn Week of I'rayer which will bo observed in tho churehen this week. Uehearanl of tho chums for "Ueuvens Aro Telling" will bo held as originally -Intended, however, on '1 iro.sday, .laniiiiiy Ii, at the I'luailwuy Mothoilist Church, ut 7; 30 o'clock. All .persons who lira to take part in this chorus ore requested to bo present lor the rehearsal. Miss Ilollin Karp, who spent tho holidays with here mother Mrs. D. Ivesileir, j,09 Wolverton, left Sunday afternoon for Nashville, where she. is (iitcmllng Ward-Helinont college. Miss Knrp went by way of Oklahoma City whero she cpent tho niRht at the home of her brother Ancel Enrp. This week, the first week of the new year, will be observed by, the members of tho Emmanuel Baptisi church as a week of prayer, Meet ings will bo held ouch evening In the new rooms recently completed by the Woman's Missionary Society. Mr. and Mrs. WeniM 7.. Miller of Tulsa, uro guests at tho Hotel Aril more (luring this week. Mr. Miller 18 a geologist' and will upend thn .week looking over this territory. Jfrs. Mil In' will bo remembered hero as Miss tlruee Foster, who was a teacher in tlie public schools. At a recent entertainment, given at tho home of Mrs. Edna MuJllns, :.'-'7 (J street, . northeast, a new pro fessional entertainer known us "Mil lc r, The Tool" was prevented. Mr. Miller who Is known as a nimperson i'tor and change artist lms only recently come to Ardinoro. Others who appeared on tho program wore -Miss Virginia Kraley, Miss flertrude Calnes, MJsa Iiuth Wells and. Mrs. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Martin, of Tulsa, Mr. and .sirs. Harold H. Crimes, of I't. Worth nnd Mr. and Mrs. E. IS. Ebson and Walton Hall of Okla homa I'ity, who havo ibeon the holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Hall, 11:1 West Main street, and Dr. and Mrs. N. C. WmnI, 806 Fourth avenue, southwest, havo returned to their ie.peotlvo homes. - Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kendall, who re side norlh of Ardmoro, had a their ciiestd during tho holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Abbott Mlley of Kdmond. Hie Misses Oania and Edith Wil liams, teachers In the roolevillc school. Miss Wlnnlo Dunn, tmehcr In Hie Paubi Valley schools, H. E. I'arnwworth, who Is Mrs. Kendall's mother, and C. I), l'arnham, a broth er, both of Oklahoma City Mr. and Mrs. Mlley who mado tho trip by mo lor, returned to Edmond today. Mrs. Walter Jarrett and son, Ito- t'urd, of Oklahoma City who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs, P. T. Sites, 31S Stanley boulovard and of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kearney, 217 It si reel, touthwvttt, returned home Sunday. Mm. Jarrett Is a daughter of Mrs. SlUs and a ulster of Mrs. Kear ney. Miss Cecile Jones, daughter of Mr. I Mis. Curl Jones, fl and Stanley I'ouIevMid, who lias beeu at home over thn holidays, returned Sunday in school at Ward Belmont college, Tlio Misses Elvira, and Ruby Jones, of Tulsa, who are nieces of Mr. Car) Nmes, and who havo been visiting at II. o Jones homo during Christmas, also left Sunday to return home. 4 Mrs. J. C. Crosby and children, Mn y mo Frances and J. C. Jr., have returned to their homo, K03 C street, l orthwetd, from Marlln, Texas, wher I hey spent tho hnllilays with Mr, Cicifby ut tho homo of his uncle, J. A l'liipps, Mr. Crosby Is engaged in i bo oil business In Texas and is at 1-re-n nt UnlUug a well ut liuumont. Mr. Charles II. Ewreil has gone to Wnihlngtoii, 1. '., to visit fot l.t'Vrlftl Weeks Will) tier llltitliel'. Mis. I'viivll has been III ill lieallh Iwi' im time and she Is making ibis limine In hiipis of nsoveiltig :r usual gissl health. An fur a Saint lunls she was nnempanii'd by l,r sun lied Everett who has return id to his wotk us a st ml. 'lit In the t'nlxerslty of Illinois at Champaign. Mr. and Mrs. IVrt Simpson have returned home lo lyis Angeles after a visit here of u hp nth with I hell inrenls, Mr. and Mis. II. , A, Simpson Mr. Fimpeon thoroughly enjoyed his Itip hom and lie was belter pleased Mih tho hunting limn any other fea ture of the inn. In California he ays he tnust'go li ill-tntne of 10(1 n.lles for any efort of Ibis ItlnJ nnl as ft result he Uh-s nut hunt liny ther. Mr. and Mrs. Janu-s A. Coiner l 'ew York Who lire III the soilthwes. twndlhg the holldiy seaeoii, are here today and will leave nt once for their nmw. Ttiey visiieil in Colomdo Kprlngs, t)l.. ami In ln-nton, Ti-xn. tesldes spending a portion if their tilllg herf. Mr. and Mrs. IV C. MtwraM Imte i turned from t'hecolnh where they petit the holidays with Mrs. Ellwcer 1 10 s parehU, Jialgo and Mrs. I.umft. I'. C. Miili.m and John II. Iliitimth 'f MiAksler eent Nrr Year's day irt Aiilimxe. Mr. Million Is A promt In III lhkcr i f his I'ily slid Is loyalty i-wner in CnMer roi-nty. Mr. SOCIAL CALENDAK January t. Oioii liniiso at liornlck Hills Coun try Club. Mrs. Cecil Jonea will entertain wltli three tables of bridge at her home, on O ftrect and Stanley boulevard, for Mrs. E. C. .Tar-;ti, ' of Hugo, who is a wwk-enil cuert. KuLglits of X'ythlaH to havo open j house. (Mrn e. An Informal affair, which is tho regular New Year's diuice.' January 3, The Mission Study Cluss, with Mrs. Arthur Slrenhley, leudfr, will meet at S o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Firnt I'resfliytcrlan church. St. Philip's Guild will hold the regular meeting nt 2:30 on Tucnduy afternoon In the Guild rooms. The r.nplist Young People's Union will meet at the homo Of Miss Beatrice Everett, S13 Hlxtoy avonuo, on Tuesday "evening at 7:30 o'clock. January 4.. ' Philharmonic Muatoil Tea" at the Young Woman's Christian Association rooms. Thn Benevolent Association will hold a meeting n Wednesday after noon at 3 o'clock In the Young Wo man's Christian Association rooms. This meeting is for tho purpose of pot-footing a permanent organization. January .1. Mrs. Arthur Walcott will entertain the Thursday ltrldgn Club nt her homo in Walcott addition, on Thurs day In honor of her daughter, Mrs. Helen Wood, of Fulton, Mo., who is visiting her parents. The Thimble Tea Club will meet, with Mrs. Jjiicinn Hoard, 431 I street southwest, on Friday, Jan. fi. vim, mm. This is an advance Introduction to the garmeut Miss 1922 Bathing Girl will wear at thj beaches this coming summer. Notice the difference in stylo. You can sou from Miss Muriel Martin's picture what tho difference between the suit of 1921 and the new Is to bo. That's Miss Martin, a .".legfleld Fellies star. In the 1922 suit. Shorter trunks. Shorter skirts. Narrower uliouldor bands, and No sleeves. "I'm for It," says Miss Mytn. "It's a lot easier to swim In." January 6. Tho Wambniisoo Camp Fire Girls will me't Friday afternoon at First Presbyterian church for their"., monthly ceremonial meeting. The meetiirtg is called for 3:30 o'clock. ' Tho nert inoetinsr of the V. A. K. will be held at the homo of Mrs. Inez Lambert and Mrs. R. M. Mc Millan, 904 d street, southwest, on Saturday. January 7. Ladies of the Leaf to entertain with "open houso." A lecture by Mrs. Maggie W. Barry will be the feature of the occasion. P.ldpath is prominent In business and also in Masonry. Dorset (Porter, president of the Coline Oil Company, was among tho New Year visitors to Ardmore from Oklahoma City. Ir. and Mrs. J. B. Dudley of Mucn liter, Texas, accompanied by their two daughters Mrs. Frank L. Gibson of Durum and Miss Ada Dudley and also P.ifu Boher of Muenster, nrrive'l here today to spend a day with his sister, Mrs. John F. Eatdcy end family, at . 11(4 North Washing ton street. PKRMANKN'T POSITION I II. I. Ell THIS WEEK AT CONSIMKK LKillT AND POWER. INABLK TO Kl'PPLY ANOTHER FIRM. NEW TERM DAY AND NHillT SCHOOL JAN !. ARD.MOKE Ut SINKS ( Ol, LhXiE, PHONE fil3. 29-J Four (loneratlons at Dinner HE'RYETTA. Four generations of the 'A. J. Copnago family were Join ed In Christmas dinner, the guests being a daughter, Mrs. D. .T. Preacher, r.nd husband of Fort Cobb, Okla., A. J. Coppage, Jr., Boy (C'oppaco una l.oy Coppage, Jr. (iarbrr Remembers I Jons UNI D. Judge M. E. Garbcr, mil lloftftire oil mail who is spending the winter in Pontile, Wash., with his f.imily, played Santa Clans to the Lions club, sending to them 20 pounds of fresh salmon and a box of applet for their weekly luncheon Wednesday. CAtflDIANENVOrS WIFE POPULAR AT ARMS CONFERENCE i'Vr'""'-' V ... v-: LH K . . ? -. i Mr. Lorlng f. tlirtMln Mrs. titling C. Clirlstle, wife of .one of the members of the (Vnadian ileb-iraiion to iHo con f. fence on the limitation of nrmftinrnts, Is one of the many attractive women who ai rnmiinniiil their hii"bnrt tn .the cup-Iml. ir HE GOLDEN GIRL I PUVLUS PHILLIPS i X m Plans For The Fair The tents of t the gypsies showed blue against the evrnln.j sky. Hero 'ind thero thn form of iic or tvo of tho wemon could be seen bend liiS over the ramp firo which cra- k ioil merrily and sent up its s.noky, satisfying announcement to tiioso mem bers of the clun who w-jre still tn tho drom (road) or by tho banks of tho river, that sunset had come and tho goodly stew was nr.srly ready for every hungry Rominy chin and dial to partake of. "Tho Romany chlo And the Roman dial Shall jaw tnsaulo: And dook tho gry Of the farming rye " sang Miguel in a deep, happy voice, as ho camo slowly up tint dn m ieading to the dingle. A son',' which he loved despite the fact that it was anth'i'.g but proper 'rjm tho con ventioi'ii". poit of view, for it tIJ lightly of the gypsy and lansie golnp o pol" ii tho pigs uml bewr.'.h the heroes and cattle oi til-: far id's. Not 'i cl:oie.- sentiment, t- bo Uie. but v.'hen sung by till hmdsoine young chief In his rolli;l:iii'r voice of a wonderful evenlns at twllisn', it "vi.s to to aflmlred. Wiping tho sweat from his broa n h he came up to the yog (fire) Don Miguel smiled a sialic of great phy sical satisfaction as ho sat himself down upon a mat and pulled out hi' filendly pipe. "A wild day. Dye," he aid to an eld woman puttering about among the pots by the sldo if the fire. "Aye, a wild one and not a cent to 8how for It. The Gorgios are very tight with their moury and prom Incs nowadays, Dye. We must sell some of the horses at the fair to morrow. Three of tho chics (girls) can tell fortunes for tho crowds r.nd the. 1'ilnccss Bona shall dance. Then all will be well." he lighted his pipe and drew i in two or ihren deep, contented breaths as tho soothing smoke curl Cil in and out of his mouth and rostrlls and a feeling of gradual 1 (-luxation st'lo through his body. "Dye," he culled lazily to the w-o man near him, "fetch me a dipper ii water for I am near dead with the thirst. Whero are the clmvies this evening? It is still as the grave here, nnd what are the wom en ubout?" . "Busy," said tho old one, taking 'i dipper from the ground nnd hob bling away to get the water. She soon camo back with the clear, cold water for her chief and he threw his head back greedily as ho slaked his thirst from tho kindly dipper. "Fine, Dye, best water In the world." This done, ho sat smok ing in perfect contentment looking about st tho peaceful scene before him with glad eyes. Once he was In tirrupted in the midst of his reveries by the sou ail of cries and got tip to find oM what waft tho matter. As h nude for the particular tent frrw whence the- cries were emerging, ho heard a woman's voice say, "Some one is coming," and as Don Miguel came up to tho place, jianting, a huge r.akrd brown body nnd black, head i wus thrust out of tho lent. It was the head nnd upper part tf Jasper, the rom (husband I of Hixelle, the new mother, nnd h shook his head sloonilly at his hief, ss I 'on Miguel isked him the cause for tho cries within. "Slie.s bed very bud, and frets at the touch of the child's lips so," I.l- haid with a tragic look in his dark eyes. "The dye's sure thai she'll not btst till morning ano there's no doing anything with her, Miguel." (Tc bo continued. IIHquehold Hintt I mi PyMHt.MOOTON 11 MENU HINT Breakfast Fruit Oatmeal Meat Hash Baklnj Powder Biscuits Coffee Luncheon Potato and Carrot Soup Tomato Salad B'rostvd Gingerbread. T Dinner Cold Veal - Stewed Pointers CiOldin Corn Proud Vegetable Hulud Cnramel Sguf'lc. Cookie SlUUESTIONH This is a good wnv to posvh eggs Place a lat tfe spoon In a pun of rapid ly boiling water. Slide egg Into spoon :irst, and, after cooking an Instant, gently slide into bottom of ln. This dwiiys prevents tho -gg from stick ing to the p- Peanut Butter Variations I. A can of best peanut baiter, add an r.uut amount of hut tinter, hit of Milt, olio tablespoon ' if good ill. rook, stirring constantly. Result: A creamy peanut butler. 3. Mix with best "trade of peanut butter ftil equal amount of tart, un sweetened Apple mlice. 3. Ono can of peanut butter equal Amount of olive nil (or good sub rtltute), mix. Result: A rich, sort peanut butter. 4. Add an equal amount of may onnaise salad dressing to panut but ter. 5. One-half pound peanut butter, one tablespoon each of prepared mus tard, rftUup and oil. Mix. I. Mix aft equal amount of thick strained tmney nnd peanut butter. An excellent spread for bread. TWO (tOOIl SAI-D RECIPES Orange and iTuno Salad Four oranges, six whole walnut halves, twelve cooked pruues, lettuce, may onnaise. Peel otanges nnd rut In siloes. Mourn prunes until tender, remove seeds and cut in slices. Moisten with DLiyonnUse. Lino ft snUvd bowl with lettuce, ndd cringes and prunes ana I ut mayonnaise over the top, press Whole nut halves Into mayonnaise. Tomalo Jelly t-'aliul One tublxupooi) t:i latino, otie-qu.irl-r cup of roll wuter, one cup bulling hot tomalo riock, one-lialf pint creum whlpied niiiil stiff and dry. Let tho gelatin stand for fifteen minutes In the cob v.r.ter lo soften. Add tho hot tomato stock to lh softened gelatine, nnd stir unlit tho gelatine is dhuiolved. Let rool until the mixture begins to thicken, then Iteat I inrd with an eg lieaier until spongy. Add to whipped errs m and fold in carefully. Turn Into Individual molds wet wltb cold water. When firm uitmnld onto rrlsp lettuce and serve with mayonnaise. KITCHEN KINKH WORTH ItEMKMIIiatl Vt A i loth moistonml with rhamphot will remove yhlto sots from furni ture. MM Zinc should he cleaned with soap cuds and salt, then polished with kerosene. . Tho most effective method of clean Ing an Iron sink Is tn rub It well With ft cloth wet milh kerosene oil. Rub the nlckM trimmings on afore with kerosene oil and whiting ftnd then polish with ft dry cloth. a nine wnue sugar msnoir-a in , hot water makes a good stiffening' for dellenta laces. Ardraoreite Want Ads Bring Big Results FINAL. 1 CLEARANCE SALE The very hearty response 'to our unusual Clearance Sale has been most marked. Unexpected values in stylish garments await those who ct promptly as assortments are quickly broken. To the swift is the race. Never Such Values In HIGH CLASS SUITS r When you note prices made without a precedence the first of real winter, you will appreciate the importance of a quick response. $98.50 and $89.50 Suits, (EQQ -7K Clearance Price PJU I U $84.50 and $74.50 Suits, C9Q Kfi Clearance Price u $dVOVJ $69.50 and $59.50 Suits, QtOA Clearance Price a tDTCft I O S49.50 and $39.50 Suit?, Q HZ Clearance Price y)XIft I tf $34.75 and $29.50 Suits, i ? HZ Clearance Price (DlUilU Smart Silk Frocks Drastically Reduced The opportunity awaited to be the possessor of one of the interesting Frocks is here. Price is no longer a barrier. Tomorrow they go on sale, most of them at less than HALF. i $69.50 and $59.50 Smart Frocks, 0i HK Clearance Sale tyU1: I O $49.50 and $39.50 Smart Frocks, (J" A f7r Clearance Sale DJL7ftlfJ $34.75 and $24.75 Smart Frocks, M A f7pT Clearance Sale $l.tO Stylish Wool Frocks Specially Priced One of these Smart Frocks afford wonderful service and style assurance to the wearer at a trifle of the former selling price, assortment being broken, prompt response is necessary. Note the unusual reductions beginning Tuesday morning: , j $69.50 Stylish Frocks, CiOQ K( Clearance Sale fP&VtOV $59.50 Stylish Frocks, Of HK Clearance Sale $Xft I O $49.50 and $39.50 Stylish Frocks, CI Q HK Clearance Sale J-ie I O $29.50 and $24.75 Frocks, A 7f? Clearance Sale ipLtU 4 Dance and Afternoon Frocks $Q98 SPECIAL SPECIAL While they last, Taffeta Dance Frocks in pink, sky, maize and white and orchid combinations, also pastel Georgette Afternoon Frocks, tfQ AO tucks and double ruffles of lace and ribbon trimmed, special tPft0 Exceptional Coat Values When you consider these stylish Coats were purchased recently at much be low regular value and in this Clearance Sale special -additional reduc tions are made, the inducements are unusual. Special Coat values in thin sale ... Special Coat values in this sale Special Coat values in thU sale $19.75 $24.75 $39.75 Special Fur Coat Values Having just two Fur CoaU left, and they being moot desirable in style and pelta, this offers a rare saving to these two fortunate wearers. $61!.r,0 Wonderful Mink Coat, beautiful brocade, natin COIA. CA lining. Clearance Trice $047uU ?500.00 Hudson Seal Coat, 40-Inch, with rich, generous OOQQ CA Skunk Collar and Cuffs, Clearance Trice WUUU0J Special Blouse Clearance Such material and newness of design In Jilouse- Ii offered In thl sale In view of the limited quantity required a visit Tuesday morning to get the benefit. High Class lllouses, very smart In combination and self flJJ ACT trimmed values to $14.75, Clearance Price . . .PU7'0 niousrs of (Jeorgette and Crepe de Chine, tailored and trimmed JQ AO wodel, value to JU.75, ClfarancB Price ...... tsUftfsO s7 i