Newspaper Page Text
x MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1922 (UK DAILY ARinrOKEITR. ; o i i o business uass HEME OM THIS PAGE MONEY IS WAITING FOE YOU Real Estate HI itiect E SOMEW V Classified Wants On cent per word each inHertlon. A mialiuuin charge of 25 cents mad tor ads run one clay only. Copy must to lu Atdmorelte office by 10 o'clock wk day. If received after rhat hcu." As will b run "too late to efcusify." ATI Vint ads aro cash- Advertise Kent taken over the telephone are ac coptad erly at customer's risk and the ' ArAnorelU Will not be responsible fur rrors units advertising copy a hand ed In at our office. II words, on t1mo. 25c li words, two time 35u words, three Umes c a words, four times c" a words. Ova Umes 760 FOR RENT (HOUSES) FOR SALE OR RENT Large sis room house, easy payment. L. II. ilurstcr.. 23-30 KOH RENT Threo room hoiiNe, (J street on wecond avenue. l'linne 1988. W. E. Lamlrum. 23-G lX)ll RENT Now bungalow, mx . ' rooms, breakfast room and. garble i HL'O f! street northwest. I'hon-J 1829-J. 29 . 1 FOR RENT Sjx room modern house $25. Phono 1SIS2-R. 23& FOR RENT A neat five room mod ern house with garage; 614 I north west, 30. -Apply at 403 Carter St. 8. E. or Joo McFarline at Newman fid Co. 1-3 7IIREE room house Fourth avenue northeast. Phono 433. 30-3 SIX room bungalow southwest and four room furnished apartment. In northwest. J. O. Hester. 30-3 IX)R RENT Five room modern house; furnished or unfurnished. 613 Sik; ond avenue northwest. Call 1711 or 2385J. 30-3 FOR RENT Fivo room modern bun galow, well built, choice l'ication, southwest. Also two choice residence lots. W. W. Martin, phono 19X7. 30-3 TOR RENT Five room modern hoiisc. A bargain if taken at once. Phcne 1952-R. 30 6 FOR RENT Modern four room house nowly papered. 12S F street, N. V. Phone 1127. II VOXl RENT Furnished or unfurnish- ed dwellings; seven rooms with four blocks land. Phone 43. A. W. Dallas. It SIX room house, modern 317 E trc-t N. E. Phone 803. l i fX")R KENT Now modern S room bun ' gulow; bath, Karage; every modern convenience; must be seen to be ap preciated. Apply U7 Sixth avenue northwest or phone 29. 1-6 FOR RENT Modern dwelling. W. W. Taliaferro. 14 Sixth avenue jturth MlSt. 1-3 VOR RENT S-room fiirnlshiil house; breakf.wt room and double garage; furniture and cooking utensils only; Eight nvenue northwest on car lino. Priee $70.00 Phono 1S91. 13 FOR RENT 12-room house; 2 baths; i Vronm apartment w;ih rented for i 13.00. Eighth avenue northwest on ar line. Price I7.V0O. Phone 1S9I. 1-.1 ' Foil RKNT lur room house,, price I reasonable. clone in. J. . llninin. 3 C Northwest. 2 3 FOK RENT-One six room house. Modern. ItlO H N. W. Phone :TS. j MISCELLANEOUS M ESDAMES Womnrh and Owen, d- signers unit makers faslih nable dresses. 8 lis at 304 D St. northwiM Phono 1631 11 13 13 Puffs, Hirls, Itnhs nnd Switches made 'from your.halr rmnblngs. Mrs. Ida Lrown, 21 I) Pi., S. W. Plain- lisS. '.NTEl A few regular hoarder. Mrs. V. T. Frwmun, 2J0 c St. N. Y. rhonn 0. 30 JiSM und Isutnl $9 a wek. Sixlel rule for two In room. 102 First Ave. S E. r.0 1 1 i s )M AND HOARD for two young men In private home, in lit Ate S. V. 30 S P.EVT or sell new improved inr.-uita ! rlosn in. tnicK. chickens, cow, busb ties location. Klmlxill at Cook's laun dry. Ill lt IlENT Private. Knre. Apply , at 112 V norihiast, or phone TT'i. 13 : Hit A. II. Collins, office 114'4 Enst Msltl strret, Remrnl prnctlce uml spins! treatinent. Medicine furnlshiHl. 'Colls tnnde. II BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 110.1)0 up loinrd to furnltur owners. To men nnd vnnen who ork! hwt 'tiriil private lerttt. Jtnnd frd Credit Co. I ltrliemftn Pld. i - in so si WHY Accipl n cut In our milnry Why not enter himlni-e for your iw lf? W'e hive evel epimrti'inltb that rnit be hnndloil With mull (iUt W. J. I"e, phone i.M. S FOR RENT (ROOMS) VOR KENT The best locntcl 4-rootn furnished apartment In tho city. 1'oswi'x.sion at once. Phoni i5 or see l:. W. Kandol. JS l'X)Ii RENT Nicely furninhed modern two-room apartment in new duplex bungalow. Phono 0S7-.T. SO S FOR RENT Two nice light house keeping rooms; modern; close In. 421 A northwest. Phono 735. 30-3 FOR RENT Three larse rooms, fur nished, except linen, for llfiht house keeping. .Modern, close in. Inquire at 229 A Southwest, or phono '2121. 12 TWO or three furnished rooms for lipht housekeeping. 207 Second Ave., X. W. 1-3 KRONT room and board for one or two ladles. 13 Sixth N "W. Mrs. T. B. Moore. 1-3 EOll KENT Room and board for young ladies In private family, very reasonable. 319 Second N. AW Tele phone 270. 1-2 THREE beautifully furnished rooms. 107 1) S. W. Phone 11 11. 1. 2-3 FOR KENT --- Furnished rooms for light houHcUoepiny. 410 West Main, phono 2331-.1. - 1-3 FOR RENT Two furnished house keeping rooms. 620 West Main, phone 419. 1-3 SIX room house partly furnished; pos session at once; will lease to respon sible party. Cull after 6. 2290-J. 1-3 WANTED House work by lady, age 30; good references, l'hono 1750-J. 1-2 TOR RENT 3-room furnished apart ment; close In. Phone 2117. 1-3 FOR RENT Two up-stairs rooms; everything furnished for light house keeping. Apply 111 Third northwest. 13 FOIl KENT Nice board if desired, west. Phone 2231. bed room with 220 C St., north-2-3 FOR KENT Nlco front bed room in a beautiful brick. Phono 2388. 25 Fourth avenue, northwest. 2-3 FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms,. $5.00 per week. Cull after .ni9 c st., x. v. i -i FOR KENT Three or four furnish ed light housekeeping rooms. Phone 1116. 2-3 TWO nicely house keep ing rooms, :uljoiuiiiir Uitli. 621 C street, southwest, l'hono 1727. 2-3 TWO or Hires south rooms furnished for house keeping, reas nuble. Call ut 403 C St.. northwest. Phono 162.1. 2- FOR SALE FOR SALE Ono show counter, res taurant stools, cash reglsti-r, safe, cold di Ink counter. Jim Hunt, I.ono Orove. Okla. .27-6 HOT barljccuo and home baked hams every day. Davis Market and (Iroeery. 28 6 FOU SALE Medium slice Siife, cash register, computing scale, electric coffee and sausage mill. Oil tunl'. showcases, counters. Complete but--' ers' outfit. W. J. Lane, Phone IF I CAN sell five room bungalow on McLlsli avenue In nex) few days will maku close price. J. U. Hester. 30 3 ONE span of young black, well matched mules for sale. Worth the money. Mrs. J. A. IVCker, 9oS 9th Ave. S. E. 301 FOR SALE Dandy four room bun galow. Phone 1254 or call at- 25 Eighth N. E. 1-3 $730 will buy furniture upstairs ho tel, Healdton, Okla., rent $75; then start picture show; self-serve grocery, barber shop or cafe In room below, which rents for $60. .T. If. Akers. 1-6 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Py business woman with little clrl In school, two rooms in private home, where meals may be taken with family. Prefer to furnish own rooms completely, Southwest, near third ward school preferred. Address M. enre Ardmorelle. 27 3 PERSONAL NOTICE All persons are warned not to trespass on the properties if J. IK Schernu t horn In section 5, town ship 4 south, rungs 3 west. J. It. Si in i tin rhorn. J. 1). Richards, super intendent. 2:-t Bringing up Father TFnTcATHATnTic -IU f f I O T-f:fv cor'TMi; jij'iT kj t thought lives io like to j Itff i FS,CMr doc; ortL- wr.a MQONC lb BfJWOw ONE or A Ul -fh MViAte C3 OOT 'jO CCtirsA CCLULCT J ' THEM MINE fiNT f R i rfi 'LL CT'.T IT a e Jls, l 'OM HE. , J ' j ; 4-' M V tS THE OLD HOME 3f fOU SAY yNQ -NO - r''-jT. - CMuEAKlT5 THE ITS TIME ) .? ' ' CFvt ") mlm)To CALL J - tegggsd Flight hardware -can openers CA.jstiQPrttom, ' & C BIRDSEED - WIRE RAT TRAPS -OIL Gfjy?TO ACH" Q$ ifgL -:' THIS TOWN & riL 'W b'W?7'Mi 1 NEEDS MORE W&M. M-0hW LEADERS AN UVrl EtWUe&LES AENT TO UEAti AGAINST J J K ) JX, WXJF HIS FAVORITE HITCH RAIL.TDPAY- MOT ANC3 DISCOVERED TOO LATE THAT IT HAD BEEN! &M ) U f REMOVED BY THE CIVIC REFORM SOClETgN j POSITIONS WANTED POSITION wanted by experienced stenographer or desire collecting for reliable firm. Address X care Ardmore ite. 110-3 PRACTICAL nurse would nuiho pa- tients In own home. Call 210.1. 30-3 A-l practical nurse, reasonable. 1US4-.I. 2 3 OIL STOCKS IUVK some royalty in 33, ls-3w; close price. J. r:. Hester. 3tb3 LOST AND FOUND - 1 - EXCHANOED At. Elk's Hall Tuesday night, black Phono 2122. coal bolt for blue. ::o-n LOST Christmas day on 12th between C and D streets, a Dodge Iciijs and frame; will party have at 1109 C northwest or pliunu 1U29-J. $1 rewunl. 1-3 ' cluse pi; iru.k. c.ielt.n:. p,.w bll-ib LOST Postoffleo key. name attached n,.s i i,,c.ition. Kimball at Cook's l inn on card. Finder kindly return to 1 ,ry. !! '.ois Swindell, S02 F St., northeast or ' Vinn i Si: 1-3 ! SI'Ei 'I'LATORS and horn buyers lake ;.OST Male Collie dog, left front log I ..t t.i the 29th. Any Information leading to tne recovery will be very much ap preciated. Notify or call between ! nnd 4 any day. S. C Cannon, o. N. M. & P. roundhouse. Phone H13. 2-3 HELP WANTED Male) MEN wanted for detective work. Ex perience unnecessary. Write J. don or, former government detective, St. Louis, Mo. C.OV. POSITIONS OPEN M-n. wo men. Experience unnecessary. Hon esty required. Hood pay to start. Write T. McCnfferty, St. Louis. MEN wanted to (pialify for firemen, brakemen. eMierlence tinnis-essary. Transportanon furnished Write W. Hoggess. St. Louis. WANTED TO BUY WANTElv To ;iy cash or li ex change MORE In new goods for nil kinds of second hand household goods, C. P. HALL The New and Second Hand Home Out fitter. Phone 366, 3rd ft Caddo St., Ardmore, Oklahoma. The K.une old green bcx house. ' IS-30 WANTED to buy four or five room! house to be movril. Phone 2.152-K. 1 REAL ESTATE DO VOl WANT TO SELLV If you want your property sold, we ran turn if If the price and terms ;are right. Cive h your listings. We ftlwas have buyers lor property that i Is pr'n-ed worth the money. XI. C. Mi KIDDY Real Estate nnd Insurance Phone 22 12C'i W. Main St. 2714 FOR SALE llomi.-'., :.ll sl.i s; cas'a payui"nts little more than rent; ope small homo to rent. Yates. n,e Earth Man. 2S-5 ' NEf' il mom hmcalow t.orlhwest for actual eot, $:t.E5; like car for first .ga.vineiil, balance like ; p,.. ,. -.pussenger run I am offi r- Special six StislebaUer. i tin Very little, bet con dition. $1,150. ;. U. Cr .em. Phone . at Wimberlv - Line office. :'S t FOR SALE Terms. W Ti a .'P I e title fs P. Poland. I.ISe 29 ' RENT or sell m w Improved uerca-.e no; b e I am out of work. I listed nnd must sell lvo new five room modern bungalows on niie large ndjoiiilng enst front lots. My loss will be some om s gain. Small amount ef motley till handle bulb. 4;'.:i and 4:15' II street S. W. FOR RENT for cah. i:o.l farm en. mile east ol Ardniore; g"od house, barn, well Water, nbnnil nice of pa.-, ture; 140 u,'i'; id il ditiy farm. S.e Dr. C. (.. Alei'atin. 1J0 t; smith west. 1-3 " ".i ntn land forced to s,:i 5aneiv , farm eihl mil' s ca-t of a bargain If .-old at once. ( Al.irielt.i; imie 11:19. 1-3 POULTRY AND EGGS lllilll fil.'ADE Purred Plymouth Risks, winter l.ivers. Ergs $1.50 i per setting, lu order in make room. !w II sell few hens. D. T. Nisbett, 4"2 i It street, northwct.i. 1-3 COLLEGES IF YOl' ure not ir.ialiticil for a good position, or waul pruiiiolion, enroll vnne day tills week fur our new lei in. I'nisperlt.v will arrive llii .ummer anil II sholt.'lie of trained lulp will then irlt. Marl ioiir ir.iiiiiii'i now. ril- " Itiixim- t olli ge. lyt . M mi. Plimie lUJ. I 'J Eegls'ered IT. TOWN HELP WANTED (Miscellaneous) VorNi! men. wiitiien. over 17, drsir- ; ing ;;oVernnieiit positions; $1:10 00 mnutlily; write fur fi list of posi tions now open. II. Terry (former civ- il service examiner). 52 Con'inental l;idg., Washington, D. C. 1-3 NOTICE TO MtF.DITORS TO ritK- si:r claims. . . t ' i Notice Is hereby giv. u that li tters fl admini-'ti .atioti on the e-tate of Yirgiii.a Caroiln ! . dece.T-ed, were g.tml .1 t,i ih.. iinil.f-Igtud by the ' Coum y t'oiiri of t'.ui, i utitv. Okla- t o'.ia at Ar.lm.iM'. .' il.lalu ma. on tbe lay of D.i.iiiber. A. 1 1 rc'l. pi rsons Ijavlu; claims against late ale ie,iiiied to exhibit Ibe to t:c miilcr.-i::m il ai the law 'JlMli Ail -aid aiiie 1.1 i... . U'cl Alain, Ardmore, Oklahoma. f,.r! oi i liampMti at.'l I .eiiiK a!io,at: within lieu iiiieilhs after tl.e l! of tills p,,h!ii ,'l 1 f ill Willi uep. ' - iry vo'ieliei's. i.i- lacy will he fi.i-. ever pieebul'd 1 1 mil any leintit of said estate, or. aid claim may Im filed in said Comity Cmtr;. Dated tnls Jlh day of D' c tubi r. a. j. i.'.i , o R RRITTON. r Ailuunilr.itoi' t'li nnpioii uml tb crge A I forr...; s. I I'uMiSi.i l In th- 1 1 ite. Dec. Jll. IIIJI. Jin. y Ardmore. 12, 1921. I.I.Et TION M.'l id. The riiriilii in. etiiig i,f the'-iii o the I'm N'.-1 ) o r" ! " IV. ok .if Anhii'iie. 'kl ab.ini.i. will be licM at its )i ,. p m' I. li :.i . md i 1 1..- ,u s:c I Cif ho'll - it li ell To' il . , llle put- IliliM d VHIitlg y, ll a. in., and l! p. In., , , , ... I .tao'i.ii y i", ii, i .'. puse n; i lee; ti',: I nc in I till . t" M'l' e f,i 111 and lor tne li. m'. i f I'll 'llle - .is I. ic". I. ti i f such o, )- , il, He hcftl. e , l.e IIP elll,:,. ED SANDI.1N. i-'.,-liier. FLECTION NOI'iCK The le.Mllar liiKtnu- of the fbai't'-' lohb is of III- A".i' I lifltl Niitiini it I', ink. if At ' lit'ie, (il.laliomi. i'.l be laid at Its pine if Intt llti S4 in sail city an. I i at.', between the limit if 10 a. in. and .1 ;i. in. on Tin s day, Januai,.' Imh, l.'.'J. for the pur his.. ,,( tbititc: .,r.,-i in thirt"in llieetiirs to i r' i' for th- etisiilng ' year .ml fm t!n lrans.ii Hon it sltch oilier bu.'llH'--s as li, lit liltn In lin e tile lie : il'L. j , s py.-t i'.ilir S Patent Offlc REAL ESTATE Buy Yow Hohkb How Start the NEW YEAR off right by buying a home. Make your rent money lieli you to own your own home. W'c h.(vo a blu' list of nice modern homes to si'lept from and the prices and terms are right." I A .Vroom niodi-i n bungalow close in ; nonhwest'; built -In features; east front.' nice lot; a bargain at JI.Wili; $l,u(i( , cash will handle. j I A dandy fi-rnom modern bejigalnw; all huill-in features; nice light fixtures; large rooms'; garage, drive way, chick- en yard, storm cellar, eic. Prh-e $3,500.; Easy terms. ; A dandy 5 room modern bungalow; j south front; Eli-venlh avenue north- j vit, Price $3,500. Terms. ; ! A beautiful 4-room moilern home; nice oak floors; garage, 'etc. $:i.500. A dandy new 7-rnnm modern home; ;:oi.d loeatinn, northwest; will sell at l.i saeriflce n iee If taken at. once. . I HOMES SOCTHWEST Neat, new modern hutigalow; iast i front; containing ,i roonis, breakfast j room and bath, $3,5no. Terms, I Neat new il iiinin modern bungalow; 'east front; garage; good street south-: j west, l'rii-e $3.S0tf. Terms. . I Tiiinilv biir liuniralnw ix1ra Inrirn i rooms; garage and driveway; good o- I i ation on McLish avenue. Price $0,000. ' Terms. I Ileal nice 5-room molern bunzalow; ! carage and driveway on lhxby. $5,730. j Terms. FINE LOT.-? j Six nice) beautiful east front lot.i; I only seven blocks from Junior High school, i;00 lach. A dandy HO-font lot on Fifth nve nue northwest; good location, $1,000. Nice 50-foot li" on a good street. northwest; water, sewer, gas; good neighborhood, J'HiO. $'.'.", down, $J3 per j motitif. Nice east, front southwest. Jl.OoO. lot on pavement ; Nil e v. est f rent lot on pavement; $1,230. i Wl" iieighborhood, AN INVESTMENT We are offering a pood investment ' in a dandy well located dai.lex apart-1 meiit house, all nicely furnished, at a ' prUe . he h W" tliink ia light and on reaPonalde terms. "W ill be glad to show 1 the property mi i.ppolntment. i We always have more than we a.l Vll li -e. I l l free i, t.iik nv. r your real e-tale w.-mn . 1 1 1 in. Happy N'-w Year. Red i:-t..t n-nl 1 -- In.oirani e Wist Alain s:. 1 3 I- Iga I H A IK Cash Grocery and. Meats G 11 vs. Crisi-o $1.10 S His. Swift Jewel $1.10 S bars Lenox Soap -2"ic liars Jay Soap 2."f '2 ' j IM.'imnt IVaches .n.-c Or for $1.00 :'. Sunltoani Pork ant! lltvti.s I'.-'if First Pick Apricots JI.k" Or lor 1.00 I'ood Flat (Irain Cot f'-e 20c rook Chops 2.1c Loin, round and T-Ilone Steak 21c Stow Mc:'.t 12' -:c hVcf Iina.'t Mc Sliced Karon -10c Slicid Ham 10c Hone Made ChiV .2.1c Pure Pork Sausa-je .-21c $5.00 Orders Delivered Phone 250 ii aOw;( rO Orsr. - ir noih i m i ut' tAjTir.w tl) TnC l VO Or" Attt- KOU'iC OiOH'T ttwL At-y V.-, iaCiki t ( L. . " ' "sw, Si V1-'S ih NOTICE OK SHERIFF'S H.M.E In the District (curt for fart ('utility, State of OUIalioina R. A. Fox. Plaintiff, vs. W. : Caiion, DifeniUuit; No. S377. Notice is hereby given that uml and by virtue of an order of sale sued to mi- out of the District C.'ol- of Carter County, ( Jkluhoina, I v on the '.Mil day of January, 1921', at o'llovk. I' M.. of saM .day. at t front ilex, r of the ("durt House . Ardmore, OI;li'ionia, el'fi-r at Sh il'fs sale, to the highest and l I.UMer for cash In hand, with : praisement, the following dosoril property, to wil; One 101S model Studebaker fivi passenger touring car, engine No tios.iis. ti. above ill si -ribed projierty i. HoM as the property of defi nila W. E. Curlon and is ilirei ted by s.' order of rale to be Fold as' upon ,.,.Uion wUn ;ip,llisement aceo ink. t0 flWi t0 .s:,tisfy a judgment i lavor of plaintitf for J.iOO.OO lege ' it with interest, from the 17th (lay April. 1020, at 10 per cent, per i nutn and nil costs. l;l l K ' i. ItltETT. Sheriff. My A. W. OAINES. Deputy. Sell it Ihr 't:-. ail.;. mail t io Ardmoreite cla: Let Us Renovate Your Mattresses We have the only machine 1: "out hern Oklahoma that ubsolutt ly cleans the cotton of all dirt dust or odor. Phone H24. Imperial Cotton Bed Co. Renovating Our Specially 12 i South Washington Street. Old Butch Cuts 'Em Down We save von monev: cive vou hiirh class work. Men's sewed soles and rubber heels. $1.2") ; men's and ladies' rubber heels. 40 cents. e . Shropshire's Electric Shoe Shop Thonc 1868 110 W. Main WINDSHIELDS Properly Fitted Ardmore Wall Paper & Paint Company Opposite Ardmore Hotel EYE GLASSES Dr. ffm. S. Hancock 0iemclii-l Save Your Eyes Iicds Renovated for $:i.00 ll.ile oiir Abitlrcsses retiov nlril by the Old Keliahle Ardmore Hedding Co. tliir il I t year our n ferrncc. Phone '.'SI Bv George McMaiuis V r' b f-Lii iffcJ KS. it