Newspaper Page Text
if: NDAY, JANUARY 2, I92fc THE DAILY ARDMOREITE. ariT. I'W vrrrr r ''livd 'iitoiVJ - Always ask for ' Trading Stamps. They Amount ton Nice Discount Wo (5ive Them. New Illinois Penitentiary Will Resemble . j Hotel With Private Baths and Everything This Store Will Be Closed All Day Monday, January 2nd A -HAPPY xri?w jst wi--.fcrta- iif H tlon and limit li are ssuirifin'il (ol M curily. It l'.is lutiK lu'i-n rcaliml i Hint ull inslJo nil !iccniinoilatinns l.nvo been tki'iili'Uly unhfaltliy. Tin biiiiltie design of the Lookpoi't ccll limiKos iiiKUiTs both the desired 8e cmity and u!s-o healthy conditions ot llic OL'l'UlKtnt.4. The liuildinj-s nro nil circulur nnd the interior if the o-.IIb, which are rcaitiHt the outside walls of the circle, are visible fivm u central Biiptrvisory point at wliic'd n Ktmrd may 1)0 sta tioned. This facilities for cmiplct'' and offieleni t-upervislon which this design nffot removi s all ilanner of providins u large outside window la every ''ell- A prisoner attempt !np to escape would expose himself to the full view of the attendants. ':'liin ' feature makes unnecessary the usual heavy b us, and htron:; doors ol r'.tel and Rlass have bun substituted V. f f ft . 1 I 4 .i'V'5;r3w.' I'll V; -and a 1'ontl poodbyc to the achievement? of yesteryear. A .store, like an individual, cannot. live upon achievements of the past. They must be forgotten in the hustle and bustle of accomplishing better work. During every minute of every business d.'iV, thte store Ftnvca or. to the goal of do v..',r, treatcr Llii:.f,'-J, J'.r.d v,i:h the beginning of the r.qw ye: r, :t ph.d;;e. itself to "carry j ai way.-; with t:;e aim to further endear i;.s-j:f into the hearts of its patrons. a f 1 h 1 7i:i rn'iMt i. ri v.. J ' fit ' v- A. -l 1 1 StS.Vi f-'-ll .T-S Don't Resolve to Quit Resolve to Begin At this time of the year it is the-custom to begin for- j mulating resolutions for the New Year. Here's a reso- ;j lution that's worth while: , :t "Resolved, that I will put a new day In the calendar of and that I will keep it there. It hlmll be SAVINGS Atl'IK XT DAY and it hliall fall on every pay-day. I hall hold it as important as July 4lli, for it also marks my independence. It'n a man's resolution anil I will keep it like man. I am determined to get somewhere and I will start now." We will make it more worth while by paying you 4 Compound Interest. SAVT7 0M T7XCHANGEMATI0NAL BANK of ARDMORE J "Always A lrt lo JLIsere ion IjL All Way" We pay tire on Saving. $1.(10 Starts Account. Peoples Building and Loan Association Ardmore. (litlahnmi. Assets Over a .Million Interior view of completed unit, showing circular construction of prison, with prisoners' rooms and central fuarri station. Ik low. workmen couatrutiinu huge wall about entire group cf buikiiaus uadcr coa- tl: i i t In' J.'.'i. i aer s, oi ' it;; .il be t:;k' i. , I . I by : ir. I the i i I'liviil :isi fill brtn.l: firijl- truarri stutiuo, BUucliun. l:U0..;i; .. !; . .- ';):.-) , i- .l". I j he prison i;: 1":: ii than u-l:.; Ir tU 4..- i'i 'i ' tr- j "v .V. -It u'vcr.s i ,!htoi;i::ry M'.i t' ! ..'-: k..h i '':: ll :-i.t.-f .11 r ai 1 I Kht. hot a;.l oU w:-t. .. Mill a iv n ' nth' r i ti 1 1 1 1, "!is mark the bev Illinois peniteniiaiy now Hearing 1 u.iipkti"!! at ' i , li t The first of c i;;ht cylindr ical build iiius has beer, comphlei and shelters conticts. iMlu'i.i will si on !'. and imrnb :- 'f lb" old prison it .loliel will be tr-ir.' fi r.-ed without i in. 'his at th top. Tile arnvd Knards "elay. The ..iirhl new cell bouses v.ho usually pairnl the i iirnmit of such take rare of li.ilinl pi Iscners. ! mi.IIj will be missing, but at each ot The e.-.liie.a'e.l ceit of the imv j I lie four col IK is and at the railroad '.cnliarv -t i 1 . U I n r' 0 1 . It is the wairoii i."iles there ttill I'e ttaut. f lis kind in the Wce. M. A :is co 9 : I'ady 1 ivmaindci The build i'i(;s will be surrounded by a fifty-foot wall of collect te, a mile and a quar ter loiip, thu lai't'est of- its kind' in Die wuiid. The wall will have a thickness of "4 Inch. at the base anil f urtecn MADILL w. .1. r.n.i. Pull farrier Sitvh" Kepreseiilative lor Marsluill fi-unij Mr. Ma-ni" M" '"e "f " "a l.inl .b" n ' in M.itli!! t" si'i'Ui f hr:-l-uv - v. iili ). 1- 1 ai. nls . .Mr. and .Mr?. V. W. M- l'r.e Im e. r. 11: n l'i.i::o Veih:i-:dt nun nil. .V.s- l.i.'.s !. '!i v ai.d leoi'a:. i in '' K q-; . -of M.iri t. w 'w had i.t. 11 vis-, , j'nu wiih iri'ii.b in Ma. I. II, f :uni- . ,1 1,0 .. W. 'li.. -day I '."' th'.ii;. M;.-s ! 1 , ira K ; I'm 11 ..l:ss .l.i-T ', . e ::i Mr. Iia.l .-..1 f..!dr. ' I ' 1 1 - -a 1 1 f r .1 . :u-t. r. .Mis. A. T iriornlnt; for n few days visit. Mrs. .1. II. '! eeklliore .lC(M.luiiisl ln-r. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walker and Mr. ai.d .Mrs. 1:.,!. Nobn of Duvik, who l.'.d b 11 in Madill for 11 few i)jy ! tisilin Willi Mi. and .Mrs. Walker, l it une-,tly nioiniiitf 0r Ada fui I n vi it with relatives. Tan Ila;:?.! ile, a former iesnlit of,!l ho iiiovid to J'.ik nix," i i:..i:i i. tvt.i jars ,''. Is i. l.iok-n-: ait.-r bu.-in.-ss mait. r.s. ' U was pro m j jcteil fifteen yi aCM a-;o. ihirins the lirsi it-nil 01 t en ernoi i'i Mitii.i imw (.cinmlssieiiers be apiiointetl, ruivTivss inan 1 1 a t'op'-y, J Im lmihiit and .lames W. I'-.;::. 11. are sti'l s' riim. jri;cst IVison in World U'W. I i fur nUaid.- There are 110 buililinss near tin v.i.lls and. a.-t the walls are believed to be unsellable. It . Is claimed f r 1 a pes will lie iiiipo."he. Sanitary ami Still Safe ,.t iie inny'.' Uiri. f .iv has a ro"n. .ad of tie- il.l tiun- cane gi;ly . ju i.-ioiiei' will bo allotted to a cell. This is a!::o an Innovation, Inmates Get Mvery Chance The new ptnitciitlnry also is mil iiuo in the study of criminal)! will, a view to donitr away with the main tenance of discipline by force. All new arrivals are pent to a re K ivitiK ilep u tiiu nt t he e.';amiiie:l' physically and mentally and then l.i pt fur ftirl.'iei' ohscrvall' n, .sent t" i bospital for treatment, or put into Classes of education and lalmr as 1 commended by the experts. I'l is nrcr.s 111' advanced from one cell house to another and finally to cot surriiu.i.ied by an in n picket fence instead of the lon'erele wall. The idea carries out the parole policy, and enables the cinvict to live almost ff.WNH IIKATII District Manager of The Kquita-blu Mfe Assurance Society, of New York. 15 A St., S. W. I'hone 141R All forms of Life, Kndowment, I 11,. ..ivl Povorn'.' lns'ir.'inee In' the old sile ii llhouse sanila-1 Pico a pi rson in the outside wotld. l-llirtied belli' Oil. (IVY AN!) WHKK.I.KK MAYS ITK.MS I 1 ass and child-cn are Mr. Ceim" W.lcy Thursday moriiinn. Thursday 11101 fur a visit wiiii;, -i,.s j r her daughter. .!'s. l'. '. Kirsey. rpciidiiii; tie- holidays with Mrs. .1. V. Puillcy living 7 mile south j-,,- parents at Valley Mills, Tex. ttist of M idi;i. Thni-.'.iy slaughtered .iM ,.,,V(.n ., n, ,oy arrived afthe 1 the jiriresl hoi; has le . 11 - kill- .,,. of Mr. and Mis. .les.i Walk" M. M. V. lister if llasKell. ! ,, In Marshall inuni;' this winter. (J, fin-jst ni:is Kve. ! vi-, is in M 11I1II for a l it with t The hot; was a tv.o and a half yci j, Vm-.i Pike is visitinij Missis ... .- s.ei. i;'.idv 1.. U'eboio!-. J,,,!. bic boie- lYiaci rhma. raised .vi'.lis and Cl-ulys latt-rson at Ibald- - l:-s 1 A. 1'i-, who liicl l.'.'-n by ,id riiatl.n and r II t" .l". I 'U'l-, lt, tUfl w,.,.;, I Mad, 11 to spend the bobil iv s I ley and uli .1 il.i---d Veiled .v';- ;,r .,, r.; ( v; Watson lire vis 1 viiitimt l.'-r ..inni.s. Mr. an J . pound. 1 It.i.u' rdativs at Hickory, Okla., l:. 1 1 M.-r. has retanud to Mrs. to lie Vn nners of Iiur-.nt w!o I lim.!nK t. holidays, wheje Mil- )i.n u pir-itloa led ben in M eliil iiiin v :t'i her' all, j -. jijxon motorcO lifter spending the holidays with 1 he ir u rents. Mr. htid Mrs. .1. M. Walker. Tin' T. O. O. '. club will meet nt Oil t'ity Tuesday, .bin. YVe art e.','... Wrii.1.1 a.e u.- , !'.,: a . u -!.!. s vi-i.. , j;,-..; W T.i'i.if' 1 : 1 wii'i. AMm...-. lee: Iwit'i lii" Kicss ..teie. s'sti r Mrs. Kolnit M. ltiown nli'l !'- V'. 1 1. W. I'r. i 'r M,.s II. Nn North, lilt of llavli f.,ruily has i' tiira '1 lA' iie. "'I 1 ''-! """"'-' I, a . nlnni'd l-.'cn after a f..w U:i. Mrs. II. W. Ililhuru of Talis, TiX- witn .n. I"a..i s x,Wi. fr;,,,,!, ):1 .:,. 1S u; , ., j Mid. 11 Msitiilk' y. ,i;s anl t .ii.i'y. ; .MrJ. j.;,i ,n, , ,.,,,1 i,.,,v y -i.ol,. n,.. I.r.rii, of .Mr. utid Mrs. J. H- 1H-. and Mr-. K' Mil" im. I b. en in .M (liiislinas h"Iiu.s imW w.lh V right's pan-lit -. M:. and Mis- '''"' il l. !: Ihh.ji up h fronds 111 Hilburll has i.tuil.e.l home 'id Hi" Madill. have riluni'-d to their lnm ! MPs Ann fox v.ho is bachmR Wi ! ;'.. Mr. , I'M: I- .1 Mr. 1 1 iiei. i r. u v I 1 I' ll- ,,i..l Hi la'io'ii i I'lly. ll. II. t'hi.w - it 1 11 1! .'piTit Christmas in e.ln. d.iv 111". n. m; ft,r!.'! i-.p.nur with his family i ' N' .t I-.l'.''.:"-. 'I'' x ; tin rain; b tin- Me,ii oil fi-Ms first f 1 11... . ... L M.. r-l..... ....... u' ill. let 1 in the M. x,.t I'il t St.. I 1I.1. 111 1 Ids ill.-." iitt.iilinn. 1 l ii" ll.. mvs .e is tie- huMctt man ill ' I -h Ml. I'd. L il l .'I" 1 ..'l l I an lit s ! . at I " al- :. a! 11 1" I Mi' U . : i 1 1 el.. h 1 . t 1 1 ' I'e j ; . 1 u i.t 1' ! . ri.nt'i'i if ( ikkthema Cty wiio ' ' I 1 i; lot .s in Ma. hi! is. lint; : J f.. I lint. ti ai.d y 1 . I let III Tl. I ll.tlll-'. it -in t':itit..n if .-h'Tnvin t ".t V .' lie: al t li" hoilti- f i ; .1 I "I tiii .! ui. I .'.11. i- 1 1 u'ivui;'.' in w ; 1 bis bioth' r, '1 tl. A ri s a' n 1 M 1 M. 'I 1.111 - e -. I I t c 1 ' K 111' 1. Ill ItCel 1 end .1. V. -'r. ' . 11 M uli I isihnii ..-id M ' . Iv ii.e- el I ' I'll 11 bo'tte ;,l A i d .1 l I.' i ,l.i ... I V .111 '1 . r .li ' I! t ;-'etii..n I I li.. 1. Ii ltit ct I i.t I t . ,(! l-l A-.. MPs Amy this winter nt l lie.i in l:ran coui.ty spent fhri-imis with ln-r pai'iita Mr. and Mr-. 1'.. I.. C"X in M.t'htl l luntliiK f her m 'inol first i f th" we. k. Alts. l'n'!ik "Wall and I'd", r.iil ar" in M for a li tl.d.i vi. tt with Mr. Wall s en-, i.t.-. Mr. ami Mrs. .1. I.. Wall. Mrs. Mai:ie Walkup and il nc-hPT , Mi. s A'lidr. d are m Kiei slon i. iiilis with Airs. W.ilkup's r t.-t . :-. Airs. .1. j A. I'.ppler .-li t f.imi.y. j Mr. and Mr 1'ai I ll irfis and ' Jr., spt nt 1 In i-tin is and tlie fist! i.f the we I: i. ,t,ti:: with Vir. liar lii' tnotliii. Mi'. .1 '!' Iniirnin atal f.utii: i.t V I.ll'e. Mis. II. I-'. ::n.i'l and I'd hen. Mis." I'ay ll. I" :.nd lln.11 r at- in Mi'T in. in i iti'ii: Mr. .s'aiall at ::heriraii , la.' Itiiin ,' iiei ni iii is tli it 1 Mr. Sin lb I nii'ti'viiM! 1'inWly. I Mr. Mid il -. I ' li 'I '', tl Ipett I le Animnrv l-'riilay. Lena lliekcy is lsitim; with Airs. J. r.ussel at Ilealdtoil. Air. ami Mrs, J. M. Walker have a- th'ir tfiicst Airs. tj.lvcry of Ciady, okla. i tlttee has b.n makltifr special pre patittioti lor this occasion. Air. and Airs. Clarence Walker and (blldnn and .Miss Y'.ula Wulker have iclurmd to their home at l.-iwlon ixpcetinpr Airs. Church to ho with us at 'this time. The entertainment com Miss's ilone Michael i.nd Klsia Nial who have bein ntti'iidlmt schunl a' Chiekasha nii; hotne for tin holi days. Miss Josi? liavis vicited In r ami' Mrs. Xube J'owcll at Newport last Wednesday. Ants. kai:i:st i:owe Jlotitc 1. I'.ox .Ift, YVIlsnn, (ikla. 1)11. J. W. SH ELTON Sl'KCIAI.IST ICye, Kar, Nns? and Throat. Tonsil and Adenoid Operation S1U. Adelphos Theater lluilding AKDMOIli:, OKLA. Telephones: Office 939 Residence 201 Stop & Shop Grocery , We are making a spocial. low price on all groceries' or this week. Every thing in line with the prices quoted below. G cans Little Kernel Corn 95c 3 cans 2 1-2 Del Monte Peaches or Apricots. $1.00 1 cans New State Peas $1.00 We have all materials for making trf fruit cakes. All kinds of Christmas nuts and candies. In short every, thing you need for your Christmas dinner. Stop & Shop Grocery We sell for less. $5.00 orders delivered. may bo followed by serious cold troubles; us nightly MEASLES Vaporud Oir 1 7 Million Jan Uied Ytatly NOTICE TO AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Get Your 1922 License Phone us the number of your automobile engine and for ?1.00 we will make out your application and order your new license. "BUSINESS SERVICE" 4 Pridman Bldg. Telephone GOG WWt Jrtui ..In JANUARY 1, 1922, MARKS A NEW ERA IN CADILLAC VALUES The new type 01 Cadillac is the last word' in Motor Car excellence. A ride in this car Yvill convince you of the truthfulness of this state ment. After making the new model Cadillac everything that it should be as the standard of automobiles, Cadillac Motor Car Company announces a decided reduction in price. Effective yesterday The Greatest Car in America was reduced hundreds of dollars in price, but its value i; far greater than ever before, "The Standard of the World" is yet CADILLAC. TOM COOPER MOTOR COMPANY Ciotevcrthins 407-11 W. Main Phone 70 n ihm i i m f'lrWn .!. v I It Sulphur. Air. i i'd M . I'. ti i u. i-t' r li.l.'-u I ii-latn i !'' Mr- J.f ! I C-i r I' W. !'. Sh. Me and pel. I t '111 . I'll li. Vl'h I Hat, T.Xl ,,' '. '. s elit I'I.' i ' I: . I t in.' wi h .-1t'.'s at lli-v.ell. .1. It li !n IV dm ml. A'a Wi lb. i I'e :!- bun i, li.r n v. it tll Ins niniler. , iri runt" in. Mi W. i: III.. in. I'i s Is the fit t .1. '. i ; . t ! ,..l f f-;. :h" ' 1 . Al -bt. ni i , e '. li f . w utl l . , :.i 1 f .. -,.1 1" .ti f i f M.'l -! ei..l ,--t: ,.- vi'h Al. WI' I! i- t i K :i . i .in i- , ; v i i i.-i i, i I 1 le-'-H' - tl of W i'.,r T'.'tt tie. dviib' VIM a I't p.lid IllS lliotil- 1 K . i a: . I" Ai. w t'.trl i.' 1 W 'h rt -. :.- I . .. Al."' II."" s -,ii' i Wiv-t,! - It . .i y li i'.ivs i t w .'h 'r :ird Inm.'- .Mr. . I' I lis V-' t ii n- I v I " ' i ' w .'a; . - . tMlfl.P, M- 'I ,t . .!! M, i J. ..- I '.-, l".l d . I-., w 'til I t ' I - M it Al I I I S t W--'-l I ' .' Ck'. ! lie I . ."'' J Hmr rn-l -'li' r 'M in i .- !' i'i' if f 'i ti.' 1 r l" a!iH''i , t;-'l t i' M. -. li '- : '. v in li.-id n .'i :' ' I f.-r ,S.1.-lit 't I'i-- 1 "ee I''" S' i. i:. Ct i k't ..( i- i" (irM I J 'I l-l ei'l"l.. t t l 11 f. r a ! " 'i. SI I i - lit t 'Air. 1 1,1!. 'ii f. h i r m thlii. i ii en t . Alitu s K'lth and Ad i l-'linn Mstt'C yr.iti rd.iy in Ai.tdiii w.tii tie Ir -biMlie ir K. I. 1 Ivnt hi.. I r.imi:. Mrs. ll. K I'll -ll and 1 1. l in n ! Iluiiniti ere la M id il M-Hdii; l;' w.'i I ,;;"'i,-.It y nint l"tA1rs. I'lurh's'.i. r Vf. l.uliu l!:o 'II et-iiv iifteriiiniti f.r ui nun nid ether ril.t.MS. t w si, fri. tnb. I .V..n -.-I I..111I ! I'.. ftbe . J nrlslmi WnU .YLirriap IJcf-i--1 K . t W.rr'. I At" ;wn:m--, lni W. K. l;rynt 'f YVi't-ort to .bs .".fir" I ' !hr L-lieti'. II ir-l ! I.ilho Kxiritt if Ki'.r-t"'f. Ibtir.e tmti'tt Mel Mnit'i Fpi nt Kirn h"r ntul A!i Kdtll 1 .11111 It' it, Is.'.l. 1922 I, 11 1 t .in. - 'iv i 1 itf nt Sim"in. I.. II. J',.,! r.T'1 Mi-s Ptsirl ,' i" t.f ij-.-'-. I ti-1 . Im til. Ittnlbt' i.f Al.nlil!. K. I., li. twin in niid Mi ThrltttB Ibiriif. if Alad!!l. ' 'i' It. Tr.mitTel. ' M i '11 M"" .1, t' 1 ll" i'. A I - I I" I ' w. ti I t i.r if I'.'v. 11 dt-.i wi."' l.imi'i.' Unit!" f ."-hay. I tkl.ihiinil I ,d I- pt M,'- f :, 1, Uv i'tt . Ibsitf" .Mollis hi nn 1 Mrs Tin Pi ;' ll v Al 'tt.h- i't tint ' I'.tikrr, In Hi 'f Wtt"lvil. ; 1-r. 1 r I hn' i-' "t 1 i' ' . . n "X :ti i.s 'H"1 Mi' " l'-' i" llail-l'T. At wi T. e - 'e! --. 1r.t" Unh of AleMii' m: ' W. r.i.rpi.;t to V. '.i . ' 'i'-.I in ' K !" Mim Cr.l " N wn. nn. lo'h t( I t.' i.,".i, d T hif-'tf wih.niu.n, 'k.ti.iti' 1. f i. i-t v ' M" .1 I. " i. . ft .' ' 1 I nr -W- ' i .- M- C; i"t - ! 1 ! 1 . ! I ..It P.. I. I . ' . v -1 . Cat t in 1!. W T.l PlVI'", -it u'ln It id Ir . '1 . 1 I ' . Ill T I. e Ml.ll'l 1 lif c: .l.i 'ii' v ; n r, 11,11. 1 11 en g 4.4 lh II RIME Yon Cannot Eny Xwisi tM 'r'nitte Cy'-mi-''l Ct8. ncalihy CDti:U IVUK LILJ -NitdiiMrlMoftiiim" Uttf yf CfM CUtti, tktr iti Hctillf Wist hr r H l'rH n.m. I 1 dttmhl'-r, Jttauu-tfMtMimll'Um In . nl i 1i' In llll We are grateful because of our cordial relations during tha pa?t year and antici pate their continuance in icyo JOE CURTIS DRY CLEANING AND DYEING PLAN' PHONE 71 Try Christmas Club Members Come in any time after December 10th, bringing your pass book with you, untl we will pay you nil ot your Liberty Sav ings Club in cash; or we will be pleased to have you open a regular savings or checking account with us. You surely want to join our Club for the coming year. We have a ncYV pass book ready and waiting for you. Tell your friends how easy it is to save money on thin plan. SAVING SffSogJK SUCCESS American National Bank ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA Want Your BuiinFit" i ti i 1 "W. ri If II